The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    '-: 1
, ..MONDAY, O0TO3ER 13, 1913.
Palaces Fast
onaenui cxoosi
Attorneys In Action at
The Impeachment Trial
Which Soon Terminates.
2 S.rv ,
an Francisco Bay
On the
7v zi (r.'-.-H
Splendid Representation For Nebraska Planned
In Vast Gathering of States and Nations
JUST Inside the Golden Gate a
vast army of workmen Is rush
ing to completion the huijii ex
hibit palaces of America's Pana
ma canal celebration, the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition iu San
Francisco in 1915. Many of the most
celebrated architects, sculptors and
artists In the United States co-operated
in the design of the marvelous exposi
tion city upon the shores of San Fran
cisco bay. As an Inspiration they had
before them the greatest engineering
work in the history of the world the
Panama canal and in the completion
of the canal they saw the final result
. Copyright, 1313, by the Panama-Pacific International
V . Exposition.
ot the effort of. centuries to secure a
passageway between the oceans.
As the Exposition assumes form the
bonders that the architects dreamed
of become vivid and tangible. A city
of palaces facing north upon San
Francisco harbor is rising against the
walls of the hills that embrace the Ex
position site upon the south, east and
west. When completed in 1914, months
before the opening of the Exposition,
ft will be found that the majority of
the Exposition palaces are united into
one enormous structure, with its out
Bide walls as high as the average six
story city block and with its golden
towers and minarets rising to heights
of 170, 2.-,0. 350 and 4.10 feet Eight of
V 1 ':- t r
Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
The dominating architectural feature of the Exposition i3 the superb Tower
of Jewels which will command the south entrance of the Court of the Sun and
Stars. This tower, 430 feet in height, will have a base one acre In extent. The
tower will rise upward in terraces, giving way at last to a group of figures sup
porting a globe typifying the world. The repeated figures of armored horse
men and of explorers of the oceans will be used in the tower, which, with its
statuary, mural paintings and mosaics, will be indescribably beautiful. Messrs.
Carrere and Hastings, architects In chief of the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo In IDOL are the architects.
the main exhibit buildings will form
parts of a huge group surrounding the
three principal courts. They will rep
resent in conception a stupendous ori
ental bazaar, similar in form to the
bazaars of the east, at Constantinople,
Damascus or Cairo. The roofs of the
buildings will be colored a reddish
pink, like Spanish tile, and will be
spread over the mile long group of the
main exhibit buildings extending along
the blue waters of the bay. AVonder
ful groups of statuary will tell the
story of the Panama canal.
The site of the Exposition covers
C03 acres on San Francisco harbor. A
- ssms?m0
more Impressive location for a great
maritime celebration could not have
been chosen. The Exposition city will
face nortleVapon the stream of traffic
that passes through the western portal
of America. On the south, east and
west rise the hills cf San Francisco,
like the walls of a vast amphitheater.
On a tree lined esplanade along the
harbor's edge visitors will view great
maritime pageants by day. By night
a series of marvelous illuminations
proceeding from great batteries of col
ored searchlights will turn the Exposi
tion city into a fairyland.
Ten huge exhibit palaces are under
construction at this writing, and all
of the fourteen main exhibit buildings
will be tinder way by the time this ar
ticle Is published.
One of the unique phases of the Ex
position will be the tremendous par
ticipation of the South American na
tions. Many of the republics will
make displays never before seen out
side their own boundaries.
The commonwealths of the United
States will be represented upon a
splendid scale. Thirty-five states have
selected the sites of their state pa
vilions, and the appropriations made
by state legislatures aggregate mil
lions. The largest appropriation is
that of New York state $700,000.
The state of Nebraska has its patri
otic pride in America's Panama Oiii.-il
Exposition. As one of the comiii!i
wealths of the Union, it has contrib
uted its due proportion to the cost of
the construction of the Panama canal.
Upon it, as well as upon ot'.ier states,
rests the responsibility and prestige
that comes with the completion of the
great canal at Panama. Leading citi
zens of Nebraska, merchants and man
ufacturers, jurists, legislators, railway
men, fanners, bankers, executives, are
now planning for a collective indus
trial representation that Nebraska may
stand well among her sister states of
this great International fete. The Ne
braska Society of California is plan
ning groat things in the entertainment
of all the world on behalf of Nebraska
in 19ir. and visitors from Nebraska
will find the former residents of the
home state will rejoice in welcoming
them. Every wide awake citizen of
Nebraska is urged by the Nebraska so
ciety to give fullest and active Support
to the movement to give splendid rep
resentation to Nebraska at the Exposi
tion. Do not lose a day in aligning
yourself with the movement. No com
monwealth in the Union has more of
Interest to show the world than Ne
braska. None lias resources that may
be more advantageously exploited, and
the advertising will be of tremendous
and lasting benefit. The vast wealth
of Nebraska in a single line of indus
try, that of live stock, is amazing. In
1010 Nebraska bad 1,0-I.".m0 horses.
72.000 mules. 879,000 dairy cattle.
