PLATTSMOUTH 8EMI-WEEKLYEVEN1NG JOURNAL. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1913. PAGE-. 8. i! i 4 At Murdocks Racket Store on South Sixth Street. First Door South of Fricke Drug Store. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday October 11th, 13th, and 14th AVe will offer for Three Days a few articles that every one needs at greatly reduced prices. NOTION DEPARTMENT Safety Pins worth 5c at 2 card for 5c 10c box of Hair Pins at per box .5c 5c Pearl Buttons at 2 cards for 5c Seven Spools of thread for . . . '. 25c Extra Special on all candies worth 15 and 20c at per lb. . 10c Stick candy, 12 sticks for . 5c All our 35c chop plates and cake plates go, at 24c Neat cut water pitchers at 22c AH our 25c Fancy Places go at 19c 10c Crepe Toilet Paper at 4 for .25c 5c Toilet Paper at 7 for .". 25c We have a few Star cut water jugs worth $1 at ...... . . .; .59c 4 large Parlor Lamps worth $1.50 while they last at . . . . 98c One lot of Embroidery worth up to 20c at ... . . . . .8c 15c tooth powder at 8 20c Foot Powder at 8c 10c Box Soap at 8c Williams Toilet Soap worth 25c MR. AI10 MRS. JACOB MEiSINGER SPEND SUN DAY IN THE COUNTRY Jamb Meisinger and wife re turned yesterday from a trip out in the country, where they spent Sunday at the home of their son, C. J. Meisinger and family. The Meisinger family enjoyed a very pleasant family dinner at the home of CC. J. on Sunday, when John Meisinger, jr., and family and (Seorffo IV Meisinger, jr., and family gathered for the occasion, and the parents greatly enjoyed the visit with the children. The Meisinper hoys are engaged in shucking t lie corn crop for t lit year, ami the result has been quite surprising", considering" the hot and dry summer months. On the farms of C. J. and George P. III WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP AS THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEPGLAN0S IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL GIVE $1000 III Fail to CURE any CANCER orTUMOR I Treat Before it Poisons Bone or Deep Glands SUREPAINLESS PLASTER CURE Mauy workevery Jay lose du sleep eights PayWhenCurcd Written GUARANTEE Cancer nwr pains until it poiionstlecp. lOO.Pace Book ttent free: tetttimonialsof thousands cured. WRITE TO SOME CANCER ?fe BREAST, LIP, FACE or body always begins a email tumor, lump or ore full of polaon and certain death. I swear we have cured 10,000 cancers and refuse thou sands dying scared too lata. Write to DR.&MRS.DR.CHAMLEE&CO.'r DR. HURFORD 2 lady assistants AB36 WEST RANDOLPH STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. This May SAVE A LIFE. 6nd it Horns any 1 joy of style. Best colors, gray, brown, from $1.50 to 97. Especially $3.50, ?4, 55 and $6. (See our east Manhattan Shirts Am c R 3 aIm?jL 1 Mi at per box 15c 0 I lie average will be about thirty bushels to the acre, and the corn on John's farm will be only slightly less, and this shows that the loss in this section of the county will not be as great as was feared bv the farmery. NO TRACE TO THE PARTIES WHO BROKE CRABILL'S SHOW WINDOW There has been no trace found as yej. of I he parly or parlies who Saturday evening broke one of the glasses in the store of John V. Crabill, the jeweler. There were several Ingersoll watches hanging" in I he show w indow, and these were appropriated by Ihe party who broke the glass, who were successful in making their getaway, and despite the efforts of the authorities to locate the stolen properly and the offenders who done the deed, there has been no sign found of them. From the oppearance of the break in the glass it would seem to have been the result of a brick or some heavy object, as the hole is not much larger than necessary . , for a person lo, get their hand through in order to reach Ihe watches hanging near by. " .The more- valuable gold watches were placed in the safe that evening, as is the custom, or the lost might have been quite heavy to Mr. Crabill. . Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testi monial should certainly be suf ficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken, Chamberlain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. G. Mattison, No. 7 Sherman St.. Ilornellsville, N- Y. For sale by all dealers. HPHESE FALL days when every day begins and ends with a chilly air, and most day will bring a touch of winter; then is the time that every outdoor man should en the comfort and protection a Sweater Coat. You'll find us show ing the Pennsylvania Coat, swagger garments in the plain stitch and the heavy shaker knit, made shawl collar millitary collar and plain coat maroon and navy. Prices good all-wool coats at $3, window.) Stetson Hats CN GOVERNOR MOREHEAD IN NO HURRY TO APPOINT JUDGE TRAVIS' SUCCESSOR A special from Lincoln, under date of October (5, says: With no intent of seriously impairing the work of the district (Governor Morehead announced today that he would hold up the matter of appointment of a successor . to Judge If. D. Travis of the Second judicial district until he had had abundant opportunity to look in to the qualifications of eligible candidates for the position. "Out of respect for Judge Travis 1 will say .that for several days lo come applications for Ihe place will be out of order," said the governor. "When f get ready to name a man for the place I will likely talk the matter over with lawyers of the district, and others who are competent to judge of legal ability of men who would likely lake the place." ANOTHER PATIENT GOES TO THE INSANE HOSPITAL V.-k .lnn.ln.. Ihn l.iinll 1. 