The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 6.
Copyright, 1911, by the Bobbt-flUrrtH
f " Prolog ue.
I Lovers of Romance, attention!
Here's a story you will like. It
tells of mystery under the dreamy
moon of the Pacific islands and
of love in the shady lanes of New
England and what more can a
story reader want? The mystery,
of course, is introduced early in
the tale, and the -love-follows
close after. Together they go
hand in hand through the pages
of the story, never parting com
pany until the final chapter.
There the mystery departs, but
the love remains.
You know, of course, about the
author, Lloyd Osbourne. He
learned how to write in a worthy
school, for he is a stepson of
Robert Louis Stevenson. And no
greater story teller than the latter
ever lived.
I FIE end had come; he was hold
ing out his hand: he "was sav
ins: giMlly; all over and for
ever. No, not quite forever.
Learning; -that he had sent away his
buggy. Miss Marshall offered to walk
with him as far as the tennis court3.
She volunteered this in Fplte of rather
a sharp look from her father, and a
request that hi:d the quality of a com
mand, not to stay out too long.
Side by side. Matt and she -walked
together. toth silent till the house was
left behind.
"What's the matter?" Miss Marshall
asked at last. "You've been so differ
ent today so changed. I couldn't make
it out, and. and"
"And what?" inquired Matt
"It hurt me a little. 1 thought you
mis-lit be glad glad to come, you
know." .
"I was glad to come."
"Poor fellow I suppose you have to
say that."
"I knew I was dull and disappoint
ing, and the more I tried the duller I
got. and that's It, if you want to
She moved closer to him. and an
nounced, with a shade of relief In her
voice, that he was a very foolish per
ron, lie hadn't been a bit dull, nor
disappointing the ideal But did not
seem himself, that was all, and mopy.
Dreadfully mopy.
"It's because I'm going away tomor
row," he said. "Because" and he
faltered at anything so outright "be
cause I'll never see you again."
There was a pause.
"You mustn't." she murmured at
last. "I don't want you to go away."
"But I have to."
"Oh. yon have to?" she repeated
"To do things to start in seriously."
ITe could not sny mules. Mules stuck
In hi throat.
"But how does that mean never see
ing me again? That's what you said,
wasn't it?"
"It's hard to explain; you wouldn't
"No. I don't suppose I wonld." she
assented. "I was foolish enough to
think that yon that you"
"That I loved you?"
"Oh. no, no. not that; that would be
"But I do."
He xvnlked along, grimly, stiffly, in a
,fury with everything. "That's why I
was on such pins and needles up
there." he broke out passionately. "I
nan no right there, and I knew it
. I. ery look at you drove it home the
utter hopelessness of it 1 have to go
away with the few thousands I have
and try to do something work earn
nnney. But if I succeeded beyond all
my evnectatfcons you would be as ln;
accessible as ever as unattainable. I
am nothing, nobody, the dirt under
your feet. You wonder why I was so
dull, so stupid I was grinding to
pieces, if yon want to know: yes. grind
ing to pieces and almost bating you!"
"If I felt like that about anybody I'd
Ftny." she exclaimed breathlessly. "I
wouldn't give anybody else a chance.
I think If I really loved anybody I
would kill them Erst"
Matt turned and caught her squarcjy
by the shoulders, those slender. girlh
FhouMers, and held her out at arm's
length in a vise. "You would, would
you?" he cried. "Don't tempt me. or I
will! I give you your choice. I told
yon I would go. It's for you to choose,
thp one way or the other. Choose,
But his revuNion was as swift as his
art. ITe let !t go. stri-ken at her pal
lor, her srnsp of pain appalled and in
col.prcutly remorseful. He smoothed
b"" dress with his big hands; he wa?
a brnte. a crazy brute, he quavered
conclusively; he r,w hr through a
blur, trembling, swaying, obstinately
trertji!. hct-O cs nul rivinc them lit
tle tTTTbs with" herbaudTert-hief. As
she recovered he waited for his sen
tence, bis doom. ITe had transgressed
the last law and might be thankful if
she even spoke to him again. Perhaps
she would turn away without a word,
and that would be the end.
