The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Sale will be held at farm, five miles southwest of EViynard,
nine miles north of Eehawka, and a quarter mile north of Eight
EVHIe Grove Church. Come early and inspect this herd. Sale
to commence at 1 :00 o'clock. Dinner will be served to all. All
trains will be met at Piattsrnouth, rynard and Sehawka.
7 ;
7T li". L-
34 Spring B
1 Yearling Herd
13 Spring GsS'is. 1
r. 1 Fail
ow with
lifter at side. 5 tried sows.
For Reference Only:
For Reference and Sale:
re. & cs coi.
Com. B. & Cs Co!.
f Prince of Ccl's
I 13571 A
I Love 35080A
fWati's Model
if. d i f King to Be 12653A
r lii a "" 1 Duchcss Lsss 3051 8A
t Baxter's Com. Miss 4
f Commodore
2r Sweet Rose II
Col.'s Belle 2d.
1 3100GA
f Golden Model V
I 57111
Buddy's Best Babe
( Sweet Rose 1 . .
f Ohio Chief 8727A
Col.s Belle 339S8A
f Gclden Mode! II 77333
Melbourne Queen 163078
( Proud Advance 23543
Manley's Best 82G59
This offering includes 6 spring litters and three bred sows by K's Col. by Commodore S. &
Cs Col. Six spring litters and enc young litter by Perry's model, by Watt's Model. Spring litter
by model Col. by Col. Tippy. One spring litter by Choice Advance by Advance V. One spring year
ling herd boar by Watt's Model by King's Pal. One fail yearling boar by Fancy Model by Golden
Model V. Two bred sows by Commodore B. & Cs Col. by B. & C, Col. One bred sow (with lit
ter at side) by Col. Tippy by Tippy Col.
Parties wanting time must make satisfactory settlement with the Clerk.
Our terms are cash.
as see
GOL. ft. 0. &RASCHEL, Aucf.
l nimnv r r i bi.i i. r
w. i i-urwi, i iuiuriicJii, ruordbKci farmer ! fl
I i(CVS.
!!-!-!-! !-!-!-! WW!
Vi!:iS Sllf!.in has. a force of
men at rk hed.s for
liis fat inercarin:;" herd of bbod
' .-fork.
Jim I -1 i'im'ii lias been inler
i'i!i a hot sn.', and as a r'
liis fai r j ooiir up in a iim
looking wliilc rio!).
i-oc Kim- lias );r'i m Ui
:-ick. Jit for a foilplc of Wi't'ks
v. itli an attack oT iiliMisii'ss. 1 1
has 1 ! 1 coiitiiH-il to lijs bvtl a
f.-n-alrr part of tliis wt-rk.
' arc vfiy nuicli iiMlchl.-i to
?!!. K. A. Kirk pa trick I liis week
for ht'iptiiLT us in ll.c way of jrct-tinu-
ami wrilinu' news for us in
tile absence of the editor.
Mr. an. I Mrs. Martin Kmsl of
Olsfha. Kans.. came in Thursday
eniny for a few days' isjt. villi
relatives in Nehavka. Mrs. J.rns!
is a ranii-dauylilff ,f Cirand
inn ;:ti!.fr.
I.. II. YoniiL' rci.i;!s a fu ld of
'"Hi that a. ra--d .;." hu-hl per
:i-:r', and ir- Mar k al-o ad
mits that th s-iii!.' tiling lias
haj.pert.-d up at his place. I'rcTly
poiM yield fi,v a dry year.
X. V.. lSannifiir. for luany years
station aisit at this place fer
the Misouii l'acilic. has re
signed his position here. His
pjate has heeu tilled by Ifennan
Thomas fron. Howe. .Mr. ltaii'i
i:l"; '1 !x to MC-epj : tipe oi-;
1 i-m in W'ahinton or 'Mrjrorr;
one having been" 'tendered him.
Genial Jiminie will - be greallv
missi-d by a bd of his old "cron
ies" here.
L. II. Yttunir came home lasl
week from a viil to his son John
at (Ioerilire, Nebraska. IH
crop conditions up there are im
mense and furthermore that
John lias a belter farm and bet
teK improvements than "Dad."
W'e simply overheard him talking
and do not know whelher it was
for publication or not, but be
seemed lo Pe pi'olld ot Jnllll.
About twenty of the Italian ex
Ira f-panir who have beep working
here for some time are helping V..
M. l'ollard with the apple piekimr
(his week. This with the already
larpe force he has nl work will
make a short job of what picking
is left. They have been
but very Iittb' packing: for the 10
days, all of the available force
bein'r at work in the orchard.
Ileitter, returned to her home at
Alva. Okla., Monday.
Fifteen of the younj? people of
this vieinilv held a "weenie roast"
;ht in a V
All vole
1 an
i " ViT . . i i .
Mr. a:
son tiny
id Mrs. Men. Kinr an-I
of Have lock were quests
lit the home of Mr. and
Mr. J. 11. !om.
Homer Clements of I eVeee,
Nebr., arrived in town the laltei
pai l of hist Week for a few week.-'
visit willi relatives and friends.
A. II. Vanlandinu'hani moved
his olliee fixtures over lo bis
house yesterday afternoon and
will discontinue his up-town of
fice for the present.
Mr-i. Anpa Hackenbarh. who
was called here by Ihe illness and
death of her falhcr,. Grandpa
ays ! last Wednesday ni
excellent time.
Wm. Irey di'(.ve to Rosalie, Ne
braska, last week, where he se
cured work sliuckiuj; corn. We
underslandiii'' that, be is contem-platin;-:
moviiit' his family up
there in the sprinjr and entraKo in
farmin.' for himself,
Mrs. Hans Wolf, who has beep
lakiu'r medical treatment al tlx
Tabilha Home in Lincoln for Ihe
past three months, is preally im
proi-d in health, and was able lo
relurji to lier hoiiu' Hie fore part
of the week.
An order froes into effect No
vember 1st. requiring conductors
on the Missouri Pacilie to collect.
a:i excess fare of 5 cents when
cash fares are offered on Ihe
train. A rebate check is fiiven to
th. passepjrer layable at any of
their ticket xdlii'es.
Misses Jennie Kudolph and Klla
Small, of havenport, Iowa, slop
ped off here Friday last for a few
day' visit with the hitter's aunt,
Mrs. Joe Spahule and other rel
atives in and around Kairle. They
aie op their way home from a
two month' pleasure trip
thiou'-'h the western slates.
.V?v'- -V?VI- J:.
Mrs. Kd. Sione of AIvo; relum
ed Friday after several
days' visit with Mrs, Fred Gorder.
Win. Ioty was in Omaha Sat
urday gelling- His eyes treateii, as
they hae been bothering him of
Mrs. W. W. Moore, of JMatls
mouth, visited from Thursday un
til Monday with her friend, Mrs.
Ray Smith northeast of town.
Mrs. It. 1). McNurliu returned
Monday from several days' visit
with her son and daughter and
their families at llavelock.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wettle
and family of Murdoek, came
down in their aulo and ale Sun
day, dinner with their obi lime
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Win. F.
Lantrhorst .
Mrs. William Jameson arrived
Tuesday from the ranch at Sar
frent and in company with Mrs.
Amandus Heach and Miss Mary
Slult will leave next Tuesday for
Orantre, California.
Harry Worman visited bis
bi-olher, Elmer Worman. south
east of town from Thursday eve
ning until Saturday iiitrhf. II
hail been nineteen years since
Harry left here. He is married
now and lives at Ft. Seolt, Kans..
and is railroading, lie is a full
urown man now of the -00 -lb.
W. W. Carter hail a thn eaere
field of potatoes that averaged
1J5 bushels to the acre, which
he sold at an average of 1)0 cuts
per bushel. At that rale the yield
would be 121 .50 per acre.- Pretty
good returns from cheap land
like our Cass county land. Why
isn't it worth szM' per acre?
Andrew Moore met with a
painful accident last week, which
caused a broken rib and two se
vere wounds on the -hv-ad and face,
while-working with the Fitch
well machine at the Foltz farm
southeast of town. "While putting
the cable on the drum his clothes
caught ou the drum, lie has a
brother, (J. S. Moore, who is fore
man in the llanpey Harness Co.,
in Omaha, who came down ami
took the injured brother home
with him.
Mrs. I.. R. Upton went to Oma
ha Sunday evening for a visit
with friends, returning home
Joe Chidesler and family were
down from Fa Platte Sunday lo
spend the day with A. II. Chidest
er and wif.j.
Richard Smith received a car of
cat lie from South Omaha last
Friday which he drove out to the
farm to consume some of his
surplus corn crop.
Frank G. Kendall and wife ar
rived home Tuesday from Cust
er county, where they had been
making their relatives ami friends
a few weeks' visit.
James Lewis returned Wed
nesday from Thurston county,
where he spent a few weeks bar
vesting a portion of Hie "nub
bin" crop in that part of th
'John Chappell of Ihe vicinity
of Murray was transacting bus
iness her.. Wednesday afternoon
He ha planned a trip into th
Wyomintr country to investigate
some of the land propositions!.
A Intle mud-dauber could car
ry all the land the Union boy
drew in the lottery at North
Platte this week, none of them re
ceived even "honorable mention"
in the lirst grist of names drawn,
Ihe nearest Cass county shot be
ing No. 5 'iH by Frank Reed of
Murrav. and John Lindernian of
Plal tsmoulh came next with No
Syl Hathaway, who holds, down
a po.-itiop as guard at the peni
tentiary, came from Lincoln Sun
day to visit with his relatives and
friends. Svl is well pleased with
his work (and salary) and speak?
in praise of the manner in which
the prison js man aired by War
den Fenfoii. a great fealure be
inir the eradication of the cocaine
Amos McNainee arrived home
Moudav night from his few weeks
visit with the families of Charle?
McNainee and Jnke Eikepbary at
nrush. .ol stopping n the re
turn trip to visit relalies al
Swaulon and Orand Island. He
positively denies the rumor that
he w;'. married, and is seriously
thinking of a lH-cent libel suil
against this paper for intimat
ing such a thing.
Mrs. C. G. Mayiichl is quite ill
with la grippe.
Our old friend George Meier,
report s I hat his corn is turning
out tine and that be will have sev
eral hundred bushels more than
last year.
Miss Marguerite Miller spent
Sunday in' Lincoln with her sis
ter, Mrs. Peter Mockenhaupt.' w ho
recently underwent a critical op
eration at St. Flizatbelh's hos
pital. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Leller of Sarpy county
October 2). Mrs. Leller is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate
Hazen and Grandpa Nate is as
proud as a peacock.
Miss Katherine Richey went to
Lincoln Fridav to be the guest of
Miss Eleanor Frampfon at a Hal
loween party. Mrs. Framplon
has also extended inu'tali'ons for
an orpheum party in honor of her
guest .
James Slander, secretary of
the Platte River liridge company,
took a party of young fellows
with him to Greenwood last Sat
urday where they went to repair
a few bad places" in the Omaha
Lincoln auto highway.
Lou Jacknian, the rural mail
carrier, is the proud father of a
brand new baby boy; The little
feRow arrived by parcels post on
Thursday, Oclober :0 and likes
his pew home so well thai be has
decided to remain permanently.
The home of Chester Merriam
was quarantined Thursday by or
der of Ir. polk, their litlle
daughter H-mice having been
taken down with scarlet fever.
lr. Polk feels confident that he
will be abb lo prevent the dis
ease from spreading as she be
came exposed while in Omaha
ami has not been in school for
more than a week.
A. L. Palmer will leave "ew
To be held at farm, one-half mile south of
Plaifsmouth, Nebr., on
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12. 1913
Sale begins at I o'clock. Free Lunch at Koqh
14 Boars.
In this offering there will le a choice lot of good stutT sold and
it will contain a lot of richly bred animals with lots of individual merit.
The herd boar used is Petite Tec-unison and be will also be included in
this oiTering. lie is a two-year-old sired by Matchless Kxputihion, out
of a grand-daughter of Miller's Tecumseh. A number of the spring
pigs are by him. Others are by the good loar Futurity Jack, a son of I
Am UigToo. We have a good spring litter by Guy Price's Last, out of
a dam by Big Victor. There will be sonic fall sturf sold and this is
sired by Teddy, a son of Big Mischief by Mischief Maker's Best. This
will be an excellent place to get some good, stretchy spring oars and
gilts and good, useful fall stun". If you are interested write for catalog.
Crates will be furnished to all those shipping out.
GOL. H. S. DUNCAN, Auctioneer.
York today for a year's lour of
F.urope. He will sail on the Im
peralor, the largest passenger
steamer in the world. Arthur's
many Louisville friends will join
with the Courier in wishing him
a pleasant voyage. The Courier
has arranged with Mr. Palmer to
furnish its readers with a series
of letters descriptive of his trip
and what he sees of interest on
the other side of the pond.
H-I-H- -H-H-
Mr. and Mrs. J. P
ed Monday from a
in Western Nebra
Mr. and Mrs. C.
. Cobb return
business trip
I. Clapp re
turned Saturday evening from an
extended trip east.
Howard, Capwell ami family
went to Lincoln Saturday morn
ing for a visit with '"Lucie Al"
Hickson, who, we hear, is very
Mrs. Will P.hodeu and grand
son.. Charles llboden. of o'Oallab,
Kans., are enjoying- a visit here
with relatives and old friends.
The Misses Pauline and Itulh
Parnhart went to Lincoln lasl
week lo see their brother, Poland
who was operated upon for ap
pendicitis. The Myers eighty acre farm
near Avoca was sold at referee's
sale a! Weepincr Water Tuesday
by Attorney Wm. Deles Dernier
lo Win. Huso, the consideration
being S7.5(io.
Jas. Durbin received word Ihe
forepart of the week of the ealh
of his father, Henry Durbin. al
ttie old family home near Marr,
Ohio. Deceased had attained the
ripe old age of eighty-six years.
Mrs. Durbin survives.
F. J. Fitch and Chas. Hart were
in Omaha Tuesday and called at
ihe hospital where Andrew Moore
was taken and is now rapidly
convalescing from injuries re
ceived while working' villi one or
Mr. Fitch's well machines at
Weeping Water.
The L'eader-I ho made men
lion lasl week of Ihe trip to Mil
ford by Mrs. F. J. to see
her brother, Henry Carpenter,
vim was cry ill al the old ol
diers home. Mr. Carpenter died
and the remains were taken o
Waverly.'Wcb., for interment. Ihe
funeral services being held then?
Saturday afternoon.
Last eening Miss Catherine
Doey departed on .No. '2 for Chi
cago, from whence she will rmi
linue on to 'e" Yolk, where she
will resume her study of mii-ic
under the direction of Madam
Lillian Starr, on of the most
widely known and talented noii
cal instructors in the east. Miss
Dovey is gifled with a wonder
fully sweet voice and din ing' I In
time she was in .New York before
taking instruct ion from Madam
Slarr she improe. wonderfully
and this year will lake up grand
opera work and linish Ihe round
ing out of her mu.-ical training.
The many friends of Mi-s D e
were loth to see her leae for
the ea-d, but with Ihe bright
future before her they will await
to hear more of her triumphs in
the east.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, fop the next
100 years, unless I die in tho
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the slate,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Piattsrnouth, Neb.
II. F. D. No. 1.
FOREST ROSK Best flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
Try the Journal for stationery.
Spend This Winter in California
Think of it sunshine, blue skies, green valleys, acres of
flowers, fresh fruits, yachting, bathing, golf, motoring and
fishing all Winter long. No cold winds, no being cooped
up a third of the year. Outdoor life every day Midwin
ter as well as during the Summer months.
Five Through Ttrains to California
Every Day via
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Automatic Electrio Clock Safety Siena's
Ductless Roadbed Double Track
For California literature and information relative to route?,
over privileges, etc. call on or address
G. P. A.