The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1913, Image 1

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The Boosters and Avoca Boys
Have a Hard Tussle Play
Sixteen Innings and Quit
In a contest that lasted through
sixteen innings the Boosters and
Avoca were finally compelled yes
terday to call the base hall frame
between them a draw, and it was
the unanimous verdict that the
batte had been well fought to a
tie of 2 to 2. The game was filled
by much rag- chewing: on both
sides over the decision of the um
pires on the different players that
had very important parts in mak
ing the affair a tie, and it can be
truly said that the decisions given
the Boosters at first base by the
Avoca umpire were decidedly rank
although probably due to bad
judgment as he apparently tried
to umpire in a fair manner, ex
cept for the two bobbles. In the
sixth inning the Avoca manager
provoked at the decision of Dr.
Sandin in calling- Fahnestock out,
at fiirst threatened to call off his
team from the field, but the wiser
counsel of the rest of the team
prevailing", they continued to
wage the fight to hang one on the
Boosters. Connors, who did the
tossing- for the Boosters, was in
his usual fine form and twenty of
the boys from our neighboring
town fanned the air. The local
team was in a very badly crippled
condition and felt greatly the Joss!
of the regular players 'although
the boys playing- put up a good
frame and if they had had prac
tice would undoubtedly have hung
one on the visitors. Jeff Gruber!
who did the twirling- for the!
Avocas is some pitcher and taken
as a whole, they have a fast little!
team, but with the regular lineup
of the Boosters would not make
as strong- a showing- as they did
In the opening spasm Harman
and Maseman both struck out
while Fahnestock succeeded in
petting- a safe one to center but
it did no good as W. Pitman who
followed him proceeded to strike
out on the slants of Connors. In
our half of the inning, C. Smith
was hit by Gruber, and Louie
Smith reached first safe on a lit
tle pop-up fly that was muffed,
Connors was also hit by Gruber
who seemed to like to see the
boys gambol around the bases.
Salsburg was put out on a fly to
third and Arries cut the chances
of a score when his hit to second
base was turned into a double,
Fahenstock to Graham. In the
second for the visitors, II. Gruber
struck out but as Wolff dropped
the third strike was able to reach
first and listening- to the voice of
the coacher, who had very poor
judgment, he attempted to" steal
with the result he was nipped
several feet off the second sack.
J. Grubber, who is some batter as
well as pitcher, succeeded in getting-
a two bagger but died there
as Graham and C. Gruber both
fanned the bright fall air and
ended their half without a score.
The Boosters succeeded in petting-
Louie Smith as far as third
in their half of the inning- after
he had secured a single oer sec
ond and had been- sacrified to
third by Ilirz. Mann,' who follow
ed the. bat, was struck by
a pitched ball, and for a few min
utes it looked as if he would have
to leave the game, but he finally
recovered from the effects of the
blow that was just over the
heart. Salsburg was put on the
run for Mann but did not fret far
as Mason and C. Smith were both
retired in order.
In the third act of the little
drama M. Pitman for the visitors
fanned out, Harmon hit to right
and his fly ball was misjudged by
Ilirz who failed to get it, Mase
man popped up a little fly to first
that retired him. Fahenstock, the
Hawaiian second' base man With
the assistance of a little ground
er and the work of the umpire,
succeeded in. lodging- cm first base
but it failed. to win anything- as
W. Pitman retired from activity
by giving- his drive to right field
gathered in by Ilirz. The local
boys reaped their only scores of
the game in this inning; Wolff
was put out on a fly to second
base, Connors was put out on a
pop-up to shortstop. With two
men gone Salsburg- succeeded in
placing- a safe one in left field;
Arries was walked by Gruber
when about this time Louie Smith
bumped one of the Gruber curves
through short on which both
Salsburg- and Arries scored, Ilirz
was retired second to first.
There was no scoring by either
side until the sixth inning- when
Avoca by well placed hits regis
tered up one tally of the frame.
Maseman, the first man up for
the visitors, placed a little
grounder to third and on a wild
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
Judge Harvey I). Travis, who
died of cancer at his home in
Plattsmouth last Saturday, was
well known to many people in this
county, and had many friends
among the members of the bar
here. Judge Travis presided at
the term of district court here
when the county was trying cer
tain well known cases, and ren
dered the decision in two more or
less familiar cases.
