The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 13, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913.
One of Finest Musical Comedies
That Ever Entertained a
Plattsmouth Audience.
Hilly (Single) Clifford, in "Be
lieve Me," his new musical satire,
will be seen at the I'artnele
theater Saturday niht, Novem
ber 15. This piece is ttie very
latest, style, and as an enf rlain
nient of the hisrhesf, class. The
foundation of it is a farce, full of
complications and
predicaments. Tu this is added
a dozen soups of the popular
sti and a company of elegantly
frowned younp women, who can
sinp and dance, and who are
pretty and sprightly. Billy
(Single' Clifford, who is starring
in the piece, is ton well known to
need any introduction. lie has
been on the vaudeville stape for
many years as one of the bright
est and cleverest si risers and
dancers, and he has a style and
manner all his own. In his pres
ent vehicle he has a role that fits
his personality to a nicety, and it
is one in which he shines with
preal brilliancy. The
lory of the J
piece has to do with. a young' man
who poes in quest of a ymm?
lady whose father is a (Serrnan
who has lately obtained preat
wealth and wants his dauphter to
marry into the nobility, and at,
the same time has advertised for
a butler, but of course he jrot s.
mixed tip in all sorts of funny
predicaments and has all soils of
trouble before the plot is finally
untanpled. Mr. Clifford is seen
as the younp Enplishman and he
is ;riven many brilliant lines and
he is cauphl in many tiuht places.
There is a love story runninp
Ihrotiph the piece also, and it
forms one of the lry interest ins
features of the attraction. Mr.
Clifford has surrounded himself
willi a pood company. Miss Ida
May is a sinper of real sonps and
has had much experience in
musical comedy. She has a fine
voice and a splendid stape pres
ence. Iiainty Mae Collins, the
souhretle, is a clever mimic of
Scotch snps. and has pained j
much distinction on the -vaudeville
stape. The three Weston
sisters, one of the Orpheum's
best musical acts, and Mr. dale.
These and others who charminp-
ly sinsr and dance, provide an !
even in p'.s entertainment lonp toj
tie remembered "Helieve Me."
To Celebrate Anniversary.
Cards have been received in
this city announcing the twenty
fifth weddinp anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles D. Eads of
South Omaha, former residents
of this city. The event will take
place at the home of the Eads
family on P'riday, November 14.
Mrs. Eads is a dauphter of Mrs.
Kate Oliver oT this city, and is
well known here, where she re
sided for many vears.
EOI1 SALE A modern seven
room house, 1,800.00, about
one-half original cost. Cottages
on easy terms. Acreage.
Windham Investment it Loan Co.
WE have just received
snmp drpss cJnnris in
Poplins etc, also the Marabou
and fur trimming so popu
lar this season.
We will be only too glad to
show you what we have in
this line. The McCall pat
terns offer many suggestions
and we invite you to come
in and look them over.
O. Sand in. 1. V. M.,
-I- graduate of the Kansas City
I- Veterinary f ' l I'pro, is per--l
manently located in Plaits
mouth, ("".alls answered
J- day ir nipht. '1'hone i?r5.
Ollice T.ih; Main.
bar, one
A. Wilkinson of Iun
of. the best known men
of ttiis county, passed away at his
home at Dunbar Friday nipht, af
ter an illness of some time. IP
was taken sick .-ome months auro,
but Wiis able tn be about and look
ludicrous'"' 1 IM" m.iuuaii i.iueu
!..!,... ll.: 1 . . 4 I. ...ll. I
ami was taken lo ins led over a
month ajiii. It was thought he
could be cared for better at the
hospital here and tie was brought
to this city, but he loused for his
home and was taken back there
about 10 days apo and pradually
grew worse. lie suffered from
heart trouble of late and despite
the efforts of his physicians and
kindly uiini.-teriny hands of his
devoted wife and many friends
and relatives, he passed to his
reward last eveninp.
lie. was horn in Illinois some
thing like JS years iipi and took
up the calliucr of an auctioneer
and w as a decided success m his
Ctiosen profession. lie came Jo
lumbar in isiifi, where he met
and married Miss Maryaret Mc
Alister, who survives, as well as
two daughters, Audra, 111, .and
Mildred. 10. He is survived by a
sister. Mrs. Mildred (irahain. of
Avoca. and a brother, James
Wilkinson, of Ardmre, Okla
homa, He was a member of the
Hen Hnr and Woodmen of
America orders.
