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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
THUHSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1913. PACE C. PLATTSMGUTH SEMI-WEZKLY JOUaWAL. rp.r;p.4Rf:r in the Interest (If any of the reader of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear un-d-?r this heading. We want all items of interest. - Editor Journal.) State Our Df p'r.its nre guaranteed by the State fjiiarantee Fnii'l 1 1 per rent interest pnid on all Time Deposits for one year. Do your Banking Business with us. iwray a V. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier f i ' a 1 1 p 1 1 i V.r'p.p -a! .! . . . - i .j ,!n , ,;,-.t ii..-: inlav v pIi I- . I.. IH'...'p. j a fl .'I-pim .p. I r ;P ! hi' I .IP ! -t I IP j .Inhll Till. lit-. XI Will hl-.UIII t hi' .litr-.-h -!,,:, iy .wiii.-.u-. itTi'i.-h mi iu a lii-w 1 p-i. h !!' a- M, f .... I. i- -pi'ixliii!-" I In- i -nun a- lh- Hainilt'Mi i-;trp'!ih'r v.,.-;. wpli IIP"!'!- :ii Miiri'av. jfaii iiff n il. M i - fi 1 I .. . i- !.. p v.a- sii'-p- ; Mi-- l.pcv Owm'-' if Oak (Imsi. p, p iif-n,..iith 'f' ;a ni.-r- .f It. I'. ax. I Wiiliatu j. ...p-!i! i.Iji- w;i- ;i:ii'k--. ari iM-il Fr. !.! f ir an I'liip. i-,t..i- 'p.ii.'-il ay. J t x 1 r 1 I 1 1 vi-il. :,-k"i- a- a itn-'t.i t .harh's ..-ili-kx- axil "Xi. j,. p!;iti-xp.iilh I h iir-.lay. i ( ii-n. i-i-ln.rnf (lit- Murray Stall I j; s,-h i i, h : -x ! i.x- - h i pjp-il ! hait k. wi-r.' i,i iMx.iha xi hxi 1 1. ;ir., h. :: - ' Siaph i M-p-iha ! n--s V"i-'i!P'-il(y. I :.,.-, iv. J A niixih"!- 1.1 f farxii'i.-; frnrn lhi Mi- ;. . Mii..f n w 1. - ax 1 1 1 x a - ! n 1 l; i 1 1. 1 r h i .1 11 1 alli-xil'-il III. i"-r- I,,, .-ii..- all'-x I", . ...n.-xf i..x. 1 . 1 . ' ' F. . X 1 1 k " ! - lihi.pi I -. hi- I--ai-lu-r-' ax. I FiMmm. 1 . I 1 x 1 a 1 1 a j - j 1 1 1 - 11 1 1 r. h 1 v . I ,. . 1 . 1 i ; at;.' N u-l.i'l- w i-fi-1 : 1 1 1 i 1 1 - --I I'laM -xx-'i1 h ix.X' . h :: 1 1 I - t 1 f " 1 1 ! I v . i;lpiil-- 1 .! i-aiii'-r w a- af ii-nlinii r 1 .1 1 1 r - ..) hx -. jit..- - in Piatt--x 1 a : ' !l a I x rt ! . . !,,. Mi : aiu, -...;.! y tit i'! s v. llh M. I ml I 'I P' -iv . A -., ..I I 1 x ii- ' - 1". p I'" I . Mi- " ; ..'v. i- nl x-x!- Fxinii . . 1 ,... I i 1 : I !; v. 11 !-. v i - i I i 11 ' ntil S;l ! ! h iim;j. a x l- I'M IIPIX : !x ii'l Ft 'ill -1 i, l nix...l I i. I iix ih-l -ah- IX fill I -mii,-X h ,.i...-.i . .1 a p I. - I . x j h 1 i.l'j p w a - ix 1 ii-1 id i Sal 11 v. lay . ixi;- hi-i-ii-lli.-r i'x.l hi- hmlli'M'- family. l:i. havi- nf W f.-pixi; Wiilx '.a- ix Murray W i-ilip'-ilav lnxk 1 :!(.! -ix x' hiiipx-- nlfaii s. x. ii. II. liilix.x.- am! uilo iiixl Mr. ;Hxi Mk. .). A. WnlUr 1 1 -ix xl h j-iti.i-- Tix-- .! iy. 1 Ira xilxxi liitil. whi. w a - ju-l ahntll ! i'i-i iV 1 l'i "I fllHM :i hlnkl-ll limh. i- p.p xxiti' i'l Ir.xx pxi-u-1. 