0 PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBMAL. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1313. The Plattsmouth Journal 'Published Semi-Weekly A. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter yi-n PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Senator Owen opened debate on the currency measure Tues day bv admitting that some pro visions of the bill drafted by Sen alor Hitchock were preferable to some of the provisions of his own draft. It is yet hard to tell as to when the bill will pass, or whether it will pass at all. :o: There is nothing' that inspires a teacher to greater effort with our children than the hearty co operation of pupils and parents with the teachers in making the school surroundings ideal. A slighting remark about- the teacher ami her methods lessens that teacher's influence with the pupil and thereDy impairs her usefulness. :o: When the last liar was heard from eggs were only 'JO cents a dozen in New York. The whole sale prices in New York last Sat urday were: Fresh gathered extra, ii to 16 cents; seconds, 33 and US cents. It is unreasonable t believe that a retailer would seek to make more than 10 cents a dozen. :o: The elimination of junketing trips at the expense of the state by state otlicials and the doing away of about a dozen state boards that arc useless, is one way of saving the taxpayers money, says Governor Morehead. And in this the governor will have the support of a big majority of the people of the state. :o: The present primary law is a big nuisance and should be abolished. And the more familiar the voters become with it the more they think it is almost a complete failure. The voters of neither parly turn out as they should to vote for their choice for parly candidates. It has been tried long enough to demonstrate its failure. However rapidly the world is going to the dogs, in the opinion of sunn, people, it is permissible to believe that the white slave scare, for one thing-, has been Considerably overdone. Some sensational assertions hae been made regarding conditions in England, and it has been said English girls were not safe in their homes. A lurid novel by Elizabeth Hobins describes the kidnapping of a young girl, to be sure, but a woman writer in the. English Review shows that there was not one authentic white slavery case in the whole of Eng land last year. :o: The railway accident record of Ibis country is not growing worse. It is growing better. The railroad managements are not responsible for the large num ber of trespassers killed on their properties. Excluding- trespas sers, the total number of persons killed in live years, 1903-1007, inclusive, according to the statistics of the inter-state commission, was 25,083. In the second half of this decade, be ing the years 11)08-1912, in clusive, the total fatalities were 22,817, an absolute reduction of twelve and one-half per cent less. The mileage of the railways, the number of their employes, the number of trains run, the pas sengers and freight IralTic hand led, and the number of persons who -used the highways which cross their lines at grade, steadi ly increased, yet in the lir.t five year period the average number killed annually was 3.210, while in f he second period Ihe average number killed was only i,5G3. at Plattsmouth, Neb. Publish) Hobble skirls and high heels are the cause of many minor ac cidents on railroad trains, ac cording; to a bulletin issued Thursday by one of the largest railroad companies in the coun try. The hobble skirt should be banished. :o:- .ui iiiisiauuiug sugar uoes .1 M I. 1! l does not go on the free list for something' more than a year, the price has dropped 45 cents perl 100 pounds. It is predicted sugar will never a sain tro above S3 ner hundred. This is an item in the reduction of the high cost of liv- iug. :o: Democrats promised to revise the tariff downward and they urely have done it. The aver age ad valorem duty under the Payne-Aldrich bill was some thing over 50 per cent. Under the ciuierwoou-oiinmons mil it is less than 25 per cent. The demo crats also promised currency re form, but are experiencing great dittienlty in redeeming that prom- e, but if President Wilson has his way, and he generally does, they will do it. :o: Ibis may be a wicked world; part of it is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, but it isn't so bad as it seems to Anthony Conistock. or any oilier who devotes his whole time to seeking sin, even when 'tis sought to put a lid on, r more conventional clothes. In time, the vision of such a one is i ipt to become distorted, and see I much that isn't there. Prudery I is possibly promoted bv noble purposes, but in the -matter of results it doesn't help much. A pade should be catalogued as .