The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    li.C.,, -t
4 Ledger. 4
5 K
wtxi has
We Are Thankful
not boastful, for the increased business that
has come to us during the past year. We are
thankful we live in a LIVE town among LIVE
people who appreciate a LIVE store. It shall
continue to be our constant aim to make this store "Everybody's
Store" where everybody can find EVERYTHING in men's-wear and
at the right price EVERY TIME. We wish you a joyous Thanksgiving
' Watch for Our BIG OVERCOAT WEEK!
.-?-. AAA.t. ....?..
4- (Special Correspondent.)
S. . Cob. anil son boarded Hi'
i arly M. P. train for Omaha this
Miss I. Ha Lair of Platlsmoulh
is visiting al the Imiir of ". 15.
oiler ami family.
IIaz'l Coxvels anil Myra slen
nvr visited in the hniin f 11. I..
Props! Sunday ev-i i i ii ir.
Kear "apen transacted busi-nc.-s
in twn last Tuesday. Al
ways j-dad t see Oscar.
W. T. HichanlsMii has im
proved his -tore huihliii'-r by hav
ing a new shingled roof.
l'.axler Smith, from the nmnly
seat, was in tliis village transact
ing business last week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Cox of Nebraska
City i i I ! friends over Sunday,
coming ii in their automobile.
Frank Mailer and family cam
in from Ihe precinct and spent
Sunday wilh his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. H-n Mailer.
Several carloads of live stock
has Ix-.-n shipped from this point
lo tli' South Omaha market dur
ing ,weok.
Miss Martha Marker has ac
cepted a very respon-ibile posi
tion ill Omaha and will at once
leave for the metropolis.
Orace 1'jjjhl, Oorris Vallery,
Henna Darker and Miss Oiverson
reinrned lo Piatlsmouth S-inday
evening to attend to their school
A lare congregation attended
the services at Liberty chapel
Sunday and listened to a very
able discourse delivered by Rev.
William i'illispie took a spin
to Auburn jn his Ford automobile
Sunday, and you can imagine he
went some, as Uncle Bill never
does things by halves.
Harry Henton took a ride on
his motorcycle Suiulay, jroin.u
some eifiht miles west of our
neighboring town, Murray. You
may fines.- why he went.
H. I.. Props! shipped a lare
car of nice hedfre posts to M.
Mcisiu".er of Madison, Neb. Posts
of this kind are fretting scarce
and hard to fret at any price.
Mrs. Manola Lanpr, Miss
lerry, ami husband departed last
Thursday for Panama, where Mr.
Lane: has a position in school
work, and is a very eilicient in
structor alonL' that line.
Swank and Sons have con
tracted to pal her and erib Km
acres of corn for Ruber! Propst.
Mr. Swank, wilh his force, will
soon complete the job, as the en
tire force are in line wilh that
kind of work.
Slrictly modern and up-lo-date
has been the weather for the past
few weeks, rain and sunshine just
when most in need of it. A con
tinuation will be very much ap
preciated by everybody except the
ice man.
Jessie Brown, the congenial
carpenter, js doinpr the carpenter
work on the line machine house
be in? built by Oeorpe Snyder on
his farm one and one-half miles
west of town. Jesse knows how
to do the work. "
Notice has been sent lo
patrons of the Bell Telephone
company that they will not dis
count advance payment on tele
phone rent, and the consequence
is thai most all patrons are very
indignant about the matter,
poorer service and advance in the
price will not stand amongst the
farmers. There is strong lalk of
having a meeting, inviting all in
terested in having a telephone,
to see if by some means they can
have a telephone system con
ducted on a cheaper plan and se
cure better service. A few of the
farmers have a private sysleni
installed in their home, which is
giving' good satisfaction. Why
not more do likewise and have a
good fanner line?
Would Make Them Better If They
The makers of Foley Kidney
Pills know that they have abso
lutely the best combination of
curative and healing medicines
for kidney and bladder ailments
and urinary irregularities that it
is possible to produce. That is
why Foley Kidney Pills arc the
best you can buy. For sale by all
Don't wait until spring to
order your incubator, as the fac
tory will be rushed with orders.
Call at Oscar Wilson's barber
shop, on South Sixth street, and
see the Rayo, the latest improved
machine made.
Thanksgiving Attraction
Thursday, Nov. 27th
The Season's One Big Event in Musical Comedy
St Sit 3
The Brightest, the Breeziest, the Best, the Jolliest, the
Gayest, the Greatestthe Success of
all Successful Successes
Funny Comedians, Pretty Girls, Gorgeous Costumes,
Catchy Music, New Novelties
A Perfect Deluge of Fun. Enjoy yourself after
enjoying your Thanksgiving Dinner.
A Good Time at a Bargain.
Don't forget the day and date and don't forget the
prices. Never before at such prices.
