The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 01, 1914, Image 1

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    Neb State Ilfjforcal s00
NO. 1.
V, V
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i I
Plattsmouth Lodge No. G, A. F. &
A. IY1., Assisted by Eastern
Star, Entertain.
Last evening at I he Masonic
hall, tlio officers and members of
lMatlsniouth Lpdge No. 0, A. 1
it A. M., assisted !y t li ladies of
the I'aslern Star, mos! loyally
entertained the members of the
lodges and their families, the oc
casion being the jumnal celebra
tion of SI. John: day. .The
apartments of the hall ami the
baniiet room were most pro
fusely ami very tastefully dec
orated in holiday colors of red,
white and green.
An excellent - program was
given, whir It was greatly ap
preciated by all present. The
Misses Kitty ('intimitis and Verna
Cole rendered an instrumental
duet in a very pleasing maimer.
Mrs. H. (Menu Rawls, accom
panied m the piano by ?Ii:-s Kiltj
Cummins, very charmingly sang
"Sweethearts." Miss Kllen
Windham gave a reading so
satisfactorily that she was com
pelled to respond to an encore.
'The next number on the program
was a vocal duet by the Misses
Edna I'elersen and IJerlha Jack
son, nt it led "Let There lie
Light." The intermingling of
the voices of these young ladies
gavt cxt-a touch of harmony
to the sweet melody.
Mr. Carlos A. Rawls, in a few
well chosen words, on behalf of
' he lodge, welcomed the members
and their guests. Following Mr.
Rawls, Miss Verna Cole gave an
instrumental solo, which was
masterfully performed to. the de
ligh of all present.
Next on the program was a
vocal solo by Miss Mathilde Yal
lery, entitled "Wow. Wow, Thou
Winter Wind." Miss Vallery is
always a great favorite with
IMattsmoulh audiences, and on
this occasion more than delight
ed those lovers of music who
were ff-'unate enough to be
present. Mrs. William P.aird
gave a reading, who by a re
alistic delivery of a forceful se
lection held the :iudience spell
bound. Mrs. Haird also respond
ed to an encore.
The last number on the reg
ular program was a vocal solo by
Mrs. Clara Wesrolt, entitled "Till
I Wake." Mrs. Wescott was ac
companied on ihe piano by Mr. K.
,H. Wescott, and her sympathetic
rendition of this selection was a
fitting climax to a; most enjoy
able evening.
The regular program was di
vided into three sedans, and
during, the intermissions the
ladies of the Cistern Star served
a most sumptuous banquet. Dur
ing the service of the ban-put an
impromptu program was render
ed by volunteer choruses and by
Jie vaudeville artists from the
(Vein theater. Miss Morgan and
Mr. Tut tie, whose entertainment
was very highly appreciated by
aP. Messrs. M, Archer and C. W.
. Uaylor contributed to the enjoy
ment and pleasures of the even
ing by several very clever
The officers and members of
the lodge highly, appreciate the
efforts of those assisting lv the
lslmg u
adies o
program and the ladies o the
Eastern Star for the evening's
entertainment. Altogether, this
was one , of the most enjoyable
occasions in the memory of the
oldest members of the lodge and
all will look forward with much
pleasurable anticipation to the
next annual eeVHralion.
For Sale.
Good IGO-acre farm, 3 Vi miles
so nt, Vast of Greenwood, Neb.;
125 aero in winter yhcat, 30
. acres .meadow. Also good 1C0
7 acre farm IVi miles west of
' Greenwood, Neb.; 70 acres in
V winter wheat, 12 acres alfalfa.
Call on or write, A. D. Welton, or
Farmers State Bank, Greenwood,
Comes for a Short Visit.
Yesterday afternoon John
O'Rourke, of Spokane, Washing
ton, arrived on No. 2 and he will
visit here for a time at. the home
of his sister, Mrs. T. K. Parmele,
and with his brother, flilmore
O'Rourke, who is quite sick and
whose recovery is almost dis
paired of In- his family and
friends. It has been several
years since John left this city for
the west, and his appearance in
dicates that he has enjoyed the
best of health iu the roast
climate. His friends here were
very much pleased to meet him.
