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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1913)
PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1913. The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.: UNGRATEFUL ALL THE HUMAN RACE Pub1lah Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter - SU.XO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - - - - THE OLD HOME. Tin. host of us are like animals we 'rush into holes for shelter Home is such against (he hard ness of the world. "Old Home Wi...L" h-.i become an establish ed annual custom in many com munities all over the world. It supplies a heart-hunger as noth ing; else can. Ah, how strong, how unerring-, are the funda mental instincts of human na ture! We can never outlive them. The joyous child allured by the bright Mowers, the butter Mies, the rainbow, may forget ami wander far. Nut when the feet are bruised and the limbs weary and the heart sore, and it sees naught buf strangeness, it cries for home. Men and women a little stronger limbs and little harder hearts; they can chase the butterflies and the rainbows a little farther, and (lien they, too, Mice the little child, must see the mocking folly of it all, weary, heartsick, cry for the refuge home. For many of us the old home may no longer ex ist except in memory. Hut if in memory it is enshrined, then, whenever the disappointments, the deceptions, the despairs of life, we still may turn for new hopes, new courage and new inspirations, as did this poor girl, back lo the old home, where love glows against the world's cold-! ness. Misfortune has its re compense when it turns us back! to set our lips once more to the spring of love that is pure and undciilcd. Amid joys and sue cess our surroundings seem nftt so near to us; they are remote in their unreality, their glitter and abundance. Hut when sorrow comes it finds us sick with loneli ness, ft is then that in the low ly home of childhood every (able and chair and picture seems to lake tongue and call and call and call to us. And the call comes through the distance and through the years like strains of d'op Ioed and never-to-be-forgotten music, tilled with multitudes of r-weet associations that make the heart beat quick. Maybe, after all, one lot in life is not much better or worse than another, so far as happiness goes, but there are some things that seem very necessary to us, big and little, great and small, and that little corner in Cod's creation we call home is one of them. :o: A road drag should be, in our opinion, one of the essential tools on every farm, and it should be used. With the concrete bridges and culverts which are soon to be almost universal, there will be less trouble with "jump-oils" at the end of bridges, but where these start someone will have to be interested enough to toss a few shovels of dirt when it is first needed. Someone, must see that the weeds arc-kept down and no hedge brush or other obstruc tion gets into the ditches. Then if wet weather traffic, can be held to one track and the vehicle com panies can be induced to build nothing less than a i-inch tire on heavy vehicles we will event ually have, a lot oT good roads that will stay good. :o:- Ortie MeManigal, dynamiter and betrayer of his comrades in crime, has gone to South Ameri ca. Like the well known prophet, the gent who turns slate's evi dence is likely to be without honor in his own country. :o: The income tax doesn't both the Journal editor very much. Our income don't reach quite the $3,000 mark. We feel very thankful to the MUD TURTLES. Say, dear friend, don't fatten that turkey that you are intend- Are von rdavine- file tramp or I:.,. i r rruni..:,.:,,. . 1 o 1 -i- tiiie lu acuu US ui niuiii.?ijo ins are you merely sunning yourself PO that it will weigh over twenty on the bleachers an indifferent pounds. Under that weight you spectator? Sitting; like a mud cau send it by parcel post. turtle on a sandbar may be a very :o:. comfortable way of spending the vi,rni.