The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Copyright, 1911. by toe Bobb-erriU
i Lovers of Romance, attention!
I Here's a story you will like. It
tells of mystery under the dreamy
moon of the Pacific islands and
of love in the shady lanes of New
England and what more can a
story reader want? The mystery,
of course, is introduced early in
the tale, and the-love-follows
close after. Together they go
hand in hand through the pages
of the story, never parting com
pany until the final chapter.
There the mystery departs, but
the love remains.
You know, of course, about the
author, Lloyd Osbourne. He
learned how to write in a worthy
school, for he is a stepson of
Robert Louis Stevenson. And no
greater story teller than the latter
ver lived.
Mr. Kay Offer More.
R. KAY gathered up bis notes
and returned them to his wal
let. -Think it over." he said. "Fif
ty thousand dollars is a lot to lose Ter
haps it may occur to you that you're
acting rather precipitately, for, after
all, a man's first duty is to himself,
and you scarcely 6eem to be in er
very affluent circumstances. If you
should care to place a small flag in
your window a tie, for that matter, or
any bright bit of color we shall accept
it as a sign that you have er changed
your mind. Don't forget that, will
you? It is quite conceivable that the
sum might be increased If we were
assured of your active co-operation,
but it would be superfluous to po into
that at this stage. Just a little flag
at your window, and within six hours
I shall be promptly at your service."
Matt burst out laughing. "Is that
your usual method of communication?"
he asked. "But why not a skyrocket
"Fifty thousand dollars ia a lot to
while you are about It, or a blue light,
and masks, of course and a pass
word. I'll say 'Walter,' and you an
swer 'Jones. or perhaps a single mys
terious word, like 'gurgle.' Gurgle's
rather good. IIow do you like gurgle?"
The other's face darkened at this
derision. When he spoke it was with
perceptible humiliation and embarrass
ment. "I'm only an agent," he mur
mured. '"Such theatrics are none of
my making, though in this affair they
seem unavoidable. Laugh all you like,
Mr. Broughton. A man who has
thrown away a fortune for a whim is
entitled to. though some day when
you're older and learn how hard a
world this Is it may seem considerably
less humorous. Good night." he con
tinued, holding out his hand. "Permit
me to apologize for my persistence,
and to thank you for your good nature
nnder the Infliction. You will let me
hear from you. will you not? And re
member that the amount might be ma
terially increased. Good night, good
night T'
23itt accompanied" Win 'down tfie
taira and to the front door, where,
with a renewed grasp of the hand and
another cordial farewell, the stranger
walked briskly away. It almost look
ed aajthongh an automobile had been
iwtuung lam, Tor a" second later tHere
waa a clash of gears, a flood of blind
ing light and a magnificent limousine
wept headlong Into the night
Matt turned Indoors again, eager for
his delayed supper and in a state of
extreme perplexity and exhilaration.
IT was not f"wrj,iot:yvnio"uUiii Have
refused ?r0.Xi . The fact that he had
done so put him in u glow of self es
teem. Though why had it been offer
edgood God. why? And who was
John Alort, and what could they possi
bly want of him? IIow strange it all
was. how insoluble! And, strangest of
all, that he. Matt, the obseurest of
mortals, should be caught up in any
thing that could conceivably "shake
the world." That was what Mort had
said "It would shake the world."
Well, it shouldn't shake if he could
help it. lie as loyal through ami
through. The "wolves" were chasing
the wrong sleigh if they thought they
could get a bite out of him.
The next morning turned out a verita
ble black Monday. Not only was it rain
ing a sleety, dismal rniii Matt onnkl
have endured that hut he was assailed,
ties hies, by a succession of disasters.
First of all. there was no letter frivi
Snood &. Ilargreaves. Somehow he
had fully counted on getting it. and
the firm's delay in writing began
to take on an ominous aspect. With
scarcely $S0 In his pocket and part
of that owing here and there, he felt
uncomfortably pressed for money.
Then there was Daggancourt, whom
he had completely forgotten in the
flow of larger events Daggancourt.
effusively expectant of that immediate
departure for Kentucky. To make a
man weep is a painful experience,
and it was in this manner Daggan
court receive! the news of a second
"I'd set my foolish old heart on it."
he sobbed. "I believed you were in
earnest- Its it's a terrible blow."
"But it's only put off a little while."
said Matt. "For heaven's sake, don't
think I've given it up. Victor. In
fact. It's more of a life and death
thing to me now than ever before."
Daggancourt shook his head.
"I was willing to go my last dollar,"
he said. "I could have worked for
you with both hands and starved and
stinted not for the money in it, Marse'
Broughton but because you are you:
because it is the colored man's in
stincthis curse to love and serve a
master. Say no more, sir. I shall not
trouble you again. I am like the
Psalmist who put his trust In princes,
and verily wns he disappointed."