When she did speak it was not to an
nihilate him at all. It was all her own
fault, she se.Id, tremulously smiling.
"That's what always happened when
you goaded elemental people great.
big. rough, elemental people. They
grabbed you in their great, big, rough,
elemental way aud shook the curl out
of your hair, wanting you to choose.
As though anybody could choose while
being shaken like a rat! And what
was she to choose, anyhow? Would
he please tell her like an ordinary.
grownur, unelemental person?"
Matt was more abashed than if the
heavens had opened with thunderbolts
lie had expected thunderbolts, and in
a sort of way had braced himself to
receive them; but he had no armor
against these teasing shafts. He col
ored to the ears and was acutely em
barrassed, wincing at every allusion to
his outrageous conduct. She seemed
to enjoy making him wince found a
wicked zest in it Everything he said
was gently ridiculed. That he should
be in love with her was apparently the
most ridiculous thing of alL She re
ferred to his word "choose" and
tangled up all his blurting explana
"Men are all egoists," she said cruelly,
"and the contempt you have for us is
"It's for you to choose." '
really disheartening. To you we're all
little ninnies without the least will of
our own just laid out on the sideboard
like prizes at a bridge party. It has
never dawned on you that I have any
courage, any individuality now, has
Matt vehemently protested that she
had both lots of both till he was ab
ruptly cut short
"No, no," she said. "To you I'm just
a charming kttle drawing room orna
ment, sparkling in the firelight just a
dear little noodle that you'd like to put
in a crate and take home with you
and you're horribly miserable because
you can't and somebody else may
noodle having no voice in the matter
at all, only rather hoping that the
crate will be padded with pink silk
that being the limit of her poor little
noodle intelligence. The last thing to
occur to you is that I'm a woman, with
a head of my own and a heart of my
own, able to take my place at a man's
side and work and fight with him."
She stopped, flushing and overcome.
"That's what I meant when I said
you mustn't go," she added piteously.
"Can't you see?"
Matt was less backward than stun
ned. He must have misunderstood;
he could not believe it It was only
when her hands went to her face and
her head bowed In an extremity of
shame that comprehension really flash
ed on him. He pulled away her hands,
incredulous still, yet mad with joy
pulled them away and kissed her on
the lips, her burning, averted lips
again and again and again. Insatiable
of her young beauty, and inflamed by
a resistance that was no resistance at
all, but the panting, shaking and al
most terrified surrender of a woman to
the man she loved.
"I hold you to it," he whispered. "I
hold you to every word you said. I
love you. and you love me. and nothing
on enrth shall ever separate us!" Then,
obeying her stifled entreaty, he re
leased her. and the pair gazed at each
other in the deepening dusk, awed,
struck to silence, and somehow at one
with the trees, the sky, and all nature
of which they, too, were one, aud at
whose altar they vowed themselves to
each other and received the bension
of the stars..
Matt would have clasped her again
In his arms, but. she gently resisted.
He was to go. she said. Had he not
taken enough already? Was she not
so spent that to take more would kill
her? Besides, she wished to be alone
to nestle to her heart the sweetest
moment of her life, without even that
great big him to disturb her. He was
such a disturber! lie would kiss her
again and she wonld lose all tbe'others
those precious first ones that would
always be the dearest So. he was to
go. Please, he was to go. Please, It
was a favor.
He perceived that she was in earn
est, and something told him. moreover,
that she was with difficulty holding
hack- her, tear fiose, tc-Ts which it
would be a sacrilege for him fcTshare.
So, manfully, and with a quickening
perception, he made no further demur,
but turned and left her. looking back
once to wave his hand, and to take
one last look.
