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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1913)
MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1913. PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. items Fir limns Stepsrs Mrs. W. II. Mark went over to Syracuse last Saturday lo visil her .laughter. Mrs. Harry Craves, who is very ill; fur a few days. She relumed home Tuesday," her little granddaughter, Helen, ac companying- her. Joseph Cole of Wyniore ar rive,! Tuesday o make a. visit with his -ister, Mrs.. William Chalfunt, and other relatives. Mr. Cole spent liis boyhood days near Hock Muffs ami on this' visit he meets a number of his old-time friends. -I & WEEPING WATER. J. Republican. K- Ladies White Waists, Fancy Aprons Embroidered Velvet Collars, Lace Collars and Cuffs to match. Silk Rateen Collar and Cuffs to match. MeCallum Silk Hosiery. Phoenix Silk Hosiery. Silk Petticoats. Em broidered Center Pieces. Fancy Neckwear. Mesh Bags. Newest Novelty in Hand Bags. Silver and Gold Coin purses. The newest Pattern in Cheeney Bros Foullard Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Fancy Lace Edge Handkerchiefs. Holly Boxes for Xmas. Zuckweiler & Ltiiz UNION. Ledger. Leonard Thacker and wife came home on Tuesday from Walthill, where they had been visit inar two weeks with relatives. Dr. K. V. Cook of Plattsmouth was here a short time on Mon day, Koinfr to Weep ins? Water, where he was called on profes sional business. James Cook relumed Tuesday from Texas, where he spoilt a few weeks visit inar relatives and giving- his rheumatic limbs an op portunity for improvement. Taylor Buck and wife departed Tuesday morning1 for Itivtiton. Wyo., to make a holiday visit with Mr. Mick's parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Theodore 1. Mick. tt. II. Fran and wife spent the day Monday in Omaha. Mr. Frans transacting business at the wholesale houses while his "bet ter half did the visit ing. .A. W. Simmons of Walla Wal la, Wash., a nephew of W. !1. Davis and cousin of Miss Fannie Kikenbary, arrived here last Sat urday to visit his relatives for a few days. Vernon T. Arn and family left on the Tuesday morning train for Clarington, Ohio, where I hey will spend a month visiting with relatives and friends at Mr. Aril's former home. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Domingo were over Sunday visitors at Murray with Mrs. Domingo's sis ter, Mrs. Karl Jenkins and fam ily. Mrs. Charles Dill and children of Kosalie arrived Friday to visit her mother. Mrs. Charles Phil pot, ami other relatives until af ter the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ppangler and daughter were in Omaha Satur day. Mr. spangle; has been in rather poor health lately and went up to see his old doctor. John Heebner. southeast of town, is reported quite ick. be ing threatened with typhoid fever. Thev have hail a trained nurse to rare for him since Wed nesday nieht. Scot Davis of Seotts Muff was visiting his parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, from Sunday evening until J uesday morning. Scot is looking' line and report the W. W. people at Scott's Bluffs all O. K. Henry Snell. one of our retf hog raisers. eat of town, is after the belt ; he marketed Monday some 7 K -months-old pigs that averaged -o pounds each. We expect to see Henry beat these figures, as he knows how to raise hogs. Adam Cook, northeast of town, and his father. Philip Cook, are loading two ears of stock, farm implements and household goods his week and will move tn a parm near Norfolk, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Earnest Ronne. who has been visiting heru while her bus band has been moving to Min nesota, left for her new home Wednesdav afternoon. She wa accompanied as far as Omaha by her father-in-law. Fred Honne. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Walker left Monday morning for Minneapolis. Minn., where they expect to visit Mrs. Walker's mother, who is 01 years old. They expect to h absent about four weeks, return ing by She. way of Chicago, where they expect to visit with Mr. Walker's sister, Miss Cora Walk er, and other relatives. LOUISVILLE. JWVi i ii4V 4 i J. O. Ward shipped a carload of cattle and one of hogs to the Soulh Omaha market Tuesday. School closed Friday for the Christmas, vacation of one week. beginning again on December 29. at ..9:30 a. m. F. Diers and family went, to Oretna Sunday in the Jackman car to spend I lie flay with the II. J. Tangeman family . Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Dunn left Friday Tot Bedford, Iowa, lo spend Christinas at. the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ouy Stiekcll man. Miss Alice Voigt. of Davenport, Xeh., is a guest at the home of Mrs. Julius Ilagoss. Miss Voigt and Miss llulda Hagoss were school friends: at the Peru Nor mal. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers were ealb-d to Oretna Thursday even- in ir bv the serious illness ttf Mis. Diers mother. They returned home Friday morning and report her much improved. Mrs. O. II. Johnson died at her home at- Olendale, Monday, De cember ir, af the age of fi years. after an illness extending fiver a period of two months. Mrs. Johnson hail been a sufferer from diabetes for several years ami had the best of medical attend anee to no avail. Mrs. Hugh Seiver of l'l Reno. Oklahoma, arrived Thursday Mr a visit with her parents ami other relatives. Mrs. Seiver states that it has rained in Oklahoma for the past two weeks almost in cessantly and that the report that Oklahoma ' raised no coni last fall was not true. Announcement has been made bv the directors of the Bank of Commerce of this city that they will increase the capital slock from ir,noo to .$25,000 January 1st. The Bank of Commerce is one of the solid banking institu tions of eastern Nebraska anil the fact that the capital stock is to be . increased is evidence of nro.-ncrilv fully in keening with the growth of the town. leave the latter part of this week for an extended visit with rela tives and friends in New Yolk City. . . . . . . : . . . . Albert Fre.Ung-,. wife .. - and lalig'ht'er," the-MTsses Emrha anil Minnie Freling anil Finest Frcl ing of West field. N. Y., arrived Monday for a few days' visil at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake 'rohlich. The Eagle, dun club journeyed lown lo to El in wood yesterday (Thursday) afterno-.n and u'ought, home the ''liu'vui," win ning sixteen geese and five iur- eys. The boys displayed some tine shooting, and having humped up against some of tin; real champions, they made l'lmwood sit up and take notice. i ' . . . 4. EAGLE. 4 Beacon. For Sale. A complete Eastman's Photo graphic out fit for sale cheap; 4x5 camera. J. Asch, Murray, Neb. For Rent. A farm in Soulhern Alberfa, close to town. See S. O. Cole, My- nard. Neb. 12-15-2wks-w Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Art Oardiier, Wednesday, December 17, a seven and three-quaiiei pound girl. Mrs. Oscar Lehman, who has been seriouslv ill for the past few weeks, is slowly improving. Ernest Schroeder of Char- water. Neb., is visiting a few days with his parenls, Mr. ami Mr.s. A Schroeder. Mrs. I.. J. Herman was called to Lincoln Monday on account of t!ie serious illness of her mother. Mrs. Allen Kerr. Jasiel Forsythe and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wall, went to Hot hen burg. Neb.. Tuesday for a few- days' visit with relatives. A 7 Vi -pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mr.s. Ben Mu- enchau Monday. December 15. J. II. Latrom and wife wil n M urn We wish to extend a special invitation to call and examine our large line of Winter and Gift Goods before making their Christmas selections, for we believe WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. We are making a special effort to close out our entire line of winter mer chandise this month, including all our Ken's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Sheep Lined and Duck Goats, Ladies' and blis ses' Coats and Skirts, Sweaters and all ECnit Goods, Etc. in fact everything that goes to make up an almost unbroken line of winter merchandise. If the right price and high quality goods will please you, here is the place to buy RIGHT NOW. Everything will will go at A GREAT SACRIFICE. l ? 111 I! I I 1 ttj' ! III ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Mrs. W. 0. Bartletl. left Sun day evening , for Coznd, Neb., for a visit, with her sister. Leon Poley left Monday night for a visit fiver the holidays with his father in Missouri. Mrs. J. O. Stark and "Orand- ma Mullui returned irom a. visit with Lincoln relatives Mnda afternoon. Wm. Senf and family departed Tuesday for Oklahoma to be in attendance at the wedding of Mr. Senf's sister. Harry McLaughlin and wife of Lincoln were Sunday guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLaughlin. Oeorge Miller and daughters Mona and Francis, ami Mrs. Piekwell. of Murdock. left this week for Pittsburg, has., for a short visit with relatives and friends until after" Christmas. Mr. ami Mrs. II. P. Hayes en tertained at Some'It'Set at their palatial country home on Fridav evening. A delightful luncheon was served and a jolly good time is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning of Minneapolis, Minn.. and Mrs. Henry Dimmitt.of Lincoln came Wednesday lo attend to the dis posing of the (i. 11. Swart household goods. Look for notice elsewhere in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. II. Casel left Wednesday morning for c visit with their son. Ear! and family, at Valparaiso, ahd their other son, .Way land and family at Flvsses. Neb., - They will be absent a week or ten days. NEHAWKA. -J- News. 