The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913. Tlie Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - ! THOUGHT FOR TODAY. 4. 4- Immortality will come to such as are lit for it; and i he who woul be a great soul 4 in the future must be J great soul now. Emerson. m. :o: The orator who proclaims that the people can be trusted always demands his money in advance. : :o: Kansas City has more than a million eggs. But as they are in cold storage she is not proud of them. -:o:- A man who uses religion as a cloak in this world will need a cast iron smoking jacket in the next. :o : Liars are not a wh it-more orig inal now than they were when Adam lied about that applo tran saction. :o: When Lincoln gets through with its trouble, we will alt know more about the commission kini of government. :o: The reports are coming in that the turkeys' are scarce. That's always the case when Thanksgiving day is so near. :o: A scientist predicts that "in the year 2017 this will be a baby less world." We would like to know from whom he gets his in formation.' '"'" " :- :o: Some of the local merchants, it is slated, have found out how to meet the competition of the mail order houses in Chicago by sending out orders by parcel lost. :o: So many Omaha people are now drinking out of linger bowls after eight o'clock that the hotels there are talking about abolishing the finger bowl from their tables. -:o:- The comiing on of snow from the West should leave nothing to be desired by those who, dur ing the recent summer, were pin ing for a change. The world is made up of extremes, but not more in matters of weather than of temperament. :o : The proposal to observe Thanksgiving on the anniversary ol Lincoln's Gettysburg . speech should appeal to President Wil son as an excellent suggestion. It will give to the day historical significance and will detract from it nothing of its reverential char acter. Changing the date froiv. the third Thursday in November to November 19 will violate no custom that is hallowed. Thanks giving' belongs to a season and not to any particular event. It was first observed in this country in - Massachusetts colony, to evi dence the colonists' gratitude for a bountiful harvest and freedom from attacks by Indians. The example set by Governor Brad ford was followed in other colon ies and, later, a day for thanks giving observance was proclaim ed afler each harvest. It thus took on the character of the Eu ropean "Harvest Home." There can be no reasonable objection to having the day commemorate an historical occasion each year if the president so desires. A Thanksgivirrg day proclaimed in observance of some great event in the nation's history would doubtless meet with general favor. at Plattsmouth, Neb.: jjemocrats .at Kearney and York will elect their postmaster by ballot. At each place there are several candidates in the race. In fine, "the longest pole will knock the postmaster." -:o:- George A. Joslyn is reported as having declared that ' the dandelions are all dead this year because of the dry weather. It will be remembered that W. J. Bryan has been reported as dead a good many times, but he has somehow always turned up to in sist that the report was exagger ated, lie's a perennial dandy lion, sure enough. :o: President Elliott of the New Haven railroad is obsessed with the idea that "a- short route, to the restoration of public confid ence in the railroads of the country will be furnished by a positive declaration by federal and state commissions that rail road rates may be advanced." Mr. Elliott better awake right now to the fact that his own line has a long route to travel before it will have the public confidence and that route has nothing to do with advanced rates, either. -:o: BRAINS ON THE FARM. A lot of advice is being hand ed out to the farmers these days. Some of it is good, and some of it would not know the difference betwen a naystack and a not air balloon. It is easy enough for a banker, or a lawyer, or a merch ant, to sit in his easy chair and tell his olllce boy how a farm ought to be run, and at what sea sons of the year a farmer ought to have his hair cut, but the real problems of the farm must be worked out and fought out by the man who does the farming. Farming by proxy has never been much of a success and never will be. Farming is a separate and distinct business-of itself, and no man can learn to farm success fully except by getting down to into the furrow and the ditch, and by meeting and solving the actual problems that arise. And contrary to the opinion that pre vails in some quarters, it re quires as much brains, and good judgment, and business ability to successfully run a farm as it does to run a bank, or a board of trade. The farmer must work out his own salvation, and it will be to his interest and to the in terest of his sons, to keep all of the brains of the family on the farm,. And those brains should be worked to their full capacity. There is a right way and a wrong way of doing things, and brains will find out the right way. The brains of the neighborhood will get together and talk over the various methods of doing things and then adopt the best way. Brains will investigate the soil and the seed and the