The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, DECEm&ER 25. H13
f ,
right kind of
clothes here is easy
because we carry
only the best.
Those V'OUGT Bally
medes with the extra
large Raglan shoulders,
sleeves with deep arm
holes, convertible col
lar, are just what you
want in the way of an
English slip-over gar
ment. The prices at which we
are offering them make
them rare bargains.
C. E.
aline silk and earned lilie and
fern. 'Tin mald'of honor wn
dressed . in blue silk, ami the
bridesmaid in cream embroidered
net. Thefcioom woif dark blue
. m a . I. I. .. A.
ami I he bM man uarK. imh.
The color scheme of v It i I nnd
blue wan used throughout in Iho
decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Will
DriM's.iMi l'fl Thursday inorniiiK
for Omaha and other points tin.
lil Christmas, after which I hey
will be at their home, southwest
of IJnadilla.
Tin oiiUof-lown fciiests . were;
Mr. and Ml. Jake Uesl, Ml". C.
.l'niH'n, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry
hrecen and children of Iowa,
Mr. ami Mrs. .J. .tin Oreeszeu of
It.'nm'tl, Mr. Klmer MeisliiKer
an. I Mr. Will llcil of Plallsinnuin.
Neb., Louie ifnd Ah in C.uthals of
Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. I.ouie l.rti
and daughter, I.ouie Wischmeyei
Fortv-Year-Old Mystery Taken
From the Newspaper Files
. of That Time.
('.has. Mctlowcn, tin 'Mibjecl of
this narrative, was J)orn in
Marion .unity. Ohio. June 3,
iHll. lie removed to Imliana in
I Had, to Illinois in IHtH, to Ne
braska in 1H7:I, near Orleans,
from I line to Frontier county in
November of the same yeai
Miss Oliver Injured.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Miss Carrie Oliver met with
iuite a painful accident this
morning while preparing for the
usual Christmas dinner at the
Oliver home. . Miss Carrie bad
passed into the pantry for some
fruit which was packed in glass
iars, ami in returning she caughl
her foot in such a manner as to
throw her violently to the lloor,
falling on the jars and breaking
them. The broken glass cut her
arm ijuite seriously, 'requiring
numerous stitches to close up the
Item of Interest to Our Reader
Gleaned front the Newspaper
l:iles of Many Years Ago.
Our plow factory seems to be
in somet rouble. Too many cooks
spoil me broth; too many man
agers kill any business.
Mav '2, 187-1, two men, who
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. llailsrh claimed lo be herders, rode up to
and family of Nebraska City, Miss ,js ,ioul and informed linn that
I Amanda
. a
Queller of Uelinanda,
One Who Was There.
Croup and Cough Remedy.
Croup is a terrible disease, it
attacks children so suddenly they
are very apt to choke unless given
the proper remedy at once. 1 here
is nothing better in the world
than lr. King's Now IMscovery.
Lewis Chamberlain, of Manchest- prepared
they had killed itnd bun
elk. Hirer or four .miles
(here, and that he might have it,
if he would to and net it: they
then went, on their way up tin
creek. Mr. McOowen at, once
start. .1 his son, aged about 17
vears, after the horses; he being
gone some time the father be
came impatient ami directing
that the boy should follow him,
himself to go to the
My 1913 Kxcelsior Motorcycle.
Demonstrator 7-10 It. P., two
cylinders, belt drive, Eclipse free
engine clutch, llosch magneto,
fully equipped. Old Sol headlight,
ridel tv Tail lamii. Aermore ex
haust whistle, l'resto-lilo gas
mil.- Minlii 1 1 1 iin rnrrier.
..i-i ,.f Corbin-Urown 'speedometer. This
1 i . . . . . i
machine na-j only necn run auoui
500 miles, is slightly used and
will be sold at a ltAHOAIN. Fur
particulars call or write.
II. sraNHAUF.ll & SON,
IMattsinouth, Neb.
Lea-ley is tilling the cellar un
der Judge Haines ollice with ice
The judge is going to keep Cool
next summer we guess.
John F. Huck. one of the best
men in (.ass county, called ia-a
week ami we nope lie may can
mi t f
oiiener, ne mailt' us ieei so
leler Merges has rented I he
i p . I . . :. t 1 .
UWflllUg iorilieriy ncru tn-ii n
(Sen. 1'. F. Cunninghain and will
move into it soon. As Peter is an
.1 . .. .1. .. i i..
(lil na ucior i:i;u iomk
er. Ohio, wriies nnoui ins -uu-
dren: "Somelimes in severe at
tacks we were afraid they would
rli.v hnl s inert we nroved what ai
certain remedy, Dr. King's New
Discovery, i, we have no fear.
