The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1913, Image 1

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    5cb- Stale Historical
NO. 100.
Big Time and Fine Program Is
Given by the
From FiM.iy's l:iily.
I.a-t t-veninp there was a vt-ry
larpe aticiidance of ihe int'inliiTs
of Missouri Tribe -N. ;. Im
p roved Order of IP-dmca. al their
hall t take arl in the 1 1 I inp
xxhich was inn of tin best I In
order ha- held for some t i mi. The
ludpe at this nee! in-; .-h-cled the
oflicers for tin eiisniup; year as
Sa.-hem Henry I.ahoda. j
Senior Sapamore frank
Ha w kenbei y.
Junior Sasamon Tom Isiier. i
Prophet it. 1. Oallon.
Keeper of It'M-oi.l 111 i 1 Wall-
Keeper of W.uimpum John
I Mitral ( (iival Council (,f
the order I. C. York aa'.f VTU
liam II inri.-hsen.
After Ihe business session of
Hit hdpe the members adjourned
In li. iKimiiii'l hall, where a feast
that xxas tit for a kinp had been
prepared, and here I he warriors
ami t hief- enjoyed themselves for
several hours and palhered
around their new brothers whom
Ihev had adopted into the tribe
al this meetinr.
Chief Yellow Hear performed
ha- part in sinpini- ihe I Mitch
Mockinp P.ird" and the manner in
which he carried it out was a
wonderment to those who heard
him. His thrills and melodies
carried the audience bark to thai
piml old church land where such
sinpinp could be heard on the
hillside and wafted across the
alleys where the grapes ines and
apple trees were prowinp in pro
fusion. He wafted his melodies
on the cider press in the hall un
til the boys were all asleep. More
could be said of his wonderful
talent, but as he has promised to
pic this lodce another treat they
will be coislt-nt to wait for further
remark- on his work.
The next of the talented chiefs
to be called upon was Chief Spot
ted Tail in the very difficult lt.
hemiau Tanpo. and he was very
pood for the time he had to pre
pare for the event. His move
ment were very praceful. but
when he tried to pet the heel ac
tion in the dance he pot his form
in such shape that he looked like
a piraffe, only that he was not
spotted. He will, with a little
more practice, make oml in this
-tunt there is no doubt. Chief
White Cloud performed his part
very well jn sinpinp "'The Irish
Washerwoman." hut he seemed
to be thinking of the old washing
and forpol to put the melody into
the museie. Hi- next musical
treat will be -The Arkansaw
Traveler." Chief tied Horse was
not tpiite a failure. the' only
double with his pari was that his
head seemed ton heavy for his
feet when he was tryi np- to per
form his difficult pails, but it is
thought he could be sent back to
Oermany and put in the care of
a pood instinct or for three years
and would probably make pood.
There were a number of others on
the program who were ripht on
"the job in their acts, but space
forbids a more extensive mention.
For Sale.
One section. G 10 acres wheat
land, in Franklin county, Wash
ington. Land roll in er, hut not
rouaht. All plowed sprint: of
1012; no wastee . land. . First
crop wheat 25 bushels per acr
raised in HMi7. Located 2 miles
north of Kahlotus; 2 railroads
All fenced. Price. ft 2 2.50 per
acre, on easy terms, f'ood op
port unity for farmer with boys
who wants larpe farm. Owner
an invalid. Must sell. For par
ticulars, write owner. W. G
Sampson. P. O. Box 326. Piatt 5.
mouth, :Ncb. 12-11-lmo-w
The Journal fop stationery.
Here fop Christmas Seacnn
From Friday's Dallv.
John Couphlin. who spent the
ast summer ami fall in T-n-e-see.
where he is interested in
the interurban railway at .adi-
ille. Tenn.. is in theeiiv to si.en.t
the Christmas holidays with i:is
friends here, beinp a puesf at the
I. M. Soenn iehsi'ii borne. Mr.
'ouphlin. who sient several
months here in the iiisiirnne..
business, is on' of the nios
penial men in the world and his
friends here are legion and it
was certainly a rare pleasure to
them to have him here for even a
-boil time. II,. is lookinp hale
ind hearty and the southland ap
pears to have apr 1 with' him in
perv wav.
The Roads Throughout
County Are in Good
From Friday's Iallv.
