The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    1 r
We wish to extend a special invitation to call and examine our
large line of Winter and Gift Goods before making their Christmas
selections, for we believe WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. We are
making a special effort to close out our entire line of winter mer
chandise this month, including all our
en's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Sheep
Lined and Duck Goats, Ladies' and His
ses' Goats and Skirts, Sweaters and
all Knii Goods, Etc.
in fact everything that goes to make up an almost unbroken line of
winter merchandise. If the right price and high quality goods will
please you, here is the place to buy RIGHT NOW. Everything will
Superint endent fSeorge II.
Tarns of the county farm, west of
this city, was in town yesterday
on business ami informs us that
he is arranging to give the old
people, some fourteen in number,
who reside at the farm, a Christ
inas celebration which will in
clude a bis dinner, and that all
the residents there will be re
membered by a pift of some sort
to show that they are not entire
ly forgotten, and should anyone
in the city desire to send any
thing out to the farm for the old
folks he will be glad to look after
them and take anything that ib
desired out to the farm. This
would be a very charitable act for
some of our good people to send
lo these unfortunate ones some
token of the Christmas season,
,and Mr. Tains is showing the
proper spirit by looking after
them in the manner he is.
Can't look 5 well, cat well, or
feel well with impure blood. Keep
the- blood pure with: Burdock
Hlood Bitters. i "Eat simply, take
exercise, keep clean, and pood
health is pretty : sure . to. follow.
$1.00 a bottle. '
The Journal Stationery Depart
ment still has almost a complete
line or all kinds of stationery for
Christmas presents. Do not fail
to see our new initial line, the
very newest in fancy stationery
We also have a handsome line of
empty Christmas boxes, suitable
for presents that you have pre
pared at home. Christmas seals,
tags and cards.
Merry Christmas!
WHILE extending a "Merry Christmas" 'to
everybody, we desire to call attention to
our splendid Showing of Christmas Footwear!
For Men
There are the Best of Shoes
' for all purposes Storm
Shoes, Dress Shoes,
and Slippers in all
styles, etc., etc.
1 $1.00 to $5.00
For the Children
There are School Shoes, Storm Shoes, Nature-Shaped Shoes,
Rubber Boots, Leggins, eta, etc
75c to $3.00
Nothing better for Christmas than a se
lection from our Choice Footwear.
V. ZUCKER, Manager
A Lady's Letter.
We gladly publish the let tor of
Mrs. Adela Polak, because it
cleverly shows the effects of our
preparations: "It is with pleas
ure that I let you know that, after
several trials, Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine became our
permanent household remedy. It
is palatable and creates an ex
cellent appetite. In stomach
troubles it has a very pood effect.
I always gladly recommend it to
my friends. Yours truly. Mrs.
Adela 1'olak. I.aibach." Ti iner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine
has indeed a pleasant bitter taste
and is a commendable remedy for
stomach' ills, for constipation and
all disturbances caused by the
same, for loss of appetite and
weakness. At dens' stores. Jos
Triner, 1333-i:KW S. Ashland
Ave.. Chicago, 111. In backache,
rheumatic and neuralgic pains,
Triner' s Liniment gives quick
"Old Glory" in all the bril
liancy of a new flag is floating
from the ilagstalT at the govern
ment building- in this city today,
as the old Hag- had become so
worn and distlgured that it was
almost impossible t tell whether
it was a Hag or not, and Post
master Schneider concluded that
it was time that the Hag be re
placed with-another one 'more in
keeping with the dignity of the
government. The Hag is a good
sized one ami makes a very pretty
appearance floating to the breeze.
Christmas crepe paper at the
Journal office, the very finest line
to be found anywhere.
For Women
There are choice Shoes in
all the new models. Beau
tiful Dress Boots, dainty
Slippers, etc., eta -
75c to $4.50
There was quite a pood joke
pulled off yesterday on two'of the
popular gentlemen who are en
gaged in I tie liquor business, and
while, the joke is one that is quite
old, it was one that the victims
fell for easily and caused a great
deal of amusement and the genial
gentlemen were willing to ac
knowledge that they were easy
enough to bite, on the jke. A
party entered two of the saloons
and asked if he could .secure a
glass of whisky and a large
tumbler of water for a washer,
and in both cases he was ac-r
commodated without question.
and after drinking' the contents of
the glasses pulled a large sized
iron washer from his pocket and
threw it -on the bar, and the bar
tenders at once .got next to the
fact that it was. one on them, ami
laughed as heartily at the joke as
diii those who were in on pulling
off the stunt.