-a n,i r.n rm.niv look Iff) Pnma I nt II Pluo TKonko dav.hnf the mud turtle never sets . .. , VT .7 I U UUIHO, LCI U0 UIID lllUllfd G poou mat a man icii l'araiusf anywhere andl never does very t, oUl0l. Jav anJ camc here It much to improve the sandbar.l as parai,. Kansa lhat hc There's a lot of things going on ,vfL Men anj so scam, m lhe in the world, and lots of things l,her 1aradige lhat lhev won-t Unto the Lord ; For He Is Good!" Nebraska City papers for their that ought to be done, but the ,ot them complimentary remarks in refer ence lo the editor of the Journal and his aspirations for the post otlice in this city. We have been a democrat so long and met with so many disappointments at the mud turtle sits dozing on the sandbar and waits for the waves to wash up a bite lo eat now and then. The mud turtle does not even see the great ships that ride the waves, nor hear the whir nanus of proiessed menus mat and hum of the wheels and we have gotten hardened to u. whistles that echo up and down We are getting SO Old in the I hr. shor e The nndh:ir is nil Hie . . . I cause, mat many more disap-KVorld to this stunid creature, and pointinents can't possibly over- hjf,. is ,nadc up entirely of sleep, take us ere we are called hence. an,j nlh am aimless existence ve never did believe in sulking Xohodv likes the mud turtle, and . . -, m our tent, and we are too old our first impulse upon seeing the and linn in me cause oi uemoe-nazy lout lying in the sun. is to rncy to begin such business now. throw a stone at its ugly mug. Hut we do feel grateful to our Are von n mod Initio heedless friends at Nebraska City for their Lr what is going on all about you, Kinds WoldS oi Consolation. I . are von in lhe raine :iml lo " I win? We have seen a lot of mud There are some people who I turtles in our time. Every one of seem to mniK mat president l mem was ancnored on ins own Wilson and Secretary Hryan are peculiar sandbar, and never not moving fast enough in the ventured off. They never venture Mexican affairs. Of course such I out into the World to see and hear i fellows are capable of giving the what was going on, and would come to Nebraska, no matter how badly they want to do it. :o: Yes, sir, we regard President Wilson as one of lhe greatest chief executives of which the American people ever boasted. He wants matters settled right and never ceases until he suc ceeds. He will have the currency bill to his liking before he lets it pass. :o: DIVINE MERCY ENDURETH. Ingratitude a Sin and a Shame All Should Render Praise Though Not All May Pray The Difference Causes For Thankfulness Why So Few Respond Causes of Ingratitude and Discontent Dumb Brutes More Grateful The Remedy. I n d i anapolls. lud., November 23 Pastor Itussell gave two address es here today A story is in circulation in Chi cago and environs that a Devil Child has been born in Hull House, the settlement establish ment -which made jane Auams v.&. famous. It is a fool story, ami 1 ASTQg. gUSSELpj has been repeatedly denied, yet thousands continue to believe it There are that many fools or and poor, learned ami Ignorant, appear more in Chicago, regardless of a f V ' give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good! for His mercy endureth forever!" (P.salm 136:1.) The pastor said In part: Ingratitude is one of the least excusable sins, Put alas, it is everywhere manifested. Rich common belief lhat the jays are residents of the rural region I I . . 1 r .. : . president and secretary advice on never get into the real game of ,mi iouist, mui out i. in., hiniioi' o i.. .. . i hi i ;r.. rrii...- ..-.mi.! i. .i.. n.i.ilborii every minutes, but you to be growing in the spirit of ingrati tude. uuthankfulnoss, discontent, mur muring. And all this is in the face of the greatest blessings that the world has ever known. With the dawning of the New Kra Cod seems to be open ing His hand and showering bless they are proceeding fast enough never attempt to do anything that Probably didn't guess there were everywhere. "He openeth Ills and handling; the matter lo suit was really worth doing. They themselves. We know they were no part of the busy, thrill know more about it than we do, ing life about them apparently and are willing to trust them, unconscious that there was any- And if the "smart alexs" don't thing in life, save the sandbar. want, to wait any longer, wel Are you on a sandbar, wailing for would suggest that they go down the waves to wash ashore a ship into Mexico and try to settle af- laden with the fulfillment of your fll- 111. kill '..l.