The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Where to Get It
You will find an immediate answer in
Our Stock of Holiday Goods
Diamond Rings
La Vallieres
Mesh Bags
Vanity Boxes
Bar Pins
Souvenir Spoons
Seal Rings
Fobs and Chains
Fountain Pens
Coat Chains
Big Ben Alarm Clocks
Cuff Links
We offer the Best at Tempting Prices.
Goods Engraved Free.
J. W. Grabill
Watchmaker :: Jeweler
Public Sale
The uudorsiyned will sell at
' public 'auction, at his home, ono
and one-half niiles ' south ol
I'lattmouth, one-quarter' mile
west of the Mockenhaupt brick
yard, on the Lutz & Hallslroni
farm. on WEDNESDAY, DE
CEMBER 17th, 1913, bej-innin?
at p. m., sharp, the follow-
ip.r described property to-wit: ,
Team of horses, 'age 10 and 11,
weight 2,J50. :
3 niilch cows, age 3 years, all
with calf.
One heifer, aged 18 months,
with calf.
"' One brood sow and five shoats.
0' head of 2-year-old steers,
o ueau oi yeaning; .sicers,
2 goo. niilch cows, will soori
be fresh.
'One good yearling Poland
China boar.
Farm Implements..
; One. McCormick "Uig Four"
in iw-r.
. . One McCormick sulky rake.
..One Dain sidedelivery rake.
Otii Oet-riiiir hay loader.
One ftalii. hay sweep.
.one l.iguiuiiig nay press
horsepower gomj as new.
One MeConnick dic. '. T '
One Aery cultivator.
One Jennie I.ind cultivator.
111'- riiling lister".
.One 3 -inch' wagon'.
One' hay rack.
' Ope set heavy work harness.
One set light harness.
7 or 8 tons first cutting alfalfa
Many ' other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale All sums of and under, cash in hand;
all over J? I O.oo a credit of six
months will be gien, purchaser
gi ing " . good bankable paper,
" bearing eigiil per cent interest
.from dale. All property must
be settled fir' before being re
nio ed.
- - - S. G. STONE. " -
- O. K. lJarm't.-'"-Aflc1inn,er.
It. V. Patterson, Clerk.
T Irave beo-n somewhat 'costive,
but Doan's Iteg'ulets'giv'e just the
irnH I desire. They act mildly
and regulate the bowels perfect
ly." (Jen. 1J. Krause, Altoona,
FOREST ROSE Best flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
To Be Operated Upon.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Falter
were passengers to Omaha yes
terday afternoon, where Mrs.
Falter entered the Clarkson hos
pital and underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis this morn
ing. Her" many friends in this
city will regret to learn : of her
haying to go through the" ordeal
of an operation, but sincerely
hope that she may enjoy a speedy
recovery and may return to' her
home and friends in a very' short
time in much better health.
From Wednesdays Dally.
Frank Res-tor was about the
happiest, as well as the proudest
man in Plattsmouth yesterday
afternoon, and the occasion was
caused by the ' arrival . at the
Rotor haute ..yesterday of a fine
uijie and a half-pound boy, who
will in the 'future.-'- call Frank
papa. The mother and little one
ait', gelling along nicely- and
Fiiink will probably recover from
his. joy and happiness. This is
the first child in the Restor
home, and in the opinion of, the
Jiappy parents- he is just about
tm-Tmest little man . that ever
made his" appearance in this city.
My 1913 Excelsior Motorcycle.
Demonstrator 7-10 H. P., two
cylinders, belt drive, Eclipse free
engine clutch, Bosch magneto,
fully equipped. Old Sol headlight,
Fidelity Tail' lamp, Aermore ex
haust whistle. Presto-lite gas
tank, . Mickel luggage carrier,
Gorbin-Brown speedometer. This
machine has only been run about
500 miles, is slightly used and
will he sold at a BARGAIN. For
particular call or write,
. . Plattsmouth, Neb.
I). C. Wesl and wife of Wyom
ing "were here yesterday being
called here by the death of their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Caii West.
C. F. Vallery was in South
Omaha -yesterday - for - a., short
time looking after matters on the
live slock market.
P. A. JUKI of near Mynard
drove up yesterday and spent a
few hours- here- looking after
some trading with the merchants.
I Have Decided On Account
of the Mild Weather
To nell all Ladies and Children? Coats, Suits
and Furs, . Hoys. Suits and Overcoats at; 20 dis
count. This-means more to you than the so-called
half. price Sales in the metropolitan pajers, aslsell
all my goods on a small margin in the first place.