Matt was conscience stricken; he had
leaned on Victor; he had found com
fort and a sense of safety in the old
fellow's rugged affection. It was hard
to see It go. and It appeared doubly
valuable, now that It was lost. Matt
telegraphed to Snood & Ilargreaves:
Flease give immediate ?!Tt-ct to my let
ter and remit money for ring by exrreps.
Telegraph reply, saying when I may ex
pect to receive it.
When this was accomplished he en
countered the concluding disaster of
that whole disastrous morning. His
telephoned request to speak to Mis
Marshall was received by a maid, who
said that her mistress was ill arid
could not come down. Nor could a
message be carried to her because she
was asleep. One might be left, how
ever. Did the gentleman wish to leave
Matt, wretchedly perturbed, crniM
think of nothing else than that Miss
Marshall was to be informed that he
had rung her up. "Broughton. not
Button B-r-o-u-g-h-t-o-n and please
tell her I shall call this afternoon in
the hope of seeing her and perhaps
take her for a drive if the weather
clears and she is well enough."
At C he was at Fair Oaks in a worse
downpour than ever, only to find him
self rebuffed. Half soaked, he stood
cn the threshold and was told that
Miss Marshall could see no one and
that the doctor had given her some
sleeping stuff. The general, too, had
intrenched himself ngaiust callers.
Matt climbed into his buggy and drove
off. sick with despair.
Splashing along the muddy road, he
wondered at himself for refusing that
$o0,0u0. With the money they had of
fered him Chris, for was not this what
it amounted to? With $50,000 in his
pocket he might go up to that big
house and take her bodily away, mar
ry her, have her for his very own?
Ninety-nine men out of a hundred
would have taken the money would
have jumped at it. Fifty thousand
dollars! It might be years before he
would. bewortba, auarter
And here he was throwing it out of the
window like a quixotic fool. It was
not in him to betray John Mort. It
was simply that he was incapable of
it. lie almost wished that he was not.
It was not principle nor religion nor
anything but a fact. He himself was
quite helpless. Volition lay altogether
beyond him. It was something he
could not do. that was all.
At home there was a telegram await
ing him. It read:
Matthew Broughton. Care Mrs. Sattane.
Manaswan. Conn.:
Experts pronounce ruby flawed and
worth $500 only. Firm faces substantia!
loss on advance already made. If accrued
interest be not promptly paid shall dis
pose of ring at end of statutory period.
Telegraph instructions.
It was a blow to make any man
stagger; defenseless, his Crst instinct
was to hide in his room. Matt locked
the door and with desperation read the
telegram again. Good God. all he had
then wns the money in his pocket!
Were it not for Chris he would have
been less unmanned. The sea is a
hard master, but it will always feed
nd clothe a man who has made it hi
trade. He" ccAiTdn't starve It wiism
that- But It meant losing Chris aban
doning all thought and dreams of her
as hh wife.
How did he know that he wasn't be
ing cheated? There was no flaw In
the ruby. Everything John Mort had
was of the best, of the finest. "Ex
perts pronounce ruby flawed!" The
chap would have paid him $oj00 then
and there for the ring. lie was an
expert himself, that bald man. He
tS-dn,'t-.dillvdalHgd or anytnyg. but
had been eagerness ilseif to clinch the
bargain. It was inconceivable that he
had been mistaken, lie was a thief,
that was what he was. u low, con
temptible thief, who had discovered
how to get The ring for a thousand
the thousand originally advanced.
He raged np'aLd iuuwii "the 7oomln
impotent wrath. People knocked and
spoke through the keyhole, but he dis
regarded them, (.trie, alone, could have
been of the least solace to him, and
she was lying in that great, grim house
beyond those milesof dripping woods.
But she would know soon enough
too soon. A few days and they would
say pood by for the last time, forever,
unless a miracle happened. The gen
eral was the on!y person capable o?
figuring in a miracle. But Matt built
no hopes there. It was impossible to
associate "Biess you. my children,"'
with that keen, proud face rather, a
withering sentiment and a glance that
would strike like a knife. The miracle
would be how to get out alive how to
escape with the lest shred of self re
spect. No, with $4,000, with Daggancourt
and the aid of Chris' intrepid spirit, it
had been within the bounds of reason.
The rose could have been plucked,
general or no general, and carried lu
triumph to that Kentucky farm. But
JfSO was eighty nothing.
By supper time he had somewhat re
covered his composure and. though
very pale, contrived in other respects
to conceal the crushing nature of his
misfortune. He announced gravely
that he had received bad news and
begged that he might be excused from
giving the particulars.
After supper he gut his overcoat and
settled himself in a dry corner of the
veranda, where his reflections were
suddenly arrested by the stoppage of
an automobile at the gate and the de
scent of a vaguely familiar figure. It
was an immense limousine, not tinlike
the one he had associated with Mr.
