The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
0c plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Woekly at Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Entered at the Pestoilice at I'imttsuiouth, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Price; G1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
The plan of the- next repub
lican campaign was announced
in the houses, in .speeches made
by such by'sueh leaders as Mann,
Humphreys and others. 11 is to
lie a calamity howling campaign.
Every failure in the United
Slates is to he carefully recorded
and announced on the-stump.' As
failures have averaged about 200
a week all the . time the repub
lican party was in power, even
if they -are 'not increased under
democratic rule, they can gather
enough to, produce an impression
on any standpat audience with
- out much trouble.
There is one thing-that has
been rather discouraging for Mr.
Mann and his co-workers. Since
those speeches were made the
usual annual reports have been
made v for all the industrial
centers ami for almost " every
town and city in the United
Slates. The tenor of them all
shows a 'prosperous year, and
brighter prospects than usual are
reported. One thing that looks
verv bad for litem is that, the
wheat crop is looking belter than
it ever did at this time of the
. year and the acreage is much
larger. The world generally is
coming to understand that pros
perity depends on good crops
and that trading in stocks and
bonds creates no new wealth.
While, the slock market, from
which they draw all their in
spiration, in V'ediciing calamity
is seeing dull li s, the wheat
continues to grow and the
in-1 u,re c,oiuiiligns all over the
country is as go..(l as ever re
ported and tiie crops mainly de
pend on that.
The old-time campaigning of
the republican party consisted
largely of threats to bring on
panics and distress if things did
not go their way. Now that the
party is out of power it cannot
follow that course and it has
gone to calamity howling. What
success it will have along that
line remains to be seen. World
Herald. The danger of personal jour
nalism is -conclusively shown in
the shooting affair in Clilon, Il
linois, the other day, in which
.the former chief of police, Tony
Musser, was killed. The editor
and publisher of a publication
had used language' toward the
former chief so abusive and
scanilelous that it was scarcely
to bo expected that he would rest
under it. It 'was such language
as is calculated to bring on a
personal conflict, and that was
the result when the two, met a
case of a blow for a blow. In
using such terms the editor
clearly showed malice and the
ex-chief showed a natural feel
ing of resentment, though he
might better have submitted to
it ami trusted to the public to do
l.i... iitlif.ik pC!ie j'Mwia CII''ikI
llllll jntit . . . - ... p. . -'. '
the personal conflicts that edit
ors used to get into forty or iifly
ears ago through what might be
called the license rather than the
liberty of speech. Reputable
j Surnalism - has passed beyond
the slag' of bludgeons and
v. capons, in conducting contro
versies and relies on a fair dis
cussion of differences through
its columns.
:o: :
We have .. business men who
in ed no urging in the -performance
of their duty; then we have
others upon whom no one ca.i
successfully move them in the
ri--ht direction to assit in build
ing up our city. They are too
slow to enjoy good health.
Of course no one can forelel
the result of the election next
fall. This far olT it-would appear
mat the democrats have a sure
tiling ii tticy have judgmen
enough to cinch it.
:o: :
Ex-Governor David It. Francis
one of tiie ablest financiers in the
west, in speaking of the new cur
rency law, and the effect it wil
have upon the country at large
says: "I consider the new law-
one of the most important enact
ments of congress for the la
thirty years. I fully agree with
Professor Laughlia that it is: the
most ingeniously devised system
of credit in the financial system
of the world."
Without a country, without
friends and without money, Jack
Johnson, the colored pugilist, is
nearly down and out in I'aris. He
lias heeome convinced that sin
means eternal death. At tli
height of prosperity and pop
manty lie began to live like a
dog. He defied law, encountered
prosecutions and his end will be
the pistol route or drowning in
one of the streams he came to
as a penalty to outraged decency
Johnson is down and out and the
world rejoices.
The Lincoln Journal and News
not u seem lo lie very uneasy as
to the direct whereabouts of the
Honorable John A. Maguire. He
is due in Lincoln, but lias not
yet put in an appearance. Hut
wnat of that? Majbe he is visit
ing his postofliee appointees
throughout the district, lint that
couldn't be, because he has not
visited Plaftsmouth yet. 1. S.
Since writing the above the hon
orable gentleman has made the
landing, and is now in Lincoln.