proper sea son for the sowing and the plant ing. Brains will select the varieties of grains and fruits and vegetables best adapted to the climate and the soil. Brains will adopt the best methods of culti vating the cropsand the most economical and profitable method of harvesting and marketing them. Brains will select the most profitable breed of live stock "and poultry, and will learn how to feed and care for it to the best advantage. Brains will build sheds for farm machinery instead of letting it rust in the fields dur ing the winter. Brains will light en the drudgery of the housewife, will provide conveniences for the for the home and wholesome en tertainment for the family. Brains will build good roads to the market and "will make of the emintrv church and school build- ing something more than a mere necessity. The farm needs brains, and the farmer must sup- ply them. It is. only in the city that men can tret along without them. :o:- I. f). Dwver. of this city, and I. W. Livingston and Judge Wil son, of Nebraska City, are appli cants for the district judgeship made vacant by the death of Hit late Judge II. D. Travis. And one of these three will be appointed. as thev are all democrats. They are all welL fitted for the position :o: Governor Morehead is right in his determination not to be m a hurrv in the appointment of a successor to tne late juuge Travis, deceased. The governor is wise in weighing the matter carefully. There are several ap plicants for the vacancy, and we believe the people of Cass coun tv should, to some extent, be consulted. :o: J. J. Leary, of Indianapolis, iul., has informed the stale aud itor that he has a bank note of the Bank of Tekamah, issued in he year 1839. He asks redemp tion of the paper. The stale of ficial has replied in a letter lo Mr. Leary that it is worm no more man its value as a curio and that the paper represent: early days in Nebraska's wildcat lanking experiences. Collection might be made if the men inter ested in the bank saw lit to make good the paper. -:o:- The Lincoln highway lias beem ocalcd and was the chief topic before the meeting of the Third merican Road banquet at De troit last week. Anyone who wants to know the route may take down a map and follow the line of 'the Pennsylvania road from New York through Philadelphia, Pittsburg and I-ort Wayne lo80cents; Chicago, the Chicago ami North western to Omaha and the Union ami M-nua. i-acinc 10 ml nan- i . . .. i i i. -1 j . ' . i i csco. this is convenient lor those who break down on the way and want to finish by train or lie. -:o:- As each day advances President Wooilrnw Wilson demonstrates --------- - - - ' - - more thoroughly to the people of these Unite! Slates that they iiiiide no mishike in eleelinir b i m I - - - - - - - ....... to the highest position in their ift. He shows himself in every imnorlant act. thai he is a man of - I wonderful brains a nresident. I thai, is careful in his every move and every movement is in the interest of the common 'people. Another thing, President Wilson is surrounded by a cabinet of men of the greatest ability lhat it was possible to obtain, ami the great est of these is the Hon. W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska,'" the ablest secretary of slate that has occu pied this honorable and most re sponsible position in many years, and President Wilson is not the only public man lhat recognizes this fact. :o: The Lincoln Trade Review of last Saturday, in speaking of the work of the Plaltsmoulh Com mercial club, says: "The Platts mouth Commercial club is meet ing regularly, and it has a num ber of live questions that are up for action. One question that the club is giving attention lo is the proposition of inaugurating a series of sales days each Satur day. This plan has been put in effect in a number of towns and it works very successfully. It requires the co-operation of the business interests of the place, and the Plattsmouth Commercial club is endeavoring to interest all the business men in that city in getting behind it. One feature lhat was discussed in connection with the sales was the securing of the Burlington band for an afternoon concert during the day of the sale." Auditor Howard and that man, Brian, are - still at war the auditor reiusing to issue a war- rant for his services in the in- surance department of the audit- or's olllce. Brian is obnoxious to the auditor, and the appointive power should have at least con sidered Mr. Howard's voice in the selection of a man who could have worked with him in peace and harmony. We don't blame Auditor Howard in ins actions. x,UlUl J3 11 "- lo say tlie least, and in tne winu- up of Ihc difficulty we hope to see Auditor Howard come out on lop. :o: THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Once more we read the report of the bureau of labor in regard lo the high cost of living, which says: "Investigations of retail prices iu forty cities conducted by ex ports of the bureau of labor show prices practically at the same level as last November, when the high records of the last quarter century were reached. "The cost of living on June 15, was approximately on per cem higher than the average between 1890 and 1900, more than 2 per