3.201,000 head of other stock, 3.201,000
swine and sheep. Of special
interest to Nebraska at the Exposition
will be the live stock and agricultural
displays hereafter mentioned.
A unique feature of the Exposition
end It is difficult to select from among
the thousands of brilliant features one
as being more interesting than anoth
er will be a continuous live stock
show, the greatest the world has
known. Fifty acres will be used for
live stock pavilions and show grounds.
The Exposition management has set
aside $175,000 for premiums for live
stock, while $22.".,0T Is offered for har
ness races. Iireeding associations of
the United States have so far offered
$45,000 in premiums. This is a total of
The "Midway" at the Exposition (the
name has not yet been chosen) will be
spectacular. At a cost of $350,000 the
Santa Fe railway will present n series
of panoramas showing the Grand can
yon of Arizona, famous artists being
engaged upon the panoramas. In a
working model of the Panama canal
visitors will proceed through the locks,
as if actually going through the canal
itself, and lecturers will explain Its op
eration. This concession, to cost $250,
000. will have a capacity of handling
2.000 people through its locks every
thirty minutes. Another concession
will show the historic old market place
of Nuremberg. Germany, and wonder
ful concessions from China and Japan
will be shown. Altogether the cost of
installing the concessions Is estimated
at $11,200,000.
Architects' Dreams
Expositions Coming TrueWhole World Interested
AS the United States has Invited
ra the world to an international
festivity, an international pro
" gram will be part of the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition.
Sporting events of all kinds will be
lirominent. The crack cavalry and in
fantry of the United States and Eu
rope will participate in wall scaling
contests, remount demonstrations and
competitive drills of all kinds. Carry
ing out this theme upon a larger scale,
battleships in the harbor and aero
planes launched from hangars on the
Exposition grounds will contend In
mimic warfare. There are assured at
the Exposition some wonderfully in
teresting aeroplane demonstrations.
The principal aeroplane manufacturers
of England. Germany, Russia, Italy
and Switzerland will compete with
Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
The structure will Le built almost entirely of glass and will cover five acres.
those of the United States. Prizes will
be offered for devices or improvements
which tend to make the aeroplane
safer and to bring it more and more
into practical everyday use.
The Panama-Pacific International
Exposition will be the first great Amer
ican exposition of which it will be pos
sible to get a view from an aeroplane.
The more venturesome visitors flying
over the Exposition in dirigible bal
loons or in aeroplanes will see stretch
ed out below them the great exhibit
palaces, brilliant with the color scheme
Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pacific In
ternational Exposition.
designed by Jules Guerin, the famous
artist, who thus describes the effect of
the work he is directing: "Imagine a
gigantic Persian rug spread down upon
the shores of San Francisco bay, with
brilliant colors here and there, but
melting in soft, glorious tones, and you
will have an idea of what the Panama-
Pacific International Exposition will
look like If viewed from a distance, as
from the Sausalito heights across the
Golden Gate."
The Exposition buildings "will be di
vided into three huge groups, and
when completed the Exposition city
will present a marvelous picture.
Eight of the palaces in the central
group will iorrn parts of a great rec
tangle. Four of the buildings will face
the bay and four face south upon a
wonderful south garden. The four
buildings facing upon the bay are the
Palaces of Mines, Transportation, Ag
riculture and Food Products. The four
facing south are the Palaces of Varied
Industries, Manufactures, Liberal Arts
For Most Marvelous of Universal
and Education. Flanking this rectan
gular group on the east, but brought
into general architectural harmony
with it is Machinery IlalL Flanking
it upon the west will be the superb
Palace of Fine Arts, a building partly
circular In form and embracing a great
lagoon. In which its classic outlines
will be reflected. The huge Talace of
Horticulture, Festival Hall, the Serv
ice building and other minor structures
are set In the south garden. The Pal
ace of Ilorticulture will be one of the
most wonderful buildings ever erected.
It will cover five acres and be con
structed almost entirely of glass. Its
huge glass dome will rise 1G3 feet.
The department of horticulture at the
Exposition has offered a prize of $1.
000 to the originator of the finest va
riety of rose. The merits of this rose
will be Judged by an International
jury. A scientist has written that he
feels he is well on the way to produce
a black rose.
