The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913 PLATT8RI0UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE K. ulletin of Winter Travel Specialties DENVER Western Stock Show, January 19th to 24th, 1914. Special rates froiu East and North of Denver. Denver makes this a gala week for ern country. WINTER TOURIST RATES in effect eiV fares first and third ent indications are that tors diirincr the Winter of be the greatest in the history of the Southland. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED PARTIES TO CALIFORNIA seven each week via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, in through tourist sleepers. tors are men esjecially comfort enroute. I ran secure vou very STARTING THE CHRISTMAS REVIEW (Continued I'rom First Page.) line of fancy ribbon;; of all kinds. These pds have been' placed in profusion throughout the tore and are sucli as to at once catch the eye of the early Christinas shopper, and are of such excep tional quality as to hold their complete attention. The store lias already done a line business and has been well tilled with the pood-natured crowd of shoppers -eokin-r presents fur their loved ones. Always one of the attractive trading places of the city, the store of E. A. Wurl has added many attractive features for the holiday reason in their different lines of puiils that will be very much appreciated by the shop pers of the cily. Large lines of dainty silk hosiery for both men and women have been added for the Christmas trade, as well as fancy muflleis in boxes, ties of all descriptions, handkerchiefs of all kinds from the cheapest to the most expensive, embroidered and fancy collars and all the trim mings so much admired by the ladi-s, have been placed in the stock that is being offered to the public. The fine line of table linen which js carried by this firm is also the object of much admiration from everyone who has visited the store this season, and there is ample- range for everyone to find something to suit them. The line of ornaments, such as barpins, combs and other fancy articles of like description almost baffles description, as there is almost everything that a person could possibly desire. The customers here are treated the utmost courtesy and it great pleasure to visit this wit h is a neat Up-to-date est ablishment. At the fine electrical establish ment of Warga & Schuldice there i- offered this year a most com plete stock of fine portable elec tric table lamps, the riving of which as a present would insure perfect satisfaction, as they are objects of great beauty, and this line of articles is of such last ing quality as to make a present worth while. The firm also handles a number of other hand- CALIFORNIA'S IS ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND Season's have but little effect in the uniformly pleasing cli mate of California every day is a day for out-day sports, and there are special attractions for every member of the family. When you go to California is of little consequence, but how you go is of all importance. There is one best way the road that has proven its super iority for nearly half a century, the road whose service is as uni formly perfect as California's climate. This and more too is the UNION PACIFIC STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signal Dustlese Roadbed Double Track Direct Route to California Exposition, 1915 Liberal Stopover PrWileg-e. See Denver and Salt Lake Enroute For California literature and information relative to routes, stopover privileges, etc., call on or address Omaha the stockmen of the West daily, with lower homeseek- Tuesdayof each" month. Pres the number of Northern visi 1913-24, to the South, will Burlington special conduc selected to jook alter your handsome, illustrated publications of South ern or California Railroads and hotels if you desire tbem. "Lw Kates Pouih". California Tourist Parties. ' "Pacinc Coast Tours. ' Let me iilp you plan any tour you have in mini. 7. G. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Kebr., some and attractive electrical de vices of different kinds, which go to make up a pleasant and modern home, and the gift of which would be much appreciated by any housewife. (Continued in Next Issue.) MISS ANNIE ABBOTT THE STRONG WOMAN AT THE GRAND THEATRE From Tuesday's Dally. There was a packed house resent last evening at the Grand theater lp witness, the appear ance of Annie Abbott, the wom an who defies anyone to lift her against her will, and. her per formances were truly baffling to those who were called on the stage to attempt to life her. The persons selected were picked from among the audience at ran dom and included several alhletie young men, who pulled and push ed and strained in their attempts to lirt Miss Abbott from her feet, but to no avail, as she stood firm and all their efforts were in vain. One of the chief features of the show was when the whole ten young men grasped a heavy upright pole and attempted to hold it down, when Miss Abbott grasped it with one hand, and despite the weight, carried it across the stage. The work of this lady is truly marvelous and it baffles one to tell the secret of her wonderful power, but there is no denying that she is without doubt. a mystery to all those who were present last evening at the Grand. Colonel Thrasher Down Town. From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Colonel J. II. Thrasher wa able to be down town for the first time in almost three weeks, as he has been suffering1 from an attack of stomach trouble, but the colonel is feeling in very good shape and mighty glad to again be able to be up and around, and his numerous friends were more than delighted to be able to have him with them again. He was down this morning feeling better than ever and rejoicing1 in the bright,, clear day. The Journal for stationery. BEST SEASON E GERR1T FORT P. T. M. Nebraska ac - sgs STANDARD BEAR- " ERS ENTERTAIN THEIR MOTHERS Methodist Church Parlors Scene of a Pleasant Gathering Last Night. Last evening the Standard Bearers of the Methodist church, with their superintendent, Mrs. E. G. Hill, gave an entertainment in the church parlors in honor of their mothers, and the event proved one of the most delightful that this organization has ever held, and the beautifully dec orated rooms, which displayed the colors of the society, blue and white, and a profusion of white carnations, was lighted by the sunshine of the many happy mother faces, who were there aa the guests of honor for the casion. The sumptuous banquet served by the young ladies of the societv was most delicious and appetizing and each young lady had the pleasant task assigned her of serving her own mother with the delicious repast which had been prepared, and the scene was a very pleasing one, as the thirty-two members and guests gathered around the banquet board to enjoy the delicacies prepared for them, arranged for the occasion, which arraigned for the occasion, which served to round out the perfect delails of the banquet. The Young Men's lee club was pres ent and furnished three very pleasing numbers to the ines. entertainment, and sweet voices were loudly encored bv the delighted auditors. Mrs. William Baird gave one of her always enjoyable readings that added much to the value of the program, and as this talented lady has appeared several times before Plattsmouth audiences it is not necessary to state that her number was most thoroughly en joyed. A very pleasing musical number of the program was given by Mrs. ft. II. Wescott in her usual pleasing manner, which al ways pleases, and these numbers on the program made the even ing's delight most complete and the mothers present felt that it was certainly a treat for them to be present with their daughters and enjoy the occasion. At the banquet Miss May Glenn presided as toasi mistress, anu responses on behalf of the guests were made by Mrs. Handley and Mrs. F: M. Druliner, both of whom expressed their happiness at being able to be with the Standard Rearers on this joyful occasion. AFTER ELEVEN YEARS ABSENCE N. G. MEYER VISITS CASS COUNTY From Tuesday's Daily. iesterday j. J. lucycr oi Minco, Oklahoma, was in the city and while here called at the Journal office