The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 17, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
There was a large ami pleasing
enng regal ion present at St Luke's
at SI. Luke's rhurrh yesterday,
church yesterday at tin morning
services, to hear I lit? bishop of
I fie dioft'.-f, Itiylit Rev. Arthur I..
Williams, of Omaha, who preach
ed at hotli services. The -bishop
at the morning service gave, a
mtv able and instructive sermon
on the great convention of tin;
church that has ju.-t closed in
.New York City, ami mi the work
of the thuich throughout the
country. The bishop is rne of the.
linest pulpit orators in the state
ami his visits to this city arc al
ways an occasion of much pleas
tire to the members of the parish,
and the bishop stated yesterday
it was always a great pleasure for
him to he in this city anion? his
church people. The bishop at the
morning service celebrated Holy
Communion, which was partici
pated in by I he members of tht
Saved His Foot.
II. D. lily, of Dantam, O., suf
fered from horrible ulcer on hi?
fool for four years. Doctor ad
vised amputation, but he refused
and reluctantly fried linckli'iiV
Arnica Salvo as a last resort. He
then wrote: "1 used your salve
and my foul was soon completely
cured." Host, remedy for burns,
cuts, bruises and eczema, Oct a
box today. Only LT.o. All drug
dists or by mail. II. K. Pmcklen
it Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Mrs. Myra .McDonald came up
this morning from her home at.
Murray and was a passenger for
Omaha, where .-he will visit, her
sister. Mrs. Zirls. for the day. as
that ladv is eu route home 1o
Waterloo, Iowa, from Kansas,
where sho has been visit iuir, and
(tie two sisters will visit, together
in Omaha for the day.
A Consumptive Cure.
A cough that bothers you con
tinually is one of the danger
signals which warns of con
sumption. Dr. Kind's New Dis
covery slop the cough, loosen the
chest, banish fever and h-l you
sleep peacefully. The first dose
checks Ihe symptoms and gives
prompt relief. Mrs. A. 1'. Mertz,
of Clen r.llyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery cured a
stubborn cough after six weeks'
doctoring failed o help." Try
it, as it will do the same for you.
Ib'st medicine for coughs, colds,
throat, and lunar troubles. Money
back if it fails. Price rne and All druggists, or by mail.
II. K. Pucklen & Co., Phila
delphia or St. Louis.
Cause of in&omriTa.
The most common cause of in
somnia is disorders of Ihe stom
ach ami constipation. Chamber
lain's Tablets correct these dis
orders and enable you In -sleep.
For sale Iy all dealers.
Cockerels for Sale.
have a few choice
I have a few choice single
comb 1 (11 ! t Orpington Cockerels
for sale. 'Phone i 7 I .
1 t-l.-lvkd
This afternoon a case was filed
in the district court by Kmina
Kaufmann against Thomas K
Parinele, of Louisville, and the
plaintiff in her petition alleges
that William Yolk, her common
law husband, was, on Ihe first day
of February. 1K10. Ihe owner of of gold coupon bond
bearing interest at t per cent, and
x."i,nno of prefered capital stock
of the telephone company of Nor
folk. Nebraska, which he received
in exchange for a farm. Th
petition also has a reproduction
hi a receipt irom I'armcie to
Yolk for the bonds and sloOk,
which were to be held in the Hank
of Commerce for live years and
said Yolk was to receive the in-
j come l rom t he bonds and stocks
I The plaintiff alleges in her peti
tion that the defendant has ron-
iverled the bonds and slock for hi
i ...
own use and lias made no no
counting to trie piamtitl tor them
or their value, and she asks that
the amount be given her.
They Get Away With the Counci
Bluffs Boys by the Score of 44
to 0 Good Boys!
Allie Meisinirer and bi rd her.