- . ... ...I sucn. nut Uomstock and ins kino: I are so inclined to go further and confuse the sugar shell with atwiui any ol me central suns m steam shovel. o: i It probably never occurred to you that the slit in the skirt might have been put there to make walking easier. It might away from theearlh that its light and they are incapable of enjoy have been, of course, but prob- reaches the earth after a journey ment. Devote your business i amy mat wasn t ihe primarv purpose. That purpose is as old star is much more dislant from leisure hours to innocent pleas as the fashion is new, and is "ur earth than the sun; the light lire and wholesome amusement about the same that prompted the belles of Babylon to wear earrings, or Cleopatra to parade . . . i in dainty decorations before tlie Itoman invaders. It is the same impulse which has started most of the startling; fashions since Eve went in for ligleaf finery, and which will dictate daring' designs for many years to come. After which the answer should be simple, and like an open book. :o: A good hope is not purchased with money nor can it be main tained by hirelings. In the most magnificent mansions are some times found the most desolate and unhappy hearts. The chil dren of today are to be tlie founders of the homes of tomor row. Are they being; trained in lines that promise perpetuation of the joys of this most sacred place? Arc the scenes and sur roundings of their lives such as to make it easy and natural to travel in those paths that lead to long and continued peace? Are not some of the so-called best parents llioushllessly teaching their wee ones dishonesty and falsehood, and by their examples establishing idleness and frivolly as the summum-bonum of life? The parent who makes threats he does not intend to fulfill, is planting seeds of untruthfulness in the youth's mind, that if it does not yield a crop of false hood, will one of disrespect for the unwise parents. . THE PANAMA CANAL. The Atlantic fleet will assemble off Panama in February, in a war game which may last for several uajs, ami win icsi me lorunca 1 1ITM uons guaruins me canai. nn this announcement it became known that a secret test last fall proved the fortifications were worthless. Many changes have been made and the naval oflicers are anxious to put them to a lest, President Wilson has been urged to be present for the tests and is seriously considering making the trip. It was learned yesterday that after the fall maneuvers off Ouantanamo last year the entire fortifications and canal lock masks were reconstructed after the naval oflicers had made their report Even the morlars, which guard Christobal, the Atlantic approach to the canal, were placed live miles further outside the breakwater. The tost was made at the request of Colonel (Joethals, and the naval oflicers' reports show ed that I hev were I - table to draw almost perfect maps of the canal locks and fortilica- tions from their lire control towers at night. They proved a nemy approaching- at night could have destroyed the canal with ease. The maneuvers in reuruary will be similar to those held last fall. Day and night attacks oft the canal will be made. The lleet oflicers from the fire control lowers, 128 feet above the deck, will direct the attack. ihe fortifications were recon- structed particularly to guard against a night attack of an in- vading fleet. :o:- now many stars can you see on a clear night? The number has been estimated by competent authority at about 0,000. The stars you see, except four or live, are not worlds like ours. They are suns, presumably the center of systems much like our own, and probably around them world and satellites revolve. The differ-"r dice between a world and a sun . . . . i is very great. Our earth has a i . . . - . . i diameter of about 8,000 miles, 11 - 1 wnue me uiameier 01 me sun is K'no.nuo nines. Hut compared tbe northern constellations, our sun is but a mere nany lignt in size. Light will travel eight i times around our 'earth in a sec- loud of time. The sun is so far i 01 eigm minuies. i lie nearest v,' -ce in the nearest star was i four and one-half years in reach- i i mg us. Some of the other stars . 