But she loved him. That was all his
dizzy head could hold. She loved him
Christine Marshall loved him. She was
willing to strip herself of everything to
follow him the wide wrld over. Noth
ing could matter now, nothing could
hurt him. Chris loved him!
He had completely forgotten the
frock coat person, he of the silk hat
and the beard and subdued masterful
ness, who had clung to his front wheel
with agitated pertinacity hardly three
hours before. Matt was reminded of
his existence by finding him on Mrs.
Sattane's front porch, wearlij- blockin
the road to supper. By all rights the
stranger should have been excessively
annoyed, but on the contrary he was
suavity Itself, rising at Matt's ap
proach and greeting him with form!
dable politeness.
Might he take the liberty of repeat
ing his request to see Mr. Broughton in
private? Might: he, without undue in
sistence, remind Mr. Broughton of the
very, serious issues at stake and the
need the very great need of expedi
tlon ? After three hours of waiting wa
he not entitled to an Immediate inte
view an immediate interview In pri
vate? No, it need not be long. In some
aspects it was a very simple affair a
proposal on the part of certain prin
cipals, an acceptance er it was to be
hoped, on Mr. Broughton's.
Apologizing for having no better
place to offer. Matt led the stranger
upstairs to his bedroom, where, after
lighting the single gas jet, he offered
him a chair and himself took a seat on
the bed.
"Now. what's your name?" asked
Matt, lighting his pipe and throwing
out his long legs.
The stranger somewhat stammering-
ly replied that he might be called Mr.
Kay, though whether be meant K-a-y
or merely the letter K was left ob
"Well. Mr. Kay." continued Matt,
"let's get one thing understood right
off. I am not a Kanaka king, and I
haven't ary Islands, or money, or sub
jects, or fleets, or pearling beds or any
thing. If you have the least miscon
ception of that kind about me the soon
er you get rid of it the better."
"Y'ou refer doubtless to those news
paper accounts?" inquired the stranger.
Matt nodded.
"Yes. all that rot" he said.
"kn familiar with them." observed
the stranger, drawing up close to the
bed. "Ferhaps I'm also more familiar
with the actual facts than you will
credit Circumstances have forced me
to acquaint myself with them to sep
arate the wheat from the chaff, from
a vast deal of chaff," he added un
bendingly. "Well. well, now to busl
ness." WP.h that he produced from
his pocket a small, flat object wrapped
In tissue paper. Divesting it of its
covering, he passed a little ivory minia
ture to Matt "Do you happen to rec
ognize that person?" he asked.
Matt took it with surprise, for it was
rimmed with diamonds and backed
with gold like an unwieldy brooch
with a surprise that changed to con
sternation as he beheld the unmistaka
ble face of John Mort It was a face
younger by twenty years than the
John Mort he had known, smoother
and more rounded and with the hair
altogether black; a flattering picture.
much too pink and prettified and
youthfully handsome for even the orig
inal at the age it represented him.
But it was John Mort just the same.
He could have picked it out of a room
ful of miniatures, a whole gallery-
John Mort staring up at hlra from a
circlet of diamonds, with an imperious
air that somehow had been caught
while all the rest was falsified by the
obsequious artist.
Chills ran down Matt's bac"k. It was
as though he were detected In a crime.
He was thankful for the poor light
that must have screened his expression
of dismay, for all Mori's warnings
were now upon him In a torrent and
his own promises, his own pledged
word, nere was what John Mort had
feared "the wolves," he had called
them In a voice he had lowered even
there, apprehensive still on that lost
reef, in those lost and lonely seas.
The heavy lidded eyes took on a new
and ominous significance as Matt felt
their glance on him. What evil were
they meditating? What was their sin
ister purpose in seeking him out to be
tray his friend?
He returned the miniature, speaking
as he did so with his pipe in his
mouth a subterfuge he had found use
ful before, especially when under fire
real fire bullets. It is the mouth that
tells secrets, and that in other ways
than words. A pipe Is a help. It
hides agitation and suggests uncon
"Well, what about It?" said Matt
through hls teeth.