I also have a fine line of Toys and Dolls and many
other items tw numerous" to mention that would
n aktt a nice Christmas Gift. - . s
We have just had the pleasure
of reading a copy of he Frankljn
(Pa.) Evening-News of Monday,
peceanber 8, containing the ad
dress delivered by Hon. Matthew
fiering of this city at the mem
orial exercises of the Elks' lodge
of that city. The address is a
line oratorical effort, and the
beautiful language used to ex
press the impressive spirit of the
occasion is that which this
talented and gifted orator and
attorney is so noted for through
out the . country, and the News
pays a very pleasing tribute,
both to the orator and the ad
dress. The address is quite
lengthy and space forbids us from
giving it in full, as we greatly
would be pleased to do, as there
are few speeches that are more
powerful and eloquent than the
one delivered on this solemn oc
casion. of paying tribute to the
departed members of this great
Local News
County Judge Risher and wife
of Lincoln came in yesterday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Carl
West. Mrs. Risher is a s'ister of
Mr. West.
John D. McRride of South
Omaha was in the city yesterday
shaking hands with his many
friends and looking afler some
matters of business.
Hugh Robb, wife and little
daughter of Wyoming, : Neb.,
were in the city yesterday attend
ing the funeral -of Mrs. Florence
lK.vcy.Weit. ' i$3UZ3
Miss Delia West came down
from Lincoln yesterday to be
present at'the funeral of Mrs.
Carl AVest, which was held yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. Thomas Wiles was a
passenger this morning for Oma
ha, where she will spend tiie day
looking after some matters of
business for a few hours.
Ed S. Tutt and wile of Murray
were passengers this morning
for .Omaha, where, they will look
after some matters of business
for a short time.
Mrs. William Rallance and
daughter. Mrs. Paul Morgan, of
Hay Springs, who are here visit
ing, were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they visit
ed for the day.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mrs. J. Asch of Murray was in
the cily today for a few hours
looking afler some trading.
Attorney C. E. TetTt of Weep
ing Water was in the city today
for a few hours looking after
some matters in the county
J. W. Holmes of Murray
molored up this morning from
his home and spent several hours
here visiting with his friends in
this city.
Ren Reckman came up this
morning from his home near
Murray and spent a few hours
here looking after some business
Nicholas Halmes of Weeping
Waler was in the city yesterday
for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
Attorney William DelesDernier
of Elniwood came over last
evening from his home and spent
a few hours here with his friends
and in looking afler legal mat
ters, departing this morning for
his home.
Charles L. Amick of Louisville,
who has been here for the past
three mouths taking treatment of
Dr. Rachmann, departed this afl
ernoon for his home, feeling
greatly improved, and will re
main for a week at home before
returning for treatment.
William G. Meisinger and E. J.
Meisinger, of near Mynard, came
up this morning from their
homes and were passengers on
the arly Rurlington train for
Omaha, where they will attend to
some business matters for a few
The Journal Is the Cass coun
ty paper house, and most every
thing in the paper line can be
found here. . Crepe and tissue
paper, napkins of most every de
sign that you may want. Christ
mas lunch sets, in crepe paper,
large table cloths, doilies and
platters, very neat for the Christ
mas dinner.
: There will be one of the best
dances of the season given at the
German Home on next Saturday
evening and, the public is cordial
ly invited to be present, to lake
part in the event.
com siobs
hi it
riatt?mouth. Neb.. Iec. 2. 1913.
Board met pursuant 'to adjournment
Present, C. Ii. Jordan. C. 12. Heelmer
and Juliuft A. I'itz, CMinty Commis-
Moners: 1.- C Morgan. County Cleric
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when tne roiiowinR Dut-iness
was transacted in regular form:
The following claims were allowed
on the Oeneral iunu:
