The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 10, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.'
I. A. HATKH, Publisher
A SENSIBLE MAN. If the Saturday Evening Post
isn't bull moose, it is at least
Archbishop James John Keen! ieaning; in that direction enoug
of Dubuque, Iowa, delivered an so you can notice it. In a recent
address in Pittsburg-, the "other issue was an interview with the
day. in which he declared .that coionei stating tne ngnung- naa
segregation of vice arid The' pub
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
only begun. Also, a cartoon
showing the sad lot of the re
publican bosses, and a pome
kicking the democratic adminis
tration around.
n ninller how young and
Mnmg a woman may be, she can
not do efficient and alisfaclory
M'lmiil work ami preserve her
health and spirits for more than
len v.-ars at the furthest, but
often only half that number of
j ears. No, we will not attempt
to siiy why this is so, but what
we tin wish to say is that it is a
burning shame, a disgrace to the
commonwealth, that an earnest,
conscientious teacher should be
paid the beggardly pittance she
usually is, and when has she ever
been known to be adequately
compensated, as a reward for her
giving up her strength and viv
acity, her very life in the cause.
With the utmost economy what
has she at the end of five years
of that which men hold dear and
which even the most unworldly
of us find extremely needful?
Xt enough to buy entrance at
last in an old ladies' home. And
this when the anxiety and nerve
exhaustion are painfully appar
ent, when the healthy young wo
man, once full of vigor and en
thusiasm of life had sobered
down until the flush has Iefther
cheeks, the sparkle deserted her
yes, and her motions and fea
tures have assumed a languor
which speaks plainly of vital
force spent.
Mark Twain says "everybody
condemns the weather, yet no
body ever does anything about
it." . The Lacon Journal has
found a weather prophet and
thus announces his predictions
for the coming winter: "Py the
eternal mud, but this is the
vmt yet. Here on the lop of
the fact that the democrats beat
Hie stuffing out of us at the elec
tion on Monday comes Merritt
Onyiui the great snow storm
prophet, and calmly and serenely
tells u that we are to have 31
snow storms this winter. Why,
it's enough to make a man want
to lick his grandmother. What
Merritt bases his prediction on is
a mystery to us, but he generally
his it pretty durn close and we
are ready to accept his prophecy
for the gospel truth. Therefore
we shall begin our preparations
right away and if a few of our
delinquent subscribers will come
to our rescue we shall lay in an
extra ton of coal or two and go
over to Hexter's big store and in
vest S7J8 in an all-wool over
coat that has been marked down
from $i.C5. And not only are
we to have 31 snow storms deep
enough to track rabbits, but ac
cording to Merritt it is going to
be as cold as (Jfeenland's icy
mountains. As Jack Noel used
to say, it's enough to drive a man
to strong drink."
Sending cardboard models of
school buildings by parcels post
i-i the latest device of the United
Stales bureau of education for
arousing interest in attractive
school buildings at low cost for
mral communities. They repre
sent t lie very latest ideas in
i-chool architecture. Willi one
of the new models to work from.
Dr. Dressier, the designer, as
serts any carpenter will be able
to build a school house for his
djstricl, that will meet every
iuod'.-rn requirement.
:o :
Speaking of the high cost of
living, there is at least another
year ahead of everyone. The
short crops will be the cause to i
a great extent. Everything for
the table is going to be hiah. Not
even corn for the old-fashioned
johnnycake will be cheap. j
. Omaha is all agag over th
proposed sale of their auditor
ium. If the sale is made for th
purposes of building a larger
one, all well and good, but if it i
not such a proposition, it seem
lie agitation over sex hygiene arc
unfortunate, as they bring the
social evil before children and
other innocent persons. "The
Unless the Chautauqua circuit evil is born- in man. The only
is willing to pay liberally for remedy is self-denial, and this
your share of a joint debate, HI requires a motive. The motive
is foolish to let argument inter- s supplied only by faith in Cod
fere with your regular chores. an J the hereafter. Movements
Except in court, where it also e the present are spasmoUic
pays well, nothing is ever settled and are found in all ages. The
by argument, and and one mustP,reeKS inea 11 anu iaiiea do- to us, is all wrong. The idea o
study law to qualify in that for- cause oi iacK oi supernatural a cjty as iargc as Omaha doing
ensic forum. Yet the fact re- faith. Public agitation calls the without such a building is pre-
mains that there are thousands attention of children and innocent posterous. Where would they
. . -a a J S 11
of people willing to quit their persons lo inings iney snoum xo& Hioir big conventions?
