The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Copyright, 1ML fcy the Bobbi-Merrfll
Lovers of Romance, attention!
Here's a story you will like. It
Hells of mystery under the dreamy
moon of the Pacific islands and
of love in the shady lanes of New
England and what more can a
story reader want ? The mystery,
of course, is introduced early in
the tale, and the -love' follows
close after. Together they go
hand in hand through the pages
of thestory, never parting com
pany until the final chapter.
There the mystery departs, but
the love remains.
You know, of course, about the
author, Lloyd Osbourne. He
learned how to write in a worthy
school, for he is a stepson of
Robert Louis Stevenson. A.nd no
greater story teller than the latter
ever lived.
IE sought out Mr. Doty instead-
little, flattered, easy Mr. Doty,
who certainly must have con
cealed anpels' wings under hi
threadbare coat. Mr. Doty was sjm
pathetic; Mr. Doty understood. In
Matt's case nothing could be simpler:
the sea for the sailor, of course, ami
they would go right olT to his pood
frteafl.' Captain 5im Baini who owned
half the coasting craft out of
Oh. but Matt wished to stay in
Manas wuiil Oh. the old story I see,
I woe a young lady, and all the rest
of it! Well, well, well! Let Mr. Doty
think, let Mr. Doty think!
Half an hour afterward Matt waa
formally engaged as physical instruc
tor to the Young Men's Christian as
sociation at a salary of $t0 a month.
Unlike Its sisters elsewhere, the Man
aswan Y. M. C A. was poorly suit
ported, either by the moneyed peo
ple of the town or the horde of Illiter
ate foreigners whom it was intended to
Mr. Cummins, the superintendent, a
xery low voiced young man with eye
jrlasses, laid less stress on Matt's
capabilities as a physical instructor
than whether he would be prepared to
"help out." That had been the trouble
with the previous instructors they
wouldn't "help out." Would Matt help
out cheerfully? Matt promptly re
j'lled that he would, and smiling broad
ly to prove it. Inquired for a more
precise definition of helping out.
This, It seemed, included washing
the gymnasium windows, scrubbing
the frymnaslum floor, drying the bath
ing suits, cleansing the swimming
tank, checking the towels, doing what
ever painting or varnishing was re
quired In the building, oiling and clean
ing a dozen typewriter machines, and
volunteering cheerfully for any fur
ther services that mi?ht be needed.
Matt's answers were so satisfactory
that he soon found himself on the roof.
In a suit of borrowed overalls, assist
ing a deaf and dumb Swede in re
ahlngling It. In this work and others
he passed the day, and in the evening
he taught In the gymnasium.
By 10 the gymnasium was clear,
and he was free to return home, the
tlredest man in Manaswan. and the
happiest. He had got a job; he had
already won praise; he foresaw promo
tion and Chris! lie sat down and
scratched off a glad little note; the
pood news was too big to keep; Chris
should learn by the morning's mall
that he had been unexpectedly glori
ously successful.
At breakfast there was one from her.
which he tore open and read with a
sickening, deadly disappointment. It
Dearest It did not seem right not to
tell papa, and now all that ia left of me is
a poor, limp little coward In the blackest
disgrace. It was worse than his being
cross I could have stood that but he
took It dreadfully, more than I can ever
bring myself to tell you. I have promised
not to see you for three whole months
and not to write to you again except this,
and I promised for you. too. to do the
same. Please, please don't blame me too
much or reproach ine. I had no choice
really I had not and even the three
months was a tremendous concession. lie
Insisted I would forget you in three
months, and it seemed wiser to take it as
a sort of challenge, specially when he saM
I would be grateful to him all the days of
my life. I must Just show him that three
months won't make the least, tiny differ
enceand then say. papa. I can't help it.
but I love him more than ever. Mv dar
ling. I will. I will. I will. And do not
doubt Jt or my heart will break. He has i
a right to know that It Is serious, hasn't
he? That's what he said over and over
again till I gave way.
I am determined not to wait a ir'.nute
longer than that, papa or n para, and
what you must do is to work hard and
e able to supporlus v.Iiun TIieTInie
cornea. I have to take your answer for
granted, as I solemnly promised you
would not write to me. Please don't, my
darling, for otherwise you will add to my
disgrace and make papa think I have no
influence with you.
"We're going to Washington today, so
Xhat J xb&v ttm 'idiataaa rf . X..ahau
tui. iu all tru.o. ;Ut Tior -m papa s sense,
and with a. ntart like lead at leaving you.
Don't blame me too much, for I love him
too, you know, better than anythinR in
the world except you. Try not to feel too
badly, and remember I shall be thinking
of you every minute of tho time. 1 dread
to stop, as I have said everything so bad
ly, but It is not the you I love if you dtt
not understand. You will, won't you?
And love me better than ever, and don't
forjjet tliat 1 will come. CUIUS.