His death came after a linger
ing illness in which he suffered
intensely from cancer of the
throat. The funeral was held
from his late home Sunday aft
ernoon. Members of the Cass,
Otoe and Sarpy county bar as
sociations were in attendance,
and- two members from each
county acted as pall bearers.
Judge Travis was serving his
second term as judge of the Sec
ond judicial district of Nebraska,
having been elected the last time
in 1911. Prior to his elevation to
the district bench Judge Travis
was county judge of Cass county
two terms, from 1893. Before
his last term expired he was
nominated and elected to the dis
trict judgship. Before his oc
cupancy of the office of county
judge he served two terms as
county attorney.
Judge Travis early in life be
came a member of the demo
cratic party. He was a man of
sterling integrity and was pop
ular with the voters of all parties
and with his acquaintance in all
parts of the slate. He was GO
years of age at the time of his
death. Aurora Sun.
from Saturday's Dany.
The news was received in this
city last evening by friends and
relatives of the death at her home
near Caldwell, Kansas, of Mrs.
Peter Volk, a former Cass county
lady. Mr. and Mrs. Volk resided
in this county for many years,
where they were among our most
highly esteemed citizens, and the
death of this worthy lady will
cause a profound feeling of re
gret throughout this county,
where the familj' was so well and
favorably known. Several years
ago they removed to their farm
in Kansas, where they have
since resided. Mrs. Volk was
about GO years of age, and be
sides her husband leaves several
children. The body. . will be
brought to Meadow, Nebraska, to
morrow over the Rock Island
railroad and interment will be
held at . the Walradt cemetery at
Louisville, near where the family
formerly resided. The deepest
sympathy of the many friends
will be extended to the bereaved
husband and family in the loss of
their beloved wife and mother.
Good thrifty hogs weighing two
hundred pounds or better,
d&wiwk Western Serum Co.
Paints and oils.. Gering & Co.
Phone 38. "
Long Delayed Recognition of
Valiant Services in the
United States Navy.
From Friday's Daily-.
There is the possession of the
McCarty family in this city a
medal that is valued very highly,
not for its worth, but for the
things it represents. It was pre
sented to the father, Dennis Mc
carty, by the United States gov
ernment through an act of con
gress providing for the honoring
of the survivors of the battle be
tween the U. S. S. Cumberland
and the confederate Merrimac in
Hampton Roads, Virginia, March
8, 18G2. The medal is of bronze
and bears on one side a picture
of the sinking Cumberland and
the victorious Merrimac, with the
words, 'Civil War, 18G1-18G5."
On the reverse side appears the
words "United States Navy for
Service." On the margin of the
medal appears the name of the
receiver of the reward, "Dennis
McCarty, Seaman, 230, U. S. S.
Mr. McCarty had served in the
United States navy for some
years before the outbreak of the
civil war, and during the Crimean
war of 1854-56 was stationed in
the foreign service and witness
ed the arrival of the French and
English fleets when they arrived
in the year of 1854 to begin the
struggle with the Russians. At
the outbreak of the civil war he
was ordered back to the United
States for service on his vessel,
the Cumberland. While this ves
sel was stationed in Hampton
Roads, on the morning of March
8, 18G2, it was suddenly attacked
by the confederate armored ves
sel, the Merrimac, which, without
warning, swept down on the
Cumberland and the Congress,
and in a conflict disabled them.
In the battle between his vessel
and the Merrimac Mr. McCarty
did most valant service and re
mained active until the sinking
condition of the ship forced him
to leave. The Merrimac, provided
with a powerful ram, did very de
structive work on the Cumber
land, and in one of its assaults
upon the boat Mr. McCarty re
ceived several large splinters of
wood driven into his leg, and
since that time the leg has never
been entirely well, the wound
having developed into a running
sore that has caused him much
pain. As the Merrimac steamed
away from the scene of the battle,
leaving the Cumberland in a
sinking condition, Mr. McCarty,
in company with several others,
started to swim for shore, and
this gentleman owes his life to
the fact that he was rescued by
a party of union soldiers doing
duty along the coast.