steady occupation to string a line "t know. Curiosity prompts Omaha should be reaching ou
.... ... . . I j v. j i. i r ... ... i . I . .
o: taiK. if you say anything1, it r"L" l" sttft- uulli"1"11 for one of the national convon-
s fairly sure to be disputed if through improper literature and tjons three years hence, and may
onyone was listening when you other channels. This excites the yvant a larger building for that
dropped your few remarks, peo- passions, disturbs the mind and purpose, but until they conclude
pie are that contrary. J3u, don't causes the unhappiness of a (Q erect a larger one, it will be
Inke that as a signal to come troubled conscience. The whole a wjjje proposition to hold onto
back with statistics and other movement is a futile effort to the old one for awhile
evidence in rebuttal. Reller lt supply a human remedy for a
it go at that, and saw wood. lhing that supernatural faith
alone can cure. Legislation gov
erns only external acts and can
not make a man think purely,
and unless he thinks purely his
actions are not pure." The arch-
which pays belter.
The Searchlight, published at
(Jrayslake, 111., which supported
11. ..11 J- 1 II 1 . I
me repuuiicau uckui in me nisi bishop is sensible. The present
campaign, is now out in a few-
commendable words for Presi
dent v uson. ine last issue
says: "Essentially I am a repub
lican, but I am for my country
before any party. The most ser
ious menace to the government
fjirl ts Intnn nr h v n Inf. nf ren-
nl I in ni-eenf rlnv
against the race, if that were
possible, than the social evil it
self, for their practices lend to
race suicide. These things are
not understood by the young, or
. . iwr t i. i :t. .. f
oi mi country anu me nueriy oi if undcrstood, are not taken in a
this people today is Theodore prorer A lot of people
Roosevelt. He is, as he always are riding lhe topic because it
lias been, the tool of the trusts brin?s lhem illto niomenlary no-
and the servant of the interests. .wi ;.,,v?tiK. iho,, i,..
to make money out of it. It
Make no mistke about that. He
can not be bealen by a republican
whoever he mar be. And if pop
ular government is to be pre
served in this republic he must
be beaten. Unless Wood row
Wilson does something there is
simply idiotic.
Churches, schools, labor
unions, fraternal organizations
to the number of 200,000 at least
will be asked lo join the anti-tu-
now no reason lo expect he will berculosis workers of the coun
.1 . l... l i ii. . z :i I
on, ne can ut-a i me imperial pre- ..... in lho observance f n10
tender, and I do not believe any- .it, i Hell 1' 'licl i IUUVH.UH'?13 liclj ,
one else can. I he republican
William Jennings Bryan de
livered an address in the Method-
st Episcopal church in Boston
the other day in which he said
"There never was a lime when
the people needed the inspiration
of the Bible more than they do
And there is
not a community which cannot be
purified, redeemed and improved
by a better knowledge and larger
application of the Bible in the
daily life. No money that is in
vested pays so large a dividend as
money that is spent for the mora
uplift of the community. I aiii
inclined to believe that we have
overestimated the value of the
heart's development. A good
heart can use a very dull mind
and make that mind serviceable
to society, but a bad heart can
not make use of a mind, however
There are many theatrical pro
duct ions that are said to be de
signed to teach some moral les
son and many of them do but
party should reorganize on sane the 7(h day of December, accord- " T,ie Spendthrift" which is to be
lines and nominate lhe best man ing. lo the announcement issued Presented at the Parmele theatre
it can, and we should support Dy the National Association for on Friday night is above the av
ium with all possible force and the Study and Prevention of Tu- erage. It brings out very fore
strength, in hope that one more berculosis. The movement will I ilI' the cause of many disrupted
good substantial drubbing w ill 1 110 r,.ih...i n.i'n.mi,m.i n.n homes. I.ivinc bevond one's
1 - AUft..&VS . fA-iiK7lj tin. - "
permanently eliminate Mr. colliitrv bv morn than 1 000 in- means has caused many a di-
Roosevelt from American polil- berculosis societies working voice. The thought should be
ics. But the hope of the nation through various state organiza- impressed upon young people
in 191G is Woodrow Wilson tions and the national associa- that no matter what the income,
not the republican nominee." lion. Personal anneals will be something should be saved.