Kay's departure the night before. In
fact, the vaguely familiar figure was
Mr. Kay himself, advancing hurriedly
up the board- walk.
"Brought the mint with you?" asked
"Why. certainly I have," exclaimed
Mr. Kay with undisguised eagerness
"I iira ready to raise our offer to a
hundred thousand, and shall be most
pleased to settle the matter at once
on that basis."
"I gave you my decision last night,"
Matt said. "Or rather I told you I
hadn't the information you wanted.
You surely can not have any better
proof of it than this. What man In
his senses would refuse a hundred
thousand dollars? I know I wouldn't.
I was only joking when I raised you.
It was only to see how far you would
go. Mr. Kay, you are trying to buy
something I haven't got. and there it
is in a nutshell."
"Then who was the violinist you
referred to in that newspaper account?
The man who played on the ship, and
inelled the savages when they were
ready to attack you? Answer me that,
please. It is very important it Is the
key to everything."
Matt started: he had completely for
gotten that chance reference to J .hn
Mort; the Indiscretion of it now took
his breath away. What an ass he had
been ever -to let nunter noyt extort
It from his lips!
"Answer me that." continued the
stranger, with a gleam of his yellow
teeth, and clutching at Matt's arm
"Oh. the violinist?" returned Matt,
pretending to laugh. "He was nothing
to get excited about. In reality, he
wasn't a violinist at all. but played the
concertina, and he didn't quell any
body. That was all the newspaper
men's work, like most of the Interview.
It was simply that we had a scare
once down in New Britirin and kept
him playing till we could get at our
"Then there was nothing in It?"
. "Wefl. There had beeha "massacre in
the next bay. and"
"But no violinist? No one at all re
sembling the miniature I showed yon?'
"No. ix! He was a Dutchman nam
ed Van Tassel and had been a waiter
in a Sydney restaurant. He was a hot
tempered little fellow and had hit
somebody over the head with a bottle.
That's how we came to take Mm paid
us 'JO to smuggle him out of his
sera pe."
"I see that yon can't help us." said
Mr. Kay after a pause. "It's disap
pointing to have to admit it. I wish
I could persuade you to go lefore my
principals and tell them what you've
told me. They blame me for my fail
ure are not convinced, you know
think they could have got this infor
mation out of you this information
that isn't there. Perhaps I might
make it worth your while to come
out of my own pocket, you know out
of my own pocket. Would you con
sider it?"
"Where do yon want me to go?"
"Only to the railway station, to a
private car we have sidetracked there.
You could show them that we are on
a wrong scent support me in what 1
have already reported. I should be
glad to pay $50. Surely that would
be worth half an hour of your time?
What do you say?"
Matt hung back. He was confused,
undecided and not unconscious cf a
vague apprehension. Yet the $50 was
terribly tempting. It would allow him
to "eTLtfe'Cir h!k"EZZy Tn "Manas'wan; to
put off his departure for a couple of
weeks; to be near Chris to see her, to
talk to her, to linger in paradise before
he would be cast out of it forever.
Nor would it te any disloyalty to John
Mort, but merely a repetition of eva
sion and falsehood, possibly even help
ful now that he was better forewarn
ed. As to their doing him any harm
that was preposterous. Threaten, per
haps? Well, let them threaten! One
Cfijld stand a lot of threatening for
$50. - - - - - - - -
"Yes. I'll go for $50." be said. "Only
If yon don't mind I'd rather have it in
Mr. Kay hastened to count out two
twenties and a ten. and then seemed
to find it an infliction that Matt should
suggest my further delay. It was only
to run upstairs and leave ttie money
and bis purse under the pillow, but
Mr. Kay chafed and demurred, and
Matt on his return found him waiting
with ill suppressed impatience.
"Come along." he cried, and, grip
ping Matt's ::riu as though not to al
low l.iiii i es: ape again, hurried down
the board walk to the automobile. A
moment later they were both inside
and the car swiftly moving.
(To lie Cm! imi.-il.,
Hems of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Ueisel A: Hippie are inril; ing
imh lager iieer a ira in.
X. '. Hobb. eij., from 1 li-
We-lflll Ji.'lll f the rnniily. ,ir.
P', in l,i ... (he Herald nil S.'ll
niiiay. He is a welcome visitor
;if i.ur nilieo nlvn.
We llMVe .jlist received a load of
Nebraska coal from Mr. Iitii'ii
stein, who lies about twelve
miles lielmv liele. We -hall U-e
it an. I report as to its burning
qualities next week.
John Leasley went to Lincoln
yesterday to attend the slate uni
versity. Hef'oie going be re
plenished our treasury and said
lie could nut think of liiug with
out t lie Herald. Success to ou,
The tire made some neighbor
for the Herald. O'Nei! has
moved up in Ulster's' M tailor
shop with his liulcher outfit, and
Jlei-eJ has gone into the old
hotel, both opposite the Herald
The (1.15.5 County ional
society met on Thursday morn
ing. leember .11, the last .lay of
the Institute. J'n.f. Wise in the
chair. Various subjeels were
oiseu-seil. on motion of Mr.