'c so lar away mat tfieir fight required fifty years to reach the earin; a statement so big that we cannot realize its immensity. :o I The women of Ilavaria have been given the right to vide on the election of judges and oflicers of the Chamber of Commerce. 1 Hrilish militants might take note that Havarian windows are still whole, no houses have been burn- ed and not a single statesman horsewhipped. :o: S. It. Barton says he may get in tlie race for governor next year if his father-in-law. 11. L. Metcalfe, concludes not to run on the democratic ticket. Silas is very considerate of his father-in- law, and it may prove a good thing for him that he is. What's Ihe matter with congress. Silas? :o: One would think that the .-w.-r-u u.tit! uau reacneu me limit of propriety when one reads of ll. ? i t i . I me lucuieni inai Happened down in acw-York' the other day when a funeral cortege were placed un- der arrest for exceeding the speed lifkllf :o: And now Metcalfe, the Panama governor, wants to give up 81?,- i uoo salary to become governor of Nebraska at a salary of $2,500 per year. The special session of con frnnprt will - . -. . , 1 . ....... 1 .... . and congressmen have certainly earned their money this year. :o - xhc outlook that is assailim I. I lho Monroe doctrine is publisher in Tuiul(m. .othing better coul. ,Je expected from lnat sourCe. :o:- About the greatest frauds in existence for the tracking" o criminals is bloodhounds. They are not a success in the chase. :o: A contemporary concedes Ilia the world may be growing better but it insists that there are too many 3-cent nien riding around in $3,000 aulos. :o: Senator LaFoIIetle of Wiscon- in predicts the early passing o Iloosevelt as a political factor. If Soi,alor ,,b l!i,l't V(ry t'IlIt,ful be ,i,a SJM 111 ame boat, by tlie e,ib of lne l'"-?"-. :o: I riM t j . j i mere is mil one w ay 10 une automobile the safe way many are anxious to go fast vben there is no necessity for do- '"S" so. Did you ever hear of siow, careful drivers getting hurt? :o- When the Colonial Chapter of me Daughters or the American Revolution of Maine finishes the memorial tablet to Denedict Ar nold some society should raise monuments to Judas Iscariot and I. ucifer :o: It is said that Ihe native resi- dents of the Panama Canal zone tio not atlnnre me American methods of sanitation. They have lo admit, however, that we con structed the canal, and that we have kept it clean. :o: Some men are such con sumate chumps that they im agine that whatever tiny have ever done or expect to do is right, and what others have done pect to do is wrong . . " Life is short lo give up all to . . . ... business and nothing to pleasure i t or iesi. 100 many people m iraud tfieir stomach, head and neari until mey nave made a competency. When they expect 10 enjoy me pleasure ol me mey are generally too old, or their greed for money has dried up alt Ihe well springs of their being Hours to business and your and the cultivation of such things as will make life pleasant. :o Wood row Wilson is one of the Uiealesf men fh.nl. ever in fin presidential chair, and never be- fore did Ihe forei'Mi nations have more respect for the chief ex- ecutive of this nation. In handl ing the Mexican troubles he has displayed such great wisdom that 1 he countries interested are con lident that in time he will settle the trouble and that when it is settled, it will lie settled right. Ia cry loyal American citizen should feel proud that we ha such an able and conscienljou man at Ihe head of tin; govern ment as