Matt reread the letter many times,
and his first sensation of utter aban
donment imperceptibly altered to a
more sanguine view. They were both
saved at least the shame of u clandes
tine affair, with its unavoidable and
mortifying discovery. Itetter to tell
the geueral than to let hiui find out.
Chris had been right there bravely
right. Three months would give Matt
time to solidify his position in the
Y. M. C. A. and apply leverage to that
?0 a month. The world that loved a
lover surely included Mr. Cummins.
Besides, a helping out, cheerful in
structor would j-oon be worth that ex
tra $13.
The days that followed in the Y. M.
C. A. were like the first, and by de
grees the world contracted till it con
sisted of nothing but the Y. M. . A.
at one end and Mrs. Sattane's at the
other, with a mile of streets between.
Yet Matt was not unhappy. You need
leisure to be unhappy, and he was sus
tained, moreover, by a determination
to succeed. That he was doing so was
indubitable, and Mr. Cummins w:i
friendliness itself.
Altogether, the new instructor had
eood reason to le satisfied and might
look fcrward to a raise in salary as
something he bad well earned. He
would not overreach himself, however,
by asking for it prematurely. He was
too wary for that and was playing for
too b;g a stake. With only three
weeks gone from the three months he
felt be had no time to spare.
One morning Mr. Cummins called
him inio the oti'n-e and. fidgeting with
some paiers in his hand, regarded Matt
with considerable embarrassment.
"I'm afraid 1 have bad news for
you." he said in his very low voire.
"I have been told to let you go."
"Discharge me?" exclaimed Matt,
unable to lelieve his ears. "You don't
mean that I am fired';"
Mr. Cummins nodded, with an ex
pression almost as woebegone as
Matt's. "it's none of my doing.
Brougliton," he explained. "You are
the best man I have ever bad iu that
department, and it came Tike a thun
derclap to me. It's worse than un
just, and I said so flat out. But or
ders are orders, and I am only the
paid superintendent under the board."
"But what do Ihey complain of:"
Mr. CumniiLS hesitated.
"The funny thing is that I don't
know," he replied at last. "I couldn't
get a reason out of one of lheiu. But
somehow they are prejudiced against
you have instructed me to dismiss
you at once." Your only meaiis of get
ting back at them is to demand a full
month's salary, and if I were you 1
would do it and sue them if they re
fuse." Matt's lip curlod. "Give me what I
have earned," he snid. "To take more
would be like robbing the poor box.
If I'm out. I'm oat, and that's the
end of it."
"A very Christian way to take it.
Broughton a veryChristian and praise
worthy way to take it. Get your
things, and Mr. Thelps will settle with
you at the desk."
Matt left the building with a check
for $47 and within his breast heavy
and anxious heart. The world was
before him again and that $Tj was
farther away than ever.
Forlorn and discouraged. Matt
sought out the only man in Manaswan
that he could rely on. He needed
more than a job; he needed a friend,
and where else was he more likely to
fine one than in Victor's garage?
Daggancourt was working over
car, and It was not until he had been
nudged by a helper that he straighten
ed himself and recognized Matt. He
tried to look unconcerned, but there
was a telltale quiver of the cheek and
a startled, constrained air about him
which showed his agitation. He grasp
ed Matt's extended hand in both his
own and bent his gray old head to
hide his emction.
"We've both been fools. Victor," said
Matt. "I we.s ashamed to tell you that
they had stolen my money yes. got
clean away with it in Pan l"rancisci
and then you took it all wrong and
froze up like a silly old iceberg. I
wasn't very considerate, I'll admit, and
I'm sorry, and"
"That's all right. Marse Broughton,"
Interrupted the mulatto, lapsing into a
broader accent than was his wont. "A
gentleman can't say more than he's
sorry, and God knows yon have maae
me mighty glad and thankful. I
didn't understand, that's all I didn't
"I'm pretty hard pushed, Victor. Can
you find me anything here?"
"Find you anything here, sir?"
"Yes, a job. It needn't le anything
much to begin with. Let me wash
cars anything."
"Is It as tad as that Marse Brough
ton?" Daganconrt was shocked, and slow
ly took In Matt's shabby appearance
and his tanned, careworn face. "Well.
If that doesn't break me all up to hear
yon say that."
"Can you make room for me?"
The mulatto reflected.
"It Isn't much of a business." he
Bald, indicating the srarage. "It don't
pay like mules but if you care to come
In as a partner, you can have half of
what there is."
"But I haven't a cent. Victor. I
didn't mean anything like that. I
want a job $2 a day, perhaps.
"I didn't expect any money, Marse
Broughton. Yon, misjudge me when
mi off
'Can you make room for me?"
yon .sTTv mat." i'liey . .ill i.7ea cranky
old nigger, and it may be I am. but I
am most awful cranky in liking you
aiid if ynu nre vvilihi:;. sure I am."
