3 tirtoutb VOL. XXXII. PLATTSWOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 NO. S3. plate CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REG M5ESSI0N There Was Not Much Doing and the Meeting Adjourned at an Early Hour. From Tuesday's Dar.y. There was peace am! quid hovering- in large-sied chunks t the I ii --1 x II f Hit' city coun cil last e i ing ami Ihe session of tin city legislator over i i i side of an lii m r after the gavel if .Mayor Saltier railed the incci. inir !o order. All of the member Well- nil llUllcl wllt'il the lllfeling opened ami ready In lake pari in anything lliat might conic up. luil fortunately Itn'iv was nothing- of any serious consequence In be acted upnn. with llif exception of tin' automobile ? ! ordinance, which during- the pa few months lias born passed over fi-nin nm meeting- In aiiitllicr, hut la-l night I lie measure, amended tn suil the counrilmen, was placed mi its lir-l reading and il sounded sn good n . CiMlin'il- meti thai, tin motion if Itichey. il was placed mi its second ami fluid readings and passed with out a dissent inir vole, w hich is some reenrd for an ordinanre. There was a pelilj.m presented lt the council from Wayne Iick snn and six nlher properly own ers nn North Sixth street asking lierniissinn f..r llie construction of a private -ewer from their dif ferent residences tn ennnecj with the main sewer liy way nf Ihe 'Seventh street extension. The si reefs, alleys ami bridges committee reported that Ihe street in the west pail of the city near Ihe Tiilcrc resilience had been opened up for I ravel. It hi ii r j 1 ma ii ihillery slated that he was of tlie opinion thai, the city could save itself money ly mak'iig a headquart trs for the police in the brick building in the rear of the city hall. a well as part il ioiiinir otr a part of this as a place where 'hums" could he stored on col.l winter nights, in stead t.r at the -hum shanty" where the police were unable to keep their eve- mi them, and if they were kept al this place there would he no I rouble in locking the men up -o lh;it they would not he pet t inir out whenever they wanted lo. Councilman Ha.jeck had imuirei int.. the matter and found upon investigation that it cost about sn pi-r month to maintain the present 'bum shanty", and thai if the brick building in the rear of the cily hall or the basement of the cily hall was fixed up it would make a much belter place and save Ihe city money. a well as enable the police to keep their e e oil the men who were put in for Ihe night. The mayor was of the opinion that the basement of the city hall would make Ihe best place for- a loom f this kind, as il could be fixed up without much expense acd save I lie city money. The matter was finally referred to the pojiee Committee o in vestigate and report at the next meet in:.' as to the cost nf making the changes necessary to place the basement in the proper --nape for the use of the police. Councilman Tushinsky called the at tent imutif the city council Jo the fact thai the city sprinkler was allowed to stand outside ex posed to all kinds of weather and he thought that a shed or suita ble place should be fixed up to care for this vehicle, which the cily recently purchased, that it should not bo allowed to suffer from being- exposed to the elem ents. Councilman Johnson was Hot in favor of putting up any more buildings around the city hall. but thought that one of the shels already up could b" fixed up to take care of the sprinkler. There was quite an amount of small repairs ordered on Ihe streets in different parts of the city before Ihe bad weather set in for the winter. Councilman But tery called the attention of the (Continued on Page C) To Visit Aged Mother. From Tuesday jjaiir- This evening- Attorney J). ). Invycr will depart on No. 2 for a trip back