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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1913)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1913. PAGE 7. 1 11 II. . I III .1 l. I II lU 111 T1 Pfj ro) fjTl rT n rfrr rrnfrnn7 rmfF fl'PrnVi rsi fr rni !h IJfflia Ml in am?? u iiin& lyjuviic, loju uuiluw lUJiJ iLuiJis iBMiyiDi. in yiiiiis juuiiiiii i. .'"I r v ', - f.r 1 PARMELE THEATRE, RflOWPAY, E3V- 3rd. One Slight Only AL STEWART jn 'BUHHIHe FOB B0VH8HPBT ATT' n'? The Man that 'mlfm t U i Mtirfi ii iiii The second act of the play Is a church fair during the action of same 5 HIGH CLASS FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ACTS will be introduced. Makes the 1 By ; i5 s iillnnlo nJTSS : 3Jfi0 Inch" TT 1 CTCT offi2. (1, 1 1 - & JOSH irMr- felSMr Here wSfMlfP Sure A Star Upon Wiiom The Mantle of Denman Thompson Has Fallen PJOTE Owing to a wreck on the Rock Island R. R. this company was unable to fill their date on Saturday, October 25th. It being Satur day, I had made arrangements to cut the prices from 50c, 75c and $1.00 which is the their regular scale, to 25c, 35c and 50c. THESE PRICES WILL HOLD GOOD FOR THIS NEW DATE. R. fVl. SHLAES. A Play Th3t is Better than The "Old Homestead" If you miss this attraction you will miss one of the very best laughs of the entire season, guarantee "First class in every respect or money refunded." An excellent cast a superb and complete scenic equipment. FOR 25, 35 AND 50 CENTS. Seats on Sale Now at Weyrich & Hadraba?s Red Cross Drug Store. Our 1 1't ' 1. J J i v K m 4 .fc J i - 1 i J 8 " J aataara gr?rt,,BL CITY COUNCIL IN SPIRITED SES SION LAST NIGHT (Continued From First I'age.) TIi' uuImiiioImU oidinanc, wli i-li had ln-eii iasifd from "m HM',liiiK t anotlu'i-, was then hi' Milil out ly the mayor t await Hie jilrasure of the coun cil in the matter. Councilman lIaIItrom slated he I i 1 not think much of lh" ordinance and thiupht il should- ly made to conform with the stale law in order to make it legal. The fiues tiou of tin' ordinance, was finally roferr'd to a commitlee to re-is- and r'pa re for tln con sideration of the council at its next meetinK- Mayor Sat tier nainetl as such eoimnilte' Coun ciimeu Ihitlery, Lusliinsky and Hallslroni, who will w !( with til micstion until the next ses sion of th rouncil. Th" council i'ie'ivid- a com munication from T. A. Slucklin and I!. . MaiHT, in which these gentlemen asked that the city compel the water company to extend Uieir service some 300 feet o ntiuiect, with the water pipe on. tli- premises of the peti tioners in the south part of the ciy. Ori motidii of I-u-diinsky the water company will he instructed to put in the extension in com pliance with the provisions of their franchise. - Councilman Itichey of the streets, alleys and- hridges com mittee, reported that he had heen out 'in 'Hie west part of the. city and had saw the surveyor at work on ' Mercer avenue llxiny it up, and he thought -that there would .he something; definite so.m for the council to work on. ITe had ,also visited the eou'.iU commis sioners in regard to t he matter of having the county give the city the money that would he used on the hridges in this city on Locust street, and the county hoard had received the opinion of the county attorney that there was no legal way to do this. Councilman Buttery then moed that the hridges he temporarily repaired until spring', which was carried. The finance committee of the city council, after a careful con sideration of the following claims, recommended their pay ment and warrants were ordered drawn for their several amounts: V. H. Itishel, street work and street sprinkling, i? i0.55: (I. W. llaynie, street work, -3I: Mike Lulz, street commissioner, 35.o; Nehraska Lighting com pany, light at lihiary, -I.DO; same, light at city hall, 50 cents; Waterman Lumher Co., lumher, !?.20; Clans IJoefel, hurying one dog, yO cents; I. N. Cummins, hurying two dogs, $1; Kdward Svohoda, work at cemetery, .r.(W; C. W. Baylor, coal at lihrary, ". 75; Al O'Neill, street work. -Si-'tf; C. L McHride. same, S'rJ.KO; Al Jones.-same, 2I.80; ICaii Blue, same. r; Jesse (Sreen. same, .'