The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    ... - ... . .
Cepyrixbt. 191U hj the Bobb.-Merrffl
Lovers of Romance, attention I
Here's a story you will like. It
tells of mystery under the dreamy
moon of the Pacific islands and
of love in the shady lanes of New
Englandand what more can a
story reader want? The mystery,
of course, is introduced early in
the tale, and the 'love follows
close after. Together they go
hand in hand through the pages
of the story, never parting com
pany until the-final chapter.
There the mystery departs, bat
the love remains.
You know, of course, about the
author, Lloyd Osbourne. He,
learned how to write in a worthy)
school, for he is a stepson of
Robert Louis Stevenson. And no
greater story teller than the latter
ever lived.
A Startling Discovery.
IL.S days hnd passed since the
tug cast them off beyond the
Golden Gate and with three
toots of farewell left them to
shift for themselves ten ' days of
heavenly peace.- with tfe sails scarcely
touched and rustling softly "before an
unfailing breeze. In all there were
seven men forward, who misht have
been seven authors, from the assidu
ous way they read grave, oldish m
for the most part, always glued
books under that tarpaulin in tl
waist Flerman was the only youth
among them tall, whltey-blond Fler
man. who tried to make friends with
the passengers till he was 6quelched
by the mate.
Schwartz, though less of a reader
than Brandels or the others, very soon
ran dry as a conversationalist, lie be
came bottled up and uncommunicative,
spending hours at a time In his cabin
or walking up and down the poop in a
brown study none dared to disturb.
This was the only prerogative of a cap
tain that be treated himself to. beyond
taking hU place at the head of the ta
ble. Mr. Brandels took all the obser
vations, gave all the orders, shortened
sail or ran nr kites without even co
Ing through Le form of consulting "hl3
superior. He was the virtual com
mander of the ship and made very
little pretense that he was not. Matt
noted that Schwartz stood no watch,
but allowed his to be taken by the sec
ond mate, a ponderous individual of
sixty, with white side whiskers, who
was called Krantz and berthed forward
with the men.
This familiarity between officers and
men was new to Matt. Mr. Brandels
was not above mixing with them un
der the tarpaulin and adding his cigar
and book to that sprawling circle
Matt had to admit that the mate did
not appear to lose caste In conse
quence. On the contrary, he was treat
ed with great respect, and Herman In
particular never failed to spring up
at his approach.
The two Japanese. Yonlda. the stew
ard, and Fusl. the cook, were not' be
hindhand, either, as readers.
An Indefinable suspicion was begin
ning to creep into Matt's mind that
there wps something wrong with the
ship. The transformation of Schwartz
from an amiable, talkative, friendly lit
tle man Into the taciturn creature who
paced the poop or wrote for hours in
his cabin struck oddly on Matt's atten
tion. The gruff mate was gruffer than
ever and showed an Increasing disin
clination to let Matt see the chart as
the vessel's course was plotted from i
day to day. And these white and
whiskered patriarchs? Was It a float
ing old men's home or what?
The humorous view with which these
things were at first regarded changed
Imperceptibly as time wore on. Who
was this strange Schwartz and this
strange Brandels. and what had been
the secret of the former's impulsive
good will In San Francisco? Nothing
now was heard of old south sea cap
tains standing together. The n mazing
face dawned on Matt that Schwartz
was no seaman at all. but a landsman
masquerading as the master of the ves
sel. Was It possible that they were
prisoners on this singular ship com
fortable, well fed. politely treated pris
oners? To Increase Matt's misgivings. Chris,
who was a lighter sleeper than him
self, had been hearing "noises' In the
middle of the night She descriled
them as "funny, snapping sounds" that
commenced after Schwartz had passed
their door and looked In. as though to
assure himself that they were asleep
She was so positive of this that Matt
determined to stay awake one night
and see and hear for himself. If It
were fancy on Chris part the sooner
she was undeceived the better, for she 1
was nervous and frightened and had i
moments of passionately wishing they I
haJEver. set -foot onthe EsmeraldjU l
Midnight' struck eight Sells. Half
after midnlgtt cue bell. One o'clock
two bells. Half after 1 three bells.
He grew drowsier and drowsier. Sud
denly Chris clutched him.