1. ii ia. I Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! That's what our Blue Tip Matches, made by the Diamond Match Co., will make, and we are selling them 8 boxes for 25 cents this week. Have You Seen One of Our Sale Bills and Noted the Many Advantages in the Prices We are Making for lifiiMMi days, hpginnint?, Saturday, November 15 If ou liavun't sihmi the bill, come to our st or wlifre youTl find everything marked in plain figures. fi b B ti P or the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity f:.spf.piai.i.y for sir? f i m as .mi. an. I -Mrs. .n. i - c -m pa n i'-i v "Ii-. -J. Jl. f- r i i . t i :itif ! Ii. I'laH-ii-MUth lii"-'lav hx- sf)l'-. Ii'hl in I ' I a ! f -' x 11 1 h ''i.!ix--ilav a. fl ! ix xi . Mi. Vanff Fit man .- 11 1 a f'".v Ji-v- (hi- wi-ck iiti!t; with Ix-r pan-tit.-. Mr. ami .Mrs. W. T. A.liiin-. nipir I'lat I - uitxil h. Mr. ami Mi-. Mil ' iax - i-iin-r, fmiii w - t nf Murray. v-;i' Plalt-m-ixlh i-il'.M Iu.'-iln. makiiif thx dip in the aufn. J. II. Hx! l"n. w Im ha-i Iipi ii rxiiliiM'.l In hi- Ii'Xiip fnf thi- pa-t f.'v v.-il;s wiMi I hixuu.'il i -111. j- 1 ! 1 !. In h' (-ut ami ax'iiinl atiain. Miv MrlK.nal.l ami Mrs. Mi. 1. 1 " iM!l ! taiipnl Ihp Axl sn i ji-lv . ilm -ilav . II v;i-i a hiaulilul f:iy a:ii a huux rmwil attpp.h'.l. It. F. Iti.-ml-l. II. Ch'-ss-jiiiii ami H. M. Hi ;ul. uiaili- a hx-i-li'---. Irip Ix Spring I'mlil. . N.'!).. iilii-ilav a Itix pi. .111, in llf l;il ti r'- car-. . .)uip a niimhcr ul faiuu i- arp thiixjiih willi en rn al Inxin. amJ in iitnsl )i-l am ps l lm ichi l un frnm -jr In .' husln I p-r ai-r. h.,, nlliM all. Mr. W . C. 1'nr-I.M-. Ihii.l h ii-k (ipi'iatm nr lln1 .M. 1. lmri'. ts sonii ).i rxuiuvp In Fnii'U, vvfiixp In ha- ai'i'.pl ! a like pn-itinu itli tlix cxmpany. A3 tnX;ZzT Srd fia.J t-h. -;tp. Ci!! op writ.'. Henry :. J.inp AlVil oVCH. If!'' ''T-" !i.llir. fit.' ...'. Ml. I i;CI;il.'!- I , f !lle I.V fell III i u r.-.e will J"' ll'-l .n .-mli.-r . J'j Sal ii r In y . ( ! FttTi-f i;m church. ('.. .M. U ;i I h.i.l i:i acres ..f ii-.Mii, which iiri'i'1, a- a whole, j nxu husix-ls. This is ;-!.!. ithiixk y..'.i. '"" a ! .-'a-..n. Arl ! we .1 xi' ! i - -1 i." .- ii ca n h'-al i n j kt -s I W. II. Hamilton and his a-i-'-i ,iit an- Wui kinir .-.iris ami lite ..ii l.'ni'!.. I ..:.' Slirader's n.-n h.xm-. an. I i..r.u- I heir ul m..t . i 2.--t. s! in shape !'. -f I s : Kip-i- itin plaster. up i Mr-. . I.. Hak' -r. ulm was a! hiii- Si. .J..-.'iIi 1 1 - p i : ; 1 1 i:- iiinaiia j for ;wi week. ;! liftM'iI home ! f f i ; ' . apparently f.-riinir much t..x l.-c I ha,-; -hi' I',!- Ml I x a P. V ) j I i a ' 1 1 1 1 1 .-. Mr-. T. F. .Jam. -. -si axd daua fer, Mi-s lirace. i urix-d t-. Iheir h.