Under the new homestead law you can file on a free
320-acre homestead in Wyoming at a cost of 922.00 and
buy 160 acres of government pasture land adjoining for
$1.25 per acre.
NEW HOMESTEAD FOLDER: Our new homestead
folder just f rom the press will tell you all about the
nrrncro rf trnvorn niont 1 . . . . I : . . l. c i i-
O - tjv.v-iumtui iauu m fit L 11 Ol CO 11 IllleS
along the Burlington iu Wyoming, and contains a lot
of information of value to you.
TIMBER AND COAL: You can take up these lands
where timber, coal and building stone may be had free
of charge within reasonable distance.
Such an opportunity ought to interest yon. Write me to
day for a copy of this new Free Government Lands
't .-lu k in a suw-drifl when
1 1 1 - wvre liv1 miles from SUc1l
toii. F.d wwit to liHM't. hr, Leat-iiif-r
the train in. as it was stalled
four hours. We have not had
eiioush snow here to stall a. Mis
souri Pa-il"n so that doesn't
mean erv much snow.
9 9 9 9 9 t . . . . 9 9 9
!004Farnam SL, Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent
5 Ledger.
iSiS(S(Sii iSiSiTkSTiST kakiitkm
Miss Jpssie Todd went to Mur
ray Wednesday evening to enjoy
the Christmas festivities with
Mrs. Mary Allison was here
from Plattsmouth yesterday and
spent the day with her daughter,
Mrs. John R. Pierson.
Miss Leota Barton departed on
Wednesday to spend the holidays
with relatives and friends at
Falls City and Atchison.
Deane Lynde and wife arrived
Wednesday evening from Spring
field, Mo., to make a holiday visit
with Myron Lynde and family.
Miss Delia Everett of Platts
mouth came Wednesday to spend
the Christmas vacation with her
brothers and other relatives and
friends near here.
J. M. Patterson went to Platts
mouth Wednesday evening, hav
ing some suspicion that a turkey
feast would be on the program at
the home of his parents.
William Mueller and wife, and
Clara, Stanley and. Will Mueller
went to Elmwood on the Wednes
day evening train and enjoyed
the Christmas feast with rela
tives. Mrs. Harry Graves came in
from Syracuse Monday to spend
the holidays with her parents
and other relatives, and Harry
came Wednesday evening for the
fame purpose.
A change took place in the
corps of teachers last week on
account of the resignation of
Miss Hanks, who departed last
Friday for her home at Julian.
Miss Hanks had been doing ex
cellent work in her department,
and the patrons and pupils regret
that she did not remain the bal
ance of the term. The board se
cured the services of Miss Ander
son of University Place to fill the
vacancy, and she will he here !o
begin her work at the opening of
tlie schools after the holiday va
cation, Monday, January 5.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. I. I).
Banner, a 1 l-pound fj; ill on
Tuesday, Iecemb.-r 2.J. ID 13.
Mrs. Charles Hansen and
daughter left Wednesday for
Wausa to spend the holidays
with her patent s.
Mr. and Mrs. August Engelke
meier, northeast ol" town, were
Lincoln passengers Friday to see
their son, who is in a sanatariuni
Mrs. John Miller and little
daughter, of Dresden. Kansas,
arrived Tuesday night for a visit
with her mother, Mrs. E. J. De
Wolf, and other relatives.
W. P. Hayes and daughter,
Mary, of Plainville, Kansas, ar
rived Friday night for a couple
of weeks visit with his father.
Patrick Hayes, and other rela
tives, t
Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher of
Culbertson arrived Wednesday
morning for a holiday visit with
the latter' sister, Mrs. C. B.
Kugler and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cook and
family left Saturday morning for
Norfolk, where they will make
their home. They rented their
place in the east part of town to
A. M. Cole.
Albert Hennegar is having a
serious time with a sprained
ankh- caused by a hor-e steppinir
on him. lie was just getting
around again Tuesday and got it
throwed out of joint again while
helping with the engine.
Mrs. E. D. Hunter, who b-ri
last Thursday for her home at
Stockton, Kansas, finished her
journey by team, as the train
Mrs. .T;s. Turk and son, Aul
den, went to Kairimry Wednes
day for a vNit with relatives.
Dr. Li-ton and family left
Tuesday night for Lane. Kas., to
spend the holidays with his par
ent s.
