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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1913)
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913. -- i-j' - tlUlt ! I III H IT "II - 1 lur Bargain lit W Have ieow Left for eio Ail Utf llii Watch for our large bills 'which will be mailed you next ivcck. See the bargains that we are offering Sfou, and we know that you will call and see us during this sale. Overcoats net mentioned In bi!i. We have just re coived a new line. Gall and ssc. Ooods are New and Seasonable and the Prices are Marked Way Down V. ZUCKER, Manager Ji n' iJ in ii ff i i ' - iia'm'fcjiiii i l iiini 3C THE GOOD WORK HAS COMMENCED X - r ' '. r . i . - , ' , ' Curbing and Guttering of North Sixth Street and Oak Street From Fifth to Seventh. GREAT BARGAIN DAY LASTSATURDAY Hundreds of Farmers Bring Their Families to Town, and Our merchants.. Do a Big Business. Tlir first of tt series of sales lays, which was lu'M in. this city Saturday afternoon was more suecessFuI than even its most en thusiaslic' friends could h'ave possibly predicted and the results f the lay to the merchants of tlie cit'y was in one (if the 1 fuest lays for business that lias hern seen here fox- years. From early morning' the erov!s began to irc -in in automobiles, wagon? anil carriages, ami' all were well posted n th exceptional bar- . gains that hail been offered by the different stores ami were prepar ed to do business ami the result of the day's business lo the dif ferent merchants has made them very enthusiastic for the proposi tion of holding these sales days. The entertainment feature of. the lay was looked after very pleas ingly by havintr the Burlinglon band render some very delightful mu..i; at different sections of the business part of the' city and Ibis feature contributed--. sireatly. to make the clay one long to he re membered here both by the mer chants and those coming here to trade. For the purpose of, making the day a success each merchant had arranged some .special article for sab? and in almost all cases they were really sold at less than cost in order that their visitors and customers might receive the ben efit of the city in price ami li in duce I hem lo come lo I he best town in the slate lo trade in. The offers made by the merchants were eagerly taken up with by the very large crowd ..ami besides the bargains ollered as specials Hie friends took advantage of the op portunity to load up with many articles that they needed, and which can be bought as cheap in this city as anywhere in the world and Ihe eit iens of Cass county are gradually awakening to the fad that a's a trading 'point the city of Plattsmouth cannot be beat. The different stores all pre sented their customers with jick els...good for a show at the (Jem theatre and many of Ihe visitors took advantage of this to attend at that place. A Marvelous Escape. "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes 1. F. Bastiams of Prince Albert, Cape of (lood Hope. "It occurred in the middle of the night. He got a very severe at tack of croup. As luck would have it, I had a large bollle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in Hie house. Afler following the jii reelions for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." Sold by all dealers. 1 KG TRUXTI IS GOING TO PLATTS1UTH S ' 'li'Mii.VltiiSiiir. Scout with a Kodak ; . Let the boys brin home the story , of the "hike the camp, and each day's fun, in pictures. With a .Kodak or Brownie they can also develope right on the field, in daylight. Easy to carry, simple to oper ate. Film supplies always on hand and always new. Boys, Come in and Call for a Scout Book ; WEYRIGH :& H ADR ABA The premier of the new play rruxtou King winch was an event of a few days ago was at tended by such marked success a to warrant the rosiest predictions f its success on the important lour which has been mapped out for it. .This city is to get the new romantic melodrama on Friday night, October 17, at the Parinele 1 heat; e. - The play might well be deserib ed as giving a Hash of the stirrijig events of the present day in the Kalkan country, -n is a-drama-lization of (ieorge Hair McCut cheou's "Truxton King," wherein a ilaring young American meets with adventures he never dream ed were possible and in which he bears himself as .1 gallant Ameri can should. Of course he meets the "one girl", and she proves a line comrade and together they do much for little Prince Robin whose throne in "Oraustark" at one tiinr is very shaky. JMiss Wayward, w ho made I lie stage version of the novel is her self a player of prominence, ex perienced in many roles, and has herself done more than dabble in playw riling. She has an inliin ate appreciation of Mr. McCut- Cutcheon's skill in building a cli max lo which she gives the pro fessional touch made possible by a most intimate acquaintance with the stage. Miss Wayward brought the draft of Hie play back with her from a vacation in Switzerland The United Play Company is re sponsible, for