President Wilson :o: The people little realize what a very great change has been ef fecled in all the departments at Washington. The men at the head ol them are attempting to run them in the interests of the people and not for the benefit of Ihe interests. Secretary Red- neid recently told some nianu factun-rs whom he was invited to address, that if any attempt was made to lower wages, giving as u reason the lower tariff duties, a rigid investigation of that in- l.l. - l i.m . . . ,11' iuiisii v v i it no I n ir i v mis (department and all the facts con- necfed with the business given publicity. It is to be hoped that they will keep on breaking precedents al Washington until all the old evils are abolished. HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! L0RD0F HOSTS Knowledge of God's Character Shall Yet Fill the Earth. CLEARER LIGHT SHINING. Die Pastor's Special Thanksgiving Character Is Known by Plans and Works Holiness Not an Empty Title He That Doeth Righteousness Is Righteous He That Plans and Does Holy Things Is Holy God Has Been Slandered In Bible Language Blasphemed Evil Plans Attributed to Him Satan, the Deceiver, to Blame Doctrines of Devils Were Worked Into Our Creeds In the Dark Ages to Turn Us From God and the Bible Clearer Light Shining. New York, Xov. CO. Pastor Itussell spoke here twice today. We report one of his themes. from the test, "Ho ly, holy, holy Is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth shall be full of His glo- ry. (Isaiah G:.s.) He spoke without i.yasjwwi, vuKcrj notes as usual, - ,1 (FASTQg. gU5SELLll saying in part: liiee snoriiy an- er the Second Cenlury tlie Christian Church has been gradually fed Into a total misconception of the Divine char- acter as manifested in the Divine atti- tude toward humanity. Little by little heathenish doctrines respecting an eternity of torture for all except the saintly, favored few, were preaclud. Gradually men with fervent spirit en- farged upon the errors until today the most horrible descriptions of tlie Al- mighty God are printed hi Christian publications, creeds, commentaries, etc. No heathen people have ever pictured their god in so devilish a light. Ugly. fierce, devilish, though their idols be. they cannot compare with the Satanic descriptions which Christians in the creeds of the Dark Ages have given of the Gol of all Grace and Father of Mercies. 1 Corinthians 1:3. The noblest and best people In Chris- tendom have abandoned the horrible teachings of their fathers, and are more and mare worshiping the God of Love, the Fountain of blessings. Hut the world still Judges our God by our printed misrepresentations of Him. In heathen lands, the missionaries are more blinded, perhaps, than ministers In tlie home land. The rein of ortho doxy is more tightly drawn on them. No wonder they can make little im pression on the heathen, who openly declare that they could not worship so unjust and vicious a God as the luis- sionaries present a God who has al- ready sentenced their forefathers to everlasting torture, because of their ig norance of Jesus. In whose name alone is salvation! It appears to me, therefore, that to whatever extent any Intelligent Chris tian today gives open or secret sup- port to these slanderous, blasphemous statements, of the creeds he is responsi- ble. Nor does it seem to be sutlicient that either a Christian or n congrega- tion here and there should privately disown these doctrines. Denomination- al names stand as representative or the doctrines which led to the forma- tion of these denominations. Would not the only honorable way of rectify- ing matters now be either as denom- Inations, publicly, openly and In round terms, to repudiate the slanders of the Deity; or, since this would be tedious work, should not each individual set himself straight by as public a with drawal from such creeds as was his endorsement in joining? The latter surely is the surest and quickest meth od of rectifying the diiliculty. More over, it is the right method; for the Bible never authorized any one to or ganize various sects and parties. The rible recognizes only the one Church of Christ "Tlie Church of the First-borns, written in Heaven." Ev ery one who has accepted Christ ns his Savior and consecrated his life to Je a footstep follower of Je.