We rely on it for croup, coughs)
and rolds." So can you. 50c and
1 $ .00. A bottle should be in every
home." At all druggists. 11. T..
Ducklen & Co., Philadelphia and
St. I.oui.
place on foot, takhig two knives,
one heavy ritle. a small ax. and
n small bufTalo r(de, lie started
out. remarking that he could
There was a report
Only Relatives of the Contracting
Parties Present to Witness
the Nuptial Knot Tied.
A inot beautiful wedding, at
which only relatives were pres
ent, occurred Wednesday after,
noon. December t, tlt:t, at
o'clock at the home of Mr. ami
Mrs. Ileiitv Oulhals, when their
daughter, Mis I'limni, and Mr.
Will Diee-ien were joined in
wedlock. The couple, attended
by Miss 'Martha Dreeten, si-tr
oT the groom, acting as maid of
honor; Mis Zena Fle-sinr.
bridesmaid, cousin of the bride,
and Mr. l-.lmer Mejsinger, best
man, cousin of the groom, enter
ed the parlor to the wedding
march. Me-ae oT Peace."
played by Mis Ftta Outhals, sis
ter of the bride, Ttiev took their
places beneftth a large white wed
dfng bell, where they were met
by ltev, S. Keier, who read the
impressive marriage lines.
The bride was attired in a silk
chantellv lace over while me--
The Aher-Drevv Stock com
pany, which is appearing this
week at the (Srand theater, hu
been very pleasing to the audi
ences that have gathered at this
. I l. .. M.....I-11-
popular piav iioiie. .liomi.ti
evening for the opening lull they
presented the screaming farce
comedy. "Charley's Aunt," and
last evenfng the company gave
several pleasing vaudeville acts.
Mr. Drew, who beads the com
pany, is exceptionally clever in
his song and dance specialties,
and the entire company, number
ing some live people, gave a per
formance far ahead of atty thing
usually, found in a moving pic
ture playhouse. The Asher-Drevv
company will appear again this
evening at the (.rand.
on the 5th day of Aug
men while looking for
cut for hay, found his
A few articles taken lo
w ere reaui v menu net:
in circula-
lliis morn-
. . . a at !
ing on l He sireets lo ine eueci
that that Mrs. D. F. Iviser hud
been accidentally shot and killed
at her home in the south part of
the city, but the report seems to
have .originated in the minds of
some persons with liltle regard
for the truth, as a message from
the Kiser home tins morning
tales that there has been noth
... .. i .. . i
mg ol me krnil at men; uome ami
there is absolutely no founda
lion for the wild-eyed rumor. It
is strange how such reports get
started, and each time they are
told lliev are enlarged upon until
a mountain has been evolved
from a molehill. It will be a
real, relief to the friends of the
Kiser family to learn that tin
renort is irntrue ami that none of
ibe family have met with any
ltev. Chas. McKelvey delivered
a try aim sermon miihi.i
m 1 1
evening to one i me largest
audiences that was ever gathered
together in Plat I snmu t h. Tin
Methodist church win crowded,
trallerv. ai-b and b dy of the
Stomach Troubles Disappear.
Stomach, liver ami kidney
troubles, weak nerves, lame back
ami female ills disappear when
Flectrie Hitters are used. Thou
sands of women, would not be
without a bottle in their home.
Flira Pool of Depevv, Okl., writes:
"Flectrie Hitter raised me from
a bed of sickness and suffering
ami has done me a world of good.
I wish every sufferinjr woman
could use this excellent remedy
and tlnd out, as 1 did. just how
good it is.' As it has helped
thousands of others, it surely will
do the same for you. Fvery bot
tle guaranteed, 50c and 1.00. At
all Druggists. 11. K Ducklin A
Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis.
stand it any night with that robe hjon lat evening ami
without freezing; these it seems.
were the last, words spoken by
him tti his family.
His son coming home not long
after, soon set out after him, rid-
Pnir one horse ami leading' the
tt her; he says he tracked hi
father about two or three miles.
then lo-t the trail, but was un
able ttt tlnd him anywhere, or at
that time the elk either. Fpon
informing the neighbors they
turned out en masse, but no trace
eoubl be found of the missing
ust, I wo
grass to
his family
The next day two of the neigh-
lnrs ami myself repaired t tin
spot ami collected the hones and
clothing (the gun, knives, robe,
etc., being nowhere to be found'.
We nut I hero in n box. and the
- .
same day they were buried.
