The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
MONDAY, OCTOBEfl 27, 1013.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Governor Sulzer is now free to
lecture and is already being1 of
fered magnificent sums from the
lecture bureaus. Moreover
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.
1. A- BATKS, Publish.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
GET . MARRIED TO LIVE LONG. (shall remain loyal to Iluerla. It
is government by the bayonet,
Commissioner ltitlenhouse of I and it would not be tolerated for
the Equitable Life comes back atja single day among any people
The meat packers' convention
lie that recently met at Chicago be-
wants to tell the people of the hatPd lhi farmer for not produc-
country something more about inff more meat, and unconscious
Tammany, by which organization !' stated the reason why he does
he was impeached because he t. In lauding the new methods
would not obey orders, and the of refrigeration, the convention
people of the country are now said in addition:
more deenlv interested than ever Twenty-live years ago Chicago
hoi'f' wms rpirnrilerl ilmihf i'nllv liv
i r, ma nine miniums nl mat. or I ' -
I most, hmisekeeners. I'A-prv Inuii
gatnzalion. I ,,..i iioi i-i, ... !...
nun i i - j lie i'" ii ciuupnn i
house. Local butchers drew upon
the surrounding country for their
supply of meat-food animals. Now
We cannot see why the demo-
I i m .t l 1 . I.
replies to his mortality statistics except barbarians or slaves. By - vi " every way station deals with the
I .... I lil II... .1 ..In ... .... ..F 111 .. .. . .. .... 1
i ;..r ...,ir,;r i. mil- DCl'ini niir mic i n slafo nf af. ui 'wui.n a'iu oi u pncKiug concern ;uiii
HUM I1IHI llll IS Kiuimn . j " ww - I .. ....
.naPPi..,i fairs, the Mexican m-onle. cm- official patronage that we are en-
i u vi ao i,ul'i 1 . v ' . a
questions fess their
persons, witn two questions i men- iuuuuuy io guu-ni
which he discusses to the extent themselves, and they hold out but
of a column in the New York little hope of ever establishing a
Times: "Why are thirty-nine out! stable government. Revolution
of every 100 male adults without follows revolution in such rapid
... 11. .. I I I. I . Mllvi.. '.. 1 !, J -v . .
uiu-s'' ' ;iml nv IS Hie neaill 'ui.n.tsiuii mat uiij uumii uiiuii
rale of the unmarried so much each other's heels, and public Pmted meet their late, and lie
i j
... 1 1 r ..... ....... .itVipi.iL mum limn cv..l 1 Iw.i,. I COIllO reCOUCllCtl lO
miier l ii t ii uiai ui iiiuuivu iiivh i"""-""a " o --
titled to. Let the appointments
be made the sooner the belter
it will be for all concerned. One
thing, certain, all the applicants
cannot be successful in their tie
sire, and the sooner the disap-
the local butcher buys dressed
beef, not live cattle.
When the packers drove these
men out of business and under
took to supply not only the cities,
'but the whole rural population
with fresh meat, they killed a
large part or the uieal raising
business. The local butcher could
go out and buy fat sheep, cow, or
hog at any time and the villagi
was furnished with meal. Now
cattle, hogs and sheep must b
raised in carload lots and ship
ped to packing- centers and but
few farmers can do that sort of
business. In
the democrats of Nebraska. Then was ahva 11 "ia,'k(t for a sin?,
steer, sheen or hog whenever it
why not give out such appoint
ments as are to be made, right
away ?
was ready for market. The pack-
ers' trust has killed all that kind
of business and therefore there is
a shortage in the supply. The
blame for the shortage in meat
their disap-
I a. jjl j . 1 1 J
and women?" There are 17,- cnair comfortably warm uerore lwu 1 11
.lii . . i . . . .lull ft Thiii'o nrn Tinsi
000,000 unmarried persons or uiey are taKen out anu snot anu
marriageable age in the United are succeeded by adherents of unions to be filled, now occupied by
Stales, a proportion of the total new adventurer. republicans, mat snouiu oe occu-
I ... . I..!.. I 1... .1. ............. I .. .....I ll, l....r
population entirely out of reason, And so it has been al-M'"-" '-
is Mr. Ilillenhouse looks at it. most continuously ever since er ucu '"alters are ueiajen nv
I lit i
We do not know that it concerns Cortez, with his Spanish brig- l Vcrs mat, ne at
nr.. !niii"iiii.n .-.nv- iniir I I anus. conoueretl tlie country I ,v ' ,,,' "
HIT 111. U' -V. ukt m - - I - ' ' v
other interests; in fact, it does some four hundred years ago.