He was of a jolly and jovial
nature and made friends wlo'i
eer he was and held in hish
esteem by everyone. lie was
fharifable to a fault and a de
voted father and husband. His
many friends will deeply mourn
his death. Nebraska City News.
The funeral of this popular- and
hiuhly esteemed pentb-man was
held at his obi home at lumbar
on Sunday, conducted by Hev. J.
15. (liffen of the I'nited I'resby-
fcrian church, and was attended
by a vast number of friends from
hot h Ca
ss and nloe counties. as
where "Dob." as he was familiar
ly called, was known lo com
manded a vast number of friends.
Will Go to Wausa.
From Friday's Dallv.
Mrs. Emil llolmberp of Wausa.
I .eirasKa, came in iasi evening
.urn , til isn iii-ii- tin tt it- uti;-
at the home of tier husband's par
ents, who are both quite well
alonp in years and in poor health.
If the condition of Mrs. Holm
be rp, sr., will warranl. they expect
to all po to Wausa, where the old
folks will spend the winter- with
their sou and family.
Dance Thanksgiving Eve.
The Cosmopolitan club of this
city will give a dance on Wednes
day eveninp, November 2f, at
Coales' hall. This will be in the
nature of a harvest dance and
will be given on Thanksgiving
Rheumatic pains are relieved y
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain rills. Sold at al
drug stores, f Advertisement.!
The Newest Musical
Stampede With an
All Star Cast
14 Catchy Song Hits
Local ilJsws
From Monday's Paily.
Troy Oavis and Iterl I'hilpol of
Weeping Water are in the city
today looking after matters of
1. A. Young of Murray came
up yesterday from his home and
spent, the day here looking after
mat ters of business.
Hruce Stone of Nehawka was
among those registered at the
Hotel ltiley today, coining up to
look after business matters.
Ed Barker of Louisville was in
the city yesterday afternoon
looking after- some matters of
buiness for a few hours.
A. H. Eoi-noff oT Cedar Creek
was in the city today for a few
hours looking al ter mat ter s of
business with the different mer
chants. W. E. Cillespie of Mynard was
in the city vcsterday for a lew
hours, coming down from Oma
ha on No. where lie was called
on some matters of business.
I). W. Foster of Enion came up
this morning and spent several
hours looking after matters of
business at I tie cour t house and
in visiting with his many friends.
E. W. Beins and family, who
have been residing near Cieigh
on. Neb., for the past year, have
returned to this vicinity and will
make their home near this city in
I he future.
Mrs. Nellie T. Agnew and
daughter, Marjorie, will po to
IMallsnioulh today to visit a few
lays with Mrs. Agnew 's mother-,
Mrs. C. If. Parruele. State Jour
nal. O. W. Slirader of the vicinity
of Murray came up from his
home la -1 evening- and was a
passenger this morning for
Omaha., where he was called on
buisness matters.
Mrs. John McNurlin and Mrs.
W. 11. Seybert. of Culloin, and
daughter. Miss Honor, were pas
sengers this afternoon for Onia-
ha, where they will visit for a
few hours.
(Jeorge J. Smith,
E. Smit It of Kansas
rived in this cily
from Casper, Wvo.
-on of Oeoige
Cily. Mo., ar
this morning
He came 1
attend the funeral of his aunt.
Mrs. Robert C.ibson. but arried
too late and will visit relatives
here for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Norn's
motored from their home near
Nehawka to this city this morn
ing and spent the day vi-iling
friends and attending to business
matters, one of which was to call
at this ollice and have their sub
scription extended for another
John Croup and C. J. Caebel
motored from their homes at
Louisville Ibis morning to this
cily to attend to some important
business matters. They were
pleasant callers at this ollice and
while here Mr. (label renewed his
allegiance to the 1'lallsmouth
Journal for another year.
