The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Murray m (BprnrHmmfBimt
Prepared in the Interests of the PEorLE of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for
(If any of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear un
der this heading. We want all items of interest. Editor Journal.)
Murray SMq
We solicit your banking business
Our leiositors are protected by the deiositors'
guarantee fund of the State of Nebraska
We ay 4 per cent interest on time deiosits
for one year.
This Bank is a County I)ejository
Personal Taxes are now due, and delinquent
December 1st. You can pay your taxes
at this bank without any
extra charge.
W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier
KriK'st Huteheson is reported
on tin' f-ick list this week.
J. I). Lewis was ait Omaha
visitor 1'riday afternoon.
Lee and (lenrge Nickels were
IMattsmouth visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Wolfe is visiting;
Mrs. Frank Itli"den this week.
F. L. Rhodou and wife were
trading in Union Wednesday.
Frank and IVarl Iu-ray were
called to Omaha Friday mi busi
ness. Walter Campbell of Belgrade,
Neb., is visiting; relatives in and
near Murray.
Mrs. K. B. Thomason spent the
week cud with her parents, Frank
Campbell and wife.
A. F. Nickels, who has been,
suffering- with neuralgia, is not
reported as improving; very
rapidly at this writing.
Ion't nugef Aha lireon, the
impersonator, at the Christian
church Saturday evening, No
vember 'J.
Nick l'riedrioh, Lee and Oeo.
Nickels were transaetiuir busi
ness in Union and Nebraska City
Mr. and Mr. L. M. MeVey
entertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
ami Mrs. J. Smith and Mr. and
Mis. Frank Campbell.
Buy our tickets for the Alva
Oreen enlertainment, at the
Christian ehureh Saturday even
ing, November L;. You are guar
anteed the worth of your money.
This is the last call, (iet you
ready and come over to Lewislon,
where they will put on the
preatesl eating- stunt of the year
Thanksgiving day.
Alva liven, the Impersonator,
the second number of the Lveeum
course, will be here November
2 Saturday evening in the
Christian church.
market always fresh at our store as we get a shi
ment each week and direct from the factory. Our
buying direct insures their freshness, aud in so
doing are not held by some jobbing house for weeks
before reaching us. Put up salty and plain in
moist-proof loxes 10c, J5c, and 50c.
Joe Cook and lainily now oc
cupy the McDaniel property.
Creed Harris and Steve Copen
liaver returned from Minnesota
A. J. Davis is again reported
quite poorly, but nothing ex
tremely serious.
Orandpa Louis Bird has been
quite ill of late. The old gentle-
man is very feeble.
Mrs. Charles Creamer and Mrs
Walter Sans were Omaha pas
sengers Saturday.
W. It. Oood and wife and Mis;
Bertha Nickels were calling- on
IMattsmouth friends Saturday
Dinner and supper at the Pre;
byterian church Saturday, De
cember 0. Either for 25 cents
Patronize the ladies.
IT you want to rent or buy a
tr(od 7-iooiu cottage call on
Mrs. Dergcr, at the hotel. Well
located and in line shape.
Mack Churchill and family
have moved into the lower rooms
of the Holmes building, formerly
occupied ly Hie telephone ex
The Ladies' Aid society will
hold their annual meeting- Sat
urday, December 13. at the Chris
tian church. Dinner' and supper
will be served Everybody invited.
Remember the date, and come.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church are arranging
to hold a bazaar at the church on
December 20. All kinds of
pretty articles will be on display
for sale. Dinner and supper will
also be served.
John Kisner and Rile McFar
land were down from IMatts
mouth Tuesday to finish the
plastering- on the Merger hotel.
I Jut the plumbers were not ready
for them, so they returned home
io wait a few days.
You know whether
you are hungry or not
you can eat crackers.
Hut one thing sure
you want them to be
fresh. ' T h e "Fairy
Sodas are the most
crispy cracker on the
ISazaar at the Presbyterian
church Saturday, December G.