The generosity of the offer ovr rcame
Matt, but he could not bring himself
to take advantage of it. The garace,
sir:t!! as it was. represented the saving-
of years; ami t appropriate half
a tid give nothing but his unskilled ser
vices in return was simply imxssible
It was finally arranged, however, that
ho was to be engaged v.t !?r n month
as "demonstrator" of the .Tonesnu-bilo.
with a percentage on all sales he might
make. x
Victor had recently acquired the
ageney for this vehicle. Malt's in
structions began at once, and verv de
lightful and inspiring it was. too, as
lie hung over Daggancourt. elucidating
mysteries, anil asking a pupil's iinmni
crable questions. Occasion:- V.y cars
ran in that required gasoline or wa
ter, or a small adjustment, or a tire
ckang-d and then Matt or-stirred hir.'
self to be useful, if u'y it vere to
pump till he wa. crimson, or Icii-l fools
to Mack and Loney, lJgjrnaoonrts
(To lit' Continued.)
m mm -
The Metropolitan firninl Opera
Ouaite! fnrni-Iie.i the thin! num
ber nf tile lecilire roUI'se W'etl-
iie-ila eeniii. December
l'.::cli number the program
allowed (he hili i)ii;ili! of t!i -ir
Friday afternoon occurred the
second .-cries of intt rdass lt.i
ket ball games. The :irl i.ame
resulted in a victory f,,r Hi"
-euior.s, who played the frc-di-
IIM'I!, tiie score ie;,g JS to 17. Ill
file second ga.ue thi- .juni ! fie
feriled the .-oplionhirc--. -'K to 24.
The dual game will be played otT
iK-t Friday. Dc - r 12. be
tween the juniors ami seniors.
I'eru Slate Normal was rep-re-eijted
at the Schoolmasters'
club by President Hayes and lio
fessor E. I.. House. R. I ). Over -tirdt.
C. F. lieck. M. C. I.efl'r and
W. N. D.'l7fl!. Tins im-etin'- wa
held Saturday, December (5. at the
Liudell hotel in Lincoln.
Tiie Christmas vacation begin
December "Jit and closes Satur
day. .January School wor k will
bo resumed Tnc-day. .January 0.
thus enabling- the students to re
turn on Monday.
The Nebraska Weslyan C.lee
club, directed by Tieorire Allcr.
will give a concert in the chapel
Thursday evening. December H.
Prof. Allcr formerly had charge
of the concert work in Peru.
O. Sand in, D. V. M.t -J
graduate of the Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per- y
manently located in Platts
mnufli. Calls answered
dav or night. 'Phono 255. j
Otiice GOG Main.
You may rely upon your sales
being properly looked
after by
Amos esECE
who has had many years ex
perience in the ring, and has
always maintained the reputa
tion of securing the high-dollar
for all goods and stock
placed in his care Numerous
sales have been successfully
conducted in this county.
Dates can be made at this of
fice or by writing
Call Papillion E.xchacs.'e. Chestnut 1J01
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents cf City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Calvin Taylor or Weeping- Wa
ter hunted us up and paid ahead
or. his paper, (i 1 hy!
A sister of Mrs. T5urgoss is not
expected to live, and Miss Dooley
lias yoiie east.
Miss Kale Jfobbs and Mi-s
Louisa Shryock showed Ouir
smiling faces in our ollice yesier
dav. Itilly Darrah and his fair bride
arrived here last. Thursday. See
marriage notice in another
T' less the ice!" we heard
more than one person utter last
Monday, as-the slippery .sidewalk
struck them.
Quite a row is reported at
Lonisille last week, in Living
ston's saloon there. Somebody
got a mansard roof over the e
and the old gentleman va haul
ed ui for selling liquor without
a license. lietter as you go a
little slow in L.
Mcissim-'er P.ergnian At t he
Catholic church in Plat t sniout h,
by the Rev. Father Jtobal, on
Sunday. the LM'.iti int., Mr.
Michael Meissjnger and Miss
Teresia P.ergman. both of this
county and state.
We are sorry' learn that Mrs.
oo. Fairfield me with qaite a
serious accident last week, fall
inir down a llighl of stairs and
injuring herself badly.
Ieo. Fairfield has come home
from his surveying expedition on
the North Loup, and looks hearty.
Fred Pdack went out of luck
la-d Saturday night, losing- a
pocketbook containing
.Jno. II. L. Willkuns of Omaha
called on us yesterday and b'ft
a V to bo credited on his sub
scription. Call ntrain. Joint.
Ceorpe Stinchcomh. a "comp"
on the Daily Republican of Oma
ha, but formerly ,,f this place,
called into our otiice yesterday,
lie looks hearty, ami say.s tho
Republican always '-looms up."