$; Hoy Covert, same, John Swanson, same, $ti.80; II. Cingery, same, S5. The claims of the Nebraska Lighting com pany for $130 for street lighting, and William Crebe for $5 as special police, were referred to the claims committee. City Attorney Tidd reported that he had examined the claim of the fiordcr estate, which had heen refused in part by the claims committee, and he found that the amounts had been out lawed and that they were for re pairs of a mowing machine and he did not know of the city pos sessing such a machine, and he believed the city did not have to pay the claim. Councilman llallstrom of the lighting committee "reported that he had visited the otlice 'of the lighting company, and . that .Messrs. Brooks and Richey had slated that they knew' the service was poor, but there was no rem edy for it until the new service could be run into this city from Red Oak, Iowa, and that by the holidays at least they thought the service would be into this city. In regard to the establish ing of a new plant in this city, Mr. Brooks did not hold out very encouraging views, as he thought the plant should be located in the place where the greatest service was demanded, and while a location along the river was the best, he did not know whether it would be here, or in Louisville or if Hie Red Oak service was satisfactory, that .might be con tinued. Mr. llallstrom staled (hat the light company had got their wires as far as Olenwood on the east and Cedar Creek on the west and would push the work right along until completed, and that the company would be glad to have the council go over the lines ind see what had been done, lie staled that the company rep resentatives stated that $30,000 had been expended to improve the service and some $8,000 had been used in this city to fix up the wiring and equipment here. Women Who Get Dizzy Every woman who is troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, headache, weakness, debility, constipation or kidney troubles should use Electric Bit ters. They give relief when noth ing else will, improve the health, adding strength and vigor from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., says: "Four doc tors had given me up and my children and all my friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." Just try them. 50c and 61.00, at all druggists or by mail. II. E. Buck len & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Don C. Rlioden of Murray was in the cily today looking, after matters of business with the dif ferent merchants. RESTAURANT AT TACHED, PROPRIETOR LEAVES THE TOWN (From the Union Ledger). Sheriff C. 1). Ouinlon dropped in from the county seat Tuesday forenoon, and when -this reporter asked Ins business he informed ns that he had come to engage in the restaurant business, for a short time at least, and in a half hour he made good his assertion, for he meandered ouver to the restaurant where the corpulent and windy B. H. Dahlen formerly served meals and blew hot air. The sheriff had the proper authority to take charge, even if the portly Dahlen was absent, and by virtue of an order of attach ment issued out of the court of Judge Beeson at Plat tsmouth, the sheriff proceeded to. proceed with the proceedings, taking posses sion of the "plant" and all tilings thereunto belonging.. This action was brought' about at the insti gation of the wholesale firm of Seargent & Rice of Nebraska City, who through their attorney, Paul Topping, commenced suit for the sum of $388.10, due for goods sold to Dahlen. Soon as Sheriff Ouinlon took possession he ap pointed Ray Frans and J. B. Roddy as appraisers, and they took an inventory 'of the slock, furniture and fixtures, all of which they appraised at the sum of $151.15. As the mutter now stands the sherilT has a dead restaurant on his hands for awhile, but in due time the stork will be sold al. public auction, un less arrangements are made for the benefit of tho numerous creditors, a thing that is not likely to occurr. Attorney Top ping was called upon to look after the interests ' of other creditors, but found . fhaf" arier... satisfying the claim of. Sargeanf "& Rice Co"., there will be very little consola tion for the others. Tin's man, B. II. Dahlen came here about two monliks ago, from where we have not learned, but he was here only a short time when he began to make a noise like a whirlwind (of hot air) and boasted of the thousands of dol lars he had to buy hotels and restaurants, bought out Earl Up ton at the restaurant ami paid spot cash. Later it was learned that the capital he invested was borrowed, but that did not deter him from getting credit at sev eral places in this town and he contracted bills that are yet un paid and are likely to remain so. It is said that his brother-in-law at Murray, Waller (Sreen, is surety on the $700.00 loan that Dahlen got to begin business on. About two weeks ago Dahlen and his wife and two children went to Omaha, leaving the restaurant "in charge of John Lorgan, who had been working there, Hie under standing being that they were to be back in a day or two, but up to date they have not appeared and nobody can or will say where they are, although there are a number of business men here who would like to know their present ad dress, but they will have to lie content with the thought that they didn't lose more. - The strange part of the whole transaction is that business men will "lie to" a stranger without at, least making some invest igar lion'as t previous record, as wejl as financial standing-. . Many a poor working- man often finds it dillicult to get credit for neces sities, even though he is known to be honet -and industrious, but let some stranger come along anil belch forth a lot of hot air and be is the fellow that gels the favors instead of the man who is dis posed. to pay his bills and al the same time is ready, to do the busi ness men a favor when if is pos sible for him to do so. But such conditions exist to some extent ifi most towns, and the result is al most alwayji the same,. 