nl. Hut the point is that while And so it has been in every t-oiin-
medical authorities complain try where intemperate Spanish
more or less of the results of the blood has poisoned the populace
marriage of the until, there are and planted the torch of anarchy
millions of tit men and women and revolution. It might seem n wouia nave neen impossiu.o
who remain single, to the coun- trial Mexican atrairs should be of ior io.ernor iuorcneau to nat.
try's loss every way. So, ac- no concern to the American peo- appointed anyone for the vacant
ending to Mr. Hitlenhouse, "not pie, and mat we might go about juogesuip mat. wouiu uae gieu
ii ..: 1 :. I I. I 1.....;...... ...... ....11.. r ..1... I I luil fin wnf if:iif ii in llifin ill. '111.
oiliy WOUIU OUT uecilUIIIg UllUlM'ur uiimuijs itoiiiua-ss wiiiii .u.n .!'
rate be checked without neces- may be going on across the Kio pointment of James J. Uegley.
arily increasing the size of fam-kirande. It were fortunate in- The appointment of either Liv-
ilies, but the proportion of the deed if the American people could ingston or Wilson would not nave
physically and mentally lit look on with lndilierence and un- been satisiactory to me uemo
among the new lives that are be- concern and let the Mexicans crats in Otoe county, and they
ing brought into the world would light it out to their hearts' con- could not be prevailed upon to
be increased." tent, but conditions are such thai wnmiraw m iaur of uwyer.
In spite of the high cost of liv- this happy stale of mind cannot Livingston was willing, but Wli-
iug and the fashion of high liv- even be considered. If nobody! son would not consent to llns
.. . li t . . - .l. ii i ii.:. i ....
ing tlie average age at wnicii i out .uexicans were concerneu, i oi-i-jmumh. huu mis min cic-
Ill . i.. ..II..I I m.. I. ......... I .J I.......
marriage is cont raeleil in tins mere wouiu oe no uiuerence in uhmmuih-u . i ir wouiu mn e
I I. .... . I.i-n .. :.. W-... i. i. ......l ..I.
com.lrv has noi risen but has ac- the way. and it would be very been the lucky man. The light """""b1"" '"
ii.. i 'i-i ,-. , ..,,. i l i ti i r,ii..,. I. K-:i hiiiPi in i...ih tlios.. i-.ii.i.Hos inipltant business, and report?
I. I ... . . Illl4wltklfkijtri1lil.litl mi .11
..t. t.Mi....i;.i.. -.f ..... I-..- lof im. I i lii.m rrM if !ini 4 I,,! 4K ii I'll o I Wll III Sfl n IV fill 111 V I'l1 1 1 1 t I II I I I 1' wctcMu un...
.. : ...! ii.. ... ..,0.. i. ... .. ii.,...., ine proniinent .statesmen
WlllllUI. DUl UIIIOI lUlIcliei I l ui-imciL "i' i
there are a great manv foreigu- Up'itlcinen. The governor done h ailed were: I'osfmaster den
I I Ik I - nM .. 1 A . 1 . . . . A
, i ii 1 1 ik... . ... .. i....i I... ...... 1. 1 .,.,.1.... it... era i luiric.-r.u, iinru .vssiM.ini
riallsmoulli, N l., 0 tobcr 21.
Lioanl met pursuant to adjournment.
Piescnt. C. Fi. Jordan, C. 1Z. ileebnor ami
Julius A. I'itz, County Conunissioners;
1). C. iloi-fian. County Clerk. Minutes
oC previous mssmhi read and approved,
when tlie following luiKines wus
transacted in regular form:
As advertised, bids were received for
building- poor house tit countv farm:
T. J. lsner, $y,6S2; no plumbinK:, lieiit
ingr. etc.: I'arson.H Consliuctmn Co.,
I6.-I0.1; 11. Ii. Uailding. .i'J); Androw
Johnson. $7,:90; Cha.x. A. Korslund, $?,
1)47; It. (J. Ijar.'jon, $U,!Sl:; Jolmsou idec
trie Co., Jisnt only, $1j0: John f.auer,
lieatimf. $775: John n.iuer. t I urn hlnir.
$5-15; John liauer, electric wirini?, $x.".