He's- a "brick.".
The Brooks house is b in?
thoroughly overhauled and re
paired, and Mr. Fitztrcrald is
about to run it himself.
We are very much pleased to
hcr.r that some of our entorpris
incr prain men in the Plattsmou! !i
drain Co. have made a handsom-?
thing- on barley in Chicago lately.
Connor & Thatcher were
awarded the contract for i'O.oon
bushels of government corn the
other day. Bright boys they
and bring a good deal of numey
to town.
V. V. Leonard, our well known
photographic artist, has just re
turned from the burnt city, un
scorehed by the fire, and ready as
ever for business. Mr. I., has
brought some new improvements
with him, and will be prepared
to take pictures in the very neat
est, latest and best manner
known to the photographer's art,
in a few days. Call and see him,
one and all, who want pictures.
The Watchman pitches inlo
the "coal bonds" proposed to be
voted for by the county commis
sioners this fall. If the Watch
man would ever look a moment
at. the statutes of his state he
would find that whenever ten
freeholders petition t lie commis
sioners to call for a vote on that
question, they are obliged to do
so, and they have made such a
petition, and it is on file in the
j county clerk's office, and the
j Herald is credibly informed that
; most of the petitioners are
; democrats.
Afton, Frontier Co., Neb.
May 13th. 1X73.
I "Tip-Top" Friend: By the
J above heading you will perceive
ithat we have not only arrived at
iour destination, hut have also
christened our new city (?; Well,
it may he a city some day. who
knows? Just remember Lincoln's
1 humble commencement. Yes,
here we' are, arid' as f can reach'
more of oi.r mutual friend by
one letter through your columns
than by any other means. the
more willingly comply with your
request, j. e.. to b-t mi hear
from us. (in the 2-M of April our
colony, consi.-tinir of fie fam
ilies, seventeen person in all.
started ftoru dlendab. C;i.
county,' Nebraska. We had four
horse teams and one ox team,
also' a small herd of louse cattle
and colls, having heavy load
and cncouiit erinsr the u.-ual dif
ficulties in getting- teams "tru
ing right." etc. We made bw
progress for a few day .orue of
our friend- campim-" with u
even tho second niaht. However,
we reached that bright, enterpri
insr town. IIatinn, the forenoon
of May lt. ami Saturday. ee. the
2d of May, we rolled into Lowell,
which I must ay i a "hard"
place, shoot in? and gambling on
the Sabbath, and stores open and
doing business. -till they have
one Sunday school and meeting
every other Sabbath. While at
Lowell there was a heavy storm
of wind and rain, that tried tent
and covers severely. We left
Lowell on the of May, arriving-
on our homesteads, in das
per and 1'ronlier counties on the
9th. having" been fourteen and
onehalf days traveling- 2 7 7,
miles, almost 10 mile-, p.-r flay.
Total casualties of the trip, one
broken wheel, one broken tongue,
two oven "alkalied." one stam
pede .'because of storm', and a
few stick in the mud', but nary
an Injun. I would eriouly ad
vise the very timid people who
fear Indians so very much to
come out here, without delay. R
there seems to be tar les danger
here than in eastern Nebraska, or
the eastern state. We found our
claims even better than we bad
before thought them. We hav
abundance of good growing tim
ber, trees some of them over four
feet in diameter. besides dry
wood in drift.-, etc.. sufficient for
four or live year' fuel. Deer
creek is also well lined with
springs and rock quarries. s
for oiI. of course we know nothing-.
Settlers tell of rai-ilig '.iO
and i bushels of corn per acre,
on sod, and ay they can prove if.
Piomi-ing- more anon. I rcmMn,
as ever. I. S. Child.
We are very sorry to record
Ih.- fact that our town-man, Mr.
T. W. Shryock. received a bad
injury last Tuesday forenoon.
He was going- down the back
stairs for a pail of water, when
his feet slipped on the sleet-
covered step-. and he fell,
severely cutting- his head and injuring-
his side. Dr. Liington
attended him, and pronounced
the injuries very severe.
A -on of W. T. Clark of Belle,
vue, becoming enraged at a play
mate with whom he was engaged
in squabbling. got a shotgun
and went for him. The boy re
treated into a house and shut the
door, but not before young Clark
had fired, some of the shot strik
ing the boy and the rest riddling
the door. Clark was arrested.
The wounded boy is doing we!!.
Billy Neville has fairly trans
ferred himself, bag and baggage,
across the way to the large and
commrdious basement under the
First National bank, where tie
will be plea-ed to see old friend
and new acquaintances. New
billiard tables, tine room and No.
1 wines, ile and cigars, for all
who lawfully desire to u-e them
and ran pay for their u-e legiti
matelv. So Billv v.