The manv farmer- who have
visited the city, as well as parlies
from town who have made trips
out into the country in the last
ten days. report the road- in
most of the county to be in ex
cellent shape and xery pood to
travel over, either with team or
automobile, and it is an excep
tion when any bad roads are
truck in Iravelintr. and this
sali-facloiy condition is due
larpclv to the manv farmers who
have taken the time ! drap I heir
roads and place them in pood
Condition before the freeillP
weather sets in. -which made the
roads have a pood basis, and
when the thawin? weather as at
present set in. durinp the days
they retained the solid smooth
ness and base imparted to them
by the work of the draps and
crapcrs and furnish the farm
er- and others with pood means
of travel, and the pood work
should be continued and at every
favorable opportunity the old
drap potten out and placed 011
the road to make them retain
their pood condition all throuph
the winter months.
The different road supervisors
throuphout the county put in
manv a hard days work on the
roads in their districts and can
now feel very proud of 'be excel
lent condition in which they are.
One of the hardest roads in this
section to keep in shape is that
b-adinp to the wasn bridpe over
the Platte river, on account of
the hills that lead to if and the
siionpv soil of the Platte bottom.
which makes the task of keeping
up the road in proper shape a
hard one. and oxvinir to the fact
that this road is a link in the
irreat Kansas City-Omaha route
it should be looked after as much
as possible ami kept in such
shape as to permit I ravel over it
at all seasons of Ihe year.
The condition .if the avenues in
this city is one that has piven the
street commissioner and council
men much trouble, as they are in
quite a rouirh condition, especial
ly that of Washinpton avenue,
which is quite rouph and cut up
by the wheels of the vehicles, but
it i- hoped to be able to have it
fixed up so as to allow travel over
it in comfort.
Seward Man to Wed.
From Friday's Daily.
Chieapo. til.. lec. t. Harry
A. Cummins, aped 22, of Seward,
Neb., secured a marriape license
here today, naminp for his in
tended bride Miss Lucetla Pat
terson, aced 25. of Omaha.
The above dispatch will be of
much interest to Plattsmouth
residents, as the contracting
parties are well known here, bav
in? been here several times visit-inp-
friend, and the bride has
been present at many of. the lead
ins: social functions held iii this
city and is very hiphly esteemed
by her friends here, who will ex
tend to Mr. and Mrs. Cummins
their best wishes for their future
happiness. . .
-m 111' f .1 :lvfej: fh
S i ''-i--5:4 .-- : Li W I - Vfli. i,.. ' " . -C . - i 'TIS -. . . T V . . "V.- S-
- t ;
A 3 I k -? ;-;Ar Vi: " I f 4- I
i,V. v i ,r , Lf? p J ,uJJ ' 4 " - t- !
Thiefolf. Anna Tbe-f.-T. I'xa
Tbieiolf and .l.di.i "I I.' a I .
re-i-ii!! 1:1 1 he ii not I i
Creek. T!l- fi:,,er ., . f M ' -. '
I hie-.dr to-;.! :iu nfie, . .... 1
fro 10 t lo- etr,; n i ' : !o- : a. : I
i--Iiet . ;iii't ibe r.iet ; i !:' i !
in lll.ll iilM'Ull p';o e. 'I .,, -. r.. e. I
ei-,. r"!i!!.( ! etl t- t'.'V. .J .
sleiieV .if thi- i:v. ..f ;
l;m ! - elm re h . j
The pa.-inp- oT M --. "I !i :
wiil i H ! ,i - i i ., fe.ti ..f '- moch Eicttement l OccsiOfij
-i.Tr-ev ! h I'oii - h"ti I (In- 1-"' i'i x ,
wlo-ie -b" h.ol ..f -' h e;: OwCe Mi O i p p t X n C and
lee ; ?-Iiiett I . :m. I 'if fare :
Will Ttcee !1 lllM!p i ' ' e a x , . :
the 1 1 1 1 a i ll "f e-.:-.-ill
thi- .. ((.el of C.I-- . .oid
to man ..f wl i II--- .b...-!..!
was he, in l to- l-i- -I--hip.
Some Think Suicide.
?i-i- i-
if f
A Very D-Iigh ful Program Was
Rendered and All Acquitted
Themselves With Credit.
; I !.- .....
a "i .i .i
! a: .1 i
Splendid Musical Program Is Ar
ranged for Christmas Eve at
Presbyterian Church.
From Saturday's Tally.
