MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 113. PLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, PACE 0. Y Get Your Money B ou You get back the original cost of your stove in the fuel-money saved each winter. Could you ask for more?- Here is the Guarantee on " Cole s Original Hot Blast Heater i i Backed Up in Every Particular by the Makers: 'l A saving of one-third in fuel over any lower draft stove of the same size, with soft coal, slack or lignite. "2 That Cole's Hot Blast will use less hard coal for heating a given space than any base burner made with the same size fire pot. "3 That the rooms can be heated from one to two hours each morning with the soft coal or hard coal put in the stove the evening before. "4 That the stove will hold fire with soft coal from Saturday night until Monday morning. "5 A uniform heat day and night, with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. - 4 That every, stove will remain abso utely air tight as long as used. ' "7 That the feed-door is and will remain smoke and dust-proof. "8 That the Anti-puffing Draft will prevent puffing. "All we ask is that the stove shall be operated ac cording to directions and connected with a good flue. ' (Signed) COLE .MANUFACTURING CO." (Not Inc.) (Makers of the Original Patented Hot Blast Stove.) This guarantee can not be, made on any other heating stove. If you want economy and real home come in and let us sell you one of these stoves. Also have guaranteed hard coal burners. i g: P. EASTWOOD Plattsmouth :: Nebraska i 1 V 4 ; WEEPING WATER. r Republican. ? .Mrs. II. A. Suiners returned Sunday morning1 from Kidder, Mo., where she liad been to at tend the funeral of her father. Mr. John Yunko, nee-Freeda Muie, of Crete visited her par ents,: Mr. and Mrs. Will Morse, and other relatives, from Friday until Tuesday morning'. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massie and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swindle went to Lincoln Tuesday night to con sult with the physicians in, re gard to the condition of the ladies' brother. Nickolas Meyers of Mico, Okla., and his sister, Mrs. Joe Danne of Kingfisher, Okla., arrived Wed nesday afternoon, called here by the death of their brother, Mat tis Meyers. Joe Malcom came in Friday morning from Colorado. lie stopped for a visit, with his brother-in-law, J. W. Sperry. lie was ion his way to Nehawka, where he will , run the iNehawka mill again. Woman Finally Recover From Nervous Breakdown Impoverished nerves destroy many icople before their time. Often be fore a sufferer realizes what th t-ouble is, he is-on the verge of a omplete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep yur nervous system in pood con uiiion, as the nerves are the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Rosa Boaner, 825 N. 18th St, Birming ham, Ala., says: "1 have been suffering with nerv ous prostration for nine or ten years; Have tried many of the best doctors in Birmingham, but they all failed to reach my case. I would feel as if I was smothering; finally I west into convulsions. My little girl saw Dr. Miles' Nervine advertised in the papers and I at once began to take It. I continued to take it for some time and now I am well." If you tre troubled with loss of appetite, poor digestion, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general rur. clown condition and unable to bear j-our part1 of the daily grind of life, you need some thing to strengthen yoitr nerves. You may not realize what is the mat ter with yon, but that is no reason why you should delay treatment. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its .value in nervous dis orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, no matter how many other remedies have failed to hel- you. Sold by all druggists. If first bottl fails to benefit your money Is returned. .MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intf. vi " """" ck Dr. Welch is carrying; his right arm in a sling on account of. a. disloeated i wrist, ; caused from cranking: his auto. This is the second accident of that kind here lately, Albert Tuck is still carrying his arm in a sling from being broken while cranking his father's car.. Mrs. Chas. Spangler enjoyed a family dinner at tier home on Thanksgiving. 