The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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c .
Sanbrirat lot of.-iadi
: and.
Bought from an Eastern Concern
all of which will be sold at an exceptionally
low price to clean them up rapidly
Ladies' Shirts, worth
Ladies' Shirts, worth
Ladies' Shirts, worth
Ladies' Goats, worth from $12 to $15, will be sold at $7.40
Children's Goats, a small lot, will go at.. $1.98
These prices will prevail as long as the present stock lasts, but
the early buyer secures the pick of the bargains. Calf early.
V. ZUCKER, Manager. Plaitsmouth, Nebr.
Bad Runaway Saturday Results
in Injury to Horse Belong
ing to E. A. VVurl.
A very lively runaway occurred
lale Saturday afternoon which
inifiht have resulted seriously to
the parties driving the different !
team, hut the only damage done
was to one of the horses belong
ing to the delivery team of E. A.
Wuii and the damage to the
buggy of Will Jean.
. Mr. Jean had started from the
city for his home, a few miles
southwest of this place, driving
his team, which was rather
.spirited, and when they were out
1 1 n i
Say! Since Mary Ann failed to
land her feller, she's took to study
ing French and she parle vobs enough
to give ye' the shakes She says en
core is pronounced a g-core, and I
ast her what is French for apple
core an' she is still chasing me with
a stick. Encore means "COME
AGAIN," so now I am going to be
polite an' ask you all to encore when
you are tradin' at our store. I think
it surely will make- a hit. OUCH!
(That was the boss hit me just now
and said fer me to talk less and say
more!) All right! This cold snap
makes one think of the nice, , warm
bed comforts and blankets that we
have on sale now and our 5. line of
warm fleece lined underwear is su
perb. If you wear them, your fuel
bill will be cut in two. We invite in
spection and will be glad to serve you.
I iHia-IiUili
up to $3, will bo sold at.......
up to $6, will he sold at. ..
up to $10, will be sold at ..
on Chicago avenue the horses be- injured animal was brought to
came frightened and turned town by the driver and Dr. O.
around, in which process Mr. Sandin, the veterinary, summon
Jean was thrown out, but for- id, who sewed up the wound and
tunately, not . seriously injured, it is thought that the horse can
The team then started to run be saved.
back, to town,, and running up It is almost a miracle that Mr.
Sixth street, turned out on Wash- Jean or the driver of the delivery
ington avenue and ran out as far wagon were not seriously injured
as the Masonic Home, turning as a result of the runaway and
down the;street and continuing mix-up, and they should be
its wild flight up that thorough
fare. The delivery wagon of E. A.
Wuii, driven . by Cyril Janda, jr.,
had just come around the corner
by the K. S. hall, and the driver,
hearing the approach of the run
away team, turned out, but the
frightened runaways dashed
straight for the team of Mr. Wurl
and the tongue of the buggy was
buried in the breast of one of the
horses on the delivery wagon,
making a very severe wound.
This checked the course of the
runaway, but the buggy was
badly damaged, in addition to the
severe injury to the horse. The
qs' Starts
thankful for their escape.
Avoid Sedative Cought Medicines.
If you want to contribute di
rectly to the . occurrence of
capillary bronchitis and pneu
monia, use cough medicines that
contain codine, morphine, heroin
and other. sedatives when you
have a cough or cold. An ex
pectorant, like Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is what is needed.
That cleans out the culture beds
or breeding place for the germs
of pneumonia and other germ
diseases. . That is why pneu
monia never results from a cold
when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is used.. It has a world
wide reputation for its cures.
It contains no morphine or other
sedative. For sale by all dealers.
Despite the bitter cold wind
and the wintery aspect of the
day, quite a number of the dyed
in-t he-wool fans gathered yes
terday afternoon at the Booster
ball park to witness the contest
between the Boosters and the
Falls City team, and although the
cold weather interfered to a
large extent with good playing,
it was a close contest, being
finally 'eopped"-by the visitors
by a score'of 9 to 8. The' game
was marked by a great deal of
"crabbing" on the part of some
of the : visitors,- but outside of
that the game ran ;along very
smoothly. Connor - was in fine
form and' in spite of the cold
pitched a .good game of ball.
