The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1913, Image 1

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    Slalo 2listor-a-
f i -
NO. 117.
Youngsters Enjoyed a Hilarious
Time Without Doing Much
From Saturday's Dally.
Halloween passed off here last
evening without- any serious
damage to properly in Hie city.
as the occasion was made more
the time for social gatherings of
the young- people, and last even
ing the different classes of the
High school -held their annua
parties and much pleasure was
derived Jy the young people in
riding- throughout the streets of
the city, giving vent to their feel
jngs ly singing and enjoying
themselves to the utmost.
The sophomore class of the
High school was entertained ly
the president of the class, Ray
mond Larson, at his home in the
west part of the city, and the
members of the class gathered
early at. the Larson home to re
pel the attacks of any of the
other classes that might seek to
break in on their festivities. The
young people spent the time dur
ing the evening in the playing of
various games, as well as the
discussion of some very tempting
refreshments, which served to
make the event a most pleasant
one for all who were in attend
ance. For the occasion the
rooms of the home were very
tastilv decorated with the class
colors, cream and blue,. inter
spersed with the Halloween col
ors 'and " Jack-o-tanternsr"ririch
gave a very pleasing appearance
to the festive occasion.
The junior class of the High
school enjoyed one of the most
delightful times of the school
year in their party at Ihe C. E.
Cook home, just south of the
city, where they were free from
the invasions of any of the other
classes anil the hospitable Cook
home was thrown open to them
and the young people entertained
in a royal manner by the host
and hostess and their, charming
daughter, Miss .Nell, who is a
member of the class, and her
classmates, were jnore than de
light ed with the lavish entertain
ment offered them. The class
assembled at the home of M.
Ilild. where hayracks were in
wailing, and at an early hour the
party started on the drive out to
the Cook home, and. the drive was
one filled with much pleasure for
everyone in attendance. The!
Cook home had been prepared in
a very tasty manner for the event
and decorations of the class col
ors of. purple and gold were
draped in profusion throughout
the rooms of the. house, as well
as the. usual Halloween decora
tions, and it made a very pretty
setting. !for the jolly . crowd of
young people, who . passed the
time most delightfully in the
playing, of various games suited
to the Halloween season, and
much amusement, was derived
from "bobbing'.' for apples and
in telling fortunes, and the for
tune teller, was a big attraction
for the. hoys, and girls seeking to
find out. what, the future held for
them. During the evening a
number of musical selections
were given by the different mem
bers of the., class, which were
much enjoyed, but. the big event
of the evening was. the luncheon,
which .was, served to the jolly
crowd,' and it was such a "spread",
as can only be found in the
hospitable country" homes
is unnecessary , to . state that it
was done ample Justice. At a
late hour, trie party broke up. and
returned ho7?le to this city, feel
ing that lhis: event was one that
would never be forgotten ."'
The beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. George "A, KafTehberger, on
High School Hill,.. was Hie scene
of the'gathering'of the freshman
class, as' &uests,'of Miss Mina
Kaffenb erg e r,, " and ' ihe: . e ve nt wa g
one ,very .muc,h .enjoyed by. alt. the
large cj'owd. present aiyj as this
is one oT the?Jar;jest . classes Vin
the school, some forty-nine were
present to take part in the fesli
vities of the occasion. In honor
of the fact of it being Halloween
the house presented a very
spookish" appearance, with
ghosts Hitting through the rooms
and fortune-tellers peering- into
the future for all who had the
courage to go through the ordeal
of having their fortunes told, and
to add to the spirit of the oc
casion a dance of "witches" was
carried out that made the gather
ing one strictly in keeping with
the Halloween time. The house
was decorated profusely in black
and orange, the freshman colors.
and tins made a touch of beautv
to the party of happy young peo
pie, wno during llie evening en
gaged in different amusing and
interesting games until the com
pany were invited to partake of
The Pleasant Event Was Attend
ed by Number of Old Friends
From Plattsmouth.
Mr. Wise unknown to her, and it
was a very pleasant surprise in
deed when .the. old, friends met
with her around the table, and
many happy remarks were made
by the different guests in con
gratulating , the bride and groom
of fifty years ago.
Enjoys Very Pleasant Dance.
