The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 13, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13,; 1913. (2- Thanksgiving Sale Table of Linens - Nothing sets off the table better than nice white table 1 linen ; and adds zest to ones appetite. For Friday and Saturday this week we offer for your consideration the following in ALL linen. 72 inch Bleached, regular at $1. for 89o 72 inch ' " l.L'5 for 98c 72 inch 44 44 44 1.35 for 1.18 72 inch 14 44 44 1.50 for 1.18 NAPKINS Kegular $1.50 quality, per dozen. $1.75 44 44 $2.50 44 44 44 . $3. 0 0 4 4 4 4 44 .. $3.25 44 44 44 .. $3. 5 0 4 4 4 4 44 ..1.18 ..1.48 .1.98 .2.48 .2.68 .2.98 i All these goods were bought from a large importer and are bar gains at the prices quoted. E. G. Dovey & Son Rally Day at Christian Church. Next Sunday;has been set aside as 'Rally day at the Christian church, at which' time Rev. M. E. Johnson of Hethany, who has the Held work in charge, will be in Plattsmoulh and deliver an ad dress at the.' Sunday school, touching the work of that depart ment of, ami -at- the time of. the morning service ' will speak on the communion, and again in the afternoon at 3 o'clock will -'inake ' another ad dress, and iit thC'TDvcning' at the Christian Endeavor hour will speak to the workers of that so ciety, while he will preach in the evening on the duties, of the church officials. All members Of the church, the bible school and the Endeavor society are request ed to be present. On the follow ing Monday there will be services both during the morning at 10 and in the afternoon at 2:30. CISS COUNT? JUL IS REPORTED ID THE STATE BOARD OF CUTIES THE DEATH OF A MOST WORTHY LADY Remains Taken to Hep Old Home . in Virginia for Final Resting Place. SHIRT-TAIL PARADE BY THE HIGH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Last evening a number of the students of the High school, at tired in night shirts and white masks, started out a few minute alter 8 o clock to indulge, in a small-sized night-shirt parade. going- up and down Main street and into the different busine: houses, where they passed through, giving their yells, and then took up their visits to the adjoining stores until a com plete round of the business houses were made.. The boys be- . haved themselves very well and did not cause anv damage. The only place where any trouble oc curred Was al the (Srarnl 'theater, where they boys attempted., to force their 'entrance, and Man ager Shlaes objected, telling the boys that the theater was crowd -i ed to the doors and they could not get in. The "nighl-shirler? attempted to push their way in anyway, and the manager was forced to. push them back, which caused some of the paraders to show a spirit of resistance, but lliey liualiy departed on their way without any further warlike demonstrations."" Mr. Shlaes staled (( Hie reporter for the Journal that he had no objection to the boys parading through his lhalcrs if lliey had not been so crowded, .'but feared that some one might get excited and start a panic, in which someone would have been injured, and he had no desire to be responsible for any accident of this kind. There is no one who objects to the boys having their fun, and in all the places they were not molested and" did not do anything out of the way. Sale Not Very Satisfactory. The sale of the stock of thor oughbred Poland-China swine belonging to the estate of the late August (Joider, yesterday at the home in the south part of the city, attracted quite a number of buyers, although the animals did not bring as ?ood a price as they should. There were some forty nine sold, which will average about 30 apiece. One thorough bred boar was sold to an Iowa breeder for 133, beinir the highest-priced animal sold. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children.' .The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mrs. Carl West Improving. The condition of Mrs. Car West, who is at the Clarkson hospital in Omaha undergoing treatment, is reported as being slightly improved and her fain ily are feeling a little more en couraged over the outlook for her recovery. That this lady may soon be able to return to her home completely free from al illness is the wish of tier many friends in this city. GOVERNOR FOREHEAD'S THANKSGIVING PROCLA MATION JUST OUT In keeping with the custom of returning inanKs Tor the many blessHigs that have been visited upon the people of Nebraska during the year, Governor John II. Morehead has issued the fol lowing proclamation, setting aside Thursday, November 21, as a day of thanksgiving, and asking that the people of this common wealth assemble and return I hanks for the favors bestowed upon them: "Beginning iu colonial day and continuing without interrup tion, we have set aside one dav in each year as a day of thanksgiv ing to Almighty ('Sod for Hi manifold blessings to us as a na lion. 'The president of . the. United Slates has designated Thursday, November 27, as Thanksgiving day, and in accordance with the established custom ami because it is fitting and proper that a day be set aside for this purpose, I, John II. Morehead, governor of the stale of Nebraska, do hereby designate Thursday, November 27, 19i3, as a day of thanksgiv ing and praise by the people of the stale of Nebraska. "In these things that make foi civic righteousness and perman ent good our slate has gone for ward and our people are content ed and happj Let us then return thanks in an all Wise and bene licient Creator. for these bless ings which we enjoy, and, not forgetting the needy and afflict ed, make such' contribution as is commensurate, with our ability to alleviate their suffering and make light their load." Chickens for Sale. I have some full-blooded Silver Laced Wyandot tes ; also some full-blooded While Plymouth Hock, roosters, for sale. Inquire of Mrs. J. V. (birder. 