-..- -...! IliAII' I .1 !i1 III ..I oi... .....i .inri I ll llli .CW. llltlllt III , (I I1 1.1 l J IIL'll I III I UHlf 1.11 til 17 UH .1 (111 lllilp long they will last. I gravel down the pike in hot pur o: suit of something more sub- The advocates of female suf-1 stantial than phantom ships?- frage will have a proposition be- The mud turtle on the sandbar dill so many of that particular kind centered in a single city. :o: William J. Hums, the hand and satisfieth every living tiling' except rebellious man. The more blessings corning to man, the more in telligence he attains, the less he seems de to recognize the Fountain, the Source, I nf lila firnrc If cnfimtz nn r;i iIot iefl I. tective, has just made a trip to , . . f f. Kurope. He declares there is greatest favors the world has ever i . . - . . ... more graft and corruption there known is tiie uay or tne greatest in grauiuue aim uiscouient. Lessons From the Brutes. The brute creation look up to man ban here, but it is concealed owing to the timidity of the press. The libel law s in Kurope are very I as their god and properly so; for this severe, and the greater the re ts the Divine arrangement, that man ttimil.l lr pml to liensf.S. fish and . . .1. r i ... I --- f- - - iiicuons put upon me ii-ecuom fow, Man is ln the HU,,Ilosg of of the press the wider the latitude Creator, who is the Cod of the Uni verse. With what shame do we realize that the ox knoweth his owner and the given the corruplionists of gov ernment. Here, in this country, the moment an abuse is discover ed it is given the widest publicity. and everybody discusses it, and on the fore fall to vote on, whether the imagines that the world owes it a women shall be given the ballot living, and that success comes or not. Most men would like lo without the asking. And it is this leave this to the women them- mistaken view of life that gives selves. If they want it, let them the turtle a bad name. The world have il lml if lhev ilon'l wliv ove mnn n i-n.l em m. I the limelight is turned force it on them? Kairbury even a pleasant look. Every man nhole afTair. Journal. Them's our sentiments I must dig for what he gets, and :o:" exactly. There are thousands of sometimes lhe ditririmr is ininhtv Democrats have a gjeat deal l of tue human constitution. In nothing women in Nebraska who have no hard. It is root hog or die with Hiankful for this year a desire in vole ;m.l w.mbl vole iiiikI nf iu nml ilm i-iwilin"- t not IHOSt SUCCCSsflll ad 111 1 II i 1 Vl t io U both slate and nation. Hresi the constitution. The man who looks for manna Ionl " ,,?MU ail, "ls ''ntiro cam :o: nowadays, will go to bed with an ,,avc l''ven the "right men Hon. James T T.lovd member I v wf..mneli Muni.-i ,I,..,'I ill the l ight places," lilid l10 tf congress from the First dis- come from heaven now, tricl of Missouri, has introduced quails don't lly Into lhe in lhe house of re ore sen Infixes a,l In In. i.i-vi..i f,.r. .tinner Tim has been no panic, as prophesied reverence, oliedience and conlidcuce in I I !. . . a . til- bill requiring; all railroads to world conduct an annual weighimr at our sniidbnrs The world is en. d'"nt Wilson's administration - i - - - ass his master's crib, yet man ignores his Maker, and seems bent upon for getting Him! There is a reason for all this. The formation of the human brain shows us that reverence and gratitude toiod would be the natural disposition of hu manitv. The organs of veneration. worship, spirituality, lie nt the apex therefore could man, rightly guided, find so much pleasure, peace and satis faction ns in the recognition of his !od and the acknowledgment of obligation to Him. Why, then, the aversion to Boparate from tind contrary to the teaching of God's Word. His Text and Context. Notice how contrary onr text is to everything we have been taught re- Bpecting the Heavenly Ifither. It gives us the true basis for thing an appreciation of God"8 goodness: "O give thanks unto the Ixrd; for lie is good!" Then follows the assurance that Divine mercy eudureth forever. Ah! this is the merciful God which