"I asked if you recognized him?"
"Seen this person before, do yon
mean? No. I don't know who he is.
Why. do you expect me to?"
The stranger was not at all nonplus
ed. It was disconcerting how coolly
he took the announcement. lie care
fully replaced the miniature In his
pockety remarking that it was "a pity."
"I've something here that may fresh
en your recollection," be went on. pro
ducing a wallet, and from the wallet
a thick roll of notes. Pulling up his
chair so close to the bed that his knees
touched It, he began to spread green
backs on the coverlet ns though en
gaged in a singular game of patience
A row of six. another row of six. a
third row of six. and Matt amazed,
perceived that they were In denomina
tions of $ l.ono each.
"My God!" he cried. "What are
you a mint?"
The stranger, with a gleam of yellow
teeth and the first smile he had per
mitted himself, completed a fourth
row from a packet that was yet far
from exhausted. Then he stopped and
said: "No. not a mint Merely a per
son who seeks a little information,
and Is very willing to pay for it."
Matt eyed the seried notes $1,000.
51.000, $1,000 In a green and over
whelming profusion: $1,000. $1,000. $1.
WK) up and down. wl more tightly
clasped in those stubby fingers? If
anything, the eight stimulated all the
obstinacy in him, enhancing his loyal
ty and determination in proportion to
the bribe. But it would not do to af
fect unconcern- It would be bad pol
icy to convey the impression that he
could talk if he would. Excited in
nocence was the part that be ought to
play eager, covetous, astounded inno
cence. "Twenty-four thousand dollars!" he
exclaimed. "Would you really give
me that for recognizing a man? Just
for looking at his picture and saying.
That's Walter Jones or William Riley?
Why, bless you. I'd do it for a quarter
of that for a single one!" He picked
up one of the greenbacks as he spoke
and smoothed it out lovingly on his
knee. "Even that would be enormous,"
he said. "People aren't paid for that
kind of thiag."
"They will be in this instance," re
turned Mr. Kay. "We are desirous of
finding cr Walter Jones and are will
ing to go to considerable lengths for
uy information regarding him and his
present whereabouts. That money
there, Mr. Broughton. is but the half
of what I'm authorized to offer you.
Think it over a bit, Mr. Broughton.
Fifty thousand dollars for five min
utes of sincerity."
"My dear man." observed Matt,
"why not make it fifty millions while
you are about it? I haven't the faint
est notion whom your picture repre
sentsnot the slightest believe me. 1
wouldn't know him from Adam if he
came in this minute."
"Is that your last word?"
"It's all I know, if that's what you
"Oh, come, come! What's the use of
denying you could tell if you wanted
to? I'm not a child to be hoodwinked.
There isn't a visit of yours to Sydney
or San Francisco that we haven't
traced. You were no trader. You
were in the employ of well that in
dividual we are seeking. You have to
admit it, and. once admitted, we have
a basis for negotiations."
Matt puffed at his pipe and finally
remarked that it xvas all Greek to him.
"The ship was Tembiuok's." he
went on. "old Tembinok's, the king of
Apemama. you know, and he sent me
off in her originally to buy rifles at
something like a white price. But I
was honest with him and made her
pay, carrying eoprah shell and that,
and so be kept me on till I lost her
this winter." ' ' "
(To He Continued.)
The ladies of St. Mary's Ctuibi
will hold a Christmas simp in the
Hotel Riley block on Friday and
Saturday, December 5 and 0. at
which time all manner of dainty
and choice gilts for the Christ
inas season will ho offered for
sale. This will be a splendid
chance to secure some choice ar
ticles for gills and will doubtless
be taken advantage of by the peo
ple of this section of the county,
as last year the Christinas shop
was very successful.
Turkey Shoot at Murray, Neb.