Plattsmouth had a new figure in
the line-up in the person of J.
Neitzel, who caught for the
locals, and his initial appearance
was one that made a hit with the
fans, as be possesses much steam
and is able Jo deliver the ball
around the bases swiftly and ac
curately. This will be the last
game of the season, in all proba
bilities, as the cold weather
makes it almost impossible to
play base ball, and the season
would have closed before but for
the ; Insistence of the fans on
having it' continued. ,
Eczema and itching Cured.
The Soothing, healing medica
OINTMENT penetrates every tiny
pore of the skin, of all
impurities stops itching in
stantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment is guaranteed to
9pe,edily heal eczema, rashes,
ringworm, tetter and other un
sightly eruptions. Eczema Oint
ment is a doctor's prescription,
not an experiment. All druggists
or by mail, 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical
Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis.
Paint and Oils.
'Phone 38.
Goring' & Co.
Haviny been fortunate enough
to secure for the amusement
loving public of Plattsmouth that
excellent attraction, "Baby
Mine," I desire to state that this
will be one of the best attracT
tions that will appear here this
season. The production is one
of the William A. Brady attrac
tions and first-class in every re
spect and one of the best that, is
on the road this season. - I have
been promised a number of these
high-class shows of Mr. Brady's
providing that the patronage of
the public will warrant their
coming hero," and if the attend
ance at "Baby Mine" will be suf
ficient to assure the manager of
these shows that the people of
Plattsmouth desire first-class at
tractions they ran lift brought to
this city, but it will depend
largely upon-the showing made
at the show tomorrow night, and
I urge all those who. desire to
have only the best attractions to
attend. This show is first-class
in every respect ami I personally
guarantee that it will be most
satisfactory to the play-goers,
and one of the best that can be
seen in any large city.
: ' R. M. Shlaes,
Manager Parmele Theater.
A Marvelous Escape.
"My little boy had a marvelous
escape," writes P. F. Basliams of
Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope.
"It occurred in the middle of the
night.' He got a very severe at
tack of croup. As luck would have
it, I had a large bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in. the
house. After-following the di
rections for an hour and twenty
minutes he ...was through all
danger." Sold by all dealers.
Engaged in Work at Clarks.
Edward Mason of this city is
engaged at present in some car
penter work at Clarks, Nebraska,
having secured a contract there
for some work which will require
a few weeks to complete. Mr.
Mason is an' experienced car
penter arid those who secure him
to do their work will find that
they have the right man in the
right place arid that the work
turned out by!Mr. Mason will be
most satisfactory.
The Modern Woodmen of
America will : hold a class adop
tion and initiation at their hall on
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
The lodge here will on that even
ing have the pleasure of having
with them State Deputy E. E.
Kester of Linconn, who will bring
with him his" slides for an il
lustrated lecture-on the Modern
Woodman home at Colorado
Springs, Colorado, which w ill be
a very pleasing feature of the
evening. Deputy Woodley, who
has been working here in the in
terest of the order, has secured a
large number of members for the
cdass and a real old-time meeting
full of enthusiasm is looked for
ward to by the members of Cass
Camp No. 332. A general good
time will be enjoyed by the mem
bership, in addition to the routine
business of the lodge.
Women Who Get Dizzy-
; Every woman w-ho Is troubled
With fainting and dizzy spells,
backache, headache, weakness,
debility, constipation or kidney
troubles should use Electric Bit
ters. They give relief when noth
ing else will, improve the health,
adding strength and vigor from
the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines,
of Avoca, La., says: "Four. doc
tors had given me up and my
children and all my friends were
looking for me to die, when my
son insisted that I use Electric
Bitters. I did so, and they have
done me a world of good." Just
try them. 50c and $1.00, at all
druggists or by mail. H. E. Buck
len & Co., Philadelphia or St.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball'
Satarrb Cure. . .
