The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
UOI W''"'T, ffiT ' ' lilil ANgcfahklYcparalionforAs simiiaitng Ltc Footfand Rcuta tingaxSioaacbsandBowclsof TfnnHRp;trnnf;i!nsnpi!ltfr Opiuaxilorphine norJliaral j Y-vnr XT r f Tf jStxJrrma ytjstSetd fhnairrd' Anerfrct Remedy TorCoitsflp 1 ion ouur oiu ukiui u uiij ncss endLOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signatnreof The Centaur Comtaxi; wrw YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HAS BEEN VERY FAIR AMONG OUR MERCHANTS The past week lias been a very busy one for Che various mer chants of I he city, and tlie Christ mas trail; seems to be greatly im proving ainl 1 lie shoppers show an inclination to lake up I he early Christmas shopping' pro position and many have secured (heir gifts for their loved ones and friends and by purchasing them early have assisted in lightening the load of the. weary clerks, who receive their full share of work during the holiday reason, when most of the stores are crowded with the eager shop pers. There remains only three more shopping days before Christmas and ohose who desire to secure the best of the stocks should go early, as a great many of the lines have been well picked over so far this year, and the longer the delay is in making the purchases the less the chance for securing the best articles. COUGHS THAT PREVENT SLEEP These coughs are wearing and if they "hang on," can run one down physically and lower the vital resistance to disease. Mr. Hob Ferguson, 319 Pine St., Green J5ay, Wis., writes: 'I was greatly troubled with a bad cough that kept me awake nights. Two small bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound completely cured me." For sale by all drug gists. Notice to All Patrons! All parlies who are indebted to the eslate of August Gorder, de ceased, will please call and settle same at once. Will lind the ac count at (border's Implement Store. Fred Gorder, Executor. m wmmm m o ra V . r-1 I .-' T K . t . ' 1 I I" 1 .mk MOM .S. MMMH HS Bulletin of Winter DEKVER Western Stock Show, Special rates from East makes this a gala week for the stockmen of the West ern country. WINTER TOURIST RATES in effect daily, with lower homeseek ers' fares first and third Tuesday of each month. Pres ent indications are that tors during the Winter of be the greatest in the history of the Southland. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED PARTIES week via JJenver. Scenic Colorado. Salt .Lake, in through tourist sleepers. tore are men especially comlort enroute. I can secure roj vert L. W. WAKELY, HI U UJLl JUL For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought '-; Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years lo) A TMK OCMTaUM eOMPPt. NEW " CITY S3 Eugene Nlaurer Better. From Friday's Daily. The latest reports from the bedside of Eugene Maurer at Glenvvood indicate that the young man is getting along very nicely Trom his attack of typhoid fever and is now able to sit up in bed, although still too weak to be able lo get around, lie has suffered greatly during his illness and it has weakened him considerably, but his friends will be pleased to loam that he is getting along so well. ANCIENT MAUL ADDED TO FRED PATTERSON'S COLLECTION OF CURIOS From Saturday's Dally. County Surveyor Fred Patter son greatly startled the occupants of the court house this morning by appearing in that building armed with a large maul of wood, and it was feared at lirst that he was about to clean out the place, but later it was found that he had secured an addition to his col lection of relics, of which he has a large number. The maul is of a curious formation of wood, ap parently being constructed out of a large root of a tree, and was found a few days ago by William Gilmore on the new road leading along the Missouri river bluffs, and he gave it to Mr. Patterson, who will place it among the other specimens he has secured of the curious finds in this county. GEORGETOWN, TEXAS. J. A. Kimbro says: "For several years past Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound has been my household remedy for all coughs, colds and lung troubles. It has given per manent relief in a number of cases of obstinate coughs and colds." Contains no ppiales. Re fuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. 1 IK Travel Specialties January 19th to "24th, 1914. and North of Denver. Denver the number of Northern visi 1913-24, to the South, will TO CALIFORNIA seven each Burlington special conduc selected to look after your liinrisump. niililli'at ions of South rn or California Kai'ruatis anil hotels if irou desire th?tn. "lA'w Soutli". tialifornia Tourist I'artiesi," "Paellic Coast Tours, l-t me help you plan auy tour you bave in mind. V. C. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr., SOPHOMORE CLASS HAS PLEASANT MEETING WITH ARTHUR WHITE From Saturday's Dally. lhe sophomore class of the local High school last evening held a very pleasant class party at the home of Arthur White, one of the class, and the event was one that will be pleasantly re membered by' the sophomores and more unpleasantly by a number of visitors, who came uninvited and who suffered severely as a result of their "butting in." It seems that wind of the proposed visit of several parties of mem bers of other classes and of sev eral who were out of school for the past few years was conveyed to the sophomores, and they pre pared accordingly and secured a tine, juicy pie which was loaded with medicine calculated to make things lively for those who ate it, and this was placed out on the porch of the White home -and it was the lirst object seized upon by the visitors, who devoured it, but this morning there were sev eral faces missing from Main street and the pie eaters were kept busy doctoring themselves up at home. The young people enjoyed themselves to the utmost at the parly in the playing of anios of various kinds and in the contemplation of the misery of their uninvited guests. There were some thirty present. NOT BEYOND HELP AT 87. Sleep-disturbing bladder weak ness, stiffness in joints, weak, in active kidney action and rheuma tic pains, are all evidences of kid ney trouble. Mrs. Mary A. Dean, 47 E. Walnut St., Taunton, Mass., wriles: "I bave passed my 87th birthday, and thought was be yond the reach of medicine, but Foley Jvidney Pills have proved most beneficial in my case." For sale by all druggists. SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. ED. LOHNES, NEAR CEDAR CREEK From Saturday's Dally. The news was received in Ibis city this morning of the sudden death at her home, south of Cedar Creek, of Mrs. Kd Lohnes, which occurred yesterday afternoon at about 5 o'clock. It is alleged that the death was caused from taking carbolic acid with suicikial in tent, and it proved fatal, as the young woman was beyond all re lief when found. Mrs. Lohnes was a young woman still in her early twenties and her death came as a profound shock to her relatives throughout the county, who had no intimation of her in tentions to take this step, and they are . grief-stricken over the affair. Mrs. Lohnes was a daughter of deorge Meisinger, residing in the vicinity of My nard, and was married about three years ago to Kd Lohnes, who survives his wife. The cause for the alleged suicide cannot be clearly given, although thought lo be family matters. MRS. GEORGE HILL . MEETS WITH VERY PAINFUL ACCIDENT From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday while Mrs. fSeorge M. Hild, of near Mynard, was assist ing at the John Urish home in the making of some sausage she met with a very painful accident that will cause her lo remember the occasion for some time to come. She was feeding some meat into the sausage grinder and in doing so had the misfortune lo get the tip of the middle linger of the left hand caught in the grinder, with the result that the tip of the linger was taken off. Medical as sistance was at once summoned and the injury dressed and the victim of the accident made as comfortable as possible, although the injury was a most pair.ful one. THE MAN WHO NEGLECTS HIMSELF When his condition points to kidney trouble takes an unwise risk. Backache, pain and sore ness over the kidneys, nervous or dizzy spells, poor sleep, are all symptoms that will disappear with the regular use of Foley Kidney Pills. They put the, kid neys and bladder in a clean, strong and healthy condition. For sale by all druggists. GUARDING AGAINST CROUP. . The best safeguard against croup "is a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. P. II. Ginn, Middleton, Ga writes: "My children are very suspeclible to croup, easily catch cold. I give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and in every instance they get prompt relief and are soon cured. We keep it at home and prevent croup." For sale by all druggists. Comes Back From Ohio. From Saturday's Dally. Last evening Jesse McVey, who has been for the past few months visiting in his old home in Ohio, arrived in this city and will visit here for a few weeks Willi his fronds in this city and vicinity. Mr. McVey is feeling niiich im proved in health over what he. was when he left this locality last fall and enjoyed his visit very much backk in the old home. He came back to Nebraska by way of Kan sas Cify and made a short visit i that city. A WARNING IN REGARD TO THE CHRISTMAS FIRES From Friday's Daily. Fire Commissioner W. S. Ridgell has issued the usual warning to