There were some thirty out of
the crew of 450 men that made
their escape from the ill-fated
vessel and many of them were so
badly injured that they did not
long survive the result. Some
three years ago congress decided
to give a tardy recognition to the
survivors of the mighty naval
conflict and ordered these bronze
medals struck off in honor of the
bravery of the sailors, and a
search was commenced for them
throughout the country. It was
found that there were only two
of them living, one being an aged
retired naval officer in the east,
and Mr. McCarty, who is living at
the Soldiers' Home at Dayton,
Ohio, and the government at once
presented this slight token of the
respect and esteem of a nation to
the aged gentlemen who had so
valiantly fought for their nation
against great odds. Mr. Mc
Carty has sent the medal here to
his sons that it may be preserved
as a priceless relic of a great
conflict now recorded in the history-of
time, and that his de
scendants in gazing upon it may
realize that through this little
piece of bronze a mighty nation
has paid - honor, to one of its
heroes. .
Mrs. Nolting Operated On.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning Adam KafTen
berger and wife departed for
Omaha, where they will visit with
Mrs. Fred Nolting -at Imrnanuel
hospital, where she is recovering
from an operation which she
underwent last Wednesday morn
ing. Mrs. Nolting has been in
poor health for some time past
and has been operated on several
times before. Her condition is
quite serious, but it is thought
that she will probably recover
from the effects of the operation
nicely, although it will be some
time before she can return home.
There has been a great many
requests from t lie different
parties in the city interested in
hunting game birds on the rivers
and streams as to the law which
was enacted by congress this
year to protect the different birds
from the hunters, and we are re
producing a few sections of the
law in order that there may be
no misunderstanding as to the
workings of the law.
The state of Nebraska, under
the new law, is included in zone
No. 1, or the breeding zone for
migratory game and insectivor
ous birds. The term water
fowl in the new law is made to
cover wild ducks, brant, geese
and swans.
Regulation No. 2 of the new
law provides a daily closed sea
son on all migratory game and
insectivorous birds shall extend
from sunset to sunrise.
Regulation No. 3 says a closed
season, on migratory, insectivor
ous birds shall-continue to .De
cember 31, 1913. and each year
thereafter shall begin January 1
and continue to December 31,
both dates inclusive, provided
that nothing in this or any other
regulations shall be construed to
prevent the issuance of permits
for collecting birds for scientific
purposes in accordance with the
laws in force in the respective
states and territories and the
District of Columbia.
Regulation on water-fowl in
zone No. 1 shall be between De
cember 1G and September 1, next
Regulation on shore birds is
covered in regulation No. 8 as
follows: The closed season on
black-breasted and golden plover,
jacksnipes or Wilson snipe and
greater or lesser yellow legs
shall be between December 1G
and September 1 next following.
These are the chief features of
the law that apply to this state
and the regulation of the Mis
souri river hunting. ,
There was much rejoicing at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Glock yesterday over the advent
there of a bright-eyed little
daughter and to say that the par
ents were overjoyed is putting it
mildly, and the proud father is
wearing a smile as broad and ex
pansive as a California sunset.
The arrival of the new daughter
has caused much pleasure also to
"Grandpa" W. P. Cook and he is
attending to business today feel
ing as happy as a lark over the
new addition to his descendants.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Glock will join with them in their
happiness and wish the little lady
a long and happy life and that she
may be a joy and comfort to her
parents in their old age.
For Sale.
A few Duroc-Jersey Spring
Boars from registered parents.
Blood from Golden Model V and
B and C's Colonel, the great prize
winner. $15.00 while they last.
Owner Maple Vale Herd of Dur
ocs. Plattsmouth. Phone 2302,
Mynard. - 9-15-tfwkly.
Wall paper, Gering & Co.
Phone 3G.
The Congressman From the First
Nebraska District Ably Dis
cusses Questions Now
Before the People.
From Thursday's Daily.
Following is the substance of
an interview with Hon. John A.
Maguire, the efficient and faithful
representative of the peopLe of
the First congressional district
of Nebraska, which we reprint
because it contains some good,
sound logic, which can only em
anate from one who has proved
so faithful to the interests of his
constituents. In part Mr. Ma
guire said:
"In the enactment into law of
the new tariff bill and the pass
are of the banking and cur
rency bill through the House a
long step has been taken to lib
erate industry, business, and fin
ance and give relief to the people.
