The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 13, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913.
A cgctaWePrcparaiionlcrAs
similaiinStixFoorfantfRcguta tin tite Sioiimchs aiuiBcrwisof
Promotes DiesttonOtefrfii
ncss and Restontains neither
Opiuailorphine nor Mineral.
KotNar cotic.
Cttmtktl Stiqnr
Hjfcynr 'Fkrr-r.
Apcrfat Remedy forConsflf
1 ion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoa
ncss arclLoss qf Sleep.
lac Simile SignamreoT
The Centaur Compass;
Haranteed under th roodi
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A New Negligee,
The Smoking Robe
New York, November 1-.
Mnh interest lids recently fo
cusi'il upon several fashionable
weddings. It has become the
custom to linger later and later
out of (own esieh season, and the
scene of each of these notable
functions was a well-known
country estate. Nature is truly
at her best in early November,
and the house parties attendant
upon these events were in every
instance voted a big success.
The air had just enough snap to
ii to make the plowing wood lire
a magnet, and to render appro
priate the wearing of smart aut
umn toilettes.
The gowning, while extremely
elegant, was on the whole mark
ed by conservatism. It is an ac
knowledged fact that the well
bred woman doe; not, except in
isolated instances, accept liter
ally the extremes of fashion;
rattier, she nullities ami individ
ualizes the mot pronounced
features. Once in a while one
eneounters someone on the type
oi ;Mis. .MiMir scoit iuinien,
perhaps, who possesses the stat
u:e and personality to wear
striking gowns without being
o er-c oiispieimus ; J, nt sneti ex
ceptions only prove tin; rule.
mi nie majoritv of women
K :owii for their gond la?.te in
dress, we now see drapery, vol
uminous, many times: hut, owing
to the softness oT the material
in which it is expressed, seldom
bulky; tunics frequently full and
;i trifle Hating, but not often ex
aurerafed : panniers more times
simulated by the folds of Mr.1
skirt than actually an oer-drap-ery.
A very ei7ectie black" velvet
I'ul.-jie was worn by an attract
ive Western woman. -Ii is shown
in one tir-t sk-t h. - The. jacket
was erv short jM "front, but came
! vn long i,t u,,, ba'-k. Its folds
wre held" in place for three
quarters of the circumference of
the .waist by a .loose., drooping
belt. Collar and uu"s were made
of one of the prettiest' novelty
civets we have yet seen. The
ground was changeable blue and
green. on which appeared
spla-ties of gray-orange. dull
green and red. so arranged as to
form an indefinite plaid." ' -
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Thc cittrauii comn. -tm tom cmr
Inaccurately Named
The scant, three-piece skirt of
black velvet was trimmed with
two wide bias bands of the plaid
With this gown was worn a very
charming hat. having a soft
"tain" crown and flaring side
Figure .One.
A Fetching Toilette in, TJlack and
Novelty. IMaid Velvet
brims of tarnished stiver lace. A
dull green' and 'orange ' feather
i r r: r i 4 it Bunnell
fancy was posed at the right
side-back. . Quite "in the pic
lure" was her big- black velvet
bap, swung- by a heavy silver
Another very interesting cos
tume, less dressy in typ, is
shown in the second sketch. Soft
putty-colored duvetyne striped
with royal blue was the body fab
ric. It had a little black satin
waistcoat and a Hat collar of
squirrel dyed royal blue to match
the stripe in the fabric. The
hat was of the duvetyne, with a
band of the blue fur framing: the
face, and a blue and putty col
ored stick-up posed jauntily at
t lie left side. With this was
worn a delicate vest of pleated
net and cream-colored Valen
ciennes lace. The skirt was a
simple four-pored affair, quite
innocent of drapery, worn with a
crushed girdle of the black satin.
Speakinp of weddings, one na
turally reverts to the trosseaux,
and this calls to mind some of
the wonderfully lovely negligees
brought out this season. Two
- ifmw
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Figure Two.
Putty-colored and Ulue Duvetyne,
with Hlue-Dyed Squirrel Fur
distinct types are noticeable in
these more intimate garments of
the feminine wardrobe. First,
the fairy-like robes for strictly
boudoir wear, which are I he ulti
mate of expuisite daintiness, and
then the somewhat daring gowns
in which mi-ladv sips her tea or
entertains a chance caller.
To the first class belong sets
of boudoir jacket, cap, ami petti
coat of gossamer muslin, em
broidered in pink and blue for-
e'-me-nots. and trimmed witli
expuisite Valenciennes lace
Cretonne breakfast jackets arc
another novelty.-. One we saw re
cently showed a gay pompadour
design, cut on the lines of the
loose lialkan jackets we have had
this summer. It. was belted be
low the waist with black ribbon
velvet, and had a narrow black
velvet band ' outlining the V-
shaped neck.