Mrs. Charles Frieze and chil
dren were visiting; in Omaha last
The negro waiters at supper
December' G will add much to
your comfort.
Mr. and Mrs. Will LaRue visit
ed over Sunday with friends in
Weeping- Water.
Dr. II. Thomsen, the IMatts
mouth dentist, and family were
Sunday visitors in Murray.
The exterior of the Berger
hotel presents a hue .appearance
since the painter has finished up
his work.
Mrs. John Karris and children
and Mr. Al IJartlett were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Maker.
Don't forget the bazaar at the
Presbyterian church Saturday,
December G. Lots of nifty ar
ticles will be on sale.
Dr. 11. F. Urendel and wife and
Mrs. J. F. Urendel were Omaha
visitors Thursday, Charley Reed
taking- them up in his auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weideman
entertained Mr. Yardley and Mr.
Powers, the operators at the M.
P. station, at dinner Sunday.
Agent W. A. Scott and our vil
lage blacksmith, Walter (ireen,
attended Lyman Howe's picture
show at the Parmele Thursday
Harmon Ueck ami family, ac
companied by Mrs. A. L. Baker,
were IMattsmouth visitors Satur
day afternoon, going- up in Har
mon's car.
Mrs. H. C. Long departed for
Johnson county Sunday morning;
to visit, friends for a few days,
leaving Henry at home in el.nrye
of the household affairs durin,-'
her absence.
Remember Alva dreen, the im
personator, the second number of
the Lyceum Course, will be hero
Saturday evening", November 2'J.
at the Christian church. Make it
a point to be in attendance.
The program at the Presby
terian church Sunday evening
was very good.- Also the music,
and will awaken more of an in
terest in our duty to the inii
grant. Mr. H. K. Hazzard of St. Louis,
representing the Art Publication
society of that city, was in Mur
ray Tuesday assisting in the organizing-
of Mrs. (Jilmore's class
in the progressive series of piano
study. Miss Kiltie Cummins also
has a class at IMattsmouth.
Remember Alva (Jreen, tin
great impersonator, will be her
under the auspices of the Lyceum
Course, at the Christian church
Saturday evening', November 20
Secure your tickets now and be
sure of a seat.
The shooting match Tuesday
was a big- success. Spor!sm:i
were present from Nehawka.
Cedar Creek, Union, IMattsmouth
and various other sections of the
county. There was 25 or 30 tur
keys shot for and geese till you
couldn't rest. The shooting- was
kept up all afternoon and until it
was too dark to see.
Mrs. Freddie Schoemaker of
near Nehawka was taken to
Omaha Monday, where she was
operated upon for appendicitis.
Mrs. Schoemaker has been suffer
ing with the malady for several
weeks, and her condition had be
come quite critical and relief was
impossible, only through this
radical resort. She was accom
paniod by Mrs. Henry Schoemak
er, Miss Thiele of Nehawka, and
her husband, Frederick Schoe
The Library association pur
chaseil a Radiopt ican for use in
the library rooms and for enter
tainment purposes. It is a fine
one and will help pass many en
joyable hours. List of new books:
"The Doll House," "In the Heart
of Hills." "Iron Trail," "Wind
Before the Dawn," "The Woman
Thou Cavest Me." The library
has new lamps.
Horses and Mules for Sale.
Just received, 45 head of good
horses and mules, unbranded and
mostly broke, that are for sale at
prices that are plumb right.
Frank Yallery.
Fine Chickens for Sale.
ButT Orphington roosters and
puIbMs. Also white Orphington
roosters. Those who want such
chickens can call or 'phone Mrs.
James II. Brown. 'Phone No. 2-E,
Murray, Neb.
the Journal Readers
Remembered on His Birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Campbell
entertained a company of young
people Saturday evening" in honor
of their son, Fred, who has
reached his sixteenth birthday.
