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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1913)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1913. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL.. PAGE 5.. J:. 3 4 Children Cry for Fletcher's 2 V V t TV srotso -1 o The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and vrhich has been In use for over SO years, lias, borne the signature of , and has been made under his per ' SOnal KUOer Vision KlnrA it Infnnpr. AC Allow HO one to deceive Ton in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Tust-as-ffood are but Experiments tlsat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotie substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Eeverishness. For more tlian tliirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhrea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving bealthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of III PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO Items of Interest to Old and New Residents of City Which Were Mew Forty Years Ago. Mr. and Mrs. a stay east, on their lines be places. Cowey left us for Monday last. May cast in pleasant llo.i. John Herald last and hearty democrat. Rouse called on the week, looking fine for an old liner Hobson, he of the apple rais ing fame, dwelling in Mt. Pleas ant, put in an appearance at Plattsinoulh last week and tickl ed "ye editor" uifaer the ribs. S3 in. Dickinson of Cass county and lately a resident of Klk Point, Dakota, returns to Nebraska bet ter satislied than ever, only he's going to try the Republican val ley, near Arapahoe, next time, Success to Wm. D. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years James Wit ham, Greenwood, bonk agent, was around again, and left us a very handsome vol ume of Bunyan's works. Every I L I . nouy ougnt to nave it not our copy, but one like it, you see? E CtNTAUH COMPANY. E3 I S3 PLATTSMOUTH BOTTLING WORKS PURCHASES THE EOECK BUILDING The Plaltsnmuth llottlinfr wnrks yesterday closed the deal whereby they become the owners of the building if Henry IJoeck on uuili Sixth street. The bottling- works lias been located here for the past few days, but the deal for tlie purchase of the building v.-as ju.l closed. This will make an ideal place for this nianu factury. and the company will be found her,, very busy in putting lip their celebrated brands of pop and soft drinks that have become well known throughout Ibis MM-fion of the date. Messrs. J'ss and .Xewnian. who are the proprietors of the establishment, are both hard-wrking young men and hae succeeded in mak ing tlie plant a very successful one. FOOTBALL TEAM ELECTS OFFICERS LAST NIGHT L The I'lattsmouth foot ball team held a meeting last evening, the chief feature of which was the election of olhcers and the gen eral discussion of the plans for the season. Major Arrie was elected as captain of the team, while Evan Noble was selected as manager of the organization. The team will be strengthened soon by the addition of a number of new players, who will lend much to the playing of the boys, and they expect to be able to handle almost any of the amateur teams in this section of the slate. The team will take on the Huff Phar macy team next Sunday and will endeavor to carry off the honors of the day, and if the form that they displayed last Sunday is evi denced there is little doubt but that they will win out. Deacon Elijah Calkin peaceful ly fell asleep in Jesus after a painful illness of about two months, January 21, 187. , aged 75 years and 1 month. He was born in New York, where he re- ided until 18G7, when be re moved with his familv to Ne raska, where he lived until his death. He had been a consistent member of the Baptist church miring a period or 41 years in New York, serving as a faithful deacon 35 years; was a member of the Baptist church at Platts- mouth at the time of his death. Brother Calkin was emphatically a good man, full of faith and the holy spirit. He had obtained a good degree and great boldness in the faith, the memory of the just is truly blest. He left a widow and several children to mourn their loss. the Rev. Chas. McElvey then arose and stated, that, the meet ing was called without any stated program, and that the meeting would take its own course, he said that the next thirty minutes would be devoted to prayer, after that he would turn the meeting over to the speakers. Rev. Mr. Bartle then led in prayer, and singing- and was followed by Rev. J. G. Pressor), J. W. Barnes and Mr. Bedwell. Their prayers were for the blessing of God on the crusade lately commenced against the liquor trallic. Rev Mr. Bartle was called on and ad dressed the meeting on the evil enects oi intemperance m our land, and prayed God that, the time might soon come when the last vestige of this giant evil might be driven from our land He advocated the