1 ;.. REV. WATTON-HAYNES AND WIFE OF UNEQN From Tuesday's Ualiy- This morning Rev. If. Walton llaynes and wife came up from their home at Union and spent several hours here looking after matters of business and visiting with their friends. Rev. llaynes and his charming wife are mot pleasant to meet, and in their good work at Union have been quite successful and have given the good people of that place one of the liveliest church organiza tions I hey have ever had there. Rev. llaynes has charge of the federated churches there, the Methodist and Presbyterian, and although the task has been a very dillicult one he. and his wife, through their excellent work, lias put Union on the mat). The Family Cough Medicine. In every home I hero should be a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, ready for immediate use when any member of the family contracts a cold or a cough. Prompt use will stop the. spread of sickness, S- A. Slid, of Ma son, Mich., writes: "My whole family depends upon Dr. King's New Discoyery as the best cough and cold medicine in the -world. Two 50c buttles cured , me of pneumonia." Thousands of other families have been equally bene fited and. depend entireJy upon Dr. King's New Discovery lo cure their ouchs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Every dose helps. Price, 50c and '1.00. AH drug gists. II. E. Buckbn & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Tin: or m:Ki:ni:irs si.i;. la (be IJiMtrtc-t Court la unci for Cava Count), .Nrkrioka, Anna Amelia Monroe, rialntifT, vs. AKftha stall. Widow of Jolm Frederick Stu:i, .Deceased, et al., refnilants. Notice is lierchy driven iiii1er ati'J ly virtue of h le-ro; of tlio Ji.--trict Court in ami for Cans Omnly. Ni-1-rafikH. entered in the almn- entltW-.l cause on the 17th day of September, A. 1). the undersigned sole referee, will. rn the lt day of November. A. I. 131. at 11 o'clock a. in., at the south front door of the I'onit House. In tlm City of I'iattsinoutli, Casx County. Ne braska, hell at public auction to the highest ladder for cash the following descri bed real estate, to-wit: The east half ( 1J I of the northwest 'juartcr (XV'4I and the east half KV4) of the southwest quarter (SV(t of Section two i2). Township tweivu 12. Kanse thirteen ( 1 :: t : lot four t in Section thirty-six Clfii. Township thirteen 13. JJanjre thirteen i:i. anl HI of lot three (Z). in Section six (;. Township twelve (12). l:aiu:e four teen H. lying west of the lijrht-uf-way of the H. & M. railroad, and all that part of lot throe 3), in Section six (. Township twelve U2), HaiiK fourteen CM), lyins east of the said riht-of-way. which lies north of the bridfre or culvert Immediately north of Swallow i'oint, all in L'ass County, Nebraska. The above described land will Iwi sold subject to the life use of Acutli;t Stull, widow of John Frederb k Stull, deceased, in and to fifteen 1.) act) s in the said taut hnif (Kit) of tl.o northwest ijuartcr (NW'M) and the eat half K',2 of the t-outhwest quartcr iSW'.j) of .Section two '). Towuxhip twelve i;, Kantre thirteen 113), in cluding the hu ilJ ini;x, orchard and Kiov Hereon. and n rin lit -of-way-twenty 0l feet wide thereto. Said fifteen !.') acres and tlio rlfjhf-nf-way are desig nateil by sIhKh set at the corners thereof and will be de scribed in the deed to purchutier by metes and tound. S-id sale will be held open for one hour. Hated at IMattsmoutli, Nebraska, tliia 29th day of September. A. 1. i;ii:; C. H. TA V Milt, Kcleite. K.AWLS KOIJKRTriON. Attorneys. The Journal for stationery. David A. Young of near .Mur ray was in the, cily. today for a few hours looking after soi:ie house. . . -.. . i . i ii TMjin&r wan me iM'vcu.iUi .-. j miiiljies Letter Tiles at the Journal office. danger," The T. J. Sok.d society will give another line social (;iuce at their hall Saturday . nis.'it, to which I he public is cordially in- ii cel. The be.-d of iiiu-ic and a jolly good lime is in store for all who attend. A; A Marvelous Escape. "My little hoy had a mar velous escape," writes, p. F. Dastiams of Prince Albert, Cape of Cood Hope. "It occurred in the middle of the niphl. lie got a very severe at tack of croup. As luek would have it, I hod a large buttle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the After following the di p-actions for an hour and ne was through all Sold by all dealers. .