I'olk. tll e;t place of Iljeetintr
va li.xed at Weeping Water,
-uhjei t io the call of the presi
dent. An election of ottirers was
then held, which resulted as fol
lows: Prof. Wise. president:
Messrs. Itainsey. Hall and Mac.
Murphy, ice presidents: ". p..
Svvearinpen. secretary and treas
urer. An executhe committee
was (lien appointed as follows;
Mr. I sin o-r, Tims-. W iles and J.
V. Polk. T.ditorial committee. P..
S. Ramsey, MacMurpphy and
Miss (o-rtie Johnson. Meeting
adjouriied to nn-et at Weeping
II. W. Wise, Pres t.
Miss J'lora Wise, Sec'y.
Roll of honor for the first
grammar grade;
Kilyfli Shryock !'J
Willie Vivian 07
Julius P.ooley o
Kiltie McNeil t,r
Then. Livingston 14
Ida Waterman '. I
Julia F.. (iearhait, Teacher.
Judge L'llisou an. I Jne Oil
niore are renovating; the old ice
house back of the Herald office,
and are going to lay in a supply
of ice.
Mrs. John Thurston, sister oT
Judge ami Robert T. Maxwell,
died of typhoid pneumonia on
Friday last. er decease was
sudden and loaves a large circle
of devoted and mourning friends.
We call especial attention In
the arrangements of the J,. & M.
R. R., made for the purpose of
carrying free relief goods and
see, for our western settlers.
This company have certainly
shown their best face towards the
settlers on llieir lands.
Through press of business we
have neglected to notice the re
turn to health and business of
Mr. Fred (border, grain buyer for
the Plaltsmoulh 5rain company.
Fred had a tight squeak of if, but
is now all O. K. and once more
ready for duly and business. Try
him on, fanners, when you are
selling your crops.
We received several weeks ago
a load of Cass county coal from
J. Bridenstine, of which we made
mention at th time, saving1 that
we should give furtlo-i notice of
it after trying its tmriinr prop
erties. The coal, we understand
from Mr. Itrideiist inc. i- due hiI
only some five or six fee) from
the surface, and where the water
from a spring reaches it. so that
it was thoroughly saturated wilh
water. We bl it lay until it
dried nut and now. after a care
ful trial, will give some of the
results. J( buriis much less free
ly I bun Iow a coal at !ir-t, but af
ter i! is fairly ignited retains the
lieat ruin-h longer, forms few
(linker-, and leaves jin,. a-Io-s re
seinM inr sawdu-t. There jv but
little ga arising from il. which
i- so offensive in (he other soft
coal, and a- far as we h;te tried
it, at lo:,t, none ,,f the black
sfiof which arise- from the bwa
Coal. A fair opinion nf i!- merits
can harll be formed from burn
ing' this coal, which found
near the surface of c.or.-e wnid
hen f an inferior quality, but a
Mr. Undent ine a-siires ns tn- intend-
to keep digging", and will
brimr u- another out when lie
get- in a little deeper, we -hal!
hae an opportunity to test jt
thoroughly and will report fnr
Iher. In the meantime we wi-h
him -iicces-1, and Iru-t that (la--county
before long- will lie burn
ing coal dug within her own
I i m i I s .
Tonight, if you feel dull and
stupid, or bilious and constipat
ed, take a dose of C.hnmberla in's
Tablets and you will feel all
right tomorrow. For .sale by all
In Ihr DiHlriol I uiirl uf f n-m l iiual,
Tl. I.iviiifrston Loan an.l linil.Unu:
MiVILllioll. I 'lit i fl t I t .
Louis I. Toll- r.. K. T'lchardsi.n. tirrt
limine unknown, ar.'l Loin Kkh.o.i
so:.. Lis wife; .I.neli 1 KalO-r :i!ei
Mary l'alt-i-, I i i ; wif.
I -JVnlun,..
To Louis 1 . T.iilf, T:. l:. l:ii'U -i,
fust intuit unknown, ana Lulu
;ri!son. liis wiTV. n "i-res i.liil !
lVmlalits in He ii l.ovr flitii'tl
Yu und "aril ef you ar li-re.v
notinVd that the ilai:iti!7 has ii.-i.'i!n.'-il
an action akjaiiii't you In th.-1'istrn-f
I'.uirt t ('ass -.uiil. NVhiti.ktt
tor tlie j 11 .jf f r i ( e i n a (itini
limn eupes : In it.i first .ausf of -th'ii
Io foiHilijMP a nu. rt r j Kr K-h t.v
.la.ol. I". Falter met M:o Fult.r
The Livingston Loan sunt 1 1 1 1 a n r
Association on the Utli itay of Jan
uary. 1 !:. covering lie- following ii
scrii..j rc:l estate to-wit: Lot : !. L'. ':
ami 4. in Hock in St .nlf-1 Tiia n li s A.l
ilitinn to the City of 1 M 1 1 1 -mout n. "ass
County. Ncl.raska. inert era?" ;'e-
I-ears of I .-, oi il in Look .'' ' of itn.i l-izuct-s.
at pa tie :?!. in the office of the
l:.-L;ist-r of of Cass C.untv. NV.
I taska. sunt to re. -over ti.e sum of
S..1.4H tavs a tn I Interest, together with
interest ll..'ioti at tli late of I il .r
cent I rolii No vein her Uth. l!i:h In its
; i'i'iMi'1 cause of action ! foifl". a
inoritrai;" piven hy .l.icol. 1". Faiter
jm:.1 Mary Falter to The Livi -is t on
Loan and liiiihliriK Association on Jan
uary lth. lvr.'. covcriiiK lots :". i.n.1 t:.
in I. lock 4. in Slaiieltna -in's A"h!iTioti Io
the City of I'lattsinout h. t'us
.Vi !ir;isl::i, mort t'r tre n TT"'ii r3 of
recor.l iii Look :'" o; mort ira-s. . I
patlc I'.Tl". :il the ottie of the lKisteI
of ..Is of Cas Count v. Ncl. t aska.
In its tn inl cause ot action to fore
close a mort na jure cn-:i hy .lacoh I.
1 alter ami .Marx Falter to Tiie Liv
ingston Loan an.l Koii.iiniC Association
on the J i: 1 1 1 ..ay of -lanuarx. l'e.
coverinir lots T an.l , in Ho. k 4. an t
that portion of lot lv in said Hock 4.
which li.-s north of the north line or
lot H. when sai.l north line is con
tinued easterly to Tenth -tr.-ct. iU in
Si adeltnaii ns Addition to the City i:
I'la 1 1 smout h. Cass County.'ka.
which mitrippe appeals of record In
Hook S." of inoi t K--' -es at liai;e tt":!. in
the office of the KeKifter of lteeds of
Cass Countv. Nehraska. and to recover
the sum of $l..r.U insurance. together
with intetest thereon from Novemtier
1J. lfi:t. In its fourth cause ot action
to foreclose n mortpae tiven hv Jacoh
P. Falter and Mary Fallr to The Liv
iafTstoti Loan and ItuiKUni; Association
on the 14til .lav of AltiTUst, l'J'-7.
covei inir the southwest 0 h-'-t of lot
in St re j t w i-ser s Sn h-di vis ion of lot
11::. in the SW. of th NW, of Sec
tion i. Township 1- .V. Lansre 14 L
of the oth 1. M. in the City of l'latts
moiith. Cass County. Nebraska, which
liiortiiaue appears of record tn Hook
3T. of mortitaRes. at nape luT., in the
office of the Leftist cr of feeds nf Cass
Comity, Nehraska. un.i to recover the
sum of J1H.04 taxes. with interest
thereon at 10 per cent from
the lCth iliiv of November.
LU.'!. In it lif'.li cause of lo tion
to foreclose a mortiraee civen by Jacob
I'. Fatter and Mary Fulter to The Liv
ingston and IJuildnisr Association
on the C4th ilav of May. 107. covering
the S of lot 7. in bio. k :l'. in the City
of Flattstno'itii. Cass County. Ne
hraska, which inortgai'e appears of
record in Look '.'.'Z of mortKues, at
pape t;"fi. in the office of the K.-Rister
of of Cass County. Nebraska,
and the sum of $:r'.i;.s paid for tuxes.
vAith interest and costs thereon, to
gether With interest at 10
per cent from November 12th.
In its hixtli cause of acton
to foreclose i niortsrnce iriven lv Jacob
1. Falter and Mary Falter to The Liv
ingston Loan anil Building Association
on the 1Mb ilav of March. 1:oj7, cover
in" lot .1, in block f.. in the City of
I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska,
which ii)ortrare appears of record in
Hook ?-Z of murlgKen, at pace f.12. in
the office of the HeRistBr of of
Cass County. Nebraska, and to recover
the sum of $lii.7:t taxes and Interest
thereon at the rate of It) per cent
from the 12tli day of November, Wl'Z.
In its seventh cuuee of a.tion to for.
close a mortpaffe Riven by IL. 11. Licii
ardson. first name unknown, to The
LiviiiKSton Loan and Huildin; Associa
tion on the liali day of April. ll.
coverinc lot f. in block f.ft. in the City
of 1 "lat t stnotitli : also tji) feet off of the
southwest side of lot .!. in Streit
wieser's Hub-division of lot llf!. In the
SU"i-, of the NV4 of Section 1 !. Town
ship 12. N. LariRw 14. K. in th C'ltv of
I'lattsmouth; also lots 1. 2. 4, f. rt. 7
und n. In block 4. in SStadelmann'H Ad
dition to the City of I'lattsmouth. and
that portion of lot IS, in said block 4.