All trap shooters are invited to
a turkey and goose shoot to he
held at Murray, Neb., Tuesday,
November Z. Come and enjoy a
day's sport and get you a
Thanksgix in-r turkey. Shouting
to commence at 10 a. in.
It is easy to understand why an
increasing number of bottles of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
is sold yearly. Thos. Yerran, 28G
Edward Street, Houghton, Mich.,
gives an excellent reason when
he writes: "Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, has always proven
an effective remedy, quickly re
lieving tickling in the throat, and
slopping the cough with no bad
after effects." For sale by all
You may rely upon your sales j
being properly looked
after by
who has had many years ex-
AWlbV 111 L1J V U1 bU,U
i always maintained the reputa
tion of securing the high-dollar
for all goods and stock
placed in his care. Numerous
sales have been successfully
conducted in t h i s county.
Dates can be made at this of
fice or by writing
A. 3. ISKE, LaPlaile, Keb.
Call Faiiliion Exchanve. Clie.stnut
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Master Myron Wheeler has
been ery sick, but we are glad to
b'arn he is getting better.
Charley Lazenby has got the
hog disease again loo fat. iood
weather again for shipping.
Mr. Leonard has nioed into
I he house recently purchased by
him and formerly oxvin-d by Mr.
Thomas Evans.
Capl. Frank Morrison still ha
charge of O'.WH's n,-at niarkei.
and cuts a steak or roasl with the
greatest cae imaginable.
The lines! pair of elkhorn we
ever saw belong- to "I. en" Cun
ningham. They are lipped ti i : I
painted now, but 'hoy were tipped
with gore once and painted with
mud. iis two mighty elks in'c;--
ioci.eij these branch
to their
: mi
horns till lln-v
Information wanted of otw
Willis Iliown. colored, was last
heard of about 1 sr, . or "'(' when
be was the properly of a M'.
Jloone. u ar Nashville. Tenn.
Any information concerning h:m
will be thankfully rerei-d by I i
brother, Charles ISroxxa, in
IMattsniouth, l',as coiint. Ne
braska. Nashville papers xdeae
'"The lit lb' concern down al
I'lal t sinout h" never had an i-b-t
that (o'u'l. Cunningham would be
so strong a candidate for I. S.
senator a-; lo worry the two grea;
lights of Omaha newspaperdoin
into such a sweat. Taking o-n-C's
own statement that h wa
not a candidate we have pexcr
given him a thought heretofore,
but if the Ib'e and Herald are
bound to make him a candidal. .
Cass county neer go.. back on
a friend, you can put that in your
pipe and smoke it.
The 'Turner's ball turned out a
motley en w Tuesday ce to iiil
with gayety the last hours I d i'
the beginning of the sober I.enien
Fast. The "King of the Cannibal
Inlands" was there, and Me
phislophob's. too. with mawiiv
Indians and slouchy negroes to
keep them company. The cou't
fool enlivened the audience ami
a nun reduced it to the properlx
solemn stale. Kings added dig
nity to the scene and (UlcciN sup
ported the beauty of the eollll.
Monks bestowed upon the audi
ence a blessing. A nuiscula- no
man stalked amid the a. nobly,
and pages, flower girls. High
landers and peasant maid n
glide, to and fro and tilled up the
vacant spaces. Many more char
acters were there lhan we ha-'
space lo mention and the ma.'.
of the dance possessed for all She
same attraction, and reduced
them lo a Common level. We
have not learned if the ball was
a success financially, but a there
seemed lo be a large number
present we presume it wa.
Due Donelan has the lines! oil
tank in Ihe county down at his
store. Holds a hogshead and
never leak.
We acknowledge a rail from
Major Pearman. and regret llyil
we were not in lo see him.
W. VF. IJoyd, one of the oldest
subscriber to Ihe Herald, called
on Ihe Herald lat week, k pi u
going" a little longer.
