The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PACE 6.
Prepared in the Interests of the People op Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for
(If any of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear un
der this heading. We want all items of Interest. Editor Journal.)
We solicit your banking business
Our dejiositors are protected by the depositors'
iriKirantee fund of the State of Nebraska
We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits
for one year.
This Bank is a County Depository
Personal Taxes are now due, and delinquent
December 1st. You can pay your taxes
at this bank without any
extra charge. -
W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier
For china painting see Airnes
Kennedy, l-'-l t--Mvkly
.lames Holmes was a Plaits
mouth visitor Tuesday.
(icis V.. Nickels was called
to Omaha on business Tuesday.
.Miss I'lta Nickels was trans-ar-liiiu'
business in 1'niun Thur.s-
A. I'. Nickels is reported con
siderably improved ai this writ
ing. I". L. Illiodeii was transacting
buines in Nebraska tlily Mon
day. Mrs. Frank Ilhndcn was look
a tier business in Omaha
We arc li.-leiiiiiLr for the l'inir
inr of wedding hells iu this vi
riuily soon.
Miss KM a Nickels and Miss
Lucy Owiiiirs wore sight -seeinu
in Miiaha Tuesday.
I. el the children attend the
Francis Oahle entertainment Fri
day. December 19.
Mrs. W. II. (Idiiii entertained
(i. S. Hay, wife and daughter,
Ether. Sunday aL dinner.
il. V.. Creamer had two car
loads of slock on Ihe market in
South Omaha Tuesday. Mr.
Creamer also was a delegate to
I lie Fanners congress in Omaha
I his week.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church are arranging
to hold a bazaar at the church on
December 20. All kinds of
pretty articles will be on display
for sale. Dinner and supper will
also be served.
The superintendenl. of the
Lewi-Inn Sunday school calls Ihe
attention of Ihe Sunday school
children to the approach of Santa
Clans and all that are interested
are requested to be present Sun
day aflernoon at 2 o'clock for
Sunday school.
Right now our Holiday Goods for
Men, Women, Boys, and plenty for
Children are on display. There is
plenty of the very newest in every
thing and the prices are the lowest
ever known in the history of good
old Santa Claus.
The bazaar fiiven by the Pres
byterian ladies was postponed
until Thursday, the I nth.
Floyd Ltitvis spent a few days
with his uncle,. James Fitch,
liear Kenosha, last week.
Bazaar at Christian church De
cember i:t, HUH. Dinner and
supper. He sure In attend.
Miss Lucy OwiniTs of Oak
drove. Mil, who has been a jMiesI
of the Misses F.tla and Hertha
Nickels, left for her home Thurs
day. William (jiltnore and wife
came in Saturday evening on Ihe
M. P. from Nebraska City. They
will reside in Ml. Pleasant pre
cinct this winter.
Mrs. John Hendricks and son.
Yern. left Friday for Uurwell,
where they will spend the holi
days with Mrs. Hendrirk's father,
James Chalfant and son, Floyd.
More new books have been ad
ded to the collection 'at the
library. "The Brother . Scout."
and "Well iu the Morninir (How
Desert," are a few of the new
books. . .
The third number of the
I.vceum course will be Friday
eveninfr, December il) Francis
Ciable, a very noted entertainer,
and who comes highly recom
mended. Where is the boxelder bupr?
Like a Mexican rebel, they retire
to some mysterious and iuac
cessable reudezevous before a
grizzle wilder, returning1 unex
pectedly on Christmas day to
drop into, our cranberries.
There will be a shooting at
Murray each Tuesday in the
week during- Ihe month of De
cember for turkeys, geese and
ducks. All who love this kind of
sport are cordially invited.
M. G. Churchill.
John Van Horn has a very sick
baby at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Will Laltue were
Omaha visitors Tuesday.
"".Mrs. "A. L. Baker is suffering
from a slight attack of tin grippe.
A. L. Baker and Charley Car
roll were Plait smoul h visitors
between trains Tuesday night.
The ladies will have; many
pretty things for you at the
bazaar Saturday. December i;l.
Mrs. John Wiles is able to be
up some how, but is recovering
from her accident very slowly.
Mesdauies Oeorge Thomas ami
Ceorge B. Mann, of Piatt smoul h,
were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F.d Tult Wednesday.
Mrs. VA Lut. and Mrs. B. H.
Miller of Platlsmouth paid a visit
to their sister, Mrs. D. lliatl, a
few days since.