C Tt. Jordan, salary and mile-
ace S 33.25
C K. Heebner, same 37.10
Julius A. I'itz. same Z'J.tH
Mrs. J. K. Leesley. care of Miss
Lathan. month of November SO. 00
CI. W. Guile. mUse. to Mrs m.
Buck - 6.00
J. H. Donnelly, work in coun
ty treasurer's office for Nov. S7.00
C 1. Quinton. mileape and ex
pense. Louis Kuhney 4.03
1. C. Morgan, salary and ex
pense for November 14 J. it
C. 1). Quinton. hoardinjr county
prisoners and salary Nov.. 171.30
t 1. (Juinton. loardinr city-
prisoners and committments 15.10
12. ManspeaKer. salary, uepuiy
sheriff November, 1913 43.00
Hammond & Stephens Co., sup
plies to Co. Supt 31.00
tattsmouth Water Co.. water
to court house for November 12.03
Weeplnfr Water Republican,
printing commissioners' pro
ceedings t . 13
A. Bach, mdse to Mrs. Kush-
Insky 5.00
Hammond & Stephens. sup
supplies to County upt 94.23
Mary K. Foster, salary and ex
pense 133.14
Nebraska Institute for Feeble
Minded Youths, care Aleck
"Hamilton 33.50
C. W. Baylor & Co.. coal to
Jail, farm and paupers .... 24. 52
Waterman Lumber & Coal Co..
coal to court house i2.00
The Plattsmouth Journal,
printing and supplies 21.
Hans Sievers. janitor and
laundry iS.10
C 1. Quinton, mileage and ex
pense. Klmer Holmes 22.40
C. l. Vluinton. mileage and ex
pense, John McGee 76. CO
Nelson Berg-er, helping sur
veyor -J.VU
C. II. Tavlor, salary and ex
pense 122.1.3
A. W. White. mdse. to Mc-
Pherson and r ullerton . 20.00
Fred Patterson. survyeor
services to county 39.00
M- Archer. State vs. James
Buldlecomb :
C. 1). Ouinton. same 11.. .5
II. A. tfclineider, postage Jnj.ji
H. B. Heddinp. part payment
on poor house contract ;)'):! . 'it
M. Hild. mdse. to countv farn f'l.;3
J. H. Tarns, salary for Nov. S3. 00
J. V. Egenberger, coal to Gross
and 1 enson 11.30
H. M. Koennichsen, potatoes to
county farm SC. 90
Hatt & Son. mdse to lmbert , 10.00
C. U. Quinton, summoning jury 39.00
Sam Jordan, checking county
treasurer 12.00
John Bauer, auto livery to
Commissioners and repairs. . 12.03
K. A. Wurl. mdse to farm and
Hobson v 54.02
The following claims were allowed
on the Koad funds:
Walter Byers, road work, road
district No. 27 $ SI. 6.1
J. A. Whiteman. road work.
Inheritance Tax fund 63.40
i;. B. Jameson. road work.
road district No. 14 11.20
Will Strahel same. No. 13 9.63
Arthur Skinner, same. No. 13.. 8.00
Arch Miller, same. No. 6 4.00
Wm. Kitzel. same. No. f! 15.61
Chas. Gortbev. same. No. H . . . . 8.00
Joe Vickeis, same. No. .16 7.n
C. M. Jordan, same. No. 6.'.... 15.60
John Iverson. sharpening
grader, road district No. 1.. 10.00
F. M. Massie. road work, road
district No. 9 12.43
Z. W. Shrader. same. No. 9 140.20
M. Slatterv, same. No. 14 .... 3.20
J. W. Philpot. same. No. 9 69.T.0
J. C Lomeyer. same. No. 5.... 3S.X0
Wm. Leddy. jr.. same. No. 4... 97. 75
F. W. Nolting. same. No. 1.... 22.20
John H. Busphe, same. No. 2... 24.60
August Krecklow. same. No. 8 124.
August Krecklow, same. In
heritance Tax fund 245. u
.T. A. Ktser. same, road district
No. 1 S.T.O
A. F. Sevbert, same. No. 2.... 93.70
C. F. Vallery, ame. No. 1 119.50
S. C. Keckler. coal, road dis
trict No. K 13.20
J. M. Hoover, .road work, road
district No. 3 631.97
Smith & Sons Mfg. Co.. grader
to road district No. 9 112.00
Wm. T. Sacks, road work, road
district No. 16 6.40
II. C. Bailey, same. No. 9 303.83
Van Court Stone Co.. tilling
bridge, road district No. 12.. 23.00
C H. Nold Lumber Co.. lum
ber, road district No. 6 6.05
S. C. Keckler, coal, road dis
trict No. 8 26.55
Kd Gustin. road work, road
district No. 16 2.00
Oscar Miller, same. No. 16.... 22. 1
Frank Gustin. same. No. 16.. 8.00
Mvrl Hall. ame. No. 16 14.40
Walte Hall. same. No. 16 11.60
Chas. Gerbcling. same. No. 16.. 17.20
Sid James, same. No. 16 14.60
A. Wallinger. same. No. 16 27.40
Geo. W. v oss Co., lumber, road
district No. 14 S.S0
3. W. Leach, road work, road
district No. 14 49.60
J. A. Whiteman. road work.
Nehawka precinct. Com.