:o: made to clergymen, school prin- "Mothy" Ward in "The Spend-
The American Medical associa- cipals and leaders of various or- thrift" said to his wife, "When
ion has been sued for a hundred ganizations urging them to set I was making $5,000 a year, we
thousand dollars because of ar- aside a definite time during the were spending $8,000, when
I " . . . :
icies it nas published throwing week following December 7 for a was making 910,000 we were
discredit upon the Friedman cure lecture- on tuberculosis. spending -$15,000, and now that I
for tubercluosis. The associa-1 am making 820,000, we are
ion, however, is not frightened! Pigs are nigs. The depart- spending $25,00." It is so in
y tins enort. ll declares mat ment of agriculture after -having many families. lhe loregoing
---w ,
the United States government organized the boys' corn club is figures of course are large and
employed experts to examine the now organizing a boys' pig club, people of smaller incomes think
cure, and they reported that j principally in the southernlif they only had such incomes
there was nothing to it. A com-1 states, for the purpose of in- they could save money, although
nittee of the foremost physi- J creasing the supply of pork and! I hey are not saving money on
cians in Canada thoroughly in- encourage the breeding of their present income. It is a
vestigated it, and declared that hogs. The department says: pretty well established fact that
lothing had been found lo justify "The production of pork is notlif they are not saving money
any conlldence in the remedy, and keeping pace with the increased how, there would be no change if
the Journal warns all people to population and something must there was an increase in salary.
e careful for this is only an- be done to harmonize these two The banks in their advertise-
ther consumption fake designed elements. If each member of the nienls are constantly preaching
to impose upon the afflicted. It club and they will be growing! "regular saving" and if people
t. stated now. however, that I it is expected all lhe lime willlonlv know what f hev could do if
riedman has given the secret oflsee to it that one more pig and a j they would form the saving habit.
lis cures to the authorities of J heller pig is produced each year even though it be a very small
(Jermany, and they will pro- then a long step will have been sum, they would start at once,
nounce upon it. We shall, there- taken in meeting the ever grow-1 :o:
ore, have some definite informa- ing chasm between pork produc- Mrs. Pankhurst is evidently
ion on the subject. tion and increased population. "out for the stuff." The Wom-
:o: . J :o: Jan's Franchise League of Indiana
The banks are som t times! Now that the long winter even-j planned to have her deliver an
.viong in sizing up lhe ejiecls of lings are upon us, why would it address in the city of Indian-
egislalion. For instance, the! not be a good time to inaugurate J apolis. She asked a stipulated
postal smings bank was fo.ight j weekly meetings of the Commer- sum, in which the league agreed
y l;e banks on the ground thatjeial club? There are many things to pay her, and after all the de-
t wouid cut down th? dposils m J beneficial lo the city and to the tails were settled she insisted
chartered institution. Hull people- that could be talked that she be permitted to take up
t d;i'p t. Now the national banks j about, and when the season a collection at the meeting in ad-
no longer ngnt tne postal sav- opens up next year people would dition to the other amount.
ias hank. They will be e-paiMylbe in condition to begin the I Thereupon the women informed
convinced in a year that theirboom for a still more prosperous her that she would not be permit-
fear of the effect of the new cur-J Plattsmouth. Nothing like beingl ted to do anything of that kind
rency bill was waste effort. ready when the time arrives. land the engagement was off.
lhe Prize of All Eternity God
Is Now Offering.
What Winning Christ Means It Sig
nifies More Than a Reformation of
Life and a Pursuit of Righteousness.
More Than Merely Believing In Je
sua as Our Savior It Is Preceded by
a Devotion, or Consecration, of Our
All to God And God's Acceptance of
Our Consecration Then the Race
Begins Its Outcome Will Determine
Whether or Not We Win Christ St.
Paul an Exemplar Saints From
Every Nation and Denomination Will
Bo Winners Their Reward.
As. dpjj
not rrom tne ordinary standpoint,
which classes every civilized person as
a Christian, but from the Bible stand
point, which assures us that if any
man is a Christian he is a New Creat
ure "old things have passed away; all
things have become new."