Mrs. L. P.uslerholtz and daugh
ter. Mrs. William Patterson, of
the vicinity of Murray, were
visitors in this city yesterday and
pleasant callers at this, ollice.
While here Mrs. Patterson re
newed her subscription, while
Mrs. lluslerholtz ordered the
Plattsmouth Journal sent to her
daughter. Miss Maude Ituster
holtz, at Louisville, in order that
she may be posted on happenings
at home..
From Tuesday's TiaUy
Clarence Ileal returned last
evening' to Peru to resume his
studies at the normal school
Vance pitman of Murray was
in the city today for a few hours,
coming up to took alter mailers
of business.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart of Los
Angeles, California, is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Venner, near Mynard.
Harney Williams of Elmwood
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some busi
ness matters.
Prof. Frank Jean of Peru de
parted last evening for that place
to resume his duties as instruct
or in the stale normal.
Misses Villa (lapen and Esther
Lar son departed last evening for
Peru lo resume their studies in
the normal school there.
J. M. Craig of Bunvell, Neb., a
former resident of (his county, is
In His Latest
in the city making a short visit
with his old friends in this lo
C. II. 1-tiller and wile re
turned this afternoon from Te-
kamah. Neb., where they hav
been for a few days isiling with
Charles .. Craves of Inion
came up last evening to attend
the meeting' of the Improved
Order of Itedmen, which was held
at their hall.
Ed Hummel, from near Mynard
was in the cily yesterday after
noon for- a few hours looking af
ter some matters of business
villi the merchants.
H. L. Wort mart and It. M
lliizcii of Auburn were in the city
today for a few hours, coming up
in their line Heo touring ear, for
which they are the agents.
Attorney C. S. Aldrich. Coroner
15. I. Clements and William
Schepp of Elmwood were in the
city today for a few hours look
ing after business at the court
Attorney William DelesDernier,
J. E. Jeary, the banker, and A. N.
McCleary of Elmwood motored in
this afternoon from their home
lo spend a few hours here look
ing after matters of business.
"rom Wednesday's Dallv
Miss Hat tie Eight was among
the visitors in the metropolis to
day, going to that city on No. :.
Frank P. Sheldon of Nehawka
was in the city yesterday for a
few hours looking after matters
of business.
T. E. Parmele, the Louisville
banker, w as in I lie city over Sun
day spending Hie day with his
family in this city.
Miss Cassye Itaugh of York,
Nebraska, came in lust evening
and will be the guest here of
friends for. several days.
Albert Tschir ren was at lending
lo business matters in this cily
Saturday and called at this ollice
and had his subscription extend
ed for a not her year.
Joseph Zimnierer and fSus
Mohr. two of the live residents of
Avoca, were in II, e city today for
a few hours al lending lo some
business mailers.
W. E. (Sillespie, the genial .My.
iard grain dealer, was in the cily
Saturday for a few hours looking
after some business matters and
shaking- hands with bis friends.
Earl Hassler of Osceola, Neb.,
and sister. Miss Anna Hassler, of
Lincoln, spent Sunday in this cliv
al the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hassler.
Miss Tteuluh Sans came up
this morning' from her home,
south of this cily and was a pas
senger for Omaha, where she will
attend the teachers' meeting.
II. E. "Paukonin of Louisville
was in the cily today for a few
hours visiting with his friends,
as well as looking after some
items of business at the court
John R,. Pierson, the Union
banker, came up this morning
and was a passenger on the early
Burlington train for Omaha,
where he was called on some
matters of business.
Adam W. Meisinger and J. P.
Meisinger of near Mynard were
passengers this morning on the
early Burlington train for Oma
ha to look after some matters of
Mrs. Rose Cook and daughter,
of Milwaukee, who have been
h"re for a few days visiting at
the home of Mrs. Jacob Vallery,
departed yesterday afternoon for
their home, going on No. 2 over
the Burlington.