road fund, road district
No. 2 12.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Nebraska Construction Co
Bridge work $ SOS. 49
A. F. Sevbert. same 6.2."t
John T. Porter, same 3.50
Geo. W . oss Co., bridge ma
terial 54.30
C. F. Vallery. bridge work.... IS. 40
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.,
bridge lumber .r,o
C. H. Nold Lumber Co.. same 11.40
Board adjourned to meet Thursday,
December 4. 1913.
D. C. MORGAN. County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Iec. 4 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present. C It. Jordan. C. K. Heebner
and Julius A. Pitz. County Commis
sioners; 1. C Morgan. County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the following busiuess
was transacted In regular form:
Count'- Treasurer instructed to re
fund f 6.39 on tax receipt No. 1157 in
Avoca precinct, account being double
The following claims were allowed
on the General fund:
National Casualty & Fidelity
Co.. contingent libality
policy S "3.00
J. C. Peterson, sec v.. 12,000 in
surance on Court House.... li.OO
A. .1. Triletv. agt.. same 30.00
V. M. Mullis, agt. $3,000, same 4S.00
A. W. White, agt. same 4.0'J
J. K. Barwick. agt, H.000,
same .oi
J. M. Levda. agt., same 60.00
K. B. Windham, agt- same... 60.00
Chas. K. Martin, agt, $3,000,
same . 4-.u
W. K. Fox, agt- same 45.00
m.. Holiv, agt- same 4a. oo
Geo. II. Sayles, agt.. . $6,000,
same so . 0'
The following claims were allowed
on the Itoad funds:
I). M. Johnson, wire and nails
on road district No. 13 S 4.a6
Tom Henneger, road work.
Inheritance Tax fund 3.t
. L Snoon. same 4.00
C H. Snolm. same ............ i . art
Tiie following "claim was allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Otoe County, bridge vork on
county line I . . no
Board adjourned to meet Friday.
December 5. 1913.
IX C. MOUGAN, county Clerk.
matt-mouth, Ne)., Dec. 3. 1913.
Board met -With sll members pres
ent. Whereupon they, proceeded to
check the Countv Treasurer and re
main In session from tiay to day, and
on this date allowed one bill on the
Tvneral fund as follows:
H. B. Hedding. one-half of
-bond to accompany " Contract
on poor house .- $ It. 00
Board adjourned to meet Tucsriav.
December 16. 1913.
D. C. MORGAN. County Clerk.
A Delightful Scene.
A rich vineyard surrounded
by hills and woods delights the
eye of eery lover of nature. The
juicy fruit of European and
Ameriean"Vineyards presented by
lively maidens is both a delicaey
and a nourishment. The. hill-;
and woods supply aromatic medi
cinal herbs and roots, which the
skillful hand of the chemist
combines with wine into Triner's
American Elixir of Hitler W ine,
the well known family remedy.
This i- shown in Triner's Wall
Calendar for 1914. A copy mail
ed to any address upon receipt of
ten cents, sent to Jo. Triner,
1333-133U So. Ahland Ave.,
Chicago, III.
For dyspepsia, our national
ailment, use .Burdock Hloo( Hit
ters. Recommended for t remit h
enin digestion, purifying the
blood. At all drug stores. 1.00
a bottle.
It. II. We-t, wife and daughter,
of Salina, Kansas, were here yes
terday attending the funeral of
Mrs. Carl Vet.
Shriners Go to Lincoln. CHRISTMAS CARDS,
rrom Wednesday' Daily. y,.r part !. ?