Find ley Howard, son of Edgar
Howard, editor of the Columbus
Telegram, has been appointed to
a position in the Panama canal
zone, the nature of which has not
been disclosed. This leaves Sam
Patterson, now assistant cashier
of the Central National bank of
Lincoln, the oniy candidate for
auditor of the treasury depart
ment at Washington. This is the
position from which W. E. An
drews resigned, and will be fill
ed immediately. Sam Patterson
is a competent man for the place
and we hope he will receive the
The following from the Aurora
(N'eb.) Sun speaks our senti
ments so explicitly that we copy
it for the many truths expressed:
"To us it is inconceivable that a
man of intellect should hold
enmity toward another because
they disagree upon matters of
politics or creed. Willi a con
stitution' which guarantees free
dom of speech and of conscience,
in a country of intelligence, and
wide-spread learning, how can
men become so narrow? We ac
cord to every man the right to
think ami act for litmself so long
as he does not trespass upon the
rights of others. We have the
best of friends who adhere to all
manner of creeds and belief re
ligiously, yd we entertain no
malice toward them. We would
like to' convert all of our good,
but benighted friends of the g. o.
p. to the clear white light of
democracy, but if we fail, we
shall not abuse them. We are
only sorry for them. If the great
brotherhood of man doctrine
means anything', it means that
we should not. determine our
friendships by the. kind oT poli
tical or religious label we detect
on their outer garments."
Postmaster General Burleson
follows the lead of his predeces-
sop in o liee hv iieel: :irmcr lnl
favor of postal telegraph anil
telephone service. He even en
larges recommendations of Mr
Hitchcock, declaring for federal
ownership of all public facilities
for communication " of intel
ligence. When Mr. Hitchcock's
report in favor of postal wire
service was made it was regard
ed as revolutionary. The sub
ject had been discussed hy
theorists, but there had always
existed a grave doubt as to the
postal department's ability to
handle the uiulertakin;
Hitchcock showed that it could
be done, and his democratic
successor unhesitatingly sup
ports his view. He is willing to
undertake even more than Mr
Hitchcock had mapped out. The
influence of the parcel post ex
periment on the postal service is
demonstrated in Mr. Hurleson's
reference' to this department of
thr ciM-vieo lie ei-ediu it w th
ihn .lennrimenf is
capable of taking on and sue-
cessfully performing additional
did ies iii tbi wav of iiublie serv-
ice. The comparative ease with
whieli the service ami its in-
dividual men, from department
heads lo mail carriers, assumed
the parcel post burden was a
evelalion in discipline aiid ef-
lieiencv. No wonder Mr. Ihule-
011 is impressed with the idea
thai Uncle Sam's mail-handler:
are capable of almost any under
Andrew Carnegie announce?
that he has -mvcii awav all his
luoney but -s l u.ononon. This
. . . . .
ooks tike an eggle:
s winter ioi
Surely since they now defy the
government referring to those
who follow the advice of one Dr.
Anna Shaw we may refer to
Ihem as "sult'ragvlls." The pro-
uunciatiou is a bit easier than I
V find who cried "Eire!"' when
there was no lire, creating panic
in a crowded hall on Christmas
eve, at Calumet, Midi., killed 'J
people mostly children. Fools
do not merely rush in where the!
angels fear to tread. They do
things devils would shudder to
contemplate. I
Outwardly a man claims to be
identified with some one party or
cult, but inwardly he is some-1
inies a republican, sometimes a
democrat, sometimes a progres-
sive, sometimes a socialist,
sometimes an anarchist, some-la
times a devil, sometimes all, and
sometimes neither. If you knowl
what we are drivimr al. write to I
us at once.
for we don't.
Mr. E. P. Carrick, chairman of
the progressive slate committee, United Slates, and it will be re
is authority for the statement greltable indeed if it is neglecl- is the purpose of the na-
lional progressive party to have a
andidatc for governor in every
stale and a candidate for con-
in nvnrv .lili'iet lint l ii I I
Mr. Carrick get Ins information
traight, or is he simply rehash-
ing the opinion of the gentleman
now doing South
A nieiMfri ' I
Five boys from Chicago, rang
ing between 12 and ii years, are
under arrest charged with steal-
mg grain Horn a car on tne ran-
road tracks. Tfiev declared when
irresled. We were just Irving
-. W . I
lo I. nil. I .... ., 1... win.. Tolw ..rheri,,,w m net- I lie bonier an.
people around us keep chickens
ind we were going to sell llii'iu
feed." The boys have begun on
oo small a scale. lliey siiouidl
lave wailed until they were
.. . .
,rrown and then have stolen the
ailroad. Or as Jay Gould did,
the Wabash, simnlv borrowed it
ind then loaded it up with se
curities so heavily that now it
will' have lo be sold to pay its
It has been discovered that a
bed bug can survive 21)9 days
without food, but Lord, we can't
stay out of bed that long.
