ITfU Slate Tr.A.t... "wiiwui C0 The JOURNAL Wishes Every One of Its Readers "A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS" and May HEAVEN he Their REWARD Jouma VOL. XXXIf. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1913 NO. 101. plattemoiatb CITY COUNCIL HOLDS SESSION LAST EVEN IN B Great Deal of Talk Indulged in by Council Paving and Gutter ing Work Started. Fn.m TiKs.lay'i r;illy. Al 1 1 1 - regular semi-monthly meet inir of city council List evening there was a yreal ileal of I-iijuence indtil.-ed in Jiy tin dif ferent member- T tilt' subjects that came tip for the attention oT the rily dads ami there was hard miiI lead lo a irreal ileal uf dis uoL i.-aii l a i-eatl ileal itf dis i-n - h hi. Iul the chief feature i r t!ie evening was the matter uf penitiir up Mercer aenue mnl ttie acceptance .if the work on Hie sivlli ami Oak streets paving di-lrict. The Mercer avclllie I J 1 1 e I i o ri was brought up oil tin presenta tion of a petition signed y W. M. Marvlny an.l other property owners in the locality where the aetnie is located, akin thai the thoroughfare le opened north to lirare street, ami theme wel lo Italloii aemie. ami (hat I In fences which have been placed Ihei'e by the properly owners be removed ami that I In survey of .the Sired be Coll I () let ei I. In regard lo Mercer aveum. "oiim-ilnian Ha.jeck slated thai tit.- ijuestiou hal been u a prcal many limes ami that he thought thai it sholll.l bl' . scltleil ainl he maile a motion that I hi city sur veyor le instructed to. complele the work of snr street, an.l that the wurk of" opening up the street be Completed This year if possible J City Attorney Tid-1 informed the council that the survey of Mercer avenue had been colll- plefeil up lo Fulton street ami that a-, siinii as the survey of Un balance of the avenue was coin pb le.j'he woiilil be ready to start in lo have the fence removed, lie al-o informed Die council thai there was a live-acre tract aloiii-' I he aenue where the .-I reel is only thirty feet wide, and here the owner ha- held possession so I w-i thai if the city de-ires to widen the sheet jt will be neces sary for them to purchase the land: this is what is known as the Kalasek place.. Councilman Hall.-t iom v;h not in faor of opening up the street if i! would involve the city in trouble through litigation, as he had -understood that, sojn of tin residents there wore frninir. to bjecl slronaly lo having the sur vey in;.' done, whil other vci;i in r.ior of having the wurk carried "ii. Counrihsian IJn.jeck. during li- argument conii'rn injr the mailer, look the occasion to pass a few remarks coneernin;.' the manm-i- in which, the ci!y survey or ha t in-ated tin city Council in lliejr :viii'-! for a written report a- to ihe result of his work on the Mercer avenue -ui'vey that has br. coinplel and he did not believe Ihe sUIVcVor W.1S tfi-atill? Hi.- public riirht in the matter. Mr. I.ajeck was also of the pinion that Hie public slreets sh.mld not be fenced up by private individuals. The mailer was -ijed when the council pa-si-d the moti. ,ri of Mr. Itajeok to Lave the avenue opened up. Councilman llall-lrom of the li-lllillU colnmillee reported that in company with the rest, of the committee he had called on the management of the liybt enm pany here in regard to the mat ter of ihe p lipids which had I n !i:imli-d Ihe rily durinp the pa-t f, w moMlhs. and the super intendent had held mil a hope that the -ervice Would be belter an.