Thad streight, deserves firid
rate, of the folks that ate, of the
fish he caught; and sent as he
ought, to the poor for naught, in
the town whore we live; may the
Lord plenty vouch, to Mr. Thad's
pouch, when 'ere he goes fishing
or gunning; likewise to Hank
Streighi. pretty plenty of mate,
for there's no use of shunning,
our Hank is the man that does
all he can to divide nature's cifts
up even, etc., for when it ain't
fish, it's something we wish, and
may Hank land some flay in
Last week we had occasion to
remark on the number of gee-e
near Mr. W. FikenbarVs farm.
Since that time we learn from
Mr. F.. himself that they have so
increased as to darken the at
mosphere late in the afternoon,
and his folks have to light a can
dle at 4 o'clock every day to d"
the "night -work" tip. Oreat
country. Nebraska! funny man.
Eikenbary! Queer gee-e, those
candle light fellow!
For Sale.
A complete Eastman's Photo
graphic outfit for sale cheap; 4x5
camera. J. Ascn, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
A nu:ni-r of g od P'ytno.i:Ii
Rock cocke-e. Mrs. !!.
Young. N'ehawka. :i.
12-1 t-::t-w kiv
in Ikr I i f rift f nun ia narf 1r
MMf. Vrliniaka.
In f: !:-:.ite ef e!n M .n'..-
T" Ai I vt I n -r---i .1
Vm ii t li.-!'- rett.f''! t s
Inbuilt- ::. I'M:!. Arum M.. -
r- f 1 1 . i -r ii !iuri i r i t
4tirt f tiiririh. No.rr-k. t -
! t i - . t ifir t h. :i j.jit'iTt rrr? f V K
1'oiIh it ii'lrn r, !r r.o ir r t ! 'iif
ef Orfn I". M-'r.'.f-. ii -h uvl n -
!-einc :o'! i a.t ! I
ialr. . i-i,reiir wi ! t.a-l i.e'i
sue) -tll!i.ri ilt ft. nf ,.f t ! - "..;,
tv .Iielf-. ('i.ii'r M"!i-.'. r ti..-. : .
''.ty-i tv. ."S'-i'Tj - k.i. ! .l.i i. .i r
IV M. at run.- !(. -k : ru. r
W(:i I; hour u ' I ..I.-. t..r, t' ,-'.-.
in n." t t- t;.-d.
IU tl.r Court
.ai.i.i:n j
i: 'MHt:t-i.n.
In District Court, Cass County,
In the Matter of the
of deorge Srhuldtce and tlarrv
ehuhlice. Minor;
Now on thi .M'th day .,f No
vember, lll.'t. thi cau-e came ..m
to be heard upon the petition if
Albert Schuldi'-e, guardian, prat
ing- for lic.-f.e t. sell each of;
-aid minors onetwdfth mtere;
in the following land. t..w::;
Lot eighteen lx . jn Se.
M'wn '7 . Towi.-hip twelve 2 .
Range fourteen ;li . i:i P!aM
moutb. Nebia-ka, for the purp i-.
of lem e-i nig the plueee,-
thereof to a better advantage for
-aid minors.
It i- ordered thr.! the i.eV ..f
kin of -aid minor and all ;e-
on- interested in -aid m.vtei
appear before n e at the D:-?-e-r
Court Room at Pint t -noi;! h. in
Cass County. Nebra-ka. :i the
:oih dav of .LiTn.arv. l:! . a? '.'!
o'clock a. m. to sh -w run
W ti
a l.cne should no, be granted to
said guardian a- above -el f . r ! h.
That notice of tb lime ari l!
(dace of said hearing- be given by
putdi-huig a copy of thi- oiiler in
the Platt-mou'h f"
three week prior to the ."."th day
of January, 1 1 J.
J MF.S T. P.r.dLF.V.
ll-tl U l J-ide.
j- ;-r.wk-
MlTK I'.
In it f nnmiy nnrt la mmtl for i aa
I imnti, Vrlirtiaka.
In th Matli-r uf I:. 1. an-! J'
X iw La-t Ui;i an: Ttn.-t.t "f
Jam- A. levv. li..-:i!
N"itl'. in I -re v iclv.-r It at or I' m
;-l rlav of h-i'.nitr. A U 11. a
lnuir -f ten "!: k h ri . v t-.a .er. r
f th? I'i'ilI.IV .lil-iy. ITI t 1 - " r-lieu.-.
l'!tnei!t U ':. Cinu.fv. .N
t'iu.ku. tin- fuli'in inr nm!l-r will 1.
lie.-ir.l ana n-niiir. !
Tt.e ai'J1' u p ' 1 n of K (r,rnvfi"'
rnvv unit iji.r i liiVi r Ii--.- t-
mlmlt t" ir-!.;.t- t!" !at w. . I a n
I t a mn t -r Jr V 1". i".'a.-.