A pegnoir, which in its effect
ive simplicity evidenced a stroke
of genius, was cut after the
fashion of a choir-boy's surplice.
It was made 'of shimmering ivory
satin, high in Ihe neck but with
sleeves, as in the surplice, com
ing just to the elbow, l lie only
ornamentation was a wreath of
small, many-colored, made silk
roses, with their, green leaves en
circling the neck.
Of more formal garments for
interior wear' the novelty of the
season is the so-called "smoking
gown,: and many women, who,
from motives of morals, or man
ners frown upon the cigarette,
lo not hesitate to include in Iheir
wardrobes: an effective toilet of
this kind. . The -"smoking- gown is
not unlike, Ihe : bridge gown .of
several seasons past. Ordina
rily, it is made of-some -rather
striking fabric of supple, texture,
such as printed crepe or silk
u-ocade. An interesting model
was of. the former fabric showing
bold design in old blue against
an olive background. Over a
fcomewhat scantily cut skirt was
hung a semi-fitted jacket extend
ing almost: to the knee. It. was
long of sleeve, high of neck, but
collarless, ' and untrimnied save
for an old gold guimp outlining
the neck, sleeve edge, and front
closing, which was fastened with
gold cloth buttons and loops. A
Cossack cap of the crepe, finish
ed with a dull gilt tassel, went
w ith the outfit.
In lingerre, too, a number of
interesting innovations have ap
peared, all designed along t lie
line of elimination. , It really
seems as though the final stage
had been reached in a novelty
just brought out, "the garler
skirt." It is made up in its en
tirety of a single-pleated chiffon
ruffle, sometimes with an over
lay of lace and sometimes with
out, attached to the "common or
garden variety" of round silk
garter. This, if you please, in
lieu of the petticoat!
Quite practical, however, and
delightlullv pretty are Hie new
lingerie combinations. Tin
cheminanlaloon. which consists
of a single inusli ngarment to ha
worn under the corset, has
chemise-like lop buttoning down
the front, cut in one with which
are regulation knickerbockers
buttoning about the knees. An
other garment which has met
with an enthusiastic reception i?
the envelope combination. This
too, has the chemise lop, 1h
skirt section being brought down
long- at the back in a tab which
bullous to the front, forming th
drawers. When worn the lower
part of the garment looks like a
scanty little circular petticoat.
Color in underwear is a new
and pretty note. In expensiv
goods colored crepe de Chine is
favored, and for less expensive
lingerie we have printed cotton
crepes indescribably dainty.
success r
The Postoffice Department at
Washington Much to Credit
of Those in Charge.
From Wednesday's uauy.
Success of government de
pends not only upon the law
passed or enacted, but upon
their enforcement and interpre
talion by those grveu the power
so to do. individual success m
each department of our govern
ment depends upon those select
ed to head or superv ise I hat de
partment. No department of our
government is more far-reach
ing in its financial benefits than
is the ' postoMice department.
Postmaster Oeneral Burleson as
head of this department, has cer
tainly shown wonderful insight
with the busness management of
the department a business man
from start to finish, with real
service as the "watch-word
This is accomplished by the ap
pointing of the proper assistants,
all of whom, with very few excep
tions, are working in perfect har
mony and accord. His secretary,
Mr. Smith, is a diplomat, at the
art of meeting and pleasing all
callers on the postmaster gen
eral. He shows tact, and at the
same time full enthusiasm for
his superior and the parlv he
The same is equally true of ex
Governor Dockery of Missouri.
the third assistant postmaster
general. But one of the best "re
sult-getters" of the postoflice de
pari ment is the general superin
tendent of tlie railway mail serv
ice, Mr. A. II. Stephens, who is
progressive, advancing and al
ways on the "lookout" to improve
the service and to minimize the
cost thereof, without a reduc
tion in wages or salary. With
one stroke of his pen and the use
of the gray mailer in his head, he
has saved Ihe department over
$1,300,000 in the shorl time he
has been general superintendent
of Ihe railway mail service.
President Wilson's splendid
choice of postmaster general will
make hrm many friends for his
economy and efficiency, as surely
as does Bryan in the state de
partment for his .political fore
thought; it certainly means ad
ministrative success.
Most disfiguring skin erup
tions, scrofula, pimples, rashes.
etc., -are duc-fo impure blood.
Burdock Blood 'Bitters as ;'a
cleansing blood tonic, is well
recommended.-Si. 00 at all stores.
Hazol-Menthol Plasters
Effectiyely relieve pain. The soothing ef
rects oi mentQol are qmckly felt in Back.
ache, HheumatLin, Sciatica and other
painful affections. Yard rolls $1.00; regu
lar size J5:c. All urnggists or direct by mail.
UttVis Si uwrence jo., jvew xorK.
Samples mailed ujxm request, 6c stamps.
Deep-seated Colds
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis
Contain no harmful drug.
All dealers.
iTT i i i V
(Special Correspondent.)
Tom Cromwell was in town
Monday on business.
Zelina Biss left for her home
in Sioux City, la., Sunday.
Daisy lbdka Sundayed with
her parents near South Bend.
J-.tta Sorick was home over
Sunday visiting with her parents
Eva Sorick was home visiting
her parents Saturday and Sunday
Anna Ceohry was home over
Sunday visiting with her par
Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Kin-hu were
visiting relatives in Elmwood
I. O. Hornbeck was visiting hi
sister in Lincoln Saturday and
Ida Wcjshiel was visiting with
her sisters near Elmwood Satur
day and Sunday.
Belle Davison of Weeping Wa
ter was visiting at the hotel the
fore pari of the week.
Dr. I. D. Jones, who has been
in Chicago the past 'week, return
ed Tuesday evening.
Lit t le Jehrusa Wclherfer visit
ed with her uncle, 1. (I. Hornbeck,
Sunday between trains.
A number of teachers from
this vicinity attended the teach
ers' institute last week.
Elex Stinsou of Oklahoma visit
ed with his uncle, A. J. Mc
Xamara. a few days last week.
rtev. C. W. Buelter is helping
Itev. C. Jannea conduct the re
vival meetings at Elmwood Ibis
Wade Killion, who has been I
O. Ileall's former salesman, left
Sunday for Norfolk, where he will
conduct a sale there.
fine way to relieve habitua.
constipation is to take regularly
a mild laxative. Doaifs ltegulets
are recommended for this pur
pose. L5c a box at all drug stores.
w iir -.n"rv 'rr.".-;"rr.
Ouile a number are Ihrough
husking corn in this locality.
Will Oilmore spent Sunday at
Nebraska City. Willi who? Ouess!
Quite a number from this coni-
nuinitv spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Tritch.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Puis. Sunday. November ilh. a
bouncing baby boy.
Ouite a number from this com
munity attended the Mrs. Oorder
hog sale Wednesday near Platts
moul h.
The county is putting in a new
concrete culvert at the Charles
Boedeker corner, which has long
been needed.
A large crowd gathered Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Durman to help celebrate the Jai
ler's birthday anniversary.
In Every Sickness.
A good physician's first step,
in every sickness, is to clean out
Ihe intestines, because his medi
cines cannot do any good as long
ns there is -waste matter in lh
bowels. For this reason we
flen have called the attention of
our readers to i riner s .Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine, which
I h :5 should use as soon as any
indisposition is noticed. Tt cleans
out Ihe intestines thoroughly, m
a natural way, with pain or any
other discomfort, and without
weakening the body.- It also
stimulates the digestive organs
to work and in Ibis way the bat
tle for health is usually won. It
is, in fact, a great first aid to al
most every disease, and especial
ly in diseases of the stomach and
the bowels. Clean out the body
and keep it clean and you will
avoid many diseases. VI drug
stores.. Jos. Triner, I333-133H
S. Ashland Ave,, Chicago. III. jr
you med ji j;ood HiVinient- in your
household let us recommend you
Triner's Liniment.
la the County nrt f Cam County,
In the Matter of tlie Trusteeship
Created by the Will of Lydia Todd.
To All 1'ersons Interested:
Notice is hereby fitven that L. !.
Todd, trustee, provided for In the
handling of certain funds in the will
of I.ydhi Todd, deceased, hits tiled a
report of the moneys received ami ex
pended to date as such trustee, and
also a petition aet-ompanyinB the KHine
for allowance thereof and for Kuc-h
other orders and directions as the
trustee deems advisable at this time,
and asking that Paid account be. set
tled, allowed and approved to date.
You are further notified that the said
County Court has set said account and
petition for hearing, consideration and
allowance cn the 2-ItIi dav of Novem
ber, litis, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In said
Court, at i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, and
that any and all objections, suffers
tions and considerations relative to
said account and petition will be heard
at said time, and the same finally and
fully passed upon and determined.
Witness the hand and the seal of
said Court this 11th day of Novem
ber, 1H13.
Bv the Court.
(Seal.) ALLKN .1. liKKSuN,
County Judne.
In the County Court of Can County,
In the Matter of the Kstate of
William J. O'ISrien. deceased.