Alf Nickels marketed a carload
of fat hogs Monday. Alf is still
con lined to his bed, but his
neighbors drove his hous to
market for him.
The Ladies' Aid society will
hold their annual meeting- Sat
urday, December 13, at Ihe Chris
tian church. Dinner and supper
will be served Everybody invited.
Remember the dale, and come.
Mrs. ltobert' Young", accom
panied by her daughter, Mrs.
Perry, oT Alberta, Canada, de
parted Wednesday evening" for
Platlsmouth, w here I hey visited
a few days at the home of Charles
Alex ! raves and wife moved
their household goods Monday
from their farm east of Murray
to the residence on Ihe south
side of Main street. Mr. Craves
is a congenial gentleman and we
are glad to see him iu our midst
One of the dangers of the re
cent rains was the breaking- of
Meek Davis ice dam at the head
waters of Rock Creek. Dick Pit
man", president of the Murray
Dam company, labored three
bonis Saturday night to save the
ice pound on .1. A. Walker's place.
Are you going: to attend the
bazaar at the Christian church
Saturday? Of coure you -are.
You can't afl'ard to miss it. II
will be one of Ihe greatest
bazaars ever held in Murray, and
you know il. (Jo and get "your
dinner ami then go back and get
your supper.
Last week we mentioned Ihe
fact that Ora Davis had pur
chased the interest of S. O. Pit
man iu the hardware store of
Pitman Y. Davis. Now this Week
we have the privilege of making
the announcement, that Ihe tables
have turned and that Mr. Pit
man has purchased the entire
business. Mr. Davis has not yet
determined in what business he
vvMl engage. But its marbles to
chalk that Ora will not remain
idle very long he's not of the
idle class.
Mrs. Jaeok Kreager, six miles
northwest of Murray, was taken
seriously sick with appendicitis
Friday night. She was taken to
Ihe Presbyterian hospital in
Omaha Saturday, where she was
operated upon at once. She ha
been a sufferer from this trouble
for several years. Henry F'ngle
kemeier and her husband accom
panied her. Reports from the
hospital Wednesday are very
favorable for a complete re
covery. Mrs. Stokes has taken up Ihe
work of the telephone manage
ment here again. Mrs. Stokes
had the management here some
mouths ago and was considered
one of Ihe best managers ever
here.. The patrons are glad to
hear her voice over the lines
again. A good many improve
menls are being- put in in the
way of Ihe switchboards. A. OS.
Lai I a w ill begin preparing for a
water system which the company
has installed in the building"
Miss Freda Cunningham is Mrs.
Stokes' assistant.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown,
formerly of this place, returned
from Strathmore, Alberta, Can
ada, Saturday night for a few
weeks visit among- friends ami
relatives. .While Will has re
sided in Canada for two years,
he has been slow to absorb the
manners and customs pictures
que to the English. Mr. and Mrs.
Brown have enjoyed exceedingly
good health in that country,
where the sun sets only a few
hours around midnight. Will
looks , quite, .stout. Tie says we
do not know what stout is in the
the Journal Readers
Tom Ruby's li-year-old son is
quite ill, but nothing; alarming.
Don't, forget the bazaar at Ihe
Chrislian church next Saturday.
Buy your Christmas presents
from the ladies.
Miss pearl Kniss went to Eagb'
Saturday to visit at. the houm of
her cousin, Mrs. - Muenchau, for
a couple of weeks.
If you want something- nice for
a Christmas present, attend the
ladies' bazaar at the Christian
church Saturday.
If you want to rent or buy a
good 7-rooni cottage call on
Mrs. Berger, at the hotel. Well
located and in line shape.
Mr. and Mrs. William Klau
riTice, of east of L'nion four
miles, were callers on Dr. Oil-
more Wednesday aflernoon.
You can get. a god .square
meal at the Christian church
Saturday. Dinner and supper
both will be served. And fresh
oysters also.
I'd Tutt and wife went to
Platlsmouth Wednesday evening,
and Thursday morning went to
Omaha to look after some busi
ness matters.
The shooting- match Tuesday
was another great success. Ouile
a number of geese and turkeys
were shot off and the attendance
was good.
Dee Shrader made his first I rip
with his lunch wagon Wednesday
at the Copenhaver sale, and re
ports a good business. Dee will
give them t heir 'money's worth.
Irs. J. A. Walker and her
daughter, Mrs. Dr. (iilmore,
drove up to Platlsmouth Wed
nesilay to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Florence Dovey-West.
