The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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I f 1 J I
Mrs. Dilberry was in our store
this mornin' and say! she sure is a
speeder when it comes to gab! The
only chance a feller'd have when
she's arournd would be with the deff
and dumb language. It's a good thing
that our stock speaks for itself and
don't need any barker or spieler to
attract your attention! No sir! they
just sell themselves once you see
'em. Now, there's our line of fall
and winter hose for every member
of the family; besides a new lot of
Golf Gloves and mittens that are
warm and fleecy, besides many
other needful articles too numerous
to mention. Just state your needs
and we will fill them promptly, both
in dry goods and groceries.
Here for a Few Minutes.
This morning H. 1'. Byram,
vice president, of the Burlington,
came in on No. 15 ami spent a
few minutes here en route to
Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. Byram
came in his private car, which
was attached to No. 15. He will
make a short tour of the lines
west of the river, including the
new Wyoming' line.
Woodmen Give Pleasant Dance.
Saturday evening the Modern
Woodmen of America gave a very
pleasant, social danco at their
hall at the corner of Sixth and
Pearl streets, and despite the
very disagreeable weather a good
fized crowd of young people was
present to enjoy the pleasures of
the dance. The Holly orchestra
furnished the music for the oc
casion, and the tunes proved very
pleading lo the dancers.
Whole Family Benefited
By Wonderful Remedy
There arc many little things to
annoy us, tinder present conditions
of life. The hurry, hard work,
noise and strain all tell on us and
lend to provoke nervousness and
irritability.. We are frequently so
worn out we can neither eat, rleep
nor work with any comfort. We
are out of line with ourselves and
Uthers as well.
A good thing to do under such
circumstances is to take something
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill
to relieve the strain on the nerves.
Jdrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 82 Plum St..
Atlanta Ga., writes:
' "I have on rveral occasions been
astly relieved by the use of your med
icines, especially the Anti-Pain Pills,
irhich I keep constantly on hand for
the use of myself, husband and two
pons. Nothinr in the world equals them
as a headache remedy. Often I am
enabled by the use of one or two of
the Pills to continue my housework
hen otherwise I would be In bed. My
husband joins me in my praise of the
Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine."
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pill
are relied upon to relieve pain,
nervousness and irritability in thou
sands of households. Of . proven
snerit after twenty years use, you
Can have no reason for being longer
jvithout them. it
At all Druggists, 23 dona 25 cents.
ULE8 MEDICAL. COM Elkhart, Ind.
J. P. Clugey, who has a con
tract for grading' and has been
located at Delrnar Junction, Iowa,
for the past few weeks, arrived in
this city Saturday evening for a
visit over Sunday with his fam
ily. Mrs. Clugey and little daugh
ter met Mr. Clugey at Omaha and
accompanied him home. Mr.
Clugey, on returning to his
duties, will be located at Hrowns,
The Methodist Ladies' Aid so
ciety will be entertained in the
church parlors Wednesday after
noon by Mrs. J. X. Elliott, Mrs. J.
W. Elliott and Mrs. H. S. Har
Ihold. All ladies bring needles
and thimbles; we will have work
to do. Please notice change of
Suitable for Retired Farmers.
Having accepted a position
that makes it necessary for me to
reside in Omaha, I will sell either
one or both of the following de
scribed homes, located in My
nard, Nebraska:
One 5-room cottage, with good
well, wash house, coal house,
barn (i6.38), plenty of fruit,
consisting of apples, peaches,
cherries, plums 'and graphs.
Oround consists of about 3 acres
of deeded land and two acres of
leased land, perpetual lease.
About two acres of this land is
in alfalfa, that produced more
than ten tons of hay this season.
Other home, consisting of five
lots, centrally located in Mynard,
is a six-room cottage in first
class condition, with good well,
cement walks, deep cave (with
cement entrance), good barn,
with shop, garage, stalls and
haymow, wagon and wood shed.
Fruit consists of 1,100-plant
strawberry bed, planted this
spring; peaches, plums, cherries
and grapes. Entire place is
fenced with chicken tight woven
Having no use for it, I will also
sell my G-passenger Maxwell
touring car. Model A. E.
Will give favorable terms to
anyone wishing to buy.
W. B.- PORTER. -
Wow's This?
We offpr One niifidred Dollars Reward for anj
eaae of l"atarrU- tllat cannot be cured by Hall
Satarrb Core.
K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
" We. the onderaljrned, hart known F. J.
Cheney for tue last 15 yearn, and believe hi m
perfectly honorable In all butanes trannacttona
and financially able to carry out any obligations
Blade by tila firm.