1 I'll Afl insanity was called upon J in- 1 1 I I ' a 1 I i r sss ' ' - - Sciezsky, who resides in Ihe south part of the city. Felix Saturday and Sunday displayed iinit'A l t I k Ihli G fill II V ill l l I I V I igns of being mentally un balanced and greatly alarmed his family, and a complaint was filed with the board of insanity. The examination of the unfortunate man developed that he was labor ing under hallucinations of various kinds ami it was uiougni es to have him placed under re straint and he was adjudged in sane. He was take nlo Lincoln this morning by Sheriff Ouinton and will be placed in the stale hospital there for treatment. RUN OVER AND SERIOUSLY INJURED RY SWITCH ENGINE As the result of an accident occurring in the Pacific Junction railroad yards this morning, a Mexican employed there on Ihe section, was brought to this city uffering from a terrible laeera ion of his arm, caused by hav ing 'that -.member ground beneath tln wheels of a switch' engine therer A small wreck last night or early this- morning made it necessary to call out the section men to assist in clearing up the lebris, and while this man. named Lanadi, was on his way o Ihe scene of Ihe wreck he fell o'r laid down on the track in Ihe way of the switch engine which was approaching, and the engine passed over the man's arm tear ing it in a terrible manner, and if it had not been a light engine Ihe injuries to the man would lave been even more severe. He was brought to this city about 10 o'clock this morning and taken to jhe Perkins House and medical assistance summoned to look af ter him, as he was suffering greatly from the injury. It is thought that it may be necessary to amputate the arm. JACOB KOCH IN CHARGE OF HAVELOCK CIGAR FACTORY William Budig of this city re turned home Sunday evening from Havelock, where he was ooking after the interests of his cigar factory in that city. Paul I-. Iludig, who has been acting in the capacity of manager of that factory for the past several months, has resigned his posi tion, and Mr. Iludig was in that city placing Mr. Jacob Koch, of South Omaha, in charge of the factory as manager. That Mr. Hudig was very fortunate in se curing Mr. Koch goes without saying, as he is an expert cigar maker and was for a number of years employed at that trade in this city and was considered one of the best here. The new man ager has taken full charge of the business and will proceed to give the people there a first-class cigar factory. Duroc Jersey Sale. My annual sale of Durocs will be held at my home Tuesday, November 11. There will be in the offering about 35 head of boars, 30 gilts, and a few tried sows. Catalogs will be ready Oc tober..! 5. Send forone tf V. E. Prry. STATE MALITIAMEN NOW OCCUPY THE RIFLE RANGE The state rifle meet, which is being . held at the rifle range, north of this city, has brought some fifty or sixty of the expert shots of the state militia to the city, who are now busily engaged each day in practice at the targ ets. The men have brought, with them their camp equipment and are encamped at the range. The shoot is to last for the week and the trophies and medals won by Ihe different crack shots will be presented by the governor of the state, Hon. John II. Morehead, at Ihe close of the meet. There, has been a number from the city present lo witness the shooting and the men of the stale militia show considerable skill in their work and are making excellent records. The camp is in charge of Major Hn'nkner, representing Adjutant Oeneral Hall, and he is conducting the shoot in it very able manner and getting splendid I results from the work of Ihe men. APPLICANTS FOR SECOND NATURALIZATION PAPERS T TUC P LU LU L w w w" wss In Ihe naturalization depart ment of the district clerk s olliee yesterday Carl Krnest Xcilson, a native of Sweden, residing near Nehawka, applied for his naturalization papers. He came to this country in 1SD0 and has concluded to become a full- fledged American citizen. William Lee, who came to this country from England in 1885, and has resided for the past few years near this city, was also one of those seeking Jo become a citizen of this great republic and made his application for his second papers. Different People. There is a great difference be tween people. Everybody has something- that distinguishes him from others,. Some people can withstand all changes of. Ihe weather, .they, do not get sick easily, while, .-.others are great sufferers. It is usually loss of appetite and of strength that at tacks them first, and we wish lo recommend them, in every such case, Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine, to clean them out and to strengthen" them. By a prolonged use of this remedy the digestive organs will become stronger and will be able to re pulse attacks of sickness. Use this remedy as soon as you will notice any weakness, loss of ap petite, constipation, headache or pain in the joints, nervousness, in fact, whenever you feel in disposed. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Importer and Exporter, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chi cago, 111. In rheumatic pains, strains, sprains, Triner's Lini ment will bring prompt comfort. German St. Paul's Church. Our annual "Missionsfest" will be held on Sunday, October 12. In connection with it we will celebrate the "Erntedankfest." Rev. A. Matzner, from Tilden, Ne braska, secretary of the. Ne braska district, will be present. Services will be held in the fore noon at 10:30 and in the after noon at 2:30. A number of our Omaha friends will be present, and the members are requested to show hospitality to our guests, as they did in former years. Hav ing received a letter yesterday from a friend of mine, Rev. L. Wagner, from the mission sta tion Wareo, : in Deutsch-Neu-guinea, Australia, describing his work among the Papuas, I will read this letter to the congrega tion at the afternoon service. A hearty welcome is extended to all. The instruction lessons are given on Saturday afternoon, in English, from 1:30 to 2:30; in German, from 2:30 lo 3:30. The annual ministerial confer ence will be held on Wednesday, October 12, at Plymouth, Neb. J ITeinrich Steger. ; 10-7-d&w A Marvelous Escape. "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes P. F. Bastiams of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It occurred in the middle of the night. He got a very severe at tack of croup. As luck would have it, I had a large bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the di rections for an hour and twenty minutes he-.'