Noel Tyson, principal of the
Stanton, Net)., tlih school, is
spending his holiday vacation at
Howard Saxtou and family of
Pend-r, Neb., -pent Xmas with
the former's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. Saxton.
Jake Brekeufeld and family of
Springfield, Mo., spent Christmas
wilii the former's mother, Mrs.
Henry Roelofz.
Alvin Slolz returned Tuesday
to his home near Mil ford after
an extended visit with his sister,
Mrs. Emil Bornemeier, and
oilier relatives.
Mrs. Howard Brown of Sioux
City. Iowa, is spending a few
lays of the Christmas and holi
day season with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. f;eorge Colbert.
Mrs. F. A. Raker and daughier,
June, departed Sunday ewning
for their home at Imperial. Neb.,
after an extended visit with the
former's parents and other rela
tives and friends in these parts.
The daughters and daughters-in-law,
and the sons and sons-in-law.
with the grandchildren,
were all present for Christmas
dinner at th. home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. MeCrory. They were:
Oscar Alb'n ami family of Oma
ha, Iva McCrorv and family,
Marian McCrory and family.
Ralph Dorr and family. Wabash:
Verner Perry ami family of My
nard and Frank Bind and family
of Murdork.
Notice to All Patrons!
All parties who are indebted to
the estate of August Cord or, de
ceased, w ill .please call and settle
same at once. Will lind the ac
count at (border's Implement
Fred Coitier, Executor.
You may need an
and we want to inform vou
that dates can be made
at this office for
eel. Wni. mm
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
..............a.. .
l- News.
Ouinton Palmer is on tlie sick
list this week with tonsilitis.
Crandma Lindsay is reported
as very sick. She is at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. John
Lee Carper came in Saturday
from Fairfax, Missouri, to spend
tlie holidas with his grandmoth
er and uncle.
Rev. Young left Friday morn
ing for his home iu Table Rock,
after holding an interesting two
weeks' meeting here.
We know one family in Ne
hawka that actually got a box of
eggs for Christmas. Of course
it wouldn't be right to mention
any names, as it might create
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stoll are
mourning the death of an infant,
born Saturday morning, that died
that evening. Mrs. Stoll's condi
tion since is not at all favorable.
Craiidma Crubei was 82 years
old last Thursday, and a dinner
in honor of the event, at which
the children and grandchildren
were present anil helped cele
brate. The schools closed Friday for
two weeks, in which the pupils
are expected to celebrate Christ
mas and fully recover. The prim
ary and intennediate rooms gave
a Christmas program Friday aft
ernoon that was very interesting
and well worth while to those
who attended if.
A postcard from Mrs. E. A.
Kirkpatrick at Houston, Texas,
informs the News that they are
enjoying their trip immensely.
They have been sailing on the
gulf and viewing the sights of
interest and are pleased with
eery thing they see. They ex
pected to reach San Antonio
about Christmas, and will make
that their headquarters for a few
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
(P 15) A Ml
ishti i
A costumer from Omaha will be at the hall
Wednesday, all day, to rent costumes.
, 50c. Ladies, 25c. Spectators
. .....
T. C. Amiek went to Tekamah
this week to spend Christmas
with his son, Orin, who is on the
sick list.
Klton Wilcox, win) has spent
the pa-t year in Washington and
California, returned home Wed
Miss Mary IJooin of Welling
ton. Colorado, is spending the
holi. lavs at the home of T.'.I.
I'.ooin and family, in the country
C. A. Riehey and family spent
Christmas in Omaha with the
family of I?en Davis. Miss Pau
line Riehey remained over for a
few days' visit.
Miss Esther Hart of C.resham.
Neb., who is taking a normal
course in an Omaha business col
lege, visited her aunt, Mrs. W.
K. Diers, over Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Diets, sr., whose
serious illness we reported last
week, is still very low, and fears
are entertained for her recovery
because nf her advanced age,
which is 8.
Mrs. R. C. Yant has returned
from Piper City, Illinois, where
she was called a month ago on
account of her mother's illness.
She reports her mother getting
along ery nicely, having under
gone a serious operation in a
Chicago hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raum have
returned from their wedding trip
to Ohio, and after a short visit
with the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Anderson, they
went to housekeeping in Have
loek, where Mr. flaum has a good
position with the B. & M. rail
road. Miss Edyth Shryock has re
reived word that her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Celia V. Shryock, is in
the Immanuel hospital in Omaha,
where she recently underwent a
serious operation for the removal
of a tumor. Her many friends in
this vicinity will be pleased to
learn that she is recovering
For Sale.