and added his name to the rapidly growing list of those who read the Old Re liable. Mr. Meyer was formerly resident of this county, having been engaged in farming in Salt Creek precinct, near Alvo, and desires to keep in touch with what is going on in old Cass county. He left this county about eleven years ago, moving to Oklahoma, and has since been quite successful in farming in that state. He has been here sev- ral days looking over old scenes and visiting with acquaintances. Arrival of a Fine New Son. From Tuesday's Dully. The news has just been re ceived here of the arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Truelson, in Omaha, of a fine new nine-pound son, who arrived on Sunday. The relatives here were greatly pleased to learn of the new addition to the family, and their happiness over the event is only surpassed by that of the parents. Mrs. Truelson was formerly Mis Harriett Mur ray, of Mynard. and was very well known in this city. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have nqw an extra fine 6tallion, the best in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. The Senior Duetchen Klubb. From Tuesday's Daitr- The Senior Duetchen Klubb was entertained last evening by Misses Helen Egenberger and May Glenn at the home of the former. Various topics were dis cussed. One of the most enjoy able things of the evening was "War Die Duetchen I.ieder," in which Master Stewart Egenberg er accompanied the young people mit ' seinem trommel. At a late hour the hostesses served a de licious two-course luncheon and the young people departed de claring that the Senior Duetchen Klubb was the best organization of its kind in the city of Plattsmouth. CITY COUNCIL TRANS ACTED MUCH BUSINESS (Continued From First Page.) to pay for the current used ly these lights, as it was the system in vogue in several of the cities of the state. The mayor also stated that his attention had been called to a bad piece of side walk on the east side of the Mar shall property on North Seventh street, and it was ordered re paired. Councilman Luhinsky in quired how the shed to shelter the street sprinkler was coining on and was informed by flio mayor that I he work would be started at once, as the wet weather had kept the carpenters from' .getting- busy, but they would get after it at once. Councilman Buttery called lb attention of the council to a bad place in Washington avenue, where water had been plan t", in the yard of N. K. Peoples, and h" asked that the place be epji;-el. as it held the water from runnini: olT of the street and b Mined a dam there, making it a nuisance to those traveling along ihal thoroughfare. The need of some piling at Twelfth and Main .streets was brought to the attention of the council, as the water around the tiling there had washed away the dirt and made a very dangerous place, and the work was ordered done at once. Street Commissioner Lutz stated to the council, that the work on the culvert ordered near Second and Gold streets had not been carried out, as when lie found it on private property and the owner objected strongly to his doing anything with it. The finance committee report ed favorably upon the following claims, and recommended their payment, which was accepted. with the amendment of Buttery to refer the claim of the Ne braska Lighting company to the claims committee for investiga tion: Frank Neumann, salary, ("5: A. Schuldice. labor and ma terial on drinking .fountains. 3.75: W. B. Risliel, street sprinkling and sweeping, 10.00; Kay McBride, street work. M 2.80; O. Rbode, work at city hall, 2; Charles McBride, street work. ?2G. GO; William Hassler, repairs. 5.50; Mike Lutz, street commis sioner, 27.90; Murl Parmele. street work, $3.00; Jesse Green. same, ?1.R0; William Egenberg er, same. 2; It. A. Bates, print ing, 39.20; Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company, rent and tolls, 5. -40: M. E. Manspeak er, livery fo city, 51.50; C. W. Baylor & Co., coal lo cily hall. SI 4; M. Archer, salary, 30; Tien Rainey, salary, 75; public library, expense for November. 2.16; C. C. Despain. salary and work at library. 