The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 30, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    jact 2. : -
Local News
. Plain and Fancy Scrims at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c.
Colored Bordered Scrims at 12c, 15ci 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c
.Fancy Curtain Nets at. 25c, 35c, :40c, 50c, 75c.
Sunfast Draperies
. "Silk and Sunfast Draperies that do not fade, in a
variety of patterns and colors, 36-inch at 50 cents.
; Lace and Net Curtains at $1.00 to $6.50 per pair.
Scrim Curtains, lace and insertion trimmed, $2 to $6.50.
. .1 . - ' . . ...... ... t
. ' - I .
. Are also showidg a nice line of plain and fancy
Art Denims, Figured Cirtouse, Satins, Tapestry, etc.
36-inch figured Silkolines, special, 10c per yard.
" ' ; '
t i
The-nioie one sees of James T.
.Ih'kIv.v, the new district , judge,
the liu'le one is impressed that
(ioM'Miiii' Moiehead inade no mis
take in selecting this gentleman
' fur: Un' position which was tilled
so ably by ihe late Judge Travis,
ami the eb'ar; able manner in
-which Ji assumed the duties of
his ollice marks hiin as a man of
exeeidional ability, "and we are
' willing to predict -that the people,
of the-Second district will find
him oho 'of the. best judges that
wei: s1!'! oiiMlii: )'nCh and one . of
.the -faire.vt ami, most imparl ial.
The judge brings lo the bench all
Ten Special Points of Excellence
' " . . - - .
Found Upon Racine Sattley's
'New Stawana Gang Plow
Please ;rIote' AH, Are Exclusive
Features Not Found on Any
- ' - ,i Other Plow Made.
' . , Flrst--Steering Gear.
Automatic style direct and
position, no springs allows the
plow to turn at right: angles,
either to .the right or left, pre
sents sliding- of the front -land
wheel and takes all strain from
, same. w hen turning. Every: lime
the front furrow wheel -turns
either way the front land ; wheel
is. forced to turn in exact unison.
Second Hitch.
Two horses on EACH SIDE of
the pole, regular farm wagon
. eveners, . no patent . equalizers
-needed. . Center of draft lies ex
actly between the two teams, per
. initting them to walk as straight
and naturally as though- they
were hitched, .to your . old farm
wagon..-. . - . . -','
Third Land Wheel.
Front land wheel is set direct-
ly opposite the front 'furrow
' wheel, the arm -holding same be--ing
at the extreme front' corner
i of '-the fram. The land wheel' is
set at an angle or inclined in at
the bottom, same as -the furrow
wheel.. 'i-r.' .id -tC.
'.4 i Fourthi-iSide Draft'-" "
I." This construction ""Jlitehr HUd Racine Sattley company this yeai
-Laud - VheelM . secures ' greater inade a 'killing' and with il clean-
leverage in controlling thfl cqurseLed up the plow trade of Kansas.
sof.lhe. plw and does away:with
r ALL SIDE DP- A FT. -. - ,v :
Fifth Control. : .
r.r The tongue corrtrols all :thrce
: wheels by plating Ihe land wheel
"at Ihe extreme front of the frame,
. p nables .'us. to connect i t d irct to
the tongue-post. . -' :i .
-Sixth Single Bail. -
BenrsVand-bottoms" beimrhung
in vframfl 'bnTie bail givers this '
i olow. a ftcxublc. ? floating s bottom
and Curtain
, ' .
the strength of a young man and
can handle the business of the
district ia a manner that will be
a credit lo himself, as well as to
ther csiclenhs Vf t he 1 hive coun
ties whiclr comprise his district.
Foley Kidney Pills Succeed.
'i Because jUtey are an . honestly
made ' medicine that relieves
promptly the suffering due to
weak, inactive kidneys and pain
ful bladder action.' ' They' offer a
powerful help to nature in build
ing' up the true excreting kidney
tissue, iiv restoring normal ac
tion and relieving bladder dis
comforts. TRY"- Til KM. For sale
by all druggists.
If you need anything for Har
vest call on Ed. Donat. He will
treat you right.
and insures at all times- ever)
pound of weight,, including tin
drivers, being carried on the
wheels. This gives us our light
draft and allows the wheels to
pass over rough ground without
in the least affecting the depth of
the furrow.
Seventh Furrow Wheel Control
Automatic steering rod no
side thrust on tongue; adjustable
rear furrow wheel not affected bj
horse motion.
