The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAQE 4.
run I omw n
0)e plattsmoutb journal
Published Sam i-W a k I y
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmoutb,
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Price; S1.50 Per Year In Advanot
la many parts of the world, so
many that, irolably all of us
have had personal experience
willi the custom, it is considered
quite the thing to hail our friends
and acquaintances on the morn
ing: of December 25th with the
greeting, "Merry Christmas, old
chap; Christmas gift." ' Where
upon, if you have "beat him to it,"
he is a "tightwad" if he doesn't
"come through" with something.
Custom has sanctioned Ihisr sort
of legalized holdup, until a nianis
reputation would suffer less were
he caught pilfering apples from
the widow woman's fruit stand
on I he corner than should he re
fuse to be a Christmas victim.
The giving of gifts to relatives
and friends at Christmas time is
one of the prettiest customs of
our Christian civilization. Bui
we do believe that the Christmas
present business is getting en
tirely out uf bounds in many in
stances. We heard a young lady, whose
means are very limited by the
way, remark the other day, "Well,
I can't afford it at all, but I just
must give her something swell
for Christmas. She'll talk about
me if I don't."
To us this seems a danger of
Wie present Christinas gift sys
tem that is likely to wreck the
whole pretty custom one of these
days. It is not the spirit of want
ing to give the present through
regard for the ones we give them
to but the spirit of a duly, and
oflen times a hard one at that,
which predominates our Christ
mas shopping in far too many
No good Christmas ' gift but
gives as much joy to the sender
as to the receiver. No good
Christmas gift but the one which
love or regard prompts its send
ing. No father or mother be
grudges the gift to a child, or ex
pects a present or equal or great
er instrinsic value in return.
Truly "the gift without the giver"
is so bare that it is never worth
We want to sec the custom of
giving Christmas gifts preserved
always, but how we do long to
see the time when every giver will
dare to give gifts according to
his means, and only to those to
whom he can "give himself with
his gift."
. Look yourself over careTuily. A
careful imoice will likely show
that you are gelling just what is
coming to you. If your business
is a success you are taking the
credit for it; if il is a failure you
are likely abusing the people and
the administration, all of which
proves that you are selfish and
prejudiced. You get all the
"recognition" you are entitled to.
IVople invariably take you for
what you are actually worth ami
credit you accordingly. When
you get the notion In your head
that you are not being appreciat
ed at your true worth, take an
other look and reduce your esti
mate of yourself. You have over
rated yourself.
"Clear the way for the young
men," screams Collier's, with
rapture. Probably to let them
spend father's hard-earned
money. Admitting, of course,
that this is from the pessimist's
point of.viewv
The slow trade on Christmas
goods must be attributed to the
condition of the roads during the
past wek. It will begin to hum
from now on.
at Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Nebraska, aa second-class mall matter-
Au eastern paper published a
pathetic poem entitled "The Lay
of the Hen," and many a hard
pressed . household wishes she
It is said that one man out of
every forty iii the United Stales
owes his means of livelihood in
some degree to the inventions of
Thomas A. Edison. His nearest
competitor for. employment
honors is the man who invented
: ::o:
A common error with some
people, and, unfortunately, with
some democrats, is to be intoler
ant with all who differ from their
views on even the nonessentials
in political matters, as if the
truth were established with
mathematical certainly, and all
who failed to accept any portion
of their ideas were willfully
wrong. As a matter of fact it
can never be the case that one
party is entirely right and an
other entirely wrong, and party
discipline does not demand that
every man follow blindly in the
wake of the leaders without dar
ing to give an expression to his
own ideas.
A teacher in the Chicago
schools has issued a new text
book treating on sex hygiene.
Doubtless she is an old amid, but
at any rale some of the ideas that
he has put forth indicate that
he ought to have the hose turn
ed on her. She is trying to get
the school authorities to have
her work adopted as a text book.
and here are some of her non
sense: "To multiply and re
plenish the earth is the oldest
law established for the guidance
of humanity. To be restricted in
that is to be in subjection to a
device invented by the male of the
species for monopolizing the fe
male. Marriage is a restrictive
device which interferes with the
greatest function for which man
kind was created and at the same
time supplies an opportunity for
the grossest immortality under
the guise or disguise of holy
matrimony. The greatest virtue
a woman has is herlonging for
children. The greatest vice a
man has is his desire to
monopolize her productivity. The
wedding ring is the badge of
bondage of woman's virtue to
man's vice. Why should not the
man wear the wedding ring as a
token that he belongs to woman?