To All Persons Interested in the Kstate
of William J. l)'Prien. Deceased:
You are hereby notilied that on tlie
"tli day of November. 1913, Johanna
Morley, executrix of the estate of Wil
liam J. O'Brien, deceased, tiled in said
Court her final account, as such ex
ecutrix and that said final account will
be heard on the 6th day of lecember,
1913. at tlie hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at
the County Court rooms in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
and you are hereby cited to appear at
tlie time and place above desciited and
show cause, if any exists, why said ac
count and petition for discharge should
not be allowed.
IT IS HKIiKHY OKDKItEl) that the
said Johanna Morley. executrix, pive
notice to all persons interested in said
estate, by causing a copy of this order
to be published in the l'lat tsmou t h
Journal, a newspaper printed and ub
lislied in said County, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to the date set for
said hearing.
l'ated this 7th dav of November. 1913.
County Jnd.:e.
sotick to ii:fi:iiivt.
In the IHxlrict Court of Cam Conuty,
Allen L. Harvey,
Edna Harvey,
1 efendant.
To Edna Harvey:
You will take notice that on the 2ah
day of July. A. I . 1913. the plaintiff
filed his petition in tlie District Court
of Cass Counay, Nebraska, airriiiist
you, the object and prayer of which
are to obtain a divorce; from you on
tlie trround that you have wilfully
abandoned plaintiff, without just cause,
for a term of two years. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the liitli day of December, A. I).
Dated. November 3, 1913.
ALLEN L. IIAUVEY, Plaintiff.
liy CALVIN 11. TAV1.I !:,
His Attorney.
Albert I'endl, Plaintiff,
David Earwicker, et al..
To David Earwicker, the unknown
Heirs and Devisees of David K;tr
wicker, deceased: Svlvira E. Smith,
Warren M. Smith. Myrtle H. Pratt,
Elmer L. Smith, Lois Smith Mcljin
nis, Kobert J. Donovan, ijeorse C.
Donovan, William W. (lullion. the
unknown heirs and devisees of Wil
liam W. CJulIion, deceased, E. T.
Shamp, the unknown heirs and de
visees of E. T. Shamp, deceased :
Samuel Casey, the unknown heirs
and devisees of Samuel Casey, tie
ceased; Mary Ann Casey, the un
known heirs and devisees of Mary
Ann Casey, deceased, non-resident
defendants in the above entitled
action :
You and each of you are hereby
notilied that the plaintiff has com
menced an action auainst you in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of 'iiiict iutr the
fee simple title in tlie plaiiitiif. in and
to the following described real estate
to-wit: Lot I'l in the SV'4 of the
SW; of See. 7. Twp. 12, l:j?e. H. East
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County, Ne
braska, bcinc more particularly de
scribed as follows: Commencing- at a
point 16.6fi chains north and 2.27 chains
east of the southwest corner of the
SW'i of said Sec. 7, Twp. 12. N. Hge.
14 E. of the fith P. M. thence run
ning north 1.1575 chains, thence east
4.83 chains, thence south 1.1575 chains,
thence west 4. S3 chains to the place of
beginning: also fractional lots 9 and
23 in the west half of the SW' of Sec.
R STS ft Cf
Don't try us as a last re
sort, but try us as a first
resort, and you will never
be disappointed.
In acute cases our re
sults are marvelous, quick
and positive.
The accompaning illustration
depicts a human spinal column,
surmounted with the grandest
handiwork of the Creator, the
head, through which passes a
conduit the spinal cord carry
ing the vital force Life.
Two sections of the column
are enlarged, showing two nerves
leaving the spinal cord on their
way to some organ within the
body. See the difference in the
size of the nerves. The large
one is the health-giving one; the
small one disease in the organ
in which it ends. If you are suf
fering or ailing, you have one of
these, caused by luxation of the
vertebrae Let us fix this trou
ble before you become a . chronic
sufferer; if your trouble is already
chronic, we can still conquer it.
Examination and consultation
free. If trouble is not within our
line or ability we tell you so.
Two Blocks North of thc Catholic Church
7. Twp. 12. N. i:re. 14 East of the CUi
P. M. In Cass County. r?e-.jrasxa, and
being more particularly described un
follows: Commencing at a point lS.loi
chains north and 7.b0 chains east of
the- fout h west corner of Sec 7, Twp.
12 North. Kange 14 East of tlie filli P.
M., running thence north iIihiiik.
thence cast 6 chain, tle-nce south 2.5i
chains, and thence west cham. to
the place of beginning: also nil "t lot
. in the NWU of the SW'i cf See. 7.
in Twp. 12. l;gv 14, In Cms Count v.
