The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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"lOCi :
A I rnllnl. 1 pkh f-L-v r
AN cgctabk IVf pamion lorJU
similaiinS iliCroodamlRcula
ling Uic Sicmadis andBavds of
nncc nnH Rout Contain npilhfr
Opiitni-Morphinc norfliocraL
WomS.l OnvmSMUSaCiu m
ucssantlLOSS or MJtK
IcSiniik 'signature elf
The Centaur CojpaxT,
'Guaranteed under the oTar
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
From Wcilnt-sday's Laily.
Yest-rday about iho.ii, a John
Wilt's, oe.e of the prominent
farmers f niar Murray, was
driving to lh' Hi'ins' public sale,
south of (his rity, in company
with his -on. Ben. he nut with
an accident that may result mo-t
seriously, if not fatally, for him.
TIh-v y'yj'.y. .driving., along'. . the
load in a spring wagon, when, in
striking a rough place in t lit
road, tin- scat of Ihi' wa-on was
.jarred loos,, and fi ll out, with the
result tliat Mr. Wih's was thrown
o''l also. alight inir on his left
side nnil injuring him-elf in
You Get Your Money Back
You get back the original cost of your stove
in the fuel-money saved each winter.
Could you ask for more?
Here is the Guarantee on
Cole's Original Hot
Blast Heater
Backed Up in Every Particular by the Makers:
"1 A saving of one-third in fuel over any lower
draft stove of the same size, with soft coal, slack
or lignite.
"2 That Cole's Hot Blast will use less hard coal for
heating a given space than any base burner
made with the same size fire pot.
"3 That the rooms can be heated from one to two
hours each morning with the soft coal or hard
coal put in the stove the evening before.
"4 That the stove will hold fire with soft coal from
Saturday night until Monday morning.
4'5 A uniform heat day and night, witlT soft coal,
hard coal or lignite.
"G That every stove will remain absolutely air
tight as long as used.
"7 That the feed-door is and will remain smoke
and dust-proof.
"8 That the Anti-puffing Draft will prevent puffing.
"All we ask is that the stove shall be operated ac
cording to directions and connected with a good
(Makers of the Original Patented Hot Blast Stove.)
This guarantee can not be made on any other
heating stove. If you want economy and real home
come in and let us sell you one of these stoves. Also
have guaranteed hard coal burners.
G. P. E
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Thc ccMTftun ccm. new o crr
ternally ahoiit the rhfst and
lungs, and his condition is quite
critical. The injured man was
taken hack home hy Kd Wilt's in
an automobile, ami Dr. H.
Oilnioi'e summoned out from
Murray to attend the injured man
and found him suffering greatly
and in vry had sha;e. It is
hoped that lh injuries will not
prove fatal, although at this time
it is hard to tell just how serious
his internal injuries are. The
team which Mr. Wiles was driv
ing was perfectly penile and lid
not attempt to run away, stop
ped as soon as the accident oc
curred. CASTOR I A
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
AT THE B. ft.
Meeting Well Attended and Royal
Time Is Enjoyed by the
Loyal Sons.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Loyal Suns of the Chris
tian church last evening held a
. d At-
verv enjoyable meeting at me
home of 15. A. McElwain, and one
of the most pleasant meetings of
the season was thoroughly en
joyed by the members of the
class and their friends. The
main feature of the evening was
thi' address delivered to the class
by Attorney C. A. ltawls, who
hose as his subject 'Salt," anil
began his talk by an outline or
the salt industry from the
arliest times, and how this
mineral had been one of the
most valuable articles of trade
among the ancients, and that
everal times nations had gone
to war over the possession of this
valuable necessity in those days.
He also pointed out the saving
power of salt ami the amount of
salt in the human system and
pleaded with the young men to
have more salt in their manhood
and make a stand for the better
things of life. Mr. Itawis is a
1 1
very convincing speaker ami ni
remarks were carefully followed
bv his auditors, who too a deep
interest in the clear-cut stale
ments of the speaker.
The members of the class en
ioved for a short time a debate
on the subject of the effects labor
unions had upon the making o
a better civilization, and while
the debaters on the negativ
side were of the opinion that
Ihev were on the wrong side of
the fence, they presented their
arguments in a forciful manner,
but the sentiment of everyom
was tnat I tie auirmaiive nau won
the debate, which was cut short
by the sudden illness of Philip
Ithin, one of the debaters, who
suddenlv fainted during the
course of the arguments, which
stopped further discussion of tin
Mrs. s. K. McFlwain. assisted
bv Mrs. John Button anil Mrs. A.
L. Tidd, served the company with
some verv delicious refiVshments
that made a great big hit with tin
young men present at the gather
ing and Ihev were loud in their
praise of the delightful manner
which they had been entertained
(teorge L. Farley and Mr. C A.