Adam Meisinyer, drove in this
morning from their home near
Cedar Creek and were passeng
ers on Ihe early Hurlington train
for Omaha, where Allie will in-e-f
in a new automobile and will
in a few days be Ihe proud pos
sessor of a fine new Inter-Slate
machine of the latest mode.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Felzer of
Louisville drove to this city yes
terday and spent the day at the
home of .lulius Pilz. south of
here, ami today are visit jug his
brother, Joseph I'etzer and fam
ily. Mr. Felzer was a pleasant
caller al this otlice and while
here renewed his subscript ion to
this paper.
William Wet lenkamp. from
near Mnard. drove in this morn
ing from his home and was a
passenger over the Iturliugton
for Omaha, where he was called
on mini' matters of business.
Nervous and Sick Headaches.
Torpid liver, constipated
bowels and disordered stomach
are the muses of these head
aches. Take Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills, you will be surprised how
quickly you will yet relief. They
stimulate the different organs to
do their work properly. No bet
ter regulator for liver and
bowels. Take 2."c and invest, in
a box today. At all druggists or
by mail. II. K. Iluckleu ,; Co..
Philadelphia and St. Louis.
Louis Hansen of near Arapa
hoe. Nb.. a cousin of Mrs. Albm
J. Ho. 'Son. was an over Sunday
visitor in Ibis city ami departed
this mommy for his Furnas
eoimfv home.
Mrs. Lloyd Oapeji of Murray
was a pasenyer this morning
over the Hurlington for Omaha,
where she will visit for a few
hours with friends.
John P. Mejsinyer, jr., and
family were in tlo- eily Saturday
looking after some trading with
the merchants for a few hours.
Toniyht. if you feel dull and
stupid, or bilious and constipat
ed, take a dose of Chamberlain's
Tablets and you will foel all
right tomorrow. For sale by all
Declare War on Colds.
crusade of education which
aims mat common colds may
become uncommon within the
next, yeneralion" has been begun
by prominent Now York physi
cians. Here is a list of the
don'fs" which the doctors say
will prevent the annual visitation
oft he cold :
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sleep jn hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stuff yourself at meal
lime. Over-eat iny reduces your
To which we would add when
you fake a oobl yet rid of it as
quickly as possible. To accom
plish that you will find Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy most excel
lent. Sold bv all dealers.
Mr. Horace Alton of Olenwood
Iowa and Miss Josie Carpenter of
Silver Citv. Iowa, wore married
al the M. K. parsouaye this aft
ernoon, ltev. F. M. Druliner per
forminy the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Alton returned home this
A yood honest medicine like
Folev Kidney Pills yivos health to
many families. Mrs. O. Palmer,
(.'.- Willow SI.. Creen Bay, Wis.,
was seriously ill with kidney and
bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer!
writes: "My wife is rapidly ro
rovcriny her health ami strength
due solely to the use of Foley
Kidney pills." For sale by all
The Plaltsmonth fool ball team
added lo its laurels Sunday aft
ernonn when they won a decisive
victory from the Council IUuIT
Oianls, one of the fastest teams
and one that is considered the
champions of the Iowa city, by
core of ii to 0. The yamc was
the best that has been played hen
so far this season, and the locals
covered themselves with ylorv in
I heir work in the yame and at m
time did the visitors look danger
ous, as tne bail was kept in then
territory all the lime and theii
itlompls to slop the swift lim
drives and rushes of the local.
was without avail.
The one briyht star of the
yame was JJoJ) Hilstcm, Ihe lull
nack ior riaiisinniiin, wno is
certainly there and over in tin
loot nan yame. as no lore no es
throuyh the Council Blulfs line at
Will and tfiero seemed to fie no
way of stoppiny him. as he car
ried four or live of Ihe I tin Hi t
several yards each time and s
cured two touchdowns. Ityron
rries, who played rigid half
back, was also quite successful in
addition to the scoriny for Plaits-
mouth, by earryiny the ball over
the line for three touchdowns,
while Pete Ilerold added to the
agony jy seeming lliree loucii-
iluwns also for the locals.. The
jmlymont of Ilerold on finding
the weal; places in the Council
HlufTs lino could uol be improved
upon, as almost every eiiorl oi
the boys to yet throuyh Ihe line
was successful, ami on me yoai
kickiny they only failed in one
try in ptittiny the piyskin over
the poal posts. There was a very
yood-sizeil crowd present and
much enthusiasm was shown by
the rooters of the excellent work
done by I ho bovs.
file next contest to be stayed
will bo with Olenwood. who
claims to have a fast loam, but
(hoy have no terrors for the team
hero and they hope lo add an-
otner victory to tneir list, ami
they should have a yood crowd
t . . -it l ii i
out lo assist i item ny tneir root
ing to win from the Iowa boys.