our sonls have hungered after! When s;t Paul declared that the heathen were feeling after God that they might find Him, it was this true God whose mer cy endureth forever that they were feeling after. And when we presented to them a horrible misrepresentation showing Him to be the instigator of eternal torture for all our race, this blasphemy has served to turn their hearts from Him and from the Ilible. It is high time that we realized the terrible mistake we made. It is high time that we began to preach the Mes sage of our text, "His mercy eudureth forever." This expression respecting the endlessness of Divine Mercy is re peated twenty-five times in this one Psahu alone. And yet we as Chris tiaus have denied this statement, and have declared instead that GoVs mer cy is only for the Kh'Ct; that tlTT- thou sands of millions of heathendom and We report the one other hundreds of millions in Chrii-ten from the text, "O dom will have no mercy. Knowing that the majority of mind are darkened through sin. ignorance, and superstition; knowing that the Apostle declares that Satan has blind ed the minds of all unbelievers; know ing that the lxrd through the Apostles and the Prophets lias declared that the coming Age of Messiah's Kingdom is the time when all the deaf ears will lie unstopped and all the blinded eyes opened, and ttiat the glory of the Lord shall cover the whole earth in spite of all this we have cried out to the world that there will le no mercy for them beyond the prave, that God's mercy docs not endure forever, but merely for the time we call the pres ent life. Why do we thus contradict the Al mighty? What motive is there behind this? In seeking to restrict the grace of God to the present unfavorable time of blindness and darkness, we hare had the encouragement of Hatan. and the visions, messages and dreams caused by the fallen nngols. . St Paul pictured our day exactly, saying. Many shall depart from the faith. giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Tell the Truth Shame the Devil. It Is time for all who love the Lord and the Bible to get straight them selves and then to help others. It is time that the world knew what real cause it has for gratitude to God and for contentment with the blessings now being enjoyed. It is time to tell them that the death of Christ is to !. the full offset of the shi of Adam, and that the death penalty of Adam's sin is to be fully lifted. It is time to tc' them that during Messiah's Kcign of a thousand years the world will rie again out of sin and death to rlghteou ness and life everlasting the reversal of the presi-nt reign of Sin and Heath. It is time to tell them that God ii. deed has leen electing, or selecting, saintly ones, but not to the injury of the non-elect; that the work of the l.lect. In association with Jesus for a thousand years, will be the blessing of all the families of the earth the non God, the endeavor to forget Him? the ej0t. iguuiing i ni ii"8 u is time to tell the world that the ana tlie attempt to account lor mem .... . ... . , t , s, . ,,.lllls. and country is fairlv prosperous from nil as matters or cnance, operations oi that f jt a , lK? reWniP1 amj r .Hue end In the olher no' J here ll-'" will Have opportunity Tor resurrectiou f,.ot m end to the ollni, am. , In i e exLiWt8 moro of the spirit of loyalty , tll rr,.,.,;., nf lif, ,vori,,tin,. nnd that onlv the wilfullv wicked will die i . . ... ... - I a vm I liic iimc mnn vt- it It o hnmnr in. .. n . does not revolve around early in Hie Deginning oi rresi- - ........ ....... . ... ,,,e tona neatn, syniooin-any inns . . . tellect ana capability, exercises towaru tr-o.i .v HeWnim. it i time to tell andbars. The world is go- "u Wilsons acim.msimiiou. the God Qf aU Uw Fathn of . aM-both go,l and bad. rich their own expense, lie estimated ing some, and going; straight lA'1 u an '"iuy nanKsgivinT, Mercies? 