Mr. Richard Lewis of ;iendale.
one of the life farmers of Cass
county, has gone to Virginia on
a visit to hi relatives. lie will
be back in the spring'. May he
have a pleasant trip.
-.led .IaIJlllJ o ajtJlMMi
a.n: a.vx os .tiijo !-JMt "J ino.nj
U .( r.Ulpp-tW JO ..)ol!
ovj "niNf Miv' c -.a '-I.I
-.IUIII M'A ..WISIM'J !lej -sjlV
Sam Thomas, the Ieon catlb
man, is building a steam root
house for cooking winter food for
call'e Ihi winter. Sensible man.
l'!n 1 1 smout h" popular young
inuic teacher. Miss liein. left u
last week to accept a situation in
the German department of the
A cscisikc l'rrpars for Ai
sL-nilaii; ifr roodar-.Trw
Promotes DiSretfonOrrf J-
nr;c ritvl lieu C nn! nrtftirr
Opiimi-Mjrpfunc ncr.kIucraL
lli iartaauk Ua
Canmt Su
)t iijiih
oritnt Sum .
tion . Sour Storjcii.IUarr.
ness and Lo S sor SIXER
TacSimik S Cnarnrf cf
.-t- -vnnL
public schooU in (..-. land, n : h
to the fe i; fet of her iiian pupil -
and friend here. A it w.i b i
gHin. hoeer. we can onl wi-h
her toijpei-d niid -riti'T
res than bef. il h.-r b-re.
J. I . Siiiip-"'! ha -old hi
celebrated tei- holl-e ;n;d
restaurant to a Mr, wim
will di-h up lho-e '-lni..,i
biales lo the Joer- th'Teof.
-CC c- V
sb i mm
Exact Copy of Wrap?-
mmmmmmm in nil inn m p . i tm m i 11 yn w m ' ' " JT!
, ii -In ..- ,..,- .-... , , ..l,.. m
ej s lasl Week, pui I lo I W J I II I a II. 1 -ing
the scare they Jilt Ihe tire
out in short order, and u
an item.
We are glad to aniioi.n. e dial
Mi- .Tulia lothaidt i well and
able tit take charge o lo-r scfe".
a sjie ha had a b-iig spell of
I'.v ti; sow ;t::d liplain
o'llourke has gone oiT t Mil
waukee and go married, lie re
turns to I'hit I -inout h a !
and we welcome him back with I
hi brele. Shake 1 ; i ; . . Jmii'iv a
heap better citien than before,
though according to Na i"-!.-. .n.
you wouldn't make so good a
The Nebra-ka Taty New- seem
to be the only paper that take
any notice of the fact that a bi-t
Chance js offered (he pie ofj
utoe and i-a-s. I.. g I a ii"oti-ii
road, and secure a ctiam of railroad-
in Ihe eastern or tier
coiinlie. running" n.-ilh and
south, before a cordon and net
work of railroad inlce-- i
foinied and strengthened on in
terior line- pa--ing far w,-t of.
and leaving u- behind the prog
re and life of the re-t of the
slate, to egelale on the bank of
the !. Muddy, and f.reer. and
forexef recall Ihe gb'fie- of Ihe
freighting das. the inoiie made
in "good time gone b ." and
dwell and ree in the pa-t and
dead iue, intead of placing
oiirsehe in Ihe fot'-front and
ery Mm of lb.- ciilizalion and ;
pi-ogics of the -late the p ! a' .-j
where our pre-enl wealth, i
amount of taxable pf-p.-ilx and
the burden of taxation of tin
stale might to plate u-.
For Children There Is Nothing
A cough medicine Tor children
must help Iheir cough and edd
wilhout had efiecls on their little
stomachs and bowels. I'olex's
Honey and Tar exactly fill ihi-j
Jiced. No opiate-, n sour l"in-
ahe, no con.lipat in f.-lloxv it
Use. SU'.lTy Co, I.-. wherci'V
breathing, coughs and croup are
all quickly helped. For sale by,
oil diu?gisls. !