The affair was a complete sur
prise to the young" gentleman,
who promptly rallied and made
his gruesls welcome. Fred re
ceived many handsome gifts,
among which was an elegant gold
watch from his parents. The
evening" was spent with games
and music, which was furnished
by the Lewis brothers, Mr. Fail
Merrill and Miss Isabella Shrad
er. A dainty two-course lunch
eon was served at a late hour and
which was very much appreciate
ed by those present, who were:
Ira and Pearl Albin, Will Oliver.
Winnie Huleheson, Kmie
Huteheson, Klsie Capon, Earl
Merritt, Mae Lewis, Vergel Su
deth, Fern Hathaway. Dan Sli
de! h, Rex Young, Clara Young.
Annie Rist, Joe Wheeler, Mildred
Johnson, Percy Wdieolcr, Isabella
Shrader, Lloyd Lewis , Willa
Moore, Dwver Todd, Margaret
Moore, Esther Ray, Vera Moore,
Wayne Lewis, Francis Campbell.
Roy Clino, Buelah Sans. Ed
Corell, Mr. ami Mrs. A. P. Camp
bell and son, Oscar: Mr. ami Mrs.
J. I. Fitch and daughter, Anna
bel, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. MeYey
and sons, James and Harry; J.
W. Wood, Joe Conn and Mrs. E.
B. Thomason.
School Items.
A basket social, preceded by a
very entertaining: program, will
be given in the Murray public
school building- Saturday even
ing", December 13, UM.'J. Every
one is invited to attend. Ladies,
bring your baskets; gentlemen,
bring your pocketbooks.
The school pupils had a
"clean-up day" last Friday aft
ernoon. Tlie yard received a
thorough cleaning', which adds a
great deal to its general appear-
a nee.
All grammar room pupils are
requested to bring written ex-
ruses from parents in case of
absence or tardiness.
The grammar room has a
seventh hour, which is from i
to 5 o'clock. This hour is for
pupils who have to make up back
Those who have been prowl
ing' around the school building,
doing damage to the school prop
erty inside and out. had better
bo a little more careful or they
will be reported.
Saturday, December 6,
at the
Presbyterian Church.
Fancy Work, Just the Things
for Christmas Presents
Aprons, Rugs, Comforters
and Many Other Articles
Candy and Popcorn Market
Booths Will Be Well
Supplied With Many
Things You Want.
Dinner, 25 cents: Supper, 25
Cents, and Also Fresh Oysters,
Everybody Come.
The Ladies' Aid society of lh
Presbyterian ehureh met nt llo
church Tuesday, and if oii ever
gazed I'pon a busy lot of womrn.
both old and young', they wen
right there at work on various
articles for their bazaar, soon to
be held. Lunch was served ;.t llo
noon hour and we never seen so
much to ea for 15 cents in many
a day, and Miss Fay Oldham ami
Mrs. S. O. Pitman were responsi
ble for the elegance of the eata
bles. And if anyone asks, ymi
can just quietly remark thai iMiss
Oldham knows how' to make bis
cuit. And that the writer kin.v.
good biscuit when he tries them.
Take it as a whole, the lunch was
a credit to Mrs. Pitman and Miss
Notice for Pool Hail License.
Notice is hereby giv-n to all
concerned that I will present a
petition to the Board of County
Commissioners. at their next
session, beginning on Tuesday,
December 2, 11)13. for license to
conduct a pool hall in "the Village
of Murray, (lass county, Ne
braska. Such petition is signed
by a sufficient number of free
holders of said village.
M. 5. Churchill.
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
Menu for Bazaar.
Tomato Soup.
Roast Chicken and Dressing.
Ma?hed Potatoes and Oravy.
Parsnips. Apple Salad.
Jelly. Pickles. Pie
Cream Chicken. potatoes.
Hominey. Fried Muh.
Jelly. Pickles.
Peaches. Colfee. Cake
The negro waiters will see to
your every wish.
Don't fail to attend Aha
Croon's impersonal ing en tort ain
ment at the Christian church
Saturday evening. November 21';
the second number of the Lceum
It is your duty to make the
Lyceum Course a greater suc
cess this year than ever, and your
attendance will do it. The sec
ond number, Alva Croon, at the
Christian church Saturday even
ing', November 21.