the production, in which advantage has been laken of the opportunity for pictur esque settings. The company ap pearing in the piece has been cor dially received. OUNCE SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE K. S. HALL A BIG SUCCESS The dance Saturday evening at Ihy.K. S. hall was very largely at tended, the capacity of the hall being crowded by those eager to enjoy the pleasures of the dance. The music furnished by a band of some very talented musicians was most exec lent and aflorded Ihe dancers much pleasure. It was one of the most successful dances that has been given by this society, and Use members were yreauy, pieaseu uy uie manner in which the affair had been attend ed. It was a lale hour when the. merry crowd of dancers departed for their, home feeling it had been a vey pleasant event. Notice to All. All parlies are hereby notified lhat hereafter I will not be held responsible for any debts that my wife may contract, foe reasons best ."known lo myself. Oustav Schlieske. - ' ' 10-3-tfd From Saturdays Uallr. Work has" just commenced on what will be one of the greatest improvements that has been made on the Plattsmouth streets since the paving of Vine street, and that i the curbing and gut tering of North Sixth street and Oak street from Fifth lo Seventh. When this is finished these thoroughfares will be among the best in the city and afford a splendidly kept driveway for those residing in that section of the city. The streets will be narrowed somewhat by parking, which will add greatly to the appearance of the same, and a four-foot com bined curb and gutter placed along each side, taking up some four feel. The dirt roadway be tween the curbs can be kept in much better shape as Ihe curb ing takes away the chances for washing, such as occurs after every heavy rain, and while the cost of the construction may seem a trille heavy to the resi dents along the line of the im provements it will cut. the cost of the work on the street down lo a very low ligure. It is thought that in a year -or so that it will be possible to have these streets paved, as the surface to be cover ed will not be so great after the curbing and guttering is install ed, and if it is possible to gel Ihe paving done it will certainly make these streets the finest in the city. In the line of extending public improvements the residents of Main street leading up lo the High school are also getting the curbing and guttering fever and it is thought likely that, next spring they will be ready to come to the front with a petition lo have the work started, and this beautiful street placed in proper condition. Let the good work coul inue. 'and every street in Ihe plaeedjii such shape that they will be a. matter of pride to Hie residents of the city anil something that can be made an advertisement for the city. TUESDAY, OCTOBER POST PAY-DAY Every item just as advertised Cannot be bought be fore the hour. STRICTLY CASH. Any goods left after the hour can be had at hourly price the one day only. 9 to 10. Boys' Bib Overalls, plain blue, medium and small sizes 25c 10 to 11. Men's dark gray Coat Sweaters 59c 11 to 12. Boys' Knickerbocker School Suits $1.50 12 to 1. Men's Jersey Sweaters, roll neck 35c 1 to 2. Men's Blue Serge Suits .$7.50 2 to 3. Men's heavy gray Shirts, collar attached ,39c 3 to 4. Men's Waist Overalls, swing pockets 50c 4 to 5. Boys' Gray Sweater Coats, two pockets 39c 5 to 6. Men's plain blue Bib Overalls 55c 6 to 7. Men's ecru ribbed Union Suits 79c 7 to 8. Men's 'four-in-hand Ties, reversible, all colors ....... .10c 8 to 9. Men's fine Dress Shirts, fancy stripes 69c C. E. W ESCOTT'S SOWS EVERYBODY'S STORE Entertained at Campbell Home. Margaret Spader, Frances Campbell. Matthew Spader and Edward Kohrell were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell Tuesday evening. A de lightful time was had. Several pleasing selections were given by Miss Spader, which were . thor oughly enjoyed by the company. At the right t hour a delicious luncheon was Verved and a little later Ihe guests departed for their homes. Miss Spader ami brother have been visiting Miss Frances Campbell and friends this week and are enjoying the scenes of their school davs here. Their home is near McLean, Neb. For Sale. Four pigs 8 weeks old. " Call 'phone No. 272-W. I0-8-3ld-ilwkly CORROBORATION Of Interest to Plattsmouth Readers. For months IMaltsinoulh citi zens have seen in these columns enthusiastic praise of Doan's Kidney Pills by Plattsmouth resi dents. Would these prominent people recommend a remedy that had not proven reliable? Would they confirm , their statements after years had elapsed if person al experience had not shown the remedy to be worthy of endorse ment? The following statement hould' carry conviction to the mind of every Plallsinoulh read er. J. L. McKinney, Lincoln ave., laltsinouth, Neb., says: "Doan's ividney I'ills are the best remedy ever used for disordered kid ney. v nenever l nave nan oc casion to lake them, they have given tue best results. ome years ago publicly endorsed )oan's Kidney Pills and I now gladly confirm' what I said then." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., UilTalo, New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. - THE SONS OF WILLIAM O'BRIEN' DECEASED SEEK TO RECOVER 800 The county court this morning was occupied with the hearing of the claim of Edward and Tom O'Brien against the estate of their father, the late - William O'Brien. -The facts as claimed by t lie contestants is that at the lime the separation between their parents was 'made they received no settlement for the personal property of the farm which they claim had been given to them. The farm was purchased by J. li. Roddy, of Union, who, in pursu ance with the wish of Hie parties, paid Mr. O'Brien $3,500 and his wife $3, 000 and deposited 500 in the bank to await the fixing up of the title to the place, and at the time he knew nothing of the claim of the sons, as it. was not mentioned in Ihe settlement made in the sale uf the. farm. The late Mr. O'Brien when he died left a will giving his property to his neiee, Mrs. William Morley of this city, and the sons now seek to recover the sum of $800 from the estate. John W. Leyda Sick. Yesterday Attorney John M. Leyda was laken very suddenly ill, at his home, and his condition greatly alarmed his family and friends, as it was feared he was taken with appendicitis. He suf fered greatly and at this time it is not possible lo determine just what the sickness from which he is suffering really is. The friends of this gentleman were greatly worried over the illness, but trust that it will not develop into anything serious. PLATTSMOUTH COUPLE MARRIED III OMAHA WEDDING AT THE RILEY HOTEL SATURDAY AFTERNOON Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, the best in the state," for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm, Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. Office supplies at the Journal office. The Hotel Riley was the scene of a very happy wedding Saturday afternoon when Justice of the Peace M. Archer united in mar riage Mr. Nicholas C. Rhinehart, of Blooinfield, Illinois, and Mrs Losa E. Oalloway of Springfield, Illinois, in the preesnce of a num her of witnesses. The newly wedded couple will reside for the present at Cedar Creek, this coun ty, where Ihe groom is employed, being in charge of the steam shovel at the At wood stone quar ries. The bride is a very talented young lady and has for a num ber of years been on the stage with various companies and has appeared through this section quite frequently. The groom is a very highls' esteemed gentleman who has made a most, favorable impression with everyone with whom he has come in contact and his friends will be much pleased to learn of his marriage. Thomson, Dentist, Gund Cldg. -Yesterday the friends of E. P. Slewart, the genial cashier at the Burlington passenger- station, were greatly surprised to hear of his marriage to Miss Mable Nyle Cobb, of this city, which occurred in Omaha on Saturday afternoon. The wedding came as a great sur prise to the intimate friends of the contracting parties who, while they had suspected something of this for some time, were not aware of the near approach of the nuptials, and the llrst intimation they had of the event was the published notice in the Omaha papers yesterday. The bride is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cobb of this city, and has a host of warm friends here who will be very much pleased to learn of her happiness. Mr. Stewart has been here for some months as the cashier of the depot and is a gen tleman of splendid character and most genial disposition, and has made a host of friends. here dur ing his residence in this cily and he and his charming wife will re ceive a hearty "welcome to Ibis city where they will make their future home. After the wedding Ihe young people departed for Stuart, Nebraska, where Ihey will visit for a time at the home of the groom's brother. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's Tab lets and Ihe healthy condition of bodj' and mind which they create make one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. inn THERE may be a number of reasons why you prefer to buy clothes of some other store than this. If you do buy your clothes somewhere else, you know what your reasons are for doing it. We might, if we knew your reasons, match them with good reasons why you'd better change, and come here. But buying clothes isn't always a matter that's reasoned out. We'd like to say this much, however we sell Society Brand and Micheals-Stern Clothes; and we know you don't buy any bet ter, anywhere. You'll have no trouble finding plenty not as good. We'd like to say one thing more if you do buy clothes or anything else here, and think you didn't do as well in value for your mon ey as you .could have done somewhere else, bring it back and we'll return your money. Stetson Hays Manhattan Shirts Fletcher's Castoria this week 19c at Garing & Co.. Phone 36.