Toledo. Ohio.
riall'a Catarrh Core In taken internally, act Inn
directly upon the blood and mucous aurfacen of
the ayatem. Testimonial aent free. I'rlce 7
cents per bottle.. Sold by all DnntRlsts.
Take Uall'a Family Villa tot couatlpatlcav
My residence on Main and 8th
streets, with 88-foot frontage on
Main street. .New hard-wood
floors in all rooms and closets.
New hot 'water heating
plant, new high-grade plumbing
throughout, with connection to
city sewer.
250-barrel cistern.
Cellar under entire house, with
large laundry, furnace room,
fruit cellar, etc.; all concrete
Large garage; concrete walks;
everything complete and in first
class condition.
Can give possession by Janu
ary 1st or sooner if desired.
Inquire of
Girl Wanted.
Want girl for small family. No
washing. fiood wages. Tele
phone Mrs. George Falter, at No.
150. 10-20-tf-d&w
Misses Nellie ami Alice Hrink-
inan came over Sunday and visit
ed for the day here with (heir
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Frank
Brinkrnan, in this city, returning
home last evening on No. 2.
Simon Clark and wife were
passengers Saturday afternoon
for Cedar Creek, where they
spent. Sunday at the home of
their daughter and family in that
Misses Julia Hermann, Gret-
clien and Marie Donnelly were
passengers this morning on the
early Burlington train fnr Oma
ha, where they will visit for the
Charles Countryman, from
near Nehawka. came up this
morning from his lnune and was
a passenger on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha, where
he was called on business mat
ters. Mrs. John Svoboda and two
sons were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they will
spend the day and where the
boys will consult Dr. Clifford in
regard to their eyes, which have
been giving them much trouble.
The Proof Is In Plattsmouth, Al
most at Your Door.
The public statement of a
Plattsmouth citizen is in itself
strong proof for Platts
inouth people, but confirmation
strengthens the evidence.
Here is a Plattsmouth citizen
who testified years ago that
Doan's Kidney pills relieved weak
kidneys and now states the result
was permanent. Can any sufferer
from kidney ills ask better proof?
You can investigate. . Tho case is
right at home.
Herman Tiekoetter, contractor,
Ninth and bay streets, Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "My kidneys
caused me much trouble and
there was a dull, tired feeling
across my loins. If I stooped or
straightened, . my back hurt me
and in the morning I was all tired
out. I heard so much said about
Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally
got a box. They promptly re
lieved every symptom of the com
plaint. At that time I publicly
endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills-and
I am now glad to' : confirm; all I
then said. The trouble has never
; For sale by all dealers. Price
f0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
; Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
For Infant and Children.
Tfca Kfci Yea IUT3 Atajs l:z&
Bean the
Evidences of Considerable Im
proving in Our City During
the Present Season.
From Saturday's Dall. f
The spirit of improvement
which has been Constantly grow
ing in this city in all lines, seem
to be still on the increase, and in
every part of the city there has
been much work done on the dif
ferent residence properties and
also in the publie improvements,
such as permanent, walks, and
there is hardly a city, that can
show as many miles of good per
manent walks as Plattsmouth,
which scattered over all these
hills and dales "is well provided
with these valuable walks and the
city is constantly adding to the
walks as fast as 'the funds of the
city will permit, and it can be a
source of much satisfaction to the
present city administration, as
most of these walks have been
placed in the past two years.
In the residence part of the city
almost every home has felt to a
greater or lesser extent the spirit
of improvement by having the
properties fixed up in a manner
worthy of our little city, and in
many cases new homes have been
erected and others remodeled and
made into modern houses, which
will make for their owners nice,
comfortable homes.
This same condition is also
true of the business section of the
city, where several of the busi
ness houses have placed addi
tions on their places and increas
ed the capacity of the store rooms
to accommodate the rapidly in
creasing business, that is carried
on here.
One of the chief additions to
the business section of the city is
the fine new building owned by II.
M. Soennichsen and occupied by
him with his splendid store, and
the brick addition that has been
placed on the rear of the Journal
building, in which the new Goss
press has been placed. Tho firm
of Krohler Brothers has also got
ten the new brick addition to their
store building nearly completed,
which will give them a fine place
to maintain their work-shop.
These are just a" few of the
many changes that' have con
tributed to the advancement of
the city, but they show. the trend
of improvement and ttie'eoming
season will prover even more suc
cessful in the city. V' '
John H. Becker Down Town.
From Saturdays Dally. : -
. John H. Becker, who for the
past week has been confined to his
home by sickness, was-able to be
down towri yesterday afternoon,
and his appearance .-'was hailed
with much pleasure by his large
circle of friends, who have great
ly missed him since his indis
position; -. Mr. Becker was quite
sick for several days and his con
dition greatly alarmed his" family,
but fortunately he recovered from
his sickness without serious re
sults and. is again able -to be up
and around.