crusade of the women against the saloons, and believed that they, with the aid of God, might do more for the cause of temperance than could be done by any other means. Rev. David Marquett next spoke in favor of the women's temperance move, and also in favor of wom en's rights. He seemed fo think that it all depended on Ihe wom en. Tlie congregation now join ed in singing "Only an Armor- bearer." After singing Rev. J. G. Presson addressed the meeting in favor of immediate organiza tion of the women in this noble work. He seemed to think that it all depended upon the women. and what they? with the aid of God, could do, it was no use of anybody else trying. He advised Ihe women not to depend upon the men for help in this noble work, but to go to work t hem- elves, without any delay. A LOVELY FACE BUT UGLY HAIR Hilly biadelmann is putting up an ice house that will hold 2,000 tons, and Frank White is helping it along, and we'll have ice till you can t rest next summer if it freezes enough. For Sale at a Bargain. Eight -room bouse, with one full block of ground perfectly level, beautiful shade trees, on 12th street between Marble and Rock. City wafer ami toilet in bouse. Large cistern, barn, out buildings, apple trees, grapes and other mal! fruit. Price, $2,300. Also a bt of household furniture to be disposed of. Inquire of J. K. Pollock.. Plaltsmoulh. at Telephone BIdg. 10-28-tfd. Home-Keeping Women Need Health and Strength. The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call in her strength and vitality, and sickness comes through her kid neys and bladder oftener than she knows. Foley Kidney Pills will invigorate and restore her, and weak back, nervousness, aching joints and irregular bladder ac tion will all disappear when Foley Kidney Pills are used. For sale by all druggists. GORDER'8 FALL SALE OF rn n W To be held af farm, one-half mile south of Plaffsmouih, Hebr., on QNESDAV, NOV. 12, 1913 Sale begins at I o'clock. Free Lunch at Noon. 0178 ...In this offering- trfere will be a choice lot of good stuff sold and it -w ill contain a lot of richly bred animals with lots of individual merit. 1 he herd hoajr used is Petite Tecumseh and he will also be included in this ohering. lie is a two-year-old sired by Matchless Expansion, out n a -rrand-aaughter 0f Miller's Tecumseh. A number of the spring pigs are by him. Others are by the good boar Futurity Jack, a son of I Am Lig T(h. We have a good spring litter by Guy Price's Last, out of i dam by Iiigr Victor. There will be some fall stuff sold and this is o u i.j At-uay, a son of ISig Mischief by Mischief Maker's Best. This o hq excellent place to get some good, stretchy gin-, anu good, useful fail stuff, snrinsr boars and If VOU HTP intprlod n-ritzi frr ootolnnr Crates will be furnished to all those shipping out. ugust-'lordor COL. H. S. BUnCAU, Auctioneer. RAT PATTERSON, Clerk. Mr. Editor: I want the yuse of youre voalyuable paper to xpres my ideas about street cleinin. I a'int much of a writer but I can see good, smell good and think a heap. Down on Mane street aways there is a pump. It leeks water as all pumps will, everybody water at that there pump ana it make a mud hole from there down the street. Now the people complain and say wnen tney ask the city to open the gutter and lead the water off they are fold to do as thev did in Jerusalem or some other old fogy city like this one. Each man in Jerusalem may hev kept hi own door yard clean, we have their word for if, but we have no word that Jersualem .had a city council that levies 3 mills tax and street commissioner fo pre vent no, help draw it. The peo ple in East Main St. did'nt put that pump there, don't make that slop there, and they want it cleaned. If fhi pump and this snnKing gutter was up town un der trie nose of the postofhee. or the bank or some gentry up there, it would be cleaned fast enough, So: Down Town. Married At the TCMdence of J. M. Beardsley. by H. E. Ellison, Mr. T. J. Thomas to Miss Albina Todd. Plaftsmouth, Nov. 20, '73. Now Thomas Thomas mind your eye; You've got a Todd(y) '11 set you high. ' ' Drink slow, old bov, or else you'll "bust;" And take this toddy only when you must. As it is hog killing lime, w give below the difference in live and dressed hogs: A live hog weighing 300 pounds at 3.i0 per 100 pounds, conies to 10.20. A live hog weighing 300 pounds will dress 237 pounds, and at 4 cents, makes $ 1 0.28, a difference of S cents in favor of the dressed hog and the lard pays for killing. How often you see an other wise lovely face'spoiled by home ly hair a face that would be most charminglv beautiful if she only had prettier hair. What a pity! and how foolish! Because that ugly hairr stringy, dull, lifeless-looking though it may be can be made as glossv, soft, silkv and beautiful as flu heart Could desire if only taken proper care of. Harmony Hair Beaulilier is just what it is named a hair