"lie's coming." she whispered. "Matt
he's coming I heard the door.
Matt held his breath. Schwartz was
tiptoeing past their door. No, not past
it for the man stopped on his way and
cast a quick glance within. He was
In his pajamas. Ills face was a study
of furtiveness and caution. Then he
tiptoed on and was seen no more.
"Didn't I tell you?" murmured Chris.
"In a moment the noises will begin."
"Sh-h-h!" returned Matt "Sh-h !"
It was more than a moment, how
ver, before the quiet was disturbed.
"There, there!" exclaimed Chris.
A peculiar jarring sound became
faintly audible, as though some ma
chinery had been set in motion. But
It was too irregular for machinery
and had an indescribable thrilling
quality that Matt was at a loss to ac
count for. The cabin shivered with
It It was as fine as the lash of a
whip and as vicious, as it seemed to
sting the air. Matt leaped from the
bunk, despite Chris" entreaties. By
George, he was going to see what
was! Follow ScJiwr.rtz and And ont.
It was an astonishing sight that met
his gaze. Forward of the foremast
was a sort of Lut constructed of mat
tresses, forming a windbreak or shield,
open only to the fo'castle. Within it,
heated on a box, was Herman, bent
over an apparatus and causing it by
means of a small brass handle to emit
that astounding buzzing as well as an
incessant sputter of sparks and flash
es. There was i:o listlo-ssness now in
that gawky youth. His expression
was keen; his hand moved the key
with lightning precision; he had an
unmistakable air of mastery and skill
as of a man engaged in something ho
evellpd in
Wireless! Of course It was the wire
less. Matt had read of it. but had nev
er seen it before in action. Zi si
zlzizizi zi zi-zi-zizizi! The brass lev
er darted up and down, lingered and
snapped amid a splutter of sparks and
flashes; the captain, holding a sheaf of
papers with his thumb, reeled off sen
tence after sentence in a low. vibrant
voice; the lantern light flickered over
the yellow sheets, over Herman's bent
head encased in a curious harness,
over the gleaming apparatus. Occa
sionally Schwartz was warned to stop.
The machine no longer transmitting,
would receive. Zi. zizL zi-zi-zi-zi with
this time Herman repeating, word by
word, the message thus mysteriously
caught from space, while Schwartz
listened darkly, with preoccupation,
seeing the unseen, weighing and un
derstanding what was being told him.
Matt returned as he had come, more
concerned than ever not to betray him
self. The discovery had daunted him;
he was in the grip of terror. He was
so agitated that he could scarcely
speak, as Chris, on guard at the door,
shut it behind him and breathlessly
asked what he had seen.
"They're working a wireless appara
tus," he answered.
"Wireless. Matt! You don't mean a
wireless telegraph?"
"Yes. Herman's operating it, and
Schwartz I sending messages."
"You actually saw them?"
"Yes. inside a lot of mattresses by
the foremast to deaden the sound, o?
It Wat an Astonishing Sight That (VUt
His Gaze.
course, and keep us from hearing.
We're prisoners on this ship. Chrl3,
they've kidnaped us."
"But isu't that a terrible thing to
"For us yes."
"But couldn't they all be punished
and sent to prison?"
"Possibly, if the Oregon ranged
alongside. But where is your Ore
gon? Chris, this whole ship and the
whole crew must have been waiting
for us in San Francisco, like a lot of
spiders for two little flies. Tokelaus!
We'll never see any Tokelaus. That
was all part of the scheme to hood
wink us to get us away."
"But what could they want with us?"
"Want with us! Why. they want
John Mort!"
"Oh. Matt!"
"Yes. The same people who are
running this ship are the same that
drove me out of Manaswan. Bribing
me failed, force failed, but they were
cunning enough to know that rather
than starve I'd double back t the is
lands. So there was Schwartz all
renri,- with hi ship and . hisblarney
'and" his" spider's fftn across" the road
I was bound to take."
"Why hasn't the captain tried to
make you tell tried to force you to
"That's coming. As sure as I am
alive that's coming when we reach the
people who are answering our wire
less. There's trouble ahead. Chris."
"Well, in that case, you'll simply
have to take the only way out"
"I'll never do that never."