Thursday, Pirn.
I I tt
or marine: life
Popular Young Couple Married.
From Friday's Daily.
The marriage of Miss Martha
L. (ianei to Mr. Fred W. llutre
took place Wednesday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William (ianzel, near
town. The rooin is I he son of
Louis Huf,'e. Itoth are very hijih-
ly esteemed younjr people of trie
community and have the pood
wishes of their many friends.
They will make their homo north
of town. Weepiup Water Re
-J t'J9'wig mm fft.t u. 1. 1...
Mjjj ,.' Li err11.1!!'';-!!
Commencing WEDNESDAY, November 1 2
S Famser's ia&iiril
oiiiff itoiri
Our Fall Sale still offers you some exceptional bargains, and for
the next ten days only, you will find here the greatest bargains of
the entire season. In other words, YOUR DOLLAR WILL GO
FARTHER THAT! EVER BEFORE! Our entire line of
on the dollar
The season is rapidly drawing to a close, and all our new and sea
sonable lines MUST BE SOLD.
FOR TEN DAYS ONLY, we also offer you our entire line of
Owing to labor difficulties
in the big eastern factories, we
just received our new fall and
winter line of Men's and Boys'
Suits and Overcoats.
Boys' Suits at 52 up
Men's Suits at $5 up
Hen's Overcoats from 59 UP
Boys' Overcoats from - 52-98 up
Men's heavy Sweaters roll collar 55c
Men's heavy Union Suits 98c
Men's Flannel Shirts in fan, gray QE
and blue, at
Men's and Boys' Caps at . . . 1 9c up
a line of Ladies' and Misses'
Skirts. Every garment new and
up-to-date, all of which we of
fer for the next ten days at a
very close price.
We still have a few Coats
and Skirts from the Iowa Bank
rupt stock that are going at
genuine bargains.
Ladies', Men's and Children's
Sold cheaper than elsewhere
during this sale, but remember
that it is for ten days only.
V. ZUCKER, tfanager
Plaifsmouift, Nebraska
.1- Vrltfy
on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's
Tomorrow 25c, 35c, and 50c
Fast Beinq Realized by Platts-
mouth People.
litlo backacho at lir
Daily incroasjnf? 'till tho back
is laino ami weak.
Urinary disorders may quickly
Dropsy anl often Urisht's dis
ease. This frequently is I lie down
ward course, of kidney ills.
Don't take this course. Follow
the advice uf a I'lal t sinout h
Mrs. Adam Kurlz, Plattsmouth,
Neb., says: "1 was suffering1 in
tensely frorn my kidneys anil
back and I could not stoop or
stand erect. There was a dull,
nafrsingr pain through my back
that robbed me of all energy. My
sight became affected and dark
spots appeared before my eyes.
I got Doan's Kidney Pills from
Oering & Co.'s Drug Shire and in
a short time I hey relieved me.
Since then I have recommended
this remedy to i number of my
For sale by all dealers. Price
HO cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
For Infants and Children.
Ttis Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Don't mourn over it ! Don't
envy others because they have
beautiful hair. IJegin right now
to give proper, intelligent, care
and attention to your hair and
then let others envy you. Use
Harmony Hair Heautitier, a de
lightful liquid hair dressing that
is .just what it is named a hair
beaut itier.