The Italian government is try
ing to discourage the exodus of
laborers from Italy to the United
States on account of the scarcity
of work here. Somehow we feel
like saying', amen, to the efforts
and hope they will continue the
Lieutenant Governor McKelvie
is crazy to run for governor.
Perlians he would not he so
crazy after the election next fall,
even should he bo successful . in
eeuring the republican nomina
tion. What will tie be this year
bull mooser or a genuine re
publican? :
- ' :o:
Things have come to a pretty
pass, lor a is now lmpossime to
. i . . -it.
be sociable without getting into
an argument. Tl; most despica
ble person is the guy who i.-
failure in almost
everything he
uuderiakes, nut still wants hi
argue with you about what the
country .needs.
Mr. Maguire says he is a can-
didate for a fourth term, havinj
served tnree. ine democrats
generally were oppose.! 10 me
m .
third term, but at the last elec
tion Mr. Maguire had easy sail
ing for the nomination, there be
ing no other candidate.
.:o :
I' . l'. t.orrick says fhe pro
gressives will nave candidates
for governor and congressmen in
Nebraska. That settles the mat
ler so far as the chances of re
publican success m .Nebraska are
concerned. 1111 a unueu uenio-
I I !.) n.ii.l. ..... .t-M1'
e - ''i ij i- m .twihi-i
weep the platter," that's all-
: : o :
In the election of ollicers for
the ensuing year at the nieetinj
of the Commercial club Thursday
I ' 1
night care should be taken to
elect-members. for president, and
secretary who are hustlers and
are as competent and reliable as
loose wno are noniing inese
positions at the present tine
They have performed their duties
diligently and faithfully and the
iruits brougnt iortn are evidence
of this fact
It is reported that the czar ha
resolved not to call another peace
conference for 1915, as it was ex-
peeled he would. If that is so, it
affords an additional reason foi
passing the resolution in
troduced in congress looking lo
the holdin
of a disarnmament
iii v nsiimirnm nei
... .. .
ti... t-:,.. i vii.. .-. ;-...,
splendid opiiorlunity to wrest
lrom llussia the ieauersnip in a
cause which Russia is ill-fitted
to lend and which the United
Stales is excellently qualified to
lead. It is both an opportunity
and a privilege that falls lo the
ed. It will be said, of course, by
cynical critics, that the hope of
bringing about the celebration of
a "naval holiday is the vainest of
. i
. . . ... .
i ii on in n rlrenios O .io noil
. . .
think it is so Utopian as tne
cynics make it out to be. It is
the proposal of the niigntiesi
iiiivn I iniv.i on e:iHIl Hilt even
. . .
if it were altogether an Utopian
dream, mere wilt ue snmeiiiuiK
gained in bringing the great
... . I
powers oi ine worm up io a
face-to-face consideration of I In
proposal. Many very pracucame
projects fie beyond the bound
... ... .
aries with which our leeble mi-
jof possibility. A close exaniiua-
linn of this proposal is apt lo
show that many of the dif-
lieulties now seen are aiiogeiner
delusory. Hie worlds chief dil-
fieulty is its habit of thinking
that huge military eslahlish-
inents are a necessary evil. -It is
v.m-v nmrli of :m. obsession, which
will be thrown 41T only by com
ing frequently face lo facerwillr
the reverse side of the matter,
Local fr&ws
irom Monday's I:ii!y.
Attorney C. S. Aldrieh oT Elm
wood came in this morning- to
attend the session of the dis-
tnc Coult
Miss Alma Holly returned yes
terday afternoon to Avoca, where
she will resume her duties in the
schools there.
Henry Knabe and W. W. Mag
uey of Xeuawka were here today,
being called in to serve on the
jury panel at. this term of court',
E. V. Cole of Mynard was a
visitor in mis euy aniniav and
called at tin's ofliec for I lie pur
pose of renewing his subscrip
Miss Ella Miller of Alvo is in
the city for a few days visiting
at the home of J. II. lieeki r and
wife, uncle and aunt of Mis-
Mi Her.
Ered KafVenberger of Cedar
Creek was a visitor in Ibis cilv
Saturday and while- here ealled
at the Journal oilice and renewed
his subscription.
Miss Hose -Mae ('reamer was a
passenger tins morning for the
metropolis, where she will iv
sunier her studies at the business
college in lhat cilv.
WiUon Gilmore of Ml. Pleas
ant precinct was in the city to
nay in niienuanee a ine. oi-irn i
court, be bei'inr one of the mem
bers of the .jury panel.
Mr. and Mrs. John l. I'e-rson
and son. of Union, came up Sat
urday evening and spent Sued i
at the home of Mrs. ,r- -n's
mother, Mrs. Mary Allison.