'The following children and their families were present: John of Louisville, f red of Plattsmouth, .trans, Peter, Philip and Charles and Mrs. Cyrus Livingston of Weep ing Water. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Day of Elyria, Ohio,- ..who have been visiting the former's brother, E. E. Day and family, for several weeks, left Tuesday morning for Florida, where they will spend the winter. Their trip will most ly be made by water, at least as much as convenient. They will take a boat at Kansas City down the Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massie and daughter, Georgia Wilson, and James Gilmore went to Ne braska. City Wednesday to attend the weddinp of their relative," Mr. William Gilmore, to Miss Birdie Johnson at the home of the bride's parents at Nebraska, City. Mr. and Mrs. CJilmor will make their home on a farm near Mur ray, where they are quite well known. GEORGETOWN, TEXAS. J. A. Kimbro says: "For several years past Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound has been my household remedy for all coughs, colds and lung troubles. It has'given per manent relief in a number ff cases of obstinate coughs and colds." Contains no opiates. Re fuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. : - v For Salle. ' Furniture and fixtures in 14 room hotel, , in good location. Best of reason for selling. Mrs. S. E. Harris, Cedar Creek, Ne"b. , , 12-8-itwkly County Superintendent Mary E. Foster departed this noon for Union, where . she will visit at the home of her parents and look after the schools in that section of the county. CASTOR I A - -v For Infanta and Children. - Tb8 Rind Yea Hare Always BsugM Bears the y3 Signature of ZfyZTGtfe&tt lit IT1 I 1 1 i I i I i i A i r 4- 4. KEHAVVKA. j i News. rri H' a"a A ill a Mrs. J. Y. Stout returned to Lincoln Monday after a two weeks' visit . with her daughter, Mrs. V. P. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. George Spohn returned to Lincoln . Saturday morning, after spending Thanks giving here with relatives. Those of us who failed to con nect with turkey on Thanksgiv ing may be able to haxe rabbit for Christmas. Mrs. Ernest Ahrens and daugh ter, Elsie, and Julius Engelke- meir and two children left Tues day morning for Newkirk, Okla., where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. Without a lot of dragging following the wet spell the roads around Nehawka are going into the winter in bad condition. We trust this hint will be all that is necessary. Alice Romans of South Dakota, Cecil and Carey Butler of Mis souri, and Dorothy Steven ofi California, were four Kappa Gamma girls that spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Isa- dore Sheldon. Charlev Hansen went to Oma ha Tuesday evening to see his wife, who has been taking treat-! ment in a hospital there for some time. She is not improving as fast as her friends would like. Mrs. W . II. bchomaker was a passenger to Omaha Monday evening, where she went to See her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Y. C. Sehomaker, who was operated on recently for appendicitis. She is reported as getting alow nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Banning left Monday evening for South Oma-j ha.' Mrs. Banning and the chil dren will visit a few days with the George Holmes family and Jim expected to leave Tuesday for the northwest. He will goj first to Ogden ami from therq to Seattle and Portland. M-M"I 'H'M-M-H-H- ELRIWOOD. Leader-Echo. svn :-k-i-i-;-a-i-:-i- James Cook of Beaver Cross- ing spent sunaav witn nis . -.1 , cousin. Mrs. A. . N eicnei. ir. or,ri Mrs HnwarH Tirown Ipfi Vridnv for their future home at Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferguson returned Saturday evening from their visit at Dixon, 111., with their daughter. Mrs. Lucretia Ransom. Emil Rosenow left Tuesday for Clay Center and Howard, Kas.. for a visit with his brothers, Ferdi nand and Herman Rosenow, and families We are pleased to report that Grandma" Hollenbeck, who ha been very ill at the home of her """i iiuurui-ciA, ... ha. is now rapidly recovering. Mrs. Carrol ireat or imnipnan, .e., moioreu uowu iiom mni 1 . I .1 1 j 1 1 x 1- nome eanesuaj 01 iisi eeK 10. an extended visit with relatives anu menus. 