The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1913, Image 1
journal VOL. XXXII. PL ATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913. NO. 87. puttsmth GENTLEMAN 10 THE ELKS LODGE Well Deserved Tribute to Platts- mouth Lodge and Dr. J. S. Livingston. From Wednesday's Dally. The following' well deserved tribute to the energy ami work of Dr. J. S. Livingston of this city, in behalf of the B. P. O. E., ap pears in 'the last i-i.ue of "80 Klks," the publication of Hie Lincoln lodge of the Elks, of which Frank E. Oreen, exalted ruler of the Lincoln lodge, is editor, and its words of praise for both the deputy grand exalted ruler and the Plattsniouth lodge will be received with much pleas ure by the I'lattsmouth members of the order: "Two things have occurred in the JMaltsmouth lodge recently which call for congratulations from the members of the other lodges throughout the stale. The first is the appointment of that ever-busy and energetic Elk, Dr. J. S. Livingston, as deputy grand exalted ruler for the southern district, of the state. , No better or more popular, selection could have been made. Brother Living ston has since the organization of I'lattsuiouth lodge worked in season and out of season for the success of that organization and if is in no small measure due to his efforts that this, the smallest lodge in the state in point of numbers, is at the same time one of the most influential ones. The lodges of the souJhern district are also to be congratulated up on his appointment, for it is a certainty that he will give to them the same attention and good counsel that have made his own lodge a hunch of harmoni ous and aggressive live ones. "The second good thing1 that has happened to IMattsmouth Elks is the purchase by them of a nonie oi ineir own. Meeeniiy they bought tlie PeaHman prop erty at Sixth and Vine streets, one block north of where they are now located. The building will he thoroughly overhauled and remodeled, being raised so that there will be a high base ment tinder it "and will be brick veneered, presenting- a handsome appearance as' well as affording ample lodge. and club rooms. The writer hopes to visit Platts nioulhs new home just as soon as it is finished. In fact, he will be there to assist in dedicat ing it."' SETZ RECEIVE AH OVA TION AT BARTLETT. 1DWA The recital that was given Sat urday evening at Bartlett, Iowa, by Mesdames Frank Sivey and Eugene Setz of this city was a very successful affair and a large number were entertained most delightfully by these talented ladies, who have beautiful voices and remarkable musical talent. Mrs. Sivey has a very high and clear soprano voice and Mrs. Setz delighted and surprised the people of Hart let t by her. wonder ful voice, which has a wide range, from the richest contralto to the sweet notes of a child's voice, and these ladies received many words of commendation for their delightful entertainment. The ladies expect to visit Nehawka the last of the week, when they will be heard in recital, and we can promise the good people of that community a most enjoyable event. When baby suffers with eczema or-some itching- skin trouble, use Doan's. Ointment.;. A little of it .goes a-long way -and it is safe for children. 50c a box. at ail stores. Evening- Journal, 10c per week. Entertains St. Mary's Guild. From Wednesday's Dally. St. Mary's r.uild held their regular meeting yesterday after noon and were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs F. L. Cummins. Early in the aft ernoon an interesting business session was held, at which linn i i i i i Hi; james maue plans and ar rangements for the Christmas shop, which they will have dur ing the early part of December After the business session the ladies whiled awav the time in ;i most enjoyable manner, stitch ing on dainty fancy work for the hristrnas shop and indulging in various other amusements which made the occasion a de- lgntlul one. At the proper ime a delectable luncheon was provided. The hostess was as sisled in entertaining her guests by Mrs. Robert Windham. PLEASANTLY SUR PRISED ON BIRTHDAY Friends Gather to Assist Her in Celebrating Her Birthday Anniversary. From Wednesdays Dally. A very pleasant surprise was given Miss Anna area last evening at tier Home on West Main street, when a large nurn- er of her friends: came in upon ier and announced their inten ion of helping her celebrate tier lirlhday anniversary, and the oe- easioii was a most pleasant one for the company and the event will long- be remembered by the charming hostess for its delight ful features. The jolly crowd enjoyed them selves in various games and in a guessing contest, in which Miss Elizabeth Holly captured the King prize, wniie trie booby prize fell to the lot of Miss Warga. These games, interspersed with several very delightful musical numbers, served to pass the time most -pleasantly and the young people enjoyed themselves until a late hour. During the course of the evening the com pany were treated to some very tempting- refreshments, which served to bring to a. close a most happy event, and the guests, on depart ingr, wished Miss Anna many more such happy birthdays in the future. The guests present on the happy occasion were: Misses Lula Welsh. Mable Brown, Ruth Heat herington, Marie Nesladak, Anna Jirousek, Marie Svoboda, Bessie Holly, Elizabeth Holly, Edna Morrison, Marie Hiber, Anna Kopia, Gretchen Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Will Warga, Mrs. Jesse Warga. Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Warga, Mrs. Frank Burr and the guesl of honor, Mis.s Anna Warga. '' ! FRYING PORTER HOUSE STEAK CAUSES A SCARE From Tuesday's .Daily. ' There was much excitement created on the second floor. of the Coates' block last evening, when a strong1 odor of smoke was noticed throughout the building, and it was thought that the build ing was on fire by those who were in the building-, and search ing parties were sent out to try and locate the fire, if there was any. After a diligent search the smoke was located in the bach elor apartments of a young- man who rooms there, and it was dis covered that he had been prepar ing a juicy porterhouse for him self and had forgotten it and al lowed it to burn to a. crisp, with the result that the building- was tilled with smoke.' The invaders soon got. rid of the offending steak and the smoke cleared away after a short time, but not -until it had caused considerable an noyance.. Evening Journal, 10c per week. MISS ANNA WARGA THE THING MOST NEEDED III THE CITY Small Factories Are Needed to Assist in the City's Industry. In searching- about for differ ent methods of helping to build up the city the Commercial club here should endeavor to interest some small factory to locate here and assist the growth of the city The M. E. Smith factory, which was established here a number of years ago, has been very suc cessful in its operations, and with its nearness to Omaha has been handv to the head office of the company in the metropolis, and as a result it has been kept busv turning- out the shirts that have such an extensive sale throughout this section of the country. There are many concerns in Omaha that maintain small fac tories to furnish goods for their use, and if it were possible to bring some of these here it would prove a mighty good thin? for the city, as well as for the houses in Omaha who can oper ate a factory here much cheaper than in Omaha, and the employes e able to live cheaper and better than they ,'would in the larger city, where the conditions are more congested and the cost of iving- higher. There are several locations that could be utilized nicely for the purposes of a small factory, and one of them is the brick building- at the corner of Third and. Main streets, where the aundry was located for such a long time. This building is a three-story structure and could e -fixed up in line shape for a factory, and being located on the principal street of the city and only a block from the Burling ton station, would be an ideal place. for the establishment of a small factory. The matter of an effort to securee such factories for the city is worth trying- and the matter should lie pushed by the business interests of the city, and if possible some responsible oncern induced to come here to start into business. . R. C. ENTERTAINED AT THE WILES HOME From Wednesday's Dally The members of the omans Relief Corps were entertained most charmingly yesterday aft ernoon at the hospitable home of Mrs. Thomas Wiles on West jocust street, when a delightful ensington was enjoyed by the adies. There were some thirty- eight present and . the meeting proved one of the most pleasant that the ladies of the Relief Corps has held during the fall season. The afternoon was spent most delightfully by the company in their fancy work and social conversation, which served to pass the time most pleasantly until an appropriate hour, when a very tempting luncheon was served by Misses Helen Egen- berger. May. Glenn, and Mina Evaffenberg-er, which , served to bring- to a close an afternoon filled with much enjoyment to the jolly crowd of ladies. Files Suit to Quiet Title. from Wednesday's Dally. This morning- a suit to quiet title of Henry B. Jones vs. the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Lews Randolph, deceased, was filed in the' office of the district clerk. The property in question consists of land near Weeping Water in this county. Christmas Shop. St. Mary's Guild will have their Christmas shop open for your in spection on Friday and Saturday, December 5th and ; 6th. - Watch for' further 'announcements. Hl5-ifd&w Is Appointed as Assessor. From Wednesday Dany. . At the meeting- of the county commissioners yesterday after noon John Group of Louisville was appointed as assessor for that precinct to succeed Fred H Ossenkop, who was appointed as postmaster at Louisville. Mr Group has occupied the position of assessor in the past and in this capacity was very success ful, and County Assessor Bryan feels that he has secured valuable man for the position. SEVERAL FACE JUDGE ARCHER TODAY FOR TRIAL From Wednesday's Dany. Yesterday Sam Dubois and L F. Smith were brought into the court of Judge M. Archer to answer to the charge of being in a state of beastly intoxication. and as the evidence presented by. the police force was so over whelmingly in that direction the court could not -'"find otherwise than that they were guilty. Sam is a traveler commonly called a hoboe, and did not offer any ex cuse for his being gathered up by the police, as he felt he had been caught with the. goods on bim. L. F. Smith stated he was employed by the telephone com pany on their extension work in Iowa and had come over to stay a few hours and had fell in with evil companions and in a short time was in what the poet would term a "well lit" condition, in which he did not recognize objects perfectly and labored un der tlie delusion that he was run ning the city until the police gathered him inland escorted hinr:to jtnfT-wtiOv.; fie remained over night, and to spend a night in the Cass county jail is a punishment .as severe as that visited upon the political prison ers in Russia, and in view of this fact Judge Archer fined him 2 and costs, which he promised to secure, and was released for a time to dig up the coin. Dubois was fined a like amount, but up on promise to leave town in fifteen minutes, he was released, and the last seen of him he was leaded in ' the direction