-;- the holidays, as they ex pecied to have the current into tin- ci,y fi-oni Hed Oak by that I "m- and would then be in a po-itim, (, furnish all kinds f IiIi! and power lo the city and the private consumers. The '"inpany had also, so Mr. Hall drom stated, offered to give the r-'iy a rrbate for the Ii$ht that were out of commission, if the commit lee would name the re bale, but they were unable to do this, and Ihe amount of the bill as reported by the committee on finance to the lasf session of ihe council was recommended for payment, amounting to some l.'hi.ll. On the motion of llall stroni to allow the claim of the liiihl company, Shea ami llullery vol I'd nay. The report of the tirin of Bruce A Slandeven of Omaha, the en gineers in charpc of the wmk of in-peciinp Ihe paviiur and put lerinp on North Sixth street and mi Oak street, showed that some four blocks had been tinished and the engineers found the work in excellent shape and recommend ed I hat the same be accepted and thai Ihe amount of A-.-'Itn.OO be paid lo the contractor for the work already done, and that the time limit, which expired on Ie Cember 1st. be extended until May 1. litis, as there are several blocks et to fiui-h up on Sixth (Continued on Eicrhth Tape.) US GREET INGS FROM SU PREME GUARDIAN Christmas Greetings From Su preme Guardian Emma B. Man chester of Woodman Circle. To every 4 1 rove ami lo every Soverejpn of the Woodman larch and to all Sovereipn Woodcraft, I exleud lii each and all my hearly vvishes Tor u happy, merry and heneticient r.hrisl mas. May all enjoy this blessed season of the "Babe of Bethlehem." which we all call '-Christmas tide." For almost fifteen years, each year. I have extended to yon niy hearly wishes for "A Merry Christ mas." and each year these wishes and preelinps expand further and further over more territory ami iulo more home-, till now Sovereign Woodcraft is reach inp- into the million mark. In our own beloved order for women and members of the Woodmen of Ihe World I have. Ihrouph a kind providence, been abb- each year to preet you one anil all as a "mother." ami now whilst I am enjoyinp- the con fidence of over l.'io.nnn members Circbrs I am e.xtemlinp to each of vou my confidence in you. wi-liMip you all the joys and com forts that anyoive can bestow at this.plad -eason of the year. The Crafl has been very pood and kind to me all these years, my life's work is wrapped up in Ihe Woodman Circle and in each individual soul within the Circle, which pives me courape and con viction to know that my warmest and heart ie-t preelinps will be accepted by all Sovereipn W I- crafl. In extendinp- to you these preelinps I cannot pass without Ihe Ihoupht that only throush our prand leader and founder of perfected Woodcraft, our beloved Sovereipn Commander. .1. C. Root, has it been made possible for us thus lo preel each other. For rny vvrk. in conjunction with his. is wrapped up in you all, and he alone has made it possible for our prand orders, the Woodmen of the World and the Woodman Circle, to exist and flourish as the two soundest anil most Iruly frafernal beneficiary orders in existence. Would that I could prasp each and every Sovereipn by Ihe hand and extend to, you personally these happy Christmas preetinps. but our official , paper, which comes to your home, comes fo ymi from me with all pood wishes for "A Merry Christmas." May r;od bless and prosper you all i file sincere wish of your Supreme r.uardian, Emma Ti. Manchester. A lazy liver leads lo chronic dyspepsia . and constipation weakens, the whole, system. Doan's RpguleU (25c per box) act mildly on the li-er and bowel-. At all diuff store?. JOE LENEHART FOUND DEAD Found Dead Hanging From Raft ers in Barn of William Kauf mann, Near This City. From Tues.lay' Daily. Tllis moiinnp at an ear ly hour, at Ihe farm of William Kauf mann. southwest of this city, the dead body of .Toe IJnehart. a well known character Ihroiiphoul this section of the county, was found hanpinp- from I tie rafters of the barn by some of the family who had pom- to the barn to do the inorninp work. came to the Kall mann