J he T. J. Sokol society gave a
verv nleiisjint social dance at
I HMR m mm a a m
their hall on West Pearl street Tno TOUns man wr,ie9 vepy In"
Saturday evening-, which. was at-
teresting Letter in Regard to
Tour in Foreign Lands.
Good Yield of Oats.
From Saturday's Dally.
J. II. Hennegar had to give, up
the belt for being the champion
I oat raiser last 'Week, when W'm.
Ash threshed 'eighty-one and a
third bushels of oats to the acre
for L. I). Crifchlield, on nine
acres of measured ground. Mr.
Ash says that , he has run a
threshing machine for twenty
five years and these were the best
oats he ever threshed. Mr. Hen
negar threshed four acres that Horning Cemetery Scene of Serv-
re us
From Saturday's Dally.
Yesterday at the home of their
daughter. Mrs. Jesse L. Root.
1013 Thirtieth avenue, in Oma
ha. occurred the celebration of usual hih standard
wedding anniversary
an of Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. X. Wise, who
tended by a large crowd of merry
dancers, and the time was passed
most delightfully irt tripping the
mazes of the dance to the de
lightful music furnished by thel Prom Friday's Dally.
11 .11.. l. nl.:. i-.l 'I'll ft ' f ol loVl" II (f V
jiouy r;t. 1 ins .stirieiy
has always been very successful
in the dances given by them and
the one Saturday was up to the
a most, tempting and highly ap
precialed three-course luncheon, I the golden
which brought lo a close
- . 1
veiling mat wm long ne remem- fr a long period of years were
bered by the members of the amonir our most, nrominent and
class of 1017 as one of the most highlv esteemed citizens, and the
delightful in their school life. It
was a late hour when the com
pany deparled for their borne
feeling that they had been most
royally entertained
event in Omaha was attended by
a large number of the old settlers
and families from this city, who
assisted their old friends in
celebrating the happy occasion.
Tl vvni fiflv vonrc ncrn in Iho
city of St. Joseph, Missouri, that no of tne Most Delightful Social you
Mr. Wise was united in marriage
to Miss Frankie Wright, daughter
of Chaplain Wright, of the Unit
ed States army, and the wedding
The following very interesting
letter has been received by the
Journal from Pollock Parmele
who is enjoying the delights of a
tour around ttie world, and his
friends here will be greatly
pleased to learn of the interest
he is finding in the sights of
Egypt, in which country he was
at. the time the letter was writ
ten. The letter is as follows:
Luxor, Egypt, Oct. 13, 1013.
To the Journal:
Knowing that you are some
times pressed for news in Platts
mouth, I think I might kill a lit
tie time bv writing a letter to I
made 7 ' bushels to the acre, and
some of it. in the droulh had
fallen down, which shortened the
yield considerably. Either yield
is pretty good for a dry year like
this. Weeping Water Repub
ices for J. C. Eikenbary and
Cornelius Bengen.
Three Plattsmouth Ladies Elect
ed to Offices at the Blair
Yesterday afternoon the mem
bers of Evergreen Camp No. 70,
Woodmen of the World assem
bled at their hall and were con
veyed to the Horning cemetery,
south of this city, where Ihe
monuments that mark the Iat
resting places of J. C. Eikenbary
and Cornelius Bengen, former
members of the order, were un
veiled. The snafts of marble that
mark the place where sleeps the
well beloved dead were erected by
the Woodmen of the World, and
yesterday they were formally
dedicated. Thn orator at tht
Events of Season at Coates'
Hall Last Evening.
Now in Jail at Auburn on Charge
of Taking Two Horses, One of
Which Belonged to Brother.
was the culmination of a
romance which began when Miss
Wright came to Plattsmouth to
visit with friends, and on her de
parture back to St. Joseph, Mr
Wise soon followed and wooed
From Friday's Daily.
One of the most delightful
social events or tne season oc
curred last evening . at Coates'
hall, when Mr. John W.