Oct. your dinner and supper at
the Chrislian church Saturday,
December I '.I. You will lind lot
of pretty Christmas gifts at Ihe
different booths. Come in and do
your Christmas shopping-.
Mrs. Chambers was the guest
of Mrs. Fred Ramge in Platls
mouth Tuesday. Her daughter,
Mis Lorene, boards at tin
Ramge home and is attending
High school.
Will Seybolt, D. J. Pitman, S
O. Pitman, James Lo'ughridge, D
C. Rhoden and W. C. Brown went
to Platlsmouth Monday night to
attend Masonic lodge, ami to wit
ness Mr. Sexbolt take the "Third
Lee Kniss has a new mail
wagon for his route. It is one of
the largest and mot commodious
made. Lee is getting in shape to
carry all parcel post packages,
and is keeping right up with th
We are pleased to learn that
Our old friend, A. M. Holmes,
whom we mentioned last week as
being- quite ill, is improving-, but
he is not vet able to leave the
house. His many friends hope to
see him out ere many days.
Miss Margie Walker went to
Platlsmouth Sunday evening and
remained over until after the
funeral of Mrs. Florence Dovev-
West. Miss Walker and Mrs
West, were very inlimale friends
from early childhood, and the
death of Mrs. West was a verv
severe blow to her.
Mrs. A. J. Augustine and little
daughter, of South Omaha, came
in on the M. P. Wednesday morning-
and was met here hv her
brother-in-law, Louie Reinackle
and taicen out to her father's
home, Undo Ben Beckm an, where
they will visit until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shrader
are rejoicing; over the arrival of
a son at I heir home fin December
5. .Vol only are the parents
happy, but Grandpa Ben Dill is
slopping- monstrous high, lie
cause this is the second grand
son. He has a number of grand
children, but they are nearly all
or the female persuasion.
Will Have Box Social.
There will be a box social and
program at the Buck school. In
District 1 i, four miles northwest
of Union and three and one-
quarter miles southwest of Mur
ray Friday evening-, December
I'.Mh, and everybody is invited to
come. C.ojda Noble,
12-8-1 td-:Uwkly
Fine Chickens for Sale.
Huff Orphington roosters and
pullets. Also white Orphington
roosters. Those who want such
chickens can rail or 'phone Mrs.
James II. Brown. 'Phone No. 2-E.
School Items.
Tlte: schools have had several
lire drills lately.
Last Thursday M fss Mary E.
Foster visited Ihe school.
.'A basket social, preceded by a
program, will be given at the
Murray public school building
Saturday evening; at H o'clock.
On November 20 Rev. Duukle
berger conducted the chapel ex
ercises. On December 5 Rev.
Hulchman conducted the chapel
The eighth grade are now en-Joying-
the 'study of agriculture
from the new books. They are
using "The; School of Agri
cull urc," by Mila N. Wood.
Those neither absent' or lardy
during- the month of November in
the primary room were ' Lesler
Long-. Jack Long-, F.veretl LaRue,
William Alix ami Leona Davis.
During- Ihe month of Novem
ber Naomi Adams' grade aver
aged lit.' highest. in the eighth
grade, Walter (iilmore jn the
sixth grade, and Oraee Long in
the fifth grade.
Those neither absent nor
tardy in the grammar room during-
the month of November were
Nit a Cook, Margaret Spanub r,
MaVone Chambers and draco.
Those having- the highest
average for 4 lie month of Xummh
InT ani: '; Primary gt -ado. John
llarvev Chandlers and l.e-ler
Long; lirst grade, Helen (Iilmore;
second grade, Leora Farris;
fourth grade, Leona Davi.
Miss Adams. Teacher.
Important Notice I
W. W. Hamilton requests us to
inform those who have borrowed
tools from him to please return
them. Billy says he don't mind
lending' his saws, hammers and
other carpenter tools, but he
wants them returned when the
people he has accommodated' get
through with Ihein. Take them
home, gentlemen.
Make Your Christmas Happy.
The Associated Charities are
asking that the people help them
to make a happy Christmas foi
the poor children of Omaha. Tin
Librarv association here has de
cided to help by giving dressed
chickens and stockings. The fol
lowing people have contributed:
Mrs. L. Oldham, Pauline Oldham,
Fav Oldham. Mesdames Mira
McDonald, S. O. Pitman, Kather
ine (iapen, VA Tult, L. D. lliatl.