Nebraska, being more particularly de
scribed as follows: Commencing at a
point 16.29 chains north of the south
west corner of the SW of said Sec.
7. running thence east .f-0 chains to
the place of beginning, thence north
2.50 chains, thence east chains,
thence south 2.50 chains, and thence
west 6 chains to the place of begin
ning: and also all of block 3 In Town
sen. Is Addition to tlie City of plaits
mouth. Cass Connty, Nebraska, anil t
forever enj in you and each of you
from claiming any right, title, claim,
lien or interest in and to the above de
scribed real estate, and to remove cer
tain clouds from plaintiff's title in and
to said real estate, at.d for equitahlw
relief. You and cuch tf you arc re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 15th lay f-f December. A.
D. 1!)13, and in failine: so to do jour
default will be duly entered theiein
and j.idgmcnt taken as prayed lor in
plaintiff's petition.
ALMKliT PENDL, Plaintiff.
Hy A. L. TIDD.
His Attorney.
ciitti:i. moicti; ii:
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated the
first day of May, 1913. and duly file.!
in the office of tlie Countv Clerk of
Cass County. Nebraska, on the 3rd da y
of May. 1913. and executed bv the
Chopie "as Engine Co. (Limited) to
secure the payment of the sum of
$575.00, and upon which there is now
due the sum of $575.00 with eight per
cent interest thereon from the tirst
day of May, 1913; and iJso by virtue of
a chattel mortgage dated the 7th dav
of February. 1913. and duly tiled in the
office of the County Clerk. Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, on the Mil dav of Febru
ary, 1913. and executed by Chopie ;as
oline Engine Co. (Limited to score
rdine Engine Co. (Limited to secure the.
payment of the sum of $700, and upon
which there is now due the sum of $7'
together with Interest thereon at the
rate of eight per cent per annum from
the 7th day of February, 1913. wl l. h
last named mortgage together with
the debt secured thereby has been duly
nssigned anil transferred to the un
dersigned The Hank of Cass County
by the mortgagee Charles '. Parmelc,
default having Iw n made in tlie pay
ment of said sums and no suit of tuber
proceedings at law having been insti
tuted to rccov r said debt, or any part
thereof, therefore I will sell the' prop
erty described in said mortgage, name
ly: me 12 horse power am! four
horse power gasoline engines, and a fl
of the lathes and a ppn ft ena i. -es and
all drills and drill presses, all planes
and appurtenances, pipe thiemlin;j ma
chines, key setters, line shafts, and
belts, and belting, valves, boring ma
chine anil tools. hII small tools, emerv
wheels, and stands, two new 7 'i loose,
power gasoline engines, three friction
clutch pulleys, templets and jigs, all
office furniture, ail patterns for the dif
ferent engines made by the Chopie
Hasoline Engine Co.. of" every kind
anil character, three 3 horse power en
gines, 4 horse power engine, 5 horse
power engine, and 7 Vs horse power en
gine, fine large blower and one small
blower, rattler, -crane. cupola, one
brass furnace, all Masks and other
foundry equipments, also all patents
procured and nil patents now pendini;
of every nature, kind and description,
connected with and pertaining to gas
oline engines, and the business of
manufacturing gasoline engines pur
chased by said Casoiine Engine Co.,
and John A. Chopieska. at public auc
tion at the factory of said Company
in the city of Pla 1 1 smr-ut h. Cass ,.,iin
t v. Nebraska, on "Imidiv. the 2.'.th dav
of November, A. D. 1913, at two
o'clock p. ni. of said dav.
Dated November 3, 191::.
Notice Is also given that by viitue
of a chattel mortgage dated the 17th
day of October. A. D. 1912. and diilv
filed In the ofliee of the Countv t'leik
of Cass Countv, Nebraska, on the 17th
day of October, 1912. and executed bv
John A. Chopieska. to secure (he pay
ment of the sum of $1.0iii.(mi and up
on which there is now due the sum of
$1,000.00 together with intereht at the
fate of eight per cent per annum from
October 17. 1912. default having been
made in the payment of said sum. and
no suit or other proceeding at law l av
ing been inst Muted to recover s.i.
debt or any part thereof, tlierefoie I
will sell the property therein describ
ed, to-wit:
One 12 horse power, two 7 horse
power and two 2 '-5 horse power gas
oline engine with trucks, at nubile
auction at the factory of the ft ..pjc
Oasolino Engine Co. (Limited) in the
city of I'hit t Mitiit h, Cass Countv. Ne
braska, on the 25th d:i- of N'ovember.
A. D. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock
p. m.
Dated. November 3, 191"!
M ort gn ;;ce.
ps n