On motion ueneral contract for con
struction of tlie buildii K at poor farm
was awarded to II. Ii. Redding of Oma
ha for the sum of $t.4yj.00. which does
not include the heat in tr, plumhimr or
the ligtititiK! tlie partios ate to enter
into a contract and the countv attorney
instructed to draw up said contract.
Moved by lieebner tlie bids on heat-
itiK. plumbing and lighting be deferred
for further consideration. Motion
The lollowinu' claims were allowed on
t lie .jeneral I unl :
lr. K. I). Cummins, inebriate L.
. Hamsey S fc.iiO
M. Ley da. same :i.00
james Koiiei tson, same . i ,i
C. D. (Jiiinton. same Hi. 72
George Urooks, same 2.10
Mrs. i.eo. Urooks, same 2.10
Mrs. Helena Johnson, same.... 2.10
Miss Mae Murphy, stenographer
same 5.S7
Julius A. i'itz, s;lary and mile
age 40. 50
! rel l'att'rson, ollice work.
I'ptem be i" and October 71.65
C. K. Jordan, salary and miie-
fee 1 o . i j
tit'oru'c I'oisal, helping; survey
on JMurray road 6.00
Ur. Ii. l.. Cummins, inebriate J.
Cattle Profits
depend on tlie number of head you can run to tlie
acre, and cost per acre. We are selling irrigated hay
meadows that will pasture two head per acre, also
close to Natural Forest Reserves pasture, perpetual
paid up water rights no failure. No winter feed
ing, no blizzards. Land would raise double the aver
age of Cass county in small grains. Fine for pota
toes, alfalfa, el c. . Price, $30 to $35 per acre; good
terms. To fifteen buyers wre have shown we have
sold eleven of them. If interested write me.
Springfield Nebraska
Bank of Kagle, Advance money
concrete arch work 40.00
.1. Adams, bridge material.... LT.2.00
U. S. McCUcrv, bridge work.. 21.0
C. 11. Spohn. same 6.00
George I'oisal. part payment
concrete arch east of Mur
ray 300.00
The following claims were allowed
on the (icneral fund:
Jahn Hauer, repairs at farm.. 1.70
Weeping Water Kepublican,
printing 3J.31
ii... ii-..! ...... . .. .
ri-m y i un. iiii iu nans- i I o I (
inoiith. account jury Jt.DOjl'11! 1 J 1 o
.1. K. Tnev. in i i so to f.irm UR '
Hoard al jou rued to meet Tuesdav,
November 4, ii:i.
L. c. MOKOAN. County Clerk.
15 and i'J married than ten or
twenty years ago, while the ier
eenlage of men between 20 and
2i who are married increased
from i8J0 to 1900 by 15 per cent.
The number of married all told
declined, while the number under
!L i w ho are married increased.
Mr. Ilillenhouse closes his re
marks on the question of promot
ing marriage, especially early
marriage, with sober rellection:
"Willi a declining birth rale
and an increasing death rate
from violence and from disease of
degeneration, such as those of
the heart, arteries, kidneys, which
tend to shorten the extreme span
of life, and with an increasing
number of insane and mental de
fectives, the American people
have every reason to be keenly
interested in the Mudy and ap
plication of the vital problems iu
oled in the two questions re
1 erred to above, and especially in
the s-eicnee of eugenics."
The deelopmenls in the
Mexican situation during the
past day or two, are likely to
proc to be a severe strain on the
patience of the powers at Wash
ington. That the breaking point
has been alumst readied is clear
ly evident from the plain note of
warning that has b'en sent to
llureta by President Wilson, and
il is possible that on some line
October morning the American
people will wake up to find
themselves headed for the city of
Mexico. Provisional President
Iluerla has sent the Mexican
congress to prison and has pro
claimed himself dictator of the
country. This means that the
constitution and the law of
Mexico have been suspended, and
that the rights of the people are
subject to the will and the de
decrees of this one man. The
government, if' it can be so
designated, is one of force and
gun-powder, and it can be main
tained only so long as the army
ers. including
Americans, who have established circumstances, and the friends 0f M''ti'iasler (u-neral Hon. A. M.