Plattsmouth ft" an Gets Stung on
What Is Supposed to Be a
Forged Check.
From Tuesday's Daily.
What is supposed to be a case
of forgery has been reported l
the sheriff, and from the looks of
the matter it was a very crude
piece of work. It seems that on
Saturday last a man called at one
of the places of business in this
city and presented a check on Ihe
Murray State bank for si 5, sign
ed by 1$. J. Donavan, ..treasurer of
the Kelly Construction company,
and drawn in favor of Martin
King, and the man presenting the
check signed as the party in
v. hose favor the paper was
drawn, and he requested the
business man to advance hint
some money, and he was able to
get ." on the check. Shortly af
terward the man who had taken
the check became suspicious and
started an investigation, which
developed that the check was a
forgery of a very rank kind. As
soon, as the matter was reported
notices were sent out to different
towns and yesterday morning the
Omaha police arrested two men
tit ere, one of whom answered the
description given of the man
wanted here, and Sheriff Quinton
departed at once for the me
tropolis, accompanied by the man
who had taken the check, to try
and identify the man under ar
rest. The trip, however, proved
fruitless, as the man under ar
rest by the Omaha police .could
not be identified by the person
whom the alleged forger had
From Tuesday's Dally.
The Missouri Pacific station
here is in charge' of a new agent
today, as Mr. Norton, who for
the past few years has been in
charge as .agent, has been trans
ferred to Ibirr, Nebraska, a town
on the Crete branch of the Mis
souri Pacific. The station here
will be temporarily in charge of
O. K. Power, who is sent here
"roni Murray, until the. railroad
company makes the appointment
of another agent. It is with re
gret that the citizens here see
Mr. Norton leave, as during the
time he has been hero he has
proven himseir a most jrcom
modating and obliging ofiieial,
and the traveling public has been
treated fairly and with great,
courtesy whenever tF"fy had any
dealings with this gentleman, and
they are very loalh to see him
leave, but he will take with him
the best wishes of a host of
friends in his new location.
The number of young women
who suffer with weak back, dizzy
and nervous spells, dull headache
and weariness is surprising. Kid
iiey and bladder ills cause these
troubles, but if Foley Kidney Pills
are taken as directed relief fol
lows promptly, and the ills dis
appear. Contains no habit-forming
drugs. For sale by all drug
gists, i
mm m
The Passing Year a Prosperous
One for Plattsmouth, and Let
Us Hope for Same for 1914.
With the close of today the
year H13 passes into the history
of the things that were ami tin
memories of the year will brim-
to many joy, while to
will k-a sorrowful one, but what
ever tin? result of the years
brought to you the dawning of
Ihe New Year should see every
one in the cily of phi 1 1 snioui h
awake aipj determined to make
l'.ill the best year they have had
in developing the town and their
own individual lines of business
and work, and to see that, the
end of Ihe next year 'sees their
efforts crowned with success.
The year just closed may
justly be called one of the best
that Platlsrnoulh has enjoyed for
the last twenty yctrrs in the way
of improvements and increasing
population, and there are hun-
dieds of home throughout the
Icily that have felt the spirit of
progress by being placed in mod
ern condition, and a great many
new residences have been erected
to lake care of the increasing de
mand that has been felt for more
dwelling houses from those who
have come here from other places
to make their homes, and the
prospects are very bright for p.
still further increase in I lie com
ing year, and there should be a
concerted effort made to see that
the demand for better 'dwellings
here be looked after. The value
of residence property here has
advanced materially during the
year and now commands a better
figure than it has for years.