V. A. Kennedy. D. J. Pitman.
Vance Pitman. O. A. Davis. All
of those desiring to give can call
'phone No. ifi and give either
chickens or stockings, or both.
The box will be sent Tuesday
evening, December 23. Men.
women and children are request
ed to donate to this cause. (Jive
yourself and ask others to give.
Don't Forget the Bazaar.
The ladies of Ihe Chrislian
church have made great prepara
tions for the big- bazaar at the
church Saturday next. The ladies
should be well patronized, be
cause I hey have worked hard lo
make this bazaar a great suc
cess There will be whole gobs
of fancy work on sale, suitable
for Christmas presents. There
will be several booths, where ou
can buy fruits, mils, candies and
numerous other articles of an appetizing-
nature. Dinner and sup
per will be served, where Ihe
hungry can get all they want to
eat for 2a cents. Fresh oysters
will also be served. By all means
go and see the fine .display of
fancy articles.
"Hell in Nebraska."
A tale of Ihe Nebraska peniten
tiary, a largo book of nearly four
hundred pages, by Walter Wil
son, formerly chief clerk of the
prison. A great sensation. Re
veals facts hitherto unknown to
Ihe public. Exposes hypocrites
and graflers. Tells about
prostitution in the pen. About
the female convict dressed in
men's ill I ire and spent seven
nionths among the men. About
the dynamiters and their daring
e-cape, as it was and not as it
was published at that. time. How
the guns and dynamite got in.
About the dope tratlic. About a
hell within the prison. About
Warden Melick's great work and
his honor system. About the
board of conlrol. The word of
an -outcast. -How to get out of
prison ; About Warden Kenton
and the new administration. Al
together 41 chapters. A large
and beautiful book. Profusely il
lustrated. Price, paper cover.
50 cents; cloth cover, $1.00.
Mailed postpaid. Sold at Ihe
office of the Publishers, . ine
Bankers Publishing Company,
First National Bank Building,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Buy your omnunoi
PlleS FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
A mild system of treatment, that cures Tile. Fito!a and thr
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general aaasthetie used. A enrs faaranteed io rrery ea ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to b paid until cured. Write for boc' oa
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been pertsaaaCy
DR. TARBV Bm Bulldlnc-Omaha.
Alvo Notes
C. C. Bneknell was ealb-,1 fo
Lincoln Tuesday.
.Mr a. VA Jlasi'V went to Lincoln
Tuesday on No.
J.eahder Friend was in Lincoln
Monday and Tm'-day.
I.. B. Applemnn s p-nt a fw
days in Lincoln this we-k.
W. O. Uoylosj of Lincoln ramo
in on No. IS YV-dn..d:iy.
Fay Par-ll of Lincoln was in
Alvo Sunday i-iling friend.
Mrs. VA Fans is visiting in
Lincoln a f-w day-, thi- we-k.
W ill I'pteyrow went to Perry.
Iowa, lat week on bo-ine-.-.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lin
coln Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer- had bovine-
in Lincoln Tuesday and ednes
John Mnitey hipped :i mivd
car of tock to South Omaha
L. J J. Applemnn v.n doing
business in Lincoln Tue-day and
Mi-s Flora Boles has resign
ed her position as teachV-r of the
Alvo M'liuiiW.
Sam Jordan went to Lincoln
Monday to get repairs for hi
Miss Verna llyd r of Lincoln
came in on No. 18 Wedne-day lo
viit friend for a few days.
ieoriro Shee-ley had the mi
fortune to cut his foot while
trimming a tree last Monday.
Verio Lineh and r.larenee
Bneknell spent Saturday and
Sunriav with the folks at home.
Fd FvaiK and Fbb Patterson
were tran-aci ing huine- in
Prairie Home Tue-day morning
Mis. Sam F.a-hner and Mrs.
Belle Bennett were iiting in
Lincoln from Monday until Wed
nesday of (his week.
Miss F.veland. who has been
visit ing-her aunt. Mr. f!eorre
Leibharl, left Wednesday for a
visit, "at Chicago. Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville On 11
horst and n arc visiting with
his father. John QueJIhor-t and
family, at Mcpherson. Kana.