EighthFoot Lift.
"Extremely high double bear
ing adjustable lo small boy or
large man- conveniently located
and when bottoms are raised no
levers are in the way and it
comes just right to be used as 8
step for the operator to reach thi
Ninth Main Frame.
One piece ho joints extra
heavy slock will not spring.
- Tenth Shares.
Made of "Sattley Special" sofc
center steel, absolutely guaran
teed against breakage and war
ranted to scour in any soil.
The New Sattley Stawana Gang
Plow is no experiment. We hav
ing built it for three years with
this plow as now perfected. The
Missouri,. Illinois, Wisconsin,
Ohio .and Indiana, and intend tc
do the same in' Iowa and Nebraska
this fall and the spring of 1914,
The plow speaks ' for "itself.
Every live dealer and farmer, af
ter going over its many excellent
points not "found 'on any othei,
-plow made; must admit- its
superiority. -:
- We iabsolutely" guarantee
pang' plow in every way. ,
(). Samiin,
graduate of tin
I). Y. M.,
Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per
manently located in Plat I s-
day or nij
Ollice GOG
('alls answered
:hf. 'Phone 235.
H-K- vv
This - morning Mioses Barbara
and Mia (icriug retorned home
from an extended tour of the east
covering several weeks, and mir
ing which time they visited tin
different large cities, .cv York.
Philadelphia, Washington anil
Chicago. While in .New York
these ladies were in attendance at
(tie national meeting' of tli
Episcopal church of the United
Stales, which was attended by
hundreds nf the representatives
of the different churches of the
country, as well as all the bishops
of tin church 'from the different
states of the Union and the
foreign possessions, and their
trip was thoroughly enjoyed by
these ladies.
One of the inhabitants from
the Iowa side of the river bottom
yesterday afternoon created quite
a disturbance at Ihe Burlington
station while he was wailing for
.'o. '2. The mai had been ac
cumulating a great deal of liquor
evidently from his actions and
had gathered a large crowd of the
small boys who carry papers
around him and was having much
sport with I hem, w hen he became
enraged at some remark one of
Ihe boys made and proceeded to
make are air blue with his pro
fanity and Ihe threats of what he
would do o the lad, and as no
oip appeared to pay much atten
tion to him he became even loud
er and Jinally Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker, who was at the sta
tion, called the gent Ionian down
and warned him to shut up before
he- found himself in jail, which
the gentleman did and managed
to' -make his getaway back to his
home without getting into further
trouble. :
Mural , i'ariuele departed this
morning on the 8:55 Missouri Pa
cific for Elmwood, where he will
visit his uncle, L. A. Tyson and
family, for a short time, and while
ljuue will secure a new bus for
the use of the l'armcle livery barn
in this city. .
-; For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yea Have Always Bought
-T Bears ;tlie.i
Signature of
From Tuesilay' 1,'aily.
.Mrs. ; alt er : Moure ret urne
last, evening from Weeping Wa
i er, .wnere sue was visit mg over
Sunday willi friends near ; that
place.- . '
diaries Hanson o near 'N
nawka came ni tins moruiiu
from his home ami spent (he day
hero looking after business mat
Jloy Deiisnn came down tlii
morning on No. i from his home
at Omaha and will visit here un
In ' tomorrow with-His frionds in
this city.
Mrs. L. A. Wilkinson, who ha
been visiting at the. A. IJaxlo
Smith home for a few days, de
parted this afternoon for he
home at Marietta, Wisconsin.,
Ben Bookman, the road over
s-er of the Murray district, wa
in the city yesterday' for a few
hours looking after some .busi
ness mallei's; - '' '
Charles Troop' departed thi
morning mn the varly : Missouri
Pacific for South Omaha, when'
he will attend to some matters
on. the' live slock market. . . '
County Attorney, C. H.' Taylor
was in Weeping' Water today
looking after some business for
Ihe county.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy and daugh
ter, Miss May, were among tin
visitors in Omaha today, going
there lo- soend ' the day with
friends. '
John O. McHride, formerly
sheriff of this county, but. now-
resident of South Omaha, was in
the city today visiting and meet
ing his old friends. Mr. McBridt
was one of the most popular men
in the county during his resi
dence here, and his old friend
wore greatly pleased to meet him
Mrs. L. B. White and two lit
lie sons returned home Saturday
from an ex(endcf trip to th
Atlantic eoasf, ami after a short
slay here looking after busines
matter.-1 hey. ..will leave for Flo
rida, .where Ihey will spend the
winter' months.