"A Winter Picnic."
Mrs. O. II. Cilmore anil Mi
Ida Boedeker were the leaders in
arousing the obi bunch of pic
nickers last Thursday afternoon,
and it was a delightful day. To
say the crowd onjoved the after
noon Would be needless Those
present were; Messrs and Mos
liames W. S. Smith, James
Loughridge. C H. Cilmore. s. O.
Pitman , Dick Pitman, Carl
Weideman. O. A. Davis; Mi--es
Roema Pollard. Mahle Adams.
Pauline and Fay Oldham. Ida
Boedeker. Mae Loughridge;
Messrs. Albert Young, Rev.
11 ill Hi man.
tit i t i t t t i
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -J
The regular stale examina
tions Were held November 2 1st
With tlie exception of Thurs
day, Thanksgiving day. there will
be no vacation Thanksgiving
On account of their team be
ing in such a crippled condition.
Omaha university foot ball team
canceled their dale with Peru.
Miss Rowene Capon of llatt
ville, Wyoming, and Miss Elsie
Capon of IMattsmouth vi-ib-d
their cousin. Miss Villa Oapen, a
few days last week.
Saturday. November 22. Presi
dent Hayes gave an add re- at
Faiibury before the JelTerson
County Teachers' association.
The junior boy challenged the
senior boys to a game of fool
ball, which took place Saturday
afternoon and ro-ulted in 2S to
( in favor of tlie juniors.
An interesting Oerman exhibit
has boon given in the faculty re
ception room. Thursday, No
vember 2o. Miss Bowen. head of
the Cormau department, gave an
educational talk in connection
with the exhibit.
The faculty were given a re
ception November 1 by the
Commercial club. The following
interesting data was given: In
tl12 there wore over 3.X bar
rels of cider made in Peru; for
the past twelve months the re
ceipts for the local freight sta
tion wore over .iS,r.ri; over r2
cars of apples were shipped from
Peru, making a total of nearly
20. nun bushels; over 5 acre- of
grapes in Peru precinct; in tin
vicinity belonging to Peru th
acreage would bo over D'O; over
7 counties in Nebraska and II
slates are represented in the
Normal; the average number of
daily calls in the telephone otlie
are over 2..oo; nearly
pieces of mail are handled an
nually at Hie po-ofice.
.r'rv. ..W .'--
F. .1. Fitch returned Toe-day
from his visit with his parents in
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott and
Miss Pearb- Woiclol motored to
Einci du Wediie-day.
Mrs. YanFossen is making- pre
parations to move with her fam
ily to Oregon. Where I hey Will
join Mr. YanFossen.
Mrs. A. W. Neiharl was called
to-Omaha Monday. where her
mother. Mrs. Ilolh-r heck, is vory
low with pnounionia.
Eden I rev is again abb- to be
about, after being laid up for
sortie time with bruises -u-taine.!
wh.-n he fell from a ladder. I
Mrs. F. A. Raker and daughter.
June, of Imperial, Neb., are en-1
Ready for
The Public Sal sM.son is iu'.tr at
hand, mid I wish 1 inform all th'
lcojlf of this vicinity that I am rraJy
to take charge of th sanu for you, anl
believe that I am able to secure tli loj
price for all jmwIs freril at jniblie
auction. Dates ran rV ha! at th .Mur
ray State liank. or by telejhom No. ."
X, Murray. Satisfaction uarant'l.
Telephone 5-N.
joying an extended vi-it v it ti
.Mr-. Maker- i-anm. .ir. a:ii
Mrs. II. W. Milb-r.
The E. II. S. b..-ke b ill .
went to l iiadilla at. week and
"cleaned Up" the .o . t!ee to
(lie till r i." to CI. The go t..