(Julie a number of the' p: "Hi- i(,.ir , tij Jt j, t f.
inent Manii and no-i ib-f of ' !:;- p "'-r
the Nobles oT the M j -f i- Sliri n-1 ' ;, r'"! '' ' 'If'-"
I -I! .. I.I ! .... 1 i . ( - ,
were in Hie rapilal cov !,, tv to '
altend the annual fail c-reiiK niai
..r it.: . .... 1. .. 1 1 ... .1 .'1 ,. .it.
i'l mui mill ! in " ' 1 ' 1 1 1 .' i e .1 e; I . I . -" ' I
.1 .
i-i ir ! p. ! ! .; e 1. 1-. I. v . .
tneir brolner "ririner-, 1:1 e. p () ( i f, :, , .
ilitr with the .rabif ru-tom. A. r,. .,,); ,. J- ., :.. 1 , ;
buines sesjnn will be loM. thi- ! ,(, s,, a:i .1-- 1 ' '
afternoon at 5 V.ek and at (' : . ... ,. , .. . ;, ., j .. a. ,. ,
tiVlnck the tiiembers win pat -' j j, , Vlli ,-.,tl j.,r w. .'
lake of Hie traditional -alt. T'1' : ;i , 1 , tin I- "
journey across the lie-.-n will; , v ,.f j;,-., . ., : .
start, at X o!.-k a::. I at th-ij, ,1,. j ,, , , ai .1 1 I
close the L'ieriiber will ! '' r-l f... t ,,. ne.
lained at - a bntTet lr,j,che..i. iM .,, ,. a . f .-
There are piile a number le ;.- t. t t ( , ,, j
who are members nf S.'.i-i! i-' - r yi ;. x x, rv r,
lemple at I.ineohi. and Ibev i'I ' fi (i ,(. n t ... :,.!. -
be present in force to a-i.f i' ' -...e...: ,.f lli'- n..T k f !. - -
the journey across lio- ib-s.-r; j ,. ... ;i';- '.!..-
and-. R , .u.
Any skin itchimr i- a temper; A b .- '! ? 1 " 1
tester. The more i'ii scratch their i f. r '" ei - . I!
wor-e it itches. 1 nit :n.'!.l J I'.'.-.1 ..- , . !
is f 1 if piles, ecema any tkin j b-iri.-. -e.i! '-. !" .
ilchimr. rnc at all drur to-es. ! ;,. At ;! !': - -
lltiarles ;!ii i-w i-sep ,.f I. ". !! ;i ''. :
hawka wa in the rity I -df M-i'-: t!.!- a?'." . ! f. ' -
ing with his parent-. M r. a 1 I ! 1 ii. m ! - ' f i f- :'
Mr-. Itenneif :i r i-y. k-t. andj Mo n ! Af k.i- - -. wl.-je t
attending to some b';-!"e-- m.i! - ; t 1 : !
trs. I wf !i r '.t! i
e&tlSslBs ts SiKiExBhE; ?S- ttx rt T- vl .l
v i
and we want to tell yon that we have on of the ; lin- .f .il -:.-r
and fancy lox papers ever brought to l'iallzii :ii li. Tl:e popular ! . i ! i i . r
line, the people who make the best ajer to b found on the nt.-.rk-t. '1 !:
are among the leaders, and when we buy their line, we know we hae trie .---;
Our Initial Paper
that we have for Christmas this year will be found to be the fhie-t number
that we have ever had. The initial letter is lou and narrow, hi-h'y ,..,..,-,.
ed in blue and gold, and will make a handsome pre-ent for any niemU-r -f t !,e
family. Come in and see them.
Christmas Cards, Seals
and Tags
Iu this line we have the verv best to le found in the rity. the hfiiiiiM'ii line,
conceded the world over to be the very best, and we hae a i.i. e a-; ;i:i--nt
this season. Von make no mistake in buying the Iennison goods.
Paper Napkins
r5 Several very neat and attractive Christmas rle-ign. plain white. 'I!:-
Denmsoii Christ mas Luncli J?ets, large table rover, platters anI !o;I;e--. z.:.
Crepe Paper
In all colors and shades, also all the Christmas numbers for all kinds .f
corations. In fact, if there is anything in the pa jht an I cart! line y.i; s.:A ot!ue before going To O.-naba
as you have been doing. We are the Cass County l'aj-er Ilo'is,-. ;lU, v. e Law
the gocxls.
Printed Greeting Cards
For Chistmas
For the past few years we have been printing a limited supply "f Curi-ima-Greeting
Cards, and as they have reen in such great demand that wt- l .r.e
given this department a great deal of attention thU ear. We haw prepare!
a large miinber of these cards, all neatly em Ioed in envelopes ! the -.!.".
stock. If you have sent these cards on former jmi w ill v an ti. t;.
again, and if you have never used them, try tliem this Chri-tma-.
The Journal Stationery
Everything in Paper?
ri jr- r it- it-
Plattsmouth, Neb.
x TSg ISgi ?V tEx SfS; Vt ?H TZi
:lr ri ! '
r - r 1