lo Michigan to spend Thanksgiving with his aped mother. Mrs. Mary Iivvyer. who res-ides ill l.eliaWee county, in that stale, wilh another son. The mnl her of Mr. iKvycr has reached the ripe old ape of Si. and the visit of her Mm will doubtless make the Thanksg i inp seasnii even more enjoyable than usual ami cheer her mother's heart. Mr. Jnvyer expects Jo return to IMalf snioulh by Sunday eveninp. as his legal business demands his at tent ion. MARRIAGE LICENCE BUS INESS BEGINS TO PICK UP From Tuesday' Daily. The approach of the holidays ha brought on a correspondirip increase in the number of younir people who are In join their lives and hearts in (he bonds of wed lock, ami yesterday County Judge Iet'snn issued permits n wed to Frank Mbder. jr.. aped I'd. of Cullom. ami Miss Esther lleiinke, aped of Murdock. These two young people are well known Ihrouphnul this section of the county ami their many friends will be delighted lo learn that I hey have decided to take the journey down Ihe pathway of lift as one in the future. They will be married Tliankspivinp day. Reuben droonner of Michigan and Miss Ethel Wiles of near YVet-pinp Water were also prant ed the consent necessary to make their happiness complete. They will be married at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Wiles, near Weeping Water, ami to the charminp bride and her worthy husband the best wishes of a host of friends will be extended. NEW SON ARRIVES AT HOME OF FLOYD BULL From Tuesday's Dally. A telegram was received this morninp by Dr. C. A. Marshall announcing- lhat the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Eloy.l JJull. at Lodi. California, had been visited by the stork yesterday morninp and lhat they were the parents of a line new ten-pound boy baby. The voiinir man will receive the title of Marshall Hankiu Hull, ami it is the. sincere wish of the many friends of Mrs. Dull, who was for merly Miss (lladys Marshall, lhat tin little son may live In be a joy ami comfort tn his. parents in the vears to come. '(Irandpa" Mar shall is feelinp very much elated over the new arrival in the farn- ilv. while Mrs. Marshall was al ihe Dull home in time to welcome Ihe new prandson. ALBERT ALFORD STILL IN A BAD SHAPE Albert Airord was injured last Friday even inir, the presumption bi-inir that a cow kicked him, ami so far has not recovered his faculties enoliph to tell just how i' happened, lie hail pone to the barn to milk ami was fount! later lyinp on the cement floor with a contused spot just above his ear ami the blood runninp out of his" ear. lie rouses up partially at limes and then sinks back into a stale of unconsciousness. The doctors say there is probably a blond clot on his brain, ami the outcome is hart! to determine, fle pendinp entirely on whether nature can absorb it or not. In the meantime his condition is cril ieal. Nehaw ka News. Notice to Hunters. For some time past hunters, and especially their dops, have been annoy inp my cattle to a preat extent, and I am compelled to notify all hunters that they musl keep off hiy premises in the future. Ralph Haynie. Bet results are secured by ad vertising in th Journal. RECEIVES THEIR DUES III THE POLICE COURT Two Men Arraigned on Charge of Beink Drunk and They Receive Sentence. Yesterday afternoon the court of Jmlpe Archer was tilled with the usual .Monday collection of parlies sutl'eriiip front the ellecls of their Sal unlay celebrations, and they were handled in the usual able manner which the jmlpe pives to this kind of cases. Joseph Adamson was the !irt of the quarry secured by the police tn be hrmjpht in fH' 'rial, and he entered a plea of puilly to the allepations made apainst him as to Ihe fact of his beinp found in a state of intoxication, and the jmlpe administered a tine of 2 and costs upon him. but as Joe was