-was- -through all danger." - Sold by all dealers. of Life Head erect; shoulders back; chest out'; sound lungs a sturdy frame "RIGHT POSTURE" is an ideal School Suit. It corrects the tendency to stoop when sitting at the desk. Ask to see them. Inexpensive durable high grade. - . , We are the exclusive distributors. C. Our Bargain Day Special is Men's Shirts, 25c MAN NAMED BUCKET! STARTS UP SOME TROUBLE from "Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a man by the name of lllackett attempted to cause a state of war on Ihe streets when he became involved in a controversy with Louie Hheinackle, who was selling" in a buggy waiting for his father-in-law, Hen Ileckman, who was in one of the stores making some purchases. The 'man, TJlackelt, came up. and demanded that Louie come across ' with some money that he might further tank up, hud on the refusal of Mr. Ilheinharkle. the man became quite wrathyand grabbed hold of the whip, announcing that he would see if the money was not produced. In the struggle that ensued. as Mr. Ilheinhackle jumped from the buggy, Ihe whip was broken and Ihe men had just clinched when Officer Neumann appeared on the scene and placed them under arrest, and Ulackett was taken over to the jail, while Louie was released, as the evi dence of the bystanders was to the e fleet that he had been only acting in self defense. Blackett was later released, as he promis ed to leave town, as he was to be employed on a farm, and ac cordingly he was turned loose left, at once for -Ihe ' place where he will be employed. The Journal for stationery. Qur -Bargain liit Uq fai any Ml Ifer Von Watch for our large bills which will bo mailed you next reeCc. See the bargains that no arc offering you, and v;e know ihat you will call and sco us during this sale. All Goods are Now and Seasonable and tho Prices are Parked IVay Doun The Golden Gift . .i is HEALTH There's the message of "RIGHT-POSTURE' the new suit for America Jr. And this is the new thing we've been telling you to watch for. ; ; In the back of the coat is a patented construction a tonic Jor the spine correcting the stoop tendency that brings with it round shoulders and cramped lungs. "RIGHT-POSTURE" does not hinder the free move ment of the back and arms 7 , . ' r - The fine manly lines of the Coat; the athletic shoulders and waist line'make a strong appeal to the little chap. "RIGHT-POSURE" is shown in a distinguished variety of Fancy Norfolks and pleat backs. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE . Building Not Sold. , From Wednesday's Dally.. . In the account of the sale of the building owned by Weyrich .v lladraba 'to Messrs. Warp a and Schuldiee, which appeared in Monday's Journal, the statement of the purchase was rather pre mature, as the gentlemen have not as yet made the purchase, and our informant in the matter was not reliably informed as to the situation. This statement is made in justice to all the parties concerned in the deal. UNION SCHOOL BUILDING A HANDSOME STRUCTURE From Wednesday's Dally. " . This morning I. W. Foster, G. W. Cheney, M. G. McQuinn and It. I. Sline of Union were in the city looking after some matters in connection with' the erection of the new school building in that city. The people of Union, who recently raised $10,000 for the erection of the new school build ing, have found that it will be necessary to secure more funds to carry on the work, and yester day voied $5,000 more bonds to aid in putting the school build ing up. When the people of Union have their school building completed it will be one of the best and neatest, school buildings in the slate and be a great addi tion to that enterprising little city. p)9s frftrsrsJ'Tr V. ZUCKER, Manager a m Still . Being. , Don't Forget. New Ties Every Saturday. CASS COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT UNION, NEBRASKA The Cass county Sunday school convention which will meet in Union on Ihe 23d and 2ilh of this month gives promise of being one of the best conventions I hat has been held in this county in sey eral years.- The speakers for the meeting have been selected from among- the 'most prominent and successful of tfie Sunday school workers in the stale, and in Miss Klla' Margaret Ilrown'and W. II. Kimberley the convention "will have the pleasure of hearing i wo of the most, forceful of Ihe mem bers of the state Sunday school working forces. The good, people; of Union have prepared for some very, 'pleasing enteHajnment for, the ' visiting' delegates' during their slay in that city, and a splendid musical program will be given by the. Union (Slee club at the sessions of the convention which promise to be among the most pleasing features of the meetings. This city will be welL represented at the convention if the weather will permit, as many' of, Ihe. Sunday 'school workers, from, here will go to Union in automobiles lo take part in tho. convention and enjoy the good things in store for those attend ing the meetinf. " ' ' j cni o is? i v : 1 ; i nJJ i t I I 1