Stadelmann's Addition, which He
north of the north line of lo" :, when
said line is continued easterly In Tenth
street. all in I'lattsmouth. Cass
County. Nebraska. and the sum
of $2.50 paid for insur
ance, together with interest thereo:i nt
the rate of 10 per cent from the 12th
clay of November. 131 :t. totrther wit'
equitable relief on all of said causes of
action. You and each of you are re
Quired to answer said petition on or
before the 6th day of January. A. I .
1!'14. and in failing so to do your de
fault Will le .itily entered therein arid
juilKinent taken as piayel for in
plaintiff's eetitiofi.
Hv A. L. T11D. Its Attorney.
In the DUtrlrt Court In and for (mum
( flDiily, .rhrnak.
Hlattf mouth Loan and Buutiinir
Association. PlalntlfT.
Gorg Cator. Mrs. Gorg Cstor, &rt
re;i I nrinio nr. known, i t .
I ... :'! . i ;i
To t'e Al.ove N.mi-.! I .f.. i,.i ., -
Voil Hfl.l ''a' h of Vo; a r . Hri-'.i
fi-. that on S-pteriit-- I. i !:!:.
p'a :r.t iff 1, e I, . s .-t i ..!. ii. i ' !.! t
Cou t I of Cuss Countv. . - '.r:.Ka. I -
oi.,cct and p- rt of w ! i
. i.p-i- a ifi'iriKai' .!.'' I'
Falter ami M.irv Vait-r to t e ,...
named plain. f:'. M , ,- j -,. .
I'oiT. on lot five .".(. in b. . k one
.1 red se v el; t v - t o . 1 7 .' . 11 t ' . '
I 'in 1 1 .- no 1. 1 h. ..!.ni-k;i. ami to I . '
e:i. I, of ttie ilefcn.i.i . ' " i'i sa:.l h f, in
i I tiding ourselves, fore, )..he.f of i . !
e. lit'. of redemption i ri to !
rilol t t;i veil premises s:. 1
premises rir.c a rei.r.? : to
Iiri'l out of fe pni(e.!s t!.-fe..f p:.i,'.-
tifl te paid tie s;.ni of 'i I . r . ! - e .1
P I net . - t f ee i io i ., -s ; r .!.' - ' T
$.;:;. . with interest t;.ei-..ri t ri
r i e II i 1 1 II pel ..11 pe i ;, .. . . , f..-,
J l i : '. I. in 1 .!. ;i ml for . - - , , i .
and t'.it .'.'. i. . r.t b- hi. d.-e i i.,
pi!' ; il lief.. V l .
alter a ppl . ici: t: e (.. e.t ,.f ... ,.i
s;. I- t.. i .... p., vrr.. t ..f s , .. .1. t .. . j
to t.ive i,.- ino'i v::i v e t v . ! a f,
.1 "rudderi to tr- .t.oi '. ,,. . -k-
'ottirianv .f ll.i.lii'in:-. M.r;. !j r..! ,r -
f. -ilyr to tie ii.-n iini-i I . p.;, ir.t . :t s
T:ioi t trat'e, i:nd for sn. , .v i:...f
Ill.l'- l.e ;ist iiriil .."i .il.i I !-
Tt is r.otne i l.v f t' e ,n i-i
i are re; ri i r -.I to nr,.K.r i
f.tition .n or .efve .Vote'a . .I..r.'..,r v
... 1!14. or vour ilef... i;r w..i e . ,
e, t e ! e. I. f re. . ,r d
i-L TTS.M II LN . f'il.i'IN'-.
SS ( I A" l .
I. m li:vi .
i:.s l.s .v i:c-i i;r:Ts. .v.
A i 'or r r.
ii-.'l lt .
ii i: in iii.pi Mink.
In i Hmi mart.
ST TL F M.l.t. K.-iA.
"a - s 'o m n t '. . s r .
Iti tie M..t:-r of the LsT.ue of I...i S
W i it, 1 .-a s,..J
Noto is tier. l . ci ri to f 1 re.:"'-
T s . ,f S.I I . I .lerea I t . . .1 I lt,ii.'its V. , .
be hud npoti :;i:':i; :.:.-.( ,;..,ir;. s:l,,l
state. (, r.le. " 1 I. t '. Ji. If.. ..f
'::ss Counl.. .e i ., - k a. at the . ..
Cent p.imi 1:1 I .1 : . mo ,i ; . it, ..,,.!
oiintv. ori t!i- l:::i da ..r I e. ,r..-i.
1!'!:. am! o-i tie s'ti .la" ef .l.r-.