Charles Warner departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where he
goes to secure his automobile,
which has been in that city for
some time, and he will drive back
to this city in the machine.
Leonard Schaefer of the vi
cinity of Manley was attending to
business matters in this city to
day. While here he called at this
office and renewed the subscrip
tion of the paper going to Oeorpe
N. Schaefer.
David Hiatt of Sidney, Iowa,
came over this morning on No.
15 to make a short visit with his
daughter, Mrs. F. R. Gobelman,
and also al the home of his
brother-in-law, Mark While, at
Rock. Bluffs.
Bennett Chriswisser and Wife
and Mrs. Charles Chriswisesrj
and children, of near Nehawka,:
were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will visit
for the day and look after busi
ness mailers.
(ieorge Horn and son and Mr-,
and Mrs. William Hagerdorn of
Hay Springs, Nebraska, are here
for a short lime visiting at the
William Hassler home. Mr. Horn
and Mrs. Hagerdon are brother
and sister of Mrs. Hassler.
Miss Pearl Marlon, who has
been attending the Teachers"
association at Omaha, came down
to this cily on the midnight tram
over the Missouri Pacilic Friday
for a visit with friends, being a
guest of Mss Crete Brigps. Miss
Barton formerly, resided in this
c i I y.
II. E. and E. A. Pankonin of
Louisville were attending to some
important business matters in
the city today. They were pleas
ant callers at this office, and
while here Mr. E. A. Pankonin
subscribed for the Plattsmouth
Journal. We' are very much
pleased to place Mr. Pankonin s'
name on our list.
From Saturday's Daily.
(ieorge M. Hi Id or near Mynard
was in the city today looking af
ter some matters of business.
H. L. Oldham of Murray was in
the city today visiting with his
friends and looking after business
mat ters.
L. A. Meisinger drove in this
afternoon to look after some trad
ing with the different merchants
in. the cily.
Adam Hihl of Mynard was in
the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading with
the merchants.
Mrs. John Fight and daughter,
Miss Hatlie, were passengers this
afternoon for Omaha to look af
ter business matters.
Mrs. E. O. Stiehni of Lincoln
came m last evening on -o. ana
will visit here over Sunday with
her parents, Judge and Mrs. J. E.
Sheriff C. D. Quintori was call
ed out to divejiwooii i ouay in
look after some mallei's of busi
ness for the county.
W. D. Wheeler came up this
morning lrom ins larm nome,
oulh of this city, and spent sev
sral hours her' looking' after
tusiness affairs.
Clarence Beal came in last
evening from J'erti. wnere ne is
itlending the normal school, and
will visit here for a short lime
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Beal.
Albert Coiner was a passenger
this morning for Kearney, Neb.,
where he is al lending school, af
ter a short visit here with his
parents and oilier relatives.
J. M. Keeney and wife of Cen
tral City, Nebraska, who have
been here visiting for a short
time at the home of Rasmus
Peterson and wife, departed this
morning for their home.
Miss Alliston Johnson, who has
been attending the State Teach
ers' association at, Omaha, came
down to this city last evening on
the midnight train over the Mis
souri Pacific for a visit over Sun
day with friends. Miss Johnson
was a teacher in the Plattsmouth
High school for a couple of years.
Our Sample Line of Calendars.
For the past few years the
Journal office has been handling
calendars, and we believe we have
always carried the finest line
ever displayed in the city. The
orders have now all been taken
for the year of 1913, and our
sample line is now for sale. This
line will be sold in such numbers
as purchasers can be found. They
will be sold at less than the cost
price in quantity numbers, all of
which are free from advertisinp
matter and calendar pads, and
will make very pretty pictures for
either framing or decorating the
home or office just as they are.
The line is now on display and
the first purchasers will get the
Farm for Sale, Cheap!
FOR SALE 80-acre farm, 2
miles southeast of Eagle; fair
improvements; 'A acres young
fruit; f acres alfalfa; balance is
all good, rich, tillable land.
Price, 100.00 per acre. Inquire
of Jerome Burdick, Eagle, Neb.