25c, 35c, 50c, and a few at 75c
Seats at Weyrich & Hadraba's, Tuesday
John Krvin and wife departed
Tuesday evening for Wausa, Ne
braska, (o spend a few weeks
with Joseph Lynn and family.
Charles Strong of Lawrence,
Kas., arrived here Wednesday
evening: and is making a visit
with his sister, Miss Moss Mc
Carroll. Jacob Oarreans, who has been
visiting- here the past few weeks,
left yesterday for a visit with
relatives in Fremont county,
Mrs. Alberl Clarence arrived
on the yesterday forenoon train
from Coleridge for a visit wilh
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Pickering1.
Oeorge Comer departed Tues
day for St. Louis to make a visit
wilh his uncle, Fdward (Irinies
ami-wife, and will also visit with
relatives in oilier parts of Mis
souri. Sant W. True and family de
parted Wednesday for Cedar
county and will make I heir home
on a farm near Colcridue. They
have many friends in Union and
vicinity w ho hope I bey may be
happy and prosperous in their
new location.
Chess is gelling lo be a pop
ular pastime in this lown, and
occasionally there are warm bat
tles on lh board, the "fans" be
injr Dr. Huslou. Hanker Patter
son, liruj-'ist Keedy, F.levator
McCarthy and the Ledger man.
Farmer Fred Clark threatens to
come in some rainy day and swat
the whole bunch.
Amos McXainee bade his Fnion
relatives and friends farewell and
left Monday ninhl for his new
home at Hall City, Florida. lie
already owns a small tract of
fiootl land Ihere and expects to
in vekin more. Amos has been
a resident of Ibis vicinity since
the day of bis birlh. and all his
acquaintances regret that he de
rided to locate elsewhere. He is
known to be "true blue' and de
serves success.
Frank (1. Kendall sulTered
some slight injury Wednesday
afternoon by falling o(T I he side
walk in fro nl of Moss McCarroll's
store. Uncle Frank's health has
not been of Hie best for some
time and his failing eyesight
caused him Us. tumble oil' the
sidewalk. Parties seeing him
fall went to his aid and an auto
mobile was called to take him to
his home. Fortunately his in
juries were not serious and we
hope to see biin out again in a
short time.
VVvV .
.t. NEHAWKA. 4
News. 4
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Pollard
gave a family dinner Sunday in
honor of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry
Wills, who left for (heir home in
Seattle, Wash., Wednesday.
L. II. Young and wife left
Tuesday for Alva, Oklahoma,
where they will visit for a few
weeks. Mrs. Charles Troop of
Plalf smoulh, a sister of Mr.
Young, accompanied them.
l)r. J. W. Thomas ami Miss
Hulh Murdoch, of Xehawka, were
united in marriage at noon Sun
day al the Melhodislc hurcli al
Memphis, Neb., Rev. Shike, pastor
of the church, olliciating.
Miss Margaret Schomaker left
Tuesday for Thomas county.
Kansas, where she will visit her
grandparents for a time. She was
accompanied as far as Lincoln by
her falher, Herman Schomaker.
Frank Scblichtemoir, who
drives a Carlercar, is proud of
the record his car has made for
him this summer. He has driven
it over i.000 miles and has never
had a 'wrench on the engine, ex
cept to clean bis spark plugs.
I). Swilzer and wife, F.mmor
Marshall and wife of Weeping
Water, ami a brother and sister
of Mr. Marshall, who live in
Ohio, visited al the (Srorge Switz
er home Saturday. Mr. Marshall
ran a hardware store here twenty
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kirkpalrick
expect lo leave today for SI. Jos
eph. Mo., whercl hey will visit a
few days before going on to San
Antonio, Texas, where they ex
pect to spend the winter. The
News will keep them posted on
local events during I heir absence.
John Whilemau had leu acres
of corn that made the biggest
yield we have heard reported so
far, making buhels lo the
acre. Ami his hired man, Frank
Sluleville husked 1 .Ti bushels im
Ibis field' last Snlurday. If any-!
body can beat this yield or record
for a day's husking we would like
to have them speak up. j
Josh Sutphin's store was bur-j
We are demonstrating our supremacy as headquarters
for Thanksgiving Supplies. For weeks we have
been quietly gathering from far and near every
article associated with Thanksgiving
and the Holidays.
Our cheese coun
ter is complete,
containing such
Imported Swiss
Domestic Swiss
Imperial Cheese
Pimento Cheese
Cream Cheese
Limberger Cheese
Kaiser Wilhelm a
Brick Cheese
In Evaporated
we have
Logan Berries
Whole Figs
Pitted Dates
Whole Dates
Pressed Figs
U We also carry Mrs.
Kuhn's famous
Candied Grape
Fruit Peel.