'i A A mi AA' From Friday's Dally. The Platte .Mutual Insurance ompany of this city has made a ery pleasing record fr prompt payment, of their policies, as r. .. Herger of Ibis city today re ceived a draft to cover his loss on accouni 01 tiie damage i, water to his slock during the lire in Ibe Coates' block on the 1 1th. Phis company has always denlt airly with its shareholders and meet each loss promptly, and a t, has reduced the rate of insur ance to the city nearly 10o per! ent it. is entitled to a liberal patronage from the citizens of Plattsmouth. The company has their office in this city in lite Hvyer building" and the ejlirienl secretary. Mr. J. C. Peterson. i eady af all times to look after my inquiries as to the rales of the company and looks after the settlement of the claim in con nection with the legal depart ment and strives to gie everv hareholder I he best and fairest treatment in his ji.oufr. V. ZUCKER, Manager mm Nelson Burger shipped his load of slieejx Monday. Clate Rosencrans was her from Plattsmouth for his reg ular over Sunday visit. Mrs. C Chriswisser was a ias enger to Murray Friday evening, where- she visited a few days with relatives. J. M. Palmer and son, Quinton went, to Plattsmouth Tuesday evening. The former lo ride tin F.Ik Boat. Dan Anderson is si ill wailing for I he return of that watch hf lost several weeks ago at tin foot ball game. Mrs. II. L. Thomas returnet Saturday morning from Omaha, where she visited for several flays with her mother and other rela tives. we uwiersianu Afioipu uoss and Miss Clarissa Martin were married in Nebraska City Wed nesday. We have no particulars but are going to wish them the most of happiness through life Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd lefl yesterday for Lincoln, where they have rented a house at 1815 A street for the winter and where they will be at home to their friends. The News will keep them posted on events nrouni Nehawka. W. V. Coltingham died last Thursday about noon at his homo, four miles west of town following a long siege of cancer The terrible malady affected hi lower jaw and he had had severa operations in the hone of relief He had been unable to lake any nourishment '.for a week before ho died, and literally starved to death. .He leaves a wife and six children, several of the children being grown. E. M. Pollard left Monday evening for St. Louis, , where he will represent I ho Missouri val ley fruit growers at a meeting o the traffic managers of western and southern roads. He will as for relief from the present ap parent discrimination against Missouri valley growers in ship oing to southern markets. A present New York and other ap pie-growing states have a much better rate, although the haul is several hundred njiles farther. LATTE MUTUAL E COMPANY MAKES A RECORD NSURANG The crops this year are better than ever. S. e the display in our window. We have a large supply of Xmas Trees and Apples of every description. Our china department is complete and we are offering some bargains in fancy handpainted china that are hummers and will make fine presents for Xmas. In eatables we have anything the market affords. In our dry goods window we have a curtain made out of Eucalyptus Buds which was imported from California and would make a nice Xmas present for someone. We can help you select a Xmas present for every member of the family; come in and look thern ouer. We believe you can find something to suit taste as well as price. H. M. SOENNICHSEN AN INTERESTING ADDRESS AT HIGH SCHOOL YESTERDAY From Friday's Daily. Yesterday morning the stud ents at Ibe lliidi school bad the pleasure of beinr 'addressed ,v Mr. 1-'. H. Switzer of t"nieisily Place, who peuf yesterday here in the interests of the Y. M. C. A. tale organization, which hns de cided this vear lo take up the work of placing a state lliuti school worker in the lb-Id to reach the vuny: men and boys a In 1 are students in the different schools of the state. The address if Mr. Switzer was in explana tion of the work the urbanization las done o far and its purpose in reacinnb ut lo a-it wie young men and boys to better living-. There were a great many of the students interested in the clear-rut statements of the peaker, who i the advanced rep resentative of Ibe slate J I IX tt chool worker who will come here lo view the situation and de- ermine the inetiil to be em moved in making the work hen apply 'o local