The members r tiie Presby
terian Sabbath fchool are makinp
Unite extensive, preparations foi
their Christmas entertainment
next Wednesday eveninp. It is to
consist of a cantata, '"Santa
Clans party. umU'r the ilirectiou
of Miss Vallery. and a play. " Tlie
Spirit of Christmas." in charpe f
the teachers of the primary
praties. Roth of these little enter
tainments will le interest inp and
helpful to both yoiinp and old.
In the cantata Ihe children will
receive and most royally enter
tain Santa Clans in appreciation
of w hat he has done for I hem in
years pone by. The friends of
Santa will aNo be puesfs of Hie
children on this deliphtful oc
casion. The music in this cantata
is briphl and cheery ami Santa
Claus himself will demonstrate
to his visitors ami friends that he
is a sinper of some class and
In the play. "The Spirit of
Christmas. the real spirit, which
should be manifested by those
pivinp pifts. will be made clear by
Kinp Christ inns, who issues a de
cree that all pift shall be
broupht before him before any of
them shall be. sent to the relatives
and friend for whom they are
intended. "After making- a proper
investigation he will indicate
whet her or md Ihepilt i- a proper
one and whether or not the spirit
in which it is piven is prai-e-w
oi t hy.
In the presentation of the pi"
pram of tin eenin-jr about sixty
of the little folks will appear on
the larpe platform, prettily cos
turned for the special parts for
which they hae been assigned.
As has been the custom of the
school for a number of years,
each member of it will contribute
soniel hinir toward the Chri-tmas
dinners which are to be prepared
:ind put into baskets to be sent )
families which have been un
fortunate, perhaps., and would
appreciate beinir thus remember
ed al this time. Each class pets
up a dinner for some well deserv
ing family, ami parents are asked
to co-operate with the teachers"
most important part of the work.
A most cordial invitation is ex-
teo.b'd to the public to enjoy
these Christmas exercises with
the school.
Highly Respected Lady and One of
the Earliest Settlers Called
to Final Reward.
The local freiuht. over the P.ur
linton known as No. 21 and o".
which leaves this city about 7 a.
m has been so arranged that if
will not run on Thursday morn
ing's in the future until further
notice. The train did not run
last Thursday and it is generally
understood this order in regard
to Thursday" will stay in effect
until spring if the Ira flic doe- no!
become so heavy as lo force the
train to make its run each morn
inz as-usual. The train makes
the return trip to this city in the
exening as No. 30, and most of
(he. train crew make their homes
in this city.
From Saturday's Dally.
Another of the early r'-ili,n'
of the county has been summoned
to her final reward in the per-ou
of Mrs. .1. . Thierolf. rrhlinu ;
few miles south of ('.. ':) Creek.
who passed away at her bom.- late
Ttiui'-il iv afternoon, after an il!
pess roxerinp- a period of years,
beiiiir a complication of ari.u
ailinenls. which foe Hi., past i
years had kept .Mi-. Thierolf bed
fast for the greater part of th-
t hue.
This worthy lady was born in
1 II e !-s en JLVU id. 1 1 e- e II - I : I III -
stadt. lierinauy, some sixty years
i-i m .i!:ir'l.n I i
, es I et i) :i a f ! e i c a ! ! !
si I I b-iildi:?- lie- 5 ' I'o- s
.1. din's Cat Im' : - !e d - r e
e delight till p'o-t.oii ;! l!
rli.-rt'l i':,''!TIi' f-r I tie J'.ii-:-
mas ;ii;il,.-. .im.I il.e ai.'l
Ullls tlo look pa"! ii l!o- ex
I ie,.s, ! es pr .,ii, !
tile icilli'if!' j;; W ! 1 T 1 1 !.e .- ' .-
l the i! i I'i e: e: i ' .,.!. .! s a-- I
sgl!". to then.. The e...-, !-e-
Wefe openeil i. a -r ple.l-.'
piano s,,),, (, Mi-s 'ra J.u,.!.i.
followed e the '.Ii r- i-i ma - i
iiii'. to t he i;e!-r, winch va- f--'d bv :t it : :o r of I ;i ' e : i
b l.ieano,-, .. . s., j ,(..,
Marx K. Panne!.-, i, . -!-.. J
and Marx M. WalW i-. Th- p:i
ii;ir p::piis ae ,i i-Jia r . ;
ii! i le s,.;,i:. -Santa. Pe i!-.-' xx!'. !