Mr. C. B. Wintersteen of Min
neapolis. Minnesota, and Mrs. E
M. Wintersteen of Kansas City
who have been, visiting Miss Olive
Cass in this oily for the past few
week--, departed for their homes
the first of the week.
From Monday's Iaily.
Ed Iorr of the vicinity of a
bash was a visitor in this city
Mis Hose Mae creamer was a
passenger tins morning lor oniii
h'a. where she will resume her
ludies in -school there. '-.
John Urish of near Murray-was
in the city today for a lew nours
looking after ' some matters of
nisinoss. -
Ilarve Manners of Omaha came
own yesterday from his home to
it lend to some mat ters in con
nection with his automobile busi
ness. IE (i. Itawls and wife were
ever Sunday visitors in Murray
with relatives and friends, re
luming home on the afternoon
Missouri Pacific.
W. O. Mejsinger. wife and fam
ily were in the oily Saturday for
few hours looking after some
mailers of business and visiting
with friends. , . .
I Treat Befor it Poisons Bone or Deep Glands
K a nywprlc everyday I
lose no Bleep nig-hta
Cncer never pains
until ItpoiKimadeep. -lOO-Pujje
Book seut
free ; leKiimnnial s of
tnousa nda cured. I
or body always brains a small tumor, lump or
or a full of poinon and certain death. I swear.
we bavneured 10,000 eancera and refuse JUou
sands dying scarad too late. TVrita to
DR. IIURFORtr-2 latiy assistants
This May SAVE A LIFK, 8nd It Horn
No. 1914 -REPORT
" or tub '
At ' Plattsmouth, in the' State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
Oct. 21st, 1913.
I-oans ami discounts
(venlrafls. srcurcU ami unsri-ureJ
. 7.24H.W
i ,ti:t.o;j
II. t. ImiiIs ut secure cm'iilatloii
Other IkjimIs to secure l'ustal lav
1 1 Ik'S.
Premiums on I'. S. bonds
ltotl'ls, M'CUI ItloN. rtc . . . -
Kanklnt; lionne, furniture, fixtures...
other real estate owned
Duo from national banks (not re
serve. asrents) -
Due from approved reserve, agents...
Cheeks and oilier cash Items.-.
Notes of other national banks
Fractional iiaiier curre ncy, iiii-ki;ls
and cents
Lawful money reserve in bank. vl7 :
.ne:le... Sl7.'.7H.t
l-ral-londer notes 7.0A'i.(iO
Iledemptlon fund from IT. pi. Treas
urer (3 oer cent of circulation). .
Capital Mock paid In i 50.000.00
Surplus fund , '.0.000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses a'td
taxes paid :i.4:S.
National bank notes outstanding .VMWO.Oti
Individual deposits suljject Ui check yti.3it4.7
Itemand certifieates of deiHisit. S.Wl.t'.l
Time certificates of deiiosli 1KI.244.6K
l)eiosits of l'ustal Havinirs :M57.3s
Total fl:.'! .01 7 te
state of Nebraska I '.
Count v of Cass T. II. N. Itovey. cashier
of the alxive-nained bank, do solemnly swear I
that the alwve statement is true to the best of I
inv knowledge and btdief.
, . 11. N. Poviv, Cashier.
Correct Attest: F. E. Pchlatek
iK). E. 1ovt, ' .
E. W. Cook. 1 Hrectoi s.
iulscTibed and sworn to . Iiefore mo this
i7th day uf Octoltcr. 1113. . HkpsibShba
iSeall - Not.ary I'ublic
My commission expires June 3. 1015.
(j. . .MtMsnifrtT and wile were
in the eily Salunla fur a few
lnmrai atleutliiiK t some tradiiife'
and visiting' -with friends.
juiin Jvraeg-c u uie vieuuiy u.
Murray was a passenger this aft-
fnoon for Onialia. wlierc fie was
vailed to M't'urc some repairs for
aiaehineryv v - . ; i
I-.thfi t lies was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
he will spend the dav looking af
ter, some matters of business in
that city.