In the business section of the
city the advancing spirit has been
felt in t he- improving and mod
ernizing of the stores throughout
the city, and there is hardly a
business house in the city that
has not added something to its
establishment to place it in bel
ter shape for the 'accommodation
of the patrons. The immense
success that attended the sales
day ln-Iil here shows what can be
done to secure additional trade,
and several more of the sales
days are projected for the ensu
ing spring and summer season,
when the strangers will be in
vited here and given an oppor
tunity to secure some, of the
bargains offered by the Platts
mouth merchants at these sales
days, and after one trial of the
excellent bargains offered iu this
city there is no doubt of anyone
making this their permanent
trading point.
Let us all, regardless of posi
tion or line of business, get. to
gether in the next twelve months
and work for the best interests
of the town where we 'make cur
home ami see that it is put on Ihe
map as one of Ihe liveliest and
best, towns in the slate. The
Journal will, in the future, as in
the past, continue to assist in
the work of bringing Plattsmouth
to the front ranks of Ihe Ne
braska cities, and in this move
ment there should be the hearty
co-operation of every man, wom
an and child in the city.
The Journal wishes one and all
a happy and prosperous New
Year and that, they may find
much pleasure in the still unseen
future year. -..
A Correction.
From Tuesday's Dally.
An error was made in giving
Ihe list of officers elected for
101 i at the P. H. S. Alumni as
sociation banquet last Friday
evening. The correct list of
officers elected is: John Falter,
president; Edna Shopp, vice
president; Vance Todd, secretary
and treasurer.
For Sale.
A complete Eastman's Photo
graphic outfit for sale cheap; 4x5
camera. J. Asch, Murray, Neb.
Ft li Jp'" It
fiflany Hew Changes in Parcel Post
Regulations to Aid the
From Monday's Daily.
The poslolliee department will
make some very imporlau
changes in the running of the
parcel post department of tin
service on the first of the year,
and the changes to niaki
this feature of the por-fotbec de
partment even more popular than
be tore.
The weight of parcels for de.
livery within the lirst ami secom
zone has been ir,cre:. rl from tin
former limit, of twenty pounds ti
fifty pounds. This applies to all
matter sent, within the limit of
1J10 miles, and the changes made
iu the third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth zones in
creases the weight of packages
that can be sent out from eleven
to tvventv pounds. In addition to
the increase in weight of the par
cels that may be carried throueh
Ine mails Ihe government has
made a reduction in the cost of
sending in the zones of longer
Iistance and the new rates will
rente a much greater demand
upon this service.
Iu Hie first zone the local rate
is 5 cents a pound and a cents
a pound on the zone rate. On all
packages of four ounces or less
the rate will be 1 cent for each
ounce or fraction of an ounce.
The rale in the third zone will be
f cents for the lirst pound and -
cuts for each additional pound
r fraction thereof. In the fourth
one the rale will be 7 cents for
Hie lirst pound and i cents for
ach additional Pound. The rate
in the fifth zone will be 8 cents
or the lirst pound and ( cents
or each additional pound. In
the sixth zone cents for Ihe
rst pound ami 8 cents for each
additional pound will be charged.
he regulation in regard to limit
f size of fourth-class mail will
emain the same and no pack
ires of greater size than seventy-
two inches will be accepted for
mailing under the parcel post
Attorney William C. Ramsey oT
Omaha, formerly county attorney
of this county, has just received
a very nattering recognition of
his worth as an allorney by be
ing appointed deputy county at
torney of Douglas county by
County Attorney il. A. Maguey.
Mr. Ramsey is a very able lawyer,
and his friends in this city will
be pleased to learn of his ap
pointment, to the position, which
is a very important one in a
county the size of Douglas, and
Mr. Maguey will find he has a
very able assistant in Mr. Ram
sey. Try a sack of Forest Rose flour.
Your money refunded if not satisfactory.
AT0RU0CAT1 Plattsmouth Should Get a Move
on Herself If We Expect to
Succeed in Getting It.
iTrorn Friday's Dally.
Location of the intermediate
refoinialory, for whieh tin last
legislature appropriated ' 1. ",(,
000, will be made, says the
World-Herald, during the winter
by the slate board of control.