S. J, CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
We, ihe undersigned.'' . hare known F. J.
Cheney for tBe last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able tt carry out any obligation!
Blade bx his firm.
Toledo, Ohio.
rr.H'. r"..i-r-h r-rrr i tnVrn Internally, actlna
tftrecttr upou-Tbe blddoT aniTTaiucnus r Vurfaces of
be system. Testimonials sept free. frtca ja
cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. q
Tak Hall's Family Fills tor consUpaUoav
The Fight Is Still On.
No appointment ' to fill the
vacancy on the Second district
bench has yet been made by Gov
ernor Morehead and he is still
being beseiged every day by can
didates for the place and others
interested in the selection.
Among the callers yesterday aft
ernoon were I). O. Dwyer of
Plaitsmouth and W. W. Wilson
of Nebraska' City, both seeking
appointment. Mr. Dwyer was' at
the governor's-oftiee'at 8 o'clock,
half an hour " before Mr. More
head himself.. A delegation of
Plattsmouth men opposing
Dwyer also walked into the office
about the same time. The meet
ing was unexpected on both sides.
Later, Governor Morehead reach
ed the office and gave Dwyer an
interview The latter wanted to
be present, . when his opponents
talked, but was ruled out. The
party . of ant i-Dvyer men com
prised T. II. . Pollock, . H. A.
Schneider, J. P. Failer and H. C.
Parmele. Sunday's Omaha Daily
The Family Cough Medicine.
In' every home there should be
a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery, ready for immediate use
when any member of the family
contracts a cold or a cough.
Prompt use will stop the spread
of sickness. S- A. Slid, of Ma
son, Mich., writes: "My whole
family depends upon Dr. King's
New Discovery as the best cough
and cold medicine in the world.
Two 50c bottles cured me of
pneumonia." Thousands of other
families have been equally bene
fited and depend entirely upon
Dr. King's New Discovery to cure
their coughs, colds, throat and
lung troubles. Every dose helps.
Price, 50c and $1.00- All drug
gists. II. E. Bucklen & Co.,
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Miss Marie Kaufmarin of this
citv who has designed a pin for
trained nurses has just closed
deal with the S. W. Bassett com
pany, of Providence, Rhode Is
land, for the -manufacture of the
nins which will fill a loner felt
want for an. emblem of this kind
The pin is an 'article of great
beauty having a gold border, in
terlined with a red enameled line
enclosing' an engraved picture of
the nurse in white and . blue
This the emblem embodies the
national colors and makes
most, beautiful and neat pin, that
will make any nurse prom
to wear. The pin is marie am
sold by the S. W. Bassett com
pany exclusively or they can be
ordered direct from Miss Kauf
man in this city. The price of
the solid gold pin is $2.50 each
.. i j... i. ..nltnrl nliln 6 1 or.
clllil lJl 111C l I'll (711 'lliv
each. The jewelry firm of J. W
Crabill in this city will have a
number of the Pins in a short
time where they can be purchas
ed by all those desiring them.
Chronic Dyspepsia.
The following unsolicited testi
monial should certainly be suf
ficient to give hope and courage
to persons afflicted with chronic
vcnuncin "I have been a
chronic dyspeptic for years, and
of all the medicine I have taken,
Chamberlain's Tablets have done
me more good than anything
else," says W. G. Mattison, No. 7
Sherman St., Hornellsville, N- Y.
For sale by all dealers.
For Sale.
Buff Orpingtons some fine
pullets and cockerels. Inquire
of J. M. Young, Upper Chicago
Ave. Phone 499. 9-17-tfd
They Make You Feel Good.
Thfl nleasant purgative effect
produced by Chamberlain's Tab
lets and the healthy condition of
body and mind which they create
make one feel joyful. j?orsaieuy
all dealers.