homes in Mexico and have, in the candidates must be salislied ,J,K"kcr"' Senator
i i-..: 1 1. .- i.i ii....... ..ii 1...II..... i i,r.v ...i i.. .... .,..1 ti... Congressmen Maguire, I.obeek
the purpose in view of becoming Journal is not personally ac- aih' Stephens
citizens of the country. Under quainted with Judge Uegley, but ri,c,',v,Hl
the construction placed upon the from what we are able to learn,
Monroe doctrine, the duty of he is well qualified for the posi-
I....I.- ii t : r..n . 1 1 :.... i.' ..i.., i. ..i.. t),.,ii,. savs Hon. John A. Mauuire is
iun-cniio iuct; iUi CIIH IS Itill I iivii. iiuiu vi in. i. ouupi. innj
pule popular" among his col
I M I ...... t
. . . . i j. u. , ui, ..iiiit;
oilier days lliere James Kobertson. same
C 1. Quinton, same
.lob n W'nl If, same
William Schneider, same ......
M. Archer, Slate vs. Tom Martin
C. 1 . Quinlou, san e
M. Archer, State vs. Jack Hcr
ren. John Wolfe
C. I . Amnion, sail e
M. Arcner, -tate vs. Win. Crawford
l.. tjuinton. same
lr. I-.. 1 . ummius, im-anu r .
.1. M. l-i-vda. same
James Kobertson, same
lies with the packers and not with t i. uninton. same
I.Mrs. Mary Sieczkowski. same..
the farmers. The loss that farm- Ml-. -N !l"? ""iv1' ame
IStremht At StrciKht. niilse to
ers stiller from not having a locall county farm .. . . .... ...
x m i in ei ny i u m i i 1 1 1 k v v . .
market for single animals at any scpoVi,eVldlen,tU,'''Uor, ,0""ty
time has been so great that they James Ketai, brooms to court
. Schneider, postage
M. Suennichsi ii. ie;oi t of
births and deaths
Arthur Slander, same
. 10. Hand, same
ones, same
(JeorRe Keltter, same
I . I. Clements, same
the local but elier, more than any- tTme'"?. : : .' V.
thing else, that has caused the 1;;.',: '"V,,;-; ;;;;;;;
W. A. Tulene, same
H. F. Kropp, same
Mrs. Park Chris wisser. Slate vs.
1". Chrisv.isser
A. J. Snyder, for recording w ar
rant v ileeil
C Ij. Ileebner, salary and mile
K ti. Lrson, work at county
John liauer, auto livery to com
Or. I?. K. Krendel, medicine and
servic-s to Jim calmer
The following claims were allowed on
the road funds:
J. C. Xiday, road work, road
district No 11 S 1J0.4 0
.1. Adams, same, Xo. 1 H 10. IS
. h . Sevl.ert, same. No. L' 70. SO
I?en Heckman, same. No. 10.... 3!t.l'0
('has i. Mailey, same, N'. 15.. :;.00
I. II. Latroin, same. No. 1 . . . . M.OO
Walter Hyers. same. No. '7.... Mt.'iO
I. I Wchrbein. same. No. 1.... 51.00
iiimLh wi.tfill . .IV.. 11 I.. i!iiwn mii:il I
ll..ll. i I 1 1 U I I l..7. Hi 1 IIITV l.l ... l j
products, except those who can
do so by making it their special )- '-v ' a"j';
business. It is the crushing of
meat shortage. World -lie raid.
Henry It. tiering penl several
.otick uv it i:ki;h bus s.u.ii
lu the Iilrlet Court In mi il for t'aaa
Cuuut), Nrbranka.
8.00 I Anna Amelia Monroe,
oo I'laintiu,
fi.r-ol vs.
i.72 Arratha Stiill, Widow of John Frederick
3.40 6tull. deceased, et al..
1.40 Defendants.
4.30 Notice is liereby triven that under
4.38 and by virtue of a decree of tlie liis-
trict Court in and for Cass Countv. Ne-
l.3." biaska. entered in the above entitled
l.9Jrause on the 17th day of September, A.
J. lyi.s, the unciersitrned sole releree.
4.jn will, on the 1st day of November. A.