"But. Matt, they might Rather
than have you hurt I'll tell everything
"You shan't."
"I will. Matt. I will!"
"You don't know where this islnnd
Is. You don't know the bearings.
What could you tell them that they
don't know?'
She whispered something back that
blanched his face.
For a moment he was silent. It had
never come to him that their deviltry
might be turned against Chris.
"I'll sink the ship first!" he cried.
(To Be Continued
from Friday's Daily.
At S o'clock last evening the
Jolly Seven club" assembled at
H home of the vice president
Miss Edith Ramge. The di n'n
oom was decorated with the club
colors, while the other roonus
vt-re elaborately trimmed in
'Christmas decorations. Presents
.vere hidden throughout the
louse and the girls enjoyed much
ilea-me in searching for them.
Other interesting games were
played and at the right hour the
ho-dess served a delightful three
" nurse luncheon. Shortly after
'his the guests departed, all
agreeing that Miss Itamge va
one of the most delightful
entertainers in the city.
Beautiful Shetland Ponlea
for sale at all times, for the ne
100 years, unless I die in I Id
Meantime. I have now an estr
one stallion, the best in the stal.
for sale. Well -broke for boti
harness and saddle.
Vm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth. Net
R. F. D. No i
The Journal advertisers r
q trie nusmess
Common Scnsa Counts as
ITIuch in Making a Town
as Anything Else.
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Fourth and Pearl Streets.
(Formerly Chopie Oasoline
Engine Co.)
At the solicitation of our 4
friends we have taken over
the above works with a view J
of expanding the business
along conservative lines. J-
We shall continue to
manufacture the Patent
(Jasolino Engine heretofore
mode in these works, for the J.
reason thnt in principle it "
is the best gasoline cngi'ie
that we know of; the name -l-of
this engine will be -changed,
also the name of
the concern as per above.
Our aim shall be to e'M-
ploy only compel en' men:
these we shall introduce a
fast as the business war
rants, and may from time 4
to time draw on our Omaha '
shop cuh c-rf:"' h'
r ma be teri:'pj un'il
volume-of work 'he'.l ;nsti,i '
their permanent reidence
in PInttsmon'h.
!. :' V-- r " -
and acco'vridjit inp of t'o
community and render any
assistance in machinery re- J
pairs or equipment that -J
may he wanted. In addi
tion to our regular work we
will undertake to overhaul
and rebuild automobiles, or
attend to repairs pertain
ing to machinery in gen
eral; build special machin- f
ery when required from J
customers' own ideas and
plans, and, in qreneral, fur-
nish such service as may be J
evppeted from anv first- J
c'ass machine shop.
We also act as purchas
ing agents for any kind of !
machinery and supplies,
and can furnish same on
short, not ice.
of Plattsmouth, Neb. ?
Pints. 'Phone 3S2.
Omaha 'Phone D-5S37. &
Items of Interest to Our Readers
Gleaned from the Newspaper
Files of Many Years Ago.
J. T. Lloyd of Eight Mile Grove
called on the Herald.
Mr. L. Furlong of Mt. Pleasant
made us twice happy one day not
long since.
Capt. Palmer has just returned
from an extensive trip east.
Sam Chapman goes over to
lOwa to court law court we
The Rev. Mr. Boag of Aflon,
Iowa, will preach in the Presby
terian church next Sunday, morn
ing and evening.
Gen. Cunningham just arriv d
e 'o i y a for nearl tYi
..oaths absence in Washington,
D. C. His hearty hand-shake feels
good once more.
B rger-Johnson At the resi
dence of the br'de's father i
nk B.ufls, on he evening ol
November 2Gth, by Elder C. Alton,
Mr. James W. Berger to Miss
Suan G. Johnson, -both of Rock
Huffs, Cass county, Nebraska.
l.e O. K." barber shop is still
running and prospering, and Mr.
E. M. Black, the genial proprietor,
has just received a very able as
;stant, Mr. Chas. Murry, a young
rrishman from Baltimore, whom
he calls the champion hair-cutter
of the west.