Mrs. Clay Tyler departed thi
afternoon for Mooiehead, Iowa.
where she will visit for a short
time with her sister, who is quite
Mrs. A. V. iMimcron and twt)
children 'returned to their home
in Lincoln this afternoon, alter a
Miori visit ii ere at me iiouiu ui
i ? . i. . ii. ..r
Mrs. Daineroii's father. (leorge
Poisall. -
f'eorge Dutsberry and vi
fe tf
Sibley, Illinois, who have
I teen
, and
visiting at uie Home oi .mi
Mrs. William Hullance for a
t ime,
departed this afternoon for
l-'rotn Wednesday Daily
William Thiesen, who has been
visiting at Hie Dome ot jouis
Dose and wife for a few days, tie-
parted this 'morning on -o. 15
for Omaha, from where he will
go' to Los Angeles. California,
where he . will visit for a time
with relatives.
Ceorire .Horn. sr.. ami Fred
Oltienhauseii, sr., departed last
veiling 'on .'No. 2 for Illinois,
where they will visit for a few
weeks Willi .relatives ami iriemi.-
in (lieir ol.l Inline near pekin.
These' two worthy old gentlemen
went nrenareil ftr a big time and
they will have it without doubt.
- - " I B ' v '
Miss Marv S in Ter ot linrling-
on. Iowa, a sister oi ir.s.
lawksworlh, and Mrs. J. N. Jack
son of Chicago, a sister-m-Iaw of
Mrs. Ilawksworth, are in the cit
for a few days visitnigs at me
lawksworlh home.
Mrs. John Cosson and mother,
Mrs. John Frank, were passeng-
rs this morning for Omaha.
where they will visit for the day.
Mr. Frank will arrive here tonior-
ow lo open up. Ins shoe repair-
ing store in me noiei iiue wunu-
.1. it i .1 ... i..,:i.l
Mr nnd Mrs. C. F. Crittenden
ami Mr. and Mrs. 11. r. i.rnien.
I'll illlll fwo children moloreil lo
this cifv frtun their Homes in
.incoln Sunday and spent the day
at the home 'of Mr. and airs. r.
I. Sleimker. Mr. and Mrs. C. I'.
Crittenden ami If. J . Cnltenuen
oliirni.d home, while Mrs. 11. r.
riltenden will makt; a two weeks
isif .it the Sleimker home. She
ii i . i . . r T w r A
:i irrn iw iianu iitfi i iui, aim
r- --.-- i
Mrs. Steimker.
Peter Yolk, who has been visit
ing friends in this vicinity lor
everal days, was a pleasant can
al fin's office -yesterday, and
while here renewed his sutiscrip-
.m'fiii- another year. Mr. o!k
eft for" Klin wood today, and ai-
er a few days' visit with rela-
. . i . j i it ..:A:n;i.f
tives and inenas in mai viuuu
wa P
Frank Gobclman
will tlepart over (he 'Hock Ilaml
for his home at Caldwell, Kansas.
Local News
Mrs. Isaac ' King; jf Superior,
Neb., arrived in this city lust
evening for a visit with relatives
and friends.
W H..VenneV of near Mynard
was in the city today attending to
matters of business with the dif
ferent merchants.
, V. N. Puis came up this morn
ing from his home near Murray lo
attend to some mailers of busi
ness for a lew Hours.
Fred Xoltiug was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha, where
he will visit for a-few hours with
his wife at the hospital in that
city. : '
V. 11. Ileil was a 'county seat
visitor last saiuruay, coming in
for trading purposes and to spend
a lew uours wun county seat
Amick depart el last
' I evening for rns Home at oiuis me,
where he visited over night, re-
iurning tt this city this morning
on the Schuyler.
Our mighty good friend, (Seorge
Marks from down near Nehawka,
was a I'lausinouin visitor iasi
Saturday coming -up in the auto
for a few hours' visit with county
seat friends.
W. T. Yallery tlrove in, this
morning lroni-nis iarm nome
near this city and spent a few
liours here looking after matters
of business with the different
Attorney C. E. TefTt of Weeping
Wafer was in the city yesterday
attending the sessions of the dis
trict court. . '
TJeorge 1'. Meisinger of near
Cetlar Creek was in the city today
for a few Iiohi'.s looking after
some mailers of business.
r.eoree P. Ilarlon. wife and
daughter came up this morning
from their home at Union on the
early Missouri Pacific train, and
after a short visit here continued
on into umana io .ieiiti me ua.
m 1 . 4. . . J 1 Ii n e s 9
Mrs. Isaac King came in
last j
evening irom ner noine- at
nerior. Neb., and will visit
willi her mother, Mrs. W
F. Cra-
bill, anl olher
short time.
relatives for a
Frank Sleppat and wife and lit
tle daughter were passengers mis
morning for Hlair, Nebraska,
whei'M thev will visit for a snort
lime with relatives.