Our party is in Egypt at pres- - cemetery was Lr. (1. II. Schleh,
ent and for the past week haslFrom Friday's Daily. (national lecturer of the order,
been visiting the many places of J At the second annual conven- who came down from Omaha lo
interest along Ihe Nile from (ion of Ihe Second district of the take part in the ceremony, and
Cairo to Assouan. By far thHxobraska Woman's Relief Corps, M" address delivered by this
most interesting place to me is .,,. , P.n,,. a,,. rtf speaker over the graves of the
Thebes. Thebes was the name of . " " - " . v " departed brothers was one of thn
l 1- t I. 1 i ? T 1 I
the ancient cily founded during l,,e "epuunc, wimn mei in '" finest ever heard in this city and
the eleventh dynasty and rose in yesterday, Plattsmouth faired the eloquence of the speaker
Filter Power, being the capital and I well in securing the convention made a deep impression upon his
and won his bride. The young nnterlained at a most delightful "" " l v'vv UUT . 1,1 s ( liy l as. T . . "l"
- - i 9 n n .i-..nt ... i r .i.nnc t.r .a n -. - - . . . ... ... iw. n . i i . . . i -.... i UTfiLirifr- i 11 f .w i r i t nil . n 1 111 n
From Friday's Dally,
rrom developments that have
come to light at Auburn in the
ast Tev days, it Seems
helan, the man who broke
the residence of Mrs. L. H.' White
in the north part of the cily a
few days ago, has become in-
olved in a horse stealing case
near Annum and is now lang
uishing in the Nemaha counly
ail. Phelau immediately lit out
of this city after he became in
volved in the trouble at the
White home, and the authorities
at. once sent out. notices to try
and locate him, and Wednesday
Sheriff Quinton received notice
from the sheriff of
ninl t ti sir 4t n r 4 . Ihi.i mtt'
where they have made their home rXPfnePnnL who i ?o fee ;th on gradually declined from this city elected as olT.cers. by the fraternal feelmg of the
since, and have bv their pleas- C?hnn? D"vc' to4 ledNe On the east side of the Nile ,s the The ronVention convened in or,or ln PlacinB these stones to
ant wavs and courteous ?reat- 8hopl1? to ,rk C!ty.toPe: of Thebas called Karnak; Blnip at, iho Masonic hall wi(h mark the graves of the former
" ; h .h v sum( her 8t"d.5' of mus,p in that this is a great city of temples; snmrt ninpfv inPnlhor5 nrpSPn, ln members who had been called
no lib ti nil uii vvtAwtjA . i
came m contact, won a nost ori v,o., nA " - - - iaKP P!Ul 1,1 convention, aim : - V",i.,.( k . o..i 1 11 '" ""iiusuu.u n.i..ivi in b.uMne size ana spienaor oi tne lem- ih iim, immoHintniv dm-iori .'n imp io uieir unai rewaru. ir.
iiiniu.1 uiui, nam muroM-u CMij . Klnol- anH Hin Qilioli m o r , 1 . ... , ...I1"' ...". -j -.-w . ,
"" "- - . i ufiK "'"- nn wns env rnpn v ini mmiltiiii n,n i. r k iri:iiirii uiwt-u no- iiiriiiur.n
, - it'll llir: jni.-Min- ui inc iiit-r-i iiifs. I t .
that.Nick lives, and on this most notable J'VtVf and . prosperity of. the king's The. following from this city rep-' carry out the fraternal Principal,
roke into event they will receive the best lt .'M i "'.and as Hameses II, had the rcscnt0(l McConihie post: Mrs.
wishes of a multitude of friends.
At . the Root
the guests were treated to a most and alluring
1 dinner, and
from 2 until
as a most important reign he also had r t T?rrr,inr.cro tuc TVonnio I the utmost and strive to make
for thel the greatest temple, but time and Rurk0 ftIrs j G 'peterson Mrsjtheir brothers understand th
great beauty and served as a
very pleasing setting- l
home yesterday gathering, and the handsome earthquakes have ruined so much r.pnP' nnH-p Mrs W r' I deep feeling of love and charily
rated to a most and alluring costumes of the of 4njs r;tv that, if is now one K 'i..:ii. ...v, r that were among the foundation
- ii.- - ti i. .. l i rivv mi. iiu is a niciuurt ui .
ueuguuui uiuner, ami in ine aii-nauies maue tne scene one oi great ruin of mystery. Of course George Crook post of Omaha and Principles of tne order.