Rawls have promiesd the young
men a subject for debate for tin
next meeting, which is being look,
ed forward to with much in
From Wednesday's Dally.
Monday morning T. It. Pollock,
stale agent for the Henderson
automobile, which uses kerosene
for furnishing- power instead of
gasoline, made the trip from this
eily to Omaha, and the amount of
oil used was quile Haltering lo
the reputation of the car and
very pleasing lo Mr. Pollock, as
it demonstrates the cheapness
with which a Henderson can be
operated. The distance covered
was nineteen and seven-tenths
miles and one gallon ami one
pint of kerosene was used in
making the trip, which makes the
cost of fuel for the trip a little
less than S cents, and the trip
was made in forty-live minutes,
which is a line showing for the
car and one that speaks well for
its cheapness in operating. A
few lays ago a Henderson was
driven from York lo Omaha, a
distance of 13-' miles, and only
seven gallons of kerosene was
used, which, at 7 cents a gallon,
is nretlv cheap operating ex
Nervous and Sick Headaches.
Torpid liver, constipated
bowels and disordered stomach
are the causes of these head
aches. Take Dr. King's New Life
Pills, you will be surprised how
quickly you will get relief. They
stimulate the dilferent organs to
do their work property. No bet
ter regulator for liver and
bowels. Take and invest in
a box today. At all druggists or
by mail. II. E. . Bucklen '& Co.,
Philadelphia and St. Louis.
A Consumptive Cure.
A cough that bothers you con
tinually is one of the danger
signals which warns of con
sumption. Dr. King's New Dis
covery stop the cough, loosen the
chest, banish fever and let you
sleep peacefully. The lirst dose
checks the symptoms and gives
prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mertz,
of Glen Kllyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery cured a
stubborn cough after six weeks'
doctoring failed to help." Try
it, as it will do the same for you.
Best 'medicine for coughs, colds,
throat and lung troubles. Money
back if it fails. Price 50c and
$1.00. All druggists, or by mail.
II. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila
delphia or St. Louis.
The Need of 3. Proper Placo to
House City Prisoners
Is Great.
The matter of turning the
brick building on the grounds ol
the city hall into a police station
and a headquarters f" placini.
parties who are locked up over
night by the police for safe-ke-p-
intr brings on lh question of
making a regular city jail out o
the building, which would un
doubtedly save the city consider
able money in the long run, as
there is quile an amount paid out
to the county in the course of a
year for the care of the city
prisoners who are confined in
the county jail, and this could b
cut down materially if this build
in ir w:i used for the nui'lioses of
a jail, and as the city prisoners
are never of a very dangerou
character if-would not be neces
sary to have the building as well
lilted with cells as the county jail
should be.
A very good idea in getting the
building lixcd-up would be to
have the dilferent prisoners who
are placed in jjiil and are unable
to pay their line work out their
sentence in fixing up the brick
building or the basement of the
city hall, either of which would
proide ample room for Hie eri
lects who are gathered in by the
police, and here the police station
could be established and anyone
who wanted the police would
know just where to find them,
where, under the present method,
it is a hard matter to tell at night
whether the officers are at one
end of Main street or the other,
and it sometimes requires some
time before they can be located
when needed, whereas if they had
a headquarters they could
promptly respond to any call for
their services and without the
loss of time which is necessary at
The present system of handl
ing the bums at the shanty is
very expensive, as it requires a
great deal of fuel and the men
get out and wander where Ihev
please and there is no telling
what mischief they may do, and
if they were locked up in the eily
jail over night the. police could
keep track if them. The proposi
tion should be thoroughly in
vestigated and if possible, the
matter put through and the city
receive . some benefit from I he
services of ils guesls.
WANTED. SEED Anyone hav
ing clover, timothy, cane, alfalfa,
millet or any kind, mail us
sample, stating number bushels
and price. Johnson Bros., Nebr.
Cilv. 1 1-20-1 twkly
Bilious? Feel heavy afler din
ner? Hitler taste? Complexion
sallow? Liver perhaps needs
waking up. Doan's Uegulels for
bilious attacks. L'oc at all stores.
Shorthorn Bulls for Sale.
Three pure bred Shorthorn
yearling bulls for sale. All are
registered and pedigrees will be
furnished with the sale.
J. F. Tubbs, Mynard, Neb.
How's This?
We nfTcr Olio Iliimlrc'I pollant Upward for nnj
piiwi- of ( nt.nrh that cannot be run-il hy Hall f
ifatarrb Curp.
f. j. cnesEV & co.. T.itio. o.