1 m. . . 1 . , 1 n I r.irs. nenrj- ciapp reiurneu mnjusi exactly what it is named a t a r r wl .,f 4Via n-ajil' f prim llArl; i'aii mrn ....... visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. 1 1 n n i rl,;nn rrr Clin .. I iittie 4,.... .v ports a splendid time and the iiai-i lam.ij ..u "o!'- T, W U,.llnnhnnl. ,.f Cnrnna. . iiuiiiuucLa wri""- do, California, formerly a resi- dent of tins vicinity, was here Monday for a visit with his sis- ter, Mrs. A. W. Neihart, having .....--..1 come to Nebraska to see ins I mother, Mrs. Louisa lloiienbecK, who has been very seriously ill in Omaha. .1. Lipan ien. ivfuu-suaj hmm ii- i ing to be' at the bedside of his daughler, Miss Loltie Lean, wno teaches school at Madison, andhather that immediately i.ene- near which place she is now fined at the home of her uncle, a rother of Mrs. Lean. We un- dersiana Louie was very seriousr injured in an automobile ac- cident. The Best Flour on the Market WAHOOMILLCO. . WAHOO, NEB. "7z.:.j Public Sale The under'signed will sell at public auction, at his home, one and one-half- miles- south ol Plattsmouth, one-quarter mile west of the Mockenhaunt brick yard, on the Lutz & Hallslrom farm, on WEDNESDAY, . DE- CEMBER 17th, 1913, beginning at 1:00 p. m., sharp, the follow- ing described property to-wil : Team of horses, age 10 and H.I weight 2,950. 3 milch cows, age 3 years, all with calf. One heifer, aged 18 months, with calf. One brood sow and five shoats. ti head of 2-year-old steers, passed. 5 head of yearling steers, passed. 2 good milch cows, will soon be fresh. One srood yearling Poland China boar. Farm Implements. One McCormick "Big Four1 mower. One McCormick sulky rake. One Dain side-delivery rake. One Deering hay loader. One Dain hay sweep. One Lightning hay press- horsepower good as new. One McCormick disc. ' One Avery cultivator. One Jennie Lind cultivator. One riding lister. ' One 3-inch wagon. One hay rack. One set heavy work harness. One set light harness. 1 or 0 ions nrsi cuiung aiiaua hay. Mnnv oilier mliel li.o numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of 10.00 and under, cash in hand: all over 10.00 a credit of six months will be given purchaser giving good bankable paper, bearinc eicM oereenf inlpi t from date. All property mustMhe Ledger office might be blown be "settled for before being re- moved. S. G. STONE. Q. K. Parmele, Auctioneer. R. F. Patterson, Clerk. THE MAN WHO NEGLECTS HIMSELF When his condition points to kidney trouble takes-an unwise pua. Duunduui-, jmm anu sore t 1 1. 1 . : oer me kiuuejs, nervous or dizzy spells, poor sleep, are all symptoms that will disappear with the regular use of Foley Kidney Pills. They nut the kid- neys and bladder in a clean, strong and healthy condition. For sale by all druggists. TO MAKE YOUR HAIR ,1 - . MORE BEAUTIFUL To give your hair that gloss and lustre and wavy silky-soft- Tin ncu Unprnnnv Iflin Dnant i Tl fakp, .vnv hp H.,11 .Lad ... , . , ...,.. ;, ii'.'.'n. ui iiiu uuu, jiiu lllaKtS Jilllii nrr i'uoi;, ,ui, anu ... bright turns the lrineinP W Vanlnndinuhnm retnrninir to int flufliness overcomes the . y odors and leaves a sweet. ' rue-rose fragranre make lhe hair easier t(, ,)ut up neatly and easier fo keen in ntnoo T ' 1 ... . " v v . 1- . ki.:. ... 1 I 11 I uair ufriuuut'r, anu wueiuer iouri hair is ugly now or beautiful, it III 2 -1 I 1U J1pIoe ns appearuute. Vou'H be proud of and delighted wun me results, or your money I.l. 1- . ... ..... imi h. I ci v easy IO ttlMlIV Sllli- ply sprinkle a little-on vour hair each time before brushing it Contains no oil; will not change the color of hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and scaln dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shamnoo. This nure. nquia snampoo is most con venient to use. because it eive.