The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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111 1 'a ' !"i r-
V:! H
iirtrtti Srnnn) ,1 l:
v - - -
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Streight
Were Married Fifty Years
Ago Today.
Today mark- Ihe ur,UWn v-"'-:
ding anniv er-ar of two nf i.ur,
moi i.igmy es ..icj .in "I,,,,.,,, i,.riviIlu i hl . hands of
I 1 1 . II ... I "
I.-....-...-, mi. .ni.i .wis. u.u.v -.,,,., im NV. .1. Streight. For
Mreiglil, who lillv year- ;ixi t.
day wen- uuileil in Hie holy bonds
of Wedlock lv lte. iae of the
Melhoiii-I iliiiitti. :il vt:at a
ttien ra!le, Mt. IM.M-anl iown.
-iluateil near- 1umi' .Neliawk.i
mw slamls. 't'lie yoim' pei.pie
Were then re-i.ent- .f i'lait--iiioutli,
where tlie Slr.'iuiit fam
ily hail move.t in April of thai
year from Inva. where II;. y enii
i:rateil to liiiii their iM lioine in
lillOUe J-I.IIIU ill I-"!..!'!.
.... , - , ... . i
I lie t.n. e n! h v !-;i!- a'-" I
Mi-s I'.liatieth '.. W'eli.-. a- horn
in Ohio ami i-ame wv-i v. iili lie:
family, lor.-itinx fi;iall in l'!al!--Ilioiittl.
wiiele -In- met Mr.
Stieiulil. wlio win. ill ami umi her
for Ii is w i f'
Mr. SI reiiihl wa- honi at j
Xalirk. Iihoile l-laml. some -i en-ty-four
ears ao. ami iutuiii
panie.l ii paieiil- lu re to the
we-t in the pioneer ilays. anil
sinee ISi'i.'J ha- heen allllo-t eon-tinuou-ly
a ie-ii.-nl of this eity.
an. I I he happy marrieil life of
the-e two Lliaiiil ohl people has
heen :i moih-1 to all who h ie hail
tlie pleasure of kiiowmir lit. -in.
and they have heen he,i in (he
tiihe-t e-leeni ami alleflion hy
- -'-ur rli" -j if nn wiiUnn ii n n i - -
AX November
23rd and some men
are still without new
Overcoats; despite the late
ness of the latef we're still
splendidly ready for them.
If they want to dis
patch this unfinished "husi
ness" quickly we advise com
injdirect to ours tore at once.
They'll find more overcoats,
more styles, more patterns,
more colors and greater val
ues than any other store in
town $12.50, $1.1, SIG.SO,
$18, $20, $2f, $80.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
r ! - one in 1 1 1 city during 1 1 1 i i
lut-' residence here.
Alter the marriage Mr. ami
Mrs. Slreiuht coitt iiui'i In make
their tn ! i here, where the hus
band w.i- euga-'ed in various
H I - I II ' - .-
ImT'i. when they removed In
Smith l!i-ail. .eb., residing there
inilil ISS7. when 1 1 1 nioedbark
lo Plal t.-nioulh. ami in IKS!) Mr.
Stieight i i'cmn t il tin- appoint
ment as post mast '! from presi
dent !i:'.t rion. holding 1 1 1 i oflice
unlit 1 .-?'.'. when In- retired to eii-u.u-e
in llic l'urnil iiii- business
i for a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of c:irs unlit his
heall I. ,an to fail, when In- re
tiled from the active in,'iii;ii;i'-
pa-t two or three years Mr.
Slrei-hl ha- heen piie feelilo.
ami in his -iikne-s has had the
h:im:" attention of his lielpmale
in i-.ii inir for him.
three ttiil.lren are liiiiir of
I he i.iarriaue of Mr. and Mrs.
Slrei-hl. a- follow-; William .1.