The tariff legislation will mark
the first great triumph of the
democratic administration in its
efforts to secure for the people
of this country, a fair and equit
able tariff law and one which has
been drafted and passed by repre
sentatives of the people. The
hand of special privilege has had
no part in this tariff bill. The
sordid influences, which have
prevailed in shaping and passing
our tariff bills for nearly two de
cades, found no quarter and
scant - we'eome in . the deiibera-i
tions which " have marked the
passage of this measure. It is
my judgment that the American
people accept this law as a great
piece of statesmanship and as a
fulfillment in the good faith of
the pledge of the democratic par
ty for the tariff reduction in the
interests of tax burdened people,
will recognize in it no taint of
selfish greed or corrupt influence.
It will be heralded as an eman
cipation proclamation to our peo
ple, who have been paying unjust
tribute for years because of
special favors granted by their
own government. This tariff bill
does not take away from any
man or from any industry any
thing to which he is rightfully
and lawfully entitled. In this bill
our own people are not humiliat
ed by being forced to look to their
government as a benefactor dis
tributing public favors to certain
classes of beneficiaries. rejoice
that the wisdom and good judg
ment of the American people give
assurance that no artificial panic
can be thrust upon the country
as a result of the enactment of
this legislation. Only those who
have cause to fear, who have
sought and secured in the past
the special priviege at the hands
of the government, which has en
abled them to wring from the
people of this country monopoly
prices for their finished product.
Business or industry built upon
such an unstable and uneconomic
basis, may find, when forced into
the field of fair competition,
some difficulty for a time in hold
ing its own, but will learn to re
adjust its operations to meet the
new conditions. My confidence in
the genius of the American peo
ple and in the business men of
our country persuades me that
legitimate business will rejoice in
its own freedom and henceforth
it will thrive because of its own
merits and scientific manage
ment. "This bill would be justified
before the country if it be meas
ured as a democratic tariff re
vision.' But that feature of the
bill is only part of the greater
achievement which the bill -as a
whole has accomplished. Inas
much as raising the revenue is
the essentfal justification of a
tariff for revenue only measure,
it was not only deemed ' proper,
but wise to incorporate in it the
income lax provisions. No one
can doubt the sincerity of the
democratic party - as a reform
party "in the face of such evidence
as ri3 presented to the country in
these two sweeping reforms.
Add together the friends of the
friends of the tariff reform and
the friends of the, principle of the
income tax and you have a cm
bined force of progressive
thought in this country, which
will be able not only t over
whelm the oponents of reform,
but will also sustain these meas
ures when enacted and hold the
ground already gained. When
our people realize how complete
has been their triumph, they will
wonder how the transition was
made so quietly. They will also
have reason to rejoice that the
people are again in control of
their own government.
"The adoption of the income
tax is even a greater achieve
ment than tariff reform, because!
it has helped to solve the tariff
question by furnishing a more
equitable and just, means of
raising needed revenue for the
support of the government. Pro
tectionists cannot longer argue
that reduction in tariff rates will
empty the treasury. This income
tax reform has been slow in com
ing and has met with the most
stubborn and determined opposi
tion. "Under the power now in Con
gress, given by a constitutional
amendnmenf, a bill has been
passed and become a law by
which all net incomes over
3,000 will be required to pay a
tax of one per cent.
"This power to levy an income
tax has been used not for emer
gencies as some would hav it but
as a permanent part of our tax
ing system. Such a tax is justi
fied from any reasonable stand
point. Wealth has not borne its
share of public burdens of fed
eral taxation. A principle recog
nized in the income tax is that as
wealth has more at stake for the
government to protect it should
welcome heavier burdens than
they who have nothing. An in
come tax is a just tax because it
takes in proportion to what a
man has to give. It takes those
whose accumulations make their
income great and easy of return.
It lessens not their necessary
supply but only their excess and
abundance. The measure of this
tax is not what a man consumes
as is the case with tariff taxation.
"By this tax the burdens of in
d'rect taxation can be made light
er for all. Those who are not so
fortunate as to have incomes
large enough to be taxed will
still pay their share towards the
support of the government by
way of indirect taxes laid upon
the articles they eat and wear.