- an instantaneous rich, foaming con-Urates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off just a quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Con tains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or tickiness just a sweet-smell ing cleanliness Both preparations come in odd- shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, 1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisty you m every way, or your money back. Sold in this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of the more than 7,000 leading dru stores of the United Stales, Can- nn1 fircaf Tlt il;iin whieh nun .... - - -..-.v... w .. , the big Harmony laboratories in Boston, where the many cele brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. F. G. Fricke & Co., Union Block, Plattsmouth, ISeb. .J..H..I..T..I.,I..:,.T,.I..I..:.,t.,I.,t,.I..I,.I..I 4. V UNION. 4 Ledger. Mrs. Leunie Crawford armed last Saturday from Coleridge for a visit with relatives and friend 1 in Union and .vicinity 1 William Balfour, armed with his trusty violin, went down to I Auburn yesterday to participate in a contest staged there last night. Mrs. Albert Clarence, who I made a visit here with her par 1 ents and other relative, depart ed Tuesday for her home at I Coleridge John R. Pierson and wife ar rived home last Saturday from Iowa, where they visited relatives a few days following their wed I din Leonard Thacker and family Heft Saturday to make severa days' visit with their relatives and friends in Homer and Wall hill. Miss-Clee Applegate, teacher in Plattsmouth schools, visile. her mother and other relatie here during the Thanksgiving vacation, returning to Platls 'mouth Sundav John Rough of Nehawka pas ed this way last Saturday re turning from South Omaha where he had sold a .shipment " diecp, and he was just a bit proud because his stock toppe the market George Chappell is haing some trouble with his left foot " ""'ii "i ...... r-m .-ni".- Mo be a result of an injury re- reived twenty-live years ago. The foot is pulled up like a wan politician and behaves a gn-af deal worse. ine appearance or a pair o very burly looking strangers in 1 t r,i : .1 town ,uoniy f-nin rauvn suspicion that hot tl hanks and a robbed that night, but there was nothing cookm in iiiai line. As a precaution we hid our snot-rag and three 2-cent stamps in the bottom of the hades-box, a safe spot. Y m. Ouinn made a nusine-s trip to council mulls, lowa, me fore part of the week. Dave Fads and wife arrived from Arthur, Iowa, lat. Thurs- day morning for a few weeks visit with his parents. S. A. Vanlandincham and wife of Davey visited over Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vanlandingham. George Williams of Sioux City. Iowa, arrived here yesterday, Thursday, morning for an ex tended visit with his father, John Williams. Mrs. Eugene. Selr of Plalts- mmilh vUile.l over Thank S il illZ ........ ,..: ... . her home Monday. Adolph Schoeder and wife were called to l-learwaier, .veil.. last week on account of the death of Mrs. Schroeder's brother-in- hnw Fred Banchman. .ti.., ir..T,.. n.i .inn)i .' nn. M; r F .t:i....., nn.l " " ' ,,,,.,,. ir, f VM.inir Water wepe en,er,ained Thanksgiving .i0,. ,i, ),, Jf m,. Mr. "l " " W. L. Hobson. Mrs. E. M. Brantner entertain ed the following guests at an elegant three-course dinner on Thanksgiving day: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Crablree and Misses Clara and Varena, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crabtree and son, Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. MrCIanahan and children. The day was spent in a very pleasant manner and i one that will be long remember ed by everyone present. Fred Root, and Grace Earl stole quietly away last Wednesday. November -G. to Lincoln, where they were united in marriage by Countv Judge Risser. The groom is the youngest son of Lewis Root, who resides on a farm south of Eagle, and is a young man of high character. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Earl, who re- $100 Reward, $100 The rpnd-ra of thin tuiiipr will be tloavJ to Inara tliat tliere i at l.-at one dreial ol(Maw that Afienoo b.ta bctn able ti f-ure in all 1'S Atairm. and tbat Is Catarrh, llnll's ( atiirrb Cur is th otilv fMwitlvp cure km-wn to the med i'lil Iratt-ruitv. lalarrb Ix-inz a Kiuouuit i-m. dteie. rviT:irii a ronatltutlonal tieataivtit. Halls Catarrb Cure l taken Internallv. a.tinc li:tTtly uim th I.Io.l anU muii. t.iirfa of ,. ..... lite syntem. tui-relir dentrnyln tlie tlie ulsi-ase. nni clTlne the late nt rrt;uett tv Uuildiiic I 'he rtHixtlturlnn anl aeKt!up na ture In tjomz It wrt. The nprlcMri Bare a Oju b fnlth lu lt euratl i"ers tbat tlieT nfTer lue Hnndret! !ol!ar f- it tbit It ll'.m to cure. is. ud iir lift of ttstiiiH-ntul-.. Adlress I". J. CHESCY i CO., Tuiedo. O. Hold lr 1! Dnisi.-tt. T5c. like HaU'a Fttuilf Villi tor c-jnstiiUoo. .'-'..V.', I'.'.'nVi - A A A A A A A AAA A A A 4. EAGLE. -r 4 Beacon. 4 side on a farm southeast of Eagle, and is one of our most charming youns? ladies, who H loved by all who know her. For the present thev will resld on the farm of the groom's father A A A A i A i 1 LOUISVILLE. Born To Mr. and Mr. ;o. Kfdiler, Sunday, Nomber 30, a boy. Gust Sicktosl is here from th western part of the Male, ing friends. Mrs. .Mary .ridson has con to Bayard, near Scott.- BIufL to spend the winter with her daugh ter, Mrs. John Kilgore. Mr. and Mrs. James Terrybrry and two children returned Satur day from a short visit with rela tives in Tabor, Iowa. Leslie Flier of North Carolina is spending the winter with hi uncle, John Filer, of Weeping Water. He was the guest of hi cousin. Mrs. Charles Pankonin. Iat week. Charles lirake had the mis fortune to get slrurk in the rhe.-k by a shinny club, cuttinjr it bad ly and making a painful wound. It is .urpriing that more ac cidents do not occur, as the liy are careless in making their trikes. Mrs. Amelia and two daughters. Mioses Edith an I Emma Clizbe, of Weeping Water, visited Mrs. P. C. Slander and Miss Edith Shryoek one .lay la-t Week. Mrs. I.IlZle illi'l .Ml Edith left thi we-k to spend a few months in California. Mrs. John Koop rer.-ie,i wiri Thursday of the marriage of her sister, Mi Alire Flanime. and (leorge Clizbe of Weepine Water. The ceremony occurred at th home of the bride's si-ter. Mr. J. J. Meier. They will reside in Cody, Cherrv county, .eraka. where the groom is foreman and part owner of the J. Flag ranch. Judge Brobsf court ha ben a buy place this week. Fine hae ranged from a t'nr spof for light offenses to 15 for Irving to raise h I and put a c;a:nk mmer it. Seven mn and one school girl have fared his honor and not a .A one escape, me loiai aniour.i added 1 tlie city's bank cr.n! amounting to T0; u..t .. bad for a rainy week." III PLATTSMOUTH FORTYYEARS AGO terns of Interest to Old and New Residents of City Which Were New Forty Years Ago. loc. Liinston and ram Chapman shot dizen of chick ens on Saturday, the firt. Our streets are full of wason oaded with grain. It bok like an army niege train on .Mam treet sometimes. Who say we are dull? Sam Barker, the greaf hog man of Cass county, ships carloads i"-f logs eery day. and behold Sam great man for bog, and cat tle. C. Schultz of lhe Cedar Creek mills, one of our best millers and niines men, called on the Her- ild Monday and left us some of the sluff we are very much in need of. Hon. Henry M. Atkinson of lrownville called on the Herald ast week, in the editor absence. We should have welcomed Mr. Atkinson most heartly: he i one of Nebraska's most energetic and apable men. E. M. Itlack. lately from Oma- ia. has opened a tonorial parlor in our midt, on Main street, op- o-il. the Herald o?1,Ce. where he; an be found at any time ready! and willing t wait upon bij customer. Any p-r.-ou wantinzj a : .hae will do well to call upon Mr. Black, who come to u 1 12 lily recommended. Jen tiae or I b; purcha-ing a ticket. A man by th" name of Herbert Wolcott. a patient in the .