ciuu.iu, iiuui uiiin o "ouc, uiuiii t-pifiiuor, auu it wui noi scholars have been able fo rie- .1,,. rr 1 Thro wno null, n l.iro- .if
the worthy couple received their soon be forgotten by the com- ciphor somo of fhe hieroglyphics, haflios lhal ,he moeting for nett tendance of the members of thn
friends, who had come to assist pany who were present last even- h)nf t as insf satisfied with .-.. 4 n,.-, LrHr nt n. i
VV . Ui- i- i , ju 11 . bannering tnrougn me greai ven the time for the convention take part in the dedication and
pletion of their fifty years of to this talented Plattsmouth r0nms and nassaes of the old
weuueu nnss. imring ine course young tauy. I c i Ly
. 1 t ion niiornoATi k-j ik r me m . 1 . . . .... -
ii'"'. I nn ornnl mnrnn woe ennnnar - Af op vet no- kipnnL- wa
iiiuuaiii, 01 tins ni, a nif-itinp nromntlv at, 9:30. and wa.4 led bv crossed ttie river to the "Citv of 11. . 1 nn,'n, i-Kslonl.ii' nro nf trrnv mnrhU .on.1
' ' - - - 1 I IMIIIH" III II11JS 111 UiKI 11U IIUIll.-l 'J .... ... ........... ......
Mr. halter and Miss Dovev. and I tho Dpad." We rod on donkevs I 1.. ti. ..:r..-tT.
. Ki,if r . r: a .,.l .l I .. . "' . " ' .. --- --- . mnu in iim&ir 1 in- 111 . 'i i-
Neniahar 1 menu.-, "'sunm as tno young people moved for several miles through the
comes next year the citizens of the occasion was one that will be.
Plattsmouth should see that the long remembered by the Wood-
W. R. C. are eiven a roval wel- men. Ihe monuments unveiled
esieem ana aiieeuon in which nished by the Holly orchestra of the mountains, where the
they were held by the many old was of lhe usual hiffh standard kings chose to bury their dead.
irienus in ine tii, iieie in-y furnished bv this organization. The Tnminlain? are honev.
had lived lor so long. land the dancers snenf. the time ramhpil wilh . civps nnd tnmhs-
Mr. and Mrs. Wise were great- until the midnight hour in mov- there are about forty tombs that
ly touched by the evidences of af- ing through the waves of the have been made accessible and
feet ion offered by their old dance to the delightful music, more are being opened up every
friends, who had journeyed from The party was chaperoned by year. We visited only three-
Plattsmouth to be with them on Mrs. George E. Dovey, and the first the tomb of Seti I. This is
this happy event of their life, occasion will be Ions remember- cut. in the solid roek and must en
county that the man was wanted tl,e PPsts of honor with a purse through the hall 'the sight was droeky desolation of the desert.
there for the theft of a horse 01 B"lue" oms in uoveii wi ue m0st beautiful. The music fur- and at last entered the very heart
from the farm of the man's
irother, John Phelan, near
Auburn, as well as one from a
neighboring farmer.
He was arrested yesterday aft
ernoon at Humboldt, and had in
his possession at the time of his
arrest the horse belonging to his
brother, as well as $2,50 in
money and two quarts of whisky
lo imrl nvirlATi f v niflifi dinoiser
of the other horse stolen or had I ' "i'""" ll f,i,iri" oi u. ine social evenis given in ine mountain. we an nad candies
tinned it loose as it could not l'inauam. touring the evening rruit and followed our guide through
' I m . . .a I 1. 4 A 1 I l k
je found by the authorities. ie dinner at tne nooi tiome i puncu was serven 10 ine uancers. tne dark
Phelan, according to his broth- n honor oi tnis most estimable The invited guests for the oc- sometimes down stone steps and
. m I -v I - ft rt tl rt-,iirl wrin (ill Ari Vv ! HI"? . 1L . . I .a w-v- nl ! - nl A(ln nvr sr
er, was involved in some trouble l iuui- ? i " "-i "i i cusiou were: misses iainenne ouit-jiiut- uu inauiv iam nvn
there before he came to Platts- a large number of the former Dovey, : Marie. Donnelly, Edith great holes that must go nearly
mouth as he was suspected of residents and those who still Dovey, Gretchen Donnelly, Lil-Mo the infernal regions. Finally
m-;rtfT- dnion nHirlen niake tneir nome nere. ana me inn Cole. Honora Sevbert. Nora we came to a great room: tne
a 1 ill n . - " - - f
from the brother. George Pat- eveni win ne ever a pieasani Hosencrans, Charlotte fetzer, guide lit. a calcium ngni tnai
terson who has been staving memory to those vsho gathered I Verna Cole, ; Vesta Douglass, flooded every corner of the room
' I m I va i a V
with Phelan in this citv and around me lestive board. ine Janet Patterson. Madeline Minor, with light, in tne center or me
- ... . r i ' 'i
working in the shops here, was dinner was served in four courses Leta Holdredge of Omaha, Ma
arrested vesterday by Sheriff and was a most delicious repast, jorie Kimball of Lincoln, Helen
pared to make the visitors have nave engraved on tnem trie, ern-
a good time while in the city. blems of the order, as well a the
Tn ti. rtna.',,L honrc nf the name of the departed brother and
.... Ittia rnmn tn .hirh hn tinliiniTAit
session the following oincers n. ' ........ ... -
were selected bv the convention line nionumenis stand some four
fir thP nne!n,r"vMr- President. fppt high and are very handsorno
Mrs. Nannie Burkel, Platts
mouth; senior vice president.