We carefully examined th
skull and the shirt, to detect if
aside from . the work of the
wolves nothing could be tlis
covered. Suspicions are ente'i
taiued hv his family that there
was f,ul Play, but as yet the
cause of his death remains a
I write tins m hopes that some
one who reads it may be able t
give some information. If he
was murdered we believe that
"murder will out, and praying
that it may we commit the cast
to Mini who doeth all things well
The dates and other informa
tion as to his disappearance I
received from the bereaved
widow. Truly yours,
F. S. Child
A tvne selling inaleh between
.1. D. Calhoun and W. F. Pa.luett
came off at the .Joutna! ollie
Lincoln, on Mond.iv. Calhoun sel
Mil ems: Paducil .70 in live
hours. Cal's average per hour,
I.IIS: Pad's. 1 t.VJ. A deduction
. . . . . f
oi i .null ems per iiour nr rori e.
lions was atrreett upon nv me
Fit His Case Exactly.
"When father was sick about
. i - .
six years ago no read an adver
tisement of Chamberlain's Tab
lets in the naners that lit his case
. i .1- - --
any sign oi violence, mu c,, Nvrit,is Miss Margaret
Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. "He
purchased a box of them and be
lias not been sick since. My sis
ter had stomach trouble and wa
also benefited by them." For
sale by all dealers.
v lie y-Hast nigs At lesl-
, . i ... 1 1 . i .
deuce ol lie prides pi.nlPT. o
ltev. Mr. Cannon. Mr. .lames W
Wiley to Miss Martha Ilaslin;
all of ('ass county. Nebraska.
And the editor can congralulaie
them most heartily. for didn't
tiiev remember him in some of
the most luscious wedding cake
we have seen ior a long time
rich fruit cake, daintily frosted
jelly cake ann excellent spir,. ease
llauke.l on every side Py ueheious
trranes formed a pyramid e!dom
urpasse.i. .viayi mese tilings !
tvpical of the good things that
shall surround them throughout
their davs and may their shadow
never be less.
I., vv hue. our county com
sioner. has almost given u
trunk road and says if he .1.
I on that Pusiness. he i
The Journal for stationery.
Constipation Poisons You
If you are constipated, your
entire system is poisoned by the
waste matter kept in the body
serious results often follow. Use
Dr. King's New Fife Pills and you
Wilt soon get rid of constipation,
headache" and other troubles. 23c
at Druggists or by mail. 11. E
Pmcklen & Co.,
St. Louis.
.?. II. Hachler of Thursman.
Iowa, ami brother, Henry Hachler,
of Chester. Wyoming, came over
from the home of the former
gentleman yesterday ior a nriei
visit with old friends in Plaits
mouth, taking the train thi
morning for Ashland, where they
will spend Christmas with their
ister, Mrs. Mary A. Derleth. Thi
is Mr. J. II. Hachler's first visit
to Plattsmoulh this year, owing
to having been sutlermg lor the
past few months with a severe
attack of rheumatism. He spent
some time with his brother in
about throush with public lif
If anvthincr more can be done t
further that interest and the in-
I. ... i i. ..i. .1
leresi oi l'lausmouin ne nau
hold on: if not he intends to re-
his county eonimi-sione
du'p this summer and devote hi
whole attention lo his iusiues a
oinniia. vv e should e sorry i
lose Mr. White as a citizen.
Mrs. J. P. Ituby ha gone t.
Ohio lo spend live or ix we.-u..-
ami left Mr. IX. t ruminate ab-ne.
Wyoming, who returned to
i winter.
with him to spend
.M. s. Drake, stejratlier of our
ou:ig butcher, Mr. Martins, has
been visit inur us this week, fi-om
this I Frederickton. Ohio, and was very
the I much pieased with Nebraska, it-
left yesterday.
Seeason's have but little effect in the uniformly pleasing cli
mate of California every day is a day for out-day sports, and
there are speciai attractions for every member of the family.
When you go to California is of little consequence, but how
you go is of all importance.
There U one best way the road that has proven Us super
iority for nearly half a century, the road whose service is as uni
formly perfect as California's tlunate.
This and more too. is the .
Protcttl by Automatio Eleotrio Otook Stty Signal
: s ' Dutl Roitd Doubl Trk
Direot Rout to ' California Exposition. t9t5
Liberot Stopvr Priviljrf. So Donvtsr one Salt LaKa Cnrouta.
For California Uteratiue and infurmation relative to
rwtes. sto(Hvcr priv ileges, eta. call on or address
P, T. M.