not possessed of enmiph of the filthy lucre to liquidate ibis amount the court decided to pive him an opportunity to leave the city, which he promised faithfully to tin. ami did not waste any lime in pet I inp out of I he city. The next of the parties to be arraipned was .James Finney, who acknow ledpetl that he had per haps overestimated his capacity for alcoholic stimulants ami had been palhered in by the trusty puardians of the public peace to answer to the charpe before his honor, the judirc. James received the same tine thai had been piven to the prccedinir visitor, that of S2 and costs, but was more for tunately situated and was able to pay the amount and was allowed to po his way a free' man, with a lecture from the jmlpe on the danpers that lurk for the unwary in this habit. The jmlse adopts a wise policy in letlinp these undesirable characters "beat it" out of the cily. as they would only be an added expense to the taxpayers if they were to be kept in jail, and as their offense is slipht it would be of no benefit lo hold them here for a few days or a week. EUGENE MAURER TAKEN DOWN WITH TYPHOID FEVER From Tuesday's Ially. The many friends of F.upene Maner w ill be preat ly prieved to learn that I his younp man is suf ferinp from an attack of typhoid fever ami is in quite a critical condition at the home of his mother in (llenwod, where he was taken on Sunday, lie bepan to feel quite badly on last Thurs day ami la ill off from his duties in the Durlinplon shops, tliinkinp it only a sliphf indisposition, bul he prew worse ami decided to po to his mother at Dlenwood. and there was taken down with the aftliction and is now in quite bad shape, his temperature reaching 110. Colonel J. H. Thrasher Sick. 'Ihe friends of Colonel J. II. Thrasher will learn with repret that the penial colonel is con lined to his bed with an attack of stomach trouble. lie was com pelled to return lo his home yes terday morninp feelinp quite badly, ami this morninp was un able to be up and around. It is hoped that in a few days he will be able to resume his active business duties. "Generally debilitated for years. Had sick headache, lack ed ambition, was worn out and all run down. Durdock Dlood Ditters made me a well woman." Mrs. Chas. Freitoy, Moosup. Conn. Spot Cash Special this week, Drake's German Cough Remedy, 35c size, 21c. Gering & Co. 'Phone 36. Wedding stationery at the Journal office. Entertainers Very Fine. From Tuesday's: Daily. The Herald Square Entertain ers last evenjnp pave a very pleasinp- entertainment at the I'armele J heater and Ihe work of Ihe younp men composinp the company was most excellent and they are a cb'er and talented or painalion and Jlheir musical entertainment waf worthy of a packed house, asjlheir otVerini:s of both vocal and instrumental music was as poo.J as has ever been piven in this city. I ELKS GETTING ALONG FINE ON NEW BUILDING The work on Ihe new Elks' club house is beinp pushed alonp rapidly and the brick masons are now enpaped in the work of put linp in the new brick foundation that will support the buiblinp. ami efforts will be made to hae the rest nf the buiblinp ready for the workmen. There will be a ureal deal of remodHjnp neces sary to place the structure in the proper shape for the use of the Elks and there will not be enouph left of the old huildinp to tell about when the work is taken up. as il will be in a few weeks, and the completion of the buiblinp will pive the Elks a club house they can well feel proud of ami one of the most Comfortable pos sessed bv any odpe in the slate. THREE IN FROM LOUISVILLE HERE 111 TROUBLE From Tuesday's Daily East eveninp Sh'-rifT Qninlou and Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker returned from J.ouisville, where I hey wel e called Jo secure three men wanted for assault upon one