This does not mean that a Christian
is living a reformed life merely; nor
that he has attained the condition of
absolute perfection, In which he is sin
less in thought, word and act. It mere
ly means that a Christian has entered
a new life; he is a New Creature; old
ambitions, hopes, projects and aims,
however honorable and good, have
passed away in the presence of new
ambitions, new hopes, new alms. This
Is what the Apostle had in mind when
saying "that I might win Christ."
What Winning Christ Means.
To understand our text we must first
appreciate the general outline of the
Gospel the Divine Tlan of Ixve for
human recovery from sin and death.
That rian was first of all declared to
Abraham that God would eventually
bless all the families of the earth, and
that the blessing would come through
his posterity. In thee and in thy Seed
shall nil the nations of the earth be
blessed. Galatlans 3:8, 1G, 23.
Later on, God revealed that Abra
ham's Seed would constitute a special
Kingdom class, which would rule all
nations for tnelr uplift. AVhen Israel,
by failing to keep the Law, failed to
prove itself the holy nation fit for the
Divine service, God revealed that He
would send a special Messenger of the
Covenant: and that through Him, as
Fropbet, Priest and King, the holy na
tion would be established; and later on
it would be given the glory and honor,
the rule of the world.
Our Lord Jesus at Ills First Advent
began the work of selecting this King
dom class. First of all. He laid the
broad foundation by dying for the sins
of the whole world. Then from
amongst the redeemed ones He began
to select the members of the Kingdom
And this has been the work of this en
tire Gospel Age. Everything else on
earth has been secondary to this, the
Divine purpose.
Soon the selective, or elective, work
will be finished. Soon it will be deter
mined who will be of the Kingdom
class. God's determination will be
manifested In the fact that the over-
comers will all be sharers in the First
or Chief Resurrection, to be priests
unto God and unto Christ and to reign
with Him on the earth. Rev. 20 :G.
Brooklyn, N. Y.,
November 0. Fas-
tor Ilussell gave
two addresses
here today. We
report the one
from the text,
Yea, doubtless, I
count all things
but loss for the
excellency of the
knowledge of
Christ Jesus my
Lord. that I
may win Christ.
(Philippians 3:S.) The speaker said:
Even saintly Christians seem but im
perfectly to grasp the plain teachings
of the New Testament respecting mem
bership in the Body of Christ. Some
assume that it is to be had on some
basis of favoritism, and trust that they
will be of the Elect. Others think
that the Apostle is using figures of
speech in an extreme fashion, and
vaguely hope that they belong to the
right Church and will attain whatever
others get, as in the success of a party
in which all the victors 6hare the
No doubt the errors of the Dark
Ages absorbed in childhood have been
more or less responsible for these va
garles and for our general neglect of
proper Bible study. It seems hard for
the people of God to realize that the
AVisdom from Above is the noblest
science and the best instruction; and
that it needs intelligent and systematic
Btudy as much as do earthly sciences
But we are learning, and, thank God!
progress is being made in unsectarian
Bible study classes, which are spring
ing up all over the world.
Conversion Not Winning Christ
"What is ordinarily termed conversion
Is not what St. Faul refers to in our
text as "winning Christ." The word
conversion signifies "to turn about."
It implies that a wrong course has
been pursued, that the error of the way
s been detected, and that a change
to the proper one has been made. The
wrorig course is the sinful course,
which brings Injury and injustice on
othcrH. We never had a right to take
that course; yet to some extent we are
excusable; for we were born with
downward tendencies, an inherited pre
disposition to sin.
We inherited these depraved appe
tites and tendencies from our forefa
thers under the general laws of hered
ity. A realization that sin always
brings sorrow is a sufficient reason for
a change of course. Conversion, there
fore, is merely the operation of a sane
mind In turning about from things rec
ognized to be injurious. Every sensi
ble person should be converted from
sin to righteousness.
Conversion may have Christ connect
ed with it, or it may not. Many are
converted without any real knowledge
of the Gospel of Christ. They merely
knew that they were going in a wrong
direction, and turned about to take the
proper course. But this we can say.
that only strong characters can sue
cessfullv Dursue a ritrht course, and
strong characters are in the minority.
Whether strong or weak in character,
great aid will surely be experienced
t tho t imo of tlieir con-1 nr mpmbers of the probationary
version, have a knowledge of Christ Church, or Body of Christ, from the complete the sacrifice they had agreed
and an appreciation of His work and moment they receive the begetting or
nis teachings. the Holy Spirit. Thenceforth they are
to fight a good fight, to run a success
ful mm. thov ninv win the glori
ous position which God has invited
"Abraham's Seed, and Heirs."