0.50; OHe Jones, librarian, 3I; John Fitz- patrick, salary, 20; I. N. Cum mins, burying one dog. 50c; J. V. Egenberger, coal and labor to city, $10; Nebraska Lighting Co.. street lighling, 130; light at library, 3.1G; light at city hall. 00 cents. Just before the close of I he meeting Councilman Richey was requested by his colleagues to make a few remarks, as he had just entered into married life, but he expressed his pleasure and the fact he had not bins: to say, but received with a smiling face the congratulations of th- other councilmen and cily officials. There being nothing further to engage the attention of the "dads" the council adjourned. and the members wended their way homeward. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of EX-SENATOR THOMAS WRITES FROM CALIFORNIA Senator S. L. 'iln'inas, who i now a resident oi' Long Beach California, and who formerly re sided in this c 'unty. has written his nephew, Ed-Le Todd, of thi vicinity, and he has turned the letter over to this oftice in order that we iniht publish portion of it, as Senator Thomas has a large circle of friends in this county who will be inlereted in knowincr of his doings in hi western home. He state: "When I left my old home in Nebraska I thought that I would not get interested in elections again, but year by year I am be coming more and more interest ed in the future prospect of Long Beach, which now has a popula tion f 35.000 people. Two of the candidates for city ofliei;!i were from Nebraska Hon. Oe.. F. Kapp of Boyd county, Ne braska, and Lewis W. Shumau of Aurora. Neb. The Hon. ;eorge F. Kapp had been a very promin ent member of the legislature m Nebraska before he chose Lous Beach a his future home, and was running for city attorney. and I knew he would take the same deep interest, in the affair.- of our city that he did in a--i-t- inir in the making of good laws for Nebra-ka. And I.oni W. Shuman had served tenty--ix ears in Nebraska and had tilled -o many honorable po-itions in lii locality. In the organization of our independent parly I had been elected first vice president. mi you see. my dear nephew, my coat had Jo come o(T. The elec tion was held yesjerday, I"eem ber 2. I donated the u-e of my two aulos and when the telephone rang and they told nte the whole ticket, was elected from lop Jn bottom. I will not try to exprr my delight. You will have to guess it. Yours truly, ' "S. L. Thoma-." FUNK BESTQR ACCEPTS POSITION WITH THE G. P. EASTWOOD HARDWARE GO. From Tuesday's Ia.ily. Frank M. Beor, who -hale-en for Ihe pa-t year and a half in the employ of the Bau--r par age on Pearl street, lias resigned his po-ition there and has ac cepted one at the hardware -tore of O. P. Eastwood. Where he will act as clerk at this larue estab lishment. Mr. Betor is a lifst class salesman and thoroughly familiar with the hardware busi ness, having for a number of years been connected with the hardware store of John Baur before that establishment was sold Jo Mr. Eastwood, and hi friends can find him again at the old stand ready to serve the wishes of those who de-ire the best in the hardware line. AN IOWA GENTLEMAN JUDGE ARCHER From Tuesday's 1)b!17- Joseph Bower, a resident of the stale of Iowa, was a caller at the court of Judue M. Archer late Saturday afternoon. cminr on invitation of Chief of Police Ben Hainey. Joe, jt seems, had come to this city on that day, and with the usual weakness of the resi dents of that locality, had gotten considerable of the Nebraska brand of "bug- juice" on board, an-1 armed with a large-sized bottle of this, had wended hi way to the Burlington .station to board the train for home, when an unfor-een accident occurred when Joe dropped Jhe bottle of "corn juice" on the hard unfeel ing brick- of the platform and broke il. The police were notified and goimr fo the -cene of action hauled the iclim of the bis, fo the police courf, where the jud-'e applied the customary -5 and. amounting to H, and Joe beiir--"llu-h" paid the tine and wa-e-corted to the depot to board Hie train, feeling much rejoiced that he had escaped so lightly from the stern Nebraska law. For Sa!e. A fine Shorthorn bull, seven month old. all 'phone 'o. ',i-X, Nehawka exchange, or write H. J. Thiele, Xehawka, 'cb. Children Cry The Kind You Hare Always In u-e for orcr UO rear. Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and .TnVa-gfMl ' are but Hxperinients thnt trifle with and endngrr the health of Infants and Children llxi trie nee anlost lixpvriaac&t What is CASTOR! A Catoria is a harmless snb-titnte for Cator OQ, Parr poric. Irop and Sothln;r Symp. It 1 pleaant. IC contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor oilier .Nareotia substance. Its ace Is its g-uaraiitee. It destroys Uorm and allays Feverishness. I'or more than lldrtj years It lias been in ontant ue fr the relief of ( ont 1 potion, I'latnleney, "Wind Colie, all Teethinjf Troubles and Iiarrhc-a. It repulates the Stomaeh and I tow el, assimilates the Imm1, pivinjr healthy and natural ftlccp The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS l Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years r. ?:z:?zt I.a-t exeiiitiff IIMiiy Kr.ab. r.n "f lb. worthy r'-ilnt- i.f -bawka prerjnet. a- in tlo- o! and took advantage of th- -rasjon rail at th Journal otli-' ami r'iifv hi- Mjb-rri I wn lot Im ol.j HHiabb-. .Mr. Knab-i- on' of the iiio.-t pri--r-ie fanner of hi --cti..n an. J it i i preat pb-a-ur. to tn. hint . . ... ... anil enjoy a m-;I. an.l tin- J mit - ..... ... . "J" '."" niinun'- o;tf,j in i, j.. r. in pany of tin penl binan. Jin tin- -! -ii- ..r th. -:..r l!.- Entertains Ladies' Auxiliary. ,jry 1- h: r.rr;-! hi- b The I.aiht Auxiliary of the; bronchi ':! i j 1 y wr.l, ' i, ( .rian rhurrh were -nt-r- ! ria! e (!;:. !.o- of fh- . i.f taim-il in a niot ib-li-ht ft;! man - n.-r at the h.mie of Mr. J. V. Johuon i-sterday afternoon by Mr. .tne Chapnian and Mr.'i:'"-I p;.-.-:::i- r .;.;..::!, ; .lohn-on. Many of tlo- la.iii- ofjo,.r. Ar.oth'-r I - a -. tht. or -t;i n ial imi ami elmrch Jook j w n .1"M' i- t" i:r . : ail nutate of :, b.auiifnl il.iv -l b- of tli- ' '. wh-r- It.- !- anil .-r. in at i-nilancc. tfi-re b'insr ome forty lali pre-enf. After a short buine -.,.n Ihe l.'liies ill-Vote. 1 the afii-n bour- in a most enjoyable ...rial lime; s..nie (,f the l.nlie lirmutil their fani'v work am! -fitch-, j v. dainty ne..ij;, work. The h tes,, . a-ilei by Mr-. John Chapman. sitm-iI a in. t ! lirimi Inneher.n. whi'-h material ly alb-i! to Hie ilea-ur' (f the afternoon. You will find Ihe most complete line of stationery In Ihe city of Plattsmouth at the Journal office. The finest line of bcx paper, visiting and calling cards. AfJ IDEAL GimiSTLIAS GIFT A telephone coml)ines everything you have imagined an appropriate Christmas Gift should. It is a Remembrance that will Ie treasur ed by the entire household as an indication of your expression of Holiday Sentiment. Adds pleasure, comfort and security to the lives of those about you. Order a tele phone at once so that it may be installed in your home as a Christmas Gift. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager for Fletcher's 4VlLI sV..V v' w i. - - ,. - ... s ... - .,), - - - Iionght, and vrhJrh, hxs been Las borne the nimatare of ana ia iM-en nude tinder hi rrr ' - knnfll innrrrlilnn ilnM lit Infinrr. no one In i!-1 Xf rnu In f li la- Signature of SOME ATTRACTIVE show WINDOWS AT THE H. H. SOENNIGHSEN STORE Frnrn Tl-1j.v l''y. vin'i"'A vk!i-fi have b-'-n orat-! for tn- h.h..a -,..ri ar- 1,, .. ... .,,:... ui..-r.- lb., ar'..;..- t:a;..J- of "h- rl- r l. iv- j r -i!;i-. to .-r- l.i-'-fi.J n J fabric . f iv ?. - i .T ! d- craf ion. a; ; r- j f , II.- j tn.Si.hiy .;i-..f. a: ! ttn ti.w t 1 orat i'T e..v. if fi.. ! f : . - f tie of ..In.-. ,.f w!..--h !!... -:- rarrie. the '.arse.f $..-! i i !h cit. a !.J t!i . b-.?:'- r. - i .- arran.-.j n ot I i ' aril h.i- ! : r ;o f ! ' attention fr.-m .-ry .- (,.. In pa.-.! !!. re. nr .? In r--'." -! in the -i'e . f t i i' y f th ife'ii-i.. art:'-;-, f'.of h i-f t h-- w i: .1 v. t h- I r i r i i w!l f.'.-l j'roi,.J .f n-i.! ttoy .i.- peir IM"J I ' 1 if I .' I i Ut- .!-- -r-ty.! vk.: .im iloft.. ,-.K-kre!, fo- a. I- of or j h -;:- J..!; :- A. I'.ir. s Si