Sraeu-e tomorrow veniMg to
admini-ler a similar l--e.
arr Oreen i 1 1 1 r i I e-t . r -
da morning from Chnago. where
lie look a eolil-e HI -.IMll.lIV
-eienoe and undertaking ai a
prominent -rhoo of that ejtv. lb
finished the eour-e pre-cribed
and was awarded a diploma, and
i- now eligible to praetiee in
undertaking. We congratulate
him upon hi- -ueee--.
Wm. Krueger. a former re
.1 r II.; I .. .I i. . ...... I oil
1 I...' . I I .. .11. . I I f .1-
, , ... .. if..
ill' ioi e pari 'i i ' n. .
Krueger claim- to hue ni.oie
.pule an xten-ive l.eir of the
world -nice leaving here, and he
-av - he ha- made e.-n-id.-r ai.
on diamond- which were pr.. - ur -
.. I .. to.lf tli I l let'.. I 1- all
i in o
gaged fo" -oliie llliie. He tell- o'il
friend- that tie to pnr-
oha-e tlie old home plaee after-aiiothei-
trip aeio-- the water. M-.
Krueger lo-Id Itie hnkv number
which drew ttie hardinger at the
It. N. A. social Saturday '.
but he Very gMieroU! gave the
fancy bark to its d-un-i.
Alvo Motes
Alfred stioem-r -pent Si.n..i
and .Monday m .uico-i.
I.eander Friend went to Lin
coln Monday on .. ST.
Mis- Flora l'ee- wa- m Lin
coln Friday and Saturday.
Mi-s Marie Stioerior wa
tradiug in Lincoln Salurda.
Mrs. Ella Piouty wa- in Lin
coln Fridav and Saturd.iv of la-t
John Murtey shipped a roved
car of -took to South Omaha
Harry Apploman came up from
Lincoln to look after hi- firm
interest s.
Mrs. Kraft of Lincoln i- i-tl
ing hej- -i-t.-r-. Mis. Chaile- and
Loo Snavtly.
Mis Craie B.i!e went to
Lincoln Salurdax of la-t week t
do -onio trading.
Mi-- Eula Wfaver ..f South
Bend .-pent Saturd.iv arid Sunday
with Mrs. ,f. .. shatfer.
Joe Arni-trong has pur c l.a-e.l
tlie late Henry liar. In... k re-i-
b-uee of C. C. Bui kiu ll
Mr-. L. F.. Bobbitl of Lincoln
oh me in on N. Is I rid ay to iit
home folk- over Sumlax.
Mr. and Mr-. Ch.ub- Kirk
patrnk were p.i--engei on ....
17 Wi'dne-dav fop Lincoln.
Jacob Kamm. -r.. i- i -1 1 it: a
few das in Lincoln tin- week
w it li hi.- . on iind family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgo Ciirvea
left la-t . diie-d av for a few
week-. visit at o-kaio..-a. b.w.i.
with relative-.
Will I'plegroV spent from
Saturday to Monday in Lincoln
vi-il ii:g his -i-.-r. Mr-. Il.nn
Mr. ami Mr-. Ib n v B nn- ! t
and laughter, of W iser y. -pen!
Sunday altein.M.n wilti Mr-.
Nervia Knoll.
Mr. AImI Proniy -.nil the
Plalt-mouth Journal hi-
OK. C R. THT, 240
Your Sale!
j d o, li I ('. Mr - J i ! i : r.
i-n.t. vwri.i. . ....
C. IS -I n t C.
and a: -t --! m -' v .
iee--. .. j i W ...
let- , . e , . : ne- . . .. ,. .
Mr. and Mr-. . .(,! II!.. . !
Iitlb- gi .i.l 1 1 I : . I . -
w . .. .. . i.. ".'.! i t , h i
j f t ., ( , . : ;
1 1 a I r I' i: 1 .!,. i f i
I'eK.l':i,ih We.! .--. ( , . t, f
l.l-t WeeA. Wl.e;,. , . . , . j
- h i ie k 1 1 eo : p f . .( V , I , : : .