All who will be of that select King
dom class will be members of the
foretold Seed of Abraham. Jesus was
of Abrahamlc stock through His mi
raculous birth; and after lie had laid
down Ills life sacrificially and was
raised from the dead by the glory of
the Father, no more a man, but a New
Creature of the Divine nature, He then
was Abraham's Seed on the spirit
plane. His Church, called to be of
the Kingdom class, ere to be Abra
ham's Seed on the same spirit plane.
We are not ignoring the fact that
Abraham has an earthly seed as well.
and that to it belong certain earthly
promises. We are merely pointing out
that the Scriptures clearly teach that
the earthly seed cannot have its share
In the work of blessing others until
first the Heavenly Seed, the Spiritual
Seed of Abraham, shall have been per
fected in the First Resurrection. God
showed the two seeds in the state
ment to Abraham. "I will multiply thy
seed as the stars of heaven the spirit
ual, the Church and as the sand which
is upon the seashore'' the earthly.
Genesis 22:17.
St. Paul tells us that this Seed of
Abraham, Jesus and the Church, spirit-
begotten, are unitedly the Church.
Using a human body as an illustra
tion, he speaks of the anointed Jesus
as the Head, and of each one of the
Church as a member of the Body of
Christ. Thus we read, "If ye be
Christ's, then are ye Abraham's Seed,
and heirs according to the promise."
(Galatlans 3:1G, 29.) Thus we see that
St.. Taul was anxious to win a mem
bership in the Body of Christ, the
The Apostle, of course, was a mem
ber of the Church from the time of his
begetting of the Holy Spirit. But
there are two bodies of Christ, if we
may so express tne matter. One is the
probationary Body of the present time;
the other the actual Body of the fu
ture. All fully consecrated believers
next to te Fatner through ail eternity.
The Apostles Not Exceptions.
Some will say. Ah, yes; the narrow
way was for Jesus and the Apostles,
but not for the remainder of the
Church. God is not expecting sacri
fices from the Church, nor does He
purpose to give them a share with
Jesus and the Apostles In the Kingdom
honors and glories.
We answer, Let us not be wiser than
God. His Word declares that tbo
Apostles were set forth as ensamples
to the Church; and they exhort us to
walk in the footsteps of Jesus and in
their footsteps as they followed Him.
They tell us that "we are all called in
the one hope of our calling." And they
assure us that it is possible for the
poorest, and by nature the meanest, of
all who accept the Divine invitation,
to make his calling and election sure.
To take any other view is to contra
dict all of the Bible; and to take the
Bible is to contradict all the creeds and
human theories, which long enough
have made the Word of God meaning
less to us all. It Is high time that we
allow God's Word to be heard, and
that we take His Word at its full value.
The Bible Election Is Different.
I well know the objection that many
have to the doctrine of Election. I
know how opposed to it I was myself
until I saw bow different Is the Bible
Election from the Election which
Brother Calvin taught. In the Bible
Election God does the nominating, and
each nominated person either makes
his calling and election sure, or falls
to do so. The responsibility lies with
the Individual favored with a knowl
edge of God's Truth, which knowledge
constitutes a call.
Furthermore, the Bible Election
works no Injury to the non-elect.
Quite the contrary. The Election of
the Kingdom class, along the lines of
character-development, obedience to
God and self-sacrifice. Is for the very
purpose of qualifying these elect ones
for the great work to which they are
called. The elect Seed of Abraham is
called for the purpose of blessing ail
the families of the earth.
In the light of this view of Election,
how reasonable are the Bible presenta
tions! And how trials, difficulties and
sacrifices to which the Church is sub
jectedare evidently necessary for our
testing and development in the cbar-acter-Hkeness
of the Lord! and thus
they are a preparation for a share
with Him in Ills future work.
A knowledge of the Divine Flan is
very valuable to all who seek to run
the race. If we knew not the object
of our trials and difficulties, how could
we so well learn to endure them pa
tiently! But if we know that God is
thus giving us lessons to prepare us
for His service in Messiah's Kingdom.
how it changes the aspect of the en
tire matter!
As St. Faul declared, we may even
come to the place where we shall re
joice in tribulation, knowing that trib
ulation worketh patience, and patience
experience, and experience hope, be
cause the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts, and because we realize
that the developing of the fruits and
graces of the noly Spirit is a prepara
tion; and that thus, as St. Peter says.
