The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1913.
Special Offerings from Our
Dry Goods Department
Bed Comforters, good quality, full size, pure cot
ton filled, good covers, at each, $2.00.
100 pairs Cotton Blankets at, from 50c up to $4.
10 cases Cotton Batts that are all cotton.
20 pieces of Outing Flannel, at, per yard, 81c.
30 pieces of 1921 or 470 Outing Flannel, at per
yard, 10c.
50 pieces Silkoline, Creton, Chally, special selec
tion lor making comforters, at per yard, 10c.
25 pieces of Flannelettes, new patters, well
fleeced just the thing for house dresses, at .per
yard 12c.
Many Remnants to close out from our dress
goods department at a cut price.
Buy your Underwear of us. We sell the Mun
sing the best for the money. Our full stock to
select frcm.
Our Sweaters now on sale.
From Friday's Daily.
In the case of Thomas Jett and
August l'ein, who were charged
witli lighting, and which was set
fur hearing before Judge "Archer
yesterday afternoon, the two
gentlemen appeared before the.
court and secured a continuance
for ten days in order t hat they
might secure evidence material
Finds Cure for Epilepsy
After Years of Suffering
"My daughter was afflicted vrith
epileptic fits for three years, the attacks
coming every few weeks. We employed
several doctors but they did her no
good. About a
year ago w e
heard of Dr.
Miles Nervine,
and it certainly
has proved a
blessing1 to our
little girl. She Is
"j now apparently
enrea ana is en
joying the best
health. It Is
rer a year since
she has had a
fit. We cannot
ppeak too highly
of Dr. Miles Nervine."
Comfrey. Minn.
Thousands of children in the
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy are a
burden and sorrow to their parents,
who would give anything to restore
health to the sufferers.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
is one of the best remedies known
for this affliction. It has proven
beneficial in thousands of cases
and those who have used it have
the greatest faith in it. It is not
a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy
for nervous diseases. You need
not hesitate to give it a trial.
Sold by all Druggists. If the first
bottle fails to benefit your money Is
MILES MEDICAL. CO., Elkhart, Ind.
At Mordocks Racket Store on South Sixth
Street. First Door South of Fricke
Drug Store.
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
October 11th, 13th, and 14th
Ve Avill oilier for Three Days a few articles
that every one needs at greatly reduced prices.
Safety Pins worth 5c at 2 card for .5c
10c box of Hair pins at per box 5c
5c Pearl Buttons at 2 cards for 5c
Seven Spools of thread for 25c
Extra Special on all candies worth 15 and 20c at per lb. . 10c
Stick candy, 12 sticks for 5c
All our 35c chop plates and cake plates go at 24c
Neat cut water pitchers at 22c
All our 25c Fancy Plates go at 19c
10c Crepe Toilet Paper at 4 for , . . - 25c
5c Toilet Paper at 7 for. 25c
We have a few Star cut water jugs worth $1 at 59c
4 large Parlor Lamps worth $1.50 while they last at ... . . .98c
One lot of Embroidery worth up to 20c at 8c
15c tooth powder at. , ' "f :
20c Foot Powder at , .c
- 10f. RriY Snan at ......... ' .-8c
Williams Toilet Soap worth 25c
to their case. The case grew
out. of trouble that occurred in
the Hinrichsen saloon Tuesday
evening, when, during the
absence of the proprietor of the
saloon the two men became in
volved in a controversary which
finally ended in a small - scrap.
There was much difference of
opinion among the bystanders as
to who started the trouble and
how it started and it will require
the argument of the case in court
to settle the question.
From Friday's Daily.
- Last evening the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Zuckweiler was
the scene of a very pleasant
gathering, when the members of
Mrs. I). C. Morgan's Sunday
school class met with their teach
er and their classmate, Dewey
Zuckweiler. The evening was one
filled with much enjoyment and
pleasure and was participated in
by everyone present with a view
of having the time of their lives,
and from all accounts they suc
ceeded. The young folks played
games of various kinds for sev
eral hours until the serving of
some delicious and tempting re
freshments, which the young
folks did ample justice to. Mrs.