Will Yosburp. who was eniploed with the men on some work near Luoisville for the Murphy con tract inp company. The men Fred Cleveland. Hoy Hay ami Hoy Eamb were arraipned on a com plaint charpinp them with as sault., and were piven a line and are now nepotiatinp- for the funds lo release them from the county bastile, ami in the event that they cannot secure the amount, they will receive a stiff jail sentence that will leach them a lesson. The case js one filled with quite a number of very loathsome de tails, and with the fines I he men are petlinp off pretty easy. Eamb. who is a black lamb, was in the cily several months apo. beinp employed on some pradinp work. THANKSGIVING WEDDINGS REPORTED QUITE NUMEROUS From Wednesday's Daily. The Tliankspivinp day wed ilinps in this county will be quite numerous, judpinp from the marriape licenses turned out by Judpe Deeson yesterday after noun and today. Howard C. Drown of Sioux Cily, Iowa, and Miss Maude A. Covert, of this county were pranled a license yesterday afternoon for their weddinp tomorrow, as was also Hay J. Kissinper of (Jlenville. Nebraska, and Miss Dertha M. Dornerneier, of Murdock. this county, who will be married to morrow at the home of the bride's parents, near Murdock. Another couple to secure the necessary permit to wed was Earl C. Damn of Havelock and Miss Edith M. Anderson of Louisville, who will also celebrate Tlianks pivinp by beinp: united in wed lock. Mrs. West Very Low. From XVednesflay's Daily. This afternoon Mrs. Carl West, who is at the hospital in Omaha, was reported as beinp in a most serious condition and there was liltle hope held out lo the family that she could recover. Wall Paper. Gering & Co., the Spot Cash Family Druggists. 'Phone 36. G. A. R. ENJOY A DELIGHTFUL GAMP FIRE Address by the Department Com mander and an Elegant Musical Program. Fif-m W1nesiliy's Iiaily. Last eeninp the members of McCoiiihie post, ;. A. H.. and the Woman's Helief Eorps held a most tleliphtful camptife at the Modern Woodman buiblinp. and one of the most pleasant eents of the year was enjoyed by the members of these organizations and their families. A ery pleasjnp musical pro pram hail been arranped by the committee in charpe and the oc casion was one Ioiip to be re membered by all fortunate enouph to be in attendance. Vocal numbers were piven mi the propram by Miss Mathibb Nai lery and W. i. Drooks. two of our most talented musicians, ami their offerings to Ihe program were I lioroiip li ly enjoyed, as the excellence of their numbers were up to the usual hiph standard that characterizes their work, anil il is unnecessary to say more of their splendid Voices. One ery pleasinp feature of the oc casion was the violin trio b Masters John Eppeitberper. Hub ert Kroehler ami Miles Alluian. Jnd these younp penllemen dis played a re at talent in their rendi tion of their number, which was loudly encored by the deliphled auditors. The address deliwred by Hev. F. M. Drnliner of Die Methodist church was aUo much enjoyed and pave the members of the Oram! Army and Helief Corps an opportunity to bear this gentleman, who is one of the most pleasinp orators m the cily. and his talks are always full of deep thought and show the careful study piven to his sub jects. Mrs. William Daird and Miss Ellen Windham gave two very pb-a-inp readings in their usi.al finished manner that has charmed so many Plat I sinout h audiences in the past, and it was certainly a treat to bae these ladies on the program, and their selections were Well chosen ami delivered in a manner that won the deepest appreciation of everyone present. The instru mental number given by Mrs. .. O. Eggenberger proved to be a fine addition to the slronp pro gram arranged, and this talented lady won everyone by her de lightful selection on the piano. The chief address