'Phone 3805. Plaltsmouth. Neb. For earache, toothache, pains. burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr. rhom-as" Lclectic Oil, a splendid J remedy-, .for. emergencies. - . - . . ,: John W. Shanan of Lincoln secretary of the state board o charities, who a few days ag visited this city to inspect the jail and other county building has submitted his report to the governor, including this county in the list of those which hf visited. lie round the oougias county jail the best that he visit ed. and those in the smaller counties in very poor shape. Hi report on the Cass county situa tion is as follows: "The county jail at Piatt- mouth, in Cass county, is a very- old building. It is a two-story brick, about 25x58 feet, and deputy shenir lives in the secoiu; story. The jail is on the firs floor and is equipped with two cages having two cells in ear cage, one for male and the other for female prisoners. The build ing is kept clean and the prison ers are as well taken care of a is possible. I am glad to repor that the commissioners con template building a new up-to- date jail in the near future. "The counlv poor farm of 120 acres in Cass county is well carer for by J. It. lams, the superin tendent. The main building was burned down during the summer and a temporary building was erected to care for the inmates until a new building could be creeled and workmen are now busy putting up a new up-lo-dafe two-story and basement brick building. There are fourteen inmates at this "farm, all old people." LITTLE LEONARD BORN MEETS WITH A VERY SERIOUS ACCIDENT Leonard, the little 7-year-old on of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Born, residing a few miles southwest of this city, met with an accident yesterday afternoon that it was feared for a time might result in the loss of the sight of one of his eyes. I he little boy was playing around with his schoolmates at Ihe school house, near the Horn home, and in running around he fell into a pile of brushwood, with the result that a branch penetrated through the . lower eyelid and just escaped running into the eyeball, which would have caused the loss of the eye sight. Tin; little lad was taken to Omaha at once by the fright ened parents and an eye expert called lo look after the boy, but he found that the accident would not interfere with his eyesight unless other complications set in. The fact that Leonard escaped in Ihe accident without the loss of his eye will be the cause for much pleasure lo the friends of the Born family throughout this section of the county. Residence for Sale. A five-room house and lot, all in good repair, cement, walks around lot, good well and cistern. Five blocks from Main street, G75.0O. Part cash, balance on easy payments. Also live-room house and four ofs, plenty of fruit, good house, small, barn, and finest garden spot in town; 8 blocks from Sixth street. $1,000.00 buys it: 00.00. cash, balance easy pay ments. See J. E. Mason, or telephone 220-W. Buy your stationery I Journal office. at the Marv Emilv Havs was born October 0, 1837, in Smyth coun ty, Virginia, and died Monday, November 3, 1913, at the honu of Lee Farris. near Union, Cass county, Nebraska. The death of this good old lady occurred after only about two weeks of serious illness, al though her health had been fail ing gradually for the past two vears. due principally to her ad vanced age. During Ihe past few years she had made her home with her two daughters, Mrs. C. F. Harris and Mrs. E. L. Daniel, near this village. While visitin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Faris a mile north of here she became seriously ill, and from that time she lost strength rapid ly until the end came on Mon day. Brief services were held at Ihe Fans home J uesday morn ing, conducted by Rev. W. A Taylor, alter which the remains were brought to this place for shipment back to her old home at Chilhowie, Va., where funeral services will be held. the re mains were accompanied from here by her daughters Mrs. liar ris and Mrs. Daniel. The pall bearers here were Y in held Sw an, James Niday, W. F. McCarrolI, J C. Hansell. J. D. Uramblet and Stephen Copen haver. The writer had not the. pleas ure of the acquaintance of tin deceased, but from the words of I hose w ho knew her best nom can doubt her neing a most es timable lady, one for whom all her companions had the highest esteem. Her maiden name was Mary Emily Faris, and her life was spent in her native stale un til a few years ago. She was married near Ihe place of her birth, her husband being John W. Hays, whose death occurred February 21, 18t3. They were Ihe parents of three sons and two daughters, Ihe sons being deceased, and Ihe two daughters are Mrs. c. j . Harris and .Mrs. J-. L. Daniel, both of whom reside near this village. The deceased was a good Christum lady, hav ing been a member of the Bap tist church the past fifty-live years, and her inlluence was al ways tor the happiness and up building of Ihe communities in which she lived. The death of :uch a person is a loss not only o the immediate family, but to the society in which her efforts were for the good ot an. union Ledger. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN THE UNION RESTAURANT AFFAIR Another chapter has been ad ded to Ihe complications that has befell the Union restaurant at Union, in this county. The own er of the restaurant, B. II. Dahl an. left that place for parts un known several weeks ago, leav ing several creditors holding the ack. The stock of goods was at tached by Sargent- & Rice of Ne- raska City, but was afterwards replevied by Walter (Jreen, the Midorser of the note of Dahlan at Ihe Union bank, and set I lenient was secured with the wholesale house. Yeslerdav the slock of goods was again- attached by I, t. Upton, and today a replevin was secured ny frank uoggs. who purchased Ihe restaurant from (ireen. who had secured a tram fer from Dahlan. Box Social. The pupils and teacher of the testor school in school district No. 12, west of this city, will give box social at the- school house r . t f . - X' 1 on aiurua evening, .vovemuer A program has been pre pared, after which the boxes will e sold at auction. Everybody invited. Jennie Batten. f i-12-3td-itw Dance on November 15th. The T. J. Sokol society will give another social dance at their tall on Saturday evening, No- ember i5th, to which the public cordially invited. Buv vour rancv the Journal office. stationery at Let's Talk Turkey! Of course you're going to dress up for Thanksgiving. A new suit and overcoat will add much to your grateful feelings, es-. pecially if you buy here. We invite you to a Feast of Fashionable Clothes. Quality, style and price combine to make this feast enjoyable. Plenty of side dishes new Ties, all the latest Collars, new Manhat tan Shirts, silk Hosiery, Puggaree Hats and kid Gloves. Step In It's a Step-Up in Style! C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS EVERYBODY'S STORE SATURDAY SPECIAL: Boys' gray sweater coats 39c- Men's turtle-neck jersey sweaters, 39c. Men's plain blue overall, waist style, 48c. VERY NARROW ESCAPE FOR NIGHT YARDMASTER B. J. REYNOLDS .Last evening about 7:55, as 1). J. Reynold:, the night yard master in the llurliuglou switch yards, was engaged in his duties, be met with an accident that might have terminated falally. lie was assisting in the work of switching- some firs and was crossing the track in front of t lie ipproaehing switch engine lo set i switch, and made a mis calculation of the speed at which Ihe engine was approaching or its distance from him and it was upon him before he realized its nearness. 51 r. Reynolds jumped from the track just as the engine came up and was struck a glac- ing blow on the left side and fell, fortunately on the outside of llw track, anil suffered only a dis located left shoulder as a result of the encounter wih the engine. lie was at once la'ken U) his home and medical attendance summon ed to set the injured member, and he was made as comfortable as possible, although he suffered a great deal of pain from the in jury, but he can feel very thank ful indeed that he was not thrown under Ihe engine lo be ground to pieces or have an arm or leg taken off. One of the things that was greatly in favor nf Mr. Rey nolds escaping was the fact thai the engine was only running at a rati' of about six miles an hour. The accident occurred in the north part of the yards, just above the switch s'lanly. From Nehawka. Mr. Mrs. Elmer near and Mrs. F. A. Uoedeker, Nicholas Opp and Mrs. JJoedeker, all from and Nehawka, passed through the city this morning, via the auto route, for Omaba, where they were going on a combined pleasure and business trip. They stopped a few minules in this city on the trip. Itching piles provoke profanily but profanity won't remove them. Doan's Ointment is recommend ed for itching, bleeding or pro truding piles. 50c at any drug store. Try the Journal for calling cards. ANOTHER FINE SUSPEND ED AND FELLOW INVITED TO LEAVE THE CITY ' - 9 '''.it Yesterday afternoon, with a voice choked with .emotion, Charles Callahan, a man who has been employed by the Nebraska Lighting company on the work ol extending their lines from this city, acknowledged the fact be fore Judge Archer that he had been found by the police Tuesday evening iu a slate of beastly in loxicalion, a f if J he asked that the court be merciful hi meeting, out justice, and iu view of his plea the judge assessed a fine of :! and trimmings, but on the promise of Charles to go and leave this little city the rep resentative of Ihe law suspended Ihe sentence in order that Ihe prisoner could put many miles between himself and this city, and he lost no lime in complying with the request of Ihe judge, and at last reports was still headed for the land of Ihe selling sun and going at a very lively IF you think about . it a minute, you'll readily see that paying $10 or $12 for a suit of clothes may really be extravagant, even wasteful, as compared with paying $18, $20 or $25. The $10 or $12 suit may not be worth the price in quality and ser vice; and the $20 suit may be worth more than the price. There's another phase of it, however, quite as important the $10 suit may be worth $10 in actual quality, but buying it may even then be an extravagance; for many men ought to wear better clothes than they do. Not because .the clothes are not worth what they paid for them, but because they're not worth enough. We want to see you in our good clothes from $18 to $25, for your economy; we can sell you lower priced clothes if you say so; worth all we ask. They're not cheaper; just lower priced. But when we advise you to buy our clothes from $18 to $25, we are really giving you our best judgement as to what's best for you. Coovrufht. 191A Some fellows always have the new things first; bet ter get in at once if you want to be among the first to wear the "BftET T0N" the new white satin stripe madras collar. Made high in front with long points. Stetson Ha is Manhattan Shirts