Morgan was assisted in entertain
ing the members of the class and
their friends by Miss Catherine
Schrack and Mrs. Zuckweiler.
Those who were present to enjoy
the evening were: Misses Adelia
and Blanche Sayles, Mary Rosen
crans, Muriel Streight, Bessie
Handley, Kleanor Burnie, Elva
Hartford, Burdett Briggs, Dewey
Zuckweiler, Raymond Larson,
Herbert Chriswisser, Carl Wohl
farth, Juno Marshall, Blythe
Rosencrans, William Schmidt
mann. Do you know that the Journal
office carries the finest line of
at per box 15c
; From Friday's Daily.
Cass CaraD No. 332. Modern
'Woodmen of America, held a very
interesting session last evening
at their hall ann haH the nleasnre
of having with them W. C. James
of Omaha, former deputy for this
district, and Curtis E. Bullock of
Lincoln i ho npw Hnntv fnn hi
county, which has been
from the Omaha district and ad -
ded to the Jrirst congressional
aisirici in tne new man or cnvia-
ing the state for the work of the
deputies. There was a large at-
tendance or, tne membership and
everyone felt very enthusiastic
over the outlook for the upbuild-
ing of the order. It was decided
hv ih lnrtr in holrt a r a arlnn
tion on Wednesday evening. Octo-
ber 22. in this city, and the mem
bers of the order, assisted by Mr.
Bullock and Special Deputy" Sam
G. Wood ley. are to be here to try
and secure the largest class that
this flourishing order has ever
in;fnfoH in ii! ti u-firt
of securing the new members will
be started at once and everv effort
V ' a a a a a .7 .a. v.
made to make this the red letter
event in the history of the Wood-
men in this city.
Letter files at the Journal office.
From Friday's Dally.
Ifte work of construction for
the new line of the Nebraska
Lighting company from this city
into Louisville is progressing in
very rapid shape. The gang of
men employed to dig the holes
for the erecting of the poles to
carry the service wires have got-
ten some four miles out of this
city to the west, while the gang
operating from Louisville have
gotten past Cedar Creek coming
east, so that by tonight this
feature of the work should be F. B. Manley and wife of Grand he gets !?i,500 for being a sec
finished and allow the company Island, Nebraska, who have been retarv of the state fair; bv shoot-
to begin the work of erecting the
poles tomorrow, and after this is
carried out there will be little de
lay in getting the service into our
neighboring city and be ready to
carry out all contracts made at
that pace. Mr. Abbott of the
Nebraska Lighting company has
been here the greater part of the
time superintending the work of
extending the lines, both from
this city to Louisville, as well as
from Red Oak into this place. The
work of making the extension has
cost the company quite a sum of of Randolph, Nebraska, who have
money, but they hope to give the been here for a few weeks visit
people of all the towns along ing at the home of Mrs. Bailey's
their lines the best possible
the Journal for calling
Yesterday afternoon August
Havir, employed in the Burling
ton hiackksmith snop, was un
fortunate enough to have a large
chunk of block tin fall on his
right fool, mashing it quite bad
ly, and he will be compelled to
take a rest from his duties.
Anton Hasson, who is employed
as a helper in the brass foundry,
yesterday afternoon dropped a
large piece of brass, winch, lie
was taking witn tne tonges to
put onto a car and the brass
iiiigiuea on one oi ins io-s, wun
the result that the toe will be out
of service for a few days.
This morning Fred Dawson,
while he was working on one of
the new snow plows being turned
out at the shops, slipped from
the plo.w and fell between a pile
of timbers, and as a result was
considerably bruised up, but willj
be able to continue his duties.
Getting Along Nicely.