Or, better still, why wedding
rings or ceremonies at all?"
:o :
The department of agriculture
has a number of very interesting
bulletins, written in popular
style, available for free distribu
tion. These not only cover the
subjects of poultry and cattle
raising, the growing of fruit and
vegetables, care of bees, con
struction of farm buildings, the
marketing of farm products, and
the keeping of accounts, but also
cover much that is of interest to
those living in cities, such as
bulletins on. the food values of
beans, peas and other legumes,
eggs, poultry, cereal breakfast
foods, fruit, sugar, corn and corn
products, potatoes and other root
crops, nuts, cheese, mutton, and
fish, - and bulletins on "Meats:
Composition and Cooking,"
"Principles of Nutrition and
Nutritive Value of Food," "Iiread
and Bread Making," and "Canned
Fruits, Preserves and Jellies." A
full list of these bulletins and
information on how to obtain
them will be sent to all those who
will write to Congressman Ma-
guire, care the capiiol, Washing
ton, D. C.
Blessed be the man who in
vented the alarm clock. Not that
we experience any genuine or
particular pleasure upon being
startled by the unseemingly dis
turbance at some ungodly hour
of the night, but the alarm keeps
the world from being late and
makes it possible for everybody
to get there on schedule time. To
the sleep-loving drowsy-head the
alarm seems a devilish fiend
come to steal away the choicest
winks of all the night, and to
shatter the unfinished dreams
that need but a little more sleep
to make them all come true. But
after the dreams and the disap
pointment even the sleepy-head
feels grateful to the patient little
monitor that ticked alone all
through the night, just to call
him back to life at the appointed
hour. The alarm clock is a mem
ber of almost every home, and it
keeps its vigils for all alike. It
starts the world agoing again
and rings in a new day and rings
up the curtain for a new sun. The
alarm clock starts us going right
on time that is, if we do not
hush it and go back to sleep
again. We must answer when
I he alarm clock calls, or we may
become so accustomed to it that
we may sleep on and never hear.
The alarm clock is like the con
science. One's conscience stands
on guard faithfully and as sleep-
lessly as does the little clean
faced clock that sounds the morn
ing call. The conscience is in
deed a most wonderful alarm, and
its call rings in our ears at every
approach of danger. When
temptations come and seek -a
weak place in our defenses, con
science sounds the alarm ami
warns us in ample time lo be on
our guard. Wrong never sneaks
into our lives unannounced. Con
science is a sentry that not only
sounds the alarm, but that helps
us light our battles. We may
grow impatient at its persistent
calls and feel that it would rob
us of what seems best in life,
but when we fully awake we find
that the alarm clock was our pro
tection and our only safeguard.
When this alarm clock rings it
is indeed time to get up and turn
on the light. It is time to do
something, to start something to
put on our working clothes and
get busy. There's a big day's
work ahead when conscience
rings the alarm, there's danger
that calls for strong arms and a
stout heart. And there should be
no delay in answering the alarm,
lest we lose the power to hear and
that we sleep on and on. And
there are other alarm clocks that
tell us that it is time lo get up
and make ready for the tasks of
a new day. Great wrongs spring
up and we hear the murmuring
of the multitude labor is op
pressed the poor are cold and
hungry the social evil swallows
up the innocent high prices dis
tress the country drunkenness
debauches our best manhood we
hear the murmuring, and this
murmuring is an alarm clock
that warns us that it is time to
get up and get busy. There are
alarm clocks ringing all about us
there are danger signals that
carry deeper meaning than we
know. It is time to get up and
make ready for a new day and a
new deal.
Secretary Houston of the de
partment of agriculture has
justified the wisdom of his ap
pointment by conducting an in
quiry into the needs of the wom
en on the farm. This is the one
subject that this" enterprising de
partment has heretofore ignored
and there is none more important
to the success of the stay-on-lhe-farm
movement. Make farm life
attractive to the women folks and
the great problem is solved.
If Attorney General Me Rey
nolds' inquiry into the methods
of the cold storage trust develops
nothing- else, it may, acquit the
hens of the charge of frivalty and
uuattention to business.
If you have an income of $3,
C00 per annum you ought to
thank your stars that it Is your
privilege to be taxed on the ex
cess. :o:
AU the enterprising Nebraska
towns are installing electrolier
lighting posts. Will Platlsmouth
take the hint and get in the
:o: .
Mr. Lind, in the face of the
poet's sweeping generalization,
says that the clouds of Mexico
still have a dark lining. Mexico
has other uses for its silver.