G.isO 1. 1313, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at tlie south
front door of the Court House, in the
S.O0City of 1'lattsmoiith. Cass Countv, Ne-
.iio braska, sell at public auction to the
7:1 I highest bidder for cash the following
1 . 02 I described real eslat-, to-wit:
H The east half ill'A) of the northwest
IU I quarter (NWU and the east half
.I-.'.- of tlie southwest o.uarter tsWi i
'J. 00 of .Section two 3). Township twelve
1'), Kane-thirteen (l:u: lot four (4i
in Section thirty-six (30). Townshin
1J.0O thirteen (13), Hant;e thirteen 13). and
an ot lot three (3;, in Section six ,
. ,i luwnsni i twelve ii: . i:a litre ronr-
10.51 I teen (14. lying west of the risrht-of-
way ot tlie u. A: .m. railroad, and ail
l."..fi5 that iart of lot three 3, in Sec-tion
3.7.1 six (lit, lownship twelve (1, Kanije
7.1 I tourteen 114), lying east of the said
il riglit-of-way, which lies north of tlie
1,1 1 i'l I'liu yji I Uliri l I III Illt'Uict I ' V IMIIlll Ot
3.00 p-wnl low l'oint, all in Cass County,
4 .0.1 Nebraska.
'- I The above des-erlbed lnml -will lie
sold subject to the life use of Agatha
Stull, widow of John Frederick Stull,
deceased, in and to fifteen 11 acres
in tlie said east half (KVi) of the
northwest ouarter N W ' 1 and the east
half (K2 of the southwest ouarter
iSW'il of Section two C't. Townsbio
twelve til'). Kauere thirteen 13l. in-
(illdln I lie mil ilinirx. m r i.nn un.l
i . uu i trrove thereon. and a riirht-of-wa v
twentv (L'Ol feet Wiile therein.
oO.OO Sail fifteen (1.1) acres and the rlirbt-
oi-wav are oesiirnarei: nv siuuok spt
lo.uuiut the corners thereof and will be de
scribed in the deed to purchaser by
metes and bounds.
saul sale will be held onen for one
Hated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this
tn uay ot repiemn-r. a. i . iyi..
C. II. TAYliin;, Keferce.
hearing upon said account and
petition set down by said Court
for the 28th day of October, 191. "J.
at 10 o'clock a. m., when any and
all persons interested in said
estate may contest said account
and petition.
Dated this 20lh day of Oclo-
County JudKe.
FOR SALE A two-sealed top
carriage. Write J. V. Fargo,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 10-2-i-tfd&w
.MOOJ AOJJ 'plIOUlAUH '.woijdu
'M1MI S!M J lu.idiinj piid)p!
j o.bjij pitijuo uioq -o uo
'.jisM.iiin jruioy uuijotu
!'! pt'jJi;d,.p pJUAV 'V 1IJJ.JALI
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Foster anl
little daughters came up from
Union Saturday evening and
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. (I. Larson, returning
home this morning".
2. 10
1 .00
William Stohlmari, the worthy
democrat from Center precinct,
was in the city today for a few
hours visiting his friends and
looking after some matters of
oo I
ii.. .. i;.,iif C. F. allery. same. No. 1 1.0.40
in; "U? ' "lln""J I Thn f.illmvinL- .-l:iim was :illnwi-il .ill
by these
statesmen and Wined and dined
John A. Maguire
luiiini.'ililn the Commissioners Koad luini:
llOilOl clOlt I I. . ,,., '1, .-...
All persons interested in the
estale ti cnristiaii Sloenr, de
ceased, now pending in the Coun-
s ioreigners lan
upon the United Stales, when- told us himself, he will remove
l . i Ifl,i- - r orema ii, J i ., same
ever Mexico fails to protect them, to IMaltsmouth, and Cass county leagues, and is considered one of ,., Bennett same
I Iii ii i i r ii. ! - IiO.vks, samt
ine auiesL iin'inner jiimii un-
:.r.'lif I 'n til ill i.K i o nrv nis-
omen . . . ... ., ,.;7 .,0
. i i lie niiiMH inii t-i:iiniN teie iiiitineii mi i i v i .inn- i i i .;iww i iinnit' i
otiii nf I Iiimii. All". I l'rln I .. ...,'..!. ..." .. r I "
" ..-.. ( imp in eiiMire i t u. . . . . ... . .
s.fio i in iiMni, iiici iii-rcjij iioiiiieu uiut.
-i;.ioa linal account and petition for
I final settlement, of said estate
iciio has been made and tiled and a
Samuel llardnock, road work.
O. J. Kitzel. same
C. I. Foreman, sr., same
Henry Miller, same
C. r. Foreman, jr., same
And the time seems near at handhvill still retain the judgeship, for
when the United Stales must go the unexpired term, at least.
to their rescue, and not only to :o;
their rescue, but slay by them Now this is what we call worth
until Mexico shall become as safe while the way Minnesota ex-
a place for white men to live as peels to encourage its farming,
is Nebraska. We don't like war, Have you beard about it? Well,
west. Mr. tiering is positive Mr.