Mrs. Kale Itushousen and
l.ouis Wolf of Havenna, Neb-
Philadelphia and who have been here visiting at
the home of their sister, Mr
lora Hess, for a few days, lel
partetl tins inornins for their
Captain Heal i uitiiar..l-"U
iiiiliI I'i't ' ki M t ;lt IV it ;i Mi
' ' . , fill'.
l)avid Stev'noii. from F;.l!s I'.ity,
ha-ve been visiting us for a few
A Delightful Scene.
A rich vineyard surrounded
by hills and woods delights the
eye of every lover of nature. The
juicy fruit or r.uronean ami
American vineyards presented by
lively maidens is both a delicacy
and a nourishment. The hills
jand woods supply aromatic medi
cinal herbs and roots, which the
skillful hand of the chemist
combines with wine into Triner's
American Klixir of Hitter Wine,
the well known family remedy
This is shown in Triner's Wall
Calendar for t?tt. A copy mail
ed to any address upon receipt of
ten cents, sent to Jos. Triuer,
1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave-,
Chicago, 111.
Foe Rent.
A farm in Southern Alberta,
close to town. See O. Cole. My-
liard. Neb. t2-l3-2wks-w
Vi Omaha
For Sale,
A complete Eastman's Photo-
graphitf out tit for sale cheap; 4x3
camera. J. Asch, Murray, Neb.
For baby's croup. Wittie's daily
CUt and bruise, inumnta s sure'
! throat, grandma's lameness Dr.
Thomas Ke lev tie. Oil the house
hold remedy. 25c and 5Pe.
Hon. M. V. Moudy. represent
ative-elect -Oth di-tnet, visited
us Tuesday.
Robert Metier, one of our mt
enterprising: fanners, leaves with
his wife for a six week viit to
Itradfonl county. penusyU aui.i.
tis tUl luune. tbi week.
Popular Mechanics
A GREAT Contm3 Storr U WarUa
Prr$ ath yu may bsta midir.g
wt r.jr time. Ss-.d iuch will Bold tout
ict?rr-rt firevjr. sri ar lirmg in the eeat
yar. oi" the tr.wt roRt!enul ajfe. of what is
S-jubiless tM ktiwsc world in th unjverse.
A residect ol Mors W'juki cladly pay
to this nvtj aiae.ta otler t keep in wrwd of
our progress in Ensiaerin? ni Mechanics.
Ar vu readtox it ? Two miJijrt of your
Coignbor re. ami it Js the favorite maga
tce in taKisands oi the best American
boc. Ic appeal to mil closes oiJ aa4
youn.i n-a and wom:a.
Tb KttM " Swrtant (SO p
gir ty to d Uii:4 bor ti uuilt
artlcliM to botiM aii Jop, rprr etc
" Amat'ar Khiic ( 1 0 r" twi'.s tow to
m:, i- Jurtii'ttrw, irirlft-i ootScs. N
" vrrrtt rwt rnxu. sasirvs eor TOtr
Rev. V. Ree.l. a minister of
M. K. church at Kck Uu:T-. c
etl on trie ileraia luesnav.
Josejth shera, at lbck UiulTs.
has the largest bt f cured meat.
Itanis. si.les uinl shoulders, that
we I:ave seen :u oti inue in .:;-s
county. Iti tut. slo-ra h is sev
eral u.;,j things down at Rock
Plaltsmouth. Cass r.o Neb.
Fy call of the executive co;n
mittee of the sia ;ran.. a
meeting of the masters of Mi.'
ul-rdiiuit.e itan-s (.f i!a-.
county, was held for the ;i:rpoi
nf districting the e.emty. s,.i:o
deteuates to ttie State ;r i:iue.
l?rottor Hail was eUIe.J to the
chair. On moMon the cnu'i'v was
divided ino t"; st ri.o :
No.. 1 consist f r.a!!ahaa.
South Bead, Center, West Grove,
Children Cry for Fletcher's
k -U - .MMMk II 1 I IH " aw i ' i V
Tbo Kind You Have Always Bonght, and Avhlch lia been
iu use for over SO years, lia bornoilio lsnatnre of
y . - and has been nuulo tinder hi pr-
-X v s?-i l. tional supervision Mnre ii iiwain-y,
VjJyTsJZsSS Atl..tVt.n nn f...lM-. Ivi lull ItllllU.