From Friday's Daily. 'V
W. II. Miller, who was so
fortunate as to cut his foot a few
days ago with a broad-ax, is get-
ting along in good shape and in tin left here about a week ago day, ttie inn, ana on tne ioiiow
a short time will be able to be going to Pacific Junction and ing Sunday afternoon a deeply
around as good as new. It is hence to Omaha where he secured interesting and impressive mem-
quite annoying for Mr. Miller to
have to keen auiet. but his foot
-il! tiav-rt hpnlp.l eiifllrimiftv in n I
around .
FOT1F.ST ROSE- Best, flour tm
the market. Sold bv all leading
Local News
From Saturday's Dall.
P. II. Meisinger came in this
morning1 to look after the week.
end shopping with -the different
1 nomas Ruby and wile and Hl-
lle son wero In tne Clty today for
a few hours attending to some
mailers or business.
Mrs. J. II.
Becker returned this
afternoon from Alvo where she
has been for a few days visiting
- " rc,al,ves and frids.
"""o" a"u "u"'
near Cedar Creek are in the city
today attending to sonio matters
UI""1U1 vuia.
rank Grauf of near Murray
-----i -.uu.i
a u'v iiuurs lOOKing aner &ume
Mrading with the merchants
Jo1" Shiagar of Kenasaw, Ne
hraska, who has been in Iowa
visiting at various points, re-
turncI to ihi cilv last evening
Miss Eleanor I odd came in
,aM evening on :no. z aim win
Vlst "ere over Sunday with her
paretlts at tl,eir home near this
Mrs. E. Ii. Murphy of Arapa
hoe, Neb., arrived in this city
yesterday at noon for a few days'
visit with her sister, Mrs. J. R.
Hunter and family.
Lnoch Moreland, wife and chil-
dren, from south of the city came
up this morning and spent a few
hours here looking after some
business matters.
Corporal Frank Wheeler of
Company Ii Fifth regiment, N. N.
; who has been here attending
the shoot at the rifle range
returned to his home at Nebras-
ka Citv
this afternoon.
George Freidrich
and wife of
Randolph. Nebraska, who have
been here or a few davs visitin
with the families of M. L. Fried
rich and Jacob Tritsch, departed
yesterday for their home
here for a short time visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Smithy departed this morning for
their home over the Burlington,
Mrs. II. E. Andrews and little
daughter, Mina. were passengers
o Sioux City, Iowa, this after-
noon where they will make their
home in the future. Mr. Andrews
is employed in the leading green-
house at that point.
Mrs. O. V. Bailey and children
mother. Mrs. John Seacrraves.
i ' ' i
isoum oi mis cny, departed mis
'morning on the early Burlington
1 m t t 1 1
train for their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn and
Mr. Horn's father, Mr. Oeorge P.
Horn, of the vicinity of Cedar
Greek, were visitors in the city
today. Mr. Henry Born was a
pleasant caller at this office and
ordered the Piattsmouth Journal
sent to Mr. II. Teipel at Creigh-
ton, Neb.
W. II. Heil and daughter,
Mamie, were passengers this
morning on the early Burlington
tram lor omana, wnere iney win
visit for thf day with relatives at
one of the Omaha hospitals. They
drove in from their home near
Ced a r Creek in order to make the
early train
j,. n. Young, one of the leadin:
farmers from the vicinity of Ne-
hawka, came up this morning
from his home and departed over
the Burlington for Coleridge, Ne
braska, where he will visit his
son, J. I. Young, for a short time.
Mrs. Y'ounar has been there for a
fPW weeks visiiinc ami will re
turn home with her husband
Gets Ninety Days.
From Saturday' Uaily.
lesterday Thomas Martin, a
floater who has been here for a
short time was arraigned in Jus
ee Arrher's ronrt. Charred wit 11
... i
I " - l
atteinntintr in beat a board bill
due to Mrs. Julia South. Mar-
employment. He was located by
the local authorities in the met-
pinnlL- nnl Oonufv KhorifT Man-
hronzhf. the centleman back to !
answer to the charge. He was
Uivpn ninety rfavs and costs and
will snend the sentence in the
county jail here. , I
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
flew Forty YearB Ago.