place late yesterday after noon from Ceilar- Creek, where he had been for the past two ears work inp at dilleient farms in that locality, and stopped lor some time al I in Kaufmauu farm, but was not noticed as show inp any desire In end Ills earl Illy career, and the discovery of Ihe bodv came as a preat shock to the fam ily, with whom I.ineharl was well known. lie hal .secured a rope in Ihe barn at the Kaufmann place some time durinp the nipht. and fasfeninp it to one of the I rafters had placed the noose around, his neck and launched himself into eternity and had ap parently been dead for several hours when found this nioruiup. He was a man of about SO years of aye and unmarried and was for- some lime a resident of Ibis city, beiup- employed around the lmal saloon, w here h e- flon -1 h e janitor work of the huiidinp. and after b-avinp- here located at Cedar Creek, where he Wor ked as a farm hand amonp- different farms of that section. He seem ed to be sliiihtly a Heeled al times and his stranpe actions lead to the belief that he was not ripht mentally, which probably ac counts fur his suicide. as he seemed quite downcast when talked to al the Kaufmann place. A- soon as the news of Ihe lindintr of Ihe body was -enl lo tins city I'epuly Sheriff Man speaker notified Ihe coroner at Klmw of the ib-ath. and he will arrive this afternoon lo look after- the reamins and determine the necessity of an impie-l. I.ine hari was a member of the Sons of Herman lo.lpe of this city. WHY NOT MAKE ' SKATING RING HERE There has been a preat many suppe-tions heard in the past few days of Ihe adv isiabilily of havinp- the base ball park Hooded this winter ami made into a .-kal-inp rink, where the children, as Well as Ihe obb-r people could po to skate in perfect safety, and there would be no need of vvorry inp" over- having- them break tlirouph the ice and drown. The cost of havinp the park flooded would not be preat and a neat sum secured for the base ball as sociation by havinp a small ad mission fee charged to skate on Ihe grounds, and Hie sum so realized could he expended in the summer months in' the repair- and improvement of, the park, which would be a source of much profit to he base ball loving public of the city, and the use of the park Tor skating purposes would not in the least injure it, and the ex pense of fixing it for this purpose would be so small as to hardly be noticeable. This is a matter that should be considered by the management of the base ball as sociation. Notice to All Patrons! All parlies who are indebted to the estate of August (1 order, de ceased, will please call and settle same at once. Will find the ac count at (lordcr's. Implement Store.. . . Fred Gorder, Eiecutor. - TH S MOR G Secure Ninety Days in Jail. From Tupsilay I'aliy. This morning Sheriff Ouinlon came in from Louisville, bringing with him F.lnier Y'img and Fred Cleveland, bolh of whom received a sentence of ninety days in jail yesterday at that place for light ing and making an as-null upon lieorge Dolan. The men were en gaped in working in the iiuarries near- that place and Saturday be came involved in trouble which finally b- to the tight and to the sentencing of the Ivvo men ye-ler-day to a term in jail. Card of Thanks. We wish to lake Ibis method f expressing our most sincere thanks for the kindness of our many friends at I'lat I mihuiI h. and e-pecially do we wish to I hank the members of tin Swedish Ladies' Aid society for their beautiful tloial offering at the time of the ibath of our beloved wife and mother. C. Johnson ami Children. Louisville. Xeb. RYNOTT RETURNS TO HOME HERE She Has a Very Interesting Trip Through the East and South. From Tuesday's Dally Mis. Kdvvard llyindt has just relurned from an extended trip in Ihe east and south in t-ouipanv with