-rii.' in W'f-piii- Water Fimlxy. aflcr a here with h.-r dnp-h- t.-r. .Mr.-. Jr. .1. F. '.: ::!!. for .-.-V'i .li .lav .-. J.ilm Kiii-'-r- came down from l'lai t -.'ii. .Ml Ii. ;irn x, ipa n i", by Mile M.'Fariami. hi- chief clerk. In pia-N-i- lh.' l:-ru'i-r hotel, ar ! hope I., finish up lit" work in r ci. , , . . - . i j inn -.- a i ; . i m . 1 1 , i . ; i i i i i . i . im.-aiv iMuk". that ur' f'nr sa!" a! pfipi - that ar" pluirh ri.t:ht. Frank Vailxry. Mr-. A. M. F..!-' ,,f UV.-pin-' W'a'i-i- ami Mr-. I . .1. Tixinaui nl" Si m it f il c l,xva -.. i-ili-il al Ih" llxUt h Y, (!m-ilav ami Tliurstlay. Mr. f.,,1,. i- a .lax-h-' t.-r ..f Mr. ail Mrs. M. Hiall. a rx I Mi-. Ti-uxant a ni"P". i'hiilip F;iinh"i : ...jip llm milch I'nvv uiiti k' a r-vv ilays a-t". wlmn Im ; 1 1 - i f 1 1 ' ' i I'ui hpek- fur hi- fm-h i-nw ami h- rail' hy lu-r -nl": ax. I that i-n"t all, as wo ai" infnifiu-il -Im v;i w "II wnflh Ih" I x i-". S. fl. Piiiipui ami vvifx vf-;it In f '..'. J ;i p Fici'k iiml sfi.'itt si-vt-fal ias ;it the h'.iii" nf Mr. ami Mrs. A)h"fi Schafxr. Mrs. Pitman In viil with lux- -i-FT, vvhih- S.wn 1 1 1 Ml" s ' ' I X " piulPhlU- nil fh" Srlpif.-r Ixxik-. Aunl sai all Y ".in ir. vvhn ha-h-"ii ipiil" i-i-hl" fnr nriti. ixxnlh-. mis lak"x --i imisly i!l hi- w""k ami was inntf."llpil u k"i-) In her ihxii f'U- sxvpral (I.IV-. f la-l arxixinls -In- -""iu- i -iiMimw hal t'uprm "il. 'Flu- .i'vi-lnu ;h-p rliili v. tts I'IiIpi Ijiitx'il al th" l.i'wh Iumiu' Satunhiv I'Vi'iiin. V liii" liui" vas "iijn.M-il I all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i - M"-"nl. Tim im.xl rxtiiihu- uu-t-iiii: will In- wilh F. I.. Itlm-lcii. All limrnhpi s in . t i'ipn'1 ml In Im pip-i-iil a- IhiX" vsill h" I'h'cliiMi nf uMipi't'. Mi- Alia Mann nf MiMi-lmail. Invva. ni"pp nf Mr-. 1. A. Vuun. wlin has Iti'ixi vi-iliuj: at Hi" Vimiii"- 1 1. i in fnr Hie pa-l few lavs, ilxpailpil l'i ir luuu" J"in"silay innrniiiK uf H'i- wxek. Sho was UPPiMiipauicl a- fiir as Omaha l'.v Mrs. Ynuiii! aiul ilnuphtcr, Mis, F.laia. On Ihc rilnrn (rip Mrs. Voting ami i.'.lain wcrx iiml in Plaltwimiulli hy Mr. VnuiiK anil ilriv.'ii In llu-ir linnm, pa! nl Murray. Mai inn Him, a 1 a-ypar-nhl smi uf Mr. .1. Hi llicx, 1 1 a I mi" of his lower limbs b.-ully fraclunal from tlm kirk nf a cnw. It would sppiu that Million ami some of his schunlnuUes ha.l blackono. I heir faees, lo play niiiCor, we suppose, ami the I'ovv, not likmp niuKtu- very wi'll, anway, anil Marion pet t i up: in close proximity lo th" cow's himl hoofs, she demon slialx.l her ilisliki; fir the colore! gentleman by whalinir away and pivinK him a penuine Jack John son blow on hi limb, with Urn above results. The cow is usual ly docile, and always easily ap proached and milked. Fine Chickens for Sale. Buff OrphinstoH roosters and pullets. Also while Orphinpton roosters. Thuse who want such chickens can call or 'plume Mrs. James H, lirown. 