The Sherwood residence on
Chicago avenue. Everything in
good repair. Inquire at tele
phone otlice. 1 2-29-1 wk-d&w
Ask for Round Ticket Hosiery.
E. G. Dovey & Son.
A. L. McDonald left Wednes
day mrning for Dener.,
to visit oer Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. I.athroin
left Saturday for an extended
visit with relatives and friends in
New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charbs Rcnnr
retnrued home Wednesday morn
ing from a three week-.' isjt with
elaties in Ohio.
Mrs. Bert Price went to Coon
Rapids, Iowa, last Friday to isit
oer Christinas with her mother,
Mrs. Anna Beatty.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finke of
Faulkner. Kansas, arrixed here
last week for a few weeks visit
with relatives and friends.
Earl -Judkins of Waterloo.
Wis., arrived here Tuesday to
spend Christmas with his broth
er, B. F. Judkins and family.
Orson Sharp has accepted a
position as assistant principal of
the AIvo schools, havinc taken up
his duties at Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I.. Swanon
came in from Osceola, Neb.. Sun
day for a few days' visit with
Mrs. Swanson's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Renner.
Art Hibbs loaded a car here
Monday and departed Tue-day
for Lynch, Neb., where he will
engage in farming the cojnin-'
year. Mrs. Hibbs and children
will b-ae Thursday.
O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
graduate of the Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per- f
manently located in Platts
mouth. Calls answered
day or night. 'Phone 255.
Office COG Main.
3 I"!-!-!'
Enjoys Birthday Party.
On Saturday eveninir, Decem
ber 2, at the home of Homer
Shrader, occurred a ery pleas
ant birthday party given in
honor of Jaspar Oueen. whose
anniversary occurred on this
date, and a large number of his
friends gathered at the Shrader
home to assist in celebrating the
event properly. Music of all
kinds. together with ames.
served to pass the time most
pleasantly and the crowd of
young people enjoyed themselves
to the utmost. At an appropriat
hour a tempting four-conrse
luncheon was serxed. that
brouirht Lo a close a very delight
ful time that will bnr be pleas
antly remembered. Thoe in at.
tendance at the. gathering were
Misses Lillian Wheeler, Esther
Ray, Frances Campbell. Jessb
Barrows, Isabel Shrader, Hen
rietta Creamer. Margaret Moore.
Yerna Moore, Willa Moore, Fern
Hathaway, Yerna Tracy. Yerna
Yaiiiley; Messrs. Fred Campbell.
Lloyd Lewis, Percy Wheeler.
Walter Read. Joe ('.reamer, Joe
Wheeler, Jaspar Queen, Dv.yer
Todd, Arthur Hanson, Dan Sud
duth, Yirgle Sudduth. Frank
Read, Harlan Sans. Charley Bar
lows; Messrs. and Mesdames Ted
Barrows, Walter Sans, Albert
Wheeler, Homer Shrader.
Our next excursion leaves
Plattsmouth, via the Missouri
Pacific. January ("tti, midnight,
for the Rio Oiande Yalley of
Texas. All you fellows that
"Wished you'd a knowed it ami
you'd went alon:" the last time,
now have the opportunity. i;.q
out the idd carpet bag and join
the bunch, in our own Pullman
cars on the niuht of the fdh. We
have the goods, and can show
you and get you back in eight
days. Y E. Rosencrans.
The Proof Is Here the Same as
For those who seek relief from
kidney backache, weak kidneys,
bladder ills, Doan's Kidney Pills
offer hope of relief aud the proof
is here in Plattsmouth, (he same
as everywhere. Plattsmouth
people recommend Doan's, the
kidney remedy used in America
for fifty years. Why suffer?
Why run the risk of dangerous
kidney ills fatal Bright' dis
ease. Here's Plattsmouth proof.
Investigate it.