Mc ILvuutl. '.sJ. is draveli.Mg for a large Omaha wholesale house, and greatly enjoyed the visiting- of the dill'erent interest ing points throughout that sec tion. While in Cleveland. Ohio, a few Weeks ago the witnessed the territic blizzard that swept over that city ami Lake I'.rie and which la-ted for three or- four davs. and the downfall of snow was .something startling, being three and four feet deep in the principal pari of the city, and one could hardly venture out n the lt-eet and travel was priclicaily abandoned during the time that the slorm waged its fury. The deep snow. Mis. Hynott states, was a very strong reminder of the heavy snowfall here some two vears ago. when the streets were blocked with I lie heavy snowfall. Mr. and Mrs. Rynoll were al.-o down through Tennessee and Mississippi vjsiling the different citi.-s which Mr. Hynott has in his territory. While at Memphis Mis. Hynott witnessed the sink ing nT the steamboat. Shiloh. The boat came in Sunday evening. De cember I S. and making the dock landed its passengers for that port, while Ihe remainder of the passengers going to points fur ther down Ihe Mississippi river remained on board. An hour af ter the boat had lied up she struck on a larpe mck in the r iver, and being heavily ladened. stalled to sinp from Ihe rushing waters of the river that poured into the hole torn in the side of the boat. In sinking the boat swung- around and broke one of the guide ropes and swung out into the river, but the passengers were all gotten olV safely. Of the large amount of freight carried by- the boat some 20O bales of cotton and 200 sacks of seed were gotten to shore after the boat sank, as negroes in small row boats were sent out for this task and several of the boats were overturned in attempting the loading of the cotton and seed. At the lime the Rynotts left Memphis there was --only a small portion of the boat visable above the waters of Ihe river, but two divers were engaged in preparing to a-sist in Ihe work of raising the vessel, which was a great menace lo other boats entering Memphis. To feel strong, have good ap- petile and digestion, sleep sound ly and. enjoy - Hfc, use. Burdock Blood Bitters, the, -family .system tonie. Price ?1.00. ; MRS EDWARD i d era AND MISS GLEE APPLEGATE WED Married This Morning in Omaha and Surprise Their Many Friends Here. From Tuesday's Dany. A very plea-ant -urpri-e wa-pivi-n 'he friend- of Wavm- i:ck- sO ami Mi-s I'lee Appleuale. one of our talented voiini: ladv teach ers in the public school-, thi n e n 1 1 i 1 1 . wlii-n a me--ai:e vv a - re ceived from them in Omaha an nouncing that hereafter ihe would go through life a- one. Ihe ceremony that united litem bejnu performed jn the metropolis this morning. It had" been known for time Ilia! he-e oling people Were to be married, and alreadv a tine new modi i n residence i- bein for them on North Sixth street, but they Were able lo pull If a complete siirpri-e on their friend-. a when they departed for 'he metropolis last evening it was with Ihe intention. ibev in formed a number of their friends, of attending the theater, ami the -urpri-e may be imagin ed this morning when the an nouncement of their weiblini; wa leceive.l lo re. I'.olb of l he-e young people are among the iuo-1 popular in Ca--coiinty. wln-re they were both born and reared to maul I and womanhood, ami they will receixe llle Ulo-I heartfelt VVI-hes of all for Ihejr future happim--- and joy in . i.'uir u.iJif 'ied life.. The groom i- a son of the late Frank iMckson and wife, and ha-spi-nt his lifetime here, bavins made hi- home wilh the familv i f his grandfather. F. M. Hichev. and is a vniiri: man of exceptional worth and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He is at pre-en! acting as manager of the Hichej Brothers Lumber Co. of hi- cilv. The bride i- one of the mo-t charming ladies who ha- taught in ttie schools of this cit. and during the pa-t Hire,, jears ha been one of the mo-t valued mem bers ,,f the leaching -lafl". Sin was born and reared m-ar I'nion. where li.