The M ! - lo,.f. I !. i, , .1 : e
lit. I'.lil - -el,... i .,. I . V ' -
P?.e. -p. f S-.l ' . !, .1 - ;
.!. v Jit Ih. ir j..i ! .- .. t.-. , s
Mr-. .....- I or
M -. C. V. et , .. . . . .;
"" ' ' 1 '
v i-;! w ,! !i he,- . Vf f.
M 1 1 - s. : n ,, ( ;l: d ft: ! . t ' .
I "a '.it-.; j wa- vi-, . . ' :i
f r i i i - i i low. - , ! i . ; t .. i . .
I. ........ I .. t . . . I. . M
( , . .
;i.iv.-.. win. I t :- -
1 1 h.- i f. .t: . t..-r .. . . i .
Mr. a :.i Mr-. F. E. !
and -oM a .d Mr. a I M -. .
Ba Id w I II .1 ' . ! -e. f . . I r , .-r . . V
PI o m .I n .. v j i!,.. .; ,
wilti Mr. i d Mr-. I re,) Jo.-.,-,
aid r.iii;i!i. i
To V :. . d M- - I t S.ttM'd iv. ;,. r
I'.'l:"!. a -o.,. I h.- ! '!! r. ;,. ,
pa--e, a i Si.-,d o n.r . .. i
w a- bi i e d n t fie .. . .
HI,, d IX ar!e. ....... "f he . 1 I
pare-,(. b ixe l!,.- .!lrl
Mr-. S. C. !-o. I-- an I -o.,.
ha!--, and M: a- d M-..
Lv an- oo" i,: I he .
low.t f... , j. i l -.m . .,: ,...,
S.i!i:ii ,, w I i i i r-e, '..j :t, i
-eofe of I.' to O f.(..r- ..f
br a-' a.
Mr. and Mr-. C. C. I: . - '!
and their ;,-.. P.: n I I r .. , ; ,.
III. .tot e. to ! I' ! ' to I- M .
and Mr-. B-.ekn. ij'- i.
W ho - p. I he ll.Tober Je - '. - -th.-'e.
;md e. t,. ?i,.f,.. J.. f
.m ..f i i i ! i ; i a t -1 : : . - m
the -..;, !in..
Mr-. I . M. .r e ... f . ! i .
who have bee'l !-:'! - ! -
at Weeping a'e : . .- !i-t
rhur-d.i. r.-inrr I h-n. t .
(.lax enn-. -.j... i . !
Mr -. I an M. i : n : . .! ! . n v
ei o-r e(;-ii from a
w e.-k -' v i ! w t li I r i l ! .. r t i
ir.u d M .-ne.!. F .v i. X i , - .
a: r d w i ' I v i - 1 1 fo -- d . , - h 1 -
hre for . f.- A d. It . .ef ...o -
to I t r 1 1 'i! . N.I.
iMbne-s, at times ;, (; .'o-d
fa. unraiiiral b'in--r. pn k o -
lb., rio-o. great th;r:. !. a:e
indication f o;j.:,. Kn.,a;
Worm Killer i a r. ii il,..r
ollgfl ined.cine for the ren.o'.al of
all kind of worm- fr -m rh, d"-n
and adult . Ki- k W k K Ti
er in p!ea.trif f-.iinlv f .rin, a.-i-dl-e-o.t
one- mi o.r-
cotii it, c. .ii -1 1 pa I i. .i .md in
trig ttie action of the Iim ,
perfectb. -afe f .r v;l x..
(bdC.t" C !l I Id ,-e . , j.,,.,
W.-rrii KjlN-r r ..k . (. !. :!
happy and Ii'm!'I.. i . . (--
d. I ry it. 1 1.
b m-'irl. KfK.i'.'.'. L I '! it-in-
Co 'L i I.i b iphi i j
L"ii i -.
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
operatjoa. JCo ChUr-rofom. Ir.jhrr cr rhfr t
eral aeisthet!c ovi. Cl Kj: CL'ARAMl.LIi ij
tshstaLlS E TIMF. t --is:- rt -,t. It
II !
BafWIac. Omah. Man