Jonathan Halt, general store
keeper, 414 Main street, Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills a very good
remedy for backache and other
kidney troubles. They have
proven their value to me. Others
of my family have also tried
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at
Gering & Co.'s Drug Store. They
think just as much of them as
I do."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosf er-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
L CAT I iY f w r
Children Cry for Fletcher'
r '
Tlie Kind You !la? Always Iionht.aml -tvhirh lia b-reri
111 ne for over CJO 3-ar lia Utrn the lgnafnr nt
aim lia tern nuula nndrr p-r
'-&4c4xAC Allow no n lle-td yon In thU.
All "omiterftdt. Imitation ami .Iut-a-sI arn but
12Teritu-iits trifle with mul n1.4iigrr t! li-ultli of
Jnlauts and. ChilUrt n i;iieritrn-i uaui!t HxpcriuicnU
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria ! a liarm1r snbstittit for Cator Oil, Par
poric. Inps nml otIiiiig S run". It i plraant. It
t-ontains uitber Opium, JMrpliine Tior tlT Nurmtks
Fubs-tjiiK-o. Its ngc Is Its iiuniiitr. It l-trys orni
aiil allays lVrri-Jine. I"tr mure ttian thirty jrais It
lias l'-ii in oiitant for tli rrli-f tf Contl)alMint
1'latiiloncy, AViml Tol'ic. all T-'tU!nff Tnmbls arxl
liarr!io-a. It regulates th Stotuarh arI lUi-trIs,
assimilates the IVmmI, giving- l-nlthy aixl natural klec
Tlie CLiltlrcu Panacea-The iotlicr' I'rUaU.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bough!
In Use For Over 30 Years
e mTmjm r- 4
Our i-ur-i..u b-nv! I.nT :i t h-' h t
PlaM-i i!h. M.i Ito- Mi--.-uri i"f If"- a r; . r.-r' . ir...
,. , .... i I i'i'.d-r p!M-f l'af -:: af ttu
Pa.iiic. .lanuary ,!h, midr.i-hf . I 1 f , ,.A
f..r llo- Hi" ;r;M:d- V.i!;.-y ..f"" "
T-xa-. All xoti f.l!.w t li-it ! v.V4VV-.V'
"W'i-h.-d yi.u'd a kt v.. . it nr.. I
u"d wt-nl a'imi." t.'o la-t t '
now ha. Ho- opp'-rtunily. ;! .
out th- old earp-l ai d j.-in'
th- buneh. in our .n PuIImnn j 4"
car or; llo nilit of - 'tit. V.'
ha llo i:"""!-. a 1 1 can h-w..J
you and t'-t '! b.irk in
day-. W. i:. Ib-.-nrra;:. I
i. A ; 9 . - - ...... . . .
Call t
Sj-rtrcr.-M. N-b.
'h -r' 91.
Fv ro) ts) pn a rnc5i3
j-M h ITU
Made Famous by Kate Claxton
A Strong Cast With
as La Frochard
Chevalier Maurice DeVaudrey Mr. Chas. Mortimer
Count DeLiniers Minister of Police Mr. Ralph ie
Picard Valet to the Chevalier Mr. Edwia Robinson
Jacques Frochard An Outlaw Mr. Robert Grace!aad
Pierre The Cripple, his brother Mr. Paul Bi-ady
Marquis De Presles Mr. Allien Allea
La Fluer in the Service of the MarquU - Mr. Girard Floto
Officer of the Guard Mr. Frank M Getr
Doctor of Hospital St. Louis Mr. John Anilerson
Countess Diane DeLiniers Miss Vivian F ret
Louise "Irwor,- Miss Lillian Alexander
Henriette 0rPhans Miss Ola Wcris
La Frochard Mother of Pierre and Jacques. . . - Miss Camilla DahJ
Marrianne, An Outcast Miss Marion Edwards
Julie of Bel-Air Miss Gladis Brjwa
Florette of Bel-Air Miss Doris Howard
ACT L An open Square at the head of the poct Neuf in Pari,
as it was in the year 1737.
ACT IL Chateau of Bel-Air. Terrace and Garden, Mi'Iniht.
ACT IIL The Palace. OfTke of the Minister of Police.
ACT IV. Henriette's Apartments. On the Sixth Floor.
ACT V. The open square in front of the Church of Sc. Sulpice.
ACT VI. The Hut of La Frochard.
A beautiful play presented by a fine cast. Gor2ous Cos
tumes. Sumptnous production. A positive guaranteed attractive
HOLIDAY PRICES 25c, 35c and 50c
Scats at Wcyrich & Hadrabas