!i-ei-ht of IMal I -nior.t h. I'.ilwaiil
Slrei-iii of I '. .'I la nd. oreiroii, ami
Mr. Aiihur .1. .lack-on of Uinii-
ha. ami ihe ceieh? a! ii n of l!iii
. r . I II-
i f p-t h we.tiiin'-r
i ! 1 1 1 i ei'sary of
their parents will he a most
pea-iirr occasion for Ihem.
To Mr. ami Mrs. Sli-.-itit the
.Journal takes pe:i-nre. in I-oni-;
any will) their many other
friends, in tiu-tin that I hey may
live to enjoy many more an-niver-arie-
of the happiest ee:it
of llieil- ties.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho T -fa s j'
Press and Public Praise "Mc
carty's Mishaps" Very Highly
for Musical Comedy.
n this season of musical
farcial succo.-scs none, acronlintf
to advance reports, lias made (In
solid, -uh-lanlial success thai
has fallen to "Mctarly's Mis
haps." This musical farce ran
for one year in New York. Mc-
r.arty's Mishaps" lias hut one
piirpo-e to incite laulilrr. It,
is a hrihl. snappy show witli a
wealth of fun ami a host o
pi'etly irls ami has made a hi;r
hit wherever il ha appeared
The scenery ami cost nines an
hriiiht ami fresh, as are alt of the
productions that come under the
management of the Aloiison
Amusement company. The piece
is full of catchy musical uumhers
in which the whole company par
ticipates, which is sure to he a
hiir hit. At the Parmele theater
Thursday, Noxeinher -7.
What a plea-anl Ihiiijr to have
said to you! Ami why shouldn't
it !.' Vmi who envy others their
lovely hair, and are ashamed of
the dull, lihdos. stiinuy appear
ance of your own use Harmony
Hair Meant ilicr, and let others
eny you.
This delightful liuid seems to
poli-li ami hrihlen the hair, ii'w
in il that burnished, lustrous
look you have so often wished it
miht have, adding to its .soil
ness, making it easier to put up
and "slay put" making it more
altraclie ami beautiful in every
way. It itverroiiies tlie unpleas
ant, oily smell of your hair, leav
ing a dainty, rich rose perfume
that will delight you ami those
around you. Very easy to -apply
simply sprinkle a little on mir
hair each time before brushing.
Contains no oil; will not chaime
Ihe color or hair, nor darken
pray hair.
To kei'p hair and scalp dand-rufl'-rree
and dean, use Har
mony Shampoo. This pure liquid
shampoo pives an instantaneous
rich lather that immediately
penetrates to exery part of hair
ami scalp, insuriiif-r a quick, I bor
ough cleansing. Washed oil' Just
as quickly, Ihe entire operation
lakes only a few moments. Can't
harm the hair; leaves m. harsh
ness or stickiness just a sweel
Moth preparations come in odd-
shaped, very ornamental bottles.
with .sprinkler tops. Harmony
Hair Meautilier. si. 00. Harmony
Shampoo, roc. Moth guaranteed
to salisfy ytui in every way, or
your money back. Sold in this
community only at our store
The llexall Store one of the
more than 7.000 leading Jrng
stores of Ihe United Stales, Can
ada and (Jreat Mritain, which own
the Itiur Hairnony laboratories in
Mosloii, where Ihe many cele
brated Harmony I'erfumes and
Toilet Preparations are made.
F. ti. 1'ricke & Co., Union Mlock.
Plattsmoulh, Neb.
A very dastardly allempl was
made upon Ihe life of Clarence
Price last evening as he was
walking out. Washington avenue;
as he approached ine street, at
Seventh, be was met by someone,
who, without warning, so he
states, drew a large knife and
made a slash at him, which he at
tempted to dodge, with the result
that Ihe knife struck him just
above Ihe right ear, inflicting a
dangerous wound, and a slight
distance lower would have caused
his death. Who the party mak
ing the assult was the victim was
unable to say, as tho attack was
so sudden he had no time to look
around, but- whoever it was should
he punished to Ihe full extent, oT
the law, as it was a most vicious
attack and e bluntly made with a
view of ending his earthly exist
ence. The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
Local News
I. W. Foster came up this
morning from his home at Union
and snent. a few hours here
visiting with friends.