cent higher than it was a year ago and nearly 15 per cent high er than it was two years ago. "Fourteen articles of food were investigated; every on except sugar showed a marked advance; bacon, which led in the soaring, went up 128.5 per cent. If it were not for the construe lion likely to be put on this report by nianv unthinking people, we might let the report go without comment. There is nothing in the report (h;U wuuM in,Jicak. what causes are responsible for the higher cost of commodities other than thev are being sold at retail. One year ago onions grown in this section could be bought on the track at 35 cents per bushel; (r,(Jav .shippei.s are paying 75 and Potatoes one year ago sold to hippers for 50 and GO cents per MMl!,ie. tlM,ay ,iey are paving to farmers 80 and 90 cents. We might mention many oilier ilems, but here are two staple commodities that speak in terms easily understood. The high price of meat is no doubt altribu- ifil.iA i. i,,.. vriu,. n iiiuii; iu nil; iililt; lilllti - v i i ' i I season of misrepresentation and abuse heaped on tho retailer, i. rrii ,,,,4 n I linvnnoli in ll u 11 ill " 11 L ,1 inv'ii'upii 1"- vest ion as in bis net. profits. and the service rendered to the Tinihi's ii,- liim 1 1 ik iiia ifeiim-i f"iin I 'UL'lll.' I 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 I I ' II 11 .1 ' - V 1 1 1 ;:,, o ;n.nnriani ,.n derpaid factor by nearly all the leading magazines and newspap ers of the country. Tin fact that the price is ad vanced at the retail si ore and re ported by the bureau of labor, without any rference to any oilier factor, is apt to leave an impres sion that the retailer arbitrarily fixes a price to suit himself, re gardless of cost conditions In justice to the retailers of this country, can we not have a report of the cost lo the retailer and the causes leading up to the change in food prices in general. For one week during March, 1U13, a special sale of cannedfWill they go to a cooperativ. g-oods was advertised extensively all over the Uniled Slates, at management that they ought lo which lime canned foods were buy a carload of .hogs? Will iiiriiMi,! .- lm nulilii'. nf n lnwe rhliev stand to have a committee price (quality considered) than at any time in the history of canned foods. What the public want to know font., o o i, 41,. nniico nnit vpm. in i i 1 1 in ii n L 1 1 i ii I" i. i.i . - 1 - v. . . . i edv. if there be anv. Wairps in manv inslances have risen in the lime quoted by the bureau of labor from 20 to 80 per cent. The percentage of profits of is paid by the farmer of Europe? the retailer has continuously de- While saying this, we hope In creased and are less on staple American Committee, when it eominoilities than for many years, In fact, the ratio of prollt is l.k... Ilim, r.ii. nritr I fi I n ill I lie IC.-? IIIUU 1VU Ull iiiuv- , writer's experience. John A. congress, and win the co-opera-C.reen, secretary, National Asso- tion of the government and of the rinii,,,, nf iiPtaii firnfprx. CHEAPER MONEY FOR FARMER, Wit .a w p the currency bill, but whether any bill will really be passed is more thjm doublfui owing to the op position of the bankers lo some of its features. There is not tho slishlost hope that the currency bill will enable the farmer as a farmer to obtain money, at any i M0wer rale of interest than he does at present. We are in grave doubt whether, even if cheape money were obtained, it would be of any benefit to -agriculture three per cent money, or even four per cent money, to the farm ers would simply inaugurate period of land speculation that would be a serious damage to the agriculture of the future; lor 1 could not be obtained on any plan so far proposed except by those who own the land. The man who reallv needs help is the tenant who cannot offer land as security Wu do not know what the American Commission will pro pos'e that will be of practical ben efit. They will no doubt tell us what thev have learned 'in foreign countries: that farmers there se cure money at lower rates t.iau here, as compared with the rale? paid by merchants and manufac turers. Bui, the question will at once arise wneiner ine meinour? i ii 1 1 ii... i . in vogue there arc practicable in the United Stale There are" two methods." One i borrowing on mortgage on long time. This is done by these, for eign farmers loaning their credit through an association of their own formation, but. more or 'ess under government 'supervision This involves i.i many cases un limited liability, and in others limited. Will the land owners of the west consent to make them selves liable for the obligation of their fellow members, even foi the sake of securing .money at from one to two per cent lower rate of interest than tney can si cure it li'iiin tne nig loan coin- names, mainlv tlie insurant companies, tins is me principle underlying the land banks of Enr on. ill tne American larinei iibmit lo tins until tie Has Jo The second condition of cheap money lor purely agicuiiuai pur poses is supervision. The poor -st . of the poor in Ireland have organized many credit associa- lions or co-operative banks. 