In the Fruit and
Genuine Sweet
Crook-neck Squash
Leaf Lettuce
Sweet Potatoes
Large Grape Fruit
Florida Oranges
English walnuts, al
monds, filo nuts,
Missouri Hickory
nuts, soft shelled
pecans, brazils and
black walnuts.
Brothers' I
Mince Meat
Sweet Pickle
Plum Pudding
Boned Chicken
Maple Syrup
Our sardine and
herring stock is
complete and our
imported genuine
Franforters are
II II ti ll 14
rZ3 n. n n i
n f l h I l
p larit'd skiiii- linn Suiulay nihl
anl in aiilitin lo -v;J in icuni's
Ihi' hi'v's l'Mk xinic i:iiiIT i-ar,
riyar.-. ami a lVw 1 1 1 i- liuhl ar-lirh-s.
Tln' xain. riitranrf
through I lit rt llar ami 'i c i-
linlly aiiiaN-nr (iackiiii'n. a
llny maiic im iMT"i( I " 1 1 1 I I lli
safe. Mr. Sulphin has im din'.
Imt is itirlint'il In think il was lb
work of local talent .
4 Ueacon.
Mrs. (iiiirp' U.-illfi- imiI lh'
lalh-r pari of .it week wilh rela
lies al Syranise.
Horn Thurstlay nios-iiiiiir. No
vember i(i? ,i Mr. ami Mrs. IM
I'raneke, a seen-pouuI irl.
l.eslei- Scaller-oo.l left Hie
fore part of Hie week for M-rii-in.-ide,
Iowa, for a viit wilh
Charles Hietl of Itelhany
visiletl at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. A. M. Truinhle, the fore
pari of the week.
llenry Snoke ami wife moved in
from the farm last Thursday af
ternoon and are oeeupyinj: I heir
house in the .-oulh part of town.
Mis. A. J. Anderson, who has
been visiting -relatives al Murray
and Union for the pad two weeks,
reinrned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoiimmi and Mr.
ami Mrs. (i. V. Kinp: auloed lnwn
from llaveloek Sunday and spent
Ihe day al Ihe J. II. I.atmni home.
Mrs. Ceorpe R-iller, aeeom
panied l.y her nieee, Mrs. Adolph
(lawai-t, if Dunbar, bf last l"ii
iiay for Kensington, Kansas, for
a visit wilh Mrs. Jteiller's sisfer.
Applical ions for the M. 1 sta
tion al Ibis plaee will be closed
the 27th oT I his month. Mr.
Myers says he eannot tell when
he will be transferred until after
that dale.
Mrs. Claude Harred, who has
been sick for the p;fsl few days.
was taken In Hie SI. Elizabeth
hospital at Lincoln Hie fore pari
of the week. At Ibis writing she
is iellin'fr almijr as nicely as can
be expected.
ehe-ira. which fu in i-bes mu-ic
for lb,. ,aac al Ihe I'inlp--! hal!.
remained o.i- until Saturdax
aflen n as Ihe uue-i of Mr.
M. h. 1'lnlpo!.
II. il. Itace has been haximr a
.-erjoijs time wiih bl o, pojmi
in his ijiili t hand, which a
caused by runiii- a nail in (lt
back of the band about an iii' b
deep. e has a bad looking hand,
although il is mucb belter liian
it was.
The man n Ihe nrnl ,rcj -b-who
ran inlo Link llecord' bu--
a wi'"k auo lal Saluidav on
Kblora avenue and ma-be, Ihe
bu.i-'vy up. Ihrowiuir Link mil and
badly bruising him up. lias not
been located el.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hay Smith. Ai lbur
Wiles and family auloed to
I'latt.-nmulh Monday ewnin-.
They look upper with Mr.
Sniitb's parent, where the ladie
spent the eeiiini: while the men
attended a Ma-ouic in ii ial in.
Mr. ami Mr. Harry M.;-al
returned Sunday ni-iit from a
four weeks' tay at .'riiiaa.
Okla., whel e I hey Were called by
Ihe serious il!nes ,,f Mr-. Mc
Crady's falher. -las. Marl h..u:ew.
who is very low. and al hi aye.
Si. there is very little hope of hi
reenvery. V. L. Perry of Li-1,1 Mile ;r,.e
in company wilh his brother.
(Hen. was in town Tue-dax moin
inpr to meet their i-ler. Mr-. W".
A. Cook. oT l'.Imwoo.l. xho xa
coinir'u lo make llu'in a xi-il. Mr.
Perry reports thai his bo sale,
xx Inch was a,i ei l ised in the
paper, was very al i-Ta-'lory. Ili
jiis averaged .''' per head.
Paline e ef Saturday f..r a i:!!! -huiitiu
dip in Ho- vieiiolx i.f l!f
P;iiiiie,e rareli lo-ar llrirn l.'W.