A Pennsylvania man got up a
fake charity ball and eloped with
the receipts. Evidently it is true
that charity covers a multitude
of sins.
How many children are there
in Plallsmoulh this year who will
be unable to feel the effects of
Santa Clans on Christmas morn?
We hope not one.
An international council has
taken the world's championship
away from Jack Johnson, by
resolution. Why did not this
easy way suggest itself years
Anti-woman suffragists are
about. as well organized, nation
ally speaking, as the suffragists,
and they are just as smart, if not
a little more so, when il comes
to scheming.
Santa Clans is the most pop
ular man extant now, and it is
indeed cheerful lo the old people
to see how eagerly the little ones
go down the street gazing into
I he shop w indows. Happy chil
dren! :o:
Strikes are coming so thick and
fast in Indianapolis that holiday
shopping will have to go over till
next year. Public excitement and
turmoil are not a Ionic to busi
ness transquality and all round
A statistician has figured that
in seventy-live years the average
man will eat 12,000 eggs. Figures
are fairly reliable, but at the
present prices the average man,
in seventy-live years, will have
consumed none at all.
A man committed suicide in
New York the other day because
he said "the men of his club
were awful mean lo him." This
shows that a club is not wholly
useless in this world anil if it
could be used to get rid of the
mean men in any community it
would be hailed as a boon.
Eggs are quoted at 14 cents in
Australia. As socialistic ideas
prevail to a large extent over
there the hens doubtless feel they
cannot join the high priced egg
combine without doing violence
to those economic principles
which are in such pronounced
favor throughout the island.
For the most part the men of
all parties are honest, and what
ever the political differences,
they should not be permitted to
cause ill feelings. The question
of whether a man is a democrat,
a progressive democrat or a re
publican is not so important as
his being a good neighbor and a
patriotic American citizen.
According to the bureau of
statistics of the United Slates'
department of agriculture Ne
braska in 1913 raised il i, 150,000
bushels of corn worth 05 cents
per bushel, or 7 5,198,000 as
compared with 182,8iG,000 at 37
cents per bushel, or $07,508,000
in 1912. The figures are fair to
look upon and may be ap
proximately correct for the entire
state. Unfortunately, however,
the farmer of this immediate
section will scarcely be able to
reconcile them with the figures of
his bank account or the unoc
cupied space in his corn cribs.
Every Good and Perfect Gift
Gomes From Above.
Tho Greatest Gift of God to Men The
Pleasure of Giving God the Great
Exemplar He Giveth All Things
Richly to Be Enjoyed Every Good
and Every Perfect Gift Gifts to
Angels Gifts to Men Gifts to the
Saints Gifts to Sinners All Should
Imitate Him Precious Gifts Which
All May Lavishly Bestow.
Louisville. Ky.,
December 'Jl.-Of
tlie two discourses
which I'astor Rus
sell save here to
day we are re
porting tbe one
from the text.
"Every good and
every perfect gift
la from Above
and cometh down
from tlie Father
of Lights, In
whom is no varia-
bleness nor
shadow of turning.
(James 1:17.) He said:
Christmas is a delightful season in
many respects. Admitting the claim
that It Is the date of the Annuncia
tion, and that our Lord's birth was
nine months later, in October, it mat
ters not. It is a delightful custom that
draws the attention of the whole world
to the birth at Bethlehem, and me
morializes to men the great Gift of
God on our behalf. We rejoice in it.
even though the Higher Critics have
wrought such destruction of faith in
Christendom that to many the day
and the events it commemorates have
lost their meaning. The custom of giv
ing little tokens of remembrance and
esteem is still a blessing in tbe world.
To the extent that we enter into it
heartily, we are exercising a godlike
quality. God is the great Giver, from
whom cometh every good gift and ev
ery perfect gift.
Some of God's Gifts.
Let us begin -with some of the com
mon things that God lias given all
men richly to enjoy. - ITow delightful
ly adapted to our needs is the air we
breathe! How it carries life and re
freshment to our lungs and to every
part of our bodies! Think of the great
boon of water refreshing exhilarat
ing, absolutely a necessity to our hab
its and our life. Take the sunshine
and the golden grandeur in which it
clothes the earth, and tbe life and
vigor which it Imparts not only to
our bodies and minds, but to all na
ture. Even in the matter of colors Gd is
gracious to us. The predominating
colors are well adapted to our sight,
and restful to the eye. Tbe variegat
ed colors of the flowers brighten the
landscape, refreshing and pleasing us.