An entrance shall be ministered unto
us abundantly Into the everlasting
Kingdom of our Lord and Savior."
What of Those Who Fail?
The Scriptures clearly show that two
classes will fail to win the prize, even
after having been begotten of the Holy
Spirit One of these classes the Scrip
tures liken to the sow who returns to
her wallowing in the mire, losing tho
Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the
Truth, and abandoning their consecra
tion altogether. (2 Feter 2:22.) These
will die the Second Death. Whether
their number is large or small Is not
for us to Judge. We may reasonably
hope that such unfaithful characters
do not predominate.
Then comes another class that tho
Scriptures declare will fail to get the
Kingdom prize. Although members of
the Body of Christ now in the present
life, they will not be amongst the "mora
than conquerors'' who will be mem
bers of the Body beyond the veil.
These are represented as a "great com
pany." How great their number is. In
proportion to the number who win
Christ, the Scriptures do not tell; there
fore we may safely withhold judg
ment In the matter.
The Scriptures tell us that whllo
these love tho Truth, appreciate their
Covenant of Sacrifice, yet they fall to
Nothing else gives such fortitude as
the hope set before us in the Gospel.
and the realization that there is a fu
ture life provided through Christ for them to fill.
all mankind, and that our course in the
present. life will have much to do with
the stripes, or punishments, we shall
receive here or in the future life nec
essary to fit us for Divine favor and
everlasting life.
"Present Your Bodies" Sacrifices.
One might reform his life, and have
knowledge of Jesus and oflhe life to
come secured through His death, and
of the fact that "whatsoever a man
ann-oth thnt shall he also reap," and
yet. with all that conversion, belief ami
reformation of life, he migut not ue a
Christian at all. in the Bible sense of
that term. We would not by this dis
courage anybody from taking the re-
fnrmntnrr stens already outlined. Wej
would, on the contrary, encourage
them so to do. These steps are neces-
6ary before anything further can ex-
cect to be attained.
As already stated, reformation ana
righteous living commend themselves
to all lntellleent minds as right and
advantageous, beneficial to the individ
ual himself as well as to the worm oi
tflBiind. Let us discuss Christianity.
St. Faul. after years of Christian life
and of growth In grace, in knowledge
and in the Spirit of the Lord, was re
viewing his own course, witn a iew
to stimulating the rhilippians. that
they also might profit by his experi
ences. He points out that he had con
secrated to the Lord every talent he
possessed. Nor did he think that he
had done some great tning; ior ue
. .1 n
onnted all that he had sacnuceu
imworthv of mention, so great was his
appreciation of the blessing which has
come to the Gospel Church. It is the
most wonderful offer that the ureal
Creator ever made; and we have every
reason to believe that there never
again will be auy offer made to com
pare with it.
The invitation is not merely to joini-
heirship with Christ In His Messianic
Kingdom of a thousand years ior me
blessing and uplirung or uumanuy. u
mo.ins. oh! so much more! The faith
ful ones will be made partakers of the
Divine nature and glory, houor and
Immortality; and they hall be with
heir Lord, sharers In His glorification.
to make; and the hindrance is their
lack of sufficient love for the Lord and
His work. Their lack of zeal leads
them to hold back from sacrifice, al
though they do not draw back to wil
ful sin, as do the other class. They
hold back through fear of death, writes
the Apostle: "Who through fear of
death were all their lifetime subject
to bondage," restrained from going on
in the footsteps of Jesus and the Apos
tles to make their election sure.
The Scriptures represent that this
class, held back by fear of the dying
process, the sneers of the world, etc.,
will be counted unworthy of a place
In the Body of Christ, the Royal Priest
hood, but will be amongst the antirypi
cal Levltes, who will have a service to
perform In conjunction with the King
dom class. But the attainment of this
honor will be only after a demonstra
tion of full loyalty to God.
In conclusion. I exhort all who pro
fess to be God's people to learn to es
teem properly the value of this "pearl
of great price' which God Is now of
fering to us through Jesus.' Only by
the loss, the sacrifice, of air earthly
things will this highest position on the
Heavenly plane be attained: but, as St
Paul poirts out. it Is cheap at tli
price: and all that we hare to give for
It is but as dross In comparison.