of the even ing" was delivered by John A. Dempster of Omaha, department commander of the ;. A. H. for Nebraska, who gave a talk on the work of the Orand Army, and hi talk was thoroughly appreciated by the members present at the meetinp last evening-, and it was with great repret that they were not allowed to hear more from this polished orator. After the enjovnient of the program the puest were invited lo Ihe diniup room, where the holies hail prepared a most de licious luncheon, which, added to the excellent propram prepared, made the event one of the most pleasant in the history of the Host ami Corp, and everyone de parted hoping that they might in the future have the opportunity of enjoying many more such af fairs. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, the best in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmoux, Platlsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. For Sale. 2 So acre farm, well improved. Two and a half miles from Alvn. Nebraska. Easy terms. DJ0 per acre. J. P. Rouin. Presents Dog to Friend. The follow inp item will I f illleret to the friends here of IIiiii Clark. I lie eii im-nt Dir.! linplon attorney. former of Ibis citv. tmt now in Omaha: "It. You i ie, .-ived a fine I llol-olll: hbled bird d-'ii from Hon. Dyrou I'.Iaik Ti.e...i afternoon. The dog i -aid l be the tillest chicken ilo- eve! raised in northwest Nebraska. He ha- taken to Franeila- like a duck to water, though -uipn-e.i at tile Wondelflll development of the country." Fr.im la- Dee. WOODMAN CIRCLE ENJOY 1 MOST PLEASANT GATHERING From WVil n-s Ja v' Iai!v. line of the nio-t pb-a-ant social event- given b anv of the fraternal societies of the city wa the dance i:iveii la-t evening at the A. O. !'. W. ball bv llo W'ooilmaii Diri'ie. an. I the large Cfowtl of Voting people. a well a - tl i.ler oil.--. enjoved I belli- selves o the nil t until I II- midnight hour. I'.-ec.-dni- I b - -tailing of the . I. nice ;, ,-,ll w. , ;.. tl... I. ..i-.. i....... I., it... pl' " I'l e - degree team of the lodge, olll- po-ed of -ole eighteen ladle-. and under the leader-tup ..f lln'ir captain. Mr-. M. E. .Man-peaker. executed some Vet' tine drill-. The degree team W o e attractive uniforms of while with belts and collars of Inxauder and pale gl'een. the colors nf I lie older. and thejr appearance wa- one most pleasjng to the . its t fie j f. .1 . r-c. .i, ' ,(. in. g . i:. - w. executed I tie dltTeienl 1 1 1 V e . , j- e. I . The ' a f . i e w a . . i i !. 1 tlieilt- of the drill. The da in V ei a' t l-l f. v.-ll-w a . I hall on the mam llooi ImhI a 1 j g ' m . tto n-i e...-ie i been d rated III the color- ofj!.'---e .a-k-l of e'.-'-.i I- lavaptier and pale gru-n. -I ream-i I h'in n m -. and tfo- we. hi f.nr eS of tlie-e l-ojofs belllg lllape.Jj thtoiigh the hall, and u made a very suitable -cftiig Tor the plea-ant tlance. winch was n joved to the ntiiio-t b all pres ent. Th nui-ic for the tlance was furm-hed b I-rank .l.-md.i and .Miss peart Mumm and wa X't'lleiil and much njoe,t by all present. SURPRISE PARTY AT G. A. KAFFENBERGER HOME MONDAY NIGHT There was a erv nlea-ant -or- prise part tjxen at the .;. .. j .ih..t..a. d n Do- . - rr - KatTenberger h.-me M.-ndav even-Jed v-M (,.. u ; t,.. n. h ing. whe,, numi.er of th- -,-J i. h-r m her v e.i.l-.t I rt..- l-.t in; ales and friends ,.f Mi-- id.it called and gave tier a reminder of the f.u t that .1 wa- her birth day anniversary. Tlie young lad had not received the -lightest in timation of the proposed Vl-ll of her friend- ami wa- mil of r when they catted. ami her nr prise ran be imagined a- li" stepped into tlie parlors lo hud them tilled w ith a gal tiering of her friends. The evening: passed va ry quickly in th- play ins of various games among the y..ung people, and at an appropriate hour the party were iieaie.j to some very 1 -1 : t u - refreshment- that bad been brought along by the ladie- of lh invad ing parly, and the evening-, or rather early morning'. wa brought to a cb.se 1 dancing Mi" Virginia reel. Parents of a Fine New Son. The home of Mr. and Mis. Ed ward Mauier. in the s,.t;th part of the city, wa- gladdened Sun day by the aniv il of a line bright-eye. baby !'