Lit f tt I'.tv I'l.i ( i pitiiii: ' h.. -;i ij NU:;i-ka. nii.1 f .r L-tt-- of
.V'lm:iiitrati--n witn wi'.i ar.n--l t -
Kru I'.. N-i-ut.'i. ar.i l : " . .'- r
in the i..-t:t:.n .;.- t; I ...v v.
liliver I-. I.,v-v im-l H..ra'.. N iv.,
nr. Mil l.f t!" I .--ru ' ..I ,'. n-"rl
lnt"l till .".th ia; ef N v T. -r
A. 1'.
r.v ti. Cmrt.
ALI.P.N J rni:'v.
.!' '. J u.'.e-.
r'vwi.s a ri.-.r:rr:Ts.
VlPIK K TO ( iu:iitiiic.
In Ik ( nanlt- I nnrt la aaa far a
4 null. Vfkrml.
1 o clock n. m on u't; of nail Jm
ml that a. I rlairti- riot f. .il t.v ,J
li.iiir on ltt iiy of l.t-arit-a- i . I
t.e forvrr lrr.l.
Uy t Court
c.eir.ty Juuge.
r.AWU & tsi in.
Attorri .
Sal ! prip-isH: " i.i ! r"!'."!! l y
tl," i-oiintv i"rk of .' r.nin'v on t.r
lfor- iioon Jati'Ki'v lt. I. r f -ir- t'ie r-i i"'inir H-.ok. ii.ank
oml Stnttonrv for ail r i in: ' lut;r;
tl.e year "4:
1-S quirf O ..ttl M rtc;it" r.mrl
1-S uuir Cia;m J;'R..-T"r ij int'il
I "ad).
2 Tax LIt I:f-oril with tabt yar
1S14 print! nafl).
1-S rjuir nil. l.i l-nrl f rintd
p;i ' .
1-C ouir m.l. InrlT t" I::nnunt
land.4 iprintft ha'l
1-S .i:ir Inril. 1 oa J:.-or-l (
if af i.
iiuir mil. i'ortjiait r.cnri!
iprintil i.arl
1-S iuir rr.-.l S!:-.;!anoii I.!
KpcnrJ loos !f).
quire nie.l. .Mtc. Kror.t (li..
laf .
1-6 tiir m.l. A pi'a rar.f I.ikf
I-rlnt! hn1i.
l-5 onir ml. C'irt ClnH r
l- m-'t I olat I-' Tt.k
lirinta .airi.
(anv,n rovr" mrh.
1-S iiur t.ird. Court rr!"?i
ha.) ).
Pntert Hack. pr cj'iir
l- iuir inU. Trial Iorkt fprir.ti3
liml i.
lnlf-x ir Look.
All ronN t 1 Tfra feind r? No
1 Linen I-iic-r p;ipr. Iutoi vv-
ton Lrtsrr l'iiir or Wl. itinc
Leis-r ri-i'T.
f!uhbr liari't". No 11. IT vr..
I Ti rtoltler. No. J T i. . Tr iloxn
U'ritir.K Fltil'l Arro.M . j-r
Krairs. No J". Kii It, p-r i'.n.
i;t-rlii ok No. t ln. ir arr'""
Contrr!.!" Ti nii"ii-. N. I'l 1-4
tl ifk. per ''
Kstcrbrouk No Tt pn. pr r'o
CoiiE-r Ti rvlo. No. 1-2
thick. t"r 1e
ConirrMiK Ti nv;op'. N-. 1 1-2. thlrk.
per 10)
Murilae-. "'nrtr' Aral.ian. rr o'ir
Confrii" Ti anvlo:. No. l')-l. tnn k.
Ir 1
Tni.on' Notarial al No. 21. p- 10
Conrri! Ti nv!o. No. l. i-4. i-r
10 ).
I'enrii. copr-lnir. Pr l.-Tn.
1'n hol.)r. Nn Crown. pr ilorn.
Cillottn N" .)! f'n. Ir rntf"
Contrre-"! Ti nviuifi. No. 11. 1-J
thirk. ir lui.
Tvnriln, Vlvt. pr 12"
Uul.bcr Iian.l. aortl. No lit. par
Rrl Wrltlna- Flr.i.l. pr qui't
Sparat Pe' mut l ml n aarh
r!"" of mirrli in th t;mt
Th rnrrmii'iriT4 rarv tn rtltht
to r irt anr or ail tM.
wi.l I a-irt-ji'! t- c-oarT
C".rk and mark! Tropoaata for
l:lank! a ""i Ptationrv
IS older i mud bi sj1 aad a'.C.cUat
in tn .M.Tttr i.r tl l-sldt oi narvr , " i-lt t n --"r"ru, A-, H.rar: - J V." T'.l ''J. ' ' 7
lne ujon all claim- ar:nt ..U ''"v.", N"Vn.r. . .. t -
e-tat will J.a.l a th ort,.- of t:,e n;:t-h r-..f or, a.. .. . .a . -
tnoutn. .' Count v. N-l.r.k. on ,'.r T" ' ' , r.
