J J (' 1 OCTOBER 9, 1913 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. PLATTSfflOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. SSS3 I a i 1 i A Bargain at t it rice 5 5 5 5 In order to place more farmers orte Evening Journal list, we w ill join with the one-day bargn business houses, and offer every farmer that comes to lismouth on this day the Evening JourifL0-; $2.50 This price is for the one day ci ad 0Ey appijeg t0 our mail in: list. We will also accept radci v;ho now on the Semi. Weekly list, and allow credit ff thcln30unt they are paij m ad vanee on the same. Bear in lind-ti j r;ce js for one day on ly, and only on our mailing lis , . NOW IS THE TRIE TG SUBSCRIBE Spec ial Shirt Sale For Saturday ONLY, we offer the following lots of Shirts from our regular stock at prices far below regular: Lot No. 1. Ferguson-McKenny Shirts neck-band ' style, cuffs ' attached, in blue chambrays, and neat black and white pat terns, worth 75c, sale price, 40c each. Lot No. 2. Ferguson-McKinney Shirts, soft collar attached, in light weight flannel, new stripe patterns, worth 75c and $1.00, sale price, 45c each. Lot No. 3. Contains what we heveleft from last season in. Manhattan and Ferguson-McKinney Shirts, neckband style, cuffs attached, pleated and plain bosoms, regular price $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Sale price, 85c each. Stetson Hats .1 n -tt.lt tit t.nti Shirts H Two Big Bargains for Saturday at E. A. WURL'S Any Umbrella 2.00, during this bargain day, at each in the store, former sell ing price up to QO This includes Men's and Women's size, take down or reg ular handles, 7, 8 and 10 ribs. SOAP SPECIAL in of "Diamond C," "Lenox,' 1J UCXIZ Em-All," "Swift's Pride" or "Ilawkeye" Soap for "" Not Over 50c -Worth to Any One Customer Streight & Streight FURNITURE DEALERS Will on this special Sales' Day offer you any Dresser in their store at cost, ranging in price from $7.00 Up 3 This means at cost and you will find such to be true. We will order Dresses to suit our patrons on the same terms. am Day pat the people of Platts- h r . TD 1 T bass vajuiww ever saw. iveai uar- ound aiiaost every store in the E DAi If, Q V (IV r i LLs Ljxi E AUCTION SALE gfiSTS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS e that will be new to : rnnntv hut has been cities and villages in I this city will furnish an auctioneer, who will be stationed :ii by the numerous 3 fit the city hall, corner of 5th and Vine Sts., for the purpose of ts house in the city is eliig all surplus stock, farm machinery, or in fact, any'article nrices, and compare Uihat you may have on your premises that you are desiring to k'ou will find that this -M ispose of. -This will not cost you a single '-penny, d Wn i . r i w r it M , pimir HHpq nrp markpd at Jd ftvrv effort w hp made to sprnrp. thp hpst nnssihlft nr pp B " xn, OllvillCe the people - Of ! ?fr goods placed on sale. This is the feature of the day that the business men are de- ur business. In ad- MM Store will give 25 Discount on all REX ALL Remedies A remedy tor each ill and every on solde on a guarantee F. G. Fricke & Co. The vtusEL Stoem 186 Phone 186 - Watch our. windows for bargains it .. .. ay A. L f .S- T r. 0L. a r gains for the Ladies Case Corsets at these prices on Sales Day only, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and S2.00 l OO Corsets for tpl.UU actually costs that at the factory Bargain for the Men t for this one day only, per garment 39c THE VARIETY STORE 3 THIRD DOOR EAST OF THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY Company Here you will be surprised at the genuine bargain we are oifering for this day only. You know the 'price of' these goods place judgment on their value. numerous other cour- . .i i jj visit on me aoove uaie. $1.20 per sack 5 CMrinilO rf molinrt 'Via rfron tncf ennnocc 4 t i m none TtiAro r trnn of V a v-k 4- -k t'-l tithe the business men and the city in the future. Now let every farmer in the county g HnvcAclinA TnVinrrn rPi IK aid every person in the city having stock or anything else that they wish to dispose of U nOrScSnOc i ODaCCO 40C per 1U. btng it with them, this is the only way we can make this feature a success. H We call your attention to our excellent line of GROCERIES and FKO g VISIONS. The above prices are for CASH only. SPECIAL SALE on "Wallace" Silverware Saturday, October 11 TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT ON THE FULL LINE Window Display will Tell the Story A. McEIwain Jeweler "On the sunny side of Main street" also offers to all ?Day Sale free i t The Commercial flub matrons of the Baai S tiokfits to the GemVoviag picture show. i Tickets will be giveiforlthe asking with 8 purchases made atny of the stores S listed in this sale, iheriiovmg pictures r i . prrv will be continuous tm 4 10 o.csu p. m. E I All Bargains for cash i n,veryDoay will also Dear in mma tnat all the prices quoted on this page are for cash only, and are for the one day if you fail to be here next on Saturday, do not ask for these prices on Monday. fit Mwim $ tarus l it i A V. 7 b. ' Special Sale on SEN'S TIES fciturday, October 11th vit-hoice of four-in-hafids and Dai iugs ai 25c lew. patterns and ui-to-tho i; ntyles. C7:i. Holly CI oi .r !ie of Sincerity Suits and - Shirts and Collars, Shoes A!3 yvm,is . ' Tiger Hats. lrumr 10- . off on Footwear! That's the order of things for Saturday, October 11th. Pick out any pair of shoes in our stock and they're yours at 10 off the regular price. We want to give a plain and square dis count in order that every buyer may know just what to expect. . It matters not what you may want in footwear for men, wo men and children, if it is in our stock, you may have it at 10 off the regular price. Fet zer s Shoe Store Dress Silks Two days only Our entire stock of Silks will be put on sale Saturday, October 11th and the following Monday. Remember that we do not handle anything but reliable merchandise. You will have an oppor tunity to fill your wants at a price you ne er heard of. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ I3SBE W. B. Murdoch's Variety Store SIXTH ST. Copyright Novels Brooms . Glass Syrup Pitchers Covered Butter Dishes Blown Tumblers, 6 for 39c 22c 9c 9c 22c HILD Fnrihire & Undertaking Offers a GENUINE BARGAIN in the way of Every Rocker in Their Entire Stock The Regular Line and the BEST on the Market At a Reduction of Twenty Per Cent TO CLOSE OUT A small number of Lace Curtains at Thirty Per Cent Discount ESS At B auer s Garage Many BARGAINS in Useful Articles JOHN BAUER. 6 SON Here is where you will find a bargain that no doubt will be needed by every S O.ULLU UW11C1, CltllCI ClL piCSCllt Ui 111 LllO near future. Regular 75c Spark Plug at 35c FULLY GUARANTEED 7