Sheriff Cutler, Deputy Dick
Strr ight, Geo. Fickler," and half
h.i horsrmen in town are out af
i ? ho'se thieve. Two fine mares
. st len Tusd;j' nicrht f'm
. ran s, near Rock Bluffs, and
.lie o'l'eers of justice are in hot
Dan McKinnon, our l'v- .
handsome and hard-workin"
county clerk, has left us for a
''.iort trip to Salt Lake and Den
er for his health. Hope Dan will
come back with the bloom of the
roses on his cheek.
The Papillion Sentinel wants
lotber railroad from the U. P.,
irar Papillion, south to a junc
1 ion with the B. & M. near the obi
Cedar Island crossinc. All right,
'.:o ahead and get it, or coax the
''unk road to build down this
Bon. Wm. B. Porter was pres
ent at the meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the aid so
ciety last week at Omaha ami
crave it as his opinion that the
"range could anil would under
fke the distribution of seeds,
tc. next sprinsr; but did not
'"nk it advisable for the grange
'o take up the work of the aid so
"ietv, which has been well and
ahlv performed and the Hon. W.
" ' bead is level.
W have not;ced rlshere tha'
Chicasro Board of Trade ap--n-onriated
s?2.-i00 to ttie grass
hopper sufferers. On the 2Gth o
mm;tee from the principal
"Tapti' hnncps was formed,
v,, ..;n - pjj ,n nlo fivs in their
;"r. r -( T ejfer fc Co.. Ke;th
Bros.. Farcro & Co., and a num
"np of fh0 most prominent firms
;n the citv are renesented on 'hat
-. t f - rtft.poni c'ain
-en ''" --pt 'be board of
prijio-orc of ihe NY-b"ask Sta'e
np(l Rolirf societv leads us to
-i-p that no better men could
- ' .,T,ri ; ..- a,n. n hve
-- - h'ahlt and im-
"bni 'x-ri; fnel that
-nch of thr" complaint emanates
'"O""1 those who do uot give and
tovp constitutional grumblers.
Our peonle are no t yet fully
iware of the immense work that
;s necessarv to ' relieve our
Het'f"te fellow citizens. We
hore that every man. woman and
child who has a nickle to give, or
that has second-hand clothing to
mare, will make un a bundle, and
M once deliver to W. B. Porter or
n. H. Wheeler, who will see that
"i same is nromptlv forwarded
ppd that the donors receive
rropcr eredi' for all such
-onT.;mif ions. The above shows
'hat the Queen of the West is
ever ready to give from her
abundance to relieve the neces
sities of our people. We hope the
crumblers will hold their peace,
nd co to work in the good cause.
Owing to the belief that the ad
ditional 5-mill tax, levied to meet
school expenses, and other city
expenses was illegal, Mr. Dovey
applied for an injunction, and
th court allowed an injunction
to the (jxtenL of 11 mills. The
papers here Khow for Ihemselve
the nature of the case. Mar
quette, Sprague .it. Wheeler, for
plaintiff; Chapman & Walker for
the city. The injunction on fur
nace bonds, school bonds and
general revenue funds was de
nied :
Order of Judge Lake Edmund G.
Dovey vs. the City of Platts
mouth, et. al., Order at' Cham
bers. And now on this 12th day of
August. 1874, to which time the
hearing had been adjourned, this
cause came on to be heard, upon
he motion of the plaintiff for a
temporary injunction upon the
Petition, answers and exhibits,
and was agreed by counsel for
both parties and the cause there
from was taken under advisement
bv me, until Monday, the 17th day
f August, instant: And now
having considered the case, and
having fully advised in the prem
ises, it is ordered that the de
fendants, Jno. C. Cummins,
'surer, Cass county, and" the
-"an, Wm. Wintersteen.
. easmer. City of Plattsmouth, be
and they are severally enjoined
from collecting by distress or sale
or either of the real or personal
-roifi- rf (he said plaintiff, Ed
mond G. Dovey, the said tax of 5
''- I -vied for the payment of
the principal and interest of five
street bonds, issued to sahl Mc
Fntee, for work (lone on Chicago
avenue in said city, and also the
'f ur nv'lls tren.iai lmprovemen'
"r" called, until the further
o der of the said court, but as to
all other taxes mentioned in said
etiion, the injunction is denied
ard the order heretofore made, so
far as it relates to said list men
t;"nd taxes are vacated and is
further ordered that the plaintiff
crive an undertaking as required
bv law, in the sum of $200 se
enritv, to be approved by clerk of
said district court.