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
mM If
Public Sale
On account of my wife's health,
I am going to quit farming. Have
rented my farm land to pete Mil
ler and will sell at Publ c Auction
at my farm, i miles east and one-half-mile
south of Weeping Wa
ter, miles north and ' west of
Nehawka, the following described
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1913.
Sale Commences at. 11 O'clock
a. m. Sharp.
22 Head of Horse:? 22
One span of brown mar es coin
ing o years old. weight -'.son.
One span of bay mares. 7 years
old. weight -',400.
One span of bay geldings, com
ing 3 years old, weight :',:iii0.
One span of black mares, coin
ing 5 year's old. weight 2,000.
One span of gray geldings, lo
years old, weight iViOO.
One span of geldings, 1 buck
skin. 1 bay, coming .'1 years old,
weight 2,300.
One black gelding, .r years old,
well broke, weight 1,:hmi.
One gray mare, lo years old,
weight l,i00.
One iron gray mare, 5 years
old. weight' f,2otl, broke. '
One bay mare, r years old,
weight l.iOO.- . .
One bay mare,- - years old,
weight 1,100.
One bay mare 10 years old,
weight 1.200.
One strawberry roan, r years
old, weight 1.1 00.
One white saddle pony, 0 years
old, weight 1,000.
One blue roan, 0 years old,
weight 1,100.
One horse colt and one mule
All mares safe in foal.
10 Registered Shorthorn Cattle.
Cap! a in Kid, 3 year s old, No.
37 127a, weight 1.500.
Sally. No. 5837 5, 5 years old,
weight 1,200.
Florence Hansen. No. 22305, G
years old, weight 1,000.
Creta the fourth. No. 107550, 5
years old. weight 1.000.
Daisy, No. 107557, 3 years old,
weight 1,100.
Dandy, No. 107558, 3 years old,
weight 1.200.
2 yearling heifers, eligible to
One heifer calf, eligible lo
One bull calf, eligible to regis
ter. Cows safe in calf.
Farm Implements.
One farm wagon.
One Racine top buggy, new.
One manure spreader.
Two walking cultivators.
One McCorrnick corn binder.
One tongue truck disc.
There is no commercial service or home necessity
where so great value is given as in Telephone ser
vice. A telephone costs a few cents a day. The ser
vice it renders could not be duplicated for many dol
lars, and in some cases, hundreds of dollars. The
daily cost of this valuable service is measured in cents
and is easily within the reach of everyone.
A telephone installed at once will produce the
maximum of results during the coming cold, snowy
winter days, when visiting and shopping may be en
joyed without leaving your own fireside.
Call Commercial Department.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
Brimful of
One gang plow.
( ne sulky plow.
One McCorrnick 7-foot binder.
One McCorrnick mower, 5-foot
One riding Badger cultivator.
One Bradley riding lister.
One John Deere drill planter.
One new McCorrnick mower, 5
foot cut.
One steel Harrow.
One cream separator, pood as
Four sets of 1 !i -men double
farm harness.
One set of l!'-irich double,
farm harness.
One man's saddle, and many
other articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale:
C, to 12 months' time at 8 per
Cent interest will be given on ap
proved security on sums of 10
and over, under slO cash. No
property to be removed until
settled for.
And ioneer.
Clerk. .
Loss of $690.00 on House and
Household Goods Prompt
ly Paid.
I take this method of thanking
Hie Slate Farmers Mutual Insur
ance company of South Omaha,
also their agent. James Dvorak,
of this place, for their fair treat
ment of me in settling my loss.
I can heartily recommend the
Stale Farmers Mutual Insurance
company to anyone who wants the
insurance, as they will certain
ly be treated rig lit in ca-e of loss.
John 'Cochenour.
.ll' jPSV . : -S.-
Ill sS?.,
it s de same
ole whiskey, suh.
Time doan nebber
eeem to change dat
I 'member, well, ole Massa John
wouian t evan let me use nouun' i
else for his mawnin's mawnia. ,
ilitiiilnill iLiLiljl.iH.M'lii