Trv a sack of Forest nose flour.
Your money refunded if not satis
$10.00 Reward.
; For any information leading to
the nrrest of party or parties,
taking electric light -globes from
Gem and Grand tneaters.
it '
Yesterday the first forerunner
of the winter season made its
appearance in this city, when the
cold and biting winds swept
down from the northwest and
made the citizens dig up their
heavy winter coats and clothing.
The wind was most intense and
piercing and finally brought up
with a sprinkling of snow about
11 o'clock yesterday morning, but
it. lasted only a few -minutes and
did not even make a showing.
The weather this-- morning was
fine and bracing, with the tem
perature a few. degrees below the
freezing point, and it made the
average person long for a warm
er climate and wish that some of
the hot weather of last .summer
had been bottled up for use.
Whereas, The Mayor and City
Cuncil of the City of Platts
mouth, recognize in the Platts
mouth Turn Verein and its mem
bers the splendid purposes of the
organization' and the sterling
quality of the German character;
Whereas, The Plattsmouth
Turn Verein have made splendid
improvements in the remodeling
and construction of their home.
Therefore,- lie R Resolved, by
unanimous vote of the City Coun
cil of the City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, that we ; congratulate
the Plattsmouth Turn Verein up
on its improvements and the
sterling quality of its member
ship; and Be It Further
Resolved, That the Mayor and
City Council of the1 City of Platts
mouth express to this Associa
tion and its members our highest
appreciation for what it has ac
complished in this city; and lie
It Further '
Resolved, That we desire 16 ex
press our heartiest welcome to
any and all visiting members of
the Turn Verein wherever they
may reside; and Be It Further
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be signed by the
Mayor and City Clerk of the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;.-and a
copy, thereof presented to the
Plattsmouth Turn Verein on its
annual German Day celebration;
and a copy of the same furnished
to the press of the cityand the
same he spread upon, me min
utes of the City Council.
Attest: :
B. G, WURL, City Clerk.
Dance at K. S. Hall.
St. Aenes Soda ity will give a
social dance at K. S. hall
Wednesday night. October 22.
Good music and a good time as
sured to all who attend.
Has Mr. Gus Schlieske forgot
ten that, fhe countv and my
brother have supported his five Wyoming, who has been here for
children for 13 months? He has a few days visiting his sister,
been back home for one year and Mrs. William Hunter and family,
treats me mean'' in every " way. departed this ' morning Tor his
Never gave any money at all and home in Wyoming,
all the business people know I Fred Nolting and fhildren were
have alwavs paid my bills. If I in the metropolis yesterday
didn't work daily my children and spending the day with Mrs. Nolt
I would not have our home. ng at the hospital, where she is
Mrs. Ida Schlieske. improving rapidly frpm here re
; 10-.20-3td cent operation. ' .
Henry Trout .' departed ., t.hf
The Junior Guild to Meet. morning for North .Platfe, Neb.,
The Junior Guild of St. Luke's where he will kill two birds with
parish will hold their regular
meeting on Wednesday evening
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. his brother mere. ...
and Mrs. J. H. Donnelly, and all L. H. Hall came, in yesterday
the members are urged to be morning from his farm near My
nresent and take part in the hard and departed on the early
Miss Gussie, arrived triaay
w, niiiino-a Mnntana. where
they have been for some time on
an extended visit with relatives,
and they will make their home in
the future at the Hotel Riley,
which Mr. Robb has taken con-
troj cf
. plis, Minnesota, is m me cuy ior
For Sale. .a few. days visiting at the home
My residence on Main and 8th of his cousin, Miss Olive Gass.
streets with 88-foot rrontage on
Main street. New hard-wood
floors in all rooms and closets.
hnt water heating
plant new high-grade plumbing
throughout witn connection. .10
city sewer. . . -
50-barrel cistern. . -
Cellar under entire house, with
arge laundry, furnace room,
fruit" cellar, etc.; all concrete
Large garage; concerte waiKsji
everything complete and. in iirst-jn,
class condition.- ; - 1
Can ffive possession by Janu-
ary 1st or sooner if desired.