Geo. B. Lake. Judge.
from SaturJay's Dally.
Ine debate yesterday afternoon
at the High school between the
embers of the senior American
History class and the sophomore
v reek class on the subject of
Woman Suffrage," attracted a
great deal of attention and the
school auditorium was crowded
with many visitors eager to hear
the young men and women handle
I his question, which is becoming
such a vital one in this country.
Both sides on the debate handled
their parts in an able manner and
while the decision of the judges
was in favor of the seniors, who
appeared on the negative side of
the question, the decision was
very close and the defeated
sophomores have cause to feel
proud of the line showing they
oadc and the manner in which
th" debate was handled. The
M'dsrs of the deba'e were Misses
Xev.branch and Moore of tin:
Hiah school faculty and Rev. J. H.
Steer, who gave the seniors their
decision by three points. The
Timbers of the senior class tak
ing part in the debate were Byron
Wies. Violet Freese, Waldemar
Soennichsen and Sophia Ulrich.
Th'i sophomores were represent
ed by Elizabeth Hall, Raymond
t rrsnn. Frances Morley and Paul
""ri"a' The occasion was one.
ho"-rver, that greatly pleased all
fhes tudents of the High school
f.iil the residents of the city who
Ttfepried and it is to be hoped that
mroir(a of this k;nd en
b arranged for in the future.
The number of young women
who suffer with weak back, dizzy
and nervous spells, dull headache
and weariness is surprising. Kid
ney and bladder ills cause these
troubles, but if Foley Kidney Pills
are taken as directed relief fol
lows promptly, and the ills dis
appear. Contains no habit-forming
drugs. For sale by all drug
gists. "h.. Journal rb job work
J. O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
s graduate of the Kansas City
! Veterinary College, is per-J-
manently located in Platts
J mouth. Calls answered
J- day or night. 'Phone 255. j
4- Office COG Main.
JMattsmouth. NVb.. !-. 1. HIT
nounl rnt piir-u.i nt t mtirnrn.-nf
Prfsf-nt. ( U. Ionian. i:. !!!. nr
ami Julius .. I'itz. t'ounty 'nmnn.
sionfr.x; I . Morgan, t'nuntv l-rk
Minute of prvton in r"i'l Mnl
approved. wlin the fol owlnjf t'iin-
was tranart.l in rK'Uar form-
'ourity Tr"aiurr lntrtnt-l to
oani'Hl tax for yoar m! lai
al" tlirpon on lot 1 SW of SW S-
1-70-10. same lan.l as lot I". . .M
to -niriK VatT i'itv. Tax- liatintc
lf"!i ill on lot l.". :".V A"!'! it ion.
Tli following chiiim w-r- al!o.l
On tli" CIii-ral fund:
(. K. Hplmr. anl mi!-
aKf f
Waterman Luntlwr t'oal Co..
loal to court liome
J. I. Falter, agent, Inxiira m-
on poor hinf-
C. It. Jordan, salary uml m I
Tlii- I'niVf rit y I'ubl ir InK
examination pa trs, 1 1 i t
Mrs. A. L. Matf:all. are of
Mack Harder. Septemler 20
to Ieenir 30. 1 1 3
Burrows AtldinK Mat Line Co..
i:il.l.on to County Treasurer
A. Kar-h, mle, to .T. Monro..
A. Ilacli Ar Co.. ml. to Mrs.
Ku ti in sky
Jam.' Kooertson, vi.
Julius A. Pitz. salary ant! mile
age ..etd ft Taylor, agents, lnsur
ncc on court t-iu."
Nebraska I.lhtlnK Co.. jras to
jail, court house ami street
Pt.m'ler i; Slander, Mirial of K.
B. I. Clements, iuiue5t
Iieinzl'-. oeo-ased
J. W. Holmes. auto hire to
Plattsmouth Journal, printing
and supplies
.ians Johnson. rridne to Mrs.
Kuw ler
.VI. Archer. State v. Joseph
CV I. Qulnton. vame
James Hobertsori. fees
47 . S".
u ')
30. 1i
1. s:
1 . 1 i
41. iz.