beaulilier. It is not a hair dye or hair oil it is just a dainty,-rose-perfumed liquid dressing- to give tlie hair its natural gloss and brightness, its natural wavy soft ness, its natural rich beauty. Very easy Jo apply simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. It contains no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and scalp. landruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an in- tantaneous rich lather that im mediately penetrates fo every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick and thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness just a sweet-smelling cleanliness. Both preparations come in odd-shaped. very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Har mony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Har mony Shampoo. HOc. Both guar- anieeu to satisfy you m every way, or your nmney back. Sold m i ins community only at our store The Rexall Stores-one of the more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Can ada and Tireaf Britain, which own the big Harmony laboratories in lioston, wnere tlie manv cele brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. F. (I. Fricke & Co.. Union Block Plaftsmouth. Neb. f PERU NOTES. Dance at T. J. Sokol Hall. The T..J. Sokol society will give a social dance at thejr hall on est Pearl street on Saturday evening, November 1, and the public is cordially invited to be present and have a good time. The Holly orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion and everyone is assurred of being treated right. A new firm in the wholesale liquor, cigar1 and tobacco busi ness have just opened, A. Lazen- by Co., on the corner of Main and Sixth street?. Rev. David Marquette, brother of our Mr. Marquette, visited us last week and gave us some good words on temperance. took a squint at his new nephew and then went west to grow up with the country. (). H. Beason of Peach Creek, Washington county, Kansas, and formerly a Nebraskan, called at the Herald office not long since. He does not think Kansas excels Nebraska as a farming country. At an early hour last Tuesday evening the members of fne dif ferent churches met at the M. E. church to hold a union temper ance prayer meeting. The meet ing opened with singing and prayer by Rev. David Marquett, who prayed for the success of the women engaged in the noble work, and the death of the ac cursed liquor traffic. Rev. J. G. presson then read the Dlsf psalm, and after the reading the con gregation joined in singing ri-rlr tit AL-e" A ft an jiii flifr 'Greenwood, Neb. Ed. Herald I need not spea. of the locality of this promising city, situated on the B. & M. R. R., in Ihe west part of Cass county, because it is being well known to be the handsomest valley and surrounded by the best and hand somest fanning land in the west. The farmers, as a class are of the very best. Nearly all of the B. & M. R. R. landsare bought up in this township, and the consequence is,that last season there was about 5,000 acres of prairie broken up, which will aid in establishing one of the best grain markets on the line. We need some good, enterprising company to carry on all kinds of mercantile trade. This is the best point I know in the west. The farmers in general are on an equality, and good for their con tract. At present there is a spirit of reformation to shun the ap pearance, of all evil,. The Good Templars are adding much to the cause, they have lately or ganized, and have now some GO or o memners. iney hart a fes tival last Thursday evening, 22d ult. They met at the. Congrega tional church, but owing to the stormy evening a great many did not attend that otherwise would; however, it was quite as well, as the house would not have held all. It was crowded as it was. The entertainment was amusing fo the ear, and we had a good sup per, and goo mdusic, which con sisted of vocal and instrumental piano accompanied with two guitars. We have scarcely ever attended a festival where there was as much good humor and cheerfulness as on this oc cosaion. We wish it would come again. Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimly complexion, bead- aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gest ion. use Burdock Blood Bit ters. ? 