'Phone No. k'-K, Murray, Neb. For Sale. 240 acre farm, well improved. Two and a half miles from AIvo, Nebra?ka. Foy lerms. SJOO rr the Journal Readers PRRAMn RRfliNM LLUSmllU U!IU3IH TO LEAVE GOOD OLD CASS COUNT! ...r-i.. j r-r urifh-' hM-n.'-- -. '-!.'! -!!;;.- !n a mfjignoors ana r i icnas uive nirii Farewell Surprise at His Home Sunday. From vr-vMS'laVa Dally. ' I Th" h- MM" i f I.. U. T'.r pv;i wa j p. pi i p! ; :y . v iw I; i-j i, ; c, I j.y lii- phhiP';- ai;.! r-i-ppl- !a-f Sia; iy. wahnal I hp l. a-t k nnw N-lcr.- i.p t!i p. pi.t.' pari f.f l'rr!i. Lie. f.p- a -pf pr;.-i' hal :' i i p!a;i- rx-.l u;. Mr. a; .1 Mr-:. Mar k Whit.- apal -.p .!' ii fly - i ! y f fu-r fi';.-::.- h.i.l h".-x :i(.(if;i'. if fu-.- x f i ' .-'' if I !x- .;nkc i' xihl h w.-rk'-i! -xi i.'iii'lc Fi-'. Suff ppi xi h ix- I'.-! I a v ix 1 1 :;i I t ho . -rh'xi.". P. i ; 1 1 h'-iPr --rv pithily fx r.-i:a.J.-i In tak.- a jf-y ,-;.1p witfi Mr. Wind- in I In- Par- xi!y p'av Ih" ii.-irtx'i.p-s ;i h'-'ti-r nppi.r- luiii!y I'm' a r ry 1 x s Ih.- -xrpri--' 1 1 1 . p. . 1 1 1 1 ! I ii x . . 1 (III f"! Iinil!!'' ai Mi I- n i-nf',C Im f..p;,l tlx- h.-u-" full. Up i h" van full. a.x. 1 th" lax a!-'., fx!! nf all that p. nil. t.xxpl. th" appclitx. f.M' Ih"-.- 'j... nl fru'TU'Is h.ul iml ftirn! I .xi h" a i I - irn p. rt -ax.t In: ( h ha-k"ts. W.- ini-'hf h:t- pn-lpixx-.l tin' ixi-al xnlil Fm-li- l.i's r.'turn that hx mi-hl havp h.i.l llm r-f.pxrt u n i f y (.. ili-- h"l' us Pxnxarv anuuv. nxi f'-yruiif Im muiU h"C..m" -nutp- i '-v;ia' "nxiu-xM ami -an -xir ami -uJXir th" pi ! a t n--. w" IllnUilhl h"-t In f.-lif-Vt- him nf llx- hunh-x nf spi v iriir such ,i ciMupany of uninvited trne-fs. I. tm l" i- smM) I" h-ave our (.-on i m u x i t y ami i:o In make hi h.MX" in Fi ih m;xi with a niicx. Tn say lhaf he will he mi--"d from am'xiLr his bir'e eirde "f fri"iid- ami n"iyhhnr ! with out s.-iyiriL-. fnr he ha- m;ule hi hnme here for I hp f..t.-t ft fly-fou r vears. lie came lo K"iio-ha with hi- father, aunf and si-les from FayhM x ill-, fllimu's. in IK.19, and has sjru'f lhaf lini" )i""ii a re-i-lli'lll of Ul" ix-ichbiu hnnd of Kenn-ha. If i wilh -ad reji-ts llnil we ln-e Fncle Fip from our ini.lsl. for hx has alvvavs bexn a f;nod fri-Mid and neiL-hhnr. Ini! we will kmw thai mir loss is a pain for Ihi' community in wlu'i-h In will itial.e his future home. To lull her express Ihe 1 1 i 12 1 1 e-leixu in which Fncle Fiir i li"hl. his fr!"ud presinfi'd him wilh a line suit of co lies and overcoal. May he live lonr fiiul be happy in liis new Im-alinn i llie wish of bis many Ii iciuN. Hue W ho YVa llleie. Csh Paid for