To make the hair glossy, soft
and silky to make it easier to
put up in smooth, wavy folds, and
"stay put" to restore to your
hair the well-groomed appear
ance you want it to have to
overcome the unpleasant, oily
odor of the hair and leave instead
a delightfully dainty, fresh rose
fragrance Harmony Hair P.eau
tilier will please you, or. your
money back. Very easy to apply
simply sprinkle a little on your
hair each lime before brushing
it. Contains no oil; will not
change the color of Ihe hair, nor
darken gray hair.
To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free
and clean, use Harmony
Shampoo. This pure liquid
shampoo gives a rich lather that
immediately penetrates to every
part of hair and scalp, insuring a
quick, thorough cleansing.
Washed olT as quickly, the entire
operation takes only a few mom
ents. Can't harm the hair; leaves
no harshness or stickiness just
a sweet cleanliness.
Itoth preparations come in odd
shaped, very ornamental bottles,
with sprinkler lops. Harmony
Hair Iteaut itier. 1.00. Harmony
Shampoo, r0c. Itoth guaranteed
to satisfy you in every way. or
your money back. Sold in this
community only at cur store
The. Rxall Stor on1 or toe
more than 7,000 leading- drug
stores of the United States, Can
ada and Sreat. Mritain. which own
the bur llarmonv laboratories in
Hii.-lon. where Ihe many celt
brated Harmony Perfumes and
Toilet Preparations are made.
1". :. Frieke & Co.. Union Itlock,
IMaltsinouth, Neb.
Sells Some Very Fine Chickens.
C. C. Wescolt, who at times,
when he is not selling "Quality
Clothes," makes a specialty of the
raising of fine Huff Orpington
chickens, has just disposed of his
line full-blooded fowls to C. W.
stone of Nehawka; who is to take
up the raising of this excellent
breed of chickens, and he cer
tainly has picked out some excel
lent stock to make a start on.
The fowls raised by Mr. escott
ro among the best in this part
of the state and he takes a great
bride in the line showing they
have made.
Mrs. Carl West Doing Nicely.
Mrs. Carl West, who has been
at the Clarkson hospital in Oma
ha for the past week taking treat
ment, was operated upon Satur
day and this morning she was
feeling much better and all con
ditions were most favorable f. r
her recovery, and it is thought
that in a short lime she will be oji
the highway to recovery. That
Mrs. Wef has come through the
operation so successfully will be
very pleasing news lo her friends
August pautsch of Mauley and
W. A. Cleghorn of Louisville
were in the city today for a few
hours lookintr after matters of
business at the court house.
Fred H. fiorder of Weeping
Water was in Ihe city Today for
A Night of Terror.
Few nights are more terrible
than that of a niother looking on
her child choking and gasping
for breath during an attack of
croup, and nothing in the house
lo relieve it. Many mothers have
passed nights of terror in this
situation. A Utile forethought
will enable you to avoid all this.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
a certain cure for croup and has
never been known to fail. Keep
it at hand. For sale by all dealers.
a few hours all
business matters.
nding to some
Joe KellyGettinVAIong Nicely.
Joseph Kelly, who was injured
a few days ago by having a large
draft timber fall upon his right
leg while he was assisting to un
load a rubble carload, is getting
along nicely, although he is still
confined to his home. The in
jury required several si itches to
close and it will be some time be
fore he is able to be around in
his usual manner.
Paul Itudig of Havelock came
down Friday from his home to
make a short visit here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Ruth Inhelder of Lincoln,
who ha been here for a few days
visiting at the home of Miss Mina
Thierolf, departed this morning
for her home.
Th Greenwald Studio,
in Coates' Blrek.
One of t lie most attractive
show windows in the city is I hat
of II. M. Soennichsen on Ihe dry
goods side of the store, where the
artistic hand of the lady clerks
has prepared a very handsome
display of dainty needlework,
which is one of the linest ever
shown in the city. This store is
one of the most advanced along
modern lines in the city and their
stock of dry goods is being: con
stantly added to by tho lat"t
creationa a ttie mariet, and with
tho ttbligSio? clerks raalces tt ft
gK'Mt pleasure to trade ther,