4. si
2. r.o
Z . '
7 .CO
1 .!
1 . -J '.
l' to
1 1 . r s
. r -
37. CO
2 1
10. 40
17. : o
"0 . ))
James W. I'rot'pst. State
Perry Ilrleics Cleveald..
nines Holiertson. State
Kulinv A- Jacotd
James Uobertson.
Juhn M ie
James Kobertson.
Walter Carter, et !..
James Robertson. State
H. Johnson
James Robertson.
Wm. Brat ton
James Robertson.
Kred Cibm
James I.'.berton.
Albert Stevens ..
Jairios Robertson.
James Hiddlecomo
James Robertson. State
Krd F. Ohm
C. W. Cl trk. meals to pauper"
T!ie followlns: r'.airn. were
nn trie I'oad funds:
uv Wessei. 1 ardware for
road district N. S t
en rv "e?s-l. sam-. No. 12....
O L. Mtbouse. roaj work,
roail district No. i
Henry A. RuhKa. same. No. 11
fi. W. Ieach. yame
Wm. name. N. IS..
Fred Muenchau. same
Ian Muf nci.jii. same
Fred lirum, same
1 It. Stewart, same
J. C. Hatsook, ram
Carl Finland, same
Fred Mcdradv. blacksmith
work, road di.trlct No. 1J...
P. K. Allen, same. No. 16
Lee Arn-tt Co.. culvert, road
district No. H
A. F. Serbcrt. road work, roa.t
district No. 2
Ttioinn.t K. Fulton, blacksmith
work, road district No. 1 ; . .
W. F. Led nr. road work, road
district No. lt
Neb. and Iowa Steel Tai.k o.,
culvert, road titri-t No.
J. Atiams. t'iaU-1 road d!.
trictNo 1
K. Ct. fnncn, road woi k. road
district No. l:
Nicholas tp. same
Farmer.-' drain Co.. coal, road
district No. IS
R. S. McCleery. cin erte work,
road disarict No. s. Com
missioners' roi'l fund
Nicholas pp, roail work, road
district No. 11'. rn
The following laini Were l
on the Hridtre fund:
R. S. M Cleery. bridtre work..$
Chas. Vanscovoc, bridge ma
terial If. A. Funke. nam .
Nicholas (ipp bridire work....
R. S. McCleery. same 4M.U')
Hoard adjourned to meet Wednesday,
December 17, 1 .(.
I). C. MORtlAX. County Herlc.
riattsmouth. Ne.. rec. 17. 111.
Board met pursuant to ad joumment.
Tresent. C. tt. Jordan. C. K. Het.ri-r
and Julius A. I'ttz. County rumran
'oners: D. C. Montan. County Clerk
When the following business w.
transactel In reeu'.ar form:
The followlne bonds were at-nroved
H. I. McNurlln. constable. Weeping
Water City.
A F. Sevbert. road overseer, roail
dis-trlct No. 2.
I. S. Barnes, justice of the peace.
Weepinsr Water City.
F. B. Taylor, name.
Fred Spahnle. constable. Tipton
John Iomever, road overseer, road
district No. r..
C. F. Vallery. sam. No. 1.
H. Manspeaker. flvputy eounf"
B. I. Clements, oounty coroner.
Tl'e followinif ilaim wtre allowed
the Heneral funl:
Uicliey Bros., material for tetn
"nrarv home at Poor farm.... I 2S'.7
K. Ratnoiir V Co.. casket for
Johnson 2.00
T. H. Tamd. extra lalor at poor
farm 10.00
M. Sheldon, laying sewerpipe
at farni C3.00
"irr.p. t. Come-, qinr.intln
smallpox and scarier fever.. 4
The i'oll"v-?ne iaims were allowed
the ''ad funds:
t Wo!z. road work, roail
!trct No. 7 S S.00
Tnn" rn'er. concrete work.
roi district No. 12, Com.
road fund 21.
The followine claim was allowed on
he Brill fund:
Richev Bros., bridire material..! 54
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
January . 1914.
D. C. MORGAN. County Clerk.
i.f;ai. xoTirr.
In the District 'onrt of liu C'oaatr.
Frank A. Davis, I'laintlfT.
Mas-ele K. Davis. Iefendant.