"Of the customs duties now
collected the income tax will re
duce the amount from $70,000,
000 to . 100,000,000 or about one
fourth. With the aid of the in
come fax we. can lay protective
tariff on the shelf, eliminate the
many evils which have their
roots in the unjust system.
Trust and monopolies can be
treated as separate problems and
will doubtless be less difficult of
Leaves for West Virginia.
From Saturday' Dally.
Albert Clabaugh and wife de
part this evening over the Bur
lington for St. Louis, where they
will transfer to the Baltimore &
Ohio for their future home at
Fairmont, West Virginia, where
Mr. Clabaugh assumes his duties
as manager of the Municipal
Utilities Corporation in that city.
Mr. Clabaugh has made an excel
lent record here as manager of
the Nebraska Lighting company
and will prove to be a most
valuable man for his new em
ployers in the handling of their
business in the thriving city of
In Favor of Bonds.
From FrIdaV Daily.
The bond election Tuesday
evening to vote upon, the proposi
tion to issue $5,000 additional
bonds to complete the new school
building, did not create a great
amount of excitement, as the
sentiment was pratically unanim
ous in favor of the proposition,
the vote being 25 for it, 1 against
it and one ballot blank. This
brings the available cash for
building and furnishing purposes
to approximately $19,000.
Union Ledger.
Regular Castor Ja Week at Ger
ing & Co. Phone 36. 35c size 19o.
F. R. Guthmann, for Many Years
Prominent in Business Life,
Died at His Home Last
Last night at eleven o'clock F.
R. Guthmann, one of the oldest
and most highly respected resi
dents of Plattsmouth was miiiu
imoned to the Great Beyond after
a long illness from that dread
malady arterio sclerosis. Mr.
Guthmann during his long resi
dence in this city has been one of
the most prominent figures in the
business life of I tie community
and was always alive to every
proposition that had the better
ment of the city in view, and his
death will leave a place hard to
fill. For the past several years
Mr. Guthmann, on account of his
poor health, has not taken an act
ive part in business life, but he
was always keen to assist in the
different business enterprises un
dertaken by his sons and his ad
vice to them has proven most val
uable. Francis R. Guthmann was born
in Germany, in 1841, and came to
this country in 1857 to found a
home and create for himself a
fortune, and by his able manage
ment succeeded in accumulating
a neat sum for his wife and chil
dren. He learned the trade of
baker at St. Joseph, Missouri, and
was employed at it for some four
years and then removed to Den
ver, Colorado, where he again en
gaged in the bakery business for
aimost a year and then located in
Montana where he ran a bakery
and boarding house until July,
1868, when he came to Nebraska,
settling at Plattsmouth, where he
had purchased some property and
started into the operating of a
bakery and restaurant in 18G9.
Mr. Guthmann later added a gro
cery stock to his other business
interests and continued in this
business until 1874 when he dis
posed (tf thern. He was later en
gaged in other business enter
prises in this city from that time
until he assumed charge of the
Perkins House which he purchas
ed and conducted for a long peri
od of years. Mr. Guthmann was
for some time a member of the
city council heie and his ripe
judgment was of much benefit in
the upbuilding of t lie city during
that time.
Mr. Guthmann was united in
marriage at Plattsmouth on Jan
uary 10, 1878, to Miss Annie M.
Pankratz, who with the following
children are left to mourn th
loss of this loving husband and
father: Mrs. H. R. Neitzel, Boise,
Idaho; Charles Guthmann, of
Plattsmouth; Henry A. Guth
mann, of Murdock; and Miss Min
nie Guthmann, of Plattsmouth.
One sister, Mrs. H. Hemple of this
city, is also left to share the be
reavement of his death. The
death of Mr. Guthmann will be
deeply felt by all who knew him
and the family will receive the
deepest sympathy of the entire
From Friday' Dally.
Quite a large party of German
Day boosters, headed by Mayor
John P. Sattler, departed this
noon over the Missouri Pacific
for Nebraska City, where they will
visit among the live German resi
dents of that city, and anyone
who has visited in that place well
knows that these German citizens
are among the liveliest wires in
the town, and if they gather with
us here on the 18th and 19th they
will receive the freedom, of the
city of Plattsmouth, for the Ger
man residents of Nebraska City,
are a bunch of fine, whole-souled