John Martin returned Ihi
morning to fileuwood, after an
over Sunday visit with his mother
ami friends in this city.
P. A. Horn, from west of My
nard, was in the city Saturday at
tending to some trailing with tin
merchants for a few hours.
County Surveyor Fred Patter
son was a passenger I his morn
ing for Union, where tie will do
some work in the surveying line.
.1. M. Jones and wife returned
Sunday afternoon from Creslon
Iowa, near where I hey had been
visiting for the pa-l leu days
with friends.
C. J. Meisinger and family were
in Ihe city Saturday for a few
hours visiting at the home of Mr.
Meisiimer's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Meisinger.
John Meisinger, jr., and family
were here Saturday lor a iew
hours attending to some trading
with the nierchanls and visiting
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Ceorge P. Meisinger, jr.. ami
family were Saturday visitors
here at the Jacob Meisinger home
for a few hours, coming in to
set how- the old folks were get
ting along.
Misses F.l-ie Clapen and her
cousin. .miss uouene iiapen, oi
Hiatlville, Wyoming, who spent a
few- days with friends at Auburn.
and Miss Villa Capen at Peru, re
turned home Saturday afternoon.
(I. L. Kraeger of Mynard was
a visitor in this city Saturday at
tending to important business
matters, and while here took lime
to call at this oilier and renew his
allegience tit the Old Keliahle.
Mrs. Louisa Metger of Merri-
. 1
man, .el., w no lias i n nere
visiling at the home of !. P. Heil
iml family ami other relatives
near Cedar Creek, .departed this
afternoon for her home.
Mrs. It. O. Fellows and daugh
ter, I. aura le. left Tuesday for
a month's visit with relatives
ami old friends in Illinois. They
will take in Chicago and slop at
Omaha ami Plattsmoulh on their
return. Melle Fouivh S. I .
W. S. Sopher ami wife of Ne
braska Cily inolorcd up early
yesterday morning from their
home and spent a few hours with
friends, and were accompanied
home by Mrs. T. II. Sherwood and
two children, who vi-ited there
until the late Missouri Pacific.
Mrs. Mamie Withe ami little
babe came in from Ilavelock yes
terday for a short visit with her
brother. Floyd Kuhney and wife,
departing this morning for Sheri
dan. Wyoming, where they will
make I heir home, Mr. Wiehe be
ing employed there by the Mur
linglon. From Frlihiv's Daily.
(Setuge M. Hild of near Mynard
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some trailing
wilh the merchants.
P. A. Hild ami falher, Adam
Ilihl. came in last evening from
near Mynard and attended the
show at the Parmele.
W. V.. Jenkins of Murray was
in the cily today for a few hours,
en roule lo Omaha, where he was
called on matters of business.
Mrs. Frank I.eipert was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where she was called lo look af
ter some matters of business for
a few hours.
Ray Hoyer andd wife depart e
this noon 'over the Missouri Pa
cilic for Horton, Kansas, where
they will make a short visit, with
Misses Jul if 1 1 and Catherine
Atwood of Lincoln arrived Ihis
morning from their home to at
tend the funeral of their grand
mother, Mrs. William At wood.
' William Slarkjohn, Oporge II.
Tarns ami Henry Kaufmann
formed an expedition that this
morning moved onto tlie me
tropolis, where they will visit for
the day and attend to business
I'Vom Sattirilav' Dally.
Adam Kaffenberger of Cedar
Creek came in this morning to
look after some trailing with Ihe
Oeorge P. Meisinger, one of
the substantial farmers of F.ight
How's This.?
We offer Ono Httmlreil Dollar Biwn! for any
raw. of Catarrh that oanuot be cureil hy Unlit
iatarrb Cutp.
K. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo. O.
We. the unilersleneil, have known F. J.
Chener for llV laM IS yearn, ami bellete hliu
Verfeetlr lionorubli- In all buslnea traiiRurtlo!
ami iliiam-lally able to carry out any olUKa!loL
luade lijr hln llrni.