-late insane- asylum from thi county. ied lat month. Apparently be i ad no inen.j. a no one na m pjired for him for oer two ear. Tc. Slew art writes (,. fi. W. McKiunoii to tin effect, atid w. publish fr the benefit .f friends, if any there be. Sheriff Cnilr arrrt.l a drur.ken rnnn yetrla. who bid b"fn kicked out of orr- n. nn-I wa lyinc in lhe !.-i::!i ti the corner of Main ar.l Kiflh treet, Ab,n found. b bead in the n.ud at;d in dt;: r of being i;f?o ated i:i th f.'.'.ht water. Thcr wa a rr-wd ar-u;.d peerir.g at him. but r.-t ori i f. fered t- Mid a helping- hand t tei hir.l out f hl iLinS'T":;. pojti..!i. When th -herifT ar rive.! on the rene Ii bad !(- trouble to gt, ar.d i! wa only after h had ca!,j about a d"en roen Ibat be wa able (o get ariyleMjy to ai-t hi: in placing the ori.b!.me ..f man in a atn. And richt b r we rnut a'" thi. in ref.-rT.r.-to the ?herifT calling r-n iili-l-r f.-r help; he ha a right t call on any man f-r ilane, in tb" dc!jare .f In l n . and ba the power (a r r -1 an man who iefu- to when called up"n. aut hi:i The .rt meeting -f a f.-u-Sabbath ch-nd worker ! or ganize a 0unty S. S. r"no-n!..n m Ca county, c--r.wr.ed in the M. E. church, at 2:-To p. in., pursuant to call. Ca !!! t-. order by Rv. J. B. Ch ;. li nominate. I Rev. I. Marquette a temporary chairman. After il. otional eierri-e. A. P. M il wa elfcte.J teru;'r.iry -reiary. Rev. I. Manpjette offer ed om reniark in reference I the oloct of th rail f..r th- convention, and the wrk rf ary to be iloto I.. r-rganiz- tlo S. S. school Wi.rker of the c.?;;i- ty. F. Ib-we.l by ReV. J. 15. Chi- . who i:ae a brief account f tl.- .Natioual S. S. c -n ent e-n. and how ing the great nee.j .f mre Ttmalir work on our par t a - ch.r. arrd ;n-livi.lual. and u-- ireting that a !ie worker 1-e aj -pointed in raeh precinct t- or ganize and work up th terriforv in their several district. n motion of Bro. Iu-arh. a ck -rnittee ,f three were nrpomt.. . n permanent organization a f--l-lo: Bro-. .. W. Iuach. A. V. Iurvell ..f Mulien' Ran-h. ar I C. M. Shelton. Said r-nimi!l''-in their report rec-m,rneride, th t the following ! declared a tie o;T,-r of the c-'nvn!i-r: : l're-i-dent. Re. f. M,irijie!t; uo president. Rev. J. It. Ch.l-e; latitical and recording ire' ary, A. p. M lb-r: treasurer, I. :. FJenimirig. m rind ion wa al--r'-ed. A. P. Milb-r te-.'r-d hi resignation a ..'af iti--al i-ri-:. ary; accepted, and fl. J. f:. Chae -lTt. j intea l. fn r iofo t the foliniainr i;amed pr--t were appointed a an Committee; RA. J. H. C?l.-e and I. Marrj-jett of Wa fer. Prof. F. W. Wi.p of p;.i !--mouih. S. C. Ib-I. Jen f M i:: :i' Ranch. Jam Ruby of F.isM Mi orie. and ur-rmtnderl of M:. Pleasant S. S. nan n'd kn-n . (n rnoti.n a cor:irnitl of thr--wa ejected draft co?i jf ijt . .n and by-law f..r the Ca c S. S. conenli- n. to report a! th pert called mep'irr of th- con tention. aid cornriitt-.. r-r.. it of Br.--. A. W. Barh. I. C. Flernmir.g and Edward Ahn .in. n m-'ti-.n i f Bro. r.hae. the - ecutiv corn-ii!'te wer in-?rt 't ed to lij the time ar'd place .f ti.e. net meeting of the contention and iue the rilJi f..r the a:r--. Crouv and Cough Remedy. Croup i a frnbi, it attack children t)dlenir lioy are ery av' tf choke unle tiwn the proper remedy at one. There i nothing better m the -r.! than Ir. King New Iiroery. Lewi Chariiberlain. of JUnfh"'.- er, n.-ii". iri:e .ut ni ct.- dren: "Sor,ieirn in eere at tack we were afraid Ibey o.,;.j die. but ince we proved wh.i a certain rrr edy, Tr. King' N , I)iscoery. j. we ha n- far. We rely on it f-r rrrup, r',;!i and eld. So can yu. )or air.d l.of. A bottle should b- in home. At all drt;ggit. H. E. BuckJen A i.-... I'hiUdlphi.i td St. Loui. You may rely upon your sales being properly looked after ty ALIOS ISKE AUGTIOIJEER who has ld many years ex perience ia the rinjj. and has always maintained lhe reputa tion of securing the hljsh-dol-Lar for all goods and stock placed in his care. ISurnernu sales have been successfully conducted in t h i s county. Dates can be made at this cf fice or by writing A. C. !3KE. UPteiis, Ilsb. Call i'tM!H. Kichtv. Cites out lit