IH14. at 9 o t !o. k a lu. e;nh il.iv f.r
ea rn . t.a t iori, a u.i .s f met. " and
a m e.
All t iairns rnut be rn.,: ,r id -..;r
on or before said i.i-i t.'.ur ..f t ;n it is
Witness- tuv land j. ml e-ul of -.. d
Countv 'oi.rf. : t 1 ; a! t r o. . f i.. V-t.ra-k-..
I i.i-i i."-T. .I.e. ..f No.m. r.
1 v 1 :'-
.Seal A LLF N' J HI :?:. N'.
Co l. : t J . iv
t'OIl tITnlMHIAT f
AII011M" I IC loll.
In the I .mill. nurl f T umtf.
N rlira.ka.
'iisS 'oiitit;. . s..
In the Mutter of tie F. ;..te cf V."
it. Letts. Sr.. I e. eased
Notice is lit-o-l.j t-Oen to a I per-..r.
interested a l,.-i:ri!iK ni i l .i!
upon a petition f..r t:e n.;-:Mm.M of
a II' of ti e - t.lte ot s.i. t
deceased in t he Tit - '..iu t r.o:i f
'.ss l.'ri'il.lV. XM.rK-k.i. ;i t Iv.itts-
moiith. therein at trie r...i.r..f l't.. . k.
a. rn.. I ei -ni t!,. I"! :. and t . . t ..
Obje.tioIlS to Sjid petition Pi ,t t -e
Tile.) on or before fe tiinr lot sa.l
hern inc.
Vitnes my hand riml the sea! of t 1
Coniitv Court ..f t t-.. ir.t. Ne
braska, liui 14lh ujv of .Nov cm per,
l i::.
oeali A I.I.rN' .T HlKS-.s.
CiilititV J ... tire
. i:. mrrT. Attf.n-". .
11 -1 7 -" n k
oii i: or in i i.itt.ii's 1 1 l
In Ike lilrie ri I. n-j lr mmm
nun . NelirBska.
Anna Ann lia .
I'i.i ir.t
Afratlia stiill. Widow of I., , Fr.b-ris
St'lil. Iieceasc-:, ! a.
Notice is by Eiv-i t ' ii t i.'i-sr
find t- Vl'lllH of ii ' ..f f'e ..s-
tricf Court in and fo. ".i -1 , r .
Nebraski. entered In I !.e ai.r.e er,.
titled .ai.e on tie I T t r r '.1V of s. ,,.
t-riibr, A. I . I'd:'.. ud an w-i.t
ir.tereii b.' sail r"iill on tie ICc .1.. v
.f November. A. I. !' ". toe nmt.-r-
Sltflied sole refelee. K'1,1 on the i'.l' I.
d.iv of I lei em (.er. A. 1 1!.:. nt 11
o'. iock n in., at tie , fn.t t d r
of the I'o'irt II.Mlse. in tie C:fV of
I'lattsmouth. I 'ass loutitv. .!.t,.k;i.
se.l at p'it-i,.' :.. t ,. c, to t'e licle.;
responsible bidder f .r it: tie f..,-
II. U inn b s,i ),..,) e;l .-" T - VI IT
The east ) r, i f I F. ' I o the r.'T'. I w es
.iiarter t.N'W i and t!- .,.' i f
. i '. s.. i of f he sou t h We - t -1 l.i r 'e r W : 4 .
of Section tno t.'i. T" n- i; I . 1 1
12. i;;e thirteen Mid: i..t four Mi
in Section tl.trtv -six i.':i, T" t.i i.
thirteen 1". Lam:- thirteen i ).; .. .1
all of lot three i.i i, i n . n-.n s.x ;.
Towns:. ip Twelve .11. I'.. like f...r
1 een 1 4 I. lvitlP West .f tfe ri'!t-.f-
wav of tiie V. i- M Lailrond. md a:i
that part of rail !t t! ree i .? i I r. K
east of the said riu h t-of-wa v. w ,. i,
lies north of t r.e l.tidirc or cu.vert ;rri
mediatelv i.ortii 'f swallow
In Cass County. Ntriisk;i
Tl.t afiove descrili l.inJ will
sold subject to the Lfe u- of Agatha
em rs q (
en Mm? LOEiseri
Don't try us as a last re
sort, but try us as a first
resort, and you will never
be disappointed.
In acute cases our re
sults are marvelous, quick
and positive.
The accompaning illustration
depicts a human spinal column,
surmounted with the grandest
handiwork of the Creator, the
head, through which passes a
conduit the spinal cord carry
ing the vital force Life.
Two sections of the column
are enlarged, showing two nerves
leaving the spinal cord on their
way to some oran within the
body. See the difference in the
size of the nerves. The large
one is the health-giving one; the
small one disease in the organ
in which it ends. If you are suf
fering or ailing, ym have one of
these, caused by luxation of the
vertebrae. Let us fix this trou
ble before you become a c hronic
sufferer; if your trouble is already
chronic, we can still conquer it.