Office supplies at the . Journal
office.- -' - "
,. j , .. .
To Organize Teams.
Preparations have been made
at the German Turner hall for
the organization of several basket
ball teams among the different
classes taking turning there, and
also for two indoor base ball
teams among fhe activities of the
turners, and these two sports
will add much interest, to the
work of the winter season. The
classes will meet next week on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday,
owing to the fact lhaf one lesson
was missed last week.
From Friday's Iaily.
. The work of making the
changes in the tracks at the Bur
lington passenger station in this
city is progressing very rapidly as
there is a big extra gang of Ital
ians here under the charge of
Mr. McAllister of the Burlington,
and they are making things hum
in the changing of the tracks over
some four feet from where they
are at present in order to permit
the extending of the platform to
the north some 100 feet as well
as making the platform wider for
the aceonimodal ion of the pass
engers. The material for the
platform is already on the
ground, and as soon as the track
gang finishes its work the con
struction of the platform will be
started. The relaying of the
tracks will make a great deal of
work as many of the switchstands
in the yards will have to be
changed ami the leads for the dif
ferent tracks shortened up to
permit of the building of the plat
form. For Sale.
Five full-blood Poland-China
boars. C. R. Rhoden, Mynard,
IgprtiiSBif Iter
A new and Up-fo-dafe lino of Ladies'
IVool Dress Skirts
Gent's EFall and Winter Ovorcoafs
Shoes and
V. ZUCKER, Manager.
If you don't watch out
"the Goblins'll get you!"
We are gobbling up a lot of the fine
clothes business hereabouts, and ''there's
a reason" our Quality Clothes are entire
ly original and fascinating in their de
sign. They have the merry swing, the
"hip, hip, hurrah," and the bracing,
breezy qualities you need. This week we
show a dozen patterns for you to choose
from, at $20, and another dozen at $25.
Have a glance.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
From Friday's Daily.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Methodist, church last evening
held an "experience meeting" in
the church parlors that proved
one of the most pleasant events
that the society has held for some
time. The experience feature of
the evening consisted in the dif
ferent, members relating how they
had earned the 1 which they had
pledged to contribute to the good
cause or trie society, and mere
were some very humorous stories
related as to how the different
fathers and husbands had been
jollied out of the coin. The meet
ing was one that was much en
joyed by the members and the
time passed very swiftly in
listening lo the splendid program
prepared by the ladies, which em
braced a number of the leading
musicians of the city, which,
combined with the experience
feature of the evening made it an
occasion of much pleasure to all
who attended. There were some
forty-seven ladies present at, the
meeting ami all enjoyed the de
licious treat in the shape of re
freshments that had been pre
pared and was served by the
members of the society, and the
members of the party departed
for their homes feeling that the
event had been the most enjoy
able in the history of the society.
Fined $5 for Speeding.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Karl Viall
and John Hansen, the two young
men from Nehawka, who were
charged with violating the state
speed law with their motorcycles,
appeared in the court of Justice
M. Archer and entered a plea of
guilty to the charge preferred
against them, and received a fine
of s.r each, which they paid and
left at once for their homes.
Rubbers for Hon
Also Winter Oiorshoos
i Dill IPteosQ Von!
Mrs. C. A. Marshall Returns.
From Friday's Dally.
This afternoon Mrs. C. A. Mar
shall who has been at Imrnanuel
hospital in Omaha for tthe past
few weeks taking treatment was
able to return to her home in this
city. Mrs. Marshall is feeling
much improved in health and her
return home was the cause of
much rejoicing to her family and
friends throughout the city as
lhey were much worried over ber
From Friday's Dally.
The German Ladies' Aid so
ciety yesterday afternoon met at
the home of Mrs. Louis Dose on
Wintensteen Hill and the after
noon was most enjoyably spent
by the company in visiting among
themselves and talking over the
plans for the winter's work of the
society. The hostess, at an ap
propriate hour, served some very
tempting and delicious refresh
ments which were much ap
preciated by all who were pres
ent and they were delighted at
the hospitality shown them. The
meeting was attended by a large
number of the members of the
society and on departing they
voted Mrs. Dose a royal enter
tainer. Sell your property through the
Journal Want Ads.
J. O. Sandin, D. V. M., J
J graduate of the Kansas City
4- Veterinary College, is per
J manently located in Platts- 4
mouth. Calls answered
4 day or night. 'Phone 255.
J. Office 600 Main. f
and Boy
Plattsmouth, Hobr.