-us all such, begotten of the Holy Spirit, are members of the one true Church. Their names are Avrltten in the Lamb's Pook of Life, and they have the prom ise that they will be granted abundant entrance into His Kingdom in the First IU-surrection Jf they abide faith ful, "lie thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.' Reducing Spirits Doctrines of Devils. T o Q nnt I.. misunderstood. I am not "charging that these blasphemous doctrines were intentionally brought -. ...:...rr.wi,t r:.l or to deceive i ffr . me uiuircu ui mi; , Ar.rtlf Paul's explanation, lie wrote prophetically. "I fear, lest bv anv means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your in.io iw,i.i !., corrupted from the c!,ni!Mtr ii la in Christ." (2 Corln- Ihlans 113) This is exactly what has hoAnened'. The Church of Christ has bsen beguiled by earthly favors, not only into a wrong attitude toward the kingdoms of this world, but. as M- Paul declares, from the simplicity or the Truth Into a mass of confuting and blasphemous error. c-fref cm the becuiliec of the bi'h- .i.:i l,if thor tierp stir- cessors to The Twelre Apostle and I i ; v. ) ! squally Inspired authorities and mouth pieces of Christ. Thus the doctrine of Apostolic Succession wns gradually es tablished. Jesus prophesied of these, leseriblng them as false apostles, "which say they are apostles and are not," but do fie. (lievolation 2:2.) As the bishops received credit as being ilving Apostles, the Inspired word of Jesus and The Twelve Apostles whom Lie appointed took second place, and irith the masses llible study ceased as wholly unnecessary. Upon this foundation, the great Ad versary built, item by Item, the ter rible doctrines of purgatory and of eternal torture. When finally. In the Sixteenth Century, the Iiible again began to be consulted. Satan so work el matters that some of our forefa thers retained the Hell of Indescribable torture for nil except the elect feu- repudiating because not Scriptural the only ameliorating feature the purga torial theory. Their e yes blinded with the errors of fourteen centuries of no III Me study the errors of human theories and doc trines of demons can we wonder that the enlightenment of the past three centuries has come very slowly? Even when we were petting free from the errors. Satan, cur wily foe, cntropied our forefathers Into the making of creeds, ami thus hindered further pro ress out of the darkness Into the H-'ht, for which we all cry out. "Lead, Kindly Light, Amid the En circling Gloom!" The seducing spirits mentioned by St. Paul are surely none others than the fallen angels, of whom Satan Is the chief, or "pdrice of devils." As St. Paul suggests, there Is a similarity 1 between tlie iieception or ttie Chureli I ainl the original deception of Mother tive. i-.ve was neguueu into ieiievn):j T- . T T . I . . . . I f . that God's threat. "Iyliig. thou shnlt tlie, couiu not ie True. ne sTjeni declared, "Ye shall not surely d! Thus deceived by the serpent's lie. Mother Eve wns ensnare! and fed her husband and our race Into death. And now note the parallel. The se- I during, spirits, the fallen angels, have sought to perpetuate In the Church I the very same fals.-hoo,! widen misled Mother Eve. And they have sneeed ed. Ily visions, dreams, tipping tables, trance mediums, clairaudler.t powers, mesmeric powers, hypnotic powers. I they have deceived the Christian I Church, even as they had previously I deceived the heathen. Into thlnkin I that the dead are really alive. T'pon that foundation they have built the doctrine of the tortures of IIe!l and I Purgatory, and suVequently. d'-tr!ns of musses and prayers for the deliver lance of the d-ad from Purcatory. and doctrines respecting God's having fore- ordained ami prodestlnatM all excep the Elect to eternal anguNh. .The Pastor's Thanksgiving. On Thursday last, when my heart went out to God In spo-dal tlianks-jlr ing for all the mercies of life. I gave Him special thanks that gradually the eyes of my understanding are ien!ng, enabling