Miss Clara Freeman, Blair; vice
president, Miss Heine, Hooper;
secretary, Mrs. Jennie Dodge,
Plattsmouth; treasurer, Mrs,
Jones, Blair; press correspond
ent uc: iuiik iriiinuufi- cui ill lilt' SIU1U I'OCK illlU IIIUM feil . r r o i t ml nilln
sed and for some time, were unable ed as one of the most pleasant of several hundred feet into the t, ' -,,vvu,,
The ladies
j specimens of ttie stonecutters
art. There are several of these
monuments here, as Ihe order
always places one of these to
mark the last resting place of the
sovereigns who have passed to
the Great, Beyond.
At the cemetery a short pro
gram was given preceding the
of the Blair post of oration by Dr. Schleh, consisting
C. entertained the Jl 41 . '
fhof nqa a quaiiei consisuug oi iiss
W T n r,l . Ilia Ul .1 lllllllW-l Ul BOllllI Hlilliuri.1
and narrow passages,! ,. .. .
, , . , vi.iiiwin 111 it illixmit.-i uiai ""l-, . . ... ... ar
very pleasing and the delegates Ssir"! ""Ira. mrs Tr Ma'
were loud in their praise of the A McElwam and G. L rarler.
. .k:i. 4i, wnini lent a tone oi reerence io
iUlt'llUlU ill MIL U IU' J Jt . ial a
work of the delegates from this p.f the singers made their selec
city in securing the meeting here tions deeply appreciated by be.
r., .1 ...11 il-nlllltriliurin Ul UII) iuua,n hi iU mi,
lot llL'Al jrui !siroR ru iui uik . , , ., , . , . , .
T-., oil. 'no- rlfllflfrol.Vi. thnt rnn. I menus ui n.c w. tr ,4 ummum i
. room was a depression and in i it resented this ci( and any timeho were present at the u,
n an open mummy case with the L. .. f . mi, Ing ceremonies. Mrs. Philip
u nveil-
Quinton, as it was thought he Each place at the table was Egenberger, Opal Fitzgerald, body of Seti I. You can" still see anvinin vou ca n nretlv of this city read a mo1 aPProp
I .a a a l . I . . . . 1 a I
a aa 1 a. 1 I "- O T I ' a" iH tT 1 t Tt rtO t r t -w' Tk I O "k T1 a I m . . TV fll - - A 1 A 1 A I I a . a nlar hliil' .flQl rkni-i tnA
I m a 1 1 I I . A m 111 .
horse stealing, as he came to oi tne iianoween season, anu Lillian Bajeck; Messrs. John features are suit piain, aunougn
this citv with Phelan. Patterson tiny baskets filled with yellow falter, Ralph: Marshall, Byron dull and dusty. All around this
a "eini in nwaifina- the result and wnite candies in recognition Ames. Don Arnes. B. A: Rosen- room are recesses1 in the wails
of the investigation of the horse of the event they were celebrat- crans, Edwin Fricke, Dwight containing the family of Seti I.