The good weather of the past
wek has been very fortunate for
the workmen engaged in the task
of remodeling the building on
North Sixth street that will be.
used by the Elks lodgo for their
club house, and the. structure is
rapidly being pushed to comple
tion and the new addition-lo the,
top floor, of the building, where
the lodge rooms and ball room
are to be local ed, is in such shape
that some idea of the large size
of. the room can- be grained. '. The
members of the lodge here are
taking a deep interest in the
completion of the building, which
will be a beauty when ilnished,
and they are impatiently awaiting
the time when they can move into
the new home and lit it up in a
manner befitting the large and
splendid lodge" here.
From XVednMiclav'a . DallV.
This morning a man named
Colbert, living a few .miles west of
La Platte, accompanied ; by his
wife, were in I he city en route
from their hoine, in a spring wa
gon, for Union, near where they
had learned their son, who had
run away from home a few weeks
ago, was . located. The parents
were quite well along in years and
seemed very desirious of having
the young man return home with
them to La Platte awl were great
ly overjoyed with. the prospect of
again meeting him. They stop
ped here only long enough to get
a hurried breakfast and then
From Tuesday's Daily.
.."This -morning. Frank Miller, a
tourist, who gave his residence as
any place he'could hang his hat.
was arraigned in the . oflice of
Police Judge M. Archer and con
fessed that he had been guilty of
getting in a state of ' intoxication,
but threw himself on' the merry
of the 'court, who, after consider
ing the .matter, decided to fine
him ri and , costs, which were
suspended provided Miller left the
city, and he lost no' time in mak
ing the dirt fly in hitting the
trail toward the West and rid the
city of his presence for all time.
It seems that owing lo the large
number of persons gathered in
here without the means to pay
their fines '.that the city should
establish a lock pile to give them
a chance to work out, their tines
or compel them to labor on the
streets until the .amount is satis
fied, and by this means the city
could derive some revenue from
their arrests and save money by
having Iho streets- worked.
From "Wednesday's Dallj'.
Sf. Mary's Ouild or the Episco
pal church held their regular
business meeting at the home of
Mrs. E. V. C,ok yesterday aft
ernoon to review the work of the
year, which has been quite a suc
cessful one In the good work ac
complished by the organization
for the church.' The ladies spent
several hours' in the discussion
of business matters and also in
the making of dainty articles for
use on" the Christmas tree for the
Sunday school. At an appropriate
hour light refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by
Miss Nellie llawksworth. which
greatly aided in making the aft
ernoon a very enjoyable one for
all who were present.
. 1
The Hichard & Pringle's Fa
mous Georgia Minstrels, i ho big
colored minstrel aggregation of
all colored performers, will ap
pear at the Parmele theater on
Christmas 'night.? This organiza
tion is one of the oldest and most
successful in the minstrel line,
and has a reputation reaching
from ocean to ocean. In im
proved minstrelsy the old "one
man star" system gives way to
an all-around collection oi
bright, talented performers. Just
as the Erohman and I'aly com
panies of New York City, and the
former Wallack company dis
carded the "star" plan for gen
eral all-around' ability. In im
proved minstrelsy, no old traces
of the past, are permitted, bin
new material . responds to new
demands. The interesting pro
gram is a long- one and filled with
the latest - up-to-date ideas and
novelties . v '
The preparations for the sec
ond annual mask ball of the
Cosmopolitan club, on .Wednes
day evening, " December 31, are
being rushed in order to make
the occasion - one that will be
long remembered by all who at
tend as fine of the most pleasant
and successful that has ever been
held in the city. A number of
fine' cash prizes will be given for
the best cosiumes shown at the
dance and an opportunity will he
given those who desire to rent a
costume for the occasion, as a
costumer will be here from Oma
ha on the day of the dance to dis
pose, of the different costumes to
those desiring to attend, and he
may be found at the hall any time
during the day. There will be no
one without a costume allowed on
the floor until after the masks
are removed, - - -
: Don't use !harsh ; physics. The
reaction weakens the bowels,
leads to chronic constipation
del Doan's ilegulets. They oper
ate easily. 25c at all stores.
- . - -j-;--
, For the past ,few days the
Journal job department has been
busy preparing our line of
Christmas Cards. These cards
are printed on a very high grade
correspondence card, with an en
velope of the same stock, and
make a very handsome card lo
send to your friends. .' W'v. are
preparing a great many different
styles, with an assortment of
greetings, and we are confident
that you can find just, what you
want in this line. lie fore you
buy novelties of this sort step
into the Journal office and let us
show the line we have, Should
you have a greeting of-your own
we are in a position to print it
for you at a very reasonable
price, as we are making a
specially of this work this rea
son. Look after this line of
work now.