William A. ('.leghorn and
A. Alloway of I.ouUvil'e
morn ii'--' to eider on
their duties as members of the
jury panel for this term of court.
Henry Johnson, of the virjnilv
of Mynard was a visitor in Ibis
cilv Saturday and called at Ihi
oilice and ordered - the IMallsv
mouth Journal sent to his ad-
George I. Lloyd of the vicinity
m 1 ' 1
01 .Murray was a misiness visuor
in tins city Saturday and loos
time to call af this oilice and rer
new his allegiance to the Old Ite-
From Tut-s.tny-s ivoiy
Jerry .Ale I ugh of m
unlock is
in (j10 tjtv )l(ay
visiting with
ielat i es
and friends. having
ast evening from his
come in
J. M. Patterson of Union came
mi tins luorntnir and was a pas
senger on the early luiriingion
train for Omaha, where he will
visit for the day.
H. E.
Pankonin. one of fin
leadimr business men and cifi
I . . i . . : . : o . . ; . . 1, . .. ; I .
zeus oi ijmiisiih'. w a . in no- o
1 i l i r t .
looay iookiuvt aiier some oi.oiei
at the court hou
Isaac Kintr of Superior, Xe-
braska, arrive.l last evening on
No. 2 from his home, beinir eall-
.,i . i
ed Here iv ine ueain oi ins
mother, Mrs. A. J. Crabil
Joseph Zimmerer, one of he
most genial and poju!ar resi-
iienis oi .oca. came m iai
. i. ... ...... r.. 1..
evening and sneni ine o;; itei-e
looking after some mailers of
h :u(-,ss
. . . . ... .....f
K. i nzpairuK. rrnz i.ui
.U'liatles Hereon. Air and Mrs
Will Pallerson and Will Rennet
P ., , r ATl. ........
visitors in Ibis cily Saturday. Mr.
MizpairicK was a pieasani can-
p" at tlMS OIIICI.
J. T. Porter .and John Earri-
f ... Murrnv. were in (he city
hndav alleiTtlin to .inie mailer.-
e i .
oi hhmih-.
Holh of these
irenllemen are coi.lemplating
.in.-iTi l. Mfiniftciil!! in llie near
fu,uni ,( IM.jk(, ,,, (,Hr,
. . . . . A
Alvin Murray and wile reiurn-
ed lasl eveniULT 1 1 "Ml .mci.oo.s.
where they were visit ing" over I he
holidays wilh relalixes. Mr. Mur
ray departed Ibis morning on lin
early Missouri Pacific for Oma
ha to visit his mot he;' at the
T. J. Hoom of Wabash and
.Clarence Erhait of Marshy were
nflendiug to business ruatf'-rs ia
'.'his city today and wi-re caller-
if this ollire.
nil.' to re
siib-erl)' ion
ier voa ! a n I
Uooni "had bis
I ended lor an'
Erhart ordered the Platfsmouthl I,
A larrfc assortment of color.; wlntCjbtil-. pink,
brown, etc., all of these caps' we'are now offerin4at
special prices: $1.50 and $1.23 values for 75c.
$1.00 and 75c qualities for 50c.
Large Variety '.of "Remnants
Consisting mainly of series in colors white, blue
red and black one yard up to 5 yards in piece.
Outing Flannel Night Govns 49c
Regular 75c value lor the rest of this week at 43c.
3 Pairs Men's Sox 25c
Men's brown, black and fancy 50::, l pairs for 25c.
.b urn-ii
1 '-ar.
-ill to b
1 1
::m A-b ; . -I He. J. I
f iliouale of Weep Y.'alT .-. .
': f..j:iy a! i ii'-' .((-!; t
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I he .Toonta! ..Mice a v-o
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'-:';!! l-t:ien. Wh,;e
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in-s of f lie county.
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valoi' was n a d b
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:'!ieiinl s'l.Soo
-uranee. Tie
burned clear f.
- CoX- fed by !
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I lie '-: ui'.i a
th.' eoafenls, i s -1 - f i i : -r of ipti!1
a lare afnonnt or y ra:;t. w 'u o
-troyed in I he
:it!.r-rat ior.
u.e Porcelain Enameled
( )
p vl
The body of this rnnjjc is made of especially
prepared steel, with the enamel fused into the steel,
itself. ' It is also enameled on the inside as well as
the outside making this ' Move nist-re&hlinj. Alt
outside exposed parts are I3LUK T.NAML'L and
NICKEL thus making it a very ea.- btovo to I.-om
clean. REQUIRES NO I3LACKEN!N"(. This ran
has to be seen to he appreciated. Call at oar store
and we will be glad to ;diow it t ytu:.
IS5 i
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