-r friends are legion, and it will be a double pb-a-nre to the friends of the contract in:? partie lo know that they are t be resi dents of this citv in the futu"e. RECEIVES FINE TURKEY FROM SUNNY TENNESSEE From Tuesday' Iiallr Yesterday Henry O. Soennich sen received by express a mani licenl sp.'ciman of the turkey family in the shape of a bird shipped from sunnv Tennessee lhal weighs in the neighborhood of foilv-lvvo pounds and is one of the nicest thai ever came to Ihi cily. The turkey i- from the poultry and turkey farm of John B. Mid. lb-Ion. mar shebille. Tenn.. who has f.c.vl- from tii fa r in sold in all par I- of the American continent ami who Ibis year will ship several turkey- to Cuba for- the Christmas sea-oii. MRS. J. W. DEAN VERY LOW AT MARYSV1LLE. MO. From Tufsilay's liaily. Sunday morriini: a wa received here by Mrs. J. 1'.. Imiz- lass annoiinriii that her mother. Mrs. .1. V. I lean, was very low at Marysville. .Missouri. and that death seeined only a question of a fvv hours. Mrs. liou-la--. in cmnpai y with her son. I'ean. ami daushler. Mis Vosja. left at once on Ihe first train for Marysville to be at the bedside of Mrs. fiean. who ha for- the pas) si month been in a stale of semi-rop-M-jousiifis.' having about that time surTerrd a "stroke of paralysis which rendem! her helpless. Released From Dispo Asylum. ' Fr.iiii VV'-.ln.--.! 's I'iiI'i. Notice has been ret-.-iv .-.) hr- thai Joe Bl'o.b'beck. Who VV.l-l -nt to Ihe dip-" a-' I mi !r .:i' this co!int. had 1.--i !!. ,i I ; as cured and v. ill be ello-.v.-.t hi-; llbef tV. Mlo.ibel k llVe.J ;i Creek and wa- mm h e ld -. !! the l-e of ll.plor- to r.-.-. !:i-j ti! the an! horn re- -!-.! !.. llllll to Lincoln to ! l-e.t! !!! it for the allln ! e.u. I i- :.. (.. ' i hoped that he Will t.e ! he fi; avoid indulgence m f,..! b'.w . ' Secure Week's Layoff. From WHnci"lm t:ir. The an of men employed b the r.Hrhntoit on the .,t!e'-.-, I line- of imp! ov r.: ! k ,t and alo n! Ihe np-r.ip w..rk .1. the MVi-rVVlll enjoy a .. ,.,. day. siaitini: to.iav. a-d vv : ! I n- I have f. return vvo', ui nl af-li-r .New"-. "Ili i wii! iv.- the (lien ample !M.'- lo ce. ,i .1 I e the holiday-. GEO. A. PURDY ON 25,000 MILE MING TRIP Flopsheim Shoe Worn by Wan on a 25,000-mile Walk. Ing Trip. The r.-ad.-r- of the .l.u.rnai vii; have a very clear rem i.-i ti,. 1 ..f lieorge . pnrdy. v!i.. a ; ;i : ! here a-l -iiinmer i-c!iir n ! the white -J.tve tiallic. ai-. be vv.i ensaed then nt a walfciii' ! r of ttie I'tiiled 1.lles a id tl.ld !!.'-l covered -ei-rai huii t'-i-d mile- til- lo trip over tt e .lTer.-.,l -rate- ami territories ,.f the coiinlry. While h.-te Mr-. ptr,v purcha-ei a pair of I -Iien i j -hoe- of )e'l -iloe -lore loj wear on to- trip throu-h llo-l country. a:nj lb- inei-b-ni b.-e'i aluio- forolien U!i:d I.ti. day, whe.i ;. sl-in!i;n;.-r ..f :bi cily. who had become a.-.p : :i . : 1 ' -e.J with Mr. I'ur.iv. r.-.-eiv.. .1 package by eVpn---. and (-!:- illi.- it Wa- -lllpll-ei; (o ,r;d a pair of -hoe- well w..f n ;r 1 I ra v I - -1 a 1 1 1 -. t . o.-:oi w;'h .1 biter from Mr. Pur.h. who b.e! 111 f di-iar.b-d the -hoe- al'.r haviiii; traveled over t..'.! illlii-- 11! I lie I I : 1 1 '. I stales ( them. The .h h.i- be.i '"-! -o'lb-d tW!i--. lb- tir-t too.- mj .ebraka Ci!v and Ihe .', lime at Montr. Mi .U. acl'4" Hie heel- replaced Willi leVV ol:ei X tZ,f-: i ...'THE DISAPPEARANCE the -hoes elra tool. :t- Ib.vj pa--e. tbioiih .in.- v.-iy !.-. I j wear. I am f.-e!iii- ti-n-; -!ii! r.- ilirr Ihe lecture, and li.iV :ir. I; . -ticce-- all aloni: Mi- wav. I. tiave a b.