The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 10, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1913.
BMm fo prevent disease- fa -JgM
JTT LL resist disease germs Mf
olive oiLp K$ pi Amg
' c-----ts 't- U iCi&SL2&jyr :?T---fi:n: vAZi8Z"f& ' .r,?--.,r
v"ajr,,y 7" -n '" " vt---:r-v. x..j..; --w.-.i . L"..r. xw,.
SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination the injection of vaccine.
DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin.
These enable the -sody to produce substances which prevent the growth of
smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood.
There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more
common ' typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism,
and a score of others that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making
the body strong to resist germ infection.
fl fl
(With Hypophosphites)
Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease by enabling the body to overcome
the germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire
system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease.
Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs
of some distressing ailment in his or her system.
Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are
liable to bring about just the conditions under which
those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and
put you on your back " down sick."
You who are run-down, tired -out, nervous
You who, though not sick enough to give up, still
don't feel good
You who are apparently well, and toani to slay icell
Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to
day, and use it as a means to get well and keep well.
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food
In this it is different from most other so-called
" tonics " which either have no food value and do noth
ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in
a worse condition than before or, having food value, still
Sold in this community only at
ere so unpleasant to take that many people can't keep
them down.
Rexall Olive OH Emulsion is plc-sant to take. The
Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure
Ojive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap
and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you
feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and
your bowel action.
contains no alcohol ncr any denzrous or habit forming
It is guaranteed to be just as represented above to
do all that is claimti above to satisfy ycu in every
way, or your money back without quibble or question.
Enough for full two weeks ' treatment, $1.00.
Sold only at The Rexall Stores the World's greatest
Drug Stores and always with a fail guarantee of com
plete satisfaction, or your money back.
ataaJUL store F. G. FR1CKE & CO. I
From Thursday's Daily.
Tlx? eat ntranc of tin- Hofl
Flilry has been l'corat-d with a
larjre sign. "Hotel Kiley," and
this fills a lonir-fflt want, as with
strangers, it was a diflicult mai
ler for thfin to fiiui tlie rntranr-e
to the hotfl, as many took
corner entrance- for tlu way into
the hotel ofiiee. Tin? sin is a
very handsom- one of hlue and
pold and is a fine specimen of
work. It is illuminaU'd at uiuht
ly a larpe electric lihf. which
points the way to those arriving
here on Ihe late trains at ni'lit.
Since Mr. Robb has assumed the
management of the hotel it has
been improved wonderfully and
he is giving" the traveling public
and the citizens here a splendid
hotel, which is already attracting
the attention of the traveling
men who visit this city, and who
were in the pat thoroughly dis
gusted with the treatment they
received, but they are well pleas
ed with their treatment now.
Here to Inspect Jail.
From Saturoays Dally.
John V. Shahan of,
secretary of Ihf board of charilb's
and corrections ami slate prison
board of Nebraska, was in the city
today looking over the building
that answers for the purpose of a
jail, and while he readily saw that
the authorities kept the building
in as g'ood hape as possible, he
was of the opinion that a new
building" was needed in the wor.-t
possible way to keep the prisoners
and thought the present, county
jail unlit to keep human be
ings in.
Would Make Them Better If They
The makers of Foley Kidney
Pills know that they have abso
lutely the best combination of
curative and healing medicines
for kidney and bladder ailments
and urinary irregularities that it
is possible to produce. That is
why Foley Kidney pjis are the
best you can buy. For sale by all
For Sale.
Full-blooded Touleese Geese;
also a number of Pekin Ducks.
Inquire of S. W. Ransom, west
nd of Main street. 11-5-dAcw
From Friday- Dailv. evening Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker was called out to the
vicinity of Cedar Creek to take
care of two alleged crazy men
who werp making quite a disturb
ance in that locality. The men
were Charles Miller, who display
ed all the signs of being- very
much off his base, while Ihe other
man. August Youlik. was suffer
ing from the effect of acute
n!ehoim and will face the charge
of being an ineberate. The two
men were brought before the in
sanity hoard this morninsr. and
as a result of the hearing will
spend a time at the asylum al
From Saturday's Dally.
Ray Bramblett came .up this
morning from his home af Union
and was a pa?engr on th early
Burlinton train for Omaha,
where he was called on soin
matters of business. r
From Friday's Dal:.
Another chapter in file Ilroad
water ca.-e wa brought forth
yesterday, when the hearing of
the application of the county at
torney for the taking" away of the
children of Mr. ami Mrs. Iiroad
waler was heard by Judge Pieeson.
The father of Hroadwaler was
present at the trial, coming down
from his home at Havelock, and
the child was turned oer to him
to care for and rear in a manner
that would not bring it into con
tact with the conditions that 'X-i-l'd
in the home of its parents.
The father of the child was al
lowed to go fo Havelock lo secure
Ihe as-istance of his father in
the mattei". but the woman in the
case still languishes in the coun
ty lock-up and il will be several
days yet before she receives her
deserts for the bdalions 4)f the
laws ,,f the slate of Nebraska.
That the matter will be settled in
some manner that will rid the
community of these people is lo
be sincerely wished for.
Moving Into Riley Block.
From Friday's Daily.
The paint and wall paper store
of Frank iobelinan, w hich has
been located in the 1'earlman
building, is feeing moved into the
Hole Riley block today and the
store room titled up in nice shape
for the slock of goods which Mr.
iole!man carries. The move v;
made necessary by the fact that
the building in which he was lo
cated was purchased by the Elks,
who are o remodel it into a club
A good honest medicine like
Foley Kidney Pills gives health to
many families. Mrs. . Palmer.
t'i35 Willow St.. lreen Pay. Wis.,
was seriously ill with kidney and
bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer
w riles: "My wife is rapidly re
covering her health and strength
due solely' to Ihe use of Foley
Kidney Pills." For sale by all
drungisl s.
From Saturday's Dally.
J. M. Meisinger was in the city
yesterday for a few hour looking
after some trading with the merchants.
11 is easy to understand why an
increasing number of bottles of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
is sold yearly. Thos. Verran. 286
Edward Street. Houghton, Mich.,
gives an excellent reason when
he writes: "Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound has always proven
an effective remedy, quickly re
lieving tickling in the throat, and
stopping the cough with no bad
after effects." For pale by all
Fine Chickens for Sale.
Puff Orphinglon roosters and
pullefs. Also white Orphington
roosters. Those who want such
chickens can call or 'phone Mrs.
James II. Drown. 'Phone No. .'-E,
Murray. Neb.
FlattsDJouth. b., Nov. 4, J913.
Eoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Present. C. R. Jortac. C E. Heebner
and JuptiQ A. Pitz. County Commis
sinnfrs. r. C. Morsran. County Clerk.
Minuis I previous suasion read and
upp-rovpd, wlif-n the following business
was transacted in rearular form
On aoonnt of resignation of F. II.
ossenkop. 1'recinct Assessor of Louis
ville Preeinct, th County Assessor. W.
U. liyan afkcil that Jflin Grout in ap
pointed to till the vacancy, anil ap
pointment appro veil.
Tlie following' claims were allowed
on the ireneral funl:
W. 11. tiller, boanl anil loiltr-
in:r to Wni. JIcKpp 2,..1
C K. Heehnt-r. same L'h."0
a si 4J.i'J
C I:. .Ionian, salary and mile-
A. .1. Trilety. ascent, tire insur
ance on county farm, luiin.
frrainery, lel, liay, i'.orses.
etc "..".. "0
Hans Siever.. salary, laundry,
.1. If. Tluasher, tuiilifT's cer
tificate -0
Weepinic Water lit- puhlican,
print insr commissioners pro
ceedings 0.81
C W. ISaylor C- Co.. coal to
paupers and farm
I . '. Morgan, salary and ex
pense I'IS.OO
John Uauer. auto livery to
commissioners 3.."i0
Peter F., board W. H.
laytori ami family 2.0t)
K. Manspeaker. deputy sher
iff, .:oher 4.".. 00
I r. K. i . Cummins, inane
Otto Worth i.00
.7. M. i.eydu, same :',.)
James Cohertson. same ti.OO
'. 1 . yninton, same f!l'.t
V. . Gillespie, same 4 .'.
W. T. Weiidell. same 4.!''
Mary IZ. Koster, saiary end ex
pense Olson Photoffrapli Co., photo
postals to sheriff 7..0
I.. J. Mavtield. prinlintc notice
of delinquent tax list I'O.OO
Mrs. J. II. l,csle. care of Mrs.
l.athan. October. SI. 00
The Plattsmouth Journal,
printing delinquent tax list. Ji9.90
C. I . (Juinton. hoardins" coun
ts prisoners and salary.
Ausrust 19C.40
C. I . Quinton. boardinc city
inisoiiers and committments,
August G.G'i
C. 1. Citiinton. hoarding coun
ty prisoners and salary. Sep
tember 179.40
C. I . juinton. boardinar city
prisoners and committments.
September 14.9",
C. 1 . Ciuinton, hoarding: rmin
t v prisoners and salary, Octo
ber 171. !0
C. 1 . uuinton. board inp: city
prisoners and committments,
iciiplier 7 - 3
Zm kweiler lutz. mdse to
county farm 42. 2S
The Plattsmouth Journal, sup
plies arid printing fi2.4."
Julius A. Pitz, salary and ex
pense 40.50
Piatsmoutli Water Co., water
to court house 7. SO
V. K. Fox, stamps, etc
S. F. Girardet, mdse to Miss
McGinnis 10.00
J. V. Kgenbererer Kst., coal to
.5. 11. Tarns, salary for October. S.'i.OO
G. P. Kastwoo.l. mdse to coun
ty 10. cr,
John Hauer, material and lab
or at jail 1 -60
Wevrich Hadraba. mdse to
county 1.10
The following- claims were allowed
on the road funds:
August K reck low. road work.
road district No. N $ 144.10
J. H .Wagner, road work, road
district No. 4 JO. 40
G. W. Curyea. hard water road
district No. .'.SI
K. St urzenegger. mdse, road
district No. 4 14.10
Kd Iorr. road work, road dis
trict No. 7 4.00
John Murtev. material, road
district No. 1 ti 77. 6S
Waiter Myers, road work, road
oistrict No. .7 7.7Ti
Wilson IltenfoTced Concrete
Co., culverts. road district
No. 1 f.0.90
John Hoot, road work. road
district No. Irt 23.40
J:. C. Bailee, road work, road
district No. ? S.14.00
Saml. Cas liner, hardware, roal
district No. 1 ?..?.0
Saml. Casliner, hardware, road
iiistrict No. B ?,.T0
W C. Boucher, road work, toad
district No. 6 S.f.O
Wm. Wulff, dragging road.-,
road district No. 1G C.S0
T'nion Lumkr Co., lumlter, road
district No. 1.". 69. C6
G. W. Leach, road work, road
district No. 14 45.20
K. T. Tool, lumber, road dis
trict No. 7
L. J. Walradt, road work, road
district No. 6 4 . SO
V. J. AUliouse. road wot k,
toad district No. 6 Ifil.SO
John H. Busche. road work.
road district No. J 1120
Clifford Appleman, road work,
road district No. 6 2.00
G. P. Kastwood. mdse to road
district No. 1 .25
J. C. I.omever. road work.
road district No. ' 111.20
Lee Arnett. culverts, road dis
trict No. 7 64. IS
Lee Arnett, culverts, road dis
trict No. 3 32.96
M. Sulser. road work, road dis
trict No. i r-.'.oo
W. B. Banning, lumber, ro id
district No. 11
Wm. H. Hush, road work, road
district No. 7 '. .... ISO. 30
C. F. Vallery. road work, in
heritance tax fund 77.50
O. J. Kitzel. road work, inher
itance tax fund 3.C0
G. P. Foreman, road work. In
heritance tax fund 13. SO
Chas. lngwerson. same 6.40
Sam Hardnock. same i.80
Karl Bennett, same 7."0
Boy Bennett, same .!
Joe Vickers. same . 00
Hobert Hamilton, same S.00
Geo. Foreman, same i.;o
M. Sulser. same 20.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Union Lumber Co.. bridge
lumber $ 24S.39
K. T. Tool, bridge lumber 61.71
K. S. McCleery. bridge work.. 310.00
John Murtev. bridge lumber... 24.57
J. H. "Wagner, bridge material 19. GO
Lee Arnett. culvert Commis
sioners' road district No. 3.. 49.1"
Board adjourned to meet "Wednesday,
November a, 1913.
1. C. MORGAN. County Clerk.
J. II. Donnelly, work In County
Treasurer's office, October,
1913 132.00
Hammond & Stephens, supplies
to County Superintendent... 10.;."i
The following claims were allowed
on the road funds:
Dick Standley, road work, road
district No. 16 $ S.00
John Hartsook. same s.oo
Jay Peterson, same 7.fc0
B. H. Boot, same . mj
John Lanning. same l . n
. . Wall, same .ki
Bert Stewart, same 4.W0
Urant Standley. same 4.00
Nebraska Iowa Steel Tank"
Co., culvert, road district
Nw. 3 9.73
Sullivan-Mead Lumber Co.,
lumber, road district No. 4.. 50.59
Bussell Grader Mfg. Co.. re
pairs on road district No. 9.. 1.50
L. B. Stewart, road work, road
district No. li 1.G0
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Nebraska Construction Co.,
bridge work and bridge ma
terial $2214.40
Wm. fl. Bush, bridge work.... G.OO
M. Sulser. bridge work 4.UO
W. B. Banning, bridge material 105.40
Board adjourned to meet Tuesdav,
November 1 S 1913.
D. C. MoHGAN. Countv Clerk.
In the Count Court of (' Couul),
In the Matter of the Kstate of
William J. O'Brien, deceased.
To All Persons Interested in the Kstate
if William J. O'Brien. Deceased:
You are hereby notified that on the
7th day of November, 1913. Johanna
Morley, executrix of the estate of Wil
liam J. O'Brien, deceased, tiled in said
Court her final account, as such ex
ecutrix and that said Tinal account will
be heard on Die Gtti day of December,
1913. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at
ttie County Court rooms in the City of
Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska,
ami you are hereby cited to appear at
the time and place above described and
show cause, if any exists, why said ac
count and petition for discharge should
r.ot be allowed.
said Johanna Morley, executrix, give
notice to all persons interested in said
estate, by causing a copy of this order
to be published in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said County, for three suc-l
cessive weeks, prior to the date set for
said hearing.
Dated this 7th dav of November, 1913.
Countv Judge.
In Ihe District Court of "mmm County,
Allen L. Karvev.
Kdna Harvey.
To Edna Harvey:
You will take notice that on the 26th
day of July. A. It. 1913, the plaintiff
filed his petition in the District Court
of Cass Counay, Nebraska, against
you, the object and prayer of which
are to obtain a divorce from you on
the ground that you have wilfully
abandoned plaintiff, without just cause,
for a term of two years. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 15th day of December, A. D.
Dated. November 3. 1913.
ALLEN L. 1IABVKY. Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Nov. fl, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
with all members present, when the
following business was transacted in
regular form:
Bond of H. B. Hedding "for con
struction of poor house" approved and
contract entered into.
Board adjourned to meet Thursdav,
November 6. 1913.
1. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Nov. 6, 1913.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
with all members present. when the
following business was transacted in
regular form:
Resignation of J. II. "Wagner. road
overseer road district No. 4, received
and accepted.
The following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
Whereas. On the 24tli day of July,
1913. the county poor house was de
stroyed by fire, and
Whereas. An emergency exists, in
that the county lias no place to care
for its poor; therefore be it
Resolved. By the Board of County
Commissioners, in regular Fession as
sembled, that there be and there here
by is appropriated out of the 1913 levy
the sura of fifteen hundred dollars
($l.r,oo to be used in the reconstruc
tion of the poor house.
Contract was entered into with John
Bauer as follows: Heating county poor
house. $775.00: plumbing at poor house,
$545.00; electric wiring. $8o.00.
The following claims were allowed
on the General fund:
Fisher & Lawrie. architect
services at poor house $ 200.00
M. Fanger, mdse to Hopkins.. 1.60
J. C. Theygeson. drugs to
Chas. Good, smallpox 6.50
Dr. W. M. Barritt. services,
same 16.00
L. E. Upton, mattress, etc.,
same 7.35
C. H. Dysart. mdse. tame 6.4.5
Jas. F. "Wilson, care of tame.
fso.oo. reaucea to $10.00
Frank Leach, care of panne,
$33.00. reduced to 11.00
D. D. Farnham. groceries, etc..
to am, $23.40, recuced to.. 12.00
coi m v. .m:hrak.
Albert Pendl, Plaintiff,
David Karwicker, et al..
To David Karwicker, the unknown
Heirs and Devisees of David Ear
wicker, deceased: Svlvira E. Smith.
"Warren M. Smith, Myrtle B. Pratt,
Klmer L. Smith, Lois Smith McGin
nis. Robert G. Donovan, George C.
Donovan, William W. Gullion, the
unknown heirs and devisees of Wil
liam W. Gullion. deceased, E. T.
Shamp, the unknown heirs and de
visees of E. T. Shamp, deceased:
Samuel Casey, the unknown heirs
and devisees of Samuel Casey, de
ceased; Mary Ann Casey, the un
known heirs and devisees of Mary
Ann Case-, deceased, non-resident
defendants in the above entitled
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action against you in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of quieting the
fee simple title in the plaintiff, in and
to the following described real estate
to-wit: lA)t 21 in the SWli of the
SVi of Sec. 7. Twp. 12. Rge. 14, East
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County, Ne
braska, being more particularly de
scribed as follows: Commencing at a
point 1:6.66 chains north and 2.27 chains
east of the southwest corner of the
SW'i of said See. 7, Twp. 12, N. Rge.
14 K. of the 6th P. M. thence run
ning north 1.1573 chains, thence east
4.b3 chains, thence south 1.1575 chains,
thence west 4. S3 chains to the place of
beginning: also fractional lots 9 and
2 3 in the west half of the SW'i of Sec.
7, Twp. 12, N. Rge. 14 East of the 6th
P. M. in Cass County. TTe-ir.i r;a. and
being more particularly described :i
follows: Commencing at 11 po.nt !.
chains north nnd 7. GO chains east of
the southwest corner of Sec. 7 , T p.
12 North, Range 14 Kat of the Gth p.
M., running thence north 2.5u chains,
thence east 6 chains, thence south
chains, and thence; west G chain to
the place of beginning: Uo a I of lot
S. in the SW'i of the SWV4 Of See. 7.
in Twp. 12. Rge. 14. in Cuss Countv.
Nebraska, being more pai tu n!. u l y 1 -scrired
as follows: Commencing: at :i
point 16.29 chains north of the south
west corner of the SW of said S-
7. running thence east 7. GO ci.airn t
the place of l' ginniTir, 1 hern e ricrth
2.50 chains, thence east G chain-,
thence soutii 2.50 chains, and thence
west G chains to the place of begin
ning; and also all or block 3 11; Town
send's Addition to the City of Pl.itt
tnoutli. Cass County. Nebraska, a nu to
forever enjoin you and each of yo.i
from claiming any right, title, iiajm,
lien or interest in and to the above de
scribed real estate, and to remove 4-r-tain
clouds from plaintiff's title in and
to said real estate, and for equitabln
relief. You und each of you are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the l.'tii day of December. A.
D. 1SM3. and in failing so to tin your
default will be tljly entered therein
ami judgment token as prael for 111
plaintiff's petition.
ALBERT PKNDK. Plaintiff.
By A. I.. TiDD.
His Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel " mortgage duted the
first day of May. lvl.l. and duly liu-d
in the office of the County Clerk of
Cass County. Nebraska, on the ::rd da'
of May. 1913. and executed hv tie
Chopie Gas Engine Co. Limited t to
secure the payment of the sum of
$575.00. and upon which there is now
due the sum of $575.00 with eight per
cent interest thereon from the lust
day of May. 1913; and also by irtue of
a chattel 'mortgage dated the 7th dav
of February, 1913. and duly filed In the
office of the County Clerk, Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska, on the fctli dav of Febru
ary. 1913, and executed by Chopie Gas
oline Engine Co. (Limited to secure
oline Engine Co. 1 Limited to secure the
payment of the sum of $700, and upon
which there is now due the sum of $
together with interest thereon at the
rate of eight per cent per annum from
the 7th day of February, 1913. which
last named mortgage together with
the debt secured thereby has been dulv
assigned and transferred to the un
dersigned The Bank of Cass County
by the mortgagee Charles C. Patmele.
default having been made in the pay
ment of said sums and lie suit of other
proceedings at law having been insti
tuted to recover said debt, or any part
thereof, therefore I will sell the prop
erty described in said mortgage, name
ly; One 12 horse power and four 7
horse power gasoline engines, and all
of the lathes and appurtenances and
all drills and drill presses, all planes
and appurtenances, pipe threading ma
chines, key setters, line shafts, and
belts, and belting, valves, boring ma
chine and tools, all small tools, emery
wheels, and stands, two new 7'v horse
power gasoline engines, three friction
clutch pulleys, templets and jigs, all
office furniture, all patterns for the dif
ferent engines made by the Chopie
Gasoline Engine Co., of every kind
and character, three 3 horse power en
gines. 4 horse power engine. 5 hors
power engine, and 7 '-j horse powor en
gine, one large blower and one small
blower, tattler, crane. cupola, one
brass furnace, all tlasks and other
foundry equipments, also all patents
procured and all patents now pending
of every nature, kind and description,
connected with and pertaining to gas
oline engines, and the business of
manufacturing gasoline enitlnen pur
chased by said Gasoline Engine Co.,
and John A. Chopieska. at put lb- auc
tion at the factory of said Company
in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, on Mondav. the i.'.th dav
of November, A. D. 1913, at two
o'clock p. m. of said dav.
Dated November 3, 1913.
Notice Is also given (hat bv viitue
of a chattel mortgage dated the 17th
day of October, A. D. 1912, and dulv
filed in the office of the Countv Clerk
of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 17th
dav of October, 1912. and executed by
John A. Chopieska. to secure the pay
ment of the sum of $l.uuti.uo and up
on which there is now due the sum of
$1,000.00 together with intereM at Die
rate of eight per cent per annum from
October 17. 1912, default having been
made in the payment of said s.m. and
no suit or other proceeding at law hav
ing been instituted to recover i-aid
debt or any part thereof, therefore I
will sell the property therein describ
ed, to-wit:
One 12 horse power, two horse
power and two 2 horse power gas
oline engines witli trucks, at public
auction at the factorv of the Chopie
Gasoline Engine Co. Limited! In the
city of Plattsmouth, Cass County. Ne
braska, on the 25th dav of November.
A. I. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock
p. m.
Dated. November 3, 1913.
t! n n
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Don't try us as a last re
sort, but try us as a first
resort, and you will never
be disappointed.
In acute cases our re
sults are marvelous, quick
and positive.
The accompaning illustration
depicts a human spinal column,
surmounted with the grandest
handiwork of the Creator, the
head, through which passes a
conduit the spinal cord carry
ing the vital force Life.
Two sections of the column
are enlarged, showing two nerves
leaving the spinal cord on their
way to some organ within the
body. See the difference in the
size of the nerves. The large
one is the health-giving one; the
small one disease in the organ
in which it ends. If you are suf
fering or ailing, you have one of
these, caused by luxation of the
vertebrae. Let us fix this trou
ble before you become a chronic
sufferer; if your trouble is already
chronic, we can still conquer it.
Examination and consultation
free. If trouble is not within our
line or ability we tell you so.
Two Blocks North of the Catholic Church