Toultry. lliuin-st prices paid fr I'm. dtice at all limes. Joceph Cook. For Sale. Five full-Mood Poland-China boat s. c H. Ilhoden, Mvnard. Neb. Library Notes. The Library assocjalion is making an ciVoi-i. to buy a lantern, hence the dinner and supper. F.ome oul and help. The ui-vv books are here, and as soon as Ihey can be docketed will lie ready for circulation. Home-made hominey al (he dinner Salnrday. Those who liked "The Harvest er" so well, will be anxious to read "Laddie." by the same writer. It is one of Ihe new book in Ihe library. You men will )o interested in "fnside Ihe Cup," l Winston Churchill, and "New Freedom." by Wood row Wilson. The,, book are in the library. :- Corn Dinner ami Supper at- Ihe Library Saturday. AND K ROBERT GOOD j ENTERTAIN K. II I SOCIETY1 Mi-- F.I I a Ni. -I-..-!- an. I Mr-. It.-...''t ;....) .i.'lij-ht fiiMy .nf.T- iiii'..'n i ii'1 i. . . i. i-i '.i- f i 1 1 1 f '" - h-.fii.'. .?-! .if M'irrrtv. ahir.nv a !"! r:,a i . Th' v if i' m) "i I (''i'-i -'- Vf i'. :;!'; ! -el i.y Mr-. i-Lr.' I'ark-. al'l or whi.-'i a'!.' th' ! i"i ii -aft i ! i !' !:;. -rnl t.M-ii!"-s ,.f l ho -..)".?. Tl:' iirii'f'ipa! w.-rx .it" tfi. (:! v fur th" a f l ' i n i i wa- I u."1 :ir ra f!u.-!;a"i! - f ! i 'i-' nriP'ia! I ! i ' T.hank-'-'iv iii'.' .Imip.-:- In i" ..-ni'.l a! II AH I'.'.rn mil l I."wi-'.'!i .!':;''!. work '.va- pi'ipri. i a;;.! aiT"in.fTM'-nf - ' :i; p'"t .! n!"l , Jil!M.''lin!.-!v !h.' j . 1 i r-' - 'p- aP- u w.'f" t' jt tip- -"!'. p 's !' !ai Pv ap. !. i ;pp pi - r.-fr.--'ip - -. a !''-: w hi!i 'Ih'- 1:p! ! - a ' i 'ip-i- I !,,.,!-. i'i-!:"-'' I h if 1 h. t hr. pn--ni t n?rk!y. r., ihn j fi-r- Xa-k-N ap. Mr-. ;..,. a""J xh-r-t ;,i 1 ; 1 ; p ! h pr.'-xil a' xti-r! niri'-i's . 1- ix? -ix 1 1 irpippl s -if ti'fi-. ! h o f.h'a-:i r; ! ir.i'o' p Energetic Merchants. Th- linn Ifiatf .v T x' r . f-rai :p ;-, 1 i a pr". Ii 1 . -.. ..... t f hx -i , . ,f ' 1 - ' lav. Th.-y arx :t!vav- .pi t hp ah-r'! I., nhxi Ih.-ir i.atr'.x-. in ! th" qualify nf -.P- a n f,rip Th-- iirxi k-'-.-p limit" -li-phr rii;l!t r. ,i that atxi---l I.t i l,,.i 1 1 a tflax. !' !" .-an -x Ifl III'. I I I - a ; P-T- O., : i .' v't Ski! -.May, N'.. l lliiitt ' Till I Will ' ;-- ! . , r. m I a . ; ir: i ra ! ! a -ti.-rial sa i . !ifi,... .1 i rum liflx'xi ihiv-. 'ami t hoy hxv . . . . I a--' .',,M ,x .ivihx- I . . p.-.;-!.- ,.f Murrav an.! vi-!':' ,'x":!,':- "! ' , , i li.ln. F "!." Jl. -a 111.' i -p-.n .?! X ! ! In; " ir i v . 1 1'.- c ii nity I --cxr.' : they -il!"- Ml ....... , . . . i. ..Is a Ix .xi.' as eh'-!;.; an ..( tlmm at -'-,-, -' FlatNmoi.lh .x- i m-.alia. Preaching Service at Murray, j I!mv l F. Fi; i p F 1 . Ix ; -'.-!" nf 1 IMa!t-.T:ni:!h w ill Imld --:-vk-x- Murray ,i nxxt Tii regular s"P vp "noeniii Will i" held IX each church" in Murray ami in Ihej ev.