1 hey obtain money in small sums at a - bwer rate of interest than Ihi1 merchants in the towns can ob- lain it. W h. i Lecause this money can be ordained only lor productive purposes, not ior pay ing olT mortgages or old debts. The borrower must give Ii is n-ote with two sureties, and every mem ber of the association lo which he belongs is individually liable for the payment of this debt. Then there is a committee. t see that he buys wisely; if he wants lo buy a cow, lo see that he buys the right kind of a cow, and that he f'.'Is her properly. He is close ly, watched by the other member of the association because - each of them is liable for the debt. Would the farmers of the west submit to anything like tins.' bank and try to convince the snooping around to see w het her they feed Ihese hogs intelligently? This is a splendid system for the very poor. These banks are quite ;i sound as anv of the slock -. . - banks. They pay their debts and obligations unite as promptly Will the American farmer, par ticularly the corn belt farmer, pay the price for cheaper money lhat present s its report in November, will be able to present a system lhat will meet the approval of - . - - farmers. Wallaces Farmer ?rfciii-.-,wj' I 1 "4" b$ tort ALCOHOL 3 PER CKM AN cgetaWe Pr eparationlcrAs similailn ifccRwdaralHcgtia tmgUic Stomacbs anlDowIsof 'so vf Jinx H Promotes DlestionfJie eifur nessandlfest-Contalnsncilhcr OpiuauMcrphinc norMiuraL ROT NARCOTIC. S3 Jhrrfai Seedm me. Atjcrfect Reracdv for Coissllna- tion ,Sour Storaach.Dlarrhoca andLoss GT SLEEP. c : FacSiiuHa Signaturejof -The Centauii Compaxt, NEW OHR. Exact Copy of Wrapper. If prices had gone down, the republican - j-pellbinders would have" charged tin slump to the democratic administration-. Hut since mat so many tilings - have- one up" id' price they claim it is the law of "supply and. demand1' lhat govern. A year aso thev were saying that supply and de mand'1 had nolhing (u do wijh The ruling of prices. :o: A total of y,"2-S oil inspections have beMi made by the con solidated food, drug. oil and weights and measures depart ment under I be supervision of Clarence E. llarman. This rec- rd has been made in seven months and nearly enuals the ecord made liy previous depart ments iu a biennial period. Com missioner llarman thinks the onsolidalion of the various de partments was a good step and thiit it was one 'move toward more n'eclive slate administration. :o : The Musket llidge correspnd- nt f . lb' Dallon ((leorgia) (.iazetle writes: "Muskrat Itidge oted on saloons. A prominent itizeu i-xpressi'it himself to me this way: 'if we are going to tand fr our women folks to wear shadow and slit skirts, ami light, form-lilling dresses and vulgar' hobble -' skirts, ami our younger women learning to dance the boll weevil wiggle, Texas Tom my, Tango, bunny hug-, the bear dancerl he calf canler, the kangaroo kick, the buzzard lope, and so on down the line, the men folks had just as well -have their saloons, ' ami the whole push go to hell together. ' ' 1 I . IE M- yrr : IlilartoaoccStJa I HkxSml- 1 Ch'Jitd Sttjrr . I !ki7rao libra? 3120 Guaranteed underttie ooIa? , rEBRASICA FOREST RESERVE OPENINGS 531 Free Homesteads of 640 Acres Each. REGISTRATION Register at Broken Bow, Nebr.Oct. 13th to 25th, inclusive. DRAWING The drawing will take place October 28th. FILING Filings will begin Nov. 17th at Broken Bow, Neb. for all of that part of the Reserve north of the center line of McPherson county. CHARACTER OF LANDS Valuable chiefly for grazing, ugh many sections have from 40 to 160 acres of valley suitable for crop raising. MAPS AND PARTICULARS Write me for maps and Particulars about land, filing, proof etc. Man iOCUFarnam 223 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of fn Use or Over Thirty Year s tell Tmc cintuh eomnnr, new ronn etrv Fir!tti7j"TTi3' Mr. Nryan doesn't feel that the public has a right lo a detail ed statement of his expense ac count. And without further in vestigation we firmly believe the secretary is right about it. :o: There are certain sources where they find fault with the special session of congress. It must be borne in mind that Ihe democrats promised to before the deil ion, an early revision of the tariff, and (hey never let up until this promise was fulfilled. :o: An exchange speaks of Ihe gam' of "gossip' which is having cpiile a run in some localities in the east. II is played wilh photo graphs. They are shuflled out like cards, eeryone in the party receiving a photo. It is then Ihe play to tell every mean thing about the parly photographed. ' We know of localities in l'lalls mouth where the game has been played without photographs. :o: Colonel Roosevelt has made the-announcement, upon Ihc eve of his departure for South America, that upon his return home he will lake up the work of reorganizing the progressive parly. "We shall enter undaunt ed as a national parly on another national campaign,11 he explained and added lhat he would never be satisfied until every single prin ciple enunciated by the progres sive parly is put into praclical operation by the nation. Teddy- will still be found "in the ring," and the republicans must all come his way or he will know the reason, why and they all know what that means. D, GLEf.l DEAVER, St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent