The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE C.
Prepared in the Interests of the People op Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
(If any of the readers of the Journal Know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear un
der this heading. We want all items of Interest. Editor Journal.)
Our Deposits are guaranteed by the
State Guarantee Fund
4 per cent interest paid on all Time
Deposits for one year.
Do your Banking Business with us.
W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier
Philip llilil was a county seat
vi-iior last Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. iilnnr' drove to
Weeping Water Monday.
Henry Ost of near Xehawka
was a Mur ray isitor Friday.
.1. I). I. wis was transacting
business in Plattsmouth Satur
day. lit t ;i M. Nickels was transact
ing business in Plattsmout li
M. ;. Churchill and family at
tended the how Monday night at
1. M. Mi n ford shipped in two
carloads of cattle last Friday to
feed this winter.
Miss Margie Walker spent a
few dayss the last week with
friends in Omaha.
Jese IH1 and wife, of near
Union, were transacting business,
in Murray Wednesday.
H. F. Engelkemeier was looking
after some business matters in
the county seat Tuesdav.
Miss Villa CJapen came home
from iVru Wednesday to spend
Hie remaining- part of the week
with her parent s.
Mrs. W. E. Dull was a passeng
er to Omaha Wednesday evening,
where she expects to spend a few
days visiting relatives.
Charles lioedekcr and Alfred
Oansemeir went to Omaha Mon
day and bought a carload of line
cattle to feed this winter.
Sam fit man went to Nebraska
City Monday and remained in that
locality until Wednesday evening-,
attending to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weideman
were called to Greenwood Friday
oil account of the serious illness
of Mrs. Weideman's aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. I.ouie Puis, Louie
Friedrich and Mrs. Adam Ilild
were county seat visitors last
Saturday, making the trip in Mr.
Puis' auto.
FOR SALE Hard Coal Burner,
nearly as good as new. Can be
had cheap. Call or write.
Henry C. Long.
Our teachers, Misses Ilowena
I'ouuru and Maine Adams, are
taking in the meeting- of the State
Teachers" association in Omaha
t his week.
Alva Green, the Impersonator,
the second number of the Lyceum
course, will be-here November
20 Saturday evening; in the
Christian church.
What's became of the crack
corn buskers this year? The corn
fields, in tattered raiment and
hort ou yellow corn, stand silent
and unquestionable witnesse
against the chesty ones.
J. W. Edmunds is the proud
possesosr of thirteen nice shoats
recently purchased from Mark
Furlong-, it looks like John does
intend to go into the hog busi
Mrs. William Hendricks de
parted for her home on the early
train Wednesday morning-. Her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Carroll,
accompanied her as far as
With a scarify and the high
price of corn, cattle feeders are
as numerous as ever, and those
who have purchased feeders un
derstand the frame and are not
afraid to pro up against it.
iuemners or the Missionary so
ciety are requested to bring- their
quarters, plus their grain, at the
November meeting-, that will be
held at the H. C. Todd home Fri
day afternoon, November 14.
A. L. Baker informs us that he
is in receipt of a letter from his
wife, who has been confined to
the St. Joseph's hospital in Oma
ha, that she is doing- nicely and
expects to be at home in a few
Keep Your Eye on
Your Mail Box!
We are going to send you a big, fat
letter very shortly. You'll be
glad to get it because it will
explain to you how
you can get
Big Interest on Your
(iood and wife were
in Plattsmouth Salur-
was Iran
seat Fri-
H. It. Nickel
busines sin t hi
Mrs. Floyd Chalfant of Burwell
is a guest of Mrs. John Hendricks
tills week.
E. It. Queen was a business
visitor in Plattsmouth Saturday
Mrs. L. M. McVey spent Sunday
with Jake Smith ami family, west
of Murray.
Ci. M. Min ford shipped in two
cars of cattle last Friday to feed
this winter.
L. M. McVey ami wife were calling-
on the Nebraska City mer
chants Monday.
John Hobschiedt, sr.. and wife
were looking- after business in
Plattsmouth Monday.
John Wunderlich of Xehawka
spent part of Monday here at
tending; to business.
(iussie Good went to Plaits
mouth Monday evening", where he
attended the show at the Parmele.
Miss Pearl Dugay
and Miss
Creamer spent the
I. D. Lewis and fam-
Itose Mae
week with
Mrs. T. V. Jameson and daugh
ter, (Srace, are visiting- at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr.
J. F. Brendel, this week.
Mrs. Charles Hansen, from
near Nehawka. returned home
from Omaha, via Murray, Tues
day. C. E. Rhodes of the Struther
company of Omaha is putting- in
a lighting- system in the Berger
hotel and the new home of Henry
C. Long-.
Dee Shradep attended the show
at the Parmele theater in Platts
mouth Monday night, and laugh
ed so hard that he has been
hoarse ever since
Charles Boedeker and Alfrei
Cansemer went to Omaha Mon
day and bought a car of cattle for
Alfred to feed on the Boedeker
farm this winter.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church will be enter
lained by Mesdames Mira Mc
Donald and W. F. Moore at the
home of Mrs. McDonald, on next
Wednesday afternoon. Every,
body invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. F. Brende
were entertained at the home o
Mr. and Mrs. l-rank Cook, near
AIvo, Sunday. They report a fine
lime and about fifty guests pres
The Kenosha Whist club meets
with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Shrader
this (Thursday) evening-. Mr.
and Mrs. Mark White are to lit
initiated into full fellowship ol
the club.
Uncle George Shrader sold his
last bunch of cattle to Mr. Cream
er last week, consisting; of 9 cows
and 7 spring" calves. Mr. Cream
er says they are the finest bunch
of cows and calves he has seen
in a long- time.
Joe Klein of Omaha made a
business call here Tuesday in the
interests of the Equitable Life
Insurance company. Joe is one
of the old-timers in Cass coun
ty, and his friends are always
glad to see him.
The box social given at the Mt
Hope church by Miss Angie Mc
Carrot was well attended and a
neat sum was realized from the
sale of the boxes, and a pleasant
and sociable evening was enjoy
ed by all present.
Mrs. Hayes, mother of Mrs
Creed Harris, passed away Mon
day afternoon at the home of her
granddaughter, Mrs. Lee Farris
The remains were accompanied
by Mrs. Creed Harris, Mrs. Ella
Daniels and Vance Harris to Vir
ginia, hep old home.
Get on your bib and tucker. Get
ready for the Thanksgiving din
ner at Lewislon. To eat there
will be all sorts of truck, such as
chicken, goose and duck.
Waller Sans and wife, Bulah
Sans and Henrietta Creamer at
tended Cal Stuart in "Running for
Governor" at the Parmele theater
in Plattsmouth Monday night.
Mrs. Mira McDonald and Miss
Willa Moore, of the vicinity of
Murray, were visitors in this city
yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Mc
Donald called at this office and
had her subscription extended
for another year. Misses Pearl
Dugay and Margaret and Vera
Moore, who are attending High
school in this city, accompanied
them home to spend their vaca
tion with parents and friends.
A land deal was closed Tues
day whereby Crede Harris be
comes owner uf the Steve Copen
haver farm, between Murray ami
Union. Sieve recent lv returned
from Minnesota, where he pur
chased a large farm.
.miss oida NOhle, who is
teaching near the If. C. Todd
home, south of town, dismissed
school and returned to her hom
in Plattsmouth, from where she
will go to Omaha to attend the
meeting of the State Teacher
association. Henry Knabe, living" near Ne
hawka, had considerable trouble
with his car Sunday, wes of
Murray. The machine backed and
balked from 9 in the morning un
til about j at night before if
would work. Henry kept in good
humor, however, all the time.
Nellie Hasenyager, lit tie grand
daughter of Mrs. Allison, was
taken to St. Joseph's hospital in
Omaha this week, where she had
both tonsils removed and an af
feet ion of the nose treated. The
little one was attended by Di
Brendel of Murray and Mrs. Alli
son of Plattsmouth.
When our best type of day
laborers are supplanted bv the
"colored gentleman," as the case
may be with the M. p. R. R., then
becomes the true element of la
bor strife. The negro has as
much right, to live as any other
human being", but we do not want
him in Murray.
B. A. Root, our worthy drug
gist, spent Tuesday afternoon in
Omaha. visiting with Waller
Dickerson, who is playing- "Old
Rube" at the Orpheum. Mr.
Dickerson is an old Murray boy
of l.S years ago, and is a nephew
of Mr. Root. While here he made
his home with Uncle Jimmie
Root. We are glad to see him
come to the front, and feel proud
of him. He will spend the day
here before leaving Omaha.
Lee Kniss,. who has charge of
the rural mail route out of Mur
ray, furnishes us the following
report of the business done for
October, 19IJ, and also for Octo
ber, lt)13: During October, 1912,
there were 7,003 pieces of mail
handled, I he w eight of w hich w as
9Si pounds and ounces. Tn the
same month this year 7,812
pieces, weighing i,2'i5 pounds,
was handled. The gain over the
month of October, 1912, is 837
pieces, and 21)0 pounds in weight.
Cash Paid for Poultry.
Highest prices paid for Pro
duce at all times.
Joseph Cook.
Corn Dinner and Supper.
The Library association will
give" a corn dinner and supper at
the library Saturday and Satur
day evening", November 15. Come
and see how many good dishes
can be made out of "Indian
Maze." "Samp" will be one of
the main dishes. The menu will
be something like this; Corn
fed beef; cornbread; samp; scol
loped corn; fried mush; hominey;
dried corn: pudding and whipped
cream; coffee, etc.
Supper Chicken: roast beef;
potatoes; apple salad; siicotosh:
fruit; cake; coffee. The com
mittee in charge will do all they
can to make the day a pleasant
one, and we hope for your liberal
Wedding Anniversary.
On the evening of October
about thirty of Dr. and Mrs.
more's friends gathered in ghost
ly fashion to celebrate their
twelfth wedding- anniversary. The
doctor was away on a call, and
Mrs. Oilmore and the children
were spending the day and early
part of the evening with Mrs.
Gilmore's parents. The merry
makers gathered in the house
with sheets over them and await
ed their coming, and Mrs. Gil
more and the children came first.
and when she turned mi the
lights some thirty gliosis met her
gaze. After attempting-, lo guess
the invaders. the guests laid
aside their robes and started in
for a good time. The most
amusing leaiure ol the evening
was the bride and groom of 12
year s ago appearing in their wed
ding dollies. The doctor had
outgrown his vest about a foot,
but with the aid of a shoe string
and some artistic lacing- done by
James Holmes, this same vest re-
semhled an old-fashioned bodice
and added greatly to his appear
ance. With Pauline Oldham as
bridesmaid and James Holmes as
best man, and L. D. Hiatt. whose
hair suddenly turned red and bald
in places, caused by the wearing-
oi a wig. as ine minister, uie
marriage ceremony was again
repeated, and they took onto
themselves many new
freshnienls were then
it was a late hour
uests departed.
am! the
For Sale.
full-blood Poland-China
C. R. Rhoden, Mynard
For Sale.
2i0 acre farm, well improved
Two and a half miles from Alvo
Nebraska. Easy terms. $130 per
J. P. Rouse.
Fine Chickens for Sale.
Buff Orphington roosters an
pullets. Also white Orphington
roosters. Those who want such
chickens can call or 'phone Mrs
James H. Brown. 'Phone No. 2-E
Murray, Neb.
Murray Boy Makes Good.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and wife, Drs
J. F. and Will Brendel and their
wives, Mr. and Mrs. Seybolt and
B. A. Root went to Omaha Tues
day to visit with Walter L. Dick
inson, a former Murray boy, who
is making good on the Orpheum
circuit in the character of
Rube," and who is playing at the
Orpheum in Omaha this week.
Mr. Dickinson made his home
while in Murray with Uncle Jim
mie Root, and was reared to early
manhood by that gentleman, leav
ing here eighteen years ago. He
was greatly pleased with the visit
of his Murray friends and an
elegant dinner was ordered at the
Schlitz hotel for the whole party,
at his expense, and the scenes of
earlier days was the chief topic
of conversation. All returned
home greatly delighted with their
Horses and Mules for Sale.
Just received. 45 head of good
horses and mules, unbranded and
mostly broke, that are for sale at
prices that are plumb right.
Frank Vallery.
A Fine Entertainment.
Mesdames James Loughridge,
W. S. Smith and G. W. Bodeker
ave a plate ssupper for the Mis
sionary society at the home oi
Mrs. Boedeker Tuesdav evening.
The supper was delieiouss and
well worth the 25 cents, but the
service was even more. One was
met at the door by a colored
butler, ushered in. your wraps
taken, the chair dusted am! the
tempting supper set before you
in fact, all that was really neces-
lry for one fo do was to swal
low. The butler and the two
colored waiters are best, known
as James Holmes, W. S. Smith
and Glen Boedeker. Mrs. Gil-
more, Miss Lorieta Walker. an
Miss Mae Loughridge furnishei
the music throughout the even
ing. All-in-all, it was a very en
joyahle and profitable affair.
eady for Your Sale!
The Public Sale season is near at
hand, and I wish to inform all the
people of this vicinity that I am ready
to take charge of the same for you, and
believe that I am able to secure the top
price for all goods ottered at public
auction. Dates can be had at the Mur
ray State Bank, or by telephone No. 5
N, Murray. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Tele h ne 5N. MURRAY, NEBR.
Aivo Emotes
Miss If. A. Hailey was an Oma
ha visitor Thursday.
Dale Boles motored to Lin
coln Thursday evening.
Will Stewart went to Omaha to
purchase well upplies Tuesday.
Mrs. Ghris F.ichman was in
Murdock b"lween trains Thursday.
was in Murdock
Friday of last
Wolfe came in
at lla clock last
Wolfe of Have-
wit h relatives
Branching Out.
R. C. Bailey, I lie Eight Mil
Grove blacksmith, was in the
county seat last Saturday look
ing after some business matter?
and was a pleasant caller at thi
office, and in addition to renew
ine: for his paper, wv fixed him
out with a supply of letter
heads and envelopes. R. C. Hailey
is one of the boss blacksmith's of
the county, and in addition to ;
big business in this line, he ha
added the automobile business
and, will secure all lines of re
pairs and supplies, as well as
making a specialty of making re
pairs on all kinds of cars. He is
a erood workman and will no
doubt srive satisfaction in the
auto line.
Entertains Glee Club.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rhoden
entertained the Lewis ton GIe
club Wednesday, and a very
pleasant and enjoyable evening
was spent, by those present. Mr
Minett. an excellent musician,
. a
was present, and gave several
violin selections, which were
much appreciated. Mrs. Rhoden
served a delicious lunch, which
added fo the pleasures of the
event. Those present were: Mr
and Mrs. E. McVey. Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Crunk, Willa Moore,
Wayne Lewis, Fritz Tigner, Lloyd
Lewis, Etta Nickels, James Tig
ner, Tony Klein, Harry McVey,
Mae Lewis, James Mcey, John
Merritt, Roy Cline and Ruth Cline.
Dance on November 15th.
The T. J. Sokol society will
give another social dance at their
lall on Saturday evening, No
vember 15th, to which the public
is cordially invited.
Mrs. EH Coon
between trains
Mrs. Scuyler
from hep honii
Mrs. Scuyler
lock was visiting
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Johnson re
turned from their mouth's visit
to Texas Tuesday.
L. B. Appieman and R. A. Stone
motored to Lincoln on business
Fridav of last week.
Mrs. Charles Suavely went to
Lincoln Fridav of last week to
visit lor a lew nays.
C. R. Jordan went to Piatt s
mouth Mont lav to meet with tlie
countv commissioners.
Miss Stella Sheesley was visit
ing friends in Lincoln Saturday
and Sundav of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
were truest s ol Mi', ami -us. r.u
Evans Tuesday evening at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey went
to P.Iav Center to visit Mrs. Mur-
tey's mother, Mrs. Price, for a
Will Boyles, Mrs. Clyde Boyles
and Paul Froehlick of Lincoln
.motored to Alvo to visit relatives
Mrs. J. A. ShalTer visited her
cousin. Miss Eula Weaver, at
South Bend from Thursday until
Miss Orpha Mullen came in
from flora last Saturday to visit
her father before he .started for
Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Weep
ing Water, spent Sunday with
their daughter, Mrs. Frank Cook
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan
autoed (o Lincoln Saturday in me
former's car.
The Misses Foreman are home
from University Place to visit
I hei i tin pen f Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Foreman, sr.
Clarence Curyea. who has been
fter t ho Curyea land in
terests in Kansas,
Fridav morning.
A Halloween Epwoith League
a..einl v:i s held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Copple
Saturdav evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
mninrp.1 fo Lincoln Wednesday
afternoon, accompanied u mi
and Mrs. Ed Evans.
Harry and Oscar Toland came
i 1. .4 Tlinpcilll- if
in irnm i ne -"
In sf week. They na.l ueen one
from here for a couple of years.
Henry Ruholtz-started for il-
sonville, Neb., to visa wu"
Charles Grove and family anu io
look after his land interests, on
Ed Evans and Dale Boyles re
turned from Schuyler Wednesday
evening on No. 17. They brougnt
in quite a number of ducks they
Mr. Peter Klyver, who has been
visiting his daughters at, Litch
field and Central City the past
month, returned home Friday
Mrs. L'dith Yeager Brown, who
was visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Yeager, the past week,
returned Thursday evening to
her home in Dallas, S. I).
P. Hollenbeck. representing
Speidell & Son of Lincoln, was
cutting inscriptions on tomb
stones at the Alvo ami Eagle
cemeteries last Wednesday.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Rasp, a son. Dr. Muir reports
mother and son doing nicely. Pa
Harvey is a little excited, but will
be all ripht in a few days.
S. D. Mullen departed Tuesday
on No. 17 for El Camps, Texas,
to visit his son, John and family,
for the winter. We will miss
Luckins, as he moved around
town like clock-work everv day.
Two Halloween Parties.
A very pleasant Halloween
social gathering of eighty was
held af the home of Mr. am! Mrs.
Robert Johnson Friday evening.
The affair was originated, plan
ned and carried out by their
neighbors. The evening was
spent in games, music and dan
cing, with midnight refreshments
served in Boston lunch style. It
was pronounced an eminent suc
cess by all fhe participants and
all departed feeling that it was
an evening well ppenf from a
neighborly and social standpoint.
returned home
Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey
entertained at a Halloween parly
on Friday evening in honor of
the Woman's Reading club and
their husbands. The house was
decorated throughout with Hal
loween colors, yellow chrysan
themums being used in the din
ing room. On fheir arrival the
guests all masked as ghosts and
were inen hidden to follow trie
pirit of Halloween, who led them
around the rooms, upstairs.
downstairs and finally into fhe
cellar, where fhey all assembled
around a fire and listened to a
weird song sang by one of the
ghosts. Miss Flo Boyles, dress
ed as a witch, amused the guests
by her fortune tolling. After
various frames an elegant iwo-
course luncheon was served by
the hostess. About 50 guests
were present.
The millinery store which has
been operated in this city for the
past few years by Miss Euma
Myers, was today sold to Mr. F.
E. Waters, who will install his
sister, Mrs. Emma Pease, here as
manager. The new management
will at once go after the millinery
business of the city by offering
a special sale on all their lines
of hats in order to close them out
and prepare for the new stock.
The new owner of the store
conies well recommended and will
prove an excellent addition to the
business interests of the city.
Dressmaking and ladies' tailor-
. I ..-i It 4 111.
ing. Fiione zjo, or uu mi- tn
and Rock streets. 11-3-lwkd
FISTULA Pay4 After You Are Cured
A mild sy9t?m of treaty, that -e, Pijes Fi
Rectal Diseases in a short time, wimu.. - 7nfl TrVnteed in every caw ac
Ether or other eeneral anasthetic used. A cure guaranteea in every
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paia unm cu - Vermanently
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been perminc j
DR. TARRY Bee Bulldfne Oman.