Hearings are to begin within a
few weeks before that body and
various towns which are anxious
to secure Ihe institution are to
appear and present the advant
ages they claim.
Thus Tar (he M
have fled formal
Hastings. Humboldt
Kearney, l.ouisv ill.
lowing towns
applieal ions :
. fable
and I'lalts-
mouth. The board thus far h i
not given enouiih consideration
to the matters (o determine upon
what requirements it will lay
dov. n.
The bill providinir for the
establishment of the m-w in-tilu-tion
sets out. that it "shall be lo
cated where not bss than one
section of arable land shall be
available and due attention shall
be given to the healthfulness ol
local io'n, fertility of the soil, wa
ter supply, drainage and accessi
bility." Further, the bill sets out. and
this provision is tin cau-e of
towns with brick plants get tin-:
into the race, that Ihe re
formatory "may be located where
suitable material for the mam -facture
of building and pavin-r
brick is obtainable, and may pro
vide for manufacture of brick I
be used in the construction of
state buildings and state roads."
The state board of control will
find in this locality one of the
best possible fields for the estab
lishment of a plant for the ma'n-
faeluring' of brick, as the soil in
this section of Ihe county is par
ticularly adapted to this line of
work and a more healthful loca
tion, where all the necessary
good water supply can be found
does not exist in the entire stale.
and tin board should look oxer
the situation here, where a re
formatory could be established in
the most healthful conditions of
soil, water and fresh air, and one
that would be of easy access by
rail from all the nearby territory.
and there would be easy com
munication by rail with all parts
of the state. There is no doubt
of the fact that there is plenty of
good clay here, suelt as would be
necessary to use in manufactur
ing of brick, and in addition there
is also a fine farming community
here and land could a I so be se
cured that, could be devoted l'
agricull lire.
The news has been received
here bv the familv of the bride
of th( marriage of .Miss Oertrude
I,. Porter, formerly of this cily.
and Mr. Clarence IC. Martin, of
Salina, Kansas, which occurred
at the Methodist parsonage in
fopeka. Kansas, on Saturday.
December 27. The bride js the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Poller of this city and was
reared in this city, where she has
a host of warm friends, who will
be greatly pleased ! learn f her
new-found happiness.
Strayed or Stolen.
Front my home, south of
'lattsniouth, one 5-ycar-ol.l
lau'x mare, with small stripe in
face and on nose, one bird fool
bite. Anv information will be
rewarded by notifying inf. Win.
ilmour. R. I. 1. No. 1, IMatts
moulh, Neb.
Buy your stationery at the
Journal office.
For Christmas Present.
Owing to ! Ii v- press ,f
Iilltler's e ha e oiniM-l It i ! I I ' I
of one ,,(" the pleas;ii! featiHe- . 1'
Christ mas in :- cil :f II"-
h-u f Mr. liu-l Mi-. P'-!e.'
It'i-iikii, when tiny v. i -si-nted
with a very ie-.iwttfnl
Christmas present i;i the -:.,...
of a hands. one lift I - -vi b.ibv.
who made In-r a ppea i ;. m e ,(f
their hoine on that day. 'I to- ..-
fylit of the parent- over the new
arrival was int. -use jo and lie re
l oiild hav e been 1 1 . t ! t i i i more
pleasimr l I hem.
List of Those who Will Carry
on the Work of This
I"rtu T.;-'!.i v" Daily.
'Ihe Metho.!j, in!i'..y -chool
llelij I he i r ; ni; lial 1. e i : .!i of
illicers and teachers a! If-'
ciniich on Snnlt ;if!rn n :r d
the lollewiM- V'.ele et,.s,i fi.