F. It. Taylor of Weeping Wafer
vva in I lie. fit V H'MHUrt) oi".i-
Jl .... ..flntl
lioon and today looking
some matters of business
at the
court house.
Frank Lorenzo of Sheldon,
r.,vv: iMitn.t m ast evening anu
.... .i
-iii xiit htro for a snort lime
JJ ------- - " - -
with his brothers in mis cuj.
C. . Ransom and wife of Col-
lege Springs, Iowa, who nae
i . .
been here visiting for a iev oajfc
sit the home of Mr. Hansoms
t,,,.iiw.i- w Hansom, norm oi
t a
this cif'y, departed Ibis morning
for their home, going on the early
Hurlinglon train.
FISTULA Pay 4 After You Aro Cured
A mild system of treatment, that eures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, wttnoui
Ether or other Reneral anasthetic used.
ceoted for treatment, and no money io c
. cepieu wi ... .. . i
Rectal diseases, wito tesumoQi f1""
aoer arid f aint
North 6th St.
How's This?
We offer One llllllilroil Dollar Rewaril for mnf
mxe of ( HturrU tliat cuuuot le cured by Hall S
STatarrb. Cure. ' .
b 3. CIIENEV & CO.. Toledo. O.
. Wo, tli . ii'iilersleneel, havp known F. '. J.
Cheney for tITp lam 16 yenrs. and bellrve Mui
erfeetly bnnorublo In all buxlDei'a transactions
unit Unani'lnlly able to carry out spy obligation!
ma do by- bis -firm. - A : - - - - '
Toledo, Ohio.
na'l'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting;
directly upon the ukmd and mucous surfaces of
the system. -Testimonials "nt free, l'rica 1$
ceott per bottle. old by all DrugRlsts. q
. Tsko Uall's Family PUls tor cuuatlatioa.
Is Appointed Bailiff.
Coloiwl J. If. Thrasher, who
has been serving as bailiff ill the
district, court for. f he vast several
terms, yesterday afternoon was
appointed by utlge Iiegley to
serve as bailiff during the life of
jhe court. The colonel is one of
the most ellicient men that has this capacity. , and is
greatly pleased with the honor
shown .lijui byjthe new Judge.
The Proof Is In Plattsmouth, Al
most at Your Door.
The public statement of u
PJaltsmouth citizen is in itself
strong proof for Plalts
lnoulh people, but confirmation
strengthens the evidence.
Here is a Plattsmouth citizen
who testified years ago that
Doau's Kidney Pills relieved weak
kidneys and now states the result
was permanent. Can any sufferer
from kidney ills ask better proof?
You can investigate. The ease is
right at home. '
' Herman Tiekoeller, contractor,
Ninth' and Day sf reefs, Plalts
uiouth, Neb., says; "My kidneys
caused me much trouble ami
there was a dull, tired feeling
across my loins. If I slooped or
blraighlened, " my -back hurt me
and in the morning I was all tired
out. I heard so much said about
Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally
got a box. They promptly re
lieved every symptom of the com
plaint. At that time I publicly
endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills and
I am now glad to confirm all I
then said. ( The trouble has never
For sale, by all dealers. Price
on cents. X'osier-Miiimrn Jo.,
Huffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Hemeniber the name Doan's
and take no other.
Syrup of Figs, 33c. Gerlng &
Co. 'Phone 36.
250-barreI cistern.
Cellar under entire house, with
large laundry, furnace room,
fruit cellar, etc.; all concrete
My residence on Main and 8lh
streets, with 88-root frontage on
Main street. New hard-wood
floors in all rooms and closets.
New hot water healing
plant, new high-grade plumbing
throughout, with connection to
city sewer.
Large garage; concrete walks!
everything complete and in first-
class condition.
Can give possession by Janu
ary 1st or sooner if desired.
Inquire of
Telephone No. 1.
s ui.i.. --"""- vU,ore,oira
A care Weed I ewjr rnt te;'
"""" " T V"" .
nxnnle wllO have been Mrminunt v
r '
Bulldlna Omh.