Wo. tlii nndrrxlsiipil.
liavo known F. J.
Vhrnry for t!T li
Iiim I. yrur. it ml l'!icvo liliu
t-rfi-oiU' li'inoriiMo In ull Imr'iiu'SH lrMiiSin-1 ioui
mi. I liiihU'-ially .li!e to carry out any oti:uii.n
ma lt? by his tir.u.
'ioh'il i, 'iiio.
HiiTl'M Catarrli Car- i t:ik'-n i?;f"r-u !lv. net!:
dir-Ttlv ii;hii Hi Kooil nii'l nn:i '"i-: .ii;-f a.-'
yr'fti-iH 'IVstlni'ti!Hls flit f I'riro 71
?c:it'rer liott!e. ;'!.! hr all IlruKlt.
To Uull'd Fftiuil? 1'UU tor ,-ou-.JiitUo.
continue to be our constant aim to make this store "Everybody's
Store" where everybody can find EVERYTHING in men's-wear and
at the right price EVERY TIME. VVe wish you a joyous Thanksgiving.
c. e.
From AW-iliH'sday's Iaily.
The con. lil ion of Andrew Barry,
who resides some six miles south
of this city, and who was taken
to Omaha last week to rcceie
treatment for his right loot,
which was apparently in a numb
condition, is still ery bad. and
there is not a great deal of hope
entertained for his recovery, lie
was taken lo St. ('.at heri n h""-'
pital and an examination made of
the foot and the sui-''"iis dis
covered I li a t blood poison had set
in on the members and an opera
tion was performed and the lit
tle toe of the right foot removed.
This failed to check the spread
of the poison through his sys
tem and as he was quite weak
from the e (Tec Is i.f Hie fust
operation it was decided not to
attempt another operation, as he
could md stand it. His daugh
ter, Mrs. August Bach. oT this
eily, and the other members of
his family have been at his bed
side constantly, hoping that a
change for the belter might lake
place, but his case seems almost
ITrom Wednesday's Dally.
A mailer transpired today that
is tilled with Ihe promise of much
good for the city, and that is the
purchase of the C.hopie Casoline
l'ngine factory by Messrs. II. M.
Soennichsen and Adolph (Jeise,
who hid the concern in at the
sale to satisfy tin- creditors of
the concern. Both Mr. Soen
nichsen and Mr. (ieise are good,
level-headed business men and
it is understood that they will
place the factory in Ihe hands of
Mr. Lee I'.. Sharp of Omaha, who
will operate it as a foundry and
machine shop, and if this proves
hue it is certainly a matter oer
which the people of Ihe city can
feel well pleased, as Mr. Sharp
will make the plant a belief
proposition than it ever was un
der Ihe Cinque management, and
he will employ several men here
lo operate it for him. The fac
tory is well situated and has an
excellent building, and if it bad
ever had Ihe proper men in
charge would have been made a
good paying proposition, and Ihe
new owners will be pulling the
right man in if Ihev are aide lo
secure Mr. Sharp lo place a part
of his extensive machine works
here. Mr. Sharp several limes
has figured on faking' over Ihe
plant. but satisfactory terms
could not be made, hut if the new
ow ners succeed in interest iiig
him in il Ihctv is no doubt lhat
it will be a mighty good thing for
all parties and Ihe city in gen
eral. The Cdiopie factory was
established here ; number of
years ago and the building was
erected by subscriptions to stock
for that purpose, bill il m'er
proved a success, owing to Ihe
poor methods used in running
the business, hut the change in
owners makes the mailer I
mighty good to ceryone.
IV!. Tritsch, refracting optician,
at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and
Saturday evenings. Examination
We Are Thankful
not boastful, for the increased business that
has come to us during the past year. We are
thankful we live in a LIVE town among LIVE
people who appreciate a LIVE store. It shall
wescott's sons
Local Fews
From Wednesday's Uaiiy.
Mis. O. YV. Kliodeu departed
for I'.olei idge. .i b., thi- morning,
where she will make a two weeds'
i-it with her sister.
A. W. Smith ep;utid Ihi
morning on No. I for llne i -on
and Iowa, where he will
isit for a few Weeks with lel.t
lies and friends.
Mi . and Mrs. w. I . I'.-I.t
came mi from Inion la-t eenin
for a short i-it with their
daughter. .Mi-s .Mary, returning
today on the noon train.
Mrs. J, dm llir ami Mr.-. Will
Hiiv. were pa--eng-rs this morn
ing for Omaha, where lfic to
speed the day with Mrs. I'.harle
Sto. hr at Iinnianuel hospital.
It. M. Shlae-, manager of the
Parmele theater, was a pa--eng-
er thi morning for lie- me
tropolis, v.h'ie he P'olM-d alter
some busine-s mallei s for a
short time.