To MugK-je k. lavis:
Tour are herebv notified that Frank
Davis, on 1 he fifth day of Aucust. A.
D.. 113. commenced an action for di
vorce acalnst yu. ty flllnir bis peti
tion In the district court of Cass coiin
t" Nebraska, on the grounds of ex
treme ciuelty an. I tleserction.
You are required to answer said tetl
tlon on or before Mondav. the econl
dav of F"hni!rv. .- D. I'll
FP'NK' V DW1S, riaintlfr.
J. H. DOCOL.SS. Attorney.
In County Court.
Cass County,
In the Matter of th Etate of
William II. Hett. sr.. Deccawl:
Nofiep j i hfrnhy frivn to th
creditors of aid docafd tliat
hearings will be had upon rlaim
filel apainst !ai(I estat, before
me, County Judse of Ca County,
-hra-'a, :it t!i- C.Mif '..!'?
r-K'tti in Piatt -rnit! h. i:t .im!
County, on th l llli d.iv ..f J.iu-
iiitrv. y I. and on lt. !"itt i iy
i.f .lulv. fl i. at ! oYbffc. a. pi..
'Jicli il.iy fr fXdtn m:i! isf.
mTif and all'-waru-c.
All claim' rini-l I if lil'-d in ii.
i-oiirl mi or b" frf .n. I..-'. h"i;r
of hfarinv.
Witne-s Biy hand at:. I i! -f
-aid County Court, .tf IMait--mouth,
Npbra-ka. this th diy ..f
IfrfiribT, 1013.
(s.-ai; Ai.i.KN .1. nr.r-ov.
County Jinli'.
C. E. Till FT. Att-.nn v.
In District Court, Cas County,
In th Matter of IU tiu iri!ianhir
of lo'orzf S'hiildi' ari l Harry
Srhuldire, Minors;
Now m thi n)th dty f No
vember, 1913, thi4 ratise nn- ot
to b hfaril upon th p'jtion of
A!bTt Schuldn'f, pra
iiife fnp irn-,' tn firh of
san! minors on-twf'fth u.te-rf-t
in th followineT land. t.-wit:
Lot eighteen IS;, in Secti-.ti
-t-v-n (7; , Tovnhip twhe 12,.
Rank. fotirtn in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, for th pur; os..
of r'in et injr th prw.-eit
thereof to a better adr.tnr;' f.r
said minor?.
It i ordt-red that th rvt of
kin of said minors and a! pir
on interested in eai 1 niatfer
ipj ear bfforf rt'f at th I itrct
Court Room at Piatt MO i?h. in
Ci County. Nbraka. or. tti
o"th day of January, i '- t at i
o't-hrk a. rn. to show ca i wUy
a Iif-nsr should not b i:rantd t.
said iruardian as above- .e f.,rth.
That notif of tbf trr:, and
la' of said harmff b t'u-n by
publishint: a copy of tins rd.-r in
lh Plattmouth Journal for
fhre vc'ks prior to tb 3"!h day
of January. 191 i.
jamcs T. isr.r.i.r.Y.
Iitrun J i.iz.
I the Ilre t mmrt m as4 te (
mmmtf. el rsskj.
In re f-tair of Orin C Mn".
To All I'erson Irfereste!
Von are'.T n..f.r.e. tha o.t
recemer 3. li. Anna ,'.n '!j t -n-roe
f.Ie.l ler t'ef.Itjon In -,e ''..i-.t
"oi:rt of ass) Cnrt'. N(.-i-.; i r - -n.est:r.
tie 1T m-Ti f V K
J-ciii!s as d"n::i stra'-.r of t- m'H
f rln I" Mn-oe. r;i. r. I 1i-
ler!m that said c)r.i,.! . t -ta'.
A rtrlnr wt'i he a.t .n
aid Tet!tion at tie n .-e ' -m '.. -
tv J i-!se. t'j'jrt I-! if t Tii..-it i.
Countr. Nebraska, on Jr.'jJr- t
1S1I. al nine c.o k a fi . !''
which ho-ir all Object !.1 t.'.eret
must te f. !.
By the I'ourt
RAWL3 x r.oniTT...