VK mi stnlnlmann O'i'onr
cIothier relurned from the east
xtn.aa tha a
pedestrians can hardlv oass the
door for the rush of clerks un-
nap!:mr h..o- r c,hc
statlelrnann sa he don,t beIieve
. d . tnj , ,
he boufrht out two wholesale
clothing houses in New York, and
h h h shjppod out ,icre
for the benefit of Cass county
The filenwood Opinion and
Lawyer Stinchcoinb have had a
bout" over the Sage trial
Stinch" rather makes the Opin
ion change opinion of Judge
Lake at any rate.
Mayor Kleutsch, of Lincoln,
and Frank Guthman, of IMatts-
mouth, dropped into the Herald
sanctum last week. (Had to hear
of you gentlemen if we were not
tew home" ourselves.
When the editor of this paper
came to lMattsinouth, he is
obliged to confess that he enter
tained no extraordinary exalted
opinion of L). H. Wheeler. If the
fears and follies of the small beer
politicians of this town mav be
taken as a criterion. Mr. Wheeler
must be a great man. Is a rail
road move to be taken, Dan
wheeler is against it we must
fight him. Is a convention to be
held, Dan Wheeler is going to run
it, we must fight Wheeler. Is a
candidate to be selected, the first
question small beer asks is: is
Wheeler for him or against him?
If Wheeler is for him we must
kill him. "Astonishing" as Dom-
inee Sampson says. Instead of
asking if the candidate or dele-
ate is for Wheeler, they ask. is
Wheeler for him? That's wisdom.
By one single turn of the wrist
hng off his mouth, no matter how
foolishly, he seems to scare all
plattsmoulh. He can control the
governor, coerce all the state
board of agricultcre, run all the
county conventions, and curse any
man that
peaks to him or his
family, decentlv and civilv in
piattsmouth, it seems. Let's
make him king. What's the use
nf standing on ceremony? We
nominate D. II. Wheeler for presi-
dent in 187(5. Say. let's make it
emperor, and be done with it.
Death has not only all seas
ons for nis own, nut an ranKs
. i.i.-
of society are
iiiii i ii inn inii.i
alike ruthlessly invaded by his
presence. lot aione does nc
welcome to his cold embrace the
aged and infirm, but he touches
with his poisoned wand the
bloom of infancy and childhood,
and it fades forever away. No;
not forever. Christ has tri
umphed over death, and the dead
shall rise again to bloom in
youth and beauty immortal, be
yond the skies. Mary, youngest
daughter of George and Mary
Pronger. who but a few days ago,
with hor naronls an.1 school-
,,., hHf hpantifnl. inno-
cenl c'hii(1 of but ten years of
nro i,a rmi from them now.
On the afternoon of the Gth inst.,
she was taken (we believe) with
congestive chills. No fears were
entertained for tier safety until
about 0 o'clock p. in. of the fol
lowing Tuesday, when all at once
she complained of her head; ask
ing her father to put his hand
upon it and try to relieve her pain
Saying at tbe same time: "Papa,
I am going to die." The sudden
death of one so young", so ami
able, so interesting and beauti
ful, ttias brought a dark cloud of
sorrow upon the home of which
she was the light and hope, and
cast a shade of sadness over both
the Sabbath schools, of which
she was a member and in which
she was much very much be
loved. Her remains were follow-
, 1 1. - i ,
eu to me ceiueiery
by a large
. . . .
number of Her sclioolinates ana
friends of tne ramny, on -inurs-
orial service was held at the m
E- church, of which both par-
ents are meillDerS. iUUICsses
v inutiam, J. J. ninippi, mi
Pollock, Rev. Mr. nankin, of ia.,
and the pastor of the church
interspersed wit a appiopuaie
songs by tne scaooi.