of Omaha. This morning Chief of Police Ben Rainey rounded up two more men who had been indulging much too heavily in the cup that cheers, and they were brought before Judge Archer to receive their share of justice, and when arraigned in court they ac knowledged that they had been indulging a little too heavily in the "flowing bowl, and the judge decided that it would be neces sary for them to part with $2 and costs to satisfy outraged justice. The men, named J. E.; Miller and Steve Barnett, had on their per son somes $2 apiece, and this the judge decided would help some in the good cause of running the city and remitted the costs in the case, providing the men got out of town, which they done at once and did not lose any time about it. COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOST ERS TO PLAY HERE SUNDAY The manager of the Platts- mouth foot ball . team has just received the acceptance . of the Council Bluffs ' Boosters for a game in this city on next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Booster park. The Council Bluffs organization is one of the lead ing foot ball teams in that city and will do their utmost to carry off the victory, . but . with the present excellent condition of our boys they will find it a very difficult task. .The Council Bluffs team desire to have a re turn game played there on Sun day, November 16, but-as yet the ocals are undecided as . to whether to accept the offer or not. Visiting : cards : at the Journal offioe. A RUE TALK TO YOUNG filEII USTJWIG J. W. Gamble of Omaha, Former Superintendent of the City Schools, the Orator. From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening the class rooms of the Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist church was crowded to its capacity with an audience eager to hear the ad dress of J. W. Gamble of Omaha, former superintendent of the city schools. The speaker of the evening was somewhat late in arriving here, as he came from Omaha in his automobile, and it was close to 8:30 before he ar rived, but the crowd remained, eager to greet their old friend and instructor. E. H. Wescott, the teacher of the class, in troduced the speaker in a few well chosen remarks, in which he alluded to the pleasant rela tion the class had with the differ ent gentlemen who had been here as heads of the city schools, and the pleasure that everyone ex perienced in having them ad dress the class. Mr. Gamble chose for his sub ject, "The Things a Boy Should Know," and the subject, was landled in his usual pleasing manner, which made the different points clear to his hearers. He stated that everything in life had its price, and as we achieved suc cess or fame it paid the price in some manner and that nothing was secured from the world that was not paid for in some manner aod those wJ6-choe the easiest way were certain to find that fail ure had marked them for its own and that only those who gave to the world the price asked for m he market place of success were able to wear the victor's crown. Mr. Gamble pointed out the dif ficulties that had strewn the pathway of the nation's greatest men, both in the scientific and political fields, and how by their efforts thev had achieved the ambitions of their lives. The great point made by Mr. Gamble was that to make a winning in a certain line every effort should be consenlra'ed in this direction to win for the man of the secur ing of success, but to the boy who started out with an object in view there was all the chances in the world that, he would prove a winner in the battle of life. The remarks of Mr. Gamble were listened to very closely by the auditors, and when he closed the applause was long and loud. At the close of the address by Mr. Gamble the audience was treated to an unusual and de- ightful musical treat in the shape of a cornet and claironet duet by Rev. F. M. Druliner and son, Tracy, both of whom are finished musicians, and the num bers offered by them were very difficult and given in a manner that reflected great credit upon the players, and it is to be hoped that the public will be given a greater opportunity to enjoy the offerings in the musical line of Mr. Druliner and his son. Looks Very Suspicious. From Wednesday's Dallr One of the prominent young musicians of the city was a pas senger for Omah a yesterday morning on the early Burlington train, and while he refused to divulge the nature of his mission to the reporter, it was evident that in the dim distance the ound of happy- wedding bells could be distinguished, and from the happy expression flitting across, his countenance it was evident he had captured some prize. His many friends are anxiously awaiting his return in the hopes he may bring hir bride with him. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years, ; No appetite, and what did eat ; distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood -Bitters reached the cause." J. H. Walker, Sun bury, Ohio. Mrs. Fred Nolting Home. From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. Fred Nolting, who for the past few weeks has been under going treatment at one of the Omaha hospitals, returned her home in this city Monday evening, feeling greatly improved in health and able to be up and around and it is a source of great joy to Mr. Nolting and family that the wife and mother has re covered so nicely from the opera tion and has been restored to them with such excellent pros pects of being restored to her former state of good health. SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL III AD- L Postoffice Department to Try and Overcome Practice of Sending Poorly Addressed Letters. The postoffice in this city has received notice from the depart ment at Washington calling the attention of the officials to the growing evil of incompletely and improperly addressed mail, which is becoming a great burden, not only to the offices where it is re ceived, but also to the depart ment at Washington, where such cases are frequently taken. The postoffice depart ment has always employed every means to handle this sort of mail, but with the best of clerks it requires a great deal of time to get the mail to the parties to whom it is addressed, and the senders of the mail are oud in their criticism of the postoffice officials, when the fault is their own for not making the address sufficiently clear and easy to handle. Complete and accurate addresses are necessary to secure the prompt delivery of mail and those sending out let ters or other matter through the mail should bear this in mind and not blame the postoffice em ployes for the failure of their mail to reach its destination on time. The delivery of letters, especially in the large cities, is frequently delayed and often- imes made impossible by the omission of an important part of the address, such as the street number or room number when addressed to an office building. Not infrequently the name of the street is omitted, only the name of the postoffice and state being given. Another source of trouble is the practice of giving an ad dress at the intersection of two streets without giving the loca tion of the corner, for in some arge cities a number of carriers' routes may terminate at that point or it may be the dividing ine between the respective ter ritories of the main postoffice and a station, or between two stations, and in the absence of the notation "N. E.," "N. W.," etc., the distributers are unable to determine to which carrier the mail should be thrown. HE STORK ADDS TWO LITTLE GIRLS TO THE POPULATION OF THE CITY From Tuesday's Daily. Two more bright-eyed little girls have been added to the population of this city, as Satur day evening the stork alighted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wiles on Wintersteen Hill and eft in their charge a new baby girl, and as this is the first child in the family it is the object of much admiration to the parents and its other relatives. The home of Hugh Standley and wife was also the scene of a visit from the kindly old bird, who presented them with a fine little daughter, which it is the wish of their friends may be a source of joy to them in the years to come. Best results are secured by ad. DRESSING A vertising in the Journal. THE EARLY BOO- G O TM SHOULD STOP The Great Need for the Stopping of No. 1 Is Becoming More Apparent Each Day. The agitation that the Lincoln, people put up over the holding of Burlington train No. 15 at Pa cific Junction brings up the mat ter that has been so often dis cussed here of having No. 1, the fast early morning train over the Burlington for the west, stopped in this city. There is much need for this train here, as almost all the travel from this city to Lin Coin would go on this train, which leaves at 5:50 a. in. and ar rives in Lincoln at 8:15, which would give the attorneys and others who have business there an opportunity to return home the same day. It would also be much used by the Omaha pas sengers, as it reaches that city at C:30 and makes an easy train for those who desire to attend to business affairs and return home in a few hours. Another reason why the train should be stopped here is the large number of traveling representatives of the Chicago wholesale houses who make this city, and as this is the first town in Nebraska on the Burlington, they naturally desire to stop here, but under the pres ent system they are compelled to go on to Omaha and double back on a later train in order to reach their customers, or telephone down "to have the local merchant make a trip up there to see them. This works a hardship on the traveling man, the home mer chant and the town, which is con sidered by those passing through as a sort of flag station, and if there is anj- method of having the train stopped it should be done at once. The chief objection of ferer! by the railroad is that the number of passengers carried from this city would not warrant the cost to the company to make the stop. Many of those here who have studied the matter be lieve that the Burlington would find that the number of those traveling out of here over No. 1 would more than pay for the loss in lime and the amount of money expended in making the slop. APPLIES FOR WIDOWS PENSION BEFORE THE COUNTY COMISSIONERS This morning Miss Pauline Oldham was in the city interview ing the board of county commis sioners in regard to securing re lief for Mrs. Chambers of Mur ray, a very deserving lady of that, place, who is compelled to sup port herself and four children by sewing. It was thought by the residents of Murray that this lady could be assisted under the Mothers' pension law, which pro vides for the payment of a sum to the mothers of large families. The husband of Mrs. Chambers is living at Murray, but fails to assist in helping care for his family in any way and is abso lutely a detriment to thern, while the wife and mother is compelled to earn the money by sewing to pay rent, buy fuel and groceries, as well as clothing for the four children, and this is a terrible burden for this little lady, who has bravely worked for her fam ily, and the citizens of Murray are unanimous in urging that some relief be given her. The commissioners, after con sidering the matter verv careful- y, decided to grant Mrs. Chamers the sum of $10 per month as a mothers' pension, and which will aid her greatly in caring for her family. The action of the county board is one that will meet with the warmest approval from all acquainted with the facts in the case.