All Counterfeits, Imitntion and Jut-si-;?oa urn but
... a a 4
Uxiwri incuts tliat tr;fl wltTi ana rnuanirer inn iiaiin oi
Infants and Children lIsiKrrie nee nguliiAt iliirinicnl. '
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria Is a liarnils rnbstitnto for Cator Oil, Pare
porle, lrop aai SMt!iin Snus, It In It
eontain neither Opium, .Morpliitio lor otlu-r :ireto
pubstanec. Its ajrc i It. gtiar-.mteo. It destroy AVorni
and allays TVverihiies. I'or morn than tlilrty yrar It
lias been in constant use ftr tho relief of ContljiitUm,
I'latuleney, AVind Colic, all Tertliins" Tnniblon and
IMarrlxva. It regulates the Stomach and lJo-wel.
nssiuiil.ites tlio Fmm!, ivin? liealtliy nnl natural sleep.
Tlic Children's l'auaeca The lotbor'd Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bonght
In Use For Over 30 Years
Fail land, Kconomy, l'nin and
Highland, ("lifti'Ti. I'aii v n u.
Antelope and Iic Itrancli.
No. -J, nf I'airle. 4ireenwiod.
Salt Creek !ranes.
No. ;;. Crand Prairie. Oakland.
I ilendalc, I.ou i-V ille. Klmwood.
. Hope and Weeping Water.
No. i. Mt. p,-a-aaiil. Ph-a-aut
Valley. Three lir.ive. iier. I.iit-.
Met, irnioii ami Spring-dale.
No. 5. Hock Creek. St. Clair.
Kiyht Mile ilmve. lour Mile.
Pl.-a-aul Hidi-e and Piatt.-.
The lime of meeting in the
several dislriet will in Hie
1-lh of Ieeeiiiber at 2 p. m.
Meet inr adjojurued.
.Tas. Halt. Chairman.
J. V. Oi.v, secretary.
Mill If
I J', bb F-a a u ,
, Hi
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent New York phvsi.
ian says, "if it wore r.t for the;
thin slorkincrs an. I t hin-s. detl i
sliues worn by women th doctors
would probably be bankrupt."
vv lien you contract a odd i. r.rt
.va;t for it to I'.cvelop into nneu
lioiiia. l.nt treat if at once Pliam-
lieiian's Couh Remedy is inter. I-
! -d e.rec:allv for coush and'
. i
colds, and has won a wide repu' a-
ti:i by ifs cures of thc di
.asos. It mosl efTcctual and is
!eaant and safe t take. For
ale by all tlealers.
A i;i.,-a- . t.-. ' io-I i-t'-r-dav
by A. i. tl '.inn n; ,
that hi- a-- 1 i-i..?h-r wa- .-ry
low at fi'-r h": - a; S. --iX C;' .
and Mr. It..;;. an at '.-ri f...
Ihat piaee. Tin.- so'-r if .-- itf
flilli'y iece;v-d a Il'-s-.l-e f I
Mr. io'uao . Cieii' tto -. !
nev;- that In- niothrr h.ul p -- :
away la-! rveni'iv. Mr-. It :
vas ve'l adnpri. 1:1 jm. i !
!imj she ie. until l.-i i'
aoi:,J have pa--d f.'-r iom.-c .
inile-t. ;n'd b--pi'e ti r
wa- very a- !ie ai ! wa ai.
be i;p an
d u ;? .', ,i '"
Wilso.i t:arle and wife ..f I.o
Anue'. -. California. who . are
visiin -z at the home of . C.
Haii.-y. n. ar Maple i;i.., were in
the city to, Jay and will -pul a
few- days at th,. borne of Mr. T.
I.. SchatVer n -ar this city.
Week" a -'o. h. I'll I !
in- i " lioin- wiili li.-r -i n. C. J.
Hon. an. in S.oi. C.iy. f.-r il:- -few
vear.-. ard had b- S- '
several ti!ii-- n a Vi-K w .: ):
f . ! .1 t ! of It r The f
will ! liId l"r.I at U-
horn-. Mr. a I Mr-. !. !. '
!..!-- and Mi-- !.'.'b IP-- v
b-ave tomorrow f" a-'. - !
Cured of Liver Complaint.
I was cii:T v.:tz w.iU i "
romplaint. -av- Iv.i s-.i'i '
Point istuk. T t v-. 1
to try a -'."e .. . f CtiTi i- "
Tab'-"?-, ard n:u In; ; ! '
that I ar i c-mpS ' ; rr. '
can rcornrn' :-.d tl:--': i ' "v - -or.-.-."
I'.T s i!- by all ! -i'-
A telephone combines everything you
have imagined an appropriate hristma
Gift should.
It is a Remembrance that will be treasur
ed by the entire household as an indication
of your expression of Holiday Sentiment
Adds pleasure, comfort and security tr
the lives of those about you. Order a tele
phone at once so that it may bs installed in
your home as a hristmas Gift.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. IC. POLLOCK, Local Manager
. . "v-..i