Otis Hone is married so says
the Burt county paper to 3Iiss
Harrington. Now th&t's curious
we always wondered what made
Otis go up there so much in days
gone by.
Mr. C. Schluntz will open, with
the new year, a new business in
Piattsmouth, being a Flour De
pot, with which he will combine
Provisions and Groceries. ' It
will be opened about' the first of
February, at the old R. R. Bak
ery Fred Stadelman's old store
remember the place.
Dr. Wintersteen makes an ap
peal to our citizens in regard to
their taxes that should be attend
ed to at once. It will not do for
the city to allow its credit to de
preciale in this manner, and we
add our feeble appeal to the doc
tor's authorized one, hoping
somebody will pay up their taxes
and let our city dads have some
money once more. Step up to the
captain's office and settle.
Such beautiful days as we havo
been having puts one in mind, of
the old-fashioned falls in Ne
braska. For two or three years
back we have had rough weather
early in the fall, and a very warm
spell in mid-winter, so far this
fall cold weather has given us a
long inning, but at last the cold,
blustering winds of December are
heard muttering in the distance
and blustry, bullying, threatening
old winter is shaking his ice-clad
fist under our October noses.
The Pleasant Itidge school.
The other day we had the pleas
ure of visiting this school, 'and
on entering the schoolroom, were
very agreeably struck with the
appearance of the interior. This
district is located about three
miles south of Piattsmouth and
if we are not mistaken, is known
as district No. 3. This district
comprises some of the oldest set-
lied farms and some of the best
farms and farmers in Cass coun
ty; among the latter we would
mention the name of Messrs.
lorning, Shepp, Weston, Living
stone, etc. The former, Messrs.
Horning and Shepp are the very
efficient Director and Treasurer
of the District Board. They have
recently exhibited their zeal in
the cause of education, at home,
by purchasing a full set" of
Mitchell's New Outline Maps, and
a twelve men rranklin & Joslin
Globe, for their district but
more of the maps and globe here
after. On entering Die school
room, we, of course, took a sur-
ey of the room, and noticed the
seats and desks, of modern style,
and selected with a view to com
fort, convenience, and with a fair
allowance of taste. The school
room is none too large, (in fact
a 1
we never saw one wnicn we
thought too large), yet it will seat
forty scholars very conveniently.
The ceiling is arched and high,
thus affording better ventilation.
This plan of constructing ceiling
we would commend to all dis
tricts about to erect school
houses. The walls of the school
room were adorned with the maps
recently purchased, among which
we noticed one of Oeorge F.
Crane's "Sectional Maps of Ne
braska." This latter is certainly
a novelty in the schoolrooms of
Cass counts. Who ever thought
of hanging a map of Nebraska on
the wall of a Nebraska school
room? Why is it not belter to
hang up a map of Asia, Europe,
Australia or some other more im
portant place? But Messrs. Horn
ing and Sheff members of a Cass
county district school board
seemed to think that it was just
as necessary for the youth to
learn the local geography of their
own state as to study that of
"Grand divisions, hemispheres,"
els. We most heartily commend
this example of Messrs. Horning
and Shepp, and trust that ere
long every school house in Cass
county will contain a map of Ne
braska. Mr. Sam C. Swearingen,
of Beaver county, Pa., lias charge
of this school, and under his
management, the school seems to
be progressing finely. During
our brief visit we made a few
notes, of which the following may
give some idea of the room and
school room work: House well
seated; the seats selected with a
view to the accommodation of
different ages and sizes, and of
modern construction; shelves on
both sides of door for hats, bon
nets, shawls, etc.; wall decorat
de with outline maps; fine large
globe on teacher's desk; black
board painted on wall of north
end, extending three-fourths of
distance across; windows arrang
ed with view to ventilation, by
letting upper sash down. Teach-1
er's manner, mild, pleasant and
dignified; classes called by lap
ping bell, and dismissed by same
method; scholars, respectful. ;
The hours of labor have been
reduced from ten hours to eight,
in the machine shops. Wagys
have been reduced accordingly.