Maguire will be a candidate for
William Weber, jr., came in
yesterday from Staples, Min
nesota, ami will visit here with
his parents and other relatives
for a few days. This is Will's
lirsL trip home, in two years and
his visit is much enioved bv
both him and his many friends.
J. It. Hehrns and family of Ne
bawka motored to this city Sat
urday and spent Ui. day visiting
with friends and attending to
I heir week-end shopping. Ir.
Behrn.s was a pleasant caller at
this oiiiee, and while here had his
yubscrip! ion extended for an
ofln r year.
A. O. Hamge and wife drove in
this morning from their home.
south of this city, and in com
pany with Mrs. Fred Hamge, they
were passengers This niornintr
for Omaha, where they will spend
the day.
Joe Vickers. same
Kobert Hamilton, same .
Kov IJennett, same
Ch;is 1 mr weison. sumo .
The following claims were allowed on
the brblce fund:
Tlie Nebraska Construction Co.,
bridge woric 9ll.M
Yates l.umhcr ifc Coal Co.. bride
. 4 .1
4j. 15
We see it stated in one of the Trrbn i:o..t. bridge work
III. Kce otsz. same ....
v..i......l-.. i';i. ...!..... ili-il Him l.i. n. Ivttrom. bridge material..
u.-A .c . ... ... rarmt.s J,,,,,,!..-!- and
i ... -r t .. In.:. n. :i: 1 1. I 1 1.. ........ W l.ii.C.t. ; . . . -i 1 1 . I ii-:i i t I Implement Co., bridge ma-
jjui ii we nae io, we su, gne un is me wav oim; luniiiiai itu o"-"c'; . 'ji,uic "i f
'em hell. the scheme tells it and it is cer- for United Stales Marchal. H iVy
:o: I tainly worth the test of ever;
if., l..... l .......I f II... ...... i. U. C. MOKOAX. County Clerk
111' 1 1 cl llt.1 11 11UMI1. II . .... i".
091.. 16
'Z . 20
The points on which emphasis state: "Very soon an expert force
should be laid are, in general the of 125 teachers, the livest wires
fact that the local merchant has on modern farming that the stale
the goods and is iu a position to can liud, together with as many
supply all of the needs of the volunteers as can be drawn in,
consumer; the fact that the order will go through Minnesota's 1000
can be received much more quick- townships organizing each one
ly, and the shipment made and into an outdoor school for grown
the article received likewise more ups, with lectures, meetings,
expeditiously,' than if the order demonstrations, prize contests
must go hundreds of miles, to be and anything which will help to
handled with thousands of others, stimulate the right use of the
and be in time filled by a ship- soil. Moreover in each of Min
ment which must iu turn come nesola's more than seventy coun
back the same long route; that ties there is to be put into motion
the telephone can reach the locat a systematic course of continuous
man even quicker than a niail-or- instruction in the science of phil
der, and that orders in that way osophy of farm life, with stan
will receive prompt attention; dard crop centers showing Hie fo
that the consumer will receive the gies how. The learning in the
benefit iu the price of the lower college is not to be kept locked up
cost of delivery of the local over iu books and pamphlets and
the foreign concern; that he can bulletins but is to be shoved by
establish credit relations, even if human enthusiasm right down
he has not already done so, with the throats of the entire popula
the local merchants, avoiding the lion. Minesota is one of our
annoyance and inconvenience of states which is doing right well
a eash remittance with every or- in its fanning-, as farming goes
der sent out of the community; iu this country. Hut the fact
and, finally, the necessity of the that in effete Europe three bush-co-operation
of all in order to els are grown on an equal area
build up a prosperous town and to our one and that we need that
country, and the Inevitably dis- extra two bushels as badly as any
sastrous effect of tearing down at nation on the map, justifies more
home in order to build up abroad, pressure, don't you think so?'
tellliarv. and tone ll IS UtllV lOl Plattsmouth. Neb.. Oct.