Mrs. L Foreman, sr., waa
.-pending a few days in Lincoln
with her daughter. Mrs. VA B rt
bilt. Mr. Bohhitt is reported a
If I Fall lo CURE any CANCER orTUMOR
I Treat Befort it Poliont Bon or Dep Giant's
lose bo ulcep eight
Cancer ontr pains
until It polnunadcvp.
lOO-Pag Book ni
f r ; tent Imontala of
thousand cured.
or body always begins a small tumor, lump or
sore full of poison and certain death. I swear
ws bar rural 10,000 ranrera and refuse thou
sands dying scared too late. Write to
DR. HURFOKD-2 lady assistants)
This) May SAVE A LIFE. Ind It Horn
Ready for
The Public Sale Reason is near at
hand, and I wish to inform all the
people of this vicinity that I am ready
to take charge of the same for you, and
believe that I am able to secure the top
price for all goods offered at public
auction. Dates can be had at the Mur
ray State Bank, or by telephone No. 5
N, Murray. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Telephone 5-N.
beinf? .ciefc.
Ttie Mi--f Foreman cimi
from hiol at I niv ri;v pi i.-e
to i.-rid Saturd and
with tlo'ir parent-. Mr. an. I M.
T. IF. Foreman, r.
Will n!l. .11 and Life Mu 1-n
-tartd for Utiappell. ,-r.. Mon
day on No. J 7 on bu-ii:e-. Mr.
Mullen will rti.iUe arr:iii m r I
to have '-me land broken "u tii
farm in the pri!i-r.
J. A. Shaffer r-i a !fr
from M'JI.m. at II
Camp. Texa-. Tiie.. a. Lii-i'i
a- he doe- r f like tti- ei.t ifr
there, a- it l too M.o r..p fir,,.
and that lliey are p.ttm- ,.f
. . . . . . . .
J .
f 9 p
-r-. r-.-v w-;-i-v
llharle MilU-r. freu -,.-S"i -f
I hi- fi(. vv.l- ri a' IS.
oiTi.e Tue-day. arid r-m.-. f,-r
hi- paper for another
J. A. Whiternan. from ::a- -ha-Aka.
wa in ft niy la-t -.-
looking- after ime bn-ine- ii;.
t r and wa-t a plea-ant'.-r at
the J.eirilal otV:ee. and Mkhl.e hefn
renewed tit- iberiplio;t t th
paper for another- year.
Henry KnaN. from near
hawka. u a- a oninn .n visitor
Monday of lhi V.e-k, retnatrnn
oer nuiht. Mr. Knatje li.i. t--ti
a reader of th Jouriuil Pt a
Kreat many ear. ami of rn ir'
lieer all Ot the ruiilily -rjtt
without faorimr thi oiT ii.'i
a i-it. where tie j- always a
mighty wtdt'imi' 2Uel. Vh,!e
heiv he reu.-wed f..r hi p.l( er for
anot her ear.
Mib - Slandi-h. for many
otic of ttie ery al.ab!e frj'-;..J
of tl.e Journal, arrived in I tie nty
lat eveiunc for a brief i-.t ntih
frieml- and relative in
onnly. While Ic-re he be a
vueif at the home t.f Mr. ami
Mi-. John M. Nurlm. Mile no
live- down at ilarr.ef. Rana.
and vhil rrop- were .v,.r tto
yrr. ii' still think- Kan -a a
ureal'e to Iie.
Jo-ejdl Zlllillierer. the genial
banker frm Av-a. wa- in t r
ri:y oer In -t ni-tit. romitor i"i
fr.mi Omaha. nhTf he h.o! been
lottkin- after -otiie l-'i-ir.
matter, cuir. on to lw Ii-im
lfii"i uiornirii-. He paid the Joi;r
nal !)! a brief rail.
Mr. i:atheriu H. V.thun and
bridhiT-. T.larenre and 1'
Krhart. of Ihe nMiiitv .f WaNa-h.
were iitor." in thi rit tod.
doinif -oifu' i!, and attend
to bii-ine-i- matter". While lo-re
Mr. Krhart railed at thi .!''.(
ant! renewed her ib--rtpt in.
Card of Thanhs.
Wi wi-li to tak thi4 metti.H!
of thankinir tti many fre-id arid
nejuhlM.r for their kn.dly a-si-fnn-e
arid beautiful floral
tribute a! the time of tie dafh
r.f our leJoed son and brother.
Mr. and Mr. John Mei-insr.
Louie Mei-insi-r.
Mr. and Mr. P.n Jar Jin.
Mr. and Mr. Phdip S. h.ifer.
Mr. Rnd Mr. Anton Meiinzr.
Mr. and Mr. John n.vier.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Pa!bnrr.
Wedding aUtlontry at Lha
Journal offloa.
Your Sale!
Murray, Neb.
Journal office. (