me to see Him In the glorious light of Ills great, loving Plan of Sal vation for the church and for the world. My thanks for all te,niornl mercies and Messlngs were dwrirft-d as the anthem of my siul went nj and I repeated the text of txlny. "Holy holy, holy. I.rd of Hosts:" Ah! It is a blessed thought that God has already made provision that Mes siah's Kingdom shall be established; that Satan shall 1 bound and shall deceive men no more; and that, instead of the darkness of ignorance and sujht- gtitlon, the glorious light of God's nxwinpss Kilan shine forth, causing the onrth to be filled with His rralses! with creat natlenee God has i-ermlt- jiJs ,,nns nn,i character to 1 misrepresented and traduced. Yet we cnu K(ie a -wisdom in this: for even- tuallr. when all the bilnd eves shail 1 opened and all the deaf ears shall le unstopped, when all the delusions ef the pnst the hobcobllns of seducing spirits nna tMp joetrines of devils shall have pono the Lord' precious character anJ loving provision for our fallen race wni stand forth in glorious radiance. Whom to Know Is Life. The Savior declares. "This is life eternal, that they might know The. the only true God. and J-sus Christ. whom Thou hast sent." (John l.i.) Evidently He meant by this that who ever would have an Intimate acquaint ance with God must le reeeived aznlu into Gd's family; that those who d not come bark Into ;od's family will never know Him in the true sense of the word 1 able to appreciate the glories of His grand chara ter His Justice, His Wisdom. His Power and His Ixjve. Su h knowledge is impart ed only to those brought into the fam ily and made partakers of G.I Spirit. In the present time only a very few of our fallen rare are able to take tii steps which lead to this intense, deep knowledge of Jehovah. Ihe great mass of mankind are blinded by It.h rancc. suerslitioii and the weaknse- f their fallen nature. I'.ut od 1 iet cortent that merely the i.ct miron shall have this knowledge of Him and this opportunity f-r everlasting lire. His glorious purp sos ;H'., i... w.-rM nf mankind. His Invirit; nr - - ,,,.-.. i raiuemeiit is two-fold: t'.rsf. t.i.i ai the blind eyes shall be open.-d and a the deaf ears shall be tmstoj.,--.! '; end. that "the glory of the i,h! sl...l be revealed and all r.on s.iau see u together," and that God's glory shall fill the whole earth as the waters cover the great deep." Grand Hallelujah Chorus. - 111;,r srp tli:i t wlo-n th- tru enlightenment shall reach hu:na!;itr th. real character of tlie Heavenly ! a her will be manifested, and there wll. h. n hallelujah chorus on earth wt.i. :i will rival t I!" iTe-ir i.ii n r t r-!.-...,- f!,1 Pi lliw II;!it." It ' not for u to say that all. or evea th I majority of the hnnr.an family, n!lsht ?ned anl Bet free from the bondace r Sin and Death, will Income the wi;ii:;g ?ervants of God. righteo-jsnes and Truth. We cannot Judge from our wn experiences. We must remcmter that God recognizes human free a;cn y. the will; and that He seeketh only such to worship Him hi worship Hii;i to spirit and In truth. Tlie Scriptures make clear that on'y those w ho shall learn to love righteous ness ard to hate In! julty. evll-ln tre present time ns niemlers of the e!et Church, or In the future Ace as reb r ed humanity only suc!j will be Ji:d-. d worthy of life ly th. Great Judr Any sympathy with sin. after rz known of its bitter fr:Ifs. nh after having tee!i recovers! frorn the mit-v.. will be n crime an evldenc of failure to learn tl.e great lessons of seven thousand years -lessons of th exceed ing Sinfulness of Sin e-iot. of God Justice in punishing sin lens In God's Merey In providing f'Ti-1venrs for our sins nnd relenso from tl eri at I from their jn-iltr le-nrs in t'ie h l mility of onr Itedeemer les-ons In f! cost of recovery from Sin and I -! t h Whoever, after all the l,-v,.r would still ! sympathetic with sIn. would, areordlr :r to th rtlf.le. 1 tin worthy of everlasting For t? Scnptun-s nsure i:s t!;at doath is t!. penalty f r sin. that th soi-.l t.'iat siri ng th nnist d!e. nr. 1 that tl. Cft of Goil Is eternal life through Jesi: Cbr'-t our Lord, whl' h v.l given or.ly to those wl-;; ero'i-h and loyal -:.oi:'i t ns. It In accord wltli th e? ; Cr. ator's n,?ulation and Itw. frr.ne d f--r the N-ncfit of His creatures aid f--r the gl-iry of Hi-" name. "Have Patience, Brethren." Tbo-ao wfiiwe eyes of t3nder"taTHline are gradually opening to the r-il glory of J.'