Not only so. but tbe infinite variety of
these flowers in size and shape is won
derful. Even the storm clouds are
beautiful. The Creator, who gave us
the organs appreciative of shape,
beauty and color, provided us also
gratification of these senses. Addition
ally, lie gave lis the sense of smell,
and then provided in all nature won
derful varieties of odors to gratify us.
Do not all these gifts come from the
Father of Mercies?
Time would fail us to examine these
common blessings which God has giv
en ail men richly to enjoy not only
His consecrated saints, but every crea
ture. We can readily see that a grand
provision was made for the race In its
original perfection. All these things
are blessings to mankind, notwith
standing our fallen condition, notwith
standing our weaknesses of mind and
body which hinder us from proper
conception, appreciation and use vt
these. When we remember that the
sick lose their appetite and fail in all
their powers of appreciation, and when
we remember that our entire race is
sin-sick, we may well wonder how
much more a perfect man might have
enjoyed tlie various blessings which
are still precious to lis.
Richly to Enjoy.
God has given gifts. They are on
every band, and may be richly enjoy
ed or not richly enjoyed. But as the
majority of people swallow their food
without richly enjoying its flavor, so
the majority receive and use God's
favors in a stupid, unappreclative man
ner, and do not richly enjoy Indeed
are unconscious of the blessings that
they have. What is the matter? The
reply of the Bible is that they have
the wrong spirit. But where did they
get the wrong spirit? The Bible an
swers that sin vitiates every good
quality of mind and of body.
The world. through depravity,
through losing its relationship with
God, has lost the sense of apprecia
tion o( many of God's gifts. Mankind
have them, and use them, but do not
enjoy them. Consequently they are un
happy, unholy, unthankful. Airs, poor
world! It Is rushing madly hither and
thither, seeking pleasure, seeking joy.
seeking happiuess. but tindlng discon
tent, disappointment.
Only one class of people are really
able to highly enjoy Heaven's gifts.
These have passed through a certain
mental experience which is for theui
transforming all of life's affairs. They
hare caught a glimpse of the Almighty
Father, and have learned that an these
gifts and blessings of nature are of
His Wisdom and His bestowing. More
than this, before their eyes were open
ed to see deeply and clearly, their
hearts wee regenerated. They bad
given their hearts to the Lord, and
He had given them new hearts. With
these new hearts, new minds, trans
formed wills, old things have become
new. They open their eyes upon the
world and the fulness thereof; and
recognizing the relationship between
these and tbe Heavenly Father, their
hearts are warmed and enlightened.
The spirit of love and appreciation la
shed abroad.
God's Unspeakable Gift.
The Apostle exclaimed. 'Thanks ho
unto God for His unspeakable Gift!"
He refers to the Gift of God's dear
Son to be man's Redeemer to pay the
price, the penalty, of tin the death
penalty on our lebalf. Ah. yes! that
is an unspeakable Gift, far beyond
anything that could be I asked or
imagined. The death sentence passed
upon Adam by the Supreme Court of
the Universe could not l-e revoked,
and that included all of his
posterity; for we were llesh of his
flesh, bone of his bone. If an un
blemished human life could be sub
stituted for his. the majesty of the
Divine Law could tdand, and be and
all of his race might be granted a
fresh trial for life everlasting or
death everlasting. But no such per
fect man was In the world. And had
there been such a one. who knows that
he would have tteen willing to sacrifice
his life for a race?
The will of the Redeemer was net
Ignored. lie was not sacrificed. On
the contrary, the Scriptures make very
clear that the Father presented Ills
Flan for the approval of the Son. and
attached to the proposition exceeding
great and precious promises, and that
the Son willingly and Joyfully co-operated
in tbe Plan. As we read. "For
the joy that was set ltefore Him. He
endured the cross, despising the
shame, and is now, as a rewardj set
down at the right hand of the Throne
of God' awaiting the still further
glories and honors of Ills Millennial
Kingdom and of eternity.
Gifts to the Church.
God's time has not yet come for
giving the gifts of the Redeemer's
sacrifice to the world. The distribu
tion to the world of mankind of tho?
blessings is held In abeyance, waiting
for the glorious Thousand-Year Day J
earth's Jubilee. Meantime CM ha
been preparing for a special class of
humanity other gifts, the richness and
value of whivh "eye hath not seen
nor ear heart, neither have entered
into tlie heart of roan."