This is in preference to dis
charging one-llfth of their force
entirely, , iriTfj
Our old friend and comrade
downstairs, Luke Miskella, leaves
this week for Arapahoe, on the
Republican. We wish Luke all
the good luck in the world, and
hope he may build up a fortune
and a name in the big blue coun
try, second to no man who helps
settle up the "Great West."
Henry Dubois, one of the first
men who has tried and been suc
cessful in raising blooded horses
in Nebraska, paid the Herald a
visit on Friday. His famous stal
lions, Henry Clay and Hambleton
ian, each took a premium for
which they were entered at the
county fair.
The fireman's ball on Tuesday,
the 17lh, was a very handsome
affair. One hundred and twenty
three supper tickets were sold,
and the boys had a good time
generally. The net proceeds were
not so large as they should have
been, but small gains thankfully
accepted. We should have no
ticed it last week, and did write
it up, but it was crowded out
One dav last week we took
jaunt out on the prairie! After all
there is nothing like the op'ii
prairie for a good clear draught
of pure air. Once out on the
road, away from the town and
you get it. How many times the
old freighters thanked Heaven
when they were fairly out of Un
winding, torturous ways of the
town, and struck the broad, open
expanse toward the plains. The
country along the divide in sight
of the Platte is very beautiful in
deed, at that distance the old
Platte valley looks like a decent
river and sparkles and glimmers
in and out among the trees, and
through its many islands, like a
thing of life and beauty, instead
of a dark old bed of shifting sand.
But we set out to tell you of tht
country, and not the river. Ip
and down we go, down and up un
til a high point is reached south
of Cedar Creek, and in sight of
the city of the same name. From
this point a number of miles of
the Platte bottom can be viewed,
as well as some of the finest por
tions of Sarpy county. The coun
try sloping to the east and south
and shaded by the light of lh
setting sun, looks like fair land
indeed. Looking to the east, two
trees loom up in plain view, which
grow in the cemetery grounds of
Piattsmouth, so we arc in sight
of home still. Down the long
gentle slope and we are in th
broad valley of the Platte, and
pull up at Mr. Schlegel's place.
The "Mooles" have done well, and
daylight enough still remains to
walk up and down Turkey creek,
look at the big wheat, and see the
pigs of all ages, sizes, shapes and
colors. By the way, the wheat
fields on each side of the road go
ing out have been a wonder; that
of Mr. N. Holmes, or Ilolmis as
hisjcrman friends call him be
ing one of the finest. The next
morning we go up to Cedar Creek
mills, owned by Christian. Sch
luntz. This mill is a very fine
one, new, staunch and with a
most excellent water power. West
of the mill Mr. Schluntz has I he
best and fattening-est hog pas
ture wo have seen, covered with
hazel brush and trees, the first of
which the hogs are fast cleaning
out, interspersed with creeks and
No. i watering places, where 500
porcine beauties can enjoy their
otium cum dini-tatu this hot
weather. In the yard we saw a
pleasant sight some quite large
chestnut trees growing finely. It
put us in mind of schoolboy days
long gone and frolics now forgot.
Returning east we stopped at Mr.
Inhelder's, where the hospitable
host and hostess insisted on our
staying to dinner. As an extra
inducement somebody went down
callar and came up with some
dark liquid in a plass, one boy
was set to grinding the coffee in
an old-fashioned mill secured to
the stairway and Mrs. Inhelder
says "hurry, hurry." No mortal
could withstand such temptation,
and our horses were put out,
while we sat down to an old
fashioned farmers' dinner. The
situation and view from the house
is very eastern and homelike,
looking from the window the dark
green foliage of a grove of trees
makes one think of anything but
a land that is scare of timber, ami
in fact Cass county neer need
raise that cry. There is timber
enough now and growing to fur
nish all for many a year to come.
After dinner home to Main street
and the llerald office once more.