Mrs. West ncported Improving, j
From Friday's IaI?T.
Heport la-t exening from the.
bedside of Mr-. I'.ail We-t. atj
Omaha, seemed i.i i faxorabb
than at any time since -he wa-j
taken to the ho-p:t;,l. and Ihi
givc her family ami trieud
much eiicourigetne;.t to '."r !"i
her lecoxei-y, although -iie ;-
stilt in a ery -eri.ju coiiditi'n.i
find i in; -in
li A P it V'l
V, 11 I:
Ui if
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the A
For Over
Thirty Years
j v--v-I-'. I I I I vv-v-I
v I
1 1
g! :.!;.. !e ,,f t !.,- K.i. - i- '.. :
Yel : ; I ; .1 1 .!. . J-'i-
inane-. !y :..,,. , I'i.i't-.
I; ii. '..i " - - 1
'I' d.M i i!,t. 'I 1. i-e
i !;. i ' or, M ,t ; p. . --
I In- pi.p.i- . I':..', h .. , -I.
K"!n.-ii..' ("'in i i I ha. ' -
I tt.i-.-d to g i .' le.,!.,, . ; .- t,..! . l.e..-..V . .e: .
:ng. I .! t;.. r '.. a: ..'.. - .s i
the . e... - . . i , - I . ! I ' ,.i d
i , u . i 1 1 i . i . . i j . : it .
.:.1,;- . .f ! ti : ' .
a - lie ! e. , ., ; - . . ; . -: . ;
ib- pi p.--.ed a : ' -!.!-
1 1 , i t- i-t. aj.. I a - ' 'i j - f. - "
h.i - i. i (.,: ,! 1-. r a . i 1 . ' ! a . ' (i
hi- pi, o!- be ha- - - .' ! r
-pb-nd,.! re-ff. I! . a
t he . . t V T- i ;g at Ihe I -. . , . ; . -pl
oil I -e . . f -o!tt. - pie-, ; .( !.'-.
;..f. h-,'i. ..La h i- I-
i g .!'! :. - I i Ii . - .-.::-.- . ! .
f . , , , . , , ,.. ,. , , I.,. . .
,. e,.,,.... . ., .: :
c.-t. a;,d !;.- r tal -!.- : ! ..
len.'cj h i . t . i w h-. I,. -
-I.'.I V go. M -- M ' i-e.J .
u :r- of ftp'- j ? y I .. ! .
c. -ii 1 1 -a .1 i -1 f -r the r c . t .i !.
A g I h-.r i e -! p u-.i . m I , k
I"o!.- Ki-1 i'- r,ii- . lo ,i !, I
mar:y fai-wii.-. M . C.i'
!'.:.." W l l-'W St.. fee-, i:.. U I-.
wa ej i-.u- ill with ki: e- a- !
b! l;oi.l.le. M I'a! .-. . r
Wilt.--: "M Wife - r.lj-l-iiv fe-;!,g lor l.ea'.t Ii a:d -! ? g'l.
due -..!, 1 (.. the t:-. . f I -.N
Kid-a-x fill." - - l-.v all
: !.g -1 -; -.
Notice to Hunters.
I or I roe j - a - Ion ' r -.
and e-1 ei 1. 1 i ! y t h f r ii m-
been a-:: -'X!:,g n, ei; ,.- ,,. .
great extent, and I " , I
t.. i ot ify a'! birder - I h-. 1 1-
mii-t k'-eji ..JT p'." !- - i the
future. li-ilj.h Ha: :. e.
Re pairing-
vvhen you c an g' t it cl-inc.
promptly awl a neat, n
li.ihle job. t(. saves 'juke
a little bit cf inon-y: tr,
serve yi in repairing. I
l(K:ateil here in the L'-on-ard
Building Now i j c
bring alon some vurk.