!mv.t1i's character as re flected in Ills great 1'lnn f t!e Are- may well have patn- e t 1th ntlter- who not as yet. T!: f irt that o'ir own '.ve wer so long In o;wf-!r sr. t!i fact Ciat we w-ro as Ikonet and !Ti-r-r. Ix-fore a- e are r.ow. shou'd I-a-l u-t to asiime tl'at same conditions ; dy to our bretl.ren, pro?.-.l p-p'e (t Go.1. every where. Moreover, we sn not to le JU'Iifs one of nrv fl.r. IT' rlilmlng the Tn.th In as r.cnrly ns pislT.lo th I'll.le wor?. we r fo ! content to ib-Hver our M atel t leave to t'nr ITd t. T" It U ours t- i!:it out th horri!l. cor.fti1! -:! Into t T.1Ii the lord's r ,:.. t during the I'r.rk .U-s, aid wl: h Ju--t!t.-l the I-c-rd in raT'.ipg t'.e ntii! nnl jluinh It.ibylon. It 1 ir t point oc.t tie Mi-ae of t?.e I'rl savlng. "I'.ahvlon Is f.iTlcn. Is f illeti freni I!vin. favor! f;:w r;t of her. My people, that y 1 pot partak ers of hor sin", and tl.at ye receive iet ot her plarnes." Whoever that the entire potr.ln.il -l.'irrh yfer;i of all t!-'tioTii!natlo-. 1 th'" Itativ!ti T- ferreil to by the Ixrd h"1 th rt-p-n-slb'llry of ti e Ixird' Mcvare with-'Ut any urslng o-ir part. WI rever see fjie f.'as; henr of t'e Holy Name s-s that mis-e;Ten.i-flon of the Iivlae Plnri. m-ik:ng tfi world drunk with the w!-i f f.i'- dctrine. Ins N-i-n nmont f': rr'rro- of IVibylop. and s!ojM w!i forthwith to cr nie out of her. to s'i.:r n I "zr In her r.iirepreieptatlor. lioverrr much !depi!.-l with fnn -f Jiotln-. AVlKv-ver. after ec!ng tfi r-tl rhtr acter of PaJ'.vhin and the horriMe w..rk which Siitan ha de!ivlel b,r -:t d Ing. ?!!!! L.is synipathr with her and with her work nrd with hr f.lijti mies and distortions ef ta Tni'h such persons derv t n!iart ! tie ronf-i!on that N sliorfl.1 to r'm t- rtabyjon when she rh' fail ni a great mlilsfope Into the sea. "I.!-!it Is sown for th r1shfwT: Truth for the nprlTit In heart." Tiio" who do pot receive the Tn:fh nm meat In due season hare ren-j to fear fiat they do nt 1-elopg t- the ei iis !- scri! e.l !y te Prophet ns f?:. r4 -' t eons and ns t?i nprlrht In heart. H n- etr fuenis to 1 n quaiity wh!-fi tV LopI holds In rery bi'T etn-m. The dishonest In word or mr.d-ict or I-i their thonzhfs ar an afcm:nat;.n t H'm. and shonM pot rxr-t to r-cIvrt srxv-lal favor or litrht er Vnn!'l.v. We may well i,nain that t?. rtir Millennial Air-- w'il h- t gr in-t Thanksgiving Par. In w'.l-tt t! nm- 1-ers who ni'A pra.'e Go,l iil con tinually lnrrea'rg as nvr and tn.r they awaicn from th ton,. . t!:er eye ha!l and tacir ear f':i'i hear of the gr.T-e and love of ;-!. ei e-r t 'r. sue wiM cot;f--. wMV eT-ry kne will tw. not only to J.:i t;r f:.. d'rTier. but to f!i. gracious I'r-af tr. who forme.! the plan whi. Ti the M I-V-nnitim will evecit. Praise to Cod In Heaven and EartS. The Master cir nninn' i t'i it tn'rl mnfcly there will ! no j i.a-,. w h.-r cure and !!apheni!e v !il I hear ! no f lare where retwl nr:iint te-l !n t His s-Ndn will remain. .i! ! wilful, Intel. igerit dinners "Iil ffn.-i"r ! destroy e-1 In tl.e S--ord I-alii. Then 1!1 corre the grand ar!'-m of the Iriive--se: "i;v-ry r r--a: 'ir In Heaven, and In art!i. hear I I ai-. Pra :e. glory, honor, d .tn'ni-n .i:id ro t 1e U'd HiiO who lff,fj r;i- ti- T!ir rie. arid ui f- t'-e In.'. f r-vr" That will N the gi..r1us 1'i.r r.er- tli,.il ly our Mi ter in Hi J river. "Thy King ! ni "i,je: Thy "i.I tde on earf'i. a It 1 d -ne In Il'iTra" And l-c:ni-e !'!' wi 1 f,a'l T- ji crifTip'etely d on eart!i a In lie-it.--,. therefore fin. oTovr, ;.!.:.-;. j-rn r.r.'l death ii! ti longer t ri.n-l.il.irn on earth, even a t'o-y are r, t . fion in H'-.iti. 7!.:s wi I . f-.!-. t the Mn;er. Mor-1. that ti: 'u': V no more l:i;.r. crjptz. i-' ! . fr ''i the for-ner ti i: g 11 tl.fe J. I -ri t':.- TV-"- g t . a-i ? K ; g 1 ni '. a.' tc:r f-"ni an ay. II- that t n; t' .ia.; .a ; i i- V. - l-i t:- 'I. '!v.- -r;;-I j-or off all f a-e w r