Inquire of T. H. pouoc.
- - - - -
Duy your fancy .Utlonery at
the Journal office. v
Local News
Cam Seybert of Louisville came
down yesterday and visited here
for the day, looking after mat
ters of business. "
Hugh M. Robb and wife, of
Wyoming, Nebraska, visited in
this city yesterday foi the day
with Mr, Robb's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mont Robb, 1 ...
William Wohlfarth of. near
Mynard was here Saturday and
Sunday taking in the big German
Day celebration and visiting with
his friends.
.William Eastern of Benson and
J, C. Ravith of Manley were in the
city today for a few hours look
ing after business matters in
county court. .
' Baltz Yolk of Pekin, Ili.nois,
who has been here 'attending the
funeral services .of his mother,
Mrs.' Peter Yolk, departed Satur
day on No. 2 for his home.
G. P. Heil and. family of near
Cedar Creek were in the city Sat
urday taking in. the. big German
Day celebration and .in attend
ing to the week-end shopping.
J. E. Johnson, trainmaster of
the Omaha division of the Bur
lington, was in the city today for
a few hours looking, after, com
pany business.
Mrs. Mary Weckbach of Lin
coln, who was here in attendance
at the. funeral of the late F. It.
Guthmann, returned home, last
evening on the Missouri Pacific.
Miss'Josie Ulrich returned to
Omaha last evening after an
over' Sunday visit, here, wit h hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ulrich. '. .
' Father ' William' Higgin.s ,of
Manley returned hoirte this morn
ing, after a short visifhere With
his friend, Rev. Father M, A.
Dr. Charles Kennedy, wife and
little son ' of Omaha were" oyer
Sunday visitors in this city, be
ing guests of Mr. Kennedy's
mother, Mrs. E. W. Kennedy. .
L. Dose was a passenger yes
terday for Glenwood,. where, he
visited over Sunday with friends,
returning homo this morning on
No. is. ;
Adam Hild of near Mynard
was in the city Saturday attend
ing the German: Day festivities
and visiting with his many
friends. ' ,
II. T. Batton, Harry Messer
smitK arid Herman Tiekotter re
turned this afternoon from
Broken Bow, where they .have
been registering .for' the land
drawing at that place'. . ; ,.
Charles Amick' departed I ' this
morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, from where he
goes to Tekamah, Nebraska, to
visit his brother, Tom, for a few
days. , .
Mrs. Harry Huffer of Ilavelock,
who has been Visiting at thq
home of Mr. and Mrs, A.'L. IIuC-l
fer, hear Mynard, for a few days,
departed yesterday afternoon for
her home. ' ' ' ' "
Julius Bock of Newcastle,
one sione, ny registering ai. iw
land drawing, as well as to visit
uuriinKiou nam . iui v."1..''
I w here ne spent tne aay w jin nis
wife at the hospital. ... . ,
miss uusmc jveeitrr oi ..""""
was an over Sunday .' visitor in
this city, being a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Tartsdh, returning to her home
last evening over the Missouri
C. li. Wintereieen or Minneap-
my ritj jjossuibcis i.h
ing on No. 15 for Omaha, wnere
they visited for the day.
' J. A. Kawis ana wue oi xnree
Forks, Montana, and N. B. Rawls
aim nu u uuuc, iuu,
i''i,' " 1 u-u...
ana iwrs. u. ct. weru yus.
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where they visited for the day.
' ua"iy.
I JUTS. f. Piiuiiz, ere pas-
sc - iibci im ""'"""n y",u
ta,u uh
".""E!!r v ,1"
; uxv. dauj vup er, m
erood Shape as 'A Bar-
a"1 J f L . L". r. "
giVeaTwItB $tove,TTnqvir.alT$e .
Journal 6f9e Call JPhOne Ne.
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