.tani.urv ! lnU -nil ..r. .In! v 1 14!l at '-f'T- t'- fcf. .t of -a -
yntt i.
la th Iilatrtr mn ml 4 mm
T: 1. 1 v r k t ., I.. i, ! f I '-. " -!
i T ' :.. I' i . .
I..- . 1 1 ..' - T: i: 1 . -
r..iii i . : I. I
-". I.. J'"'' I' r " - a i
Ata -v '. !-. I ...
: i -
T- Lou T.' :-. ! I: ' -
f: rt nn Ultri.. j i. i
! r . : - . n . t m i r - --
I.t: inl in t ' ' " - I
' '. .)
Y'-'i nre h r' v" ' a- r
T.t: fi -i iflt ! ' ' - ' -
r-:,... . f . i l
I re t ..! t " ' ... , N- ' a
f-' t - I- -i-"-
m . .r t . j 1 ri . - ' .
J.i. I :.r I M.. f
It" I.. VI" J ..! !..' - f
A " - :.. r . ti t ' . . . ' ' ' ' - ' !'. rv'.i.jr t ' " i ' ' Z
w t i. 1 I ' - " !..- . .
! In .. H . .i ; - '" '
.1 t ...s f f r f ef '-:r..:''
, - . 'I ! ' ' . " .
I..r- .r f ! i f " H ' ? ' -
t (. a f " i . :n '. . r . - '. ' -
'r f ? - - -
-..s.i. n l r .r -' '
I-. 'ii. n! ,Ir.'l. t
i:'.:r: -r : ; rj
'.'?.! .ii -'i.-n t
f' i r : .i - v n ? J 1
in , -
r I M - l'r
Uin ar-l H :.'.. ...... .t-n-. .'..-
I .... ..- i . i . .' ir- i .
i.n l-l- n 4. ir .!'. :n'T ' ' .'
I" - -. .if J'.-. i . '.- t
: Nrrjj w : . t, r ' r r - '.
' r -e.l ir f.e. ' f 'n
I;'-'"" T. in - ,, ! m ...
f I. ...1 . I f '..- I'".!'- ' .
! I -i i:x '-..- I . ' : r
i - 9 r"i'r-?i:- ; . n : v !'
i Kn.i.r iir.. Mr . ft- . -I
T r. fcC r -r i.'-r 1 . nt A- "
I -. t ' '..'.'. i : " J T . I
' i.iV.-.rf T "!? . . ' 4. ' '
1 1 : . r ir-M.n f : .'. ; i- ! k. '
wi.,. , ... n..r'-. t ' r n
I in? . i r. .'. .
! ? c:-l -a-ir:y t- Tn" ' . .-
. m.i-. ::. r r .A . ! --i t- ' - ' ' -'
l' ;"tF:l.' . r .-nt".
w :. 1- . . r;. f nrjr : " "
I1.,... f rit-.r?.-.. r !; "'.. n
" - ef ii I :
i'a i"-.ii:it .rifc. - I t - ' -
t ef 1 .- r - r r . ' '''"
v. ;r te;.!l t --i I-'-ri N- rfr---
!!.; ii. c f-.-n n
! i f-".' I' r"-'j i.'.'ii ' J
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Ir.rt..r l'n an t ... !. A- J n
j ..i T . 1 C.'i -!J " A:. .-.
ri: t I
I,.- . . . - ' '.I .
j t.., j, Tr-rr-' . r i: N i.jr k-
; - ;' ' 's:',:'r;.:
' r -r'..r- ;.r.-r ; r --T-1 i-
- -t.r-?'. .
w r r
f - ,
l..-r'u .it
t - K 1 1.
i i--r
I' f: ml i! " . : - t 1 !. -
; r z ' f i T ."i . r a n f ' . -'. ' " - ' '
I t ; -'a t ..f i s ,-. - ..-
t - .i, i i-.t '. . n ! -. .n - - '
i.' I '.a t : - !f-. ".- ' ..
l'-.k. w'..'.. Ri-'-'C- a.:-r '
.! ,n 11'- k. . : " m-.rir-a.
.Htr- "... in I !.- ..f
I : i,f f ' jt '.:': U a.
r.l t - .m or t-, I ' f-e-
,r.""rT :. 1 - .' ' . - - ? .
ttr.r ! . ; i
t f r ' ni r . k . m ' - 't ' .
In it iC:i rj " f a -n
.I ft'' n T' .-e " j '
i '-- '.i m i' y- " i- -
, - T.'r a r: t ! " r t - a -
..r T ' - !'i"
I"? i. in t K ! '
I n." s .. a - ..".'.'