. and I h little one and the mother are get ting" ahuiir in fine shape and it i t bought the father will recover from the effect- of Ihe jo over the new addition to I lie fa'iiil. This i the fir-l -hi!d in the Manrer home and ron-equnt I there is nothing; to- 2fio.1 for the little man. For Sale. One ir-horse I.swsnr, gj cii sin rpftrtahl . Very cheap. XX'rite or inquire W. II. ftu-ti. Mur.lock. Neb. II-IT-iwk-w CUPID VISITS THE ALLISOII HOME Home of Mrs. Mary Allison the Scene of Wedding of Her Daughter to J. W. Pierson. chai n i! - h'-it " !- liii-; occurred !a-f eve-i, .tr i ?. i.ea I i r t . I I. . , . ..f M; - . Mar !lis..n. when her- ,!.n,kl.r. M,-- E it !'i-"M. W a I illte.) i 'It lllke (.. V r. .J .fn ?!. I' e'-.,. . .J Fne!'. .Nej.i a-a. The t .?,.(,.-. . which W :i - ;i!lei.d . f,:' M eia!ie. .11:. I .i 1 . I r'.l i'l - firei'.!-. was ..-r ! .r m.-d I !! . -f W. II I r es .,f I ! . i !.. beaiillfl ! I'l e-.v!et . ! . 1 -r e- ice. The J. ride. W ho Was I,' .lM-!, i- ed. W .1 s . iifij il a ! : .. I - - j !!ae,l!.- Co-,. , :.:- LI e j I ' -a !' i ! il. W e., r I n.- :i .e:i;'tr. : l"'f fiat 4 -talk ! -. a I j ,, w v b'-l ... e,-. nnc-. v In . rt..- ; u .. - , t ir-. i.i I he .i.-tomar .l.c, ' r . - . t The '.' t ' s of III.- !ii-.. I V.-Ie ;( V I ' ! .1 .." ( .W ' of I1 I.e.lMr. Die cl.;i e ..f - io ai.d g ' : i .e, . i-.itri--.i . in !av:!i ..-c.ia! - ..f ' c Ii f -a : ! !i-1 ' 1 1 . i a- ! ;r--:. -'.llaX. I o!:..i't' Id.- i -.-re; ,. .-. li wedding ;..!! rep. i, .-.s I., l!,.- I : I' i i g r. 'i i . u I..-: : .'' . - e jo e.J I e .1'- I , g ti : r , ! t, With the lieI e..'e. I I j . IP - til '. : iT.. V hell t !, .!...! I e ! ',. r lla-..'i t'.t'., .. i. where !ti.--. n 1 l-l! over Th a ! k - - "v ; g n ; I. -i-!er of Mr. 'i."...v. re. turning, v Il !.. a! li-. ,,- ? tli'.r friend- at I l.eci a':.-" J.r i - tr.tti. Tlie 1.' l.je - We'd ..:: ; t h ; ! . g In i : ' !lie !i. !i.i ii - i I Il Ml e of !e 1 1 i . ' V ape ! 1 1 1- Ill I ' ' f the I e ;e tl I . f . : . e . I the ,. I i. (!,.. c .i: ,!. '.I - ,' ! 1 .1 ! I V e l.i-s '.,! g : ' ' . ! I . -H'g been bo' i, ii'i.t I erf-.- i P: ti,.- ---( i ' t "f the io no, a .; ! a I - T t t i ' i . e ,u was p' , t i llie i ni..ii p' !!' ?!...;. M i - -X ! i i..ii w a a.-. f. .f a tn !.e- .! t ear e..g.,ge., ,;. - ..' n u '"'' !'-' - for a be- a i'. i i j j r . rr ! : li fe The g"''..!!! - a!-., n - l k- t III I. tig h'.pf ! tie ill". e;: ' - g.lged PI the ..-. kl !g t-'l-P-' s -I' I nt"ii. vvle-re tie tia . r.'.i !!. w , U the --p! .. 'f a few Ii .;,-. for .p; e a nu.i br of e i H r.'I.M,.!- .e .e:,gtp'.l to V pr of h; I iP'g seci.r.- t - i. !t c f a I 'I : I t: g fe!pitiae. if 1 ' - !)ie iiii:. ..il wish Ilia. Ilii- f ..'li wa !lir..i:uli life r-.a b ! ! with i ! O , I - It . le .1 ; d i: pi" ST. MARTS GUILD ENTERTAINED AT THE HOME OF MRS. R. A. EATES Ki..m W . i P f -a r Tlie la. Ite. ,.f i. M.i-X"s Were n : e ,t H'. t Veter.! n 1 III .1 VeT .je I !, ! f i : I llt. n-r at 'be h- ne r.f M-- i'.aies a l. ..f-.l er p'. If-nr- Were spe;;t pi I tie f of article- f..;- llie i.h-, st..p. w h t-h wi!! be opera: the I.i;' , l! ttie !',! Vv (,'. p.. x. " 4 . I. -X ' . ee. . oil !: V er-af tlie ina!!t g' of I fie , -;,tv p of I ert'e .. se-Ve.t to f ten nio-t f.'eas.inllv i: s I d lie t "1 a f.p ! -pr i a t b..t:r. when t damt stud lmpiipsr l! r-rAi li:;irli''it J rd I "v t.'. r": pJTI. .Hid this rf.Ute.l g e 4 I - the p!ea-ur f lli Ar'rr i-i, D