Examination end consultation
free. If trouble is not within our
line or ability we tell you so.
Two Blocks North of the Catholic Church
s. . ....- . f . .. -' ;- . .- . . -.......
-; j i . r t . - - v '. .. - i r - -;
. I. ..!: t . . t - -' .
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Ai.i.1 N J I ' i -
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Oil Mt. l MH tK I.
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ra..l I.arv ..'. a:.
I .e 'er. m r
T" I ..! l.-lr se". i ,
Me.TS .. ..e. ..' .. . t ....
.Kir. e i - e ! :..-, i -
1't.i ! r..t . Mr'.- I: .- .
I ' L stt r.. i. ! .
r F. u r I ., ... .e
1 s - r.. W r-i . e
iii ':." r. f - ' nil .,--...-. ..f . .
lu. m c.e,. i.-.( :; I
s ,'i rr. , t r.e i. r s i. . . i, t r -
-ees of F T .-' '- . -- 1
S.'tlUet 3eV. If" e . .,,.. r. ... . .
.lev, -..--.' . f Sn. ; I ,. . .i-.
. e .e.f . ." . r '. u '
Ill "n I e . ill. I .'.e. ,e . ..." f . .
X "i "I C.I S . . . . e e ... r f. ."-.-.. - '
le f e rid.. : " l i :, t . e .... m . ' - !
a ten
o, at I r- .f V...I .--.' '
rot. I.e. I t ..t t . i-i. I .- . -r-..r.e.
,1 a.'c ri i. . - t - i i-.
I'.str-i. f C. t-f Jk . . ' e -
ir.t. KM. f.r tie r . r f -i . ' : t 1
fee , r?i J- - f - ,., I ' e . . - , - , ., .. ,
to f e f.....,r .1.... -.-.e. .'
t -w : t i.t .1 ... - . . . . : -
svi, of .se. 7. Tr ::. l r- .
f ?; - f', F M i.e.-! . -.
-'.. l-e r.lf n.'ti" T-..I . . oe.
scriif p f -i'.'WK. C-.r- .. - n'
p. i r, t 1 i. -! r . r . r M - , ' . m .
e. l-f f ' e S . T-We. f f e
JW 7. T j. i . N ) t-
14 V. .f r - i t'-r..-- r -
r r. f I 1 1 ' T . '...-. r . . .. e , -
4" (: r, , ti- 1 : 7 . j
t.n.'e He - t .s f, f e r '-e .'
l.K,'ii..t. a f . ' . , 1
. : ,i i ' e . r i . r.'T- S-
7. T; I N l j- 14 t ,.- . ' r . ;
F M I-i "., i '.. ..,r . -r. -- , - I
he . r ir r.ofe r 1 1 . r . - i
f. '-.. i'.nr'-. m Mt jt i
. ii i t r i. a i t ; ... . , i ... - , - . f
i . ... -, i,t ...-. , , - -r A -.
I.' No'T'.. II L.i r .' r-
t . I il.l.'l.f t ' e-o e r. ' 1
tier...- e ... i '. . . . i -.. : i - ... - ..
.'.a.r.j.. aicf r.-e e-r
(lie J., It . ..f lsi ;.'. a
. ...
i v i'. fe s."i. of f v: v, - - ;.
i .it T ;. I:. ' .- ;.:.......,.
Ne' '.- x l-e , m.. - j i ' . j r . . -riil
.. o . -r. "i . r
p.. r. t 1 . .la.,-. .,. t . e .
crr-r ir "A ' !
7. u Mnii - 7 ' -. r .
' " ..i e ..f t- ic - ' i . r e r "f.
i -
t i '
..' i
! . - f (. r ; j . -; , . t'e
j i. e . i. - d m.-r. a.. l .... k : .
: r . I l . , - i . t e . , r i . . -;
rn. .!. . ,".. .i-i,! .-. N . j. .
! '-irn.r er - n v.-u m . r , . ,
; f '"'ii r -i i: . :.c p v t f - . i i.
I liei or i- t.rMt ., ami t ti - . i .-
!-'i;:-e.I re ! et ,-l . re-. e e- -
j tain . ... , : fror i - a. .it " " t . . . . -i a t
Ito md el .'y. 4 ri 1 r.r - , . -m
I re m-. Vol '.d ft- ' of . I r--'
i .. rJ to ar,-Aer s . -. .,11 ..r
; i: t j e I . t . ' i .,- . f i .-. en er
I I'. Z?!. t rt I ' Ti f. r.K " t. ...,e
, tlef ; . I . I t til V e .e
r. I . : !r"ir,t laiveri mt p..! f.r . ri
;..-:r.:.TT !
a: :fs:t rrsr u I". . -.-".
Vy A I. t ;;:.
IL Atf-rrer.
n n