-nix-' (Ip-'Cm will h" ;1 imiox'i meet ii-ir at the Fhri-iian church .'it 7 :'!". All are cordially ixit"d to alt "xd Hips" service. ; AIvo Floies F. ft. .FMilan wa iu Oxi a h a Mimday nn l.usin.'-s. Joe Foreman 'wa Ixxxe fr-.xx Fiucnln ni-r Siuiilay. N.e f-'i M-ema'u wa in Fimnln S.ahirdav and Sundav . Fhath- Smively and fay Far sell of Lincoln -pen' Sundav in AIvo. Feaud'-r Friend was iu Fifx-xFi Thursday ami Friday of la-l W eek. Jake Shatter wa- in SmtHi Ih-ml between (rains Sundav of I - i - f week. Mis. Ik A. KellUeilv wen! F Lincoln Satut diiv. rctiii nix'-' on Monday. Wcsb'v and M.-irie ltird p.ei'1 Salnrday ami Sundav wilh Ihejr F.'andnui nird. .1. Ue'rnian Sh-ocnier vv;is do- f I i PARMELE THEATER, SATURDAY, NOV. 15 I: EVERYTHING ENTIRELY NEW Mr Clifford is ably supported by May Collins, George Gale, Ida May Joe Waldron, and the three sisters Weston, the classiest musical act from the Vaudeville Stage. Believe me. BRIMFUL OF BRIGHT SAVINGS, FUNNY G0OPU0ATI01JS. AOE SPSGiAlLV FOR LAIIOIIIWG FORPOSES : : BRieilEST COMEDY SEEK U VEARS : : Seals al Vcyrich fi Hadrabs's Store, Thursday, fJovomber 13 ADMISSION, 25c to $1.00 i or Tl?r Public S,il Hf:if)n is near at liari'l. anl I wish to inform all tin popi of !iis virinity that I am ready io fake i-ltarie of t!i samn for you. and Iiiifr- that T am ahl-To seriiri1 the Top prirn for ail :ji.) offered at public aii'-lioii. Dal-i-an 1) had at thn .Mur ray Stat Bank, ur hy telephone Xo. X, ATnrray. Sntisfapfion j.rna ranter-i 1. REX YOUNG Xele h ne 5-N. 1 .. f -x" hi- A. wx- in iixiaha tlx1 p. .-a -'-: x 1 ',V;i' F ; ' r',:n '' Fx i !-'WaiK. Mi- xv-lia !.x J'i :at : - a U i n i I A-'"" l; ' ' ; - 1 ;' " F'px..'x .p '-M-- i M ' - ' !.p'X- ..p Ih ''!' '!;,r ihi- In k Hll.r l-iv iantt : p I - t . I'.d l'.v an-' xinfit"'-, of ....- .,..;... U..I i i-iV ..I,,wa pixx- mi I.' i-'il .Mi". axM. I "I X 1 1 ' ill . 1 , . . ... i Vn Kva'K Sill xr. lav . i' la-t Wt I .-,1 i-;,--ev -..-is .x Omaha. We. - - '! ' :., ialt'.-r i.x.F'" '"' county In make their ''' ' .. . .i,'. m i I..I.., ix.smv F- ami Mr- Fd Kv;i;N an toed! T'eFa- Finch. smi of V. !. ,;',.'..,. x-',,. Kridiv xlx-re M.-.!i',eh. nf .Visiaml. S. f., ram, xL .-Vi,,.s look 'im !i. M. !.. Ix.i-! 'tn-iay ev.-nin-'. briuamu' his ht- .'. ' jtie -j-txp. Clli'Ml ine, ahxplt 2 V-'--i l j ...... .. . i t .. .,,,.1 xtr- ' v-'aN- i f a s-e. tn make iu Ixxxe (II ?r'V I' . i ... I .-II. ' ' 1 " PIv.I.. C,.v,.- ,r f.mcoin W"re i.l Aiv.. ;n,-v vi-itp-i- re! il iv" .... 1 and trmml-x I Mr ami Mr- ftalph I It I " v have ' ' ' ' ' ' . I .. , . i . , . , i... , , . ., , , . ' , ,. r n r I r. I I ' I 1 I I I : ' I II ' ' I ' I . ' ' 1 1 " a xd ar" now af home I" their j fri-md ."f St"lia. Neb. Mr. .'.ml Mr-, f,. 