The finest architectural and sculp
tural effects will be seen in the great
courts, which will divide the Exposi
tion city north and south. In the cen
ter of the group will be the Grand
Court of Honor, the splendid Court of
the Sun and Stars. Here the visitor
will behold one of the most magnifi
cent court effects ever presented at an
exposition. In dimensions the court
will be 750 feet east and west and 900
feet north and south, exclusive of a
fore court or opening on San Francis
co harbor. The entrance to the court
from the main gates will be through
the arcade of the Tower of Jewels, a
magnificent structure 430 feet in
height. By day the tower will stand
out as the great dominating architec
tr""l frtvr -f t'i Exposition. Ry
m4 ft a
w$mt f Miff- Hi
i lii it. , . :
ft 'fi n ilJr a
Copyright, 1S13, ty the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
The howdah upon the elephant surmounting this arch will be 1S3 feet above
the floors of the Court of the Sun and Stars. An arch dedicated to western
civilization will be set at the opposite side of the court.
night it will reflect the colors of the
rainbow from hundreds of great bat
teries of seachlights. On the east side
of the court will be th-j great triumphal
Arch of the Rising Sun, and upon the
west side will be seen the Arch of the
Setting Sun. The arches will suggest
the note of the Exposition the meet
ing of the east and west at Panama.
Their sculptural decorations will carry
out this theme. Surmounting the Arch
of the Rising Sun will be a colossal
group of statuary, a great elephant as
the central motif, with camel riders.
Tibetan nriests. Arab warriors, negro
slaves, etc., the whole suggesting the
spirit of the orient. The group will be
forty-two feet in height. The howdah
unon the elephant will be 1SS feet
above the floors of the Court of the
Sun and Stars. The triumphal Arch
of the Setting Sun will be crowned
with a irrouD expressing western civ
ilization, its main theme a prairie
schooner, with Indians and Spanish,
French, German and English explorers
supporting the central figure.
Passing beneath either of the two
great arches one will come respective
ly into the great west court, the Court
of the Four Seasons, designed by Hen
ry Bacon, designer of the wonderful
Lincoln memorial to be built at Wash
ington in honor of Abraham Lincoln,
or to the great east court, the Court of
Festivals, designed by Louis C Mull-
gardt, architect of the Fisheries bulld-
inc at Chicago. In these courts will
be seen monumental expressions of
architecture and sculpture. Tne sculp
ture unon an exalted scale will tell
the story of the Panama canal and of
the high ideals with which America
has pursued this greatest of the works
of history.
:i::V: .s': ,
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mm Urn 1 k-fe
0 1913. by American Pre AmocUMow.
The forensic battle In the high court C
impeachment hearlns the charge against
William Suiter attracted a greater throng
than the taking of testimony tn the mm.
Here are seen Judge Alton B. Parker (top)
of counsel for the prosecution and Louis
Marshall of counsel for the defense set
tine forth their reasons and arguments
for and against the impeachment of the
governor of the Kmpire State. The pic
tures were taken as the attorneys mad
their pleas.
Court Considers Objections to
Impeachment Charges.
Albanr. N. Y., Oct. 13. A verdict in
the impeachment trial of Governor
Sulzer will not be reached before to
morrow, according to the general im
pression. Court did not convene until
2:30 this afternoon and the rules for
balloting and other procedure must be
decided. The court first will take ud
the proposition as to whether certain
testimony thall he stricken cut and
then will consider the constitutional
objections raised by Sulzcr's counsel
against the impeachment charges.
Bishop Lawrence Says They Are Try.
ing to Win by Violence.
New York. Oct. 13. Prelates In at
tendance upon the general convention
of the Episcopal church occupied vari
ous pulpits ,ln tnis city, uisnop Law
rence of Massachusetts touched upon
events at Albany and also declared
that there ere two great powers
which are trying to win their ends by
violence. In part Bishop Lawrenea
"The politicians of today have made
a man feel that they can dictate to
him and make him evade the path of
"There are two great powers today
trvine to win bv violence. One 13 the
great uaited mass of wealth that sends
to the legislature to have certain bills
put through. When they find that it
Is impossible to get the hills through
thev have them jammed through by
unworthy methods. The other great
rower Is the labor unions. hen these
find that it is impossible to put their
plans through they resort to violence. "
Head of Kaiser's Theater, Attacked by
Journal, Begins Suit for Libel.
Berlin, Oct. 13. A charge of crim
inal libel has been brought against
Walter Stcinthal, publisher of the Ger
man Monday Gazette. Upon the court's
interpretation of innuendoes in the ar
ticle upon which the charge Is based
may depend whether Germany is con
fronted with another scandal such as
that connected with the came of Phil
ip zu Eulenberg.
Herr Bteintbal is charged with gross
ly libeling Count von Huelsen-Haese-ler,
the general intendant of the kai
ser's royal operas and royal theaters.
Hogg Start Fire.
Pierre, S. D., Oct. 13. A fire.
thought to have been started by hogs.
burned the corn crib and hog barns
on the Speir farm near Ree Heights.
A pile of cobs, on which a few grains
of corn remained, were burned in the
hog lot. and it is believed the hogs
carried some of the smoldering cobs
under the corn crib, starting the Are
which caused a considerable lost to
their owner.
Timothy L. Woodruff Is Dead. .
New York. Oct. 13. TImothv
Woodruff, former lieutenant eovemor
of New York state, is dead. He had
laid In a critical condition for nearly
two weeks after having been stricken
with paralysis while addressing a fu
sion party rally in thia city. He wa
niLv-Dv years old.