"Sp-'it." the hud d"" t.'i!-', !.
Will 0--e;,k"p. aecrupa 'iM-d
I In iii.
!e Ward -hipped Ho- I. i.-f
Nurrch .-f -i kei I., ibe O iili i
marki't iien'lax thai h.i- J - - - -1 1
-hipped out. of ol.ui-x liie in a
bi;- lime, lie a!-. -ent ii; a .:'
f h- ff!bwd Ihem i,p
wilh a mixed bad lio-.x.
Andrew SI i dl I ina 11. Wife and
! li I e -on ( t i ;; rn d U"iii i
Thurda of la-l w.k fio ,, a
Xi-il of -eelal XXeek- Willi I'i.l-
; nd Ii i' ii"!- in!.
Mr. Slohiman -.i- ll;e wa:loc
Wa- XefV Told Willie n Xei'e
Iheie. bui thai llo-x liad a eiy
pi.-a-a d I rip.
-mm mm M
9 9 99
mm mm mm
J. Republican.
JH-H -I'
Auuul l'.nelkemeier went lo
Lincoln Wednesday t" sec his
son, Fred, xxbo is at a sanitarium.
Aiii:u-f Meyers, one of our ex
tensive slock feeder-.-. eal of
town, came in from Omaha Wed
nesday xxilh Ixvo cars of feeders.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hales, east
of lown, weal In Louisville Mon
day to visit the former's brother,
1-aac Hale-, who has md been
well for some time.
Miss .Marie I'ileia Id. xxbo is
a member of the Plattamouth or-
Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Hurris and
daughter of Wot ! hinloii. Ind..
are here x i-il iim .L M. .laekman
and family.
We are -oiiy lo i-eporl the ill
ness of Mrs. P.oiierl Juneau, who
is sutTerin from an alllack of la
I'licle' (leorre Schoemau
up fioni Plalls!iioulh Ihi- week
visiting wilh re'alie and oid
lime friends.
The Loiii-ville met, bants haxe
decided lo close their places of
business on Tliauk-'-'ix in.: d ix
from 1 I o i o'clock.
Joe Kelly arrixed in Loiii-xilb-the
fore part of the xe,-k alter an
ab-euce of a. couple of month
which he .-pent in we-lein
Mrs. H. C. Yaul. xxlnt xxa
called o Piper Cilx, I!!., la-t Week
on account of her niollier's ill
ness, xx ill accompanx Hi" lall"f
Chicago, xx here -lie will uiid-M-.,
a .-erioiis operation.
James Terryberry and T. K.
Mr. and Mr-. Albert l.!-'d ar d
Mr. ai d Mr-. I. T. Hox. r. (ih-i
near Muriax. xxeii- I -monl H
xi-ilor- a-l S.iturd.iv. .1 1 j m ";
fioni their home ! p.ii. a fe'
hour- xxilh eoiinty -eat fiend-.
The Journal aekimxx b d-e- a
pba-anl call from both penile,
im n. Mr. L!o. renew n the -!.!.--rripliou
,.f hi- mother, Mr-. D.
M. LI -!
Ada n Seh ifer and John I r i-li
of Ml. P'ea-ant precinel. were
xi-iliiiir with county -eat friend-la.-l
Satuidax. Mr. ,hafer x a
a plea-ant caller at theJouiual
ollice. ri':"'iii-' for hi- paper f..r
anol h. r x ear.
J. II. YaHery xa- another one
of tio-e xa!lei leader- of lie'
Journal xx Im xxas o,,ki,i' at - r
some lu-iiiess mailer- in He
eouiilx -eat la-l Sat urdax . ea ' I uu
al the Journal ollice and f,ii',
imr hir- -ub-ci-iid i"ii for the Senu-
II. i ;. Todd, from near Mm i a .
wa- a Pl.i! I -moil I h xi-ir
Satuidax. and paid tin- oTice a
plea -ant xi-it, ifin'WiiiL' for hi
paper f r another xrar.
Albert Salehell. from .n-a-Murray,
xxa- in Ihe rn a few
lioiii- la-l Salurdix. and wl.d
he;,. wa- a brieT caller ;ii !!,
Journal oOice. IcIirWIH.' Ill-
-criplioii for another xar. . -
lel! e- S Ih-lt lie XKlit le.e
folr Coil lt te! -;. li-.
i.toxin to Ibe notlliern pirt of
the -tale. e pe,t- to Iri.i--
Ihi- cban-e ab ul I he tir-t of
Horses and Mules for Sale.
.1 I - I leeeixed. T, Ilea. of z I
Imi.-e. and mide-. uiibranded a'1 '
ino-iij- broke. (Ii it are t"r
priee- that ate plumb ri-ht.
Trunk Vallery.