conditions and give the young, men and boys of the High and grade scho l an oppor tunity lo enjoy the e-l and highest tilings in life. BOX SOCIAL PROVES 1 nin nnnrtrnn!., A Dill uUuulDD i-'rom !'rit:i I;ii!y. The lix -ocial at I he Woodbine scl 1 in di-trirt .No. la-l Sat urday evening wa a deeid' d sne- eess. The pl'ouratU eoliled of a large number of -ng. recitation- and tlialouue- and wa greatly enjoved b I he birge crowd in attendance. Thi- wa the ir-t box social in W'oo.lbine -chool p.r leu year- and the com munity surely wa- glad to Hud it a success. The teacher of thi- li-tricl is Mathihle Iiouat. and she and the pupils are -urciv -ali-lied with the amount eaiio-d. which happened lo be The popular oimg lady wa Maiie KatVenberge'-. The eol:te-t Was between .Mi- Itoliat and Miss KalTciibcriicr. but Marie ninviil t be the lucky one. Mis- Kuffen-J tiergei was thi nappie-i oun- lad at Ibe school bolise. The boes Were e IMiliM'l1 aill some of them were beautiful. Miss houat wishes to thank thoe who so kindly assisted in making this occasion a -ucce-- and hopes they may be abb to -pend another -neb a happ exenius lo gethcr at th" -chool b..u-c. i Pleasant Time at Tulene Home. I flue of Ibe -i.-t ;i ( a t' ' !!.!- ing jinitie .f tin- -.a-o 1 wa- gcii bv .Ir. and Mrs. J. W. iu b'tie and .liohte.-. Mi-- 1 at fhe;- borne. Ve-f of I.e.VM. .if il"'ia e en -Cenier h'M! a la rye number of their fl'e;i.- w etl I -rl 1 1 p.ed 1:1 a ino-t pba-ant nianiier. TXf Ihe lai-'" room- '! rb-ared I dancing, while a fhr;I r 1 was turin-hed with table, fop If. wh. wi-bcd to dav card-. ! 1 -iny the evening a ino-i Iiviijmii -lunch was .-:e. by Mr. a; d M, -. TllielM-. .--i-fe.I .y Ml-. lie-..- Ma- .11 or 1 m.ah.i. Mr-. A ,I-:m-and .Mr-. W. A. I ii- iT);e-t- deprllled fof their ..-,.' declaring Mr. a-id Mr-. Tnler aild f.UUllV the he-f of ell! III.'- -!THE BIG MINSTREL SHOW AT THE PARMELE THEATRE XMAS NIGHT Entertains at Luncheon. . Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Shlacs entertained a number of their friends very plea-antly at their aparttnenfs in the Coalcs block at a luncheon, and the oc casion was a most delightful one for all who were present. Those taking part in Ihe delightful event were: Messrs. aod Mcs- dames V. v.. Hoseneraus, . Zucker, W. I). Smith, fi. S. Tidd. Anaconda, Mfuilana, and Mrs. i:. I.. CirybskT. Genuine Syrup of Figs, this week only, 35c. Gering & Oo. Phone 36. FISTIC ENCOUNTER BETWEEN THE QUARRY FORCES AT LOUISVILLE It conies in us from all sides that one of ihe very Pe-t amu-e inent organizations of the sea-on is that presented by Hicbard- & Pringle's I'amou- (u-gia Mins trels, the big colored min-trel aggregation, which will appear af the Paruiele Ihealer on t'.bri-t-mas night, and if glowing en dorsements from the leading press counts. Ibis organization will present one of ibe be- show- of its da-- ever seen in this city. The big military band street parade will be given at noon. Seat- are now on wale and we would advise that you secure your seals early, at Weyrieh A; lladraba's drug store. Nalurdav evening lb.. of l.oiii-vilie w i l ri.e.t i v a ti-lii- encoiiitter between -.e:.d Ilien elllpioVe-d 111 lie ij ;.'!! - lhe-i and !!!" of the 1 uti ill the o VV.I- ItoV I Il.ld. wa- arraigned li'-i a few we. ,1'go on a charge of against a vmng- it: i!i.- '- Cilllly of I.oUl-VloC. Til" t:;."l weie arraigned be..( .- .1 1 -: Pj.p-t at tfiaf place th.- n.. 'ii ing and eiifeied a p!.-a ..f o.: guilty to the (baige- pref.-ried I T.- aain-' them. l!..!;nl . Mi Taylor Will go to lha pbic- afternoon lo 1 II. ! Ibe in.,' $100 Reward, $100 Th rrii r of ihl rK " r ''' lin ftlt Iti'T f ml t-tf M. Jr-i. tt at Inn'. Kh W- ' i." ! ' ttsr. ..1 I f'!irra. Il.:.' I tj3 " 1 tli jili .nr. rv w k.a t f 1 frt.T:nT. jfarrli f--(. i a r"r : e . rv. 1 ( ; r .. J t i;.ir l lr-.?T?-t Hall . I jr'h I'or. I jk-n Ini-rnji . Irtlr u'H e;i mnl m r. ft-' w .tm. i: r--l.r ..!;.; fw f -le.i of . i i .-ri -. n. f'f'-i t' ' .t- lr if !' TT rmr li-.i . I : - I ir. In !..' it. w .rk T- Tr t. r . mn.'h f i.h I 1: --rl.. ;. w-r f,,' t ,. -r tw 1 1 !'. lljjr f Iat fII to fjTr. s. r l f-r I'.t f t- .-. i i 1'. 3. CUKNTY A f". T 4- T . . Ti..- !!;; 1 n i: t- r-n.-Tf. it'..m. For that Xmas Dineer You are sure to need many of the good things that you will find at our store in the line of Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds Candies, Fruits and Nuts IN FACT, EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS! We have made extra preparations for the wants of our patrons this glad Christmas-time, when they all will want a few the season's delicacies. Let us have your order as early as possible. A. G. BACH & CO. SEE US FOR YOUR CHRISTflAS TREE ORDER