carry on the work of Ihi- splen
did Sunday s.b.ool: Superintend
ent. C. C. We-eotl: ;:--!-:. rt
superintendent. YV. il. ok-;'
record 1 1! - secret i! r . M ildon
I'rown; livienrrr, . II. ;
librarian, C. I.. On!-. mi; ;e-;!;i:il
lit rariau. I'.yron Hi'm-iM; enrol!,
iir-' secretary. Mi-s II ! t 1 1
Ha. Irali. i; siipei in.! . ciadle
Mrs. II. b n
sunerinieni.enl ii onarv 1 1 . f '
l-'.id, Mi.-s Zelmn TiM-y; .i-;-f-
ant primary tf-pa i ! ni- n t. Mi-
labia Morrison; superintende:-.!
beginners department. M:-s .-
ma Itrady; sup rin! emh'iit junior
.h par! men I., Mrs. M.e Moruart:
assistant. Mi-s Until It -man:
superintendent secondary di
vision. 1. C. Hilton: supel l'de id
enl a. hilt divi-ion. II. i K Oilton;
chorister. Miss . !ma Tue ; or
ganist. Mi-s Hae Tuey; birth
day secretary. Miss . t Ka V'ji-j
berger; tlo.'l keeper. i.o: e
1 1.cker.
Teaehers .if Hi.- ar i :: s
classes Wife seei e. .1 s foJioW-;
Iteginnefs department.
Perth. i Jacks.. n and I.eona Urady;
nrimarv tea rt men! . yii Jen
nie Hatton. .Mildred H i!s. r. I
Tuey, Max Obmi. Mr-. I.. V.
Copeiihaver; junior t!. narf ;i ;(.
Mrs. Jennings Seer-. Mi--Oeorgia
Whit-. Mr-. C. 1. Hi...
bill, Mrs. c. I.. C. iris. ,n. a. .
Ki.'g.-nb.-i'ger. Mrs. J. V. Haft.
Miss I'liabeth Kerr. Mr-. I. N.
Cumminus; intermediate i!'".rl
uienl. Klrn. r I'rans. ...ra HiCou.
Margaret Maoes. ,:. ,,:
senior depai I n.ent. Mrs. i;. C.
Hill. Mrs. i:. H. We.coti ; a l-:!t
depart t!lent. Mrs. C. C.
Mrs. C.owl. s. (. 1 1. Oa'ton. Mr-.
!. A. KnPVnberger. 1'.. II. Wee
and K. C. II ill.
Files Petition for Prohate.
Petition for Ihe ..f the
estate oT We-!ey J. IMller. ,J...
Ceased. Ills been tiled ill the
coiintv court b.v John H. Me
Intyre. a iv- of t'ae d -cea-ed.
residing' in lova. Mr. Iientler
lied iu ll'H7. a! the ir-l. -ide in
sane asjlnui at !!a-t m-'s. nn.
pusses.. ,J some real estate a!
K;il;1", this coii:l. vv fi li
ma, e In; home nri.T t the iinieioi,
lie was sent to llas!m-s.
Our n.t eM-ur-io:i eav
Piatt sin :.l b. i.i Hie Mis. ur i
Pacific. January fdh. m idn iIit . i
for the Hi.. lira tide Vall.v of
Texas. All Vol! fell.WS til.!'
"Wished oii a know.,! it and
you'd went" tlo- last time,
now hav !be opporlnuity. o-l
out. the old carpet ba' and join
Ihe bunch, in our own Pullman
cars on the ni'hl of the '.th. We
have th- goods, and can -h -w
you and get ou back in eih!
days. W. F. Ilosem rans.
f -J'.t-dv.
Doan's Hetrubls are recom
mended by many win. .-ay they easily, without griping1
and without bad after eJT.-cts. jr.-i
at all drug stores.
The Several Ka'.tfr That Will
Come Before Jjdq Uzqlcy.
Term Beginning Jjpuary 5.
!-(! . ( .lu.!.e J T. :-
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..f l, tvVenl, !o of i if-
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,--.--r of Sro J'.t;''.i" f.r ,,
a.h .rf -e;i eri later. T'le .' ' . f
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rirhin-. bf"d;r'.r.
r b!r -1 pile liav y s- j
Iioan mt ne-nt. r.e,. ri .,.!
J i ires.