I t . . .1 ..1 tist mi fw iiuni to :nl ion rnniont
tlie letier anu Was Illglliy com-I wi,n all members present, wnen the 101
... . .i I lowing business was transacted in leg
tiiiiniioil lit. li:iv; serveil 1 Ii ree I ..i-. r 1..1111:
I in the matter of bids received in the
terms Ul the legislature and per- meeting of October 7. l!li:i. for the c.n-
, I struction of an K-foot and r.'-foot con
formed the dtllies fearlessly andj.rete arch in the City of I'lattsmouth,
. .. , Ion moiion, an on is .-.t-ic i.-.n-ii....
f -i i I li f 1 1 1 1 - In ft, ..I I im .!'. 1 .oiil iirll I I iv I'itz :i ml secojuled bv Ileeb
' I .,. Hmt lin Commissioners nroceed to
WOtlld do Ilis dllly eHiciently audi procure the services of an architect to
I draw idans and specifications for build-
iiouorab y wiierever ne is piaceu. ine a .oumy jan. ---
J I Koail petition from W. A. Cole and
..( lifts receiveo for a roan as lonows
Commencing at a point 37.1 feet east of
tlie center line of Section l. township
10. Kantre ll. on me iniouc iiiimay,
. i, ....... in .a sout heasterly oirecuoii to
the north side of the right-of-way of
the Missouri l'acille Ky., thence along
the north side of said right-of-way to
Hie point, wjicre ine i.incoiii ni-.-iin-u oi
said raiiwav irmrs no. ni.i uu m
......ihpuslrriv direction on the north
side of said right-of-way. and terminal -
in"- at a point wnere ine t.uicoiii niitui-u
inrerseifs the public highway at the
umithcast corner of the N W or the
Out in Custer county it is said,
the other day an automobile came
up behind a .man with a team who
refused to give the road so he
could pass. When the oppor
tunity olfered. the man in the
automobile Who proved to be the sW-i of Section . Township 10. Kane
On motion the above petition was
sheriff, stopped bis machine, ar- r(.fsed. , ....
. Countv attoimev and county clerk in
fested the mail for not glVlllg strinted" to examine bond ami contract
of II B Wedding, to whom was awarded
half the road as the law requires, lne general contract for rebuilding the
,,r house at poor larm ami pass upon
and had him fined $i5.00. feerv- same.
...,.li- Trimsnirr Was this lav I II -
.i.l I.;.... I .....I m:i rlilo I o I ..i ...... i l. In ti'iiiisfer the sum of 11.-
. u ... ,,, x.p..., ..,! i..-. 373.13 : from tho county g;neral fund to
fund of road district No. L'7. Cass Coun
ty. Nebraskiu
Chalk that lie gives half the road the commissioners' road tun.l. and als
I to transfer the sum of J1.7...1- lion
III., iinvl limo I the commissioners' road fund to Hi
The Egyptians are eating b- n'r.f;'"; work, road di
custs and the French are eating -' t t No 2
Peter Mick, same. No. !....
These are tlark days . for I c. K. 1"".' n;;
the American beef trust.
A. I. Hiro, macKsmiin ui n.
roan oisiticl .mi. o ......
.V. I. Bird, road drag, road dis-
. ..!- l.i .
"" - ; 1
IS. 00
4 .00
21 .00
11. 6S
Hurry up, gentlemen, and pass Mick . wor. k-. .;OH ') 4S.20
e currency bill, and then ad- r der M Co..
urn. come home and get ac- trArA "i2t '," 'nLW w.'n'k'. Vo'ad
journ, come home ami
quainted with your
c" ....... .r. M.iisal. road work, roail
r m.rl district io. t
Tho following claims were alloweii
on the briage iuno:
II. S. McCleery, bridge worl..
Don t' Miff r iLiiigiir!
Don't try us as a last re
sort, but try us as a first
resort, and you will never
be disappointed.
In acute cases our re
sults are marvelous, quick
and positive.
The accompaning illustration
depicts a human spinal column,
surmounted with the grandest
handiwork of the Creator, the
head, through which passes a
conduit the spinal cord carry
ing the vital force Life.
Two sections of the column
are enlarged, showing two nerves
leaving the spinal cord on their
way to some organ within the
body. See the difference in the
size of the nerves. The large
one is the health-giving one; the
small one disease in tho organ
in which it ends. If you are suf
fering or ailing, you have one of
these, caused by luxation of the
vertebrae. Let us fix this trou
ble before you become a chronic
sufferer; if your trouble is already
chronic, we can still conquer it.
mVUlIllllUllVJU U11U VUllCUILailUM
free. If trouble is not within our
line or ability we tell you so.
Two Blocks North of the Catholic Church