people not lo spoil the merry Yule time by selling lire to Christmas trees or lo the whis kers of Sanla Clans. His instruc tions for people who desire to celebrate in their homes by erect ing a tree with presents on it, is lo lirst get a good lire exl iuguish er and keep it in the home. Then get a bucket of wafer and set il near the tree. Then get a bunch of. asbestos of mineral wool to represent snow, use eleclrie lights if possible instead of can dles on the Iree, :hire an expert electrician to put in the wires, and then let the festivities com mence, all of the time keeping a close watch on the furnace - or slove so that lhe healing ap paratus does not set lire to any thing. Under such circumstances the fire warden believes lhe Christ mas season will be a thing of joy instead of one of disaster. Mr. Ridgell has evolved lhe theory from scientific investigation lhat every lire is the same size at the start, but some grow "to an ap palling extent. "Is'it not -for use to prevent (he small blaze?" he asks. He asks lire chiefs of city and village lire departments to examine the decorations in stores and lo place a chemical ex tinguisher for use at churches or opera houses where there is a public Christmas Iree. "No dis astrous fires Ibis coining merry Yule time," is the wish of Com missioner Ridgell. Someone ouf sfde of lhe commissioner's office suggested lo him thai it plight be well jo have a law passed lo pre vent Christ mas tree celebrations within less I ban fifly feel, of any house or to bury the trees under ground as gasoline tanks are now required to be buried. Stale Journal. Has His Thumb Cut. From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday while Krie H:rk slroin was gelling ready for the Christinas celebration by having a large tree prepared for lhe oc casion, he was uufortiiiirde enough lo saw one of his thumbs while engaged in culling olf the bull of the Iree, and il required several stitches to close the wound and Krie will not be in th-' best, of trim for lhe Christmas festivities and will be compelled lo wear his hand in a bandage for a few days. WAITED POULTRY Wc will pay the follow ing Cash Prices De cember 23, 24 and 25 Hens, 10c Springs, 10c Old Roosters, 5c Ducks, 10c Geese, 9c Haft Produce Go Local News from Friday's William Rice of Murray was in the city yesterday attending to some matters of business with the different merchants. (J. G. Meisinper and wife of near Cedar Creek were in the city yesterday afternoon looking after some trailing with the merchants. Frank Vallcry and wife were among those journeying to the metropolis this morning to spend the lay 'looking after matters of business. William Shea and Charles Mal Iey were passengers this morn ing on lhe early J.urlinglon train for Omaha, where they were call ed to spend the day. Mrs. George Rhoden and Mrs. Arthur Haker of Murray were among the passengers this morn ing ' for Omaha, where they will visit for the da. John Albert was a passenuer this morning for Omaha, where he goes to visit his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Philip Albert, at the ho.-pital for the day. R. C. Bailey, the Maple Gr..e -blacksmith, is in the city for a short time looking after some re pairs that are being made on bis automobile at the Knapp machine shop. George P. Meiinger oT Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours attending' to some trading with-the different mer chants and visiting with bis ho.l of friends. George J. Meisinger of near Mynard drove in this Morning from his home and was a pas senger on No. 1 T for Omaha, where he was called on mhiic mailers of importance. From Saturday's y. John Kngelkemejer, of near Maple Groe, was among- lhoe trawling to- the metropolis this morning, going- to that city on No. 15. Miss Ksfher Godwin was a pas senger Ibis inorniii!-' for Omaha. where she will isif a( lhe home of her brother, Ralph Godwin, over Christmas. Miss Ruth Godwin departed this morning for Ivnasaw, Ni b., where she will visit over Christ mas at the home of her si.-der, near that place. W. If. lleil and wife of near Cedar Creek were in lhe cify o- dav for a few hours looking a!'f r some matters of business wiUi the dilVerenl merchants. Mrs. J. A. Donelan and daugh ter, Miss Margaret, were pas sengers this morning for .Ne braska City, where they will xisi! over Sunday with relatives in that city. F. J. Ilenninas and wife, of near Cedar Creek, came in es lerday morning and spent a f;-w bonis lu re looking after some mailers of business with lhe merchants. George F.ngelkeincier and wife, of I he .vicinity of Maple Groe, came in this morning and were passengers n the early morning Burlington train for Pilger. Ni b., where they will visit oer Christ mas. EVERGREEN CAMP NO. 70 W. 0. W. ELECT OFFICERS From Saturday if Dallv. Thursday evening the members of Kcrgreeu Gump No. 7h Woodmen of the World, held a very well attended meeting at their bulge room to transact the routine business oT the order, as well as to elect the ollicers for the ensuing year, which resulted in lhe following being chosen for lhe dill'erent posit ions : Consul Commander J. Like wise. Advisory Lieutenant A. 1 ford. Banker P. J. Yalfery. Clerk W. B. Rishel. Kscort ( leorge Sil man. Inside Watch George AI- II. Becker. Sctry M. McCo.,1. Manager for Thre.i Years V. M. Mullis. Physicians Drs. K. W. Cook and K. I. Cummin.'