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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1914)
MONDAY, JANUARY S. 114 PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 7 3! KNG AGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, Parmele Theater Tuesday Eve. Jan. 6 1914 , ' ...OFFER... r I Nine Months in New-York The supremely successful stage version of Owen Wister's famous novel Five I L Plcnih 0 In i f 1 ) M ::' - THE BLACK The iindtTsiunril will sell at Puidic Aurlion al his home, one milt's nnrlh of Murray, Imi mill's nnrlheast oT Nt-hawka, tiulit mill's ii'irlh of Ui)i'!)t an.l si-von milivs south of JMatismi.ulh, mi THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th lhi following m'si'iilM-il rn'opi'ity to-wit: Six Head of Work Horses. One hay man with foal, mm injr G yt-ars ipM, wi-iiit I,5imi. One black mar- with h-al, coin in cr ' years old, wciuht l,rmO. One span nf black Z''ltiii::-s. coniinr 7 years ll, wciphi -'.'.hki. One iron ray niai"t j oininir ( years M, weight i , (. One pray marc, routing years ol.l, wci-ht i,i(H. Two milk cws. One Itcl I'nli.c.l yearlinpr bull. . One yearling calf. Twelve calves. Twelve iieail of shoals, weigh ing i0 pounds. Farm Implements. Two farm wagons. One spring waumi. One ltaduer culliator. One John Deere two-row ma cliine. One Western l!elle lister. One John I eere culti vator, new. One .'-section harrow. One Moline corn planter. One one-horsi- drill. One 11-foot Hoo-ier seeil.'f. One pair loek scab's. t -'-'-dic pre-s drill. One Mcr.orniick mower. One 7-barre teel lank. (Ui' Aeiy stalk cutter, ij-row. One f-'rind.-toiie. One Fairbanks windmill, .'lO foot lower. One set inch and t hi ee-ijuai I cr harness. One set inch and one-half har ness. Some household poods and oilier articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of s(l and under, cash in hand. A credit of six months will be priven on all sums over -Sio, purchaser rivincr pood bankable paper at K per cent in terest from date. All properly must be settled for- before beinjr removed.. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Lunch al noon. VV. B. V.rtGSN, Owner. Win. It. Younp. Tom Cromwell, Auctioneers. W. G. Ilnedeker, Clerk. The 'undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his home, ;5'.j miles northwest of Murray, miles southwest of Mynartl, and 7 s miles southwest of Plalts moulh on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14th, commencing, promptly - at 10 o'clock a. in., the following de scribed property lowit: 80-Acre Farm. I am leaving this part of the country, and everything on this bill will positively be sold to the highest bidder there will be no bv-biddin---. Even MY FAItM OF 8(1 . AHIIKS will be sold to the highest bidder. 18 Head of Horses. One stallion, 7 years old, weicht 1.500. One black mare. 9 years old. with foal, weight 1,400. Public Sale Public Sale L!ST - Sccne In Act 2 One gelding. Five g 1 mares, all with foal, weight ranging from 1)00 to 1,150 one 5 years, two years, one 1-' years, one 1 i years. Ten colts, yt arlinps to com ing 3-year-olds. 2C Head of Cattle. Six- registered llerfords 3 bulls, '2 cows and 1 heifer. Four milk cows 2 fresh, 2 fresh soon. Ten head of yearlings. 35 Head of Stock Hogs. 10 head of shoals. 14 head oT fall pigs and 2 brood sows. Six dozen Rhode Island Red chickens. About six tons of prairie hay, and some timothy and clover hay. Farm Implements and Machinery. One riding lister. One walking lister. One Uad.uer cultivator. One Zanesville walking culti vator. One Zanesville corn planter. One Defiance sulky plow. One Sfl. MeCormick binder. One 5-ft. McCorinirk mower. One I'eter Siiuelller wagon. Hay rack and wapon combined. One Smith wagon. Waterloo Hoy gas engine and pump jack. One l'lpin windmill, (50-foot Jumbo lower. Two sleet water stork tanks. One wooden lank. One new hi'ijuy, three olf ones. Two dic harrows. Ore Henry Dislon buzz saw. Joliet 5 -1 1 1 1 e lleller. Ke stone l-bole shelter. One 2-stcliou harrow. Four sets of work harness. One ln'W saddle. There will he a grea! many irticbs offered f.r sale that we are unable lo mention and we wish t in!?. ress upon jour mind that everything listed will pos itively be sold, as I am leaving Llie country. Lunch Will Eo Served at Noon! TERMS OF SALE: All sums of sin. on and under, cash in hand; all sums over, a ere. lit of one year will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper, eiiring N per cenl interest. All properly mu-d be settled for be fore being removed from the premises. T. !. AMICK. Wm. R. Young, Tom Cromwell, Auel ioneers. I'. M. Patterson, Clerk. Worms the Cause of Your Child's Pains. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, at times feverish, with great thirst; checks Hushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp, cramping pains, are all indica tions of worms. Don't let your rhibl sutler Kickapoo Worm Killer will give sure relief It kills the worms while its laxa tive effect add greatly to the health of your child by remov ing the dangerous and disagree able effects of worms and para sites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health produc er should be in every household. Perfectly safe. a box today. Price 25c. Alt druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ii r x .v ."k r NEW YEAR WED- Mr. Charles M. Reed and Miss Rose Ellen Virgin Married at Homo of Bride's Parents. From Friday's Daily. Fast evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of the parents of the bride, near Murray, occurred the wedding of two of the most pop ular young people in Ihat section of the county, Mr. Charles M. Reed and Miss Rose Ellen Virgin. The wedding was one of those delightful home weddings, and the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Virgin, the parents of the charm ing bride, was tilled with a large number of the relatives of the contracting parties to witness the ceremony that made these two happy hearts as one. In the parlor of the residence (here was a very tasty arrangement of llowers and streamers, which made a very beautiful setting for the happy event. The bride and gloom promptly at 8 o'clock look their stations before the min ister. Rev. D. F. Dunkb'berger of the Christian church, who pro nounced the solemn words that were to unite them for life, and following the ceremony I he young people were showered with the congratulations of their relatives. A most sumptuous wedding supper was served to the bridal party and the guests after the wedding and the table was loaded down with every good thing to eat that it was possible to conceive of and there was much merriment and pleasure derived by the large number of guests who were sealed at I he table, in their being present on this happy ocasion which united two such worthy young people. -The bride is one of the .most popular young ladies iii the lo cality . where she resides and where she has been reared lo womanhood, and her friends are legion throughout, that section, and to her will come the best wishes of all for a long and happy married life. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hymn Reed .and is a fine young man of sterling character, who possesses the esteem and respect of all who have the pleas ure of knowing him, and he is to be congratulated on securing such a charming helpmate in life. . ' ; FOR SALE DATES Reverse the Telephone Call to FRANK GRAHAM, . Auctioneer, . Springfield, Neb. 'Phone 91.' : - - v !? SUte of Chin. City of Toledo. Lncaa Conntf . . Frank J. Cheney mnkc oath tbnt hf In Benl partner of tlie firm of F. J. Client-y & Co., do l:ijr lusiiies in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and tlint Raid firm will uy the sum of ONE IIt"XDREI IOL.L.AKS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use vt Mali's Catarrh Cure. , FRAXK J. CnEXEY. f worn to before me and nbscriUed In my presence, thla Ctb, day of December. A. D., lSsii, Seal. ,A. W. GU5ASON. . . ' Notary Iublic. Tfall's Catarrh Core, U taken Internally and aet directly uion the M.kmI and mneo:i ur-fao-a of the aystem. Send for ti-stinionlals, free. . T. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Bmsr.ts, Toe.' ..-.. -. . Take Hall's Family mis for. constipation. .. NEAR 1 J U V W 21 V CSV S W Dramatized by Kirke La Shelle and Owen VSster His Stomach Troubles Over. Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you Could eat any kind of f I you desired without injury That may seem so unlikely to you thai you do not even hope for an end ing of your trouble, but. permit us to assure you that it is not alto gether impossible. If others can be cured permanently, and llioii saiuls have been, why not you? John R. Jiarker, Hal tie Creek, Mich., is one of them. He says, "I was troubled with heartburn, indigestion and liver complaint until I used Chamberlain's Tab lets, then my trouble was over. Sold by all dealers. DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHT Knights and Ladies of Security Elect Officers, and Then En joy a Fine Social Time. From FrUlav's Dally. Last eeiiing the members of the Knights and Ladies of Se curity lodge of this city held a most delightful social session at their hall, after the transaction of the business coming before the meeting, and the event was a very pleasant one for all who at tended. At the business meet ing C. If. Smith was elected financier of the order to succeed August Cloidt, resigned. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy was elected as prelate to take the place of Mr. Smith. Following the meeling a very pleasing program was given that numbered among the ditrerent parlies taking part some of the best talent of the city, and Hie event was enjoyed to the utmost by everyone present. Readings were given by Mrs. A. J. Heeson, Miss Ellen Windham and Miss Hernice. Newell, all three of whom are finished artists in the line of elocution, anil their offer ings to the program were much enjoyed by everyone. A very charming vocal number was con tributed to the program by Misses Nancy llowieter, who has a beautiful, voice, and her selection was" one that made a very deep impression upon, the audience. Little Miss Helen Heeson was called upon and re sponded by giving a recitation Ihat won much applause for the little lady, who shows remark able talent for one so young. Very pleasing piano numbers were contributed to the program by Miss Mina Thierolf and Mrs. A. O. Moore, both of whom are among the- most gifted musicians in the city, "and their numbers were greatly enjoyed by every one in attendance. After the rendition of the program dainty and templing refreshments were served in the dining room of the hall, and it was the unanimous sentiment that the committee in charge of : the program and the refreshments had coveerd them selves with glory ' and that the event as a whole had been one of the most enjoyable in the his tory of this splendid order. Wedding stationery Journal office. . at the Chicago PLEASANT GATHERING AT GEORGE E. DOVEY HOfiiE NEW YEAR EVE . r -.r i t The home of Mr. and Mrs. , iieoifie fof WJI 4 lie .-( .!. 01 much pleasure Wednesday even ing, when a lew d vn;.".:.rl set. gathered at "The Heights" to participate in a dance uie;j by Miss h Doey in honor of her guest. Miss Hoimie i!us-ey. of Hastings. The parlors and re ception hill were entirely cl -aied and tastily deeorate.l with holly, little rei b"!ls and mistleioe; the chandeliers were covered with red tis-ue paper, throwing a soft led glow over the couples as they danced: the programs were ..f white and red. In the dining room the table was spread with a huge white cloth, irv.-r which were laid; strands of red ribbons. T!i i w ! Inden willi many delicious edibles j .md at about t :'! t he ym mg men were asked into the dining roim where they were provided with refreshments f,,r themselves an 1 their lady partners. Punch and candies were sered during the evening by Ceorge Doey and Nora Livingston. Prompt lv at 1 J o'clock !eorge Do ey bleW laps on the buule for the death of 'he oiii y en r a no cmmiii' i or t . . . i f l r i. . 1 !..!. of the new. and immediat'dy fol lowing this a beautiful and ap propriate toast was iven by Mr. Kyron Al lies and drank to by ail I hose present. The party dis persed a! ali. nit 1 o'clock, the boys and girls having- spent a very enjoyable evening. Tim" present were; Misses Margaret Donelan. Nia Rosencrans. Jean- e!te Patterson. Emma Cummins, Muriel Cummins, Marie and i (Jrelchen Donnelly. Honnie Ilus- sey, Nora Liingston. Honor Sev beit, Harliara and Harriet Clem ents. Madeline Minor. Lillian 11a jeck. Edilh Dovey; Me-srs. John Ealler, Sa.m Windham. Major Al lies, Evan Noble. Milton Austin. Ralph Marshall. Donald Arries, Waldemar Soennichsen, (Jeorge V. Dovey, Dwighf Patterson. Al fred Humphreys of Kearney, Carl Schmidl maim. Henry McMaken. Marion Dickson. Hyron Arries. Charles Dovey. Tom Kennish; Messrs and Mcsdames Rca V. Patterson, fieorge Ealler, (ieorge Dovev. PLATTSMOUTH PROOF Should Convince Every Platts mouth Reader. The frank statement of a neighbor, telling the im-rils of a remedy, Hids you pause and believe. The same endorsement Hy some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's a Plattsinoulh case. A I'lal t smout h citizen testiiies. Read and be convinced. !. M. Hultery. Tenth and Wal nut streets. Plattsinoulh, Neb., says: "1 still use Doan's Kidney Pills occasionally and recommend them just as highly as ever. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills for pain in my back and hips and other symptoms of kidney trouble. The quick relief they brought war rants me in endorsing them." "When Your Hack is Lame Remember the Name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Down's Kidnsy pills the same that Mr. Hultery had. r,(ie all stores. Eosler-Mil- burn Co., Props., HutTalo, N. Y. , ., ..r,vJ--s;. .; .r .... if ;:.v-':::'K-' ' ;? T-V: t ? cr. U v"- . . 1 HORSE THIEF PASS fc Qrjlf of Enjoyable Dancing Party. Krimi Kiiluy"w lai'y. Lal eeiiing a number of the young men of the city gae a :iio-J eti.joynide dancing party nt Coale' hall, which wa attended bv some thiltv couples of the younger oei-ty e, and the oe- ica.-ion wa. a tv enjoyable one ' , . ! lor eervone present. A number f the newer dances and tango v.vre jinbil-ed in by the young people lllltil tile 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 bout. I lie mu-ie for tile ocea-.jon was furnished by Mi-s .Marie I'itz--ri aid on the piano, and W. R. Holly, the irlouo. ,,n the idin. MASQUERADE BALL NEW YEAR EVE WAS A GRANO RIG SUCCESS - ,,. ma-.uiei ade ),.tl 1 trien W ednesday evening at Ciae' ,v ,,. Cosmopolitan club , u a s one of the most successful ever yiM-ii iii the city and there v.a a eiy large attendance of dancers, attired in all manner of costuiiM's, and some very hand some, as well as unique one, were displayed on the floor and the number of maskers was so lar-e that the work of the indues was made very diilii nil in ' m i ; i , -r In reward. but after ievinir the yrand march they di cided l.'ia! Miss Ella Newman a a representative of winter, was the winner of the firt ladh prie. while Mrs.- i;.!".'!' Hruhl was awarded the second ladies' priye for her eostume as a color ed lady. ( Jeorge Hruhl carried o!f the first gent's prize f..r his representation of a swell colored man. and Harry l!.cksii.rkrr of .W-bra-ka Ejty I as a p'djeeliiau. secured the Second prie. but i! was largely the comical actions of the man. in stead of the eo-lnme, that cnir ed the prie. The Roily or chestra furnished the musje for tin dance, which was very pleas ing' to the dancers that were gathered on the floor. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hendrick. residing south of this city, were visiting here Saturday. Mrs. Hendricks called at this office and renewed their subscription. TeJke We are giving a demonstration of Postom and Post-Tavern at our store this week to which we cordially invite the publice. We also have a special sale of Tomato Catsup and Jellies which should prove attractive to all discriminating housewives. Call in and examine our nice line of groceries and dry goods. We will endeavor to please you in ever? way possible. every M. SOENNICHSEN- Scene in Act 3 Prncc ririlO .SfflTP THE WETEHKAMPS NEW YEAR YEAR NIGHT The home of Mrs. Martha W VI enkamp of Myr.ard was the -. .o of much merriment n Ne-.v Year's ellilig. The even! be;.l- a surpri-" family reunion, which bad been carefully planned by the children ami grandchildren, who came with well tilled b.isl'l of thiir's good ! eat. an 1 e.irh one was willim.- ! cat their stiate of the same. after which th evening was peut in gue:al rmiM" sat ion and music. 'I h"-'' preset t were: Mr. and Mi. . A. Wetenkamp. Mr. and M. H"V E. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. iles of WV.-pinz Water. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. . f eri x.n.ip. l.liner, Arthur, Mar;, and W.-tenkamp. Mable and Chai'Ic llowar.I, Elbn Wil and littl Willinui Wetenkamp, Ear. an-! Lydia Shaw, Mrs. Martha -tM-kamp. Mi-s Erama Cirahim, irant Wetenkamp. To Undergo Operation. Frftn Frloay'a DaltT. This morning Mrs. John A. Murray departed for Omaha, where she will enter the Omaha Ceneral hospital for treatment and to undergo an operation, in the opinion of her phvi.i.ins, has bee. nne necessary. Mr. Mur ray has ii(t been in the let ,,f health for the past few vear au l her family and friends have been piite worried over h-r Condition, but they are trusting thit may secure rejjef through th- operation and b restored to her former state nf health. SNEl'EELS. COL. A. J. WaNh was badly done up with rheu matism and sent for Foley Kid ney PilN which vv.Vs th only thing that would run him. Ceo. potter of Pontiac. Mo., was down on his back with kidney a:,. bladder trouble and Foley Kidliey Pills made him weR and a!de f Mrk. It is a splendid tnedirlne and alwavs help. . Just try it. For sale by nil druggist. Sell your property through th Journal Want Ads. Notice?