-r.-aily peas.-, .M-rx.-i e p-es,-:i:
ami this wa f . ' 1 - e. tl.- ,tp-p.-aia'ice
..f ..Id SiT.r.i (n-i -.-T. a
;..ip. r s.,;;.,l. d bv M i-!-- T--
W'a ' 1 1 u--. .11, d ibis .-.i'i.'i- wa
ou" ha! pb ase, a!i tlo- .-
folks. Xh. XX ! . 1 I I ! I I !! IH.tK'-
the ac!;.nr.'a Me ..f tn f-','
eii!einaii. who a- I .!-r ' h !
loker, foj- ail of lln- i-ti ,;.( ::
Ill!s (,,l!i,Ul',i I.X 1-X.i X. iX
pleasnii. re.-1 1 a i e mi - .x ',',i''nll. .
So(,..a ai,. Hairx p. aie. .n I
then the audience xx ir. .(!.-.! !
a XefX c!e.-v .-ie. " I j
Christmas I -I ! -.' .x I! i
Schlui'l and Ma,-x In.., xxln lij
xas pi.-ii in a m-.-i cinioo
maiiii'-r. A unit lr r .- i f a ' '
ele al-" I e " I l.x ! I T I ' I I .l.o
William Si-lil.i'.-!-. Katt.ei:
- V t . . ' .1 1 ., 11 ...
.-iter, a on ii ii . i.-x . a , : i u ,i - ' - 1 1 .. .... , .
Joseph Webef. I.'ld !o-- H. . I ' ! (.r .,
and l.dxth 1 1: . i I k . ! ,... . .-. i,.
A er d'-ll-ll! fill fe l!iil e of ! I'- - ;
ee C i ses XX I X . ! 1 ! ( U'-t . X I !i , , ; , ,
piano aeon i (.a a i ii , i i I . ix 'I .- f ,, .:, .
dole and John x.b"ta a.'.' "d 1 - - I (,, .p.- ,.' I
I'niin'i. Jati.i.i. xx. t- i.!.'i.
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-obis XX ere l;ixen III" p-o-i' '"
-ram by Mi-s.-s l'-;imv. J;i -1 . f ' 1 '
Mary M. Wallo". Maf a'id i; i b ! ; ' ' -J'arUiele.
and !ll'--e -'i fi.- bo! j
show.-d the i.-r.a! care i.e. I . .. . I '
upon their trami
s t nci.ii -.
I lie pllplls ! He -. ,...., e o - I
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Return to Hospital.
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:"ii ami came to America in com-. rhurrh. It. x . I at!i.-i M. A. -n
I... ... ...I..... ! ...It. . I ,!iIUe 1.
fill lace suridice llo- -;
. i . i .- i ..- :. " 1 H .I . '. ',
pany with her hu-band about
foi'ty xcars a-'o. and 'hex- at once
located on a farm near the pr
cut home, south oT C.edar C.i-e.k.
in which locality !hey haxe re-id-ed
since that lime, and haxe been
ailloIlP the UiOs highly l'e-pei-ed
and esteemed citizens in that i-i-.
lion of lh" county. The Imsband
passed away about six years a-o.
and sinr-e that fim; the x i f e has
been lixinp xvilh her tlauuliter.
Mrs. Adam Mejsjnper. at the !!
home place.
There is left to mourn the
passjna of the mother Ihe fid low
ins children: Mrs. Adam Mei
sinper of Cedar Creek, ;nrse
Thie.rolf of Minnesota. Philip
'.X I. ! I-a - I '." - ' S ' 1
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Foe Sale.
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ii ie ; 1 1 bra ! ice xx a s .cei.-d xxjlb lb.
deepest fe.dllii. bx the pa-t. f. a-j
I I . 1 -1
II soXXei Illi' I'Xe ii'i'l .
felt f,-r Ilii- xx.-?!hy man hy bt
childlei! of the pan-h. Tlo-
pupiU also pax.- a .-rx pb- j ' , ex
x..c:tl number -II. dv ili!. Th- !'!
rector closed Ihe pro.-am bx- a
sliorl ad. Pes. and Wf-'.'y I" !t-.
scholars and the d :-!'!'! I " "'I'"-
. . r - e 'X I.
A ' . ' I o- tX .
, M ...
the varioi;
t hem.
. ! o' X '!'.'. . I. -
d f- l .ir'u". f".t-
Buy your stationery at the Typewriter papee at the Journal
Journal office. 'o"nce.