1.00 at. all stores. Try the Journal for stationery. During- the 'summer session 1913, of the Peru 'State Norma there were forty-live Cass county students registered. ' riie majority of the faculty at Peru are planning to attend tin Stale Teachers' association. The board of education-wishes- all the teachers who can "plan their work to attend the association. This year the number of mem bers in the graduate class reaches miriy. mat number is an in crease of twenty-three over la year. The graduate class is com poseu oi mose students who are planning lo take two years in ad dition fo tlie regular course. The legree of Bachelor of Education will be given those who finish this course. Peru has adopted the bud yslem for all school functions. One ticket is sold for three dol lars, which admits the bearer to four foot ball trainee, eishl basket all games, five base ball games. five lecture course numbers, band and orcheslra concert, Glee club cut erf ainmenf , one debate and also entitles him to a year's sub scription lo the Normalife, the official school paper. The total number of fickets sold was 039. Bellevue and Peru meet each oilier in foof ball on the Peru athletic field Saturday, November 1. Coach Johnson is bringing Ihe men up in shape and making the necessary shifts lo bring out the best possible' strength. Clarence n .i i.ii i i i t ueai oi I'laiismouin n;is been honored bv having been -elected captain of (he feam. Mrs. Letter, wife of Prof. M. C Lefler, died October 27. She had been seriouslv ill for several days. Her relatives were at her bedside constantly. Deep sym pathy .is expressed for Prof Eefier in his sad bereavement. Mrs. Lefler was formerly Miss Bailey' of Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ralston of Kansas City visited relatives and friends in Peru last week. Mrs. Ralston was formerly Miss Slan field Jones of Platlsniouf h. Prof. M. M. Redenbaugh of the Weeping Water academy was a visitor at Peru over Sunday. PLATTSMOUTH "HER , - DO NOT FAREWELL . The laud. drawing for the last government land in the stale of Nebraska, which was held at North' Platte yesterday, resulted in a number from this county drawing claims, although fhey were far down Ihe list of prize-winncrs.-TlieTe was a large -number of persons from this city in the registralii.n' at Broken 'Bow, but the only successful one as reported in the -papers this morning- is John C. Linderman, who drew claim No. i8". Frank Read of Mutray was a little more -uc-cessful, getting N. iiX. C. R. Jngler of Weeping Water secured No, 1,021, while Clarence G. May- field of Louisville was the winio r ii Ao. l.iu.)' j here were .is farms to be drawn in the land lottery ami flies last numbers are nt worth much unless others- fail to claim their farm. The list, consist inir of some names, which were n"t een drawn, was shipped to Washinir- ui to be filed in the general land office. and Quick Help to Backache Rheumatism. The man or woman who wants quick help from backache and rheumatism, will find it in Foley Kidney Pills. They act so quick ly and with such good effect that weak, inactive kidneys that do not keep the blood clean and free of impurities, are toned un and strengthened lo healthy vigorous action. Good results follow their use promptly. For sale by all druggists. For a bowels, modern stores. mild, easy try Doan's laxative. action of the Regulets, a 25c at all The changeable weather of early fall brings on coughs and olds lhat have a weakening ef fect on the system, and may be come chronic. I. se i oiey s Hon ey and Tar Compound. It has a very soothing arid healing effect on the irritated and untamed air passages, and will help cry quickly. It is a well known family medicine I hat gives result s. For sale bv all druggists. Eczema and Itching Cured. The Soojhing. healing m"diea tlon in DR. HOBSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT penetrates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stops itching in stantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is guaranteed fo speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, letter and other un sightly eruptions. Eczema Oint ment is a doctor's prescription, not an experiment. All druggists or by mail, 50c. PfeifTer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louk. Wall Paper. 'Phone 36. Gerlng & Co. The Best Flour on the Vlarket 2 Si ' C O 3 - WAH0OMILLCO ' WAHOO.NEB. 4 forest rose They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's" Tab lets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. The New Idea" Manure Spreader Does flore and Better Work. if It thoroughly pulverizes all kin ds of manure. Spreads more manure in ess time than any other machine of HVe capacity. The manure is spread wider and more evenly. Simple construction makes the New Idea the ideal spreader for busy farmers. Substantially made from the best material. Every part is inspected many times from start to finish. No complicated gears to get out of order. Has a steady, non-jerking feed and a perfect, endless conveyor that Iositively cannot slip. Here Are a Few More Features of This 100-Point Spreader: Two cylinders (instead of one). Pointed cylinder teeth that never pull out Cannot choke or clog. Unique and patented distributor spreads manure 5 to 7 feet wide. Low down, Direct chain drive and simplest of all feeding mechan isms. Strong Wheels, lightest draft, Look at the "New Idea" Spreaders tlie next time you are near our store. D. B. EBERSOLE Large, descriptive and and freely illustrated catalog, FREE. 1