God has a right to give different
gifts to His different creatures. lie
has given to the angels the gifts, bless
ings, which cause their everlasting
happiness; and now lie is selecting
from amongst men by various trials,
tests, a very special class a saintly
class, of all nations and denomina
tions. While He calls all perfect in
telligent beings (angelic and humnui
"sons of God," He purposes that the
saintly ones now ln-ing selected shall
be His sons uu a still higher plane, to
which Jesus has Ixhmi exalted as a
reward for His oU-dience "far nlwive
angels, principalities and powers and
every name that is named."
To such of these as respond to the
drawings and leadings and tests. Gol
is giving special gifts at tlie present
time not earthly gifts, tangible and
seen of men. but spiritual gifts new
hearts of appreciation, new ryes of
understanding, new ear3 of compre
hension, new powers of spiritual en
joyment. To them "old things are
passed away, and all things have be
come new." 2 Corinthians r:17.
The Most Helpful Gifts.
Give without hoping for gifts in re
turn every gift at this season should
be a love token. We value the gift
not so much for its monetary worth
as because of the love and fellowship
of which it is a reminder. It Is emi
nently proper that friends and parents
should prepare gifts for others in se
cret, and keep them until the oppor
tune time for presentation. In all this
they are merely copying the Heavenly
Father, who is thus preparing for the
world the wonderful gifts of the Mes
sianic Kingdom, descrilied as a "feast
of fat things for all icop!e."
But there are other gifts which
should not be kept back merely for
Christmas time. Each one. and espe
cially each Christian, should every day
shed forth on life's pathway gifts and
blessings that would bring Joy. cheer,
to many hearts the kindly word, the
nod of recognition, especially to one In
less favored circumstances, the kindly
look, tlie word or act of sympathy.
Oh. how much these gifts ineai. to the
poor world, whom the Apostle I'aul
describes as the groaning creation!
Many of them have little that they
know how to enjoy In the present life,
and no prospect beyond. How blank
such lives! What a godly pleasure
comes from cnstlng upor. them an oc
casional ray of sunshine!
At times financial help may le ap
propriate in proportion to our ability.
At times counsel and friend-hip and
lympathy would be of more value than
money. What we all need 1 to be
more and more filled with the Spirit of
ur Father in Heaven the spirit of
jur Suvlor the Spirit of love. Joy.
?ence. This Spirit, like radium. ! con
tinually giving off, yet never licking in
juality. God is the abundant supply.
He who thus loves and gives Is con
ilnually a recipient from God more
abundantly; and his treasure-store of
toy and pleasure is an ever Increasing
jne, regardless of what his outward
rircumstances and conditions may be.
"Gave Gifts Unto Men.
Writing to the Epbesiaus (I.St. St.
Paul noCes gifts specially bestowed
upon the Church of the Father. l r
the Son. He nays, "When n Christ
ascended up on High, He led captiv.ty
captive and gave gifts unto men."
Wore literacy It rpads. "lie led fortu
a multitude of captives, bestowing,
gifts unto men." The Apot!e quote
from the Psalms a poetic descrl; t: n
representing Jesus as a great Conquer
or w ho had vanquished the enemy n: I
was returning home with the ;;:
The enemy is Sin and Ieath.
Jeus by His sacrifice gained tli
victory and the right to control t
millions of Adam's rare who were in
bondage to Sin and Death. He hi I
humbled Himself, had become a mar.
had given His life a Ransom f r
had been raised from tbe dead by tie
power of the Father, and f ad r
cendod a conquering Hero. wclron..-1
by the Father and acclaimed by the
angelic hot.
The multitude of captive In IT
train Inve not yrt come irb sight -merely
the vanguard, the f hurch. An 1
the Church will not be full? delivered
until all of its memltcr shall luve fwen
changed t glory, honor and In-nort
ty beyond the veil, ns fharers ia the
First Resnrrection. Soon the II
ly portion of the delivered rn; f;-.
will have followed the Leader !:;! '
presence of the Father.
Then for a thousand year the ot. r
captives will b following on. A Sf
I'aul declares. It will l "every n :vi
in his own order. or company. r r-
Iment. The ranks will ultimately in
clude the entire race of Ad.irn an I
himself. All Ihoe willing to l I-l
forth from captivity will attain iia
the full inrty of the jur.s of Gii.
lost through Adam s disoN-diewe. and
the right to n overy of the same re
deemed for them at Calvary.