V. F. Oil!e-pie of Mynard and
A. S. Will were passengers !hi
mornii'g for Omaha, where they
attended to some mailers of bu-i-ness
on the -lock market for a
few hour.
Charles Ora--ina;i and fanolv
of Alliance. Neb., cane- in la-t
eveinng on N. "J and will i-it
lore er Thaiik-gi ing at the
borne of Mrs. Orassman's par
ents. Mr. and Mis. H. T. Ballo,,.
Mrs. Charles Hipp of Lyon-.
Neb., who has been here f"f
aboul a week iiling al the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mr-. A.
Dill, returned lo her home this
morning on the early Burlington
I rain.
Oaleu Ithodi'ii and wife and
Mrs. Oeorge llhoden were pas
sengers this morning' for Omaha,
where they will visit for the day
and look afler some mailers nf
business. Mr. llhoden having- a
car of cattle on the slock market
at South Omaha.
Mrs. Finma Thimgau and
daughter, of Hocky Ford. Colo
rado, came in Ibis morning' on
No. (" and will jsjt with Oeorge
Schoeniau and wife.
Mr -
Thimgau is a daughter of Mr.
Schoeinan and her is here has
been joy fully anticipated fr
some time.
it. "i
''"'it A pi'! ! 'M
., V: !ii
V -Mj, 'I''. r
m. !i.
-IXTHHS j'sV".' -i
ts-nvmi n sai n "" 'N
II. II. Chile. -tf. II
W. F. M.-Cariol! .
M. I : . M-
if the ei
of I i! ion
y e-l efd l
day lore
hil-oe .
n"toed t' lln-
iH.iiuii' and -p.-:
attending" I" i.n"
matter- and i
t it,-
t ! .! t
-it :: -...
ed .!
.. ,.f
f r
tle-ir t oijt lx fi
here Mi. Chie-oft r,i:
this ..Die.
for Ihe pli'p "
the P!.l!t-!0..1'!ll
mil -ar.
id t.. hi-
Saved His Foot.
II. D. l.iy. .r
feleii from llol l llile I.!'
foot f.r four yea:-.
h: a.l-
is. .fampula! i ;i, b:l lo i
and relud ant ! I r s . I Hue'
Arnica Siie as a last ic.rt
fu-. 1
. II-
Iheu wrote; "I u-.-d vir -alv
and my fot was ... ;t i ..-i ( . ! rv
cured." B- -I reme.! for b i-u-.
Clits. l.--i;ie- and C.'!ii.t. t't'i a
b.. I. .day. Only All !:.-'-
ii-t-i . 1 mad. II. '.. B .!! n
& C-.. Philadelphia - SI. l.ou.s.
llo.. t i,.
e e 1 1 ; g f . r
wlole he -o,
g i m ; g with
:.-mi .:
I i i i- i
- t.. -!
d ?-!
I .,.
Ml. :..--
in iii'
: d -e -
city. Mr. i 1 . so 1 1 wiii -;
eral ilny s in hi- old h m
U id f"ik-.
W .ill
AH pari i.-s k: o. j:
to .e ll'.pl.ied to tile
P. Monroe, deceased.
w ii 1
f I
call and -el I ! at once.
N. K. iv.qd-. Ad-.
I I - . -tu
Declare Var on Co!ds.
A cru-a-Ie of edma i ;o;i v.h.'i
ai e.s "that -oiiin;on i ... n
i.eeume u n i' n 1 1 1 n n wilhni I '
next general ion" ha- been .. : '
by proiai;ie:t New V-'iV ph
i ins. Here ji a li-! - f t '
don't-" whi.h the doctors ,
wdl preeut the annual i-:! i!i'
oft he fold :
"Don't sit in a ?r.u!ifv ci .'
Dot sleep ill led r. ."
D nt noid the fi . -h ..,r."
"DoiTi lu; oiiis.f a' i
time. i er--.ll ilig1 fed :
To which we would a I I
- wh
, jyoii lake a cold
rid ..f if
'quickly a- pos.dne. n a.-.-o-I
li-h that y.-ii wid lit d Ch o i
l iin's Cr.gli mo-l e.
(l-nt. Sold by all i.-a!.'r-.
26th and some men
are still without new
Overcoats; despite the late
ness of the date, we're till
splendidly ready for them.
If they want to dis
patch this unfinished i ill
ness" quickly we advise cm
ing direct to ours tore at once.
They'll find more overcoats
more styles, more pattern.-.
more colors and greater val
ues than any other store in
town $12.50, $15. flO.f.'J.
$18, $20, $25, $o0.
fez 3hteic&
Stetson IIj?