. Returns From Avoca. The Holly orchestra returned this morning from Avoca, where Ihey played last niaht at a dance given in the city hall there, which was well attended by a large number of the residents of that village and icinily and a splen did time was enjoyed by lhe dan cers in tripping lhe mazes of th" dance to the music furni-lied bv lhe laleuted musicians from this 25,000 On December 29th and 30th we will load a car of Chickens at the B. & M. depot. We will pay lie per pound for Springs 11c per pound for Hens CKITHLEB ( BIG CHANGE IN THE WEATHER LUST NIGHT il From Saturday's I aily. Tlie residents oT tin-, cily, who on thi'ir retirement la.-t niiit in the midt of a heay and hiliiu raiiislorm, were siupri-ed thi morning on awakeninir and -.-ing' out to lind the walks and ground covered with a mantle of the beautiful snow, and it v.a still fallire-r. accompanied by a ery chilly wind ma-l- ap parent lhe sudden di lute in tem perature lhat brought on the snow. This change in the weather is one lhat will proe eiy good for everyone, and will prove a booster for buines in all lines of winter a which hi practically 1 n a dri--- h- -rarket. owing- to the culm I warm weather. and Ih.s change will start the slocks inojn- in uruul diapc and gie an added boom lo tio btisiiie.-s intere-s of the city. Buys Patterson Place. A. R. Noble, one of lhe con ductors on the Hurling-toii run ning out of this city. lia- ju- completed the purcha-e of lot to i'i. in block Hi. known as ihej Patler.-on place, from Walter II. Scott. This is one of the nice-! homes in the city and will ma'"! a very Comforlable re-idence for Air. Noble and fami!. who h . during lhe time Ihey !iae re-ided here. experienced considerable dilhculfy in securin-' a -uitah! hou-e. and Ihey finally decided to purcha-e one where Ihey woul I be -lire of all the I hue. Plymouth Rocks for Sale. A number of line Plv mouth Mock chickens for sale. Win. Gilismre, R. F. I ., Plat I il h. Neb. Try a sack of Forest Rose flour. Your money refunded if not satis factory. S for every member of the family THROUGHOUT this store are many articles, suit able gifts for old or young in a variety that will surely please you, and at most reasonable prices. Decide right now to come in and see what splendid and appropriate presents you can secure here. FOR THE YOUNG LADY La Vallier. Parisian Ivory, Mesh Bag, Ring, Bracelet, Brooches, etc. FOR THE YOUNG MAN a Watch. Fob or Chain, Cuff Links, Stick Pin, Fountain Pens. FOR MOTHER Cut Glass. China, Silverware, Thimble or Brooch. FOR FATHER A Watch. Clothes Brusn. Rcadin Lamp, Humidor, Fountain Pen. FOR THE BABY Child's Cup. Ring. Bracelets. Bib Holders, Neck Chains, Knife, Fork and Spoon, etc, J. W. Crabil! All Goods Engraved Free. pounds BURLINGTON TRAINS TO CHANGE TIME Aecoriling to t.p.iN he- ap pearing III II"' -Ille p (J :.': - t.f tin- it!or:;i:-. the I'.url.n-'on ra i'i'oa.1 w ill llo-ir f ..' o;i .'''i.i. .1 . : ! i . r 1. ami t han----- v.ili .ille. ! ll.UTi- lllliMlll.' I,.!" t!lt- I .o. J, the f.i-t 1 1. :i r-C'i train. will atrie ri o-it.ih.i a' :';" p. in.. of '.:, . a' ple-e:,!. ;in. will h-.le tli.r.- a ;!:." f.-r I he i .( . w h e 1 1 n i it- time here .i!m.ij? l:io, or -twi'lil liiiin.l'- -. r ! r fiiii; :o pic-c)t. 7;... i. Who'll .1. pre..!. !eae Lincoln at 7:t-",. wil! : ' ea e t ll'-l 1i I'd' r i !' I ''" - he.lhh' s.i ld , ::'. and r 'i ;' " '" '" : ut "::'' :'' " w.; I .-. n- . -ni. Mil fi.r tlie r-- 'i'-nt- of Ih centra! and w--!'-n p.u ! of tli" Co!l't. a- it Will g.e lie'ie I, I ' in l.oiii-iIle for lhe Mi-- i:i Pacilic to tsi. ike Itl'ir c i . t I e " . a- the S In: br ! 1.1 in i ' i 1 changed to ci-Tifonn ! the ri. lulling- of No. '. The change i the line o f .o. 'J ' I he f- lid ll"l ;'";ir a- convenient to the r-'-i- ib-l't- of tin- ciiy a- the p ' -ch. dllle. OT.ce supplies at the Journal oTice. You may need an AUCTION EE F2 and we want to inform vou that dates ran le made at this o'T.ce for GOL. WEI. DUNN the Weeping Water Auct:o;:cjr Careful Attention to Public SaJ 5 Rates are Reasonable GIFTS Watchmaker and Jeweler.