Rut tlie Apostle r.cntl -ns the tri im
phal entry of Jeus Into Heaven it
self merely as no In -videntul. prcaeir:g
his statement that our Lord I-n medi
ately began t give sifts to mm. Th
first gifts, bestowed at 1' w r.
to the Church. Ind'-ed. ail f Jest:-'
gifts thus far have leen to Hi follow
ers. The prophecy frmh whiih tie
AlKst!o quote, take la the word.
however, declaring that the cift ar
"for the nlx idous also.- I'salm "VS lv
Jesus' Gifts to the Church.
St- I'aul, cot. tinning, tcil r.s the
clal gifts lx-stowed I y Jesus ujKn IrU
Church: "And He gav "me Apoii. .
and sure prophets, and some evan
gelists, and some pastors aid teach
ers. Jesus tells us alut some f.ile
apostles. We can readily suppose that
there have crept in t the C'.'irch ai
false teachers. f.i!-e pastors, associat
ing godliness taI'Ii pain, as the A (
tie explains. All the same we ire b
have in mind that there are tn:- A;o
tles, prophets, pa . tors, and tepchers
apjHjIiitcd by the Redeemer as His spe
cial gift to the Church, a HU .
clal repiesentaiives in the Ch'irch. f- r
their guidance and blejng.
We further read f the object and
purpose of these gift: they were -for
the perfecting of tie saints, for th
work r.f the ministry, for t! elifin
of the ly of Chri-t: till we ail come
In the unity of the faith, and of Ihw
knowledge of tlie Son of God. unto a
perfect Man. ui:to the ire r.f the
stature of the fulnc of t'l.ri-t.
Only In proportion as A;wtc.
prophets, pastors and teacher f.;"il
this mission are they really the I.rd'
gifts to His Church. Consider that
these were r.ol appointed for the
world, but for the saint and i"t
merely to start them In ttie wny nf
saintship. but especially t jM-rfe t
them a saint. And this i-erfceting f
the saints is not mere'.- an Instruc
tion of' them In knowledge. li'-r merely
the bringing of then to an aj pre ia
tion of the joys and the peacp .f the
Lord, but a preparation of them for
the work of ministry the work f
service. All the saints are t be serv
ants, even a the Lerd J-u. the
treat est Saint. w Servant of all
Whoever d--s not learn t- ! a crv
ant of God. a servant of righteou
ness, a nervant of the brethren, wil
not have leanu-d the lco:i n--eH-nry
for a share in the Kincdom. IVsid.
the Kingdom itelf will l a urvi. i
to mankind for human np'lft. and only
those who have come to art apprecia
tion of the privilege f scrv I -e hi the
present condition; will lie granted a
share with the Inl hi the more g'ori
ou service f the future.
The edifying of the Body of Christ,
in modern language, inear.s the u;
buildiug. the strengthening, the devel
opment of the Church, wlii.-li I the
Body of Christ. Not inertly with sin
ners and with the heathen, thi reT re.
are the pastor and tc-ichcrs to 1-e en
gaged, but chiefly wi;h the Church,
edifying it. strengthening if. iHlii'-ating
it. with the knowledge of Gd. and
building it up in all tlie fruit an. I
graces of the Sp rit. The Ast.
prophets, pastors and teachers who
re the's gift to the Chup-h will
!e found doing this vork. whatever
may be said of others.
How Lor. 3 It Will Last.
Their work will not be CnisliM na
til the (.'hup h completed h..ll ha-e
entered Into glory. Thi Is the Ar
tie's ftafeiiieiit. "Till we all curie l-i
the unity of tie f.iith and cf the
knowledge of the Sou of i l
perfect Min." The prfet Mm lg the glorioti. eo;.i,.'cte Chrl-f. (
which Jesus is the Head and -t !.i- U
frery ri:emt r of the U ! a r art
When thi entire B.dy sliall have I
completed, perfected, ib'vro. ; ed. the
work of this Age will ! at an rr,d.
the g ft of Christ wil' have a-cor-i-plished
their work, the Body f Ch-St
In glory will thea l"-il.i the !id lh 'zn
which is to blesH the world and .honr.r
gifts upon men "tint relK.-l lou al..i
"I-ove rivln. T? .,r rx :; ' ra
Jiy cf Iliivrri t frirti; c. .rn. .. n -Thoti
hant xr.A-'. vil'i . T'nv 1;';n!t.
l-ove do : j I "!"- r f t r ci n
K'hr. Tt;vi art :i v -r-1 i-.,n .
I'ure urTw-r. lo ? T:.; i jr':
Thou hast brought t, ,i?'-n .
Tfeee we love wita aU o-r c-rT."