I r.. n t I . . . I i- ' m .
lealins case. . ing. rvus. nom was assisieu in Patterson, waidemar soennicn- some, oi ine mummy eases are
serving for the comfort of the sen. Jack Patterson. Guv Reece. still open and some are still
Makes Short Visit Here. guests by miss flora wise oil Fred Mann, Major Arnes, Henry closed.
nearly always look for something ,ale P.em at he f ervices and her
to drop, as they are hard workers fine, ef an.d Phasing delivery
in their cause and should receive ,,,au" " . " U .
persons piesriu. yMiioug uiumi
from out of lhe city attending
the services were Dr. and Mrs. O.
H. Schleh of Omaha, Mrs. J. C.
Eikenbary and daughter of Lin
coln and Elmer Eikenbary of
Ihe congratulations of. the citi
zens here on the success of their
P I . . UauHAAb Banlu
p.mpat -ofAifTo" ind fnmilv ar- Kansas City and Mrs. A. J. Bee- McMaken, Evan Noble, Matthew The walls and ceilings of these L.- r..,
rived here Saturday evening and 011 01 neroid or Lincoln, iaut itanaiey, tombs are perhaps the most The pupils of the eighth grade fliempms, eorussa
iciifed nvpr Sundav as tmesis at Those of the I'lattsmouth andinooert win, ivorman uicKson, wonderful of all Egyptian art.J of the Central building last even-
I a ma a 1 .lvf. W 1 I . . 1 . .1 J . ALa. ft t
the home of Mr Pfeiffer's aunt, iormer piaiismoutn residents wayne uicKson; Messrs.- ana The-carvings and colorings are ing enjoyed a hayrack party and nmowmi onow wmaow,
Mrs. . Paul Gering and family, present at the dinner were: Mesdames Georfre H. Falterj R. f. perfect and exactly as it was 1,-1 ride out to the hospitable farm The show windows at the mil
Mr Pfeirer ha been engaged in Mesdames Agnes Chapman, Jacob Patterson, R. ,G. Rawls, Nelson 000 years before Christ. The home of Fred Spangler. south- linery store of Miss Emrna
business at Oelwein, Iowa, for the Vallery, R. R. Livingston, J. C. Jean, Paul C. Morgan of Hay decorations on the walls are sup- west of this city, where they were Myers on North Sixth street pre
past several years, but has decid- Cummins, Hon. R. B. Windham, Springs, Nebraska. '' posed to represent the lives of entertained for several hours at sent a very handsome appear
ed to seek . a new' location, and Mrs. Annie L. Britt; Messrs. and ' the people and also the passage various games and amusements, ance, being filled with the latest
with his family departed this aft- Mesdames E. D. Cummins, P. -E. Administrator Is Appointed. of the soul. I, of course, did not and a most tempting luncheon, creations of the millinery world.
ernoon for their future home at Ruflner, William Baird, A. J. I , In the matter of the estate of understand the hieroglyphic, but and it was a late, or rather, early arranged in a very artistic man.
Los Angeles, California. - Beeson, Miss Lucy Arnold, Miss Mrs. Elizabeth Bauer, deeeased, the guide or "dragonman," as he hour this morning when they ar- ner, ' and the window is trim-
Olive .Gass, Mrs. is. H. Atwood of Union, this morning County is called m Egypt, showed one rived home, feeling they had nadimed witn autumn leaves, which.
R. C. Bailey . came -up thisjand hamuet w augn oi Lincoln, judge Beeson- ). appointed: Frank picture representing tne "God or the time of their lives. mere witn tne nanasome nats, makes
morning . from his home near Mrs. u. n. iieeiei,-uuu wi s. mauer,. a eoa;or me aeceasen, as ueam taning ine -ivey or ne. were, some miriy in me pany. b mosi auracuve inaow ano one
Murray and deoarted on the early Nellie Guild or umana. . - administrator fior the estate, from, one of the kings. It was that appeals especially to the
Bnrlington train for Omaha to The . dinner was a complete which. consists of. two dwelling rather 'spQOTcy down iri "these I Try a sack of Forest Rose flour. I ladies, as the hats shown are
secure some supplies for hist surprise to Mrs. Wise, as it hadfhouses' in Unioixand considerable '.' -: ' " ' I Your hioney refunded If not satis- among the most beautiful' that
blacksmith shop at Maple Grove. .'-been arranged by Mrs. Boot -and I personal property. . -n:-: . -. :v-'.-(Continued on: Pagie 3yr--: : - factory. ' ' 'have ever been offered here.