2 Corinthians 1:3. and poor have bwn going to the Hi that the government would save abend Il'i n II. .el ll:il c:m one week from today, even if we "An Enemy Has Done Thii." ble hell, the tomb; and that the I Irst r,n. T m.,1 O. !. n-irnliln nf tlio VVlie:it liCSUITCCIlon Will 1C COIlsinuieil oui V r ' t & M A a a. a a a i ' - - t - - and the Tares declares that He sowed t saintly, the Church, who are to $385,000 a year by transferring keep pace with it. There is kan't do il with turke -ami dress- I I . .... a a the expense to the railroads. He something doing every minute. If there seems to ito pieinj i poodpure Truti,t intended to nss.Kiated with Christ in His King- .1 iw.-i-i i'iiwi.i o .i ; .. i ...i i I ...... n... ...lnf 'imssiini nnd sweef. n.dnloes in I r.-u im-ni .iiii,iran nf n.ul uoni. i.eeiation iw.1-1 r,i,. tin. lull Tf iim .iai.wini.niJi.,..;.,.. i .- i i .... :i I Ibis .section and eornbi oad and children of the Kingdom. He tells us iij'. iii. ai l III liv.lllraut.a7-iifrifi. I Mill: il I I I I I Mill) 11 I II II I I 11' I - -- -- -- . It is time to tell them that none ex- I cent those lK"jrotten of the Holy Spirit can lap off a few more items like that are worth their weight in pumpkin pie till you cant rest. n . on . (W,. .... rnomv cj.,..,,, ovor. since Teutecost will ever reach the this, economy will be more of a gold. And time and onnorlunities '' sowed the wheat -Hold with tare seed- Heavenly condition and share the li- i...... .i .1. , .1 . . . . - . .i. ..... ..IfnUa rWfHTi.. s:t Tnii desiirn.-i ted vine nature. 11,11 ineory in uemocrauc inake up all tliat mere is in Hie. A scnooi lor w ives is me uuesi .7":; f .T': .. n Tin.nthr that God's blessed provision for Adam doctrines. Our success in life depends upon and it should prove lo be a good ... Tll lllIO tun tUo t;." sru.M Lmn-diV d the remainder of his race is Ilesti- the use we make of this little Ihing. The institution is located forth in the Church Worrv over the high cost, of lint- letvi,...n i.i .l..inii ilml in 'ew York- Cilv and its man- uemon Uoctnnes. w I . It 14.111(1 . I a I t I ' 1 1 I -yJi- U yJ t-I VilU l S UJi'H - miii uim now io inawe uoiu we call Hie. Life is the seed agemeni announces inai u win Sent God and His purposes ends meet' threatens to compel lime, and we shall harvest only give a four-year course for girls, who, upon graduation and mar riage, will be qualified lo spend ; tare seed brougUt n,,1 . - - a terrible crop of tution-restorati.m to human perfec- vhich have gone tio" from "llWh '?"' ! ,a Ohio to build more asylums. Re- (he kind of crop we plant. If the ports of the state board of ad- harvest is a failure, it is because ministration show that over 13 we have sunned ourselves on the per cent of the 2,399 Ohioans sandbar and wailed for the waves whose mentality weakened last lo wash up the golden grain. year suffered because of causes Oolden grain conies only after we akin to financial trouble, and have done our nail. We must that more and more persons in I have been in the game. walks of life where the renuni-l it eration is not great are commit ted each year. :o: A curious statement is being! ing" printed in the papers to-wit A St. Joseph doctor shot and killed a Chicago traveling man who had been "harmlessly llirl- with the doctor's wife. There is no evidence, it appears, of any gross wrong. Undoubted ly such flirt at ions are not exact- That so many women are being convicted of while slaving that room cannot be found for them ly uncommon; but there has very in the federal penitentiaries. One likely never been a single one, wouldn't think that women would among married people, that was be guilty of injuring their own entirely harmless. It's a good . It 1.(1 l . la' . . ... sex in i in; wnne siave way. deal,. at best. like scratching up :o: I the furniture. rr 1 . . . ... ..I j. ne meanest man in tne world l :o: lives in Michigan. He agrees! This year's corn crop U tin with evervfliing Ins wife says to most valuable ever produced; but l keep her from starting an argu- that won't help those who jned nient. . none. Undoubtedly it is these doctrines of demons that have gotten their hold in our minds from childhood's hours. which have effected such a ihusoiious I heir husband's income lo the influence upon humanity as to drive best advantage and keep an ac- the masses away from God-some in . , .... ... li .1 iear, some m uisgusr, some ju toiai un- couni hook mat win come om . .. , T ... (in. i uu. : it nil,) t vuuv i inn . juo st raight at I he end of Hie month, gent