15. Afflernari am folks ,';ufo"d to Saf 'irdiv evi-nimr 'n t;ik" in a play a( ntie of the (healers. Mr. axd Mi. F P. Mouse entertained al dinner Sunday Mr. ami Mr, (h-oree Fuiyea ami Mr. ami Mrs. Fhaih' Kirk pal rick. .lake Kamm. jr.. of Wood Mivrr. nlin litis h"en viiliim hi" father, .hike Kamm. r.. Hie piul week, r"lutix'd o hi home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wolfe left Thursday of hit veek lo viiit Mr. Woife's luolher. John, and other relative at ll-'d F.loud. Xeb. Paul Froehlich of Lincoln re turned home Monday niuhl. after i-itinir a lew dav with hi; irpfl f?fl OBI? Presents Himself and His Associates in His Latest Musical Satire PMf Mis'" , FU U tfasa W Lass u V U Us I our ome : MURRAY, NEBR. i 1 1 a 1 i u h 1 1 i Fxx-krx- iiinl i.iinil'.'. Mrs. 1 '.. . Mi-- Xipi Mull. mi is X:kl- i'tif- Willi Mis- llsllli'!' Hx-.Mln'.V WPtl'J her uTandpar.-nt-. Mr. and Vr-. .,.,...( aain I-aae V.'oife. iir.- vi-itinir .it '. I M-tit u-l ..f Urn i'm"x.I. .X.Mt. li'-.X-U- Ilxckii.-ll WMlt ' r,.i n rrx'i! i i r-ep w' -l Friday m m4 M: ii.-r v!.-'.- wilh :,r"l 'f''- Miirt.-v ;i:d hi- jj.i(.r hrntlxM-. FI.i r i-m'i-. w h. w.ri- re- .j,, .f,.rdan iur-nintr from Fincnin. ;,..,ki.i-' .-iflcr I-'red I'mxty an.l fam;ly atxi .,i;V M'-. Ifurlhut aufnptl t.. Omaha ,:ir',. iu .-.-n. iw umlv t,, --" Mr-. Fre.l lrulv. I imc.mi .-xti r- vn" !" n ,n li"-pi!al tliM.'-e. Mr-. , .iV,.,.l 'M-oiily is p.xiV iih'-f.l ut .' () riliv,., Mr-s. M.-tli.- V;m i'..'.'av.'-X.-.Tl. Snxth ui.iahf. 'r Sfajiiet.Mi. Neb., -pent YVm-I-M, ie-dav vi-ilmi,' Mr-. O. IF F.m"- , ,.ti,,,. jn r. .xi i ut-'Oi. .-p.. while hi-;- Itu-haud vv.ts M.awpiv !o;n Fi'fpoln titkxiL' a pharmaev m i a xi i ix, i x xi . i .!.... .. -T' i.... i .... i :.. iiiini' i.xiiiin ami i;iinu I . 1 .... i J .- .. I." T I. V . ' . l ... '"-. - ! . lav. where :o to their ! " " '" :""" ' " I fntiir.' home. f.-.r fh ix'.Mnt. with it- aunt, 1 if.. . r r. i 1 .-. . i " "" " -M'po-i.i.t... I .111 . llll .li -. l Oil. Oil ...- J ... ... ,...,. 'oxl Mi", ami Air-. M. .UMM.iri I ........ I . W.: .1 V..K I i ! a X I oei I l'i v r -1 o.i. . ' alunlav in the former'- car, to visit M . and Mrs. L J. Jarni-on. who formerly resided at thi place. They returned home Sun dav evenifisr. reporf injr a very jolly ti'ne. .Mrs. S. ('.. Movies and dau".h ler, Mi;p- Flo, and son. Dale, ac companied by Jr. L. Muir and J. A. Shalfrer, .'inloeil lo Lincoln Saturday lo sei Ihe foot hall yaine )elvveeii Ihe slale uni versity and Ihe Wesleyan uni versity leaiiis. Miss Verna Hyiler of Topeka, Kansas, accompanied I hem home Sunday for a few days' viil. Regular Castorla week at Gering & Co. Fletcher's genuine Castoria, 35c sixe, 19c. 'Phone 36. Fre delivery. 1 MURRAY NEBR. ere. J. P. Ron so. V H H W i