:. . - h ri":ru. ;- .; " .
lt-'k " . iT rr... K i '
t r f, - i k 'r 'f 1 - l
t .. jr v-an 1 .. .-
t a -rr ..f I'.T". ? a nr
lia--on a' it- n "f '. ' ' - r --
--nTli 1 1 A v "f N i-r . .
J r; IT "Vr. " . , c ; . -
f a f f ' r n i ' I i. : .
' : i - " -
i. v'.r.?r L"in "
J t r. ..n t 1 '
r..-t-.i- l.'t ' If ' t
if f : m ii ' .
SVV of - V '.
i:- j N l.f -
i 'f
' s. .
I !; -m u-x :.. t.
i-n-l . : n - 1"' ' "
.i ?,.n t it- t ' P.
r -T: -n of I '" t . n
s- a ( . r. r . A ! ' -r. "
n-.r t i.f t ; . r..i r -r.- ' .
-al-l I'r." I coi.t.1 jt a
'a:. a'' i "" .
.k . -
- -. !
: t-
fj, t r! t i . t - i t .
z- ' .." r
TH ' l. vjn. -V T ' V
. -i
a n :
i ' :!-
I:- A. i- Til U I '. a
la f avatT wart.
?T tv. r.r nkh;.a.-ka.
i . ' ; r . .
In Slj't-r if : Lra' r Iwsn
TA f i". 1 : l.
N-.'iv ' lr-tv -;.- f.-l t "-
it of ;i-l .laa.i ' .; r r ;
n-on -.a m as - '
-a'. hafor rr.a. i r.:t .iu-'e ''
Cvn:f. X t i
r ,iif. r'.-.m 'n r " m ; . I" '
'"o'.-n". on t- T : 'r f 1
I I :. iiRil on t a l'.v- n J
1 1 i. a ? I o cl a i j f r
einmiM'.i'in. a t. rrnr. t a-: a
Ail ! Tia rr u "t t . I '.r. 'A r . -T
on o- lfor Mi. lt l.'-'ir ' ! r - t
VV;tr.' irv l.arl an.! f I
f.rjn'V 'r l f'.at; . N
!' ik a. t:.. lltfi 'la of -- 'rr.i-r.
1 : i
t.-a'. I ALLCN" J IT' '.
la I a THatrU-t aart la a a4 far f aaa
i mm f y ktk.
Pli'ljni':';. Loan an.t fi .:'.
Aiiiviativx lar.t..
Gon Cator. Mra iori i "'. r. !J,rt
ra. r.arri" u tan-'WR. t a
To t!. A (ova Sjt. r'
You ..r-t a h -f -.! a - a'r. . r-: -.1
tint on . ; -ro 4 A 1- T-....
Pi:r.t.T ti ",i ., jn". o-i , '
' i rt of ' 4'fcip'v N-.ia T.a
,. ,-t ar1 p i''""" ' ' ' ' ''
i ,.. a nTrHii I ' Ja t
l a. or sr 1 i.' T : a
rirfni ! J n.r- ff. .l4t i Mav I.. A I
! ?. i n io? flvi .'.. ' ! ' :-. ' ri
t - i a- v r v- ? a n t ' . '
J'l a '. i"'i .. :'fi. ar ! t- i. -'
t of .a .li.i..n' in '. ' ; " -
; i.Tr.S "-.iO'lo, f - r . . 1 .. i' a
a.,i.v of r:n r-' ' -ri a-. I ! J
ni'.r'ait-.i rrm' T at ....!
; na ! 1 - ri- ,c . . . w
as l r.i t of t: p' t f : "-
1 1 T k rail II" -.. n of '.- i.:i
r i r a-.. rf:t r -' '
' i j oi i . w:;l in'e lr-f. r. at t-v
,r i.n; THr ,r t 0r r ' , f - "r
J'.)'.' i. 12 1. a-l f r- f w
anj cf-r.;jr.r I- ai t'. t i
ija an v w: e i m , r- i.a -
k:;r ap?.in r " "a
ia. t ! a .-mr. r .. f i .! i.i
t' tav t-i n ir'4j "r i--M-Cfi
J.'n t t- Amr I'-.-o! " c
i ..rr -.-a f, v f fa ir ,Wr- . a : -
fri"r to t lin r r-a r .1 t. . p 4 t '
riorta-.iK. an 1 f -r !- t r. f a
rr 1 - p nit a -t 'i'i 1
Tr r.-e hv oilr r-f ! ' a rrt i
V a.i a r'v:."-'l a- t
pat 1 1 10 1 on or hf ra V m tr . Jan v
I j. 1 1 4 , r :- dfa : w. . t-
.-"Taa-l : r.rll,
" vir, -11 Ij)VN 4 I.tLI'rNJ
a-- ";t iTtox.
Ait 'ai
.1 14 111