A t tornev .
snrirr. to rnrniT'iiM.
la (Ik t w mtr Cmrt la a4 fer Cava
In V-. Matter of tie il:- .-,f Ifrvr
D Trnvi. re.
To the Creditors of f-e Ahove
T.u are hereby nn:i"l t At her
Inas upon ail ctaims at-, n ? .ij
estate will Ke had at th .. of t-
County Jti.lce. 'oirt !? .. I'lat's
mou'h. C'"intv. N!rk. r rt
January . lilt, an.l on J ' . :. I 1 I st
10 o r'..-k a. ni r f ji li n a' t iU , .
and that an rlairr.s not P i t,r s.i. i
hour on sari !' tiay o i r.-rlr.
be forever tnrrej.
By the Court
aLLKX J Ttr.yc,S.
n- nf J a l".
Sea!ed proposal wi:i b" reclre.l tf
the county clera of Cas ri'iittr n or
before noon Jan'iarr lt. UM. lor f ir
nUMrt tr.e fuliosr.n :.)o. l!iio
ami Mat! jr.erv far saiJ m-.slf '1 Jr,n
tl.e year I 1 4 '
l- q-ilre C'.atrel M-rt -- r.eorl
1-S nuire C.a.m Ix.iur tpr.nte.l
I Ta Lists r.ecor.l w t ! taba year
1JII tprinte-l hJ'
1-S quire rnej. Ieett J'.ecor I (printed
1 -C oture me, I. InleT tr pl,nnuit
Lands tpnnte.1 liea.l
1- f:u:re nie-l.
leaf .
2-S c.utre m. Jtlirtgir- r.e--or-!s
printed pace)
l- nai'e ntJ M-ce:iaaeoua Dee. I
llecorj loose leaf).
Z-i 3 i. r meil. M!. I loose
leaf .
1-S r) ure me 5 Apprin Iiockat
4 printed head I.
1- iuire rne.l l u irl CCen lie
1-8 iu:re mej ITobAle BMk
prtnte-1 pare.
Canvas rovers each.
l- julre med. Court Jojrral IprinteJ
r'ent Hack, per ej-iire
l- ;u're mel. Trlai tackt (prine-i
l.eai i.
Inkier per fcoolt.
AM to be eTtra b 'inl of N'T
I I.inen I.e.Irer piper. i'yri Wes
ton's Le.-r Vaer or h.tlnc
Le'leer raj-er
Rubber Kan. Is. ." II. lr tro.i.
penhol.lera. No. 2JT4. pr .! ieri
Wrltlmc Klul.l r.-l.! . r r n nft
F.rasers. Nu. lt. Fathers, per .l.n.
Ksterbroolc s No. 0i per.s. per ---
ConsTress T: envelope. No. 11-4
ttilclc. per !'
ITsferbrook s Nr T pens. '-r "-
Cona-re.s Tie enrelopes, N . IJ-I. 1 - -
thlcic. per !
Conrress Tie envelopes. N-. It-Z. tMclt.
per 1)
Mjrilare. arter"s Arab in. per qujr'.
Congress Tie envelopes. .. l-l. tn.rii.
per Ml
rentsnn'a Notarial Seal N" ZI. pee
Coorrm Tie envelopes. N. 1. 14. per
Pn -l.. eopTln";. per tloe.
f'enrioMe-s. N Crown, per .loTeri.
i;i!l-.tts No ! fens, p-r
l.'onfrm Tie envelopes. N-. 1 1-?
tMe'iC. per l'l'V
Pencils. Velret. per rl""
Btit ber I;an.!. asor'e.l. .'n. I J-. pr
Wrlflnr TluM. per -nart.
Separate til mit be tti i.e ar each
fl' of sopplies In tle niiirio.
Tbe Com mi s toners rits ti.e r:M
to r cf any or all
B:.i will be a.!!resse tn Co'infr
Cleric ap.I marked .'iTotrfnt; fr
B"k. B.anks a-l ?!"n.,.ry.
Hl'tilers must t a -io-I a.l
bonJ f'-r e faithful per '. orrn inr of
their contract
puis win b opene.l tie ne!!f
In January. I C M' f:;V.
Couaty '"r k.
A complete lint or Dnntton'
extra fine Christmas seals and
cards can be) found at th .Jour
nal office.