people should try to convince world-wide Edeu God's footstool made glorious. It is time to tell them that all the thorns, thistles, trials, difficulties, sor rows and tears cf the past six thou sand years are part of the ienalty. Dying, thou shalt die." It is time to tell them that (Sod during Messiahs Kingdom, by uplifting the iace. will wipe away the tears from off all faces. It is time to let them know that He is indeed a God whose mercy eudur Dr. Stuart II. Ilowe, principal of themselves that there is no such (Sod eth forLTcr. iin(1 tliat although His lhe school, says lhat upon com- not 8trange. it really is to their credit plelion of the wives' course, the that they refuse to worship a being sweet girl graduates will be able pictured in the creeds as far worse . , , than the most depraved human being to cook a dinner, converse intel- that ever was boni. ligently on literature, history and jt j3 no wonder that men try to dis count suflfTrage, that she will be olieve in a God who. they are told. , , . , . , had plotted the eternal torture of the able to trim her own hats .u - ou? JJe miated u aml lms fistically, keep it free from niadc every preparation for human tor germs and play her part in a ture to all eternity! Is it any wonder . . . , . i i that the world repudiates the P.ilile. social way. Dr. Howe adds that dpsires to rt.,,tUi!,tc it. sirK.c lhe course was suggested to him christians . tell us that the Hible is by lhe rellection that 05 per cent the authority for all the atrocious lh-- ... .... ories respecting the Almighty s pur- of the girls now m school will poaes? marry sooner or later and that We need not wonder. "We are mere Ihev lire being filled Tor any ly reaping in the present unbelief and ' . .. .. ,, . r discontent the results of the false doc vocal ion rather than that , oi triues haiuiorl down to us. and believed mal l imony. It wouldn't be a bad Uy us to be the Word of God, without I.I..,, I., have such a school in t"e proper w.-raB ui ' every city and. town in the coun ty." . hearts to prove these and to see that they are doctrines of devils, wholly merer is as yet extended only to the Church and to Natural Israel, eventu ally in the coming Age It shall extend to every member of the race for wnlcii I'hrist died. On This Batit Thankfuln. On the basis of this knowledge or God. knowledge of why sorrow and death prevail, the world would ! ready to acknowledge t he grace of God, His boundless mercy, and willing and glad to give thanks to Him. Wo make a sharp distinction be tween the privilege of prayer and thanksgiving. All who appreciate God's goodness may olTcr worship in the sense of thnnks. acknowledgment, appreciation. Prayer is. a wholly dif ferent matter. None have the privi lege of prayer with the assurance it will be heard except those who ap proach God through the great Advo cate whom He ha appointed. And none can approach through this Advo cate except on the Divine trm that they Income Ills disciple, and takw up thsir cross and follow Hira. Thus the number privileged to ap proach the Throne of Heavenly Gra e and obtain help in time of need Is lim ited to the Church of Chrl.t. have special guidance in all their af fairs, because they have come into ti e family of God. Put even those wh are aliens nnd strangers may pay hom age in the presence of the grer.t Kinz Jut as only the citizen of a country may have the ballot or other priv ;;!: s of citizenship, but the foreigner may uncover his bend, hail the ruler and acknowhflge bL-ssing enjoyed, even though he h.n i. nt become a citivu and des not enjoy the privileges of tl.- ballot, etc. Thanksgiving Day. A beautiful and appropriate ni'toni prevails in the Unit'-d States the set ting apart of the last Thur-d iv in en h November ns a day of sipeelal tliank pivhig to God for the harvest loii jit and all the bSesing of the j-nr paf. With the majority it hn: deter:omti-. Into u mere formalism a holiday. The cause of tills Is the growth of un!--Iief. ninl unl-ellrf has crown with high er education: f..r the educated. rp'!:.-d by the false ph tures of the Almighty, hare turned from the (Sod of the P.jl !e and from any conception of a penoti;il God. and are fitru'tiiig ti e flower of the rising generation in innd-Uty. un belief in the p.ible we rr.l.