-ii t ten po-i!..j iiirt- I wa wilh you. iuve n.v j repai d- lo ail tnv fi i-ii.. n j Plat I suioii t h and le!i Ito-in I n;-n think of lln'in." Mr. i- iM!:,i;n f,i .-vei. iiiir jr.. mm nub-, o' Ho- t o- i Slale. ami ha- i -ac i- il ... j . . . .... . . I -lalie.i on in.- !.!: Ii;;.. an.) Ii I e-: i mom. 1 1 a- lo fit vv.-armi ilia!lte- of the I bU - f ) III l -1 - i. one thai wi! .e inn. h ap- i precat.d by the ,'.,., -f ...... J which for ear- ba. Ivindb-.l I b . j i;.... ..f -i - ' Mil' " -i" s, Kills Big Wolf. C.halk" Valb-rv y -r,,l k . i ! - e. at Ih- ho( f hi- '.ille r. W . T. Valb-ry. near Myi-aid. a lare- -iei VV-lf a! Hie r.l'l;e of i T. yard-, and he didn't have Vl.ti-i'-irun. eitb.-r. tut n-ed an o.j mu-ket that put Mr. Wolf oi:: ..f bu-iiie-- iii shot t oi d. r. For Sale. (bun! i"'-ai-re farm '.. I. 'lie. siiuthia-t of fireei w 1. Nb.: 1-jri ai r i in winter wh-a:. acres meadow. Al-.. - 1 acre farm I tinb - vve-j of ;reenwf.od. N b.; T a. r.-- in winter wtieat. f a-re- atfa'.fa. Call on or write. A. f. Welt.-n. or Farmers Sfat Bank, fit eenw r...d. NVh. Try th Journal fnr".statif.mtrj-. YOUNG CASS COUNTY FARMER i! Event Celebrated at Dfummond, Oklahoma, on the 18th of December. A O 01 I ! I n . I . . . I s ;,. I .. - , 1 : 1 , . .. .. .;. 11 : tt,. . . , ., 1 1 be ,., ' ,...e . ' M V - I . M -s t .-I.. . :. . . . ; . ,- M - lie: N . '. I , l. I ti- w. . ...i 1 ... I ,.r ; ! M i- ' . ' ! i I 1 1 ' . . ? Vv i , . , - 11. . ' . . . i t ' t i 1 . , - to 1 ... . , 1 . : , j l i - 1 . i ..1 . I 'file t. I I ' V . . J i p. i- !.. . ..." . h- ... - . m I j l ' " 11 : t I ti . -.-' V , .' , V . .J M -1 ! !;-.! .n . .. i, ... ..1 j 1 1 . 1.' .: 1- b . : -. . 1 . e ' V " X -. i tl e I . . I - .1 i ' , .. . . i -.-'! - ' ! ..,..;.. f w !i 1 ! ( . . . 1 I W ! I e ' e I ! .- V. .. !e!d 1 , j 1 ' . 1 1 . . I ' , . ; . . V e.l ! tl . f . I I. ..... - A .( - .1 I . , . f- . l - s I ,-v :..h !:,. A ., ... ...f c'l..! .M : . 'V .o . I I ! . . . I Wo, e .1 Se. - '. of .-,. ef .-e .i ' ; t 'V .1 . ,'..!..! '.!:". I i ! ! ' I I , ! fieri, .1 . .. - ' 1 . ; . I . - Ho- i i i j ; x . v . I.:. . f M ' . a ! M - I:- -v ... . ., i ' . ' .i v ; - ' i . i t o . Ii v b.'e . r-j.e -t t ee I . VV h ' 1 1 i ,.1-te . ,'1 - I ' .1 ! e ..-I'M h ; t '.. - A . . ' ! I'.-llll V . I .."..w ;i lb- . .- v ,,-. .. ...'.. i. ,: i w ! ! i v i : . I r . . ; ! . j . vv b b v l . : i - ' r ....(. j .1 '! .1 v -! v : ,". . ' - . . ! , J j - w :i - -. - v . i . . -.. , . . i ' j i ;'i-; - , , -1 .i -f I . I f' i i, w. e .!, w . w : I w : - !,.. ,.f !,. - f . . t t i ! b .i t j. .i ' ' x w b. ,- i if - ; - j -.. w. -;i ..- .; r ,t.' . .--v f.-j.-v.Ti' .- -v.!- ..h.f .; i j i i i , - . . .1 ; ! : ;;;..-:. . . . . - . i : I l.e-l -. .1 ! the ;. -. i d- p.i r :!. .i ' ' -a 'i V! . I t, . ! -. lei,- .. I .. V .. . - j p- . I - Hi,.. I el l-t.e.l bv I be- I ,.- - . -.v V I-!: .; , - : he I : i v.. . OF JOHN JL JOHNSON STILL A OEEP MYSTERY ; .1 t i .i i I f.l I,. 'le . I.. r ,..t, i; (e.i-. :i- I . f ' .1 - ,- e- l .J ' !, III. VV 1 1 .lei:... t . i . V fl-i ti IV e : .i I I,. : .- I ,-.:...! .,. !... : to. . ...I .- .i'.v.. " 1 ," ' ' ' !' ' v - " f ' U " - " '- 1 " tb-.- ! '' . f.o r.i f. . ...... - ... ';. w ! t ... .i . b.i ,.,! . !,,- j " J- !l '! " Ml. . ' tie e I !,.. S. .t IV I . -.1 ; p. i. ' .1 ' l. ., . (,. . ,. . v le . ! I.'.. I I-. h-u:.. !. ... :t' -I a. e. .v J ! - lb. p... ; e. ; o - . l fi .i : .i r - I ' :. I : i .1 a ' i - .. foil i.d I I. I- I- t lo- ! t - l-r, -ee. t l - I V . le . n f- - "1 te le - I " leautlful Shetland Pontes jf tt ?a! at all tim.. f.-r t. 100 Tfar-, !:n!. I d.- it. th tt far.tirr . I h.iv r-w ai Ttr fn .tallion. th b-t in t'i tat. for fa!. n broke f"r both harr.f. and ad Win. Cilmrrz". R. F. IK Nr. 1.