Prom Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock
at her home in Ki;ht Mile Orove
precinct, .Mrs. Charles A. Johnson
passed away, after a long illness
covering a period of years. This
worthy lady was well known in
this city, as the family resided
here for several years while Mr.
fohnson was engaged in con
ducting - the Hotel itilev barber
shop, and her death will be learn
ed. of with great regret by the
friends of the family. There had
been no definite funeral arrange
ments made at the time I tie im-s.
sage announcing her death was
conveved to this city. The John
son family removed from this city
about eight years ago ami located
near Louisville on a farm, where
thev have resided since thai lime.
Local Mews
I). A. Young of near Murray
was in Ihe city today looking af
ter some matters of business.
Mrs. Charles Troop was in the
metropolis today for a few hour.-.
returning home on .o. l J thi-
Attorney C. S. Polk came down
this morning from Lincoln to at
tend lo some matters of business
at the court house.
fieorge licit tcr of liable.
cashier of the bank in thai place.
was here for a few hours' today
looking aller matters at 'the court
house. ' " . '
Mrs. W. H. Venuer and daugh
ters came up this morning from
their home near Mynard and were
passengers on tire early liurling-
ton train for Omaha.
L. II. Puis, Fred Lot and Al
fred Ganserner, of the vicinity of
Murray, drove up this morning
and were passengers on the early
train . for Omaha,' where they will
spend the day.
Attorney D. O. Dwyer departed
this noon for Union, where he
was called lo look after some
motters of business for a few
V. Ct. Heisinger drov,. jn this
morning rrrm his fair.r home
near this city and spenl a few
For that Xmas Dinner
You are sure to need many of the good things that
you will find at our store in the line of
Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds
Candies, Fruits and Nuts
We have made extra preparations for the wants of our
patrons this glad Christmas-time, when they all will
want a few the season's delicacies. Let us have your
order as early as possible.
A. Q. BACH &-CO.
are always most
Casseroles, with genuine Guernsey
ware insets.
Serving Dishes.
Electric Coffee Percolators.
Alcohol Coffee Percolators.
Ramelsin Sets and Trays
Community Silverware, (tripple plat
ed) consisting of Desert Spoons,
Table Spoons, Knives and
Forks, Soup Spoons, Childs
Sets, Cold Meat Forks,
Salad Forks, Etc.
Pocket Knives
Embroidery Scissor Sets, fancy cases
Shears in all sizes
Safety Razors
Aluminum Ware
Carving Sets
Crumb Trays and Brushes in latest
Patterns and Finishing
hours here looking after some
mat lers of business..
W. II. Pul and son rame up
Ibis morning from lion- home
near Murray ami were passeng
ers on No. 1" Tor Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
Tom Martin of Pacific Junction
came over yesterday fr a fi-
hours and attended to some busi
ness mailers here for a time. re
turntm? i his home n . .
Mrs. M. H. Ihiekinnharn nndUank into n vltiA sleyp. Mr-.
son. Ilalph. were paeugers this
morning on the early Hurlintoii
train for Omaha, where tlo-vill
v i-il for the day. '
! Albert Wheeler came up yen.
terday from his farm home, south
of ibis city, and spent several
hours here looking after matter
of buines with the merchant .
Charles Malley and wife and
little daughter, of lale-bui g. Il
linois, are in the city for a short
time visiting at Ihe home of the
parents of Mrs. Malley, Mr. and
Mrs. William Shea.
Philip Mild and wife, from the
vicinity of Maple Oroe. were
among the passenger this morn
ing for Omaha, being railed there
to look after some matters of
Plymouth Rocks for Salt.
A number Jin- p n."ii li
Hock chicken fi.r ai. m.
iJilmore. p. K. .. ll;iMr: -i.tit.
.". b.
Thoroughbred white Vap
dott rockrr-ls fur ..ale. Ir.ipure
of or 'phone .luliu A. Pit.
"Mv chilil wn burned frnM
about the face, rivk and elo-t. I
;tpplid lr. Th-im' Ke!o-r;i- r.
The pain reaped, an. I tin rhiM
.Nancy M. Uau-n. II.iriil.Mr-,
N. Y
I'.bn.-r Mart man of itlei.v......
IoVa. W.s in h. )i'!iT.:iv
for a few h'uf visiting Willi lo
friends, a vsell a b"'ki:m after
btiiae mailer. Mr. 1 1 a: t .-i.;:i
i proprietor of a bakery in tn
Iowa city an. I f..nner!y h.f,
havinr learned hi lra!- a? the
bakery of (.. I.. Il-rcer.
HeVers the Tcb-pllofie
J. Call lo J-
J. Auctioneer,
Srinsr!J. Neb. -
4. 'Phone yf. .
. . ..... ........
; Buy your Christmas Mala at
the Joartraf-offlce.-iwhereTrou-wlH
Buy your tatforTery at the
find the Dennlsoh line, the belt on
Journal offlM.
the market.
hastened on their way.