-l.t almost say, i:i atheism. This Is thr. Key to the situation. The only way ba k P (!. t f.iith. -..ri-tentment. thankgivlnir. I through the dissemination of the knowIIge of th" glory of God. that He Is a G.l ..f I.ove, that His mercy rndnrefh f"r evcr. that He has only 1 cm II U al ratlon In the gathering of tfie Chur. h. and that eventually it h.i:i rxtend t every creature, during ilessiah's Th. hi st nd-Year Peign. Let us not wait for denominational movement. whi-h wi'.l nev-r come. I.ct us en h fel a personal r.i-.risi I'ility. I-t each one v h" reeir-! li.- bh-ssing 'Vliow f.rth the prai of Ilim who allel ti out of darkness Into His marvelous light. I t ea ! one who appr--iate the true t-.i of thankfulness report tlie Mesac of t!u; Kingdom to other", that th'-y, to-), may .e bh-ssl. The Hible. IioTverer, doe not lead us to Ii.;e for any such condition nt the pr.xent time. On the contrary. It tell thnt the present unlieHef and d.seoti tent v;i:i Jr.Teise, and will 'nrr.lve t!i? entire world In a Time of Trouble, the climax of which nil! !e .marshy. "His Mercy Erd'jretH Forever." However, the pro"eod t tcTl that In man's extremity, n I en fair'i shall have largely flI from the world, when disi-nntiMit shall have P:rt anarchy, when the present il fal rlc shall have coi;ap-d. then SwI trlil, nevertheless, be merciful; for His mer cy endureth forever. God's incry v id then mari;'efe.I in the pr.unpt establisimient of the Mesi:inie Kingdom. Man's extrin:t.r will l Gods opimrtuiiify for sfiotrir forth His great n.ercy .m l Jove; f.r l loved the world w!i.-n they were jet sinners. Komans T. s. Let Us Be Thankful. If onr hearts have r.--t l-en over come by the tidal waves of ur.!s!ief sweeping over the world, it is a can., for gratitude to God. and for a res..; j. Hon that, by His grace, we wi'l k to know Him Is-fter, appreciate Him more, and Increase onr thankfulness. If we have a faith that re-ognis Hi vine providence, es;-laily In the af fairs of the Church, and also In the af fairs of the world, let us l- cr.itcf'i?. and If t us reniemlwr that faith can lj cultivated or can t dwarf.1. Wltli the dis. jpls of old I-t u rr:,.r. "Iord. increase our falfh"; and let ns use ti e means the I.rd has provi.l l for the increase of our faith. I-et us note in Gods Word tlie fulfilment ,.f His promises and the application of the P. riptures to our own ex lerien' C". It us grow in nppre i.i tion of the truths of the P.ible. In In creased energy in the study of th I'-i-ble ncd In the application of Its Mes sage to our own hearts. It us also zrrr In increased thankfulness and cft.rt to show forth the praises of the Iyrd and to assist others out of d.irkiie-n into the light which we ourselves ar.j more nud more enjoying. Whie we are not to think of GI In the way we .lo of man. that He would ! aindlarly hurt it f lr:iil er offendiI or h.ippitied. nevertheless we know that in.; n was made in Sl's image. We are jusfi!iil, therefore, la that as we would nppreelaie thankfulness, gratitude. In the heart of those who nre sharers of o:r lu ti tles our children or our servants . r fur dumb animals so God Is sur ly pleased w ith those who are ai'pre-!i- live of His goodness, who think i'n Ills favors and who make acknowl edgment of them, who evk to hor forth His praises lo others and n!m by faith ire trusting Hitu even where they cinnot trace Him. O Give Thanks to Cod! My hope Is that not only the au.p- ence I am now addressing will hive a very happy and appreciative TL.u-.ks- giving Iiy on Thursday next, hn? that the same blessing may ester:. I to nil of the larger congregation wl.ih I address weekly t.'irongh th public press. Kvcn if but a fev shad ! made more thankful to God for III mercies, that few, I ans s;:re. will b made more happy tliemse! ves. uior) pleasing to (SihI. And If they I let already of His consecrated I am sure that th- grntlfude arisicg from t"ieir hearts In sweet Incense ( our Mf.ker will react upon themselves favorably arid he'p I hem to that ron dition of heart aid mind in nlii- h th"T might '.oco'ii" lej'y and aci-ep!.ri' si -rift.-cs to Go-l throub Jems Chrjf. Cumins 12:1.