Tubilo. Ohio.
Tlaira Catarrh Cure la takrn Internally, aetloi
illrwtly upou the blood and mueou eurfac- rt
te- Ttrtn. - Trutltiwoisl eut free. - lroe 71
relit per bottle. k.M by all lrutflt. q
Tak Uall'a lainlly nil couatlpatltav
Mile Croe precinct, was in the
city today looking after business
Mrs. It. W. Meeson of lied Oak,
Iowa, is in the eity for a short
visit at Ihe home of Mrs. Allen J.
Meeson and daughter, Miss Oerl-i-ude.
Oeorge Reynolds drove up this
morning from his home south of
Ihis cily and was a passenger on
tho early Murlington train for
South Omaha, where he will look
afler some business mailers.
Mil Hummcll came, in this aft
ernoon from his home near My
nard and was a passenger on Ihe
afternoon Murlington train for
Omaha, where he will secure
some repairs for his farm ma
Airs. J. W. Maguey of .e
hawka, who has been here for a
few days visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopp and
family, departed this morning for
Omaha, where she will meet Mr.
.Maguey and they will return to
their home.
Mr. ami Mrs. II. L. Wiles and
children, of the vicinity of Wa
bash, drove to the home of Ihe
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wiles, near this cily.
Thursday for a few days' visit.
returning home today. They
were pleasant callers at Itns
ofiice. ami while hero Mr. Wiles
had his subscription extended.
Miss Mary Troop, who has
been visiting' relatives and
friends in this city for the pasl
few days, returned to her home
at Lincoln veslenlay afternoon.
Me fore her departure she slop
ped at this ollice and ordered tlie
I'lat I smoti! h Journal sent to her
address in order that she miht
be kept posted on the happenings
in and around this vicinity.
Parents don't give that puny.
ailintr. under-wt'ighl child any of
those so-called "tonic-'' contain-1
ing alcohol or dangerous tlru
such stull won't give relief and
lealth to grown people, let alone
children. Its purpose is to
timulate for a short lime after
ich tlose. iu-l as whisky or
morphine does. Itius making you J
telieve it is doing real good
(live that child something that
will really build it up replenish
the wasted tissues feed the
Minted, dwarfed, puny muscles
make it lively, strong, well
full of the animal spirits cliil-
Iren are meant by nature to
lave. Oive il Hcxall Olive Oil
Itexall Olive Oil F.mulsion is
wholesome, nourishing-, free
from alcohol ami dangerous
lings. It's Ihe ideal nerve,
tlood ami hotly builder. It does
the work it is planned to do bel-
er than anv other medicine we
know of, and our faith in il is so
nival that we not only urge you
to use it and give it to your clnl-
Iren but we guarantee thai il
will tin all we say it will, or cosl
on nothing'.
llexall Olive Oil F.mulsion
houhl be given lo children who
aleh cold easily. Megin right
now, and use u lo mniii up ine
hibl's sysleni tit such strong
health that if can resist colds.
roup, grippe, bronchitis, rat ar
il, pneumonia, and other cold
leather diseases. You who are
ak and run-down, and you
who are well now, but are liable
sull'er from various cold
vat her ailments. use flexall
Olive Oil Emulsion to get and
ecp well and strong. For the
ired-oul. run-down. nervous.
emaciated or debilitated Ihe
convalescing growing children
aged people it is a sensible
lid to renewed strength, better
spirits, glowing health.
Rexall olive Oil F.mulsion
king of the celebrated llexall
Remedies is for freedom from
ickness of you and your family.
Pleasant-lasting, containing no
alcohol or dangerous drugs.
ni'll be as enthusiastic, about it
are when you have noted
as we
strengthening, invigorating.
building-up, disease-prevent ing
pfTects. If it does not help you.
your money will be given back to
on without, argument. Sold in
is community only at our store
The llexall Store one of more
than 7,000 leading drug stores in
the United States, Canada ami
eat Mritain. F. C. Fricke ..v.
., Union Mlock. Plattsmoulh,
John S. Hall and wife departed
i. i
is morning lor umaua to speiio
Ihe dav. Mr. Hall came in Sat-
i . r . Arlani Oi
in'n tr Tliimn and Aberdeen. s
III v m - . . . - I -
., in the iaterost Qf bis furnaces
arid will visit hore unlit atier
Thanks giving".
Havelock Foot Ball Team Didn't
Touch the Pfattsmouth Boys
in the Game.
In a wtdl plaed fool ball game
yesterday afternoon the Platts
moulh team kept its stale clean
by defeating the Ilavelock Moib-r-makers
by a -core of to u.
"Chick" Coffee was easily I tie
star of the contest, be-ies scoring-
1 points for the Moo-lers
ami making' great gain- for them
on the held, his Work o the
interference was superb. Time
ifler lime fie broke through tin
ipposing line and -pilled the
Ilavelock secondary defense,
Iherehv inakiutr il possible for M.
Allies and Ib-ndd to make sub
stantial gains. M. Artie- and
Keloid made good gains through
llie opposing line. trie folTliel
scoring one touchdown and tin
latter two. Noble idaved a stel
lar defensive game vesterday
making tackles that were seem
ingly impossible.
Ilavelock won the loss and
chose to defend the West goal
Coffee kicked oil" to the shopmen.
hill Itlev tumbled ttle ball, which
was recovered by Wart -I adt . The
firs! quarter was replete with
fumbles. the only substantial
gain hejng made in the final
moments on a forward pass.
Codec to M. An ies. Plattsmoulh
started the second quarter wilh
Ihe ball on Ihe Ilavelock ITi-yard
line, and on a series of line
plunges carried the hall to the
one yard lines, when Coffee car
ried it fiver for a touchdown and
kacked goal, making- the score at
the end of the tpiartei
to n in
favor of Plasl snioiit n. t.oilee
kicked oil' to Havelock. butt be
ball was soon recovered by Platts
moulh and t'.otlee imcdiatcly
scored a tlnm kick from the
tbirty-live-yard line, adding three
points to our score. On the kick
oil" to Havelock the Moilermaker
made tlie first down on a beauti
ful forward pass, but Platts
moulh held for downs and soon
had the ball on their ten-yard
line, when M. Arries skirted
around Ihe right end for a
touchdown. which made the
score stand H' to ami the visit
ors still held the big cipher.
In the la-t half Coffee made
some brilliant line plunges and
end runs llial made the two
touchdowns by llerohl possible,
anil assi-lfd in the humililatiou
of the visitors. Coffee fumbled
at both goal kicks, leaving the
final score standing 'JH to ,
which is a splendid victory, as
the Ilavelock boys have a fast
team and some good plays were
used in the game yesterday, in
cluding the "spread" play that
has aided Ihe low a team so much
this season.
Up to dale the Plattsmoulh
team has made a splendid record,
having scored ! points, while
their opponents have not been
able to score upon them. Thanks
giving day the Moosters will take
on the Spauhling team, undis
puted champions of Omaha, and
a big crowd should be present In
assist in adding another victory
to the list secured by the Platts
moulh team and which places
them in Ihe lists as one of the
best of the amateur teams of the
Saturday evening John Kirk
ham was made the "victim" oT a
very pleasant surprise from some
ten of his friends on the oc
casion of Ihe passing of his
forty-third milestone, and the
event will be long remembered
with pleasure by Mr. Kirkham.
The chief feature of the evening,
outside of the general good time
cnjovetl in renewing of the
friendships of the jolly parly was
I tie luncheon served, ami every
one present was delighted with
the manner in which Ihe feast
had been prepared, and Ihe chef
,.i... i. ni'ii the renasl win
oo - .
have nine .roume ,.-.....
Hi .-.111 (HI 111 tll ?.-. lnm
whore lirsUclass cooking H 1e
The Journal does job'work.
Nervous and Sick Headaches.
Torpid liver, constipated
bowels and disordered stomach
are the causes of these- head
aches. Take Ir. King's New L'fe
Pills, you will be surprie, how
quickly you will get relief. They
stimulate the different organ
do their work properly. No bet
ter regulator for liver and
bowels. Take -Tie and invest in
a box today. At all druggi-t- or
by mail. H. K. Muekb-n . Co..
Philadelphia an. I St. Loui.
Charles F. Anil, who for the
pas four month- ha- been em
ployed at Caspar. Wvorninir. mi
bridge work for ihe Murlington.
came in Saturday evening on V.
and will vi-it here f..r a time
A ult.
itis mother. Mr. I.ofell.i
Need of a Hospital Here Is Ap
parent to Everyone Many
Locations Handy.
A mallei- that ha- been brought
up -eeral limes if. the p;-l and
which is certainly a live one. i
that of estahli-hiug a fo -1 i ; .1 1 m
this city, when lhos lmm.
the service- and accom modal i-'ii -of
a place of this kind can secure
il Without ttle necessity of o il I IT
to oni;ih;i or Lincoln to un.;er-.
treatment. There are many
sightly local ion- here for an in
stitution of ihis kind and lhe
could b' secured Very clfap and
Ihe cost of erecting a huildin-c
Wollld lot be great .'III. I ttle s.
ing tho the city would more than
repay the co-t of putting up the
building and operating il.
There i, a very line location
for a hospital mi We-t Mam
-tree! between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth .streets, arid ihi- li.n l
or lan.l. criiiiraciiig 1 roj wiioje
block, would make an ideal loca
tion for an institution such as
houhl be put up lo re. There i-
harttly a week that one or two
persons are not taken to Omaha
o be placed in hospitals fo lake
reatment or be operated t.pon.
and this entails a large expense
upon Ihe patties going and their
families, and if they were allow
ed to remain here 111 their- hone
town they could t ive the .aiue
benefits as if they were sent lo
the city.
The physicians in Ihi- city are
among the best 111 this part of the
slate and could haudb an in
stitution of this kind wilh ea-e
and take care of their patients
with as good results as could be
derived )' going to tlie On.ah.i
or Lincoln hospitals. Platts
moulh has advance.! along pro
gressive lines during the pi-l
few years, and it i time that a
hospital wa- established here, a
the iri-litulion could without
doubt be made a paying proposi
tion and prove of untold benefit
to the ciliezns.
The Journal for stationery.
Guard Your Children
Against Bowel Trouble
Many children at an rarly
become conatiptrd, anJ frequently
serious consequence result. Not
being able to realize hi own con
dition, a clui.r bowels should be
constantly watched, and a gentle
laxative given vtien nrceary.
Dr. Mile" Laxative TaLIcU are
tipeciabv tell adapted t women
and children. 1 tie Siitrr of
Christian Charity. J Charles St.
Luzerne, Pa., who attenj many
cases oi sickne say oi them:
Sotn time (o w lin nuir.g tr.
MlleV LaxaUve Tablet anJ r.nJ thai
w Uk tlt.m very much. Tt.elr cf.n
Is eicelU-nt and w r ratrfai rr
tiavlnr been naJ a.-g laini!
Oieiu. W hv 1 ad rnw-H
very c- and th Water r ry
muck piaaatd."
The form and flavor of any meJi
cine is very important. n ma'tr
who is to take it. The taite auJ
appearance are especially important
vivheii children are concerned. Al
parents know how hard it 1 to ie
the average child "medicine"
though the tate i partiady
euised. In uaing Dr. Mi.e Lax
ative Tablet, however, this dm
cultr i overcome. The shape of
the tablets, their appearance and
candy-hVe tate at once appeal to
any child, with the rruit that they
are taken without objection.
The rich chocolate favor ana
absence oi other ta.te. make Dr.
Miles' Laxative Tablets the iJral
remedy for children.
If the first box fails